835 jay s -...

Music Students Get Top Awards In State Festival Students from the music depart- ment of the Patchoyuc -Medloid School District paiticipated in the Xew Yoi k State School Mu< -ic As- soc iition Solo Competition 1<V ti- \.u hHd Ma\ 19 and 20 at \ T oi(h Babvlon High School. Of the 11 students entered , 23 rec eived "A" latmgs , IT gameied "B" latmgs and lour got "C" latmgs . The lollow mg students partici- pated: Clarinet B c r n a l d Co lar , Jeanne Winan- , Joan Pontieri , Da\id Syiett , Maiy Ann Kentof- (10 , Linda Romeo . Step hen Bates and Judy Whitbec k. Flute Kaien Lysak and Pris- cilla Swan. Alto sa\o])hone—Thomas Merlo. T HIT pet G'egoiy EiTini"tz, Patucia Batey, David Southaid , Hubert Bianco , WiHiam Knight, and Frank Kentotno. Bassoon George Kahn and Barbara Giishoff. Fiench hoin Dion Er 'ich , Jacqueline Barbato , Douglas Mal- colm and W T illiam Muller Trombone Richard Rein , Ro- bert Lysak and Gabriel DiTosti. Snare drum Robert Brown and Peter Silhan. Piano Ann Marie Lotito . Violin Joel Medvin , David Rose , Marie Pontieri , Elizabeth Skelaney, Christine Engelschjon , Linda Farrell , Mary Harris , Nancy Hazard , Judith Silberbush and Madelyn Stein. Cello Carol Dinkins , Glenn Brown and Jill O'Brien. Viola Pamela Selhan and Patricia Pfundstein. Bass viola Carol Reich. Stung quaitet made up of M. Stem , J. Silberbush , P. Pfund- stein and C. Dinkins. Patchogue C of C Selects Buildings For LIA Contest The building awards committee of the Patc hogue Cnanibei oi Com- mei ce has selected a number oi business and mdustiial buildings loi consideration m the annual auaids progra m of the Long Island Association. The buildings w ere listed as fol- lows: Industiy over 25,000 squaie feet of llooi - -pace View lex , Inc., Bioadway, Holbrook; and Pepsi- Cola Bottling Co., 500 West Sun- lise Highway, Patchogue. Ind - stiy under 25 000 —¦ Justus Roe & Sons , 217 River Avenue , Patchogue; and The Long Island Advance , 20 Medloid A\enue , Pat- chogue. Retail under 10,000 Norman King & Son , Medioid Avenue , Patchogue; .uul Sybe le Caipet Co. 464 East M»m Street , Patchogue. Retau 10 ,000 to 25 ,000 W. T. Grant Company, 54 East Main Stieet . Patchogue. Re t ul over 25 ,000 Bee Hive 19(5 East Main Street , Patchogue. Office Building under 10 ,000— The Peoples National Bank , 115 East Mam Street , Patchogue; and National Cash Register Company, 331 East Main Stieet. Patchogue. Office Buildings l(V , t)00 to 25, - 000 Patchogue Electric Light Company, 448 East Main Street , Patchogue. Office Buildings over 25,000 New York Telephone Company, 501 Nort h Ocean Avenue , Patch- ogue. Harry T. Weeks , executive vice president of the chamber , said that all of the buildings were se- lected for their outstanding con- tribution to the industrial and business community of Greater Patchogue and the committee has recommended that they receive honorable mention from the Pat- chogue Chamber of Commerce. PATCHOGUE LOCALS Patchogue Council 725 of Co- lumbietti , held its montnl y meet- ing at the K CM C Ila 'l on Atademv Street lec entlv nh"ii elec tion oi officet s for 1961 to 1%2 took p lac e. Elected wcie Mi Maiv Kissen , j)i e ident; Mi- John Ma- nella , vice pi<_ sident; " vli , Rose- maii" Liiiioggio . icnuding secr~ - ai\; Mi . L ilian Papst , cories- pondinj sei- etary; Mis . I. Came llomquist , tn asuiei ; Mis . K OSJ Hughes , (manual secietaiy; Mis Anita Minutella , innei guai ' d; Mis v 'hustine Benmcase , outer guard ; Mrs . M yra Salamone , Mis . Rose Maietta and Mis . Mary Ge man. ti uste^s. Instal' ation of officer will take place in June. Outgoing president is Mrs. Maiy German , who has been