8 (the new york sun, saturday, may 12, 1928. groups in …fultonhistory.com/newspaper 9/new york ny...

I m ,- 1& I t'E I tarn l 8 (THE NEW YORK SUN, SATURDAY, MAY 12, 1928. Groups in Congress Methodist Board Enumerates Strength of Each Denomination in Both Houses. &elirjtotttf Notice* fteitgtotta $otice$ 3&eUg»oug J^otueg ADYF.NT1ST. The Sao Bareaa,> " U.J Special Dispatch to Tus Swsfc* ;* Washington, May The Board of Temperance, Prohibition and Public Morals of the Methodist Episcopal Church has compiled a detailed list of the religious affiliations of members of both Houses of Congress. It Is found that thirty-four members of the House and four members of the Senate have no affiliation with any church. Eighteen members of the House and one member of the Sen- ate are doubtful. OTHER SERVICES. OTHER SERVICES. ORVA LEE ICE at Hampden's Theater— Sunday 3 P. M. "WHAT IS THE V UNPARDONABLE "He Makes the Bible >lain> Jtij «et out by the board that some members of the House and Senate -who are not members of a church are, nevertheless, regular attendants or have otherwise pro- fessed their faith. It is pointed out that of the four Senators without church affiliations three are Knights Templar of the Masonic order and that of the twenty-four House mem- bers without affiliations eighteen are Masons. The families of three of the remaining six are regular communicants in some church. - It is set out that' the tabulation should not be subject to misunder- standing*, While the religious issue has been Injected into the precon- ventton campaign, the board dis- claims any intention of political in- fluence. Before giving its tabula- tion of denominations it prints the following note: » '.", "The Board of Temperance, Pro- hibition and Public Morals -warns against the possible misunderstand- ing of the following news item. The information is given out simply as a matter of public Interest and in the past has proven .useful to indi- viduals of nearly every religious de- nomination. It is not implied, in- * deed Is expressly denied, that a Con- gressman's ' denominational affilia- tion is connected in any way with public morals. All information, how- ever, in regard to public servants is BIBLE CONFERENCE BEGINS TOMORROW j - Moody institute to Conduct V Se^msHere. BAPTIST. ARE YOU SEMlNG TRUTH? 'Mi h&*l& -2^ Don't fall to iK-aw this great soul, whose raesr age of spiritual food will help >oa to attain your heart's deelres and express the freedom ot your eouh. HAZRAT ISMET ALI Philosopher—Teacher—Lecturer ; FOUR FREE LECTURER . Beginning Sun.. May 13-"The Purpose ©t life." •-. Mon.. May 14-"The Way ot Illumination." Tuea.. May IS—"Insplra"tton and the Breath.*! Wed.. May 1G—"Stages and Character ©t the Soul."-' AV 3 I*. M. N Musical Program Each Evening , Manhattan Church, B'way at 76th REFORMED CnUBCH AMERICA. REFORMED CHURCH AMERWA. ,V_v—WV-V—<.—V-WV—<.—V—V—< The fourth interdenominational Bible conference, under the auspices of the Moody Bible Institute - of Chi- cago, will be held at the St. Nicholas Collegiate Church, Fifth avenue at Forty-eighth street, beginning to- morrow and Sunday, May 18. with daily sessions at 3:30 o'clock in the Xifterncons and 7:30 evenings. Lay- men, pastors, evangelists, and fur- loughed missionaries will attend, the Rev. James M. Gray, president of the Moody Bible Institute, presiding. v Dr. .Gray Will also conduct an" afternoon Bible study in which he) will discuss Paul's Two Epistles to ; the Church at Thessalonica, in) which the present apostasy in" Christendom is predicted. Included, among the nationally known theo-J logians and laymen scheduled to ad-j dress the conference are Bishop Col- lins Denny of the Methodist Episco- pal. Church, known for his efforts to keep the church .true to the evan- 1 gelical faith, and the Rev. E. J. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH t? Brwadway and ISHh S t r r . t ,\ V • t ML HALDEMAN. D. D., PASTOR 0R. GEOR^T^lfewKC^rr It A. M.—"THE BIBLE PRESENTS TW> CONFLICTING REPORTS OF A SUPREME >v EVENT. THIS THRUSTS FORTH THE ONLY ALTERNATIVE FOR OUR DECI- SION AND DESTINY." T 8 P. M.—"WHEN ALL THE WORLD WHX WONDER AS SATAN MAKES HIS LAST DESPERATE MOVE AND RISKS HIS ALL ON HIS LAST MAN" LUTHERAN. PARK AVE. BAPTIST CHURCH rark Avenue at East 64tb Street »««w»i^. , lH** r y Emerson Fosdlek «»Irters, 1 j UKMieC .carder , UA.M.-11R. AMBHOSE W. VERNON ot Dartmouth College S i « A J.I.—Church sSteheoI] AYoss*h*S n>We Class. Mrs. Katherln* WHIard* Eddy. Leader. Men's Bible Class. Dr. Arthur E. Beator. Leader. 4:00 P. M.—Memorial Service. Veterans Tlh Regiment. N.G.K.Y. ( »;, 5:SO P. M.—Young People's Society. 7:00 P.M.—CARILLON RECITAL. S:00P.M.—Evening Service. Dr. Vernon. ftt. James's ^"taffisr at il:00 A. M.-Rev. WM. F. SUNDAY. Th.D. /Subject; "OUR MOTHEP.S."* HOLY TRINITY. Cent. Park W. at 65th St. Paul SCieret will preach a t 11 A . M. "THV CHILDREN'S BREAD." METHODIST EPISCOPAL. I2S Wej|t.76tb. betweea _^> Columbus and Amsterdam Avenue* "Sotcd Jor its superb Music ar.d Prcachir.a that is di//ere*K" JAMES' HARDY BENNETT. Pastor. 11:00 A.M.—"The Elect Lady." 2 John 1-13. SPECIAL MOTHER'S DAY PROGRAM. Isabel BrylawrsUt. Violinist. Gertrude Burke. 'Cellist. Mrs. BRUCE S. KEATOR. Organist St. Andrew's Double Quartet ot Noted Soloists Firnir.fi Sen-tees Dtscontutued tmlil October. The. CHURCH of tha CORDIAL^ ' . 5 = 5 r - WELCOME X CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH 123 vv«s» sit'h" St.. bet. f.th'anu 7th Aves. DR. JOHN ROACH STRATON. Pastor : JI A. M.-Rev. J. J. Kelley. "The Only Son or His Mother." 3 P. M.—Radio Bible Hour. - Special 1 Musical Program. , - ":30 P. M.—Dr. Straton. "The Value ot the Truth of.-Christ's,Second Coming." Wed.. 3 P. M.—Divine Healing Service. Services' Broadcast WQAO. 393 Meters. of interest, and it happens that the _ hoard is in possession of informa-i Face of the United Brether n Church, i tion not everywhere'available. It is CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: passed on as a matter of accommo- dation to newspaper men and others Interested.". The classification of members is as follows: Denomination. Methodist .... i Presbyterian ..' .... Episcopalian .... : ........ Baptist Roman Catholic'. Congregatlonallst i.. . Christian Disciples ........ Lutheran Jewish :: .... Unitarian Dutch Reformed Quaker ..;- .... United Ib.ethren Mennonite Unlversallst Chrlsttan Scientist Mormon .... * ' ..... Protestant (denomination unknown) .".. Ko religious affiliation.. Religious affiliation - : not ascertained .IS House. . 1>4 . Gt . 51 5! . . 5>» . 2tl . 20 ' . ir». ; 10 . 4 . - 3 .3 . 1 . 1 X . 1 : '• i . it . 2* Senate. •-;• « 21 ft 5 . 1 * ° 0 3 0 1 0 0 o o *> 0" ' ; 4 EDGEWATER CRECHE Home for Babies to Be Open for Public Inspection. cartoonist of the Religious Press, •who wlll| exhibit two series of car- toons, one dealing "with the great doctrines of the Christian faith, the other stressing the '"Menace of Modernism." a new feature of the annual conference. > The Rev. P. W. Philpott, pastor of the Moody Memorial Church of Chi- cago, whose messages are'heard by thousands every' Sunday, will sound the evangelistic note in the confer- ence to which he comes from a cam- paign .in -Tacoma, Wash.," embracing all the Protestant churches of that city. Prof, and Mrs. T. J; Bittikofer of the music faculty of the institute will have charge of the music and lead the gospel singing. Asked if controversial subjects were to be presented at the conclave, Dr. Gray said that "constructive teaching in these days could hardly avoid them." and that because there is "a conspiracy against Jesus Christ within the visible church, one cannot affirm Hi's Godhead, His sacrificial atonement and His bodily resurrec- tion from the dead, without inaug- urating controversy." : ? V,: • NEW VORiCBRANCHES OF THE MOTHER CHURCH The ilr^i fhurcb of Christ. Scientist,. /In Boston. Massachusetts. SUNDAYS. 11 A . BL nnd 8 P. M. WEDNESDAYS, ft P. M. .itCentral' Pk. W. & 96th St. ...Central Pk. W. & 6Sth St. FIRST ..... SECOND... _ THIRD.; ........ :- ..... Park Ave. & 63d St. FOURTH...Ft. Washlnston Ave. & lTSth St. FIFTH..: ....... - ........... O E- 43d St, SIXTH ............ 1033 Anthony Ave.. Bronx SEVENTH .............. 52U W. 112thSt- EIGHTH .......... i ..... l03 B. «!th St. NINTH ........... Town Hall. 121 XV. 43d St. TENTH. HI Macdougal St. ELEVENTH ....... 23S2 G. Concourse. Bronx TWELFTH (Colored)... ..:. 200 XV- 133th St. THIRTEENTH... ,^ .... 2307 Broadway FOURTEENTH..' .......... -533 W. 141st St. FIFTEENTH;".:.! .... ; ..... 139 Dyckman St. Note—Wednesday "meetings in Fourth. Sixth. Tenth. Eleventh and Fifteenth Churches. 8:13 P. M;: Weduesday meeting In Ninth Church. I P. M.; Seventh Church, second Sunday service. 4:30 P. M. The Sunday morning; service Is radiocast at 11 A. M-, and a lecture every Mom'ay evening at 8 P. M-. through station WMCA. The public Is cordially invited. ittabteon SlUenue Sixtieth Street. Rev. Ralph W. Soclocan. Ph.D.. I>. I>. Rev. John A. X'ollenwelder. M. A - B . D . 11:00 P.M.—Rev. J. Ernest Rattenbury of- London. England.. i 8:00 P. M.—Rev. John A. X'ollenvcelder: •Originals X'ersus Reprints." 9:15-Gra^ed Church School. 6—Informal Tea. 1—Epworth League. APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY. "The Power of Your Spoken Word'* DR. ANNA NOLLE ^JEA^JLM. PRESBYTERIAN ^i(th aotnuc ffttnbpterian % Fifth Avenue and Flfty.ftfth Street ".' • Rev. Henry Howard Minister? J Rev. MInot C. Morgan. D. D. . J Rev. Edward W. Hale - :/ 9:45-Church School. 10—Men's Bible Class. Dr. Ralston; \fomen's Ulble, Col. Sanctuary: 11—Primary. 11:00—Morning S e n Ice. Dr. Howard. 4:00-Organ Recital. Harry Gilbert. 4:30—Afternoon Service, Dr. Howard. 6;30—Young People's Association. v . ••' • 0;30—Mission Study Groun. Kev. Duncan 3. . McMillan. D. D-. "The Present Aspect . of Mormonism." :.•«•; YYedanday, 8:15r-Mtdweek Service. Dr; Morgan. . ,.;',; ':.^ BIBLE CONFERENCE 4 INTERDENOMINATIONAL MAY13toli8 3:30 P. M. and 7:30 P.M. Under the auspices of the * MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE O F CHICAGO DR. GRAY BISHOP DENNY SPEAKERS DR. JAMES M. GRAY. President of the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago. BISHOP COLLINS DENNY, honoied" Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church. South. ; .; DR: P. W. PHILPOTT. Pastor Moody Memorial Church. Chicago. DR. E. J. PACE, widely known Bible Teacher and Cartoonist. PROFESSOR T. J. BITTIKOFER,. of the Music Faculty of the Moody • Bible Institute. SPIRITUALIST. I. A.S. Supreme Council SPIRITUAL SCIENCE INSTITUTE. Per i 123 Wert «8th Street. * " ^ . : Founder-President i JUI1A O. FORREST. Ph. B. Spiritual and Healing Meeting. MessW Tues. and Thurs.. 3:30 and 8:30 P. 3£ ,, Charch of Hope and Spiritual Coatenta*a UttlAS BAR1T MedUuF* Sunday Service at 8 I", M. Mon. and Wed. at S P. M.: Mon.. 2 P it Genealogical Hall. S2G West SSth St««t TEMPLB OF WGUTT CT West 96th ^t WILLIAM CHAS. OWENS. H -. Messages Wednesday. Sl'.M. B3POBggC^Ogjggj ••??; DR. PHILPOTT » MR. T. J. BITTIKOFER DR. PACE , St. Nicholas Collegiate Church , FIFTH AVENUE AND 48th STREET Rev. Malcolm James MacLeod. Minister i—%—^—•>—•>—^—->—i—^—i—>—>—%—•>—^—^—^i*—>—>— PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL. METROPOLITAN TEMPLE "tl» Ax-enue a»"l H t h Street Rer. I»r. Wallace MacMnllen. Pastor. Services at Greenwich Presbyterian Church- West 13lh Street, near "th Avenue. It—Mother's Day. "':45r-Hymn Service. . Dr. MacMulIen. MomlnR and - Evening. Church School. 0:4T.. Youns People, T. :ST.PAUL'S: Wr*i End Ave. and 86th St. RAYMOND L. FORMAN. D. D.. Pastor. 11—Rev. Archey D. Ball. D . D . .* 8—Rev. Joel E. Nystrom. Sunday School at 0:45 A. M. GREENWICH ISK - 13th St.. Le^t. 6th and .«& Are*.. Rev. Edgar Whltaker Work. D.D.. Minister. 11 A.« M<-Drl 'i Work— "THE DEVOTION OV MOTHERHOOD."- •11 R R S T PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH "FiftS Avenue. 11th and 12th Streets ( Rev. George Alexander. D . I>. Ministers < Rev. ,1. V. Moldenhairer. D . D . f Rev. Thoniaa Guthrie Speers. ' 9:4S A. M.—Church .School. 11:00 A. M.—DR. M01.DENHAWER. 6:45 P.M.—Young People's Society. - 8:00 P. M.—MR. SPEERS. . Mid Week Service. Wednesday. 8 P. M. . .*-•_„_. f -^y #?«• I l i U i U C l ' C U I S Tomorrow Afternoon ntAnA An open house and inspection tea •*?!!! ib* S*v«n at Edgewater Creche, i Broad and Van Nostrand avenues. Englswood, N. J., at 4 o'clock next Wednesday afternoon for the pur-1 The cornerstone Of the parish pose of permitting those interested I house and parsonage of the Evan- in inspecting a modern convalescent home for babies to examine the work of-the institution. Miss Anna M. Young, head worker at th,- creche, announced today that the board of trustees had issued a general invitation to all in the met- ropolitan area who desired to come. The home'is reached by street car from the Fort Lee ferry. The annual report of the creche, which will be read at the regular monthly meeting of the board just preceding the tea. will explain :he work of the institution and its ac- complishments In 1927. Advance gelical Lutheran Church of Our Saviour's Atonement, at 189th street and Bennett avenue, will be laid to- morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. The speakers will be" the Rev. M. G. G. Scherer, secretary of the United Lutheran Church in Amer* ica, and the Rev. Samuel G. Trex- ler. president of the Synod of New York and New England. The Rev. Fred H. Knubel. president of the I United Lutheran Church in America, ' and the Rev. William H. Feldmann of York, Pa., organizers of the con- gregations which now form Our Saviour's Atonement, will both take I part in' the services. The corner- CnniSTIAX SCIENCE LIBERALS. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE; LIBERAL^ Pythian Temple,' tOth St.. Near Broadway. i T.OHIS .T. T.EWIS.-Speaker. Subject for tomorrow afternoon at 3:30, .'True Forgiveness." - P a r k Aven-.re at 86th Street Rev. P. C. WEYAXT. Pastor. * 9:45 A. M:—Graded Bible School. 11 A. M.—Preaching Service—8 P. M. - Epworth League Soctal Tea. 6 o'clock. Devotlonals. 7 P. M. —ii' -n 4"th St. W . o t S<i. - Rev. CIIARI.ES R. ROSS. Ph. IK. Pastor 11—"THE WORLD-S GREATEST WOMAN' • 1—Rev. Leslie Davis. $arfe 9toenue_ WASHINGTON SQ. UNION <«»" s » - ° 9 Step* AV. of B'wny. ul,lul 'Rcv. C. Everett Wagner. Tastor. 8 P. M.—Dr. Harry T. Burleigh Celebrated Negro Singer In "Spirituals" /"•At V A P V University Avenue. VrtLiVrUVl below Burnslde Avenue. FRED IL\LL DEMING. D. D.. Pastor. * 11—Morning Worship. S—Evening Service. Dr. Demins will crrach at^ both Services. , OLD FIRST CHURCH PRESBYTERIAN. •-prganlzed 166G •••'.: ' , " Broad near Market. Kewark, _N. J. William James Dawson. Pastor < Emeritus .William HiramJFoulkes. Pastor . Mornins Sen-Ice 11 (Broadcast#WAAM) Recognition of Mother's Day ^ ';" Evening; 7:43 Dr. Foulkes preaches at both services ^ tare IHtoalitoa? anti ^entf) Street Rev.W.Ru!se!l Bowie, D.D.Reclor S:0O A. M.—Holy Communion. 11:0G A. M., Morning Prayer and Sermon. "Je*us and His Molher."- Rector. 8:00 P. M.-Full iChoral Even- song and Sermon, • . Rev. Harry P. Nicholt, D. D. NOONDAY SERVICES Tuetday to Friday. 12:30-12:55 PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL. FIRST SPIRnUALlSfCHUl^ ARTHUR FOUD. M. A.. Minister * ' Cameste Hall. Snaday. 8 p . ; j ' CHAPTER ROOM. " Speaker: MR. HORACE LEAF. F. R. C. S.. "THE ART OF HEALING." Tues.. 8 P.M.. Studio 801. Mess. Servic. THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. TEMPLK OF TRl.TR 18 EAST 1S5TH STRK^T Tonight. 8:13. Psychic Tests. ^xpHimm>. CABINET SEANCE. Honest Skeptics lnv^«i Sunday .Ewnlng. Lecture. Service. M*s54~»i Psychic Table.—Tuesday Evening. MAVi? ILLUSTRATED LECTUltE tStereoMfaa views of Spirit Pictures). Messages. r»y<. WILLIAM BROCK. Editor THE CALL S TRUTH, Demonstrator. Private Int«nlett Harlem 2620. * h SPIRITUALIST SCIENCE FEDSND& Society of American' (Universan-G. Ali!s» Wiseman.. Hon. Pres. Fridays. S P u* Bible Lecture. Forum. * Messages. Prhvt Classes. Interviews. Mme. Vesta La Vbs!» —Author. Cusmologtst—Instructions. "S Your Own Seer. Healer." Tuesdays. 8 p u 5C1 W. USth st. Bradhurst 3203. ' WE m ms®. M - mm Xm € T k n t h S b m t . W c a t ^ T S c T o n A "A v « n o 4 b WtlLMM NORMAN <gTHRI»,RVCTOI& 8 A. M.—Holy Communion. ] "11 A. M.—Sermon by : DR. THOMAS PARKER BOYD. "THAT SOMETHING-THE MIRACLE WORKER." 4. P. M.—PERCY STICKNEY GRANT ME- MORIAL SERVICE AND SYMPOSIUM ON "FREEDOM IN RELIGION." SPEAKERS: DR. JOHN HAYNES HOLMES. DR. STEPHEN. S. WISE AND THE RECTOR. Cathedral of St. John the Divine Amsterdam Avenue and 112th Street 8:00 A. M.—Holy Communion. 9:00 A.M.—Holy Communion (FrencB). 10:13 A.M.—Holy Baptism.. 11:00 A.M.—Morning Prayer. : Holy Communion and Sermon. . ',: The Rt. Rev. Julius Walter Atwood. D.D., •Some time Bishop of Xrl2ona. '. 4 :Q0-rE«ening Prayer and Sermon. Rev. Jackson Howclls Randolph Ray. D.D., Rector. Church o f Uie Transfiguration. Daily Services 7:30 and 10 A. M.: 5 P. M. (3 P. M. choral except Mon. and Sat.> :i FOURTH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 91st St. and West End Ave. ••> DR^ BENJAMIN F. FARBER - . Minister. -. 11 A." M.—"Motherhood." - » 8 P. M.—"The Possibilities of Motherhood." DR. FARBER PREACHING. caarft=iraa=is=fec=ij &t. Partyolometo** Park Ave. at 51st St. ROBERT NORWOOD. Rector. 8 A. M.—Holy Communion. 11 A. XI.—Morning Prayer and Sermon Dr. Norwood will preach. 4 P. M.—Knights Templar Service Dr. Norwood will preach COMMUNITY CHURCH The Community Church of N. Y.« Park Avenue and 34tb Street. It A. M.-JOHX HAYNES HOLMES 'The Religion Superior to Both Judaism ' and Christianity. ; CONGREGATIONAL copies reveal that In the last fifteen; g tonc ^ be la!d by ^e Rev . H enry months 9,897 days care have been ch^g Egner. pastor of the congre- provided for children three years old j Rat i 0n or younger, ' Opportunity will be given at the tea to inspect much new equipment which has been added to the institu- tion recently. Masons Will Attend , Service in Brooklyn Dr. Bellinger Will Preach At Trinity Church Broadway Tabernacle Church ! BROADWAY and SCth STREET Minuter* i Charles E. Jefferson Ministers f Kiwse ii j. cilnchy 11 A. M.—Dr. Jrfferson pirache*. j 8 P. M.—Address. I I . CV Jaunith. UISCH'I.ES UP VHBIST-Christian. OLD JOHN STRKBT. 4* Jobn Street. FRANCIS B. TIPHAM. D. D.. Minister. 11 Snr.Ssy. Each Weekday. 1 o'clock. NEW TIIOUOUT. MRS." MARY CHAflN "MAKING FRIENDS" Commodore Ballroom. Sundays.. 11 A. THE BRICK CHURCH Fifth Avenne at 31th Street Ministers WILLIAM PIERSON MERRILL JAMES McCCLLOVGH FARR DR. MERRILL, will preach at 11 A. M. DR. FARR will preach at 4 P. M. Wed.. 4:4-"» P. M.—Evening Prayer Service. NOON HOUR SERVICE DAILY. 12:30-12:50. M. NATIONAL BIBLE INSTITUTE. THE NATIONAL BIBLE INSTlTLTE 040 West 55th Street 4 P. M.—Rev. Daniel James Kerr and ln«titu»* Stud«nts" Program CENTRAL CHRISTIAN ! MS West 81st St.. Rev. FINIS IDLEMAN. D. D-. Pastor. II A. M.-'MOTHER'S DAY SERVICE." DIVINE SCIENCE. Several hundred New York and Brooklyn "Masons will be present tomorrow at the Immanucl % Men's Conference at the Immanucl M. E. Church, Dean street, near Fifth avenue. Brooklyn, at which time a large delegation of Sir Knights of Clinton Commandery, No. 14. K. T-, in dress uniform, will make its first visit to the historic church. Clinton Commandery is the largest commandery In the State of New York, and is this year celebrating lis 100th anniversary. Its com- mander's name 100 years ago was named Cook, and by a strange co- incidence lis present commander is Eminent Sir George Cook, Jr., who will head the delegation. The Rev. Clifford A. Westcrdahf Trill speak, and will bs assisted by Eminent Sir Henry C. Turner. Eminent Sir Charles H. Hadlock and Eminent Sir Benjamin Dubcll. all Bast Commanders of Clinton Com- ;mandcry..; Bishop Manning to Dedicate Mission *>f Help House On Friday afternoon, at 4 o'clock, Bishop William T. Manning will j The prea*cher at Old Trinity, at the I head of Wall street, for Sunday morning will be the Rev. Dr. Bel- f linger, vicar of St. Agnes's Chapel. ;The rector. Dr. Stetson, is making a visitation to the Chapel of the In- tercession. At the midday services throughout this week the preacher will be the Rev. Albert E. Rlbourg, rector of St.-Andrew's Church. Thursday of the coming week is Ascension day. which Is also the anniversary of the dedication of Trinity Church. The musical service at 11 o'clock, which has become a tradition, will be held as usual this year. The choir, ac- companies by an orchestra, will sing Fran? Schubert's mass in E flat. . [SPECIAL MOTHER'S DAY SERVICE "THE MOTHERHOOD OF GOD" Rsv. FENWICKE. L. HOLMES First'church of Divine Science " : VVALOORF-ASTOKIA BAI.LUOvM 11 A. M. Tomorrow Jews to Build $60,000 Synagogue in Astoria OTHER SERVICES. :fc=ft=B=ft »Pl c>! U irs=ss=i»s«=o^a=fi=ea8^ritsM- 3 Big Leaders with 3 Big Topij S. PARSES- CADMAN Aggressive Chtitlianily j A. EARL r— (KERNAHAN VUilal-on Evangelism WESLEY- MEGAW Mass Evangelism ETHICAL CtLTl RE. ! I1ROOKIAiN KTHIC.VL SOCIET%". Academy ©I M»islc <AllAni!c Ave. Station), It A. St. Mr. ARTHUR W. MARTIN. 'Palestine an-j Its I'rcsenl Religious Condi- lions." FREMW CIIIRCH. i:iiM>K do :<A!NT-E;.rRIT, ?0 Fn«.t «ih S«r*-et. I^r. J. MAVNARD, I'asteur. C;il'e et setmon a II tietircj. INTERDENOMINATIONAL, s. Astoria will have another house! of worship. . J Congregation Beth Jacob has Just* GOSPEL TABERNACLE JlIi A\c- nnd iltti $4. A. B. SIMPSON. Founder ' II A. M. a»<J t:l5l\ M. Both Mornlns *nd # K*entns S»r»ic<» REV. r. NOEL VALMLir, BA1I.VI CENTER, 119 W**t 'iUh St.'. Wh r<fx>r. V S-nt.f 1 !*}-. :M*y »3. 4 V. M. RUM E F F K N M Ar'N.VN". Interdenominational Mass Meeting FRIDAY. MAY 18. 8 P. M. Sth AT. Presbyterian Chorcb at S3th St, » Hear how Evangelism Is uniting t!;e . -Church forces In a great religious re- vival in America. Opening of Summer Chamralsn. EVANGELISTIC COMMITTEE THE OLD- FASHIONED GOSPEL IT IS IJP-TO-T»ATB SINDAV r;V.. MAV 131h, a t 8 . Broadway Auditorium WS WI^TT loSlh STREET at Rreadway 3fISL£?ANKE^ lANr\SHADTIcnp^^ THE HUMAN SOUL ?r>^krr: HARRIOT HESS •*1HE NON-STOP a i G H T " HOTtt McALPlN. BVay & 54* St. Sunday. May 13, 3 P. M. Question* answered t«y Ranasnafl. PUBLIC INVITED, CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN 5~th St. and Ma'flisoa Ave. .' .'• MINISTERS _ - Rev. DWIGHT WTTHERSPOON WVL1E.D.D. WESLEY BAKER 9:13 A. M.—Church School. II A. M.—REV. SASstvSu C. McKEE. 4 p . M.-DR: WYLIE. Wed." 8 P. M.—Midweek Hour of Prayer. RUTGERS CHURCH Seventy-third Stroet at Broadway Rev. DANIEL RUSSELL. P.. D.. -Minister It A. M.—Worship with Sermon 7-P.-M.—Strangers' Hour 8 P. M.-DR. LEWIS MANN SILVER "William Tindale—and the First Printed English New Testament." MADISON AVENIE PRESRVTERIAN NortheaM corner Seventy-third Street. t Rev. George A. Buttrick. t». D. Minis|(rs <Rev. William Raymond .Ttliffe. fP.pv. George Stewart, Ph. D. 11:00 A.M.—Dr. Buttrick. '•*•': 4:30" P. M.-Dr. Stewar» - S:30 P. M.-Dr: Buttrick. . :* ALL SEATS FREE AN'O UNASSIGNED. Thursday. Holy Communion 10:30 A.-M. 8:15 P. M-—Five Choir Service Amerlcau Guild ot Organists »\ Addiess'by Dr. Norwood , TRTNITV CHAPEL, Trinity Parish, West 25th St.. near Broadway Rev; J." WILSON SUTTON. D. D.. Vicar. S and 11—Holy Communion. 4—Evening Prayer. STJOHN'S Eleventh Street, West ot Seventh Avenne. Rer. John A. Wade. Bcctor Services 8 A. M. and It A. M. ^VICTOR GLENDENNING -.MESSAGE SERVICE Sun.. Mon.. Tues.. Thurs.. Fri.. 2:3<>& «s> 142 West 95th St. Riverside 045T. The Church of SPIRITUAL Guidance. MARTHA WILSON CROSETTB, S223 Brondway, near "Dth St. Meetings Sunday. Tuesday Thursday »-! - Saturday a t 8 P. M. Friday Afternoon. 2:30 P. M. SPIRITUAL AND EPHICAL S0C1KTT SUNDAY. 2:30 P. M.. HOTEL AST0R SPEAKER AND MESSAGE BEARER. Mr. Welman Whitney of Sprlnstteld. Jria ALL ARE WELCOME. ST. IGNATIUS ^1S2 sL e * Masses 8. 9:30. II. -Vesners and Benediction. 4. REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA. g>t. Jltcljaers Cfjurdj Amsterdam Ave. and Ninety-ninth St. Rev. Thomas .McCandless. Rector. 7:30 and 8:30 A. M.—Holy Communion 9:30 A. M.—Church School Service It A. M-—Morning Prayer, Litany and Sermon. The Rector. 8 P. M.—Evening Prayer and Sermon P.ev. Arthur V. LUchtield. ' THURSDAY-MAY ,1TTH-ASCENSIOX DAY T A. M.—Holy' Communion. '-. ; ; . 10 A. M.—Mornlns Prayer .and Holy, .Com- munion. Preacher: The Rector. NORTH PRESBYTERIAN 155th. East tit Broadway HENRY BURNHAM KIRKLAND MINISTER. . II A. M.—"MOTHER'S DAY SERMON." S P. M.-'THE WAY TO FAITH." 5%!rt^r t *xPlJESBYTEBIAN. Wt%\ (LltUAmst. Ave. at 105th St. DR. A. EDWIN KKIGWIN Preaches MOTHER'S DAV. li_"A MOTHER." Jhis service brontlcfitt nrcr tl'ARC oiid 2XE. 9-"\ MOTHER-IN-LAW." CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION . Madison Ave. and 35ta aireei. ' . Rev. H. r.' SILVER. D.D.. Rector. 8 and 10 A. M.-IIOLY COMMUNION. - 11 A. M.-MORNING PRAYER. SERMON-RECTOR. ' : I F. M.—CHORAL EVENSONG—ADDRESS BY REV. WALWORTH TYNG. Noonday Services—12:20 to 12:10 Daily (ex- cept Saturday) Collegiate Church of New York THE MARBLE CHURCH Second Avenue and Seventh Street . Edgar Franklin Romig. Minister. 11 A. M.—Rev. John A. Ingham, D.U. will preach. V 8 P. M.—Rev. Willard G-- Wullschleger wUI •. ."• . preach. THE MARBLE CHURCH Fifth Avenue and Twenty-ninth Street Rev^ DanUl A.' Poling. D . D . . Minister f will preach. . 11 A. M-—"The Way of Woman:" 8 P. M.—"Why Belong to the Church." . 7 P. M.—Christian Endeavor Societies.. . Mid-week Service. Wednesday. 8 P. M. . THE CHURCH OF ST. NICHOLAS . Fifth Avenue and Forty-eighth Street Malcolm James MacLeod. Minister 11 A. M.—Dr. MacLeod on "Mother's Pay." 8 P. M-—Dr. James M. Gray. Pres. "Moody Blbie Institute." Chicago. 6:30 P. M.—Young People's Meeting. Leader. Dr. E. V. Silver. Topic:."Christian Growth.", THE 1VEST END CHURCH -West End Avenue and "7th Street Rev. Henry Evertson Cohb. D. D., Minister Rev. Harold W. Schenck will preach a t 11 - A. M. and 4:30-P. M. . Morning subject: .•"Defenders of the Home." 5f45 P. M.—Young People's Society. THE FORT WASHINGTON CHURCH « Fort Washington Ave. and 151st St. Rev. Irving Husted Berg, D. D-, Minister. » !•• ptcacii. It A. >L—"Bargain or Sacrifice?" 8 P. M.—"Pc«-s It Do Any Good to Pray?" Church School. 9:30" A. M. UNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL CHURCH BEULAH E. THOMPSON. Minister. . Sunday. 8:15 Pi M.. nt H O T E L BILTMOBK. Worship—Messages—Music. All a r e welcozt. ALL ANGELS SPIR. MISSION ClllEffl ANNA BERRY, Mediator. i Message Mcetlnc dally. 2:3ft and S p. JL • Developing and healing, Tuesday. 8:3) 4 4 W e s t Kfith St. Ant. 5. . REV. CONRAD H. HAUSER. N.SA, 330 W. 8 9 t b . NT. Y.. near Drire. ., MESSAGE SERVICE Snn.» Tues.. Fri. Ev., 8 P. M. Wed.. 2:30 P.E -Spiritualist Church of Psychic Science ELIZABETH MARKLEW Thur3.. 8 P. M.. Sat.. 2 P. M.. S P.H .'•;. Meeting dally. 2:30 & S P. M. 2012 3th Ave <123) Spiritual Mission Choi Music and Address. Broadway and Wall Street Rev. CALEB R. STETSON. S. T. D., Rector. SUNDAY: 7:30. 9. 11 A. M.. 3:30 P. M. ASCENSION DAY. Thursday. Slay 17: 7:30. 9. 11 A. M. WEEK DAYS: 7:30. 12. 4:40. The preacher at noon on May 14, .IS; 15 and 18 Is tho Rev. Albert E. Rlbotur. D. !>., Rector St. Andrew's Church, N. Y*. C "II Dr. POLING PARK AVENUE PRESBYTERIAN. PARK AVENUE AND S5TH STREET. ALBERT PARKER PITCH. Minister. .Dr Fitch preaches': II A. M.-"The Mother's Worker." -. SP.M.-"Home Memories." .WEST PARK rHESRVTERLVN Amsterdam A»e. and SSlh Street Rev. ANTHONY II. EVANS. D. D.. Tastor, rrcaches II A. M. and 8 P. M. Evening Subject: "Reasons tor Christian Faith." acquired^* silo at TwenlynIftti>j;^>AUziNti M AS^ BAH.M street, near Twenty-third avenue,? Astoria. Art architect has been en-1 gaged, who will draw plans for a sltucture to cost $60,000. It will he a synogogne and center comhincd.j Plans arc well under way for tais-f ing the necessary funds to Day tor j S P. M.-r»»>cr and Mcdiialion. Wf9tKM*y, S:15 P. M. Mr*!' Ktith f?j»T).*om.K+'l!cr. "DOE« GOD HEAR?" H Service. Nichity^ Till; RESCUE SOCICTV, iOtdCTiin^eThtatre. fe-T DOVERS STREET" WIDE AWAKE .GOSPEL 10 P. M. W.M.C.A. Radio [the building. The congregation h a s j ^ ^ ^ J ^ V t ^ ' f (•'»5"^' just taken temporary nuarters at j j TiiOM.is J NOONAN. Si^ciir.itf.^r.L dedicate the new headquarters of j Church Mission of Help at 27 West r Twenty-fifth street The house wasf for many years the rectory of Trinity | j>arish and was Bishop Manning's < home at tthe time he took the lead i In establishing this organization, I Which for the last seventeen years 1 has been working with girls and| young women discharged from cor-1 Srcctionat institutions, paroled from the courts and others who through misfortune or accident find them- selves in need of friendship and counsel. Offices for the New YOTK Church Mission of Help, national headquar- ters for the organization, and sev-1 «ral rooms for the \iso of the girls pro included in trre house, which has "..vx:n reconstructed for this purpose. i 29-02 .Twenty-fourth avenue. IT.HT5 L M O N T»U-:0LW»IC.1t, SEMINARY I i*\MVice !n the •C.ikptl. CUrfmoi-.t Auntte, I.Li Tl RB!*. A NEW FOOD DISCOVERY Wiit Aid L'.« ln'''<h*r«vTnlf iCS»angtag *>ar IvaUr.s H*l>ils, i.y EUGENE CHRISTUM Ir'atnontt IViod *-*.i/r.Us* HAS I>.:V!.<-.:d YtfiA Cotftl>inalllf)r.S WtiMi «>v R<-<l!wfln« Aridity and EstaMiSiliTfig Alksiiriify, Worts Won'; riCTS. ! r . : : . h ,••;! THIS DISCOVERY WILL HH VV,- VEALED 1»5? THE FIRST TIM1J ANVWIIERJ; FRIDAY, MAY IS, 8 P. M. Manhaiuin Corgtcgiuioftai Cliurclr, Rroftoway nnd Ifitii Street rrtltt«n I2t*h mui Ii2r;d Street*, at te'even <»V.?ix-*t»! Preacher—U;c RtVCTctid Professor .lAMKSjKOFFATT^ f>. tU «S Vr.lon Thto- lAgK-al {-"trnSfiftty.: : CHURCH OF THE STRANGERS 1 •COXSOLMION FOR ALL" Will Ik- thf! Snh|e<t *1 DR. RICHARD LVUCH Stmdny, May 1L II A. M. Andiloriom; 5.1 West SWh St. mm . MKTArilVSMAL SITIOOL OF HEA!,TH Miss Villa Faulkner Page I*onndfr-I)lrcttor STEINWAY HALL K W S & g P S ? * W+Ar^^A^r W»r «". « P- ^L- ¥ In the Tl,,,,.Jf %% , May K, ^12ilJ-lijtor« and Sf»vk<* At 518 W. Srtn.ci.\y'a\t-11 A. M. ?,'th «f«*t. and V P . M- dKWJSIL i rRKB SVNAC.OGI B Carr.eRife Hall. Se.veftlii Ave. ar.d *>Tth Strctl. ! 'Sunday Mfttnlnir, May 15, at 10:50 DR. WISE ;. . '•••" \ViH Pre*e!i On ' ; *«riIB tIII:t«II ANSWERS VOtTHS II ;,; • ;•: <HAI,LLN<;K" CTi&ir V.i!l iin« MeAdeJiso'hn'S "Eiijali" at i | 10.-50 1 . Alt sate v.-eko!Y'.e. . ,; !!:; --.vIKWIMI SCIRNVK-." RARP.I. MOR1HS I»lCHTKN.STi-'.iN. L e a d e r . SUNDAY, 11 A. M.v at l.'SO W. J&T.th Kt, i :i "A : DEBT TO MOTHER.^ ! ! t>tiBLIG CORlMALLV^VELtOME. vVINMFRED WEBSTER HARLOW VT>»ly*t ftftd P^yclwteSisl, talks,Siin^>.yftt3, Motidfty. Twsday. Thtwday at S:l.> <>n miTVX^. tWTTISK**. rOWER. lA*t Mtll M. <al Madjwn A*.> Apt. 33. NO ..''CHARGE. OH COLLECTION. FORT GEORGE^fSre. L>riian R. Hartley. Mtnlsler II A. M.-Mother"« Day. Sermon and Music, S P. M.-Sr**lf.l Mother"* Day feature*. ASCENSION ^ ^ Rer. DONALD B. ALDRICH. D . D . . Rector. 9 A. M.—Holy Communion. . 10 A. M.—School ot Religion. II—Mornlne Prayer and Sermon (RectorL 8—Later Kvensong and Address tRccior). WEEKDAY. SERVICES Paily, 5:30 to 5:43 P. M., Night Prayers. Wednesday, 8:30 A. M.» Holy Communion. Thursday, 8 P. M.. Contirmatlon. Friday, 5:15 P. M., Ciasa in Peraonal Religion CHl'RCn OF ST. MARY THE MUCIN 235 TTc^t Ferlr-«W»t WrwL REV. J. G. II. BARRY. D. D-. Rector. Ix>w Masses. 7:30, 8:13. Children's Mass. 9. High Mass and Sermon <I>r. Dclany>. 10:L". HAYDN'S TI1ERESIEN MESSE. Vespers and Btr.ediction. 4. ASCENSION DAY. Thursday. May i;th. Hifth Mass and Sermon <l>r. Dclany). 10:4*. IIENSCHEL'S MASS IN C. Full choir. Week-day Masses, 7. 8, 0:30. The Marble Collegiate Church 5th Avenne at 20th Street SUNDAY II A.M. "THE WAY OF WOMAN." . tr.H. "WHY BELONG TO THE CHl'RCH?" Dr. Poling Speaks Wednesdays. 8 r.M. CHOIR: Sne Harvard Gordt-n <tirtis" Helen Nixon Norman Joliffc aichard T.Percy, "iroan is t and Dirtclor Stats free—A Welcome to Ahh Spiritual Meetings. 2:30 and 8 p . M.. at if East 170th st. Rev. Hammond. FrUaj.l PJ M. Private Messages. Healing, IHnrfc;- Ing. Various Mediums. Bingham 4132. MT. P1TCAIRN SPIRITUAL Cin-RClL Rev. Anna E. Stewart will resume m«lfca on Wednesday. May 16th. at 8 P. M, B Camegie" Hall. Studio 1101-2. AURORA KLINE. TRANfB LECICREI of San Francisco. Cal. OPEN" CL4S5K, Tuesday and F r M a v . R:."ai P. M.: Thursdi;. 2:30"P. M. 10 West S«h. downstairs. NEW YORK SPIRITUALIST ASS0CL%TI»' Frank E. Gordon. M. I>. Wednesday and Fridav. 8 P. >I. 330 W. 93tb: Rivenide 60H. StRACtl tlari unity denominate i^xtMf Tuesday. ^T.l$>*o] s> ; : joint fti T.^iiongTi ijMiSslonarj of Christ. " lfns, New^ •ntotJBiQ ::fcnd,Edwli moderatof. £ of thoiMts ciplea of < ^ S. Idlerna Church, of •clialrriiart. i KaUOnal ^natibns wi Those ism j^*Hif» Idlemc ton Mosris Christian i Vtl FOTftui K^^cteii * of the Ch ;.«iid;eaitoi ijttkrfcerly^ «'-•• ; The' con Include tl .-Burton,. N , u . retary of t f*; CongregatJ , r ,S.Parke8 !"• d6nt of tt Churches Rev. Char! city, past( ernacie, a Stafford, South Chi Disciples •very sta l^ew Uiarn rthe nurnti and the in churches* Kentucky, A «dlir3. :•:§ ,Cdhjgjttegi In every £ OUS in 1 number 6i the htemt .The Dis largest re ,\*:gm : in, A - ; developed .Christian. icanPreel ^dn9;huna fthom'as t ander Gai - vania anfl at Lcsin) lirominfeni JkAJ.t«i..!..M. if I Mrs. F. S. BENEDICT HOTEL ST. ANDItEW. B'WAY & 'ID ST. Sun. and Tliurs.. « P. M.. messagtJ. FHtb Spiritnalist Church. 113 W. 5hS S- STEINWAY HALL., ROOM Mi Sun.. Tues.. Fri.; 8 P. M. Tues. at I * Rev. Hermlne Leger. Pastor. HARLEM. 1>enox A\e. nnd 133d St. Rev. EDGAR TILTON. J R . , 1>. D . . Minuter. 11 A. M.—Dr. Tiiton will preach. 8 P. M.—Prcacl-.ing by Mr. Dean McKccn. LITTLE CEDAR SPIRITIALIST fIHE(H MP.S. BEULAH M. HELMS ."VS3 W e s t End Av. iBetween 85th nni S c i Meetings Tuis^, Thurs.. Sat. and Sun., 8:?- SUFI MOVEMENT. UNIVERSAL WORSHIP. Snnday. at II Subject of address. "THE GO;> IDEAL 8:SO P. M.-Publit Lecture by PATki Subject of lecture. "WILL FOWETt." 31st Floor. II West 42d st.. New York TO THEOSornv. -i HAMILTON GRANGE, Convent Ave. and West H9th St. Rev. Arthur Frederick » Mabon. P. D., Minister. 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. i BROADWAY PRESBYTERIAN IHtb St. and Rrcadnay WALTER DI NIAV RECIIANAN. D. V. Minister. Services" II A. M.-8 P. M. SECOND rRESBYTERLVN CHCRCI1 With Street and Central rark West. R*v. GEORGE J. RUSSELL. Minister. It A. M.-MR. lUTSSBIJt*. 8 IV M.-REV. FRANK HUN0EIL PROTESTANT r.riSCOPAt- ftt Cfjomas Cfjurdj l l F i n AVKM K and Wrd STREET Rftv. ROEL1F 11. RliDOKS. S. T. D-, Kcclor 8A.M.—Holy Ccmmnnion. II-MoTTiTng Service and Scttft^n <r»c«t6r) I-Sti\icc for list, N. Y. Infawty Rev. Itajuvmd S. r.rown Atctnsio'rt.Day; Tliarsday. II A. >L g>t. (Eftomas Cfjapei SMIein Slreef. East *f TWrd At*««* RICHARD MARQVEDANT lK>ir>S. Viear. Services 8 and II A. M. and 8 P. M. S.hw.1. *»:*•. A. M. Musical Vcattti*. >% P. M. TIHRSDAY. MAY i;th. ASlENStON DAV. S«»vk<.«. 5 an«l i<> A. M. and »?« V, M. TO RAWSON STUDENTS Last t»iViie lecture Ihls *easftrt <MI the prac- tical t)tili»Jion of Divinely Sclent I lift .Right TlilnTclnff, Ixeinrer; Ml*» Rradley of Head- quarters Staff of Mr. RawsMj's I<ondort tEngf.l Scltool, The Society for Spreading tiic !;a™!»ilM ol Ttw Prayer. HOTEL ASTOR, SUN., 8:15 V, M. MAID PRVTT MESSNER, HOTEL ST. ANDREW, M N.. II A. M. "THE INNER RADIANCE." ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH Mn>%c*.int Snn^r* 16th StrccL R^l ft TWr«J Autrti* Rev. Dr. KAW. RK1LAND, Rtttor. 8 A. M.-Holy Corsinit-.nion. II-MoiViinc Prayer and Setmon flltclor). 4 P, .M.—Vc.*t>cr?, Service c^ne fioor. _.•• Address by Dr. RcJIaftd. r^Churcli of tne Resurrection "^ ;ith St., EA<4 *I Park \\t. Rev. E. RUSSELL ItOVRNK, Ecclor Services 8 A. M. and II A. M. Till R8f>AV-AS( ENS10N DAY Holy Communion, 8 and 11 A. M, CJlttluH Of filE%u^rAlltf%r* ^ SSapfl offfl&§mtSupple + 65 tAST S9TH STREET + U.V.KL\fV fXKWLTKGTON*. D. O^ RECtXMv S A. M.. Holy CcmmunT^n-ll A. M., Recloi P:."W A. M.-rinircTr School. 8 P. M.-Rev. Hctbcti J. Glover. K<.v. S. M. SHOEMAKER. Jr.. Etcler. 8-Holy Ccn-.munion. tej - II -Th9 P.«lc.r..' C*n T^tse Dty Live?' 8-Mr. Eaton. ••SpItUwal Tx*P^n^cr,cy." Cfjapei o! ©je intercegston Trinllj Parish, Prcadway anfl l&Mh St» Tv*v. M1LOII. GATES, S. .T. D., Vkar. 8, ».»:»:% It A. M. 8 P. M.~Crrotat EvtrtJorsg and Sermon. SrifUttTAi.iS*. WK WISH TO TilANK She general public and the I. A. S. for their I;!nd expressions or sympathy in i « r late sorrow Meclinss ^<»i 1=-M recularly DAILY 8 P. M. Saturdays. Tuesdays. Tliursdavs nt 2:50 FRi\NCES SEABURY I9U Droadnay (Uncolo Arcade). Room ill. •MARGARET PAMPBELL MEMORIAL, The lotus Flower Spiritual Church. Genealogical Hail. 2t$ We>t 5Mh M. Scrvke3 Tuesday and Friday evenings. S:l-"» (except every second week In month, when sciviecs will be held Sat- urday nichl instead of Fridav i.iii.t). JiPEAKER-AI.HE G. 1IBNS1ER. MESSAGE REARER-ALFRED SIMMONS. MEMBERS GENERAL ASSEMBLY. '.UNITED LODGE OF THEOSOPlIlSri! 1 West 67lh St. Free Ijectare Sonday, 8:15 V. M- "THE INNER AWAKENING" The arousing of I fir sonl In Hie hody t>»] scientific proress. What Is the nlrlW; of sonl to mind? C^d'Tr ti^iris" Or the local ". -usually a of Christ At6 thou "bfOtherl Uorriittatii The flfi ~ America grims, v. flower at Memo] At Chi "• :: Wednesday. 4:ir, to 5:15 P. Closinv Lcctuter- On the Dhammapada. No Charse» or <ollctlion«. <g>- Formal xnorials.! years oi William L fie Witt *• ington si row iafte preseotei Cuyler o City Mi Dr. De 1 a *ftt fit n\6t!a!I< acceDted the Retr. oli trtorlal < the late who tfoi chutch J »l the ! mornfns f-v Mis. Jo! \m LMTARIAN-. SVIRITI'AI.IST < ntRCII of the >T.W f»AV Meetings Saturday and Sunday tveninss at 8 P M. Inspirational lecture hy Rex-. E. Sherman. Trance mesaajres t>y Mr. J. A, Strauh, Wcdr.rjfliv tvenlnc at 7:l\ • • . • XI lltmsn l'l:ue v.tur 12->l?» Si., Rte-.;fJ«.iy, Apt. C?. PoMic Invited. HOME MISSION SPIRItl'AL CHI Kill Kfr. «. Walen. S33 K. Hist M. T^nijt'it Flower s<a-.cc hy Mr. Ssmnttr Item tT.icasc. .. .. . M*M*«* Healinjt Mcetln'w<aily.-S P. : M... Different ^ttdhm\s_. Deveit-^n?: class W«d., iltinot Simons, 3D. & FOI RTH A*LMI ATSOLHMRf^l rOlNDKR '**• II A. M.-Dr. Horac* Wtsiwc: Mission Preacher of the Unitarian W •: league. ".::••:"••; -'-.» WENT SIDE UNITARIAN FlIIIW* HMh M. 4a»l Ea*l of Dre*d«M t - : Dr. Arthnr Wftt;e<fc;.1 s;aJ'^. V&L!} II A. M . - " t H E "%IR<.IN MOIHLR-• im; COMMt'MTY 1111 RIH •: tSss HeAdirs ••Commtsnity OF v.!. S P. M. Mediums Wanie-?. §>U iHaitijcbj & §>l Cimotfj/» ReV. FREDERICK RERrtESS, R. !>., Rector, S, n <(5e.-irtt-» ?*nd S *Rev. Donald Mii'at). ASCEVSION DAY-MAY ISIh |S nna 1l A. yi.-lloly commv.nlon tRector). ALL ANGELS CHURCH West Yjni A\enne ana *M SlrceL Rev. S. D«L»fWyy To«r.stnd,.D. D., Rector. S A. M.—Holy Commanlon. II A. M.—Mcmlng Prayer and S*ttr.on. Rev. C.EORC.E A. TROWBRIDGE. - _ ^ V' ^-EVENgQNC. Tr^N^FIGL^TON. I E.T9»h St. LITTLE «111 R( II AROI NT» THE « ORNER R*v. RANDOLPH RAY, 1*. 1*., Rector. Communions S and t» <Daiiy 7:5<>>. Il-Missa I'antata, Scrnion <L«torL •': 4—Vespers .and DewHotis. T "'»t, r i»Ai;ii. , » 'rnAPEU nwHf ****%'"' Rroadway. Fnlion land Vescy Strccls Rev. JOSEPH r. McCOMAS, D. l>.. Viear. *,!»*. Id:W. 11 tSownolrt;; I a^'ire*>»). Daily <?:1') "9,-12 or 12:11, » IX M. Rogattori Day.*. Mcn.AWd., Litany, 12:15. Tl\e Ascension Day,' 5«. 12 tChotall and S. Madivon A\«lie and! *I*l Street Franlt Watfidd Vrowder, 1>. 1>., Rector S A M.. It A. M «Ufc:or>; « P. M. <Uc\. Sidney TV troo'xe^ ST. JAMES' Rev. Frsnlc Watficld Crow^ TRANCE SERVICE Iter. S. W. Co*Mnc. Pa>for. anfl Mr. F. SchnWer-I^cior* and MestaRet. Tees, at 3:S9 P M and Timrs. S;15 P. M. First tlmreTi of Splritnsll»t Harmony. CENEALlHilCAI. HALL SS9 W. SSth StrtcL New York. SPlRITt'AL MI.EtlNf.S, 1X> E. IJMh S*. ALFRED WOOD MLMSIER. Meetings at 2:SC, ar.,l S P. M.. 1-y vario-uS nUdinms, E. D. Crxtnc, Sotrdsy and TJitrri* da>-, S P.M. Friday, Vm P. M.» Developing, lleaiitjt. Pi Rate MessaRes. SPIRItlALIsT SCIENCE FRIENDS SOCI- ETV DF AMERICA aV.v.TsaD-G. A:sSiv.a Wiseman, Hon, Pres. Friday*, S P. M. MV.o lejclnrc. fefam. tnes^aRc*. First Saturday s P. M„ Social. VA "W. i*sth *t, »f*<J - ST. ANDREWS » S ;Y«?. \?V'- Rev. A. E. R1BOVRC, D. D., Rector. ST. CLKMKNTS, -»« West 4fitll S», "Rev. THOMAS A. SPARKS, lienor. Services S, 11 A. M. ftnd 8 P. M. Spiritualist Chnrch of Advanced Ihoosht* 123 West 91th Sfreet Suhtlftv, T»:e».?ay. Friday Eves, S:50 thztp. Wednesdav Arterrioon nt 2 o'eioefc. Sr*akers liey, JICMIN HiLL. Mediwni. MEMBERS DF GENERAL ASSEMBLY., Violet Snlr. Cliarch <Mr«. M Mtilert Services Wed. S:^) and S P. M. Sat., S P M l>evelo^nre«t Class, Mon. S P. M. Eocn-., S. S"3 E'wa>, Near iO;h St. tNIVERSALIST, ^«^j^>^' .HURCI-I Ol* THE DIVINE PATERNITY Ctrtlrat Pitk West *t Chatlcs I'M'ncis Pctur /tin "WHY MAN NEEDS *B)Tf.e Evidence From J> •I and S 1*. M.»METT?<>rt CONFERENCE. • AddrciscS l«y Me's*e>« Hall. P->««r VEDANTA SlKlLlV. COD" r.vN II A. M.—"<";o.:i.jr,;ox;ca , :(- A v * ;; ?;.» S P, M.-'Tsj-cho'io^y <-* ' , ; v ,-: v " i " S p. M.~"Howicward PO-JCC. _^ * ?Ji-ooM,vn ^eiDitfS I Sermon Dr. 1 preach*! Xeague, at the ftt the I, tcrnily, 'Seveniy topic v?i Othtt ) Oliver ! Ttttis t Charles theCh, who wi' *f ft LI *k*«Ion Hiflg «t €1 Willi* S ; itl5t;:| Centtal stteet, lAicia < t»re lr ^<:lenti Friday TitUo Fifth i 3vftSt I? Sfl*fft< •KeriS. for fa ^ntist Casino Lue, o Y'. M. « . 1 . I»I>:L« ••Friendshifl or EnclijnX Rev. s. Parkes * adman, ';;'•„' Sunday. M a y D>. : > ; *"" \ :.' &-i'. s ' Y.M.C.A., Ecd.'crd a:vJ C.it. *- >""•->* fiue sail lehirir *h6Se I'heTi Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

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Page 1: 8 (THE NEW YORK SUN, SATURDAY, MAY 12, 1928. Groups in …fultonhistory.com/newspaper 9/New York NY Sun/New York NY... · 2009-11-19 · The Elect Lady." 2 John 1-13. SPECIAL MOTHER'S


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I t'E

I tarn l

8 (THE N E W Y O R K SUN, SATURDAY, MAY 12, 1928.

Groups in Congress Methodist Board Enumerates Strength of

Each Denomination in Both Houses.

&elirjtotttf Notice* fteitgtotta $otice$ 3&eUg»oug J^otueg ADYF.NT1ST.

The Sao Bareaa,> " U.J

Special Dispatch to Tus Swsfc*

;* Washington, May

The Board of Temperance, Prohibition and Public Morals of the Methodist Episcopal Church has compiled a detailed list of the religious affiliations of members of both Houses of Congress. It I s found that thirty-four members of the House and four members of the Senate have no affiliation with any church. Eighteen members of the House and one member of the Sen­ate are doubtful.


ORVA L E E ICE at Hampden's Theater— Sunday 3 P . M.



"He Makes the Bible > l a i n >

J t i j «et out by the board that some members of the House and Senate -who are not members of a church are, nevertheless, regular attendants or have otherwise pro­fessed their faith. It is pointed out that of the four Senators without church affiliations three are Knights Templar of the Masonic order and that of the twenty-four House mem­bers without affiliations eighteen are Masons. The families of three of the remaining six are regular communicants in some church. -

I t is set out that' the tabulation should not be subject to misunder­standing*, While the religious issue has been Injected into the precon-ventton campaign, the board dis­claims any intention of political in­fluence. Before giving its tabula­tion of denominations it prints the following note: » ' . " ,

"The Board of Temperance, Pro­hibition and Public Morals -warns against the possible misunderstand­ing of the following news item. The information is given out simply as a matter of public Interest and in the past has proven .useful to indi­viduals of nearly every religious de­nomination. I t is not implied, in-

* deed Is expressly denied, that a Con­gressman's ' denominational affilia­tion is connected in any way with public morals. All information, how­ever, in regard to public servants is


j -

Moody institute to Conduct V Se^msHere.






Don't fall t o iK-aw this great soul, whose raesr age of spiritual food will help >oa to attain your heart's deelres and express the freedom ot your e o u h .

H A Z R A T ISMET A L I Philosopher—Teacher—Lecturer

; FOUR FREE LECTURER . Beginning Sun.. May 1 3 - " T h e Purpose ©t l i f e . " • • •-. Mon.. May 1 4 - " T h e W a y o t Illumination." Tuea.. May IS—"Insplra"tton and the Breath.*! Wed.. May 1G—"Stages and Character ©t the Soul ."- '

AV 3 I*. M. • N

Musical Program Each Evening , Manhattan Church, B'way at 76th



The fourth interdenominational Bible conference, under the auspices of the Moody Bible Institute- of Chi­cago, will be held at the St. Nicholas Collegiate Church, Fifth avenue at Forty-eighth street, beginning to­morrow and Sunday, May 18. with daily sessions at 3:30 o'clock in the Xifterncons and 7:30 evenings. Lay­men, pastors, evangelists, and fur-loughed missionaries will attend, the Rev. James M. Gray, president of the Moody Bible Institute, presiding. v Dr. .Gray Will also conduct an" afternoon Bible study in which he) will discuss Paul's Two Epistles to ;

the Church at Thessalonica, in) which the present apostasy in" Christendom is predicted. Included, among the nationally known theo-J logians and laymen scheduled to ad-j dress the conference are Bishop Col­lins Denny of the Methodist Episco­pal. Church, known for his efforts to keep the church .true to the evan-

1 gelical faith, and the Rev. E. J.

FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH t? Brwadway and ISHh Strr . t , \ V •




PARK AVE. BAPTIST CHURCH r a r k Avenue a t East 64tb Street »««w»i^ . , lH** r y Emerson Fosdlek « » I r t e r s , 1 j U K M i e C . c a r d e r ,

U A . M . - 1 1 R . AMBHOSE W . VERNON • o t Dartmouth College

S i « A J.I.—Church sSteheoI] AYoss*h*S n>We Class . Mrs. Katherln* WHIard* Eddy. Leader. Men's Bible Class . Dr. Arthur E . Beator. Leader. 4:00 P. M.—Memorial Service. Veterans Tlh Regiment. N.G.K.Y. ( »;, 5:SO P . M.—Young People's Society. 7:00 P.M.—CARILLON RECITAL. S:00P.M.—Evening Service. Dr . Vernon.

ftt. James's ^"taffisrat

i l : 0 0 A . M . - R e v . WM. F . SUNDAY. Th.D. /Subject ; "OUR MOTHEP.S."*

HOLY TRINITY. Cent. Park W . a t 65th S t . Paul SCieret will preach a t 11 A . M.



I2S Wej|t.76tb. betweea _ ^ > Columbus and Amsterdam Avenue*

"Sotcd Jor i t s superb Music ar.d Prcachir.a that i s di//ere*K"

JAMES' HARDY BENNETT. Pastor. 11:00 A.M.—"The Elect Lady." 2 John 1-13.

SPECIAL MOTHER'S DAY PROGRAM. Isabel BrylawrsUt. Violinist.

Gertrude Burke. 'Cellist. Mrs. BRUCE S. KEATOR. Organist

S t . Andrew's Double Quartet o t Noted Soloists Firnir.fi Sen-tees Dtscontutued tmlil October.

The. CHURCH of tha CORDIAL^ ' . 5 = 5 r - WELCOME X

CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH 123 vv«s» sit'h" St . . bet. f.th'anu 7th Aves.

DR. JOHN ROACH STRATON. Pastor : JI A . M . - R e v . J . J . Kelley. " T h e Only Son or H i s Mother."

3 P . M.—Radio Bible Hour. - Special 1 Musical Program. , -

":30 P . M.—Dr. Straton. "The Value o t the Truth of.-Christ's,Second Coming."

Wed.. 3 P . M.—Divine Healing Service. Services' Broadcast WQAO. 393 Meters.

of interest, and it happens that the _ hoard is in possession of informa-i Face of the United Br ether n Church, i tion not everywhere'available. It is


passed on as a matter of accommo­dation to newspaper men and others Interested.".

The classification of members is as follows:

Denomination. Methodist . . . . i Presbyterian . . ' . . . . Episcopalian . . . . : . . . . . . . . Baptist Roman Cathol ic ' . Congregatlonallst i . . . Christian Disciples . . . . . . . . Lutheran Jewish : : . . . . Unitarian Dutch Reformed Quaker . . ; - . . . . United Ib.ethren Mennonite Unlversallst Chrlsttan Scientist Mormon .. . .* ' . . . . . Protestant (denomination

unknown) .".. K o religious aff i l iat ion. . Religious affiliation -

: not ascertained . IS

House. . 1>4 . Gt . 51 • 5! . . 5>» . 2tl . 20 ' . i r» . ; 10 . 4 . - 3 • . 3 . 1 . 1 • X

. 1 : '• i . i t . 2*


•-;• « • 21

ft 5

• .

1 * • ° 0

3 0 1 0 0 o o *> 0"

• ' ; 4


Home for Babies to Be Open for Public Inspection.

cartoonist of the Religious Press, •who wlll| exhibit two series of car­toons, one dealing "with the great doctrines of the Christian faith, the other stressing the '"Menace of Modernism." a new feature of the annual conference. >

The Rev. P. W. Philpott, pastor of the Moody Memorial Church of Chi­cago, whose messages are'heard by thousands every' Sunday, will sound the evangelistic note in the confer­ence to which he comes from a cam­paign .in -Tacoma, Wash.," embracing all the Protestant churches of that city. Prof, and Mrs. T. J; Bittikofer of the music faculty of the institute will have charge of the music and lead the gospel singing.

Asked if controversial subjects were to be presented at the conclave, Dr. Gray said that "constructive teaching in these days could hardly avoid them." and that because there is "a conspiracy against Jesus Christ within the visible church, one cannot affirm Hi's Godhead, His sacrificial atonement and His bodily resurrec­tion from the dead, without inaug­urating controversy." : ? V,:


The i l r^ i fhurcb of Christ. Scientist, . / I n Boston. Massachusetts.

SUNDAYS. 11 A . BL nnd 8 P . M. WEDNESDAYS, ft P . M.

.itCentral' Pk. W. & 96th St .

. . .Central Pk. W. & 6Sth St. F I R S T . . . . . S E C O N D . . . _ T H I R D . ; . . . . . . . . : - . . . . . P a r k Ave. & 63d St . F O U R T H . . . F t . Washlnston Ave. & lTSth St . F I F T H . . : . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . O E- 43d St , S I X T H . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 3 3 Anthony Ave. . Bronx SEVENTH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2 U W. 112thSt-EIGHTH . . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . l 0 3 B . «!th St. N I N T H . . . . . . . . . . . T o w n Hall. 121 XV. 43d St. TENTH. H I Macdougal St. E L E V E N T H . . . . . . . 2 3 S 2 G. Concourse. Bronx TWELFTH ( C o l o r e d ) . . . . . : . 2 0 0 XV- 133th St . THIRTEENTH. . . ,^ . . . . 2307 Broadway F O U R T E E N T H . . ' . . . . . . . . . . - 5 3 3 W . 141st St. F I F T E E N T H ; " . : . ! . . . . ; . . . . . 1 3 9 Dyckman St .

Note—Wednesday "meetings in Fourth. Sixth. Tenth. Eleventh and Fifteenth Churches. 8:13 P. M;: Weduesday meeting In Ninth Church. I P . M.; Seventh Church, second Sunday service. 4:30 P. M.

The Sunday morning; service Is radiocast a t 11 A. M-, and a lecture every Mom'ay evening a t 8 P. M-. through station WMCA.

The public Is cordially invited.

ittabteon SlUenue Sixtieth Street.

Rev. Ralph W . Soclocan. Ph.D. . I>. I>. Rev. John A. X'ollenwelder. M. A - B . D . 11:00 P.M.—Rev. J . Ernest Rattenbury

of- London. England. . i 8:00 P. M.—Rev. John A. X'ollenvcelder:

•Originals X'ersus Reprints." 9:15-Gra^ed Church School. 6—Informal Tea . 1—Epworth League.


"The Power of Your Spoken Word'* DR. ANNA NOLLE ^ J E A ^ J L M .


^ i ( t h ao tnuc ffttnbpterian % Fif th Avenue and Flfty.ftfth Street ".'

• Rev. Henry Howard Minister? J Rev. MInot C. Morgan. D . D .

. J Rev. Edward W. Hale - :/ 9:45-Church School. 10—Men's Bible Class.

Dr . Ralston; \ fomen' s Ulble, Col. Sanctuary: 11—Primary.

11:00—Morning S e n Ice. Dr. Howard. 4:00-Organ Recital. Harry Gilbert. 4:30—Afternoon Service, Dr . Howard. 6;30—Young People's Association. v . ••' • 0;30—Mission Study Groun. Kev. Duncan 3.

. McMillan. D . D-. "The Present Aspect . of Mormonism." :.•«•; YYedanday, 8:15r-Mtdweek Service.

Dr; Morgan. . ,.;',; ':.^


MAY13toli8 3:30 P. M. and 7:30 P.M.

Under the auspices of the * MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE


SPEAKERS DR. JAMES M. GRAY. President of the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago. BISHOP COLLINS DENNY, honoied" Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal

Church. South. ; .; DR: P. W. PHILPOTT. Pastor Moody Memorial Church. Chicago. DR. E. J. PACE, widely known Bible Teacher and Cartoonist. PROFESSOR T. J. BITTIKOFER,. of the Music Faculty of the Moody • Bible Institute.



123 Wert «8th Street. * " ^ . : Founder-President •

i J U I 1 A O. FORREST. Ph . B . Spiritual and Healing Meeting. M e s s W

Tues . and Thurs. . 3:30 and 8:30 P. 3 £ , ,

Charch of Hope and Spiritual Coatenta*a U t t l A S BAR1T MedUuF*

Sunday Service at 8 I", M. Mon. and Wed. a t S P . M.: Mon.. 2 P it

Genealogical Hal l . S2G West SSth St««t


-. Messages Wednesday. S l ' . M .

B3POBggC^Ogjggj ••??;


, St. Nicholas Collegiate Church , FIFTH AVENUE AND 48th STREET

Rev. Malco lm J a m e s MacLeod . Minis ter i — % — ^ — • > — • > — ^ — - > — i — ^ — i — > — > — % — • > — ^ — ^ — ^ i * — > — > —


METROPOLITAN TEMPLE "tl» Ax-enue a»"l H t h Street

Rer. I»r. Wallace MacMnllen. Pastor. Services at Greenwich Presbyterian Church-

West 13lh Street, near "th Avenue. It—Mother's Day . "':45r-Hymn Service. . Dr. MacMulIen. MomlnR and - Evening. Church School. 0:4T.. Youns People, T.

:ST.PAUL'S: Wr*i End Ave. and 86th St .

RAYMOND L. FORMAN. D . D . . Pastor. 11—Rev. Archey D . Ball . D . D . .*

8—Rev. Joel E . Nystrom. Sunday School at 0:45 A. M.

GREENWICH I S K - 13th St . . Le t. 6th and .«& Are* . .

Rev. Edgar Whltaker Work. D .D. . Minister.

11 A . « M<-Drl 'i Work— "THE DEVOTION OV


"FiftS Avenue. 11th and 12th Streets ( Rev. George Alexander. D . I>.

Ministers < Rev. ,1. V . Moldenhairer. D . D . f Rev. Thoniaa Guthrie Speers.

' 9:4S A . M.—Church .School. 11:00 A. M.—DR. M01.DENHAWER. •

6:45 P.M.—Young People's Society. - 8:00 P . M.—MR. SPEERS.

. Mid Week Service. Wednesday. 8 P. M. .

. * - • _ „ _ . f -^y #?«• I l i U i U C l ' C U I S

Tomorrow Afternoon n t A n A

An open house and inspection tea •*?!!! ib* S*v«n at Edgewater Creche, i Broad and Van Nostrand avenues. Englswood, N. J., at 4 o'clock next Wednesday afternoon for the pur-1 The cornerstone Of the parish pose of permitting those interested I house and parsonage of the Evan-in inspecting a modern convalescent home for babies to examine the work of-the institution.

Miss Anna M. Young, head worker at th,- creche, announced today that the board of trustees had issued a general invitation to all in the met­ropolitan area who desired to come. The home'is reached by street car from the Fort Lee ferry.

The annual report of the creche, which will be read a t the regular monthly meeting of the board just preceding the tea. will explain :he work of the institution and its ac­complishments In 1927. Advance

gelical Lutheran Church of Our Saviour's Atonement, at 189th street and Bennett avenue, will be laid to­morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock.

The speakers will be" the Rev. M. G. G. Scherer, secretary of the United Lutheran Church in Amer* ica, and the Rev. Samuel G. Trex-ler. president of the Synod of New York and New England. The Rev. Fred H. Knubel. president of the

I United Lutheran Church in America, ' and the Rev. William H. Feldmann

of York, Pa., organizers of the con­gregations which now form Our Saviour's Atonement, will both take

I part in ' the services. The corner-


CHRISTIAN SCIENCE; LIBERAL^ Pythian Temple,' tOth S t . . Near Broadway.

i T.OHIS .T. T.EWIS.-Speaker. Subject for tomorrow afternoon a t 3:30,

. 'True Forgiveness." -

Park Aven-.re a t 86th Street •

Rev. P . C. WEYAXT. Pastor. * 9:45 A. M:—Graded Bible School.

11 A. M.—Preaching Service—8 P . M. -Epworth League Soctal Tea . 6 o'clock.

Devotlonals. 7 P . M. — i i ' - n

4"th St. W . o t S<i. -

Rev. CIIARI.ES R. ROSS. Ph. IK. Pastor 11—"THE WORLD-S GREATEST WOMAN' • 1—Rev. Leslie Davis .

$arfe 9toenue_


U N I O N <«»" s » - °9 Step* AV. of B'wny. u l , l u l ' R c v . C. Everett Wagner. Tastor.

8 P. M.—Dr. Harry T. Burleigh Celebrated Negro Singer In "Spirituals"

/"•At V A P V University Avenue. Vr tL iVrUVl below Burnslde Avenue.

F R E D IL\LL DEMING. D . D . . Pastor. * 11—Morning Worship. S—Evening Service.

Dr. Demins wil l crrach at^ both Services.


•-prganlzed 166G •••'.: ' , " Broad near Market. Kewark, _N. J .

William James Dawson. Pastor < Emeritus .William HiramJFoulkes. Pastor .

Mornins Sen-Ice 11 (Broadcast#WAAM) Recognition of Mother's Day ^

';" Evening; 7:43 • Dr . Foulkes • preaches a t both services ^

tare IHtoalitoa? anti ^entf) Street

Rev.W.Ru!se!l Bowie, D.D.Reclor S:0O A. M.—Holy Communion. 11:0G A. M., Morning Prayer

and Sermon. "Je*us and His Molher."- Rector. 8:00 P. M.-Full iChoral Even­

song and Sermon, • . Rev. Harry P . Nicholt, D. D.

NOONDAY SERVICES Tuetday to Friday. 12:30-12:55


FIRST S P I R n U A L l S f C H U l ^ ARTHUR FOUD. M. A. . Minister *

' Cames te Hall . Snaday. 8 p . ; j ' CHAPTER ROOM. "

Speaker: • MR. HORACE L E A F . F . R. C . S..

" T H E ART O F HEALING." Tues . . 8 P.M.. Studio 801. Mess. Servic.



Tonight. 8:13. Psychic Tests . ^xpHimm>. CABINET SEANCE. Honest Skeptics lnv^«i Sunday .Ewnlng. Lecture. Service. M*s54~»i Psychic Table.—Tuesday Evening. MAVi? ILLUSTRATED LECTUltE tStereoMfaa views of Spirit Pictures) . Messages. r»y<. WILLIAM BROCK. Editor THE CALL S TRUTH, Demonstrator. Private Int«nlett Harlem 2620. * h

SPIRITUALIST SCIENCE FEDSND& Society of American' (Universan-G. Ali!s»

Wiseman. . Hon. Pres . Fridays. S P u* Bible Lecture. Forum. * Messages. Prhvt Classes. Interviews. Mme. Vesta La Vbs!» —Author. Cusmologtst—Instructions. "S Your Own Seer. Healer." Tuesdays. 8 p u 5C1 W . USth s t . Bradhurst 3203. '

WE m ms®. M -mm


€Tk n t h S b m t . W c a t ^ T S c T o n A "A v « n o 4 b W t l L M M NORMAN <gTHRI» ,RVCTOI&

8 A. M.—Holy Communion. ] "11 A . M.—Sermon by :



Cathedral of St. John the Divine Amsterdam Avenue and 112th Street

8:00 A. M.—Holy Communion. 9:00 A.M.—Holy Communion (FrencB).

10:13 A.M.—Holy Baptism. . 11:00 A.M.—Morning Prayer.:

Holy Communion and Sermon. . ',: The Rt . Rev. Julius Walter Atwood. D . D . ,

•Some t ime Bishop of Xrl2ona. '. 4 :Q0-rE«ening Prayer and Sermon.

Rev. Jackson Howclls Randolph Ray. D . D . , Rector. Church o f Uie Transfiguration. Dai ly Services 7:30 and 10 A . M. : 5 P . M.

(3 P . M. choral except Mon. and Sat.> :i


91st St . and West End Ave. ••>

DR^ BENJAMIN F . FARBER -. Minister. - .

11 A." M.—"Motherhood." - » 8 P . M.—"The Possibilities of Motherhood."


caarft=iraa=is=fec=ij &t. Partyolometo**

Park Ave. a t 51st St . ROBERT NORWOOD. Rector.

8 A. M.—Holy Communion. 11 A . XI.—Morning Prayer and Sermon

Dr. Norwood will preach. 4 P . M.—Knights Templar Service

Dr. Norwood will preach


The Community Church of N. Y.« Park Avenue and 34tb Street.

I t A. M . - J O H X HAYNES HOLMES ' T h e Religion Superior to Both Judaism

' and Christianity.


copies reveal that In the last fifteen; g t o n c ^ b e l a ! d b y ^ e R e v . Henry months 9,897 days care have been c h ^ g Egner. pastor of the congre-provided for children three years old j R a t i 0 n or younger, '

Opportunity will be given at the tea to inspect much new equipment which has been added to the institu­tion recently.

Masons Will Attend , Service in Brooklyn

Dr. Bellinger Will Preach At Trinity Church

Broadway Tabernacle Church ! BROADWAY and SCth STREET

Minuter* i Charles E . Jefferson Ministers f K i w s e i i j . ci lnchy 11 A. M.—Dr. Jrfferson pirache*.

j 8 P . M.—Address. II . CV Jaunith.

UISCH'I.ES U P VHBIST-Chris t ian .

OLD JOHN STRKBT. 4* Jobn Street. FRANCIS B . TIPHAM. D. D . . Minister.

11 Snr.Ssy. Each Weekday. 1 o'clock.



Commodore Ballroom. Sundays.. 11 A.

THE BRICK CHURCH Fifth Avenne a t 31th Street


DR. MERRILL, will preach a t 11 A . M. DR. FARR will preach a t 4 P . M.

Wed. . 4:4-"» P. M.—Evening Prayer Service. NOON HOUR SERVICE DAILY. 12:30-12:50.




4 P. M.—Rev. Daniel James Kerr and ln«titu»* Stud«nts" Program

CENTRAL CHRISTIAN ! MS W e s t 81st S t . . Rev. FINIS IDLEMAN. D. D- . Pastor.

I I A . M . - ' M O T H E R ' S DAY SERVICE."


Several hundred New York and Brooklyn "Masons will be present tomorrow at the Immanucl % Men's Conference at the Immanucl M. E. Church, Dean street, near Fifth avenue. Brooklyn, a t which time a large delegation of Sir Knights of Clinton Commandery, No. 14. K. T-, in dress uniform, will make its first visit to the historic church.

Clinton Commandery is the largest commandery In the State of New York, and is this year celebrating l is 100th anniversary. Its com­mander's name 100 years ago was named Cook, and by a strange co­incidence l is present commander is Eminent Sir George Cook, Jr., who will head the delegation.

The Rev. Clifford A. Westcrdahf Trill speak, and will bs assisted by Eminent Sir Henry C. Turner. Eminent Sir Charles H. Hadlock and Eminent Sir Benjamin Dubcll. all Bast Commanders of Clinton Com-;mandcry..;

Bishop Manning to Dedicate Mission *>f Help House

On Friday afternoon, at 4 o'clock, Bishop William T. Manning will j

The prea*cher at Old Trinity, at the

I head of Wall street, for Sunday morning will be the Rev. Dr. Bel-

f linger, vicar of St. Agnes's Chapel. ;The rector. Dr. Stetson, is making

a visitation to the Chapel of the In­tercession.

At the midday services throughout this week the preacher will be the Rev. Albert E . Rlbourg, rector of St.-Andrew's Church. Thursday of the coming week is Ascension day. which Is also the anniversary of the dedication of Trinity Church. The musical service at 11 o'clock, which has become a tradition, will be held as usual this year. The choir, ac­companies by an orchestra, will sing Fran? Schubert's mass in E flat. .



Rsv. FENWICKE. L. HOLMES Firs t ' church of Divine Science "


Jews to Build $60,000 Synagogue in Astoria


:fc=ft=B=ft »Plc>! U

irs=ss=i»s«=o^a=fi=ea8^ritsM-3 Big Leaders with 3 Big Topij

S. P A R S E S -C A D M A N Aggressive Chtitlianily j

A. EARL • r—

(KERNAHAN VUilal-on Evangelism WESLEY-MEGAW Mass Evangelism


! I1ROOKIAiN KTHIC.VL SOCIET%". Academy ©I M»islc <AllAni!c Ave. Station),

It A . St. Mr. ARTHUR W . MARTIN. 'Palest ine an-j I t s I'rcsenl Religious Condi-

l ions."


i : i iM>K do :<A!NT-E;.rRIT, ?0 Fn«.t « i h S«r*-et.

I^r. J . MAVNARD, I'asteur. C;il'e e t setmon a II tietircj.


s. Astoria will have another house!

of worship. . J Congregation Beth Jacob has Just*

GOSPEL TABERNACLE JlIi A\c- nnd i l t t i $4.

A. B. SIMPSON. Founder ' II A. M. a»<J t : l5 l \ M.

Both Mornlns *nd#K*entns S»r»ic<» REV. r . NOEL VALMLir,

BA1I.VI CENTER, 119 W**t 'iUh St.'. Wh r<fx>r. V S-nt.f1!*}-. :M*y »3. 4 V. M.

R U M E F F K N M Ar'N.VN".

Interdenominational Mass Meeting FRIDAY. MAY 18. 8 P. M.

Sth A T . Presbyterian Chorcb a t S3th St, »Hear how Evangelism Is uniting t!;e . -Church forces In a great religious re­

vival in America. Opening of Summer Chamralsn.



IT IS IJP-TO-T»ATB S I N D A V r;V.. MAV 131h, a t 8.

Broadway Auditorium WS WI^TT loSlh STREET

a t Rreadway

3fISL£?ANKE^ l A N r \ S H A D T I c n p ^ ^


•*1HE NON-STOP a i G H T " HOTtt McALPlN. BVay & 54* St.

Sunday. May 13, 3 P. M. Question* answered t«y Ranasnafl.


CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN 5~th St . and Ma'flisoa Ave. . ' .'•


WESLEY BAKER 9:13 A. M.—Church School.

I I A. M.—REV. SASstvSu C. McKEE. 4 p . M . - D R : W Y L I E .

Wed." 8 P . M.—Midweek Hour of Prayer.

RUTGERS CHURCH Seventy-third Stroet a t Broadway

Rev. DANIEL RUSSELL. P . . D . . -Minister I t A . M.—Worship with Sermon

7-P. -M.—Strangers ' Hour 8 P. M.-DR. LEWIS MANN SILVER

"William Tindale—and the First Printed English New Testament."

MADISON A V E N I E PRESRVTERIAN NortheaM corner Seventy-third Street.

t Rev. George A. Buttrick. t». D. Minis|(rs <Rev. William Raymond .Ttliffe.

fP.pv. George Stewart, Ph . D . 11:00 A.M.—Dr. Buttrick. '•*•': 4:30" P . M . - D r . Stewar» -S:30 P . M . - D r : Buttrick. . :* A L L SEATS F R E E AN'O UNASSIGNED.

Thursday. Holy Communion 10:30 A.-M. 8:15 P . M-—Five Choir Service Amerlcau Guild o t Organists

»\ Addiess 'by Dr. Norwood ,

TRTNITV CHAPEL, Trinity Parish , West 25th St . . near Broadway

Rev; J." WILSON SUTTON. D . D . . Vicar. S and 11—Holy Communion.

4—Evening Prayer.

STJOHN'S Eleventh Street, West o t Seventh Avenne.

Rer. John A. Wade. Bcctor Services 8 A . M. and I t A . M.


Sun. . Mon.. Tues. . Thurs. . Fri.. 2:3<>& «s> 142 West 95th S t . Riverside 045T.

The Church of SPIRITUAL Guidance.

MARTHA WILSON CROSETTB, S223 Brondway, near "Dth St. •

Meetings Sunday. Tuesday Thursday »-! - Saturday a t 8 P. M.

Friday Afternoon. 2:30 P. M.


SPEAKER A N D MESSAGE BEARER. Mr. Welman Whitney of Sprlnstteld. Jria


ST. IGNATIUS ^ 1 S 2 sLe* Masses 8 . 9:30. I I .

-Vesners and Benediction. 4 .


g>t. Jltcljaers Cfjurdj Amsterdam Ave. and Ninety-ninth S t .

Rev. Thomas .McCandless. Rector. 7:30 and 8:30 A . M.—Holy Communion •

9:30 A. M.—Church School Service I t A . M-—Morning Prayer, Litany and

Sermon. The Rector. 8 P . M.—Evening Prayer and Sermon

P.ev. Arthur V . LUchtield. ' THURSDAY-MAY ,1TTH-ASCENSIOX DAY

T A. M.—Holy' Communion. '-. ; ; . 10 A . M.—Mornlns Prayer .and Holy, .Com­

munion. Preacher: The Rector.

NORTH PRESBYTERIAN 155th. East tit Broadway



5 % ! r t ^ r / « t * x P l J E S B Y T E B I A N . Wt%\ ( L l t U A m s t . Ave. a t 105th St .


l i _ " A MOTHER." Jhis service brontlcfitt nrcr tl'ARC oiid 2XE.


CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION . Madison Ave. and 35ta a iree i . ' . Rev. H . r . ' SILVER. D . D . . Rector. 8 and 10 A. M.-IIOLY COMMUNION. - 11 A. M.-MORNING PRAYER.


B Y REV. WALWORTH TYNG. Noonday Services—12:20 t o 12:10 Daily (ex­

cept Saturday)

Collegiate Church of N e w York T H E MARBLE CHURCH

Second Avenue and Seventh Street . Edgar Franklin Romig. Minister.

11 A . M.—Rev. John A . Ingham, D.U. will preach. V

8 P. M.—Rev. Willard G-- Wullschleger wUI •. ."• . preach.

T H E MARBLE CHURCH • Fifth Avenue and Twenty-ninth Street

Rev^ DanUl A.' Poling. D . D . . Minister f will preach. .

11 A . M-—"The W a y of Woman:" 8 P . M.—"Why Belong to the Church."

. 7 P . M.—Christian Endeavor Societies.. . Mid-week Service. Wednesday. 8 P . M. . T H E CHURCH OF ST. NICHOLAS

. Fi f th Avenue and Forty-eighth Street Malcolm James MacLeod. Minister

11 A. M.—Dr. MacLeod on "Mother's P a y . " 8 P. M-—Dr. James M. Gray. Pres . "Moody

Blbie Institute." Chicago. 6:30 P . M.—Young People's Meeting. Leader. Dr. E . V. Silver. Topic:."Christian Growth.",

T H E 1VEST E N D CHURCH -West End Avenue and "7th Street

Rev. Henry Evertson Cohb. D . D . , Minister Rev. Harold W . Schenck will preach a t 11

- A. M. and 4:30-P . M. . Morning subject: .•"Defenders of the Home."

5f45 P . M.—Young People's Society. T H E FORT WASHINGTON CHURCH « Fort Washington Ave. and 151st St .

Rev. Irving Husted Berg, D . D- , Minister. » ! • • p t c a c i i .

I t A. >L—"Bargain or Sacrifice?" 8 P . M.—"Pc«-s It D o Any Good t o Pray?"

Church School. 9:30" A . M.


Sunday. 8:15 P i M.. n t HOTEL BILTMOBK. Worship—Messages—Music. All are welcozt.


Message Mcetlnc dally. 2:3ft and S p. JL • Developing and healing, Tuesday. 8:3)

44 West Kfith S t . Ant. 5.

. R E V . CONRAD H. HAUSER. N.SA, 330 W . 89tb. NT. Y . . near Drire.

. , M E S S A G E S E R V I C E Snn.» Tues. . Fr i . Ev . , 8 P . M. Wed.. 2:30 P.E

-Spiritualist Church of Psychic Science

ELIZABETH MARKLEW Thur3.. 8 P . M.. Sat . . 2 P. M.. S P.H .'•;. Meeting dally. 2:30 & S P. M.

2012 3th Ave <123) Spiritual Mission Choi

Music and Address.

Broadway and Wal l Street Rev. CALEB R. STETSON. S. T . D . , Rector.

SUNDAY: 7:30. 9 . 11 A. M.. 3:30 P . M. ASCENSION DAY. Thursday. Slay 17: 7:30.

9 . 11 A. M. W E E K DAYS: 7:30. 12. 4:40.

The preacher a t noon on May 14, . I S ; 15 and 18 Is tho

Rev. Albert E . Rlbotur. D . !>., Rector S t . Andrew's Church, N . Y*. C



.Dr Fitch preaches': I I A. M . - " T h e Mother's Worker."

-. S P . M . - " H o m e Memories."

. W E S T PARK rHESRVTