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  • 7/27/2019 87906380 Case Study CmVA



    I. INTRODUCTIONThe World Health Organization (WHO) definition of stroke is: rapidly developing clinical

    signs of focal (or global) disturbance of cerebral function, with symptoms lasting 24 hours or

    longer or leading to death, with no apparent cause other than of vascular origin.

    In the Philippines, deaths are mainly due to noncommunicable diseases, specifically of

    the heart and vascular system. The eight leading causes of mortality are diseases of the heart,

    stroke, cancer, accidents, pneumonia, tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus and chronic lower

    respiratory diseases. The majority of these diseases are linked to common, preventable,

    lifestyle-related risk factors that include tobacco use, unhealthy diet and physical inactivity.

    Prevalence rates for obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease now surpass those of

    most industrialized countries. Increasing rates of overweight and obesity, reduced physical

    activity, smoking and, to some extent, the ageing of the population are factors contributing to

    the rapidly growing burden of noncommunicable disease. Currently, 19.6% of Filipino adults are

    overweight and 4.8% are obese. It is also reported that 60.5% of adults are physically inactive.

    The prevalence of tobacco use among adults continues to be high and is rising, from 32.7% in

    1999 to 34.8 in 2003. Around 56% of adult males and 12% of adult females are current smokers,

    while 19.6% of adolescents smoke.


    A stroke is caused by the interruption of the blood supply to the brain, usually because a

    blood vessel bursts or is blocked by a clot. This cuts off the supply of oxygen and nutrients,

    causing damage to the brain tissue.

    The most common symptom of a stroke is sudden weakness or numbness of the face,

    arm or leg, most often on one side of the body. Other symptoms include: confusion, difficultyspeaking or understanding speech; difficulty seeing with one or both eyes; difficulty walking,

    dizziness, loss of balance or coordination; severe headache with no known cause; fainting or


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    The effects of a stroke depend on which part of the brain is injured and how severely it

    is affected. A very severe stroke can cause sudden death.



    The steep increase in the burden of noncommunicable disease is currently a priority

    health problem. Six of the top ten causes of mortality are due to noncommunicable diseases.

    These include cardiovascular disease, cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes

    and kidney disease. Hypertension and heart disease are among the 10 leading causes of

    morbidity, with 22.5% of Filipino adults hypertensive.


    High blood pressure has been established as a major risk factor for stroke and the unfortunate

    thing about it is that most hypertensive patients have no symptoms.

    The statistics are grim:

    Less than half of hypertensive patients are aware that they have high blood pressure.

    Only about a quarter are taking antihypertensive medications.

    Only about 10 percent, or even less, have adequately controlled high blood pressure.

    According to the World Health Organization, 15 million people worldwide will suffer

    from stroke in 2007. Five million will die and another five million will be permanently disabled.

    In the Philippines, stroke affects 486 out of 100,000 Filipinos or roughly half a million Filipinos,

    according to Dr. Navarro in his study published in The Philippine Journal of Neurology.

    (Philippine Inquirer, 12/01/2007)

    Vascular Disease which includes C.V.A. is the second leading cause of death in the

    Philippines with a total of 51,680 according to DOH 2004. Along with this are 37,092 who

    survived with it. (http://www.doh.gov.ph/kp/statistics/morbidity)

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    Current trends

    Vaccine Prevents Stroke in Rats

    A vaccine that interferes with inflammation inside blood vessels greatly reduces the

    frequency and severity of strokes in spontaneously hypertensive, genetically stroke-prone rats,

    according to a new study from the NIH's National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

    (NINDS). If the vaccine works in humans, it could prevent many of the strokes that occur each


    In the study, researchers used a nasal spray to deliver a protein that, under normal

    circumstances, contributes to inflammation of the cells that line the inner walls of blood vessels.

    Exposing rats to this substance, called E-selectin, programs blood cells called lymphocytes to

    monitor the blood vessel lining for the inflammatory protein. When these lymphocytes detect E-

    selectin, they produce substances that suppress inflammation.

    The vaccine is the first treatment to target inflammation in blood vessels as a possible

    means of preventing stroke, says senior author John M. Hallenbeck, M.D., chief of the Stroke

    Branch at NINDS. "Clinically, stroke is hard to treat. If we can prevent it from happening, that's

    clearly the way to go," he adds. The study appears in the September 2002 issue of the journal

    Stroke. (Retrieved at


    02.htm on September 26, 2010 at 8:10pm)

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    The major regions of the brain (Figure 1.) are the cerebral hemispheres, diencephalon, brain

    stem and cerebellum.

    Figure 1. Major Regions of the Brain. (Reproduced from [Marieb 1991])

    Cerebral hemispheres

    The cerebralhemispheres (Figure 1), located on the most superior part of the brain, are

    separated by the longitudinal fissure. They make up approximately 83% of total brain mass, and

    are collectively referred to as the cerebrum. The cerebral cortexconstitutes a 2-4 mm thick grey

    matter surface layer and, because of its many convolutions, accounts for about 40% of total

    brain mass. It is responsible for conscious behaviour and contains three different functional

    areas: the motor areas, sensory areas and association areas. Located internally are the white

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    matter, responsible for communication between cerebral areas and between the cerebral

    cortex and lower regions of the CNS, as well as the basal nuclei (or basal ganglia), involved in

    controlling muscular movement.


    The diencephalon is located centrally within the forebrain. It consists of the thalamus,

    hypothalamus and epithalamus, which together enclose the third ventricle. The thalamus acts as

    a grouping and relay station for sensory inputs ascending to the sensory cortex and association

    areas. It also mediates motor activities, cortical arousal and memories. The hypothalamus, by

    controlling the autonomic (involuntary) nervous system, is responsible for maintaining the

    bodys homeostatic balance. Moreover it forms a part of the limbic system, the emotional

    brain. The epithalamus consists of thepineal glandand the CSFproducing choroid plexus.

    Figure 2. Major Regions of the cerebral hemispheres. (Reproduced from [Marieb 1991]).

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    Brain stem

    The brain stem is similarly structured as the spinal cord: it consists of grey matter

    surrounded by white matter fibre tracts. Its major regions are the midbrain, pons and medulla

    oblongata. The midbrain, which surrounds the cerebral aqueduct, provides fibre pathways

    between higher and lower brain centres, contains visual and auditory reflex and subcortical

    motor centres. The pons is mainly a conduction region, but its nuclei also contribute to the

    regulation of respiration and cranial nerves. The medulla oblongata takes an important role as

    an autonomic reflex centre involved in maintaining body homeostasis. In particular, nuclei in the

    medulla regulate respiratory rhythm, heart rate, blood pressure and several cranial nerves.

    Moreover, it provides conduction pathways between the inferior spinal cord and higher brain



    The cerebellum, which is located dorsal to the pons and medulla, accounts for about

    11% of total brain mass. Like the cerebrum, it has a thin outer cortex of grey matter, internal

    white matter, and small, deeply situated, paired masses (nuclei) of grey matter. The cerebellum

    processes impulses received from the cerebral motor cortex, various brain stem nuclei and

    sensory receptors in order to appropriately control skeletal muscle contraction, thus giving

    smooth, coordinated movements.

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    Blood is transported through the body via a continuous system ofblood vessels.Arteries

    carry oxygenated blood away from the heart into capillaries supplying tissue cells. Veins collect

    the blood from the capillary bed and carry it back to the heart. The main purpose of blood flow

    through body tissues is to deliver oxygen and nutrients to and waste from the cells, exchange

    gas in the lungs, absorb nutrients from the digestive tract, and help forming urine in the kidneys.

    All the circulation besides the heart and the pulmonary circulation are called the systemic


    Blood supply to the brain

    Figure 3 Major cerebral arteries and the circle of Willis. (Reproduced from [Marieb 1991]).

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    Figure 3 shows an overview of the arterial system supplying the brain. The major

    arteries are the vertebral and internal carotid arteries. The two posterior and single anterior

    communicating arteries form the circle of Willis, which equalises blood pressures in the brains

    anterior and posterior regions, and protects the brain from damage should one of the arteries

    become occluded. However, there is little communication between smaller arteries on the

    brains surface. Hence occlusion of these arteries usually results in localised tissue damage.

    Cerebral haemodynamics

    The cardiac output is about 5 l/min of blood for a resting adult. Blood flow to the brain

    is about 14% of this, or 700 ml/min. For any part of the body, the blood flow can be calculated

    using the simple formula:

    Blood flow = Pressure


    Pressure in the arteries is generated by the heart which pumps blood from its left

    ventricle into the aorta. (Since pressure was historically measured with a mercury manometer,

    the units are commonly expressed in terms of [mm Hg], although the official SI unit is the Pascal

    [Pa].) Resistance arises from friction, and is proportional to the following expression

    Resistance Viscosity x Vessel Length

    (Vessel Diameter) 4

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    Hence blood flow is slowest in the small vessels of the capillary bed, thus allowing time

    for the exchange of nutrients and oxygen to surrounding tissue by diffusion through the capillary


    Approximately 75% of total blood volume is stored in the veins which, because of their

    high capacity, act as reservoirs. Their walls distend and contract in response to the amount of

    blood available in the circulation. However, the function of cerebral veins, formed from sinuses

    in the dura mater, is somewhat different from other veins of the body, as they are non-



    [Panerai 1998] describes autoregulation of blood flow in the cerebral vascular bed as

    the mechanism by which cerebral blood flow (CBF) tends to remain relatively constant despite

    changes in cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP). With a constant metabolic demand, changes in

    CPP or arterial blood pressure that would increase or reduce CBF are compensated by adjusting

    the vascular resistance. This maintains a constant O2 supply and constant CBF.

    Therefore cerebral autoregulation allows the blood supply to the brain to match its

    metabolic demand and also to protect cerebral vessels against excessive flow due to arterial

    hypertension. Cerebral blood flow is autoregulated much better than in almost any other organ.

    Even for arterial pressure variations between 50 and 150 mm Hg, CBF only changes by a few

    percent. This can be accomplished because the arterial vessels are typically able to change their

    diameter about 4-fold, corresponding to a 256-fold change in blood flow. Only when the brain is

    very active is there an exception to the close matching of blood flow to metabolism, which can

    rise by up to 30-50% in the affected areas. It is an aim of PET, functional MRI, near infrared

    spectroscopy (NIRS), and, possibly, near infrared imaging, to detect or image such localized

    changes in cortical activity and associated blood flow.

    (Retrieved at http://www.medphys.ucl.ac.uk/research/borg/homepages/florian/thesis/pdf_files

    /p25_34.pdfon September 27, 2010 at 8:44am)

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    III. DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURESNoncontrast Computed Tomography (CT) Scan

    Intraparenchymal hemorrhage can be recognized on CT scans because blood appears

    brighter than other tissue and is separated from the inner table of the skull by brain tissue. The

    tissue surrounding a bleed is often less dense than the rest of the brain due to edema, and

    therefore shows up darker on the CT scan. A computed tomography (CT) scan shows fresh

    blood in the skull as a white spot on the film.

    The risk of death from an intraparenchymal bleed in traumatic brain injury is especially

    high when the injury occurs in thebrain stem. Intraparenchymal bleeds within themedulla

    oblongataare almost always fatal, because they cause damage to cranial nerve X, thevagus

    nerve, which plays an important role inblood circulationand breathing.This kind of hemorrhage

    can also occur in thecortexor subcortical areas, usually in thefrontalortemporal lobeswhen

    due to head injury, and sometimes in thecerebellum.

    For spontaneous Intracranial Hemorrhage seen on CT scan, the death rate (mortality) is

    3450% by 30 days after the insult,and half of the deaths occur in the first 2 days.

    Sometimes a persons symptoms and clinical exam point to a subarachnoid hemorrhage,

    but the CT scan cannot confirm the diagnosis because there is only a small amount of blood in

    the space between the brain and the surrounding membranes. In this case, the physician usually

    undertakes a lumbar puncture, or spinal tap, in order to detect any fresh blood cells in the

    cerebrospinal fluid.

    Magnetic Resonance Imaging

    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may also detect fresh bleeding in the brain, but it is

    even more useful in the search for possible underlying causes. It can detect vascular

    malformations, tumors, evidence for congophilic amyloid angiopathy, and even aneurysms. A

    specialized type of ultrasound called transcranial Doppler ultrasonography is another useful tool

    for spotting larger malformations of blood vesselsits often used for follow-up evaluations of

    people who have had a subarachnoid hemorrhage. The most reliable technique to confirm or

    rule out the presence of aneurysms and other malformations of the blood vessels is a cerebral

    angiogram; physicians inject contrast dye into the blood system to make arteries stand out on X-

    ray films.

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    Hypertension Hyperlipidemia Cigarette Smoking Heavy Alcohol Consumption Drug Addiction (Cocaine) Obesity High Dose of estrogen OC Diabetes Mellitus Cardiovascular Disease Atrial Fibrillation Type A personality Sedentary Lifestyle


    Advancing Age Sex (Men) Race (African Americans) History of transient

    ischemic attack or CVA

    Family History of DM

    Severe occipital or nuchalrigidity, headache andvomiting

    Seizures Changes in mental status Fever ECG changes

    Intracerebral hemorrhage

    Loss of blood supply

    Brain cannot use anaerobic



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    Influx of Ca and NaCerebral Ischemia

    Neurotoxins (O2 free radicals,

    nitric oxide, and glutamate) are


    Local Acidosis



    Cytotoxic edema and cell death

    Blood flow not restored

    within 3 to 10 minutes

    Short term ischemia or TIA

    Irreversible damage or


    Transient hemiparesis Loss of speech Hemisensory loss

    Hemiparesis/ Hemiplegia Aphasia Dysarthria Dysphagia Apraxia Visual Changes Homonymous Hemianopia Horner Syndrome Agnosia Unilateral Neglect Sensory Deficits Behavioral Changes Incontinence

    Focal neurologic deficits

    lasting less than 24 hrs

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    Synthesis of the Disease

    Definition of the Disease

    Stroke is a term used to describe neurologic changes caused by an interruption in the

    blood supply to a part of the brain. The two major types of stroke are ischemic and

    hemorrhagic. Ischemic stroke is caused by a thrombotic or embolic blockage of blood flow to

    the brain. Bleeding into the brain or tissue or the subarachnoid space causes a hemorrhagic

    stroke. Ischemic strokes account for about 83% of all strokes. The remaining 17% of strokes are


    Blood flow to the brain can be decreased in several ways. Ischemia occurs when the

    blood supply to a part of the brain is interrupted or totally occluded. Ultimate survival of

    ischemic brain tissue depends on the length of time it is deprived plus the degree of altered

    brain metabolism. Strokes can also be large vessel and small vessel. Large vessel strokes are

    caused by blockage of a major cerebral artery, such as the internal carotid, anterior cerebral,

    middle cerebral, posterior cerebral, vertebral, and basilar arteries. Small vessel strokes affect

    smaller vessels that branch off the larger vessels to penetrate deep into the brain.

    Most intracerebral hemorrhages are caused by the rupture if arteriosclerotic and

    hypertensive vessels, which causes bleeding into brain tissue. Intracerebral hemorrhage is most

    often secondary to hypertension and is most common after age 50 years. Aneurysms are

    another cause of hemorrhage. Aneurysms are weakened out pouching in a vessel wall. Although

    cerebral aneurysms are usually small (2 to 6mm diameter), they can rupture. An estimated 6%

    of all strokes are caused by aneurysm rupture.

    Stroke secondary to bleeding often produces spasm of cerebral vessels and cerebral

    ischemia because the blood outside of the vessels acts as an irritant to the tissue. Hemorrhagic

    stroke usually produces extensive residual functional loss and has the slowest recovery of all

    types of stroke. The overall mortality of intracerebral hemorrhage varies between 25% and 60%.

    The volume of the hemorrhage is the single most important predictor of client outcome.

    Therefore it is not surprising that hemorrhage into the brain causes the most fatalities of all


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    Risk Factors


    a) Hypertension this is due to plaque deposits on the wall of the arteries which causesnarrowing of the blood vessel thereby causing hypertension which may lead to hemorrhagic


    b) Hyperlipidemia- too much lipid in the blood may cause increase plaque formation whichmay cause thrombus formation leading to hypertension.

    c) Cigarette Smoking- nicotine content of cigarettes causes vasoconstriction there by resultinghypertension which may lead to CVA

    d) Heavy Alcohol Consumption- heavy alcohol consumption increases ones risk of a stroke,light or moderate alcohol may protect against ischemic stroke.

    e) Drug Addiction (Cocaine) - this may cause vasospasm, hypertension, hypercoagulability andcerebral ischemia which may cause CVA.

    f) Obesity- this is due to increase cholesterol in the body which may contribute plaqueformation that will narrow the blood vessel or may cause thrombus formation.

    g) High Dose of estrogen OC- increases risk of stroke to women.h) Diabetes Mellitus- the mechanism is related to macrovascular changes in people with

    diabetes mellitus. There is an increase viscosity of blood which may cause formation of


    i) Cardiovascular Disease- such as aneurysms which are weakened out pouching in a vesselwall may rupture causing hemorrhagic stroke.

    j) Atrial Fibrillation- pulling of blood from poorly emptying atrial which leads to formation oftiny clots in left atrium which can move on the cerebral circulation

    k) Type A personality- stress causes hypertension thereby increasing chance of havinghemorrhagic stroke.


    Sedentary Lifestyle- increase of having DM and Obesity which one of the factors of havingCV


    a) Advancing Age- intracerebral hemorrhage is most often secondary to hypertension and ismost common after age 50 years.

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    b) Sex (Men)- Incidence of stroke in men is slightly higher than that of womenc) Race (African Americans)- more prevalent among African Americans than whites or


    d) History of transient ischemic attack or CVAe) Family History of DM- due to accelerated atherosclerosisSigns and Symptoms

    Clinical Manifestations

    a) Severe occipital or nuchal rigidity, Headache and vomiting due to an increase ICP whichcauses cerebral edema, and compressing the medulla oblongata

    b) Seizures due to hyper excitability of neurons because of irritation.c) Changes in mental status affectation in the Reticular Activating Systemd) Fever affectation in the hypothalamuse) ECG changes problem with the medulla oblongataWarning Signs

    a) Transient hemiparesisb) Loss of speechc) Hemisensory lossd) Vertigo/syncopeSpecific Deficits

    a) Hemiparesis/Hemiplegia the former means weakness of one side of the body while thelatter means paralysis of one side of the body.

    b) Aphasia defects on using and interpreting symbols of languagec)

    Dysarthia imperfect articulation condition.

    d) Dysphagia- due to affectation of some cranial nervese) Apraxia - a condition in which a client can move the affected part but cannot use it for

    purposeful actions.

    f) Visual Changes- affectation of the several areas of the brain that control the complexprocesses of vision.

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    g) Homonymous Hemianopsia a defective vision or vision loss in the same half of the visualfield

    h) Horners syndrome paralysis of sympathetic nerves to the eye causing sinking of theeyeball, ptosis of the upper eyelid, constriction of pupil, and lack of tearing in the eye.

    i) Agnosia a disturbance in the ability to recognize familiar objects through the senses.j) Unilateral neglect inability to respond to stimulus on the contralateral side of a cerebral


    k) Sensory Deficits- several types of sensory changes can result from a stroke in the sensorystrip of the parietal lobe supplied by the anterior and middle cerebral artery.

    l) Behavioral changes- various portions of the brain assist with control of behavior andemotions. People with stroke in the left cerebral or dominant hemisphere are frequently

    slow, cautious, and disorganized while on the right cerebral stroke or nondominanthemisphere, are frequently impulsive, overestimate their abilities and have a decreased

    attention span which increases their risk of injury.

    m) Incontinence due to inattention, memory lapses, emotional factors, and inability tocommunicate.

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    1. DexamethasoneBrand Name: Decadron

    General Classification:Glucocorticoid

    Specific Action:

    Decreases inflammation mainly by stabilizing leukocyte lysosomal membranes; suppresses

    immune response; stimulates bone marrow; and influences protein, fat and carbohydrate


    Indication: Cerebral Edema

    Adverse Reactions:

    Euphoria, insomnia, seizures, peptic ulceration, immunosuppression

    Nursing Responsibilities:

    Determine sensitivity Give IM injection deeply into gluteal muscle. Rotate injection sites to prevent

    muscle atrophy. Avoid SQ injection because atrophy and sterile abscesses may


    Monitor pts weight, BP and electrolyte levels. Monitor pt for cushingoid effects, including moon face, buffalo hump, central

    obesity, thinning hair, hypertension, and increased susceptibility to infection.

    Watch for depression or psychotic episodes, especially in high-dose therapy. Diabetic client may need increased insulin; monitor blood glucose level. Inspect pts skin for petechiae. Gradually reduce dosage after long-term therapy.

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    2. ParacematolBrand Name: Aeknil

    General Classification:Analgesic, Antipyretic

    Specific Action:

    It has analgesic, antipyretic and weak anti-inflammatory action. The mechanism of action is

    associated with inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis, the predominant influence on the

    thermoregulation center in the hypothalamus, enhances heat transfer.

    Indication: Elevated temperature

    Adverse Reactions:

    Digestive system: rarely - dyspepsia

    Long-term use at high doses - hepatotoxic effects, methemoglobinemia, renal dysfunction

    and liver, hypochromic anemia

    Hemopoietic system: rarely - thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, pancytopenia, neutropenia,


    Allergic reactions: rarely - skin rash, itching, hives

    Nursing Responsibilities:

    Many OTC and prescription products contain acetaminophen; be aware of this whencalculating total daily dose.

    With caution used in patients with disorders of the liver and kidneys, with benignhyperbilirubinemia, as well as in elderly patients.

    With prolonged use of paracetamol is necessary to monitor patterns of peripheralblood and functional state of the liver.

    3. PantoprazoleBrand Name: Pantoloc

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    General Classification:Proton pump inhibitor

    Specific Action:

    Pantoprazole or Pantoloc inhibits proton pumps in the stomach which produce acid.


    Provides control of ulcer disease and reflux conditions; those under NPO status.

    Adverse Reactions:

    Pantoprazole or Pantoloc is well tolerated with most side effects being mild and transient.

    Reported side effects include diarrhea, gas, constipation, abdominal pain, headache, and


    Nursing Responsibilities:

    Pantoprazole or Pantoloc seems to have a greater effect in the elderly, thus thedosage may have to be modified.

    Because the liver is involved in the metabolism and excretion of Pantoprazole orPantoloc, people with liver disease may have to have a dosage modification.

    4. Aluminum Hydroxide and Magnesium HydroxideBrand Name: Maalox

    General Classification:Antacid

    Specific Action:

    This medication works only on existing acid in the stomach. It does not prevent acidproduction. It may be used alone or with other medications that lower acid production.

    Indication: stomach upset, heartburn, and acid indigestion

    Adverse Reactions:

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    Upset stomach, vomiting, stomach pain, belching, constipation, dry mouth, increased

    urination, loss of appetite, metallic taste

    Nursing Responsibilities:

    Taken on an empty stomach, they only neutralize acid for 30 to 60 minutes becausethe antacid quickly leaves the stomach.

    If taken with food, the protective effect may be 2 or 3 hours. To get as much acid reduction as prescription medicines produce is expensive as the

    antacid must be taken frequently during the day and night. It is probably cheaper to

    take an acid-reducing pill once or twice a day.

    All antacids, but especially calcium carbonate, can result in an acid rebound effectwhere the stomach acid surges back after the antacid has left the stomach, another

    reason for long-acting medications.

    Antacids interfere with many drugs. Staggering the antacid away from medicationsis always preferable but again is a nuisance and hard to comply with long-term.

    5. MannitolBrand Name: Osmitrol

    General Classification:Osmotic Diuretic

    Specific Action:

    Mannitol is an osmotic diuretic. It works by increasing the amount of fluid excreted by the

    kidneys and helps the body to decrease pressure in the brain and eyes.

    Indication: To reduce intracranial pressure

    Adverse Reactions:

    Seizures, diarrhea

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    Nursing Responsibilities:

    Mannitol may cause dizziness. These effects may be worse if you take it with alcoholor certain medicines. Use Mannitol with caution. Do not drive or perform other

    possibly unsafe tasks until you know how you react to it.

    Tell your doctor immediately if you have difficulty urinating or experience extremedizziness.

    Lab tests, including blood electrolytes, kidney function, lung function, heartfunction, and blood counts, may be performed to monitor your progress or to check

    for side effects. Be sure to keep all doctor and lab appointments.

    Use Mannitol with caution in the ELDERLY; they may be more sensitive to its effects.

    6. NicardipineBrand Name: Cardene

    General Classification:Calcium Channel Blocker

    Specific Action: Nicardipine relaxes (widens) your blood vessels, which makes it easier for

    the heart to pump and reduces its workload.


    It is used to treat hypertension (high blood pressure) and angina (chest pain)

    Adverse Reactions:

    Side effects of nicardipine include an increased heart rate due to the drop in blood

    pressure. Other side effects include swelling of the feet (edema), dizziness, headaches,

    flushing, palpitations, and nausea. Nicardipine sometimes can cause an increase in the

    frequency and duration of angina. The reason for this side effect is not clearly understood.

    Excessively low blood pressure can occur in rare instances, especially during initiation of

    treatment or following adjustments of dosage.

    Nursing Responsibilities:

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    Measure blood pressure frequently during initial therapy. Maximal response occursabout 1 hour after giving the immediate-release form and 2 to 4 hours after giving

    the sustained-release form.

    Check for orthostatic hypotension. Because large swings in BP may occur based ondrug level, assess antihypertensive effect 8 hrs after dosing.

    Advise pt to report chest pain immediately.

    7. DopamineBrand Name: only generic name

    General Classification: Dopamine is a vasopressor and inotropic agent.

    Specific Action: It works by increasing the pumping strength of the heart and the kidney

    blood supply.

    Indication: Treating shock and low blood pressure due to heart attack, trauma, infections,

    surgery, and other causes.

    Adverse Reactions: Fast heartbeat; headache; nausea; vomiting.

    Nursing Responsibilities:

    Drug is not a substitute for blood or fluid volume deficit. If deficit exist, replace fluidbefore giving vasopressors.

    During infusion, frequently monitor ECG, BP, CO, CVP, pulmonary artery wedgepressure, PR, UO and color and temperature of the limbs.

    If diastolic pressure rises disproportionately with a significant decrease in pulsepressure, decrease infusion rate, and watch carefully for further evidence of

    predominant vasoconstrictor activity, unless such an effect is desired.

    Check UO often. If urine flow decreases without hypotension, notify prescriber. After the drug is stopped, watch closely for sudden drop in BP. Taper dose slowly to

    evaluate stability of BP.

    Acidosis decreases effectiveness of drug.

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    VI. SURGICAL MANAGEMENTSurgeries for hemorrhagic stroke include:

    Surgery to drain or remove blood in or around the brain that was caused by a bleedingblood vessel (hemorrhagic stroke).

    A procedure (endovascular coil embolization) to repair a brain aneurysm that is thecause of a hemorrhagic stroke. Endovascular coil embolization is becoming a standard

    treatment option for people with a brain aneurysm. It may be used for people who are

    at high risk for complications from a surgical repair of the aneurysm. Endovascular coil

    embolization involves packing the aneurysm with a soft platinum coil that fills the

    stretched and bulging section of blood vessel. This helps seal off the aneurysm and

    reduces the risk of the aneurysm leaking blood or rupturing. The doctor uses X-rays to

    identify the aneurysm and to guide the coil through the blood vessel to the

    aneurysm.The success of this treatment depends on the size and location of the

    aneurysm, the skill of the doctor, and the person's general health. Complications include

    bleeding from the aneurysm or movement of the coils in the blood vessel.

    Surgery to remove or block off abnormally formed blood vessels (arteriovenousmalformations) that have caused bleeding in the brain. An arteriovenous

    malformation is a congenital disorder, which means it was present at birth. An

    arteriovenous malformation causes an abnormal web of blood vessels and veins in the

    brain, brain stem, or spinal cord. The vessel walls of an arteriovenous malformation may

    become weak and leak or rupture.

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    stProblem: Ineffective Cerebral Tissue Perfusion

    Assessment Nursing DiagnosisScientific

    ExplanationObjectives Nursing Interventions Rationale



    S>O> The patient

    may manifest:



    >Visual Changes



    >Motor deficits


    >Seizure activity


    >Bloody CSF


    radiologic findings


    Cerebral Tissue

    Perfusion related

    to intracranial

    hemorrhage as

    evidenced by

    headache and

    sudden drop in

    level of



    accident is the term

    that refers to any

    functional abnormality

    of the Central Nervous

    System that occurs

    when the normal

    blood supply to the

    brain is disrupted, as

    by a blood clot or a

    ruptured blood vessel,

    and vital brain tissue

    dies. Hemorrhagic

    stroke is the rupture of

    a blood vessel and

    bleeding within or over

    the surface of the


    Short Term:

    After 4 hours of NI,

    the pts cerebral

    perfusion pressure

    will be maintained

    as evidenced by O2

    saturation equal to

    90% and above.

    Long Term:

    After 3 days of NI,

    the pt will be able

    to demonstrate

    behaviors which

    may improve

    proper circulation

    such as compliance

    to health

    management and

    therapies provided.

    >Monitor and record

    neurologic status,

    usually Glasgow Coma


    >Assess past history of

    systemic problems:

    previous cardiac

    disease, hypertension,

    smoking, previous

    pulmonary disease.

    >Monitor VS as


    >Monitor baseline

    ECG and observe for


    >Monitor I and O and

    Urine specific gravity

    >Monitor to

    determine effects of

    stroke and prevent

    life threatening

    complications such as

    severe hypertension

    and increased

    intracranial pressure.

    >Hypertension seems

    to be related to

    hemorrhagic stroke.

    >To assess for current


    >Stroke can produce

    cardiac electrical

    changes and


    >Because of cerebral

    edema, fluid balance

    must be regulated.

    Fluids must be

    restricted if pt has

    significant increase in

    ICP, or volume

    expanders may be use

    Short Term:

    The pts



    pressure shall

    have been

    maintained as

    evidenced by

    O2 saturation

    equal to 90%

    and above.

    Long Term:

    The pt shall

    have been able

    to demonstrate

    behaviors which

    may improve


    circulation such

    as compliance

    to health


    and therapies


  • 7/27/2019 87906380 Case Study CmVA


    >Monitor electrolytes

    >Monitor arterial

    blood gases and pulse


    >Raise head of the


    >Keep head and neck

    in neutral position

    >Cluster activities

    >Control body



    antipyretics, initiate

    topical cooling

    methods, and



    depressants as


    if pt is hypotensive

    with decreased

    cerebral perfusion.

    >For immediate


    >Pulse oximetry

    should be 90% or

    greater for adequate

    cerebral oxygenation.

    >This diminishes


    (hemorrhage or

    increased ICP). ICP

    should be below

    15mmHg. Cerebral

    perfusion pressure

    should be between 80

    to 100 mmHg.

    >This eliminates the

    need to impinge

    blood vessel and


    >This eliminated theneed to increase ICP

    >Controlling fever

    reduces metabolic

    demands of the brain.

    Fever may be a result

    of hypothalamic

    irritation ot infection

    (bladder or


  • 7/27/2019 87906380 Case Study CmVA


    > Administer the

    following meds:





    -to decrease ICP

    -increases volume

    -control severe HPM

    -control intracranial


  • 7/27/2019 87906380 Case Study CmVA



    Problem: Risk for Ineffective Airway Clearance

    Assessment Nursing DiagnosisScientific

    ExplanationObjectives Nursing Interventions Rationale



    S>O> The patient

    may manifest:

    >Difficulty in


    >O2 saturation less

    than 90%


    distress: patient




    shortness of


    Risk for Ineffective

    Airway Clearance

    related toneurologic


    obstruction or



    accident is the term

    that refers to any

    functional abnormality

    of the Central Nervous

    System that occurs

    when the normal blood

    supply to the brain is

    disrupted, as by

    a blood clot or a

    ruptured blood vessel,

    and vital brain tissue

    dies. Hemorrhagic

    stroke is the rupture of

    a blood vessel and

    bleeding within or over

    the surface of the

    brain. Breathing center

    of the brain may be

    affected and so,

    difficulty in breathing

    may be experienced.

    Short Term:

    After 4 hrs of NI,

    the patient will

    maintain patent

    airway as

    evidenced by rate,

    rhythm and lung

    sounds within

    normal limits.

    Long term:

    After 3 days of NI,

    the patient will not

    exhibit any signs of

    respiratory distress.

    >Monitor respiratory

    rate and rhythm, lung

    sounds, and ability to

    handle secretions.

    >Check presence of

    gag reflex.

    >Observe for evidence

    of respiratory distress

    that may result from

    pulmonary edema:

    patient complaints,

    cyanosis, restlessness,

    shortness of breath.

    >Position upright.

    Monitor ICP and BP

    during position


    >A stroke in evolution

    may cause



    including respiratory


    >Brainstem strokes

    may diminish cranial

    nerve function. Oral

    feeding should not be

    attempted if gag

    reflex is absent to

    prevent aspiration

    and obstruction of

    airway. When pt is

    able to participate,

    consult speech or

    occupational therapy

    to initiatle swallow


    > The use of volume

    expanders to

    promote cerebral

    perfusion can also

    cause pulmonary


    >reduces the work of


    Short Term:

    The pt shall



    patent airway

    as evidenced by

    rate, rhythm

    and lung sounds

    within normal


    Long term:

    The patient

    shall not have

    exhibited any

    signs of



  • 7/27/2019 87906380 Case Study CmVA


    >If pt is comatose, use

    an oropharyngeal


    >change position every

    2 to 4 hours.

    Encourage deep

    breathing, coughing,

    and use of incentive

    spirometer (if able);

    add humidity to


    >Provide respiratory



    supplemental oxygen

    -Provide endotracheal

    or tracheal care if


    -Avoid respiratory

    measures that increase

    ICP, such as frequentsuctioning, but keep in

    mind that a patent

    airway is first priority.

    >keeps the tongue

    form obstructing the


    >position changes

    prevents pooling

    secretions. Older

    people are most

    susceptible to

    atelectasis and


    -This reduced

    hypoxemia, which can

    cause cerebral

    vasodilation and

    increased ICP.

    -The patient in a

    coma after 48hrs may

    require intubation

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    Problem: Impaired Physical Mobility

    Assessment Nursing DiagnosisScientific

    ExplanationObjectives Nursing Interventions Rationale




    O> The patientmay manifest:

    >inability to move


    within physical


    >limited range of


    >decreased muscle

    strength, control

    and/or mass

    Impaired Physical

    Mobility related

    to paresis orparalysis, loss of

    balance and

    coordination and

    increased muscle


    The nervous system is

    made up of nerve cells

    called neurons thatserve as the

    communication system

    of the body. They carry

    messages in the form

    of electrical impulses.

    The messages move

    from one neuron to

    another to keep the

    body functioning.

    Because neurons have,

    limited ability to repair

    themselves unlike

    other body tissues that

    is why nerve cells

    cannot be repaired if

    damaged due to injury

    or disease.

    Short Term:

    After 4 hrs of NI,

    the patient willmaintain maximum

    level of function

    and will reduce risk

    of complications.

    Long Term:

    After 3 days of NI,

    the pt will be able

    to demonstrate

    behaviors that

    enable resumption

    of activities.

    >Assess pts degree of

    weakness in both

    upper and lowerextremities

    >Assess ability: to

    move and change

    position, to transfer

    and walk, for fine

    muscle movement and

    fro gross muscle


    >determine active and

    passive range of

    motion capabilities.

    >Observe activities or

    situations that

    increase or decrease


    >monitor skin integrity

    for areas of blanching

    or redness as signs of

    potential breakdown

    >Change position of

    the patient at least

    every 2 hours, keeping

    track of position

    changes with a turning


    >there may be

    differing degrees of

    involvement on theaffected side.

    >paralysis, paresis,

    and sensory loss are

    contralateral to the

    side of the brain

    affected by stroke.

    >initially muscles


    hyporeflexia, which

    later progresses to


    >Activities that cause

    spastic response can

    be postponed until

    later in recovery

    >to have immediate


    >Patients may not

    feel increases in

    pressure or have the

    ability to adjust


    Short term:

    The patient

    shall havemaintained

    maximum level

    of function and

    will reduce risk



    Long Term:

    The pt shall

    have been able

    to demonstrate

    behaviors that


    resumption of


  • 7/27/2019 87906380 Case Study CmVA


    >Perform active and

    passive ROM exercises

    in all extremities

    several times daily.

    >Increase functional

    activities as strength

    improves and the

    patient is medically


    >Teach pt and family

    exercises and transfer


    >Use pressure

    relieving devices onthe bed and chair.

    >Initiate rehabilitation

    techniques in the

    hospital setting as

    soon as medically


    >This preserves

    muscle strength and



    especially in spastic


    >to gradually improve

    muscle strength

    >Once medically

    stable, the pt may

    have continuing

    deficits such as

    altered perception

    and motor strength.

    Exercise will increase

    strength, promote

    use of the affected

    side and promote

    transfer safety.

    >This decreases the

    risk of pressure ulcerdevelopment.

    >this prevents further



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    Problem: Risk for Impaired Verbal Communication

    Assessment Nursing DiagnosisScientific

    ExplanationObjectives Nursing Interventions Rationale



    S>O> The patient

    may manifest:

    >Inability to

    recognize or

    understand words


    vocalizing words

    >Inability to recall

    familiar words,

    phrases or names

    of known persons,

    objects and places

    >Unable to speak



    >Problems in

    receiving the type

    of sensory input

    being sent or

    sending the type

    of input necessary

    for understanding.

    Risk for Impaired


    Communicationrelated to brain

    injury adversely

    affecting the


    reception or

    interpretation of

    language and

    other forms of


    There is an affectation

    of the certain brain

    lobes that caused by

    impaired cerebral

    circulation that affects

    its proper functions

    that leads to

    decreased, delayed or

    absent ability to

    receive, process,

    transmit and use a

    system of symbols in


    resulting in impaired

    verbal communication.

    Short Term:

    After 4 hrs of NI,

    the patient will




    Long term:

    After 3days of NI,

    the pt will be able

    to use a form of

    communication to

    get needs met and

    to relate effectively

    with persons, and

    his or her


    >Assess speech-

    language history:

    determine primary

    language, ability to

    read, write, and

    understand spoken

    language; level of


    >Assess speech-

    language function:

    automatic speech,



    comprehension of

    written language,

    expressive ability,

    ability to write.

    >Approach the pt as an


    >Enhance the


    >These data provide a

    baseline for

    developing an


    teaching plan.

    >Depending on the

    area of brain

    involvement, patients

    may experience

    aphasia (receptive or


    dysarthria, or both,

    Receptive aphasics

    cannot understand

    the spoken word.

    Expressive aphasics

    cannot use written


    >Inability to express

    needs or feelings is

    most distressing to

    pts. Staff needs to be

    sensitive to the

    dignity of the pt.

    >Communication can

    be facilitated and


    minimized by turning

    Short term:

    The patient

    shall have




    Long term:

    The pt shall

    have to used a

    form of


    to get needs

    met and to


    effectively with

    persons, and his

    or her


  • 7/27/2019 87906380 Case Study CmVA


    >Modulate personal


    controlling body

    language and

    providing clear, simple



    multimodality input,

    such as music, song

    and visual


    >Use written materials

    (if appropriate)

    >Use prompting cues,

    such as gestures or

    holding an object that

    off the television,

    radio or closing the


    > to maximize



    >These enhance

    function in intact



    >These supplement

    auditory input (eg.


    board with pictures,

    numbers, words,

    and/or alphabet). If

    the pt has


    hemianopsia, placematerial in the

    unaffected field of

    vision. Homonymous

    hemianopsia affects

    the field vision in

    both eyes, opposite

    the side of the brain

    affected by stroke.

    >to enhance


  • 7/27/2019 87906380 Case Study CmVA


    is being discussed.

    >Allow adequate time

    for patient response.

    >Provide opportunities

    for spontaneous


    >Anticipate pts needs

    until alternative means

    of communication can

    be established.

    >Provide reality

    orientation and focusattention, but avoid

    constantly correcting


    >Collaborate with



    >Encourage family to


    communication with

    pt; explain type of

    >If the pt feels



    problems worsened.

    >This provides the pt

    a chance to talk

    without the

    expectation of a

    desired outcome

    (decreases anxiety

    about abilities.

    >The nurse should set

    aside enough time to

    attend to all the

    details of patient

    care. Care measures

    may take longer to

    complete in the

    presence of a



    >Constant correction

    increases frustrations,anxiety and anger.

    >A comprehensive,

    multidisciplinary plan

    of care may be


    >to assume their


  • 7/27/2019 87906380 Case Study CmVA


    aphasia and methods

    of communication that

    can be tried.

    >Demonstrate to pt

    any progress made

    >this increases

    confidence and

    facilities ongoing


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    Problem: Risk for Disturbed Sensory Perception (Tactile)

    Assessment Nursing DiagnosisScientific

    ExplanationObjectives Nursing Interventions Rationale



    S>O> The patient

    may manifest:


    >tingling sensation

    or paresthesia

    >pressure ulcers


    wounds or


    >pallor/ cyanosis

    Risk for Disturbed




    accident is the term

    that refers to any

    functional abnormality

    of the Central Nervous

    System that occurs

    when the normal blood

    supply to the brain is

    disrupted, as by

    a blood clot or a

    ruptured blood vessel,

    and vital brain tissue

    dies. Hemorrhagic

    stroke is the rupture of

    a blood vessel and

    bleeding within or over

    the surface of the

    brain. Tactile stimuli

    may not be felt by the

    patient due to the

    affection of the nerves

    on the certain areas of

    the brain.

    Short Term:

    After 4 hrs of NI,

    the patient will

    remain free from

    injuries, including

    pressure ulcers.

    Long Term:

    After 3 days of NI,

    the patient will

    continuously be

    free from injuries.

    >Assess pts ability to

    sense light touch,

    pinprick, and

    temperature. Touch

    skin lightly with a pin,

    cotton ball or hot/cold

    object and ask patient

    to describe sensation

    and point to where

    touch occurred.

    >Using pts toes or

    fingers, assess position

    sense (ability to sense

    whether the joint is

    moved in an upward or

    downward position)

    >Perform regular skin

    inspections and

    instruct pt in

    techniques to do the

    same. Explain

    consequences of

    prolonged pressure on

    the skin.

    >Provide tactile

    stimulation to affected

    limbs using rough cloth

    or hand and instruct [t

    or family in methods


    >Explain how stimulus

    >This determines the

    level of alteration and

    identifies specific

    areas of risk.

    >to know extent of

    sensory perception.

    >Pressure on the

    affected side should

    last no longer than 30


    >This helps pts learn

    to recognize


    >This improves pt

    Short term:

    The patient

    shall remain

    free from



    pressure ulcers.

    Long Term:

    The patient

    shall have been

    continuously be

    free from


  • 7/27/2019 87906380 Case Study CmVA


    might feel.

    >Instruct pt to

    regularly move

    affected limbs

    >Enhance immediate

    and home




    promotes circulation.

    Impaired sensitivity to

    pain or numbness

    increases the

    likelihood of

    prolonged stationary


    >For optimum safety,

    by regulating

    temperature setting

    on hot water heater,

    moving sharp edged

    furniture and lighting


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    Problem: Risk for Unilateral Neglect




    ExplanationObjectives Nursing Interventions Rationale



    S>O> The patient

    may manifest:

    >Left or right

    sided neglect due

    to the affectation

    of the opposite

    hemisphere of

    the brain.

    Risk for



    Unilateral neglect

    syndrome is a


    condition in which, after

    damage to one hemisphere

    of the brain, a deficit in

    attention to and awareness

    of one side of space is


    Short Term:

    After 4 hrs of NI,

    the patient will

    have no injuries as

    a result of deficit.

    Long Term:

    After 3 days of NI,

    the pt will observe

    and touch affected

    side during ADLs.

    >Conduct sensory


    >Perform visual fields

    confrontation test.

    >Observe pts

    performance of ADL.

    >Observe pts

    response to sounds

    from affected side.

    >Conduct paper

    drawing test to test

    for distorted spatial


    >Observe for remark

    > This determines

    the actual level of

    sensation for

    comparison with

    how the pt uses the

    senses in the

    affected side. Use

    may be different

    from actual ability.

    >Pt may not be able

    to see on affected

    side (hemianopsia).

    The pt who

    complains of diplopia

    may benefit from

    patching one eye.

    >This provides

    information on pts

    recognition of

    affected side. The pt

    may not, for

    example, bathe the

    affected side; they

    forget that it is here.

    Short Term:

    The patient

    shall have no

    injuries as a

    result of


    Long Term:

    The pt shall

    observe and

    touch affected

    side during


  • 7/27/2019 87906380 Case Study CmVA


    of denial of body

    parts (anosognosia)

    and degree to which

    patient confuses

    objects in space.

    >Have pt point to

    various body parts


    >Approach pt from

    unaffected side when

    pt initially regains

    consciousness. As the

    pt becomes more

    alert, approach from

    the affected side

    while calling the pts

    name during the

    rehabilitation phase.

    >Provide tactile

    stimulation to

    affected side.

    >Place all food in

    small quantities,

    arranged simply onplate.

    > Attach watch or

    bright bracelet to

    affected arm.

    >Practice drawing and

    copying figures with


    awareness is a safety


    >Pt may not

    recognize body parts

    on affected side.

    >These decreases

    anxiety and fear

    while pt is unable to

    interpret whole


    >This will encourage

    the pt to use

    affected side of body

    and environment.

    >This stimulates

    short-term memory

    of sensation.

    >This approach


    deficits. Small

    quantities make it

    easier to delineate

    foods because of the

    space between food


    >This draws pts

    attention to the

    affected side

    >This helps develop

  • 7/27/2019 87906380 Case Study CmVA



    >draw bright marks

    on the sides of

    newspaper or books

    when pt is reading.

    >teach compensatory

    strategies such as

    visual scanning

    (turning head in order

    to visualize entire


    fine motor skills and

    relearn spatial


    >This cues the end of

    a line and return for

    next line.

    >this reduces chance

    of injury.

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    VIII. CONCLUSIONAny hemorrhage affecting the brain or its adjacent spaces is a very serious condition.

    Depending on the location and size of the mass of loose blood (called a hematoma), it may even

    be life threatening.It is alarming to know that a simple manifestation such as headache has apossibility to lead to abrupt loss in level of consciousness. At the same time ambulatory patient

    brought in a emergency room may end up in an intensive care unit, critically being cared.

    A hemorrhagic stroke is caused by a sudden bleeding, or hemorrhage, into or next to

    the brain. This problem accounts for about 20 percent of all people admitted to hospitals for

    strokes. Most hemorrhagic strokes occur in the brain itself and are called intracerebral

    hemorrhages. Smaller groups of people suffer bleeding into the fluid filled spaces located deep

    in the brain (intraventricular hemorrhage) or into the small space between the brain and the

    membranes that cover it (subarachnoid hemorrhage).

    People who survive a hemorrhagic stroke and the critical period that immediately

    follows often make a remarkable recovery. As the mass of the hematoma slowly decreases, the

    actual disruption of brain tissue can turn out to be smaller than what doctors or family members

    had feared. Early rehabilitation after strokes benefits most people.

  • 7/27/2019 87906380 Case Study CmVA



    Nursing 2008 Drug Handbook, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Joyce M. Black and Jane Hokanson Hawks. Medical-Surgical Nursing Eighth Edition,

    Volume 2, Saunders, 2009

    Marilynn E. Doenges, Mary Frances Moorhouse, Alice Geissler-Murr; Nurses PocketGuide (11th Edition)Copyright 2006


    http://www.wpro.who.int/countries/2007/phl/health_situation.htm http://www.who.int/topics/cerebrovascular_accident/en/ http://www.wpro.who.int/countries/2007/phl/health_situation.htm Philippine Inquirer, 12/01/2007 http://www.doh.gov.ph/kp/statistics/morbidity http://www.ninds.nih.gov/news_and_events/news_articles/pressrelease_stroke_vaccin




    http://www.webmd.com/stroke/guide/stroke-surgery http://www.dana.org/news/brainhealth/detail.aspx?id=9824