pie-ident foi two teims. The announcement was made of a trip to Jones Beach the evni ng of July 11 to attend a performance of "Paradise Is- land. " Those interested should '•ontact Mrs. German , AT 6-6517. Mi s. Leo Di Donato and daugh- ter , Patti-Ann , have leturned to cheir home at 135 Waverl y Ave- nue , afW- spending a vacation with relatives of Mr. Di Donato. Mr. and Mrs . Jei ry Di Donato , Sr., of the Bronx. The Golden Age Social Club met May 25 at the Patchogue Electric- Light Company with George Voll- mer presiding. A Memoiial service for departed members was held. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Josephine De Sant and Mrs. Paul- ine Gerle. The next meeting will cake p lace June 8. Miss Laura Jean Ferris of Mariboro , Mass., has returned to nei home after spending two months with her uncle and aunt , M* . and Mrs. Leo Di Donato oi 135 Waverl y A\enue. The Oi.ginal Golden Age Club of Patchogue celebrated its an- nual dinner at the Mascot Grill May 24 with 62 members present After the dinnei the members le- umed to their meeting p lace at he Four Sisters Community Cen- er where they weie entertained by the pupils oi" Ray Williams , who coaches guitar. The Ameiican Legion Auxiliary, Patchogue Unit , will meet at 8:15 p. m. Tuesday at the Legion House on Baker Street. A board meeting of the Daugh- ters of Israel-Jacob Aid Society was held May 22 at the home of Mrs . Joseph Mendelson on Maple Avenue. Present were Mesdames Herbert Chaskin , Seymour Chas- kin , Morris Avrutin, Leonard En- gel , Bert Friedman, Eli Levine , Abraham Mende T son , Nathan Ney- man , Harry Meyerson , Ernest Katzenstein , Harry Plafker , Jack Koshar , Leo Sussman , Joel Sands , Harry Sweet , Harold Schackman , Irving Seloff , Nathan Tobin and) Louis Weiner. A food sale was discussed. Mrs. Leo Sussman will be chairman. The next meeting will be held June 8 at the home of Mrs. Neyman at 310 Rider Avenue. At a meeting of the Senior La- dies ' Aid Societ y of Emanuel Lu- theran Church , held Mav 24 in the church hal 1 , Mrs. Matilda Pille , who was a delegate of the society to th« convention of the Mission- ary League at the Ambassado'- Hotel , Atlantic City . N. J., gave a report of th^ activities of mis- sion work for the Lu theran Church Refreshments wor° served bv Mrs. AmeMa Moger and Mrs Howden. The nex^ meeting of the society will be Ird d June 14. Bayport Parade Solemnizes Day But Is Colorful The Memorial Day paiade in Bayport , which featuied a colorful di.spiay of marchers , was solemn- ized by the placing of memorial witaths and b\ a sobet l efiection on the woild situation b y Lt Colonel George F. \. Mclncrney the main sueakei . The Bayport-Blue Point Hig h School band piovided the music lor the parade , w hich included uaits fiom the Boy Scouts , Girl Scouts , Cub Scouts , Brownies and liom the local fiie department. The main program was under the direction of Frederick W. Mercies , a local realtor and mem- ber of the board of education. The invocation , led by the Rev. Lan- don K. Owen of the Methodist Church , was followed b y the main address by Lt. Col . Mclnerney. The lieutenant colonel , a lawy er in Bayport and a veteran of World War II , spoke of the chang- ing times and of the new areas for development. After the address , the Rev. Mr. Owen led the p lacing of wreath s at the monument in Memorial Park . Also part of the ceremony were Mrs. William Meyer , president of. the Ladies ' Auxiliary of the fire department , and Justi n McCarthy from the Veterans of F orei gn Wars. The Rev. Peter McLean of the St. Ann ' s Episcopal Church in Sayville offei ed the benediction. Parade arrangements were made by Ronald Ketcham and his com- mittee , Tony Sconzo , Thomas O'Rcily and William Meyer . Here comes the bride! The strains of the wedding march will begin auspiciously when you accept the cheerfully given serv- ice of The Advance in your selec- tion of wedding invitations. Prin- ted , raised printing or engraving. Adv. F' ville-H' ville Church Unit Sponsors Night of Music ' FARMINGV1LLE—The annual "Night of Music ," sponsored bv the Women 's Fellowship ot the Faimingville-IIoltsville Congregational Chur ch was held May 20 at the Faimingville hrehall. The niusicale attiacted a capacity audience. Perfoimei s were all local talent w ith the exception of Biyce Fogel . who teaches \on. e and pi- ano. Mr. Fogel is an accomp lished p.anist fiom New Yoik City. The audience welcomed back WYiliam Biau , bantone , Ilolbiook; Walt W illiams , tenoi . Li.ke Gio\o; and Mi^s E '-ika Herlel , sopiaiio; Ro- ot" ! t All'm , tuimpi t , and Edwaid Stui m , tiumpet , Faimmgu le with gieat app lause. Pe ioiming this \eui wei e James Fairman , 1' ., tiumpet , Uo'biook; Miss Rita Hazaid , soprano , and Gi egory Sheiwin , bantone , soioists liom the First Bapti-t Chinch , Patch- ogue; and Paul McRae of Holts- ville , who is known foi his ability to p lay the tiumpet , but showd his ve satility as a pianist. Ako well leceived was Joan Lalla of Holtsville. Farmmgville was represented jy the following talent : Th^ y'oungest perfoimers wer^ Mis-e k Susan Betz , violin , Katherme l)i- Pieno , flute; and Elizabeth Rose , piano , all of whom showed much poise and promising talent. Wai m- i y received by the audience wei e Misses Linda Fredsell , violin , and Patricia Sue Riley, soprano; both are advanced music students. Richard Franke , accordion , played his own accordion arrangement of "St. Louis Blues , " which had most unusual comic sounds. Mrs. Caroline Bahnmuller was the director, William Blair , mas- ter-of-ceremonies, and accompan- ists were : Mrs. Frances Larsen , organ , and Bryce Fogel , piano. Adelphi Actors Stage Chekov , Saroyan , Friday The Thespians of Adelphi Col- lege-Suffolk Division , Sayville , will present "Two In One Plus " at 8 :30 p. m. Friday, in the Say- ville Junior High School Auditor- ium. Tickets may be obtained from Miss Madeline Scully at the College bookstore , Greene Avenue or phone reservations will be ac- cepted at LT 9-6100. Tickets ar > also available at the Sayville Tra- vel Agency, 301 Railroad Avenue , LT 9-3770. "The Brute " by Anton Chekhov and "Hello Out There " by Wl- liam Saroyan , plus a special guest artist will compiise the progiam. "The Brute 's " cast will include Mary Ann Lurch as Mrs. Popoff , John Pedneault as Gugoiy S. Smirnoff , and Dona Gels as Looka. The east for "Hello Out Theie " includes Mike Femgno as the Young Gambler , Cathy Klaus as the Girl , Jam t Lomaga as the W T ife , Joseph Darngo as the Hus- band , and John Black and Dom- inick Morrealc as two otnei men. Seton Hal! Sets Graduation Plans For Class of '61 Seton Hall High School has an- nounced the lostti oi (\ents load- ing up to and culminating in the annual commencement exeicises to be held on June 23. First on the agenda is Parents ' Night which will \)v held on June 4 fi om 4 to 10 ]) m. 1 he pio- giam will stait with a -oftball game in which the fathers will play the sons . This will be fol- lowed by a buffet suppt t at which the parents aie the guest of their sons and daughter. After the meal , the patents will enter - tain the class ot liio 'l with sing- ing, dancing and otlui lmpiomj tu acts. June 17 , Class Night , will start with a Baccalaureate M-ass to be celebiated b y the Rev. F Leo Cunningham, pastor of St. Fran- cis de Sales Chinch , Patchogue , who will addres s the graduates. After the mass , there will be a banquet during which the class will and prophecy will be read and publications awards will be g iven. Dancing until midnight will comp lete the evening ' s activities. At graduation which will take place at 8 p. m., June 23, in the Sister Marie Clotilde Auditorium , the guest speaker will be the Right Rev. Monsignor Charles C. Berming ham , pastor of St. Aidan ' s Church , WihVton Park. Tentati ve plans are now being made for a class picnic to be held during the we ek after graduation. 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M. to 8 P. M. MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT DNSURANCE CORP. Just in Tim e f or Summer £- &&^ SPECIAL PURCHASE 'raj SL 10 ° HATS W ^ tW^^^^^^m^: LINEXS STRAWS \| 'J^^<R ^^P* © FLOWERS ORGANZAS Nl^^^^y ^^ 1 ^w % Values to 6.98 3^£& ~j£- * -^ J? ___^- \ ^ \ **BDI mTms mTtm Wr -\; I 835 ^*r *&[ JHIS WEEKEND ONLY j SPECT VL PURCHASE OF SUMMER COMPARABLE toAQ HANDBAGS < NAL sI ro ^ 4lf SUSAN GAIL HANDBAGS 21 EVST MUX STREET PATCHOGUE , L. I. >» . i ~ ~ '¦> "TIu'j can ' t touch me , I declared everything " .Medical bills , and prescrip- tions aie deductible items on income tax. The government show s this concern for the health of its citizens . Get piompt medication to avoid the cost and discomfort of pioloii f> ed illness gff^ ftfifr^flJ B fflffg^ ^vyyyyyyyyy^w^ iv f f ryvvvvvrvvyTvyvvyvvYvyvyvTrvvTvyvTvyTTTTTyT^i JAY S Jolts Patchogue in June J WATCH FOR FURTHER AXXO L NCEMENTS ] I JAY'S COTTON SHOP ] | 57-59 So. Ocean Avenue :: Patchogue 3 A Splint mu-ic piot'iam w i I he piesezited h\ the musi- cal oi uani/.ation- of th ¦ Pat- clio»ue Ihvh School .it <S ¦() jj in tomoi i o\\ m the audito- Jiii ' ii of the hii^ h school on S.iMon Stieet. The pi oi^ i am w ill iiic hide sc h 11 ion- 1A t In- li Hid. oi ihes- 11 a and < hoi il m oups . The hand V\iP he undei the diMilion ol Joel M. Sands; the on he t a undei Ra\ mond M. L\ -alv. and the choial <- -iiuii )- undei Eim' ne J. Ro- meo Slate S pring Music At Patchogue Hi gh The Patchogue Civic and Gar- den Club held its annual flowei show at the home of Mis . ChtVord Wade of Bergen Lane , Blue Point, Arrangements which were hon- ored were : Table baskets- Mis, Nellie Wade , fir. st p lace ; Mrs , Helen Peters , second p lace , ami Mrs. Helen Lauuhlin , third p lace; Hanging and Doorwav—fi i st place, Mis . Helen lVteis arid Mis. Hilda Edelhtein , second place and Mrs. Helen Petei -, thud p lace; Fram- ing and Shadow boxes—first place, Mi- . Eleanoi Ransome and Mrs . Claire Ruger . second p lace , and in thud p lace was Mrs. Helen Peters ; Miniatures—Mrs. Nellie Wade took first p lace and Mis . Jewel Mit- chell , second and Mis. Helen Laughhn was in third p lace ; and in the oriental ( large), Mrs. Fonse Palermo was in fi rst p lace and Mrs. Marion Schneider was m sec- ond place and Mrs . Chailotte Walsh was third. Civic , Garden Club Holds Flower Show SALUTING during pla . w ' ng of taps on Memorial day in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, East Moriches , are left to right , Joseph Provost , commander, American Legion Moriches Post 929; Mrs. James . B. M. Bulloch of War Memorial Committee , and Emery Tenke, commander, Center Moriches Vet- erans of Foreign Wars Post. LEADING THE PARADE in Center Moriches on Memorial da;y are , in the foreground, Percy B. Raj nor , former Brookhav en Town supervisor; Norman Skripitski , one of the village' s best- know n veterans , and , background , Harry Murch driving and Mrs. Mabel Buck , American Legion Auxiliary member.

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Page 1: 835 JAY S - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn95071025/1961-06-01/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · "The Brute" by Anton Chekhov and "Hello Out There" by Wl-liam Saroyan,

Music StudentsGet Top AwardsIn State Festival

Students from the music depart-m e n t of the Pa tchoyuc -M e d l o i dSchool Dis t r ic t pa i t i c ipa ted in theXew Yoi k State School Mu< -ic As-soc i i t i o n Solo Compe t i t i on 1<V ti-\ . u hHd M a\ 19 and 20 at \T o i (hBabvlon High School.

Of t he 11 s tuden t s entered , 23rec eived "A" l a t m g s , I T g ame ied"B" l a t m g s and lour got "C"l a t m g s .

The lo l low mg s tuden t s par t i c i -pated:

Clar inet — B c r n a l d Co lar ,Jeanne W i n a n - , Joan Pont ier i ,D a \ i d S y i e t t , M a i y Ann Kentof-( 10 , Linda Romeo . Step hen Batesand Judy Whi tbec k.

Flute — Kaien Lysak and Pris-cil la Swan.

A l t o sa\o])hone—Thomas Merlo.T HI T pet — G 'e g o iy EiTini "tz ,

Pa tuc ia Batey, David Sou tha id ,Hubert Bianco , WiHiam K n igh t ,and Frank K e n t o t n o .

Bassoon — George Kahn andBarbara Gi ishoff .

Fiench h o i n — Dion Er 'ich ,Jacqueline Barbato , Douglas Mal-colm and WT il l iam Muller

Trombone — Richard Rein , Ro-bert Lysak and Gabriel DiTosti.

Snare drum — Robert Brownand Peter Silhan.

Piano — Ann Marie Loti to .Violin — Joel Medvin , David

Rose , Marie Pontieri , ElizabethSkelaney, Christine Engelschjon,Linda Farrell , Mary Harris, NancyHazard , Judith Silberbush andMadelyn Stein.

Cello — Carol Dinkins, GlennBrown and Jill O'Brien.

Viola — Pamela Selhan andPatricia Pfundstein.

Bass viola — Carol Reich.Stung quai te t — made up of

M. Stem , J. Silberbush, P. Pfund-stein and C. Dinkins.

Patchogue C of CSelects BuildingsFor LIA Contest

The bu i ld ing awards committeeof the Patc hogue Cnan ibe i oi Com-mei ce has selected a number oibusiness and m d u s t i i a l bu i l d ingsloi cons idera t ion m the an n u a la u a i d s progra m of t he LongIsland Associa t ion .

The b u i l d i n g s w ere listed as fol-lows:

I ndus t i y over 25,000 squaie feetof l looi --pace — View lex , Inc.,Bioadway, Ho lb rook ; and Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co., 500 West Sun-l ise Highway, Patchogue.

Ind - s t iy under 25 000 —¦ JustusRoe & Sons , 217 River Avenue ,Patchogue; and The Long IslandA d v a n c e , 20 M e d l o i d A \ e nu e , Pat-chogue.

Retail under 10,000 — NormanKing & Son , Medioid Avenue,Patchogue; .uul Sybe le Ca ipe t Co.464 East M»m Street , Patchogue.

Retau 10 ,000 to 25,000 — W.T. Gran t Company, 54 East MainS t i ee t . Patchogue.

Re t ul over 25,000 — Bee Hive19(5 East Main Street , Patchogue.

Office B u i l d i n g under 10 ,000—The Peoples Nat ional Bank , 115East Mam Street , Patchogue; andNat ional Cash Register Company,331 East Main Stieet. Patchogue.

Office B u i l d i n g s l (V ,t)00 to 25,-000 — Patchogue Electric LightCompany, 448 East Main Street ,Patchogue.

Office Buildings over 25,000 —New York Telephone Company,501 Nort h Ocean Avenue, Patch-ogue.

Harry T. Weeks, executive vicepresident of the chamber, saidthat all of the buildings were se-lected for their outstanding con-tribution to the industrial andbusiness community of GreaterPatchogue and the committee hasrecommended that they receivehonorable mention from the Pat-chogue Chamber of Commerce.


Patchogue Counci l 725 of Co-l u m b i e t t i , held i ts mon tn l y meet-ing at the K CM C I la 'l on AtademvSt ree t l ec en t lv nh "ii elec tion oiofficet s for 1961 to 1%2 tookp lac e. E l e c t e d w c i e M i M a i vKissen , j ) i e i den t ; M i - John Ma-nella , v i ce p i < _ s iden t ; "vl i , Rose-m a i i " L i i i i o g g i o . i c n u d i n g secr~ -a i \ ; Mi . L i l ian Papst , cories-

p o n d i nj sei- e tary; M i s . I. Camel l o m q u i s t , tn asu ie i ; M i s . K OSJ

Hughes , (manua l s e c i e t a i y; M i sAnita M i n u t e l l a , innei guai'd; Misv 'hust ine Benmcase , outer guard ;Mrs . M yra Salamone , Mis . RoseMaietta and M i s . Mary Ge man.ti uste^s. Ins ta l' ation of officerw i l l take place in June. Outgoingpres iden t is Mrs. Maiy German ,who has been p i e - iden t foi twoteims. The announcement wasmade of a trip to Jones Beachthe evni ng of July 11 to attenda performance of "Paradise Is-land." Those interested should'•ontact Mrs. German , AT 6-6517.

Mi s. Leo Di Donato and daugh-ter , Patt i-Ann, have leturned tocheir home at 135 Waverly Ave-nue , afW- spending a vacationwith relatives of Mr. Di Donato.Mr. and Mrs . Jei ry Di Donato,Sr., of the Bronx.

The Golden Age Social Club metMay 25 at the Patchogue Electric-Light Company with George Voll-mer presiding. A Memoiial servicefor departed members was held.Refreshments were served by Mrs.Josephine De Sant and Mrs. Paul-ine Gerle. The next meeting willcake place June 8.

Miss Laura Jean Ferris ofMariboro , Mass., has returned tonei home after spending twomonths with her uncle and aunt,M* . and Mrs. Leo Di Donato oi135 Waverly A\enue .

The Oi.ginal Golden Age Clubof Patchogue celebrated its an-nual d inner at the Mascot GrillMay 24 with 62 members presentAfter the dinnei the members le-umed to their meeting place athe Four Sisters Community Cen-er where they weie entertained

by the pupils oi" Ray Williams, whocoaches gui tar .

The Ameiican Legion Auxiliary,Patchogue Unit , will meet at 8:15p. m. Tuesday at the LegionHouse on Baker Street.

A board meeting of the Daugh-ters of Israel-Jacob Aid Society

was held May 22 at the home ofMrs . Joseph Mendelson on MapleAvenue. Present were MesdamesHerbert Chaskin, Seymour Chas-kin , Morris Avrutin, Leonard En-gel, Bert Friedman, Eli Levine,Abraham Mende T son , Nathan Ney-man , Harry Meyerson , ErnestKatzenstein, Harry Plafker , JackKoshar, Leo Sussman , Joel Sands,Harry Sweet, Harold Schackman,Irving Seloff , Nathan Tobin and)Louis Weiner. A food sale wasdiscussed. Mrs. Leo Sussman willbe chairman. The next meetingwill be held June 8 at the homeof Mrs. Neyman at 310 RiderAvenue.

At a meeting of the Senior La-dies ' Aid Society of Emanuel Lu-theran Church, held Mav 24 inthe church hal 1, Mrs. Matilda Pille ,who was a delegate of the societyto th« convention of the Mission-ary League at the Ambassado'-Hotel , Atlantic City . N. J., gavea report of th^ activities of mis-sion work for the LutheranChurch Refreshments wor° servedbv Mrs. AmeMa Moger and MrsHowden. The nex^ meet ing of thesociety will be Ird d June 14.

Bayport ParadeSolemnizes DayBut Is Colorful

The Memorial Day paiade inBayport, which featuied a colorfuldi.spiay of marchers, was solemn-ized by the placing of memorialw i t a t h s and b\ a sobet l efiectionon the woi ld s i tuat ion by LtColonel George F. \. Mclncrneythe main sueakei .

The Bayport-Blue Point HighSchool band piovided the musiclor the parade , w hich includeduaits f i o m the Boy Scouts , GirlScouts , Cub Scouts , Brownies andliom the local fi ie department.

The main program was underthe direction of Frederick W.Mercies , a local realtor and mem-ber of the board of education. Theinvocation, led by the Rev. Lan-don K. Owen of the MethodistChurch , was followed by the mainaddress by Lt. Col . Mclnerney.

The lieutenant colonel , a lawyerin Bayport and a veteran ofWorld War II , spoke of the chang-ing times and of the new areasfor development.

After the address , the Rev. Mr.Owen led the placing of wreaths atthe monument in Memorial Park.Also part of the ceremony wereMrs. William Meyer , president of.the Ladies' Auxiliary of the firedepartment, and Justin McCarthyfrom the Veterans of F oreignWars. The Rev. Peter McLean ofthe St. Ann 's Episcopal Church in

Sayville offei ed the benediction.Parade arrangements were made

by Ronald Ketcham and his com-mittee, Tony Sconzo , ThomasO'Rcily and William Meyer .

Here comes the bride! T h estrains of the wedding marchwill begin auspiciously when youaccept the cheerfully given serv-ice of The Advance in your selec-tion of wedding invitations. Prin-ted, raised printing or engraving.—Adv.

F'ville-H'ville Church UnitSponsors Night of Music'

FARMINGV1LLE—The annua l "Night of Music ," sponsored bvthe Women 's Fellowship ot the Faimingvi l le- I Io l t svi l le Congregat ionalChur ch was held May 20 at the F a i m i n g v i l l e h reha l l . The niusicaleat t iacted a capacity audience.

Perfoimei s were all local talent w ith the excep t ion of BiyceFogel . w h o teaches \on. e and pi-ano. Mr. Fogel is an accomp lishedp.anist f iom New Yoik Ci ty . Theaudience welcomed back WYiliamBiau , bantone, I lolbiook; WaltW i l l i ams , tenoi . Li.ke G i o \ o ; andMi^ s E '-ika Her le l , sop ia i io ; Ro-ot"! t Al l 'm , tu impi t, and E d w a i dS t u i m , t i u m p e t , F a i m m g u lew i t h g iea t app lause. Pe i o i m i n gthis \ eu i wei e James Fa i rman ,1' ., t i u m p e t , U o 'b i o o k ; Miss R i t aHazaid , soprano , and Gi egoryS h e i w i n , bantone, soioists l i o mthe First Bapti-t Chinch , Patch-ogue; and Paul McRae of Holts-vi l le , who is known foi h is ab i l i tyto p lay the t i umpe t , but showdhis ve sat i l i ty as a piani s t . Akowell leceived was Joan Lalla ofHoltsville.

Farmmgville was representedj y the following talent : Th^y'oungest perfoimers wer^ Mis-e kSusan Betz , violin , Katherme l) i-Pieno, f lute; and Elizabeth Rose ,piano , all of whom showed muchpoise and promis ing talent. Wai m-i y received by the audience wei eMisses Linda Fredsell , violin , andPatricia Sue Riley, soprano; bothare advanced music students.Richard Franke, accordion , playedhis own accordion arrangement of"St. Louis Blues," which had mostunusual comic sounds.

Mrs. Caroline Bahnmuller wasthe director, William Blair , mas-ter-of-ceremonies, and accompan-ists were : Mrs. Frances Larsen ,organ , and Bryce Fogel , piano.

Adelphi ActorsStage Chekov,Saroyan, Friday

The Thespians of Adelphi Col-lege-Suffolk Division , Sayville,will present "Two In One Plus"at 8:30 p. m. Friday, in the Say-ville Junior High School Auditor-ium. Tickets may be obtainedfrom Miss Madeline Scully at theCollege bookstore, Greene Avenueor phone reservations will be ac-cepted at LT 9-6100. Tickets ar >also available at the Sayville Tra-vel Agency, 301 Railroad Avenue,LT 9-3770.

"The Brute" by Anton Chekhov

and "Hello Out There" by Wl-liam Saroyan , plus a special guestartist will compiise the progiam."The Brute 's" cast will includeMary Ann Lurch as Mrs. Popoff ,John Pedneault as Gugoiy S.Smirnoff , and Dona Gels as Looka.

The east for "Hello Out Theie"includes Mike Femgno as theYoung Gambler , Cathy Klaus asthe Girl , Jam t Lomaga as theWT ife , Joseph Darngo as the Hus-band , and John Black and Dom-inick Morrealc as t w o otnei men.

Seton Hal! SetsGraduation PlansFor Class of '61

Seton Hall H igh School has an-nounced the l o s t t i oi ( \ e n t s load-ing up to and c u l m i n a t i n g in theannual c o m m e nc e m e nt e x e i c i s e s tobe held on June 23.

First on the agenda is Parents 'N i g h t which w i l l \) v held on June4 fi om 4 to 10 ]) m. 1 he p io-g iam wil l st a i t w i t h a -oftballgame in w h i c h the fa thers w i l lplay the sons . This w i l l be fol-lowed by a b u f f e t suppt t at w h i c hthe parents a i e the guest oftheir sons and d a u g ht e r . A f t e rthe meal , the p a t e n t s w i l l enter -tain the c lass ot liio'l w i t h sing-ing, dancing and o t lu i l m p i o m j tuacts.

June 17 , Class Night , will startwith a Baccalaureate M-ass to becelebiated by the Rev. F LeoCunningham, pastor of St. Fran-cis de Sales Chinch, Patchogue,who will addres s the graduates.After the mass, there will be abanquet during which the classwill and prophecy will be readand publications awards will beg iven. Dancing until midnight willcomplete the evening's activities.

At graduation which will takeplace at 8 p. m., June 23, in theSister Marie Clotilde Audi tor ium ,the guest speaker will be theRight Rev. Monsignor Charles C.Bermingham , pastor of St. Aidan 'sChurch , WihVton Park.

Tentati ve plans are now beingmade for a class picnic to be heldduring the we ek after graduation.

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JAY SJolts Patchogue in June


I J A Y ' S C O T T O N S H O P ]| 57-59 So. Ocean Avenue :: Patchogue 3

A S p l i n t m u - i c p i o t ' i a mw i I he p i e sez i t ed h\ t h e m u s i -c a l oi u a n i / . a t i o n - of th ¦ Pat-c l i o »u e I h v h School .it <S ¦()j j in t o m o i i o\\ m th e a u d i t o -J i i i ' ii of the hii ^ h school onS.iMon S t iee t .

The pi oi^ i am w i l l i i i c hidesc h 11 ion- 1A t In- l i Hid. oi ihes-11 a and < hoi i l m oups .

The hand V \ i P he undei thed i M i l i o n ol Joel M. Sands;the on he t a u n d e i Ra \ mondM. L\ -alv. and the c h o i a l< - - i i u i i ) - u n d e i Eim' ne J. Ro-meo

Slate Spring MusicAt Patchogue High

The Patchogue Civic and Gar-den Club held its annual floweishow at the home of M i s . ChtVordWade of Bergen Lane, Blue Point,

Arrangements which were hon-ored were : Table baskets- Mis ,Nellie Wade , fir.st p lace ; Mrs ,Helen Peters, second place , amiMrs. Helen Lauuhl in , third place;Hanging and Doorwav—fi i st place ,M i s . Helen lVte is arid Mis . HildaEdelhtein , second place and Mrs.Helen Petei -, t h u d place; Fram-ing and Shadow boxes—first place,Mi - . Eleanoi Ransome and Mrs .Claire Ruger . second place , and int h u d place was Mrs. Helen Peters ;Miniatures—Mrs. Nellie Wade tookfirst place and Mis . Jewel Mit-chell , second and Mis. HelenLaughhn was in third place ; andin the oriental ( large), Mrs. FonsePalermo was in first place andMrs. Marion Schneider was m sec-ond place and Mrs . ChailotteWalsh was third.

Civic, Garden ClubHolds Flower Show

SALUTING during pla.w'ng of taps on Memorialday in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, East Moriches,are left to right , Joseph Provost , commander,American Legion Moriches Post 929; Mrs. James .

B. M. Bulloch of War Memorial Committee, andEmery Tenke, commander, Center Moriches Vet-erans of Foreign Wars Post.

LEADING THE PARADE in Center Moricheson Memorial da;y are, in the foreground, PercyB. Raj nor, former Brookhav en Town supervisor;Norman Skripitski, one of the village's best-

know n veterans, and , background, Harry Murchdriving and Mrs. Mabel Buck , American LegionAuxiliary member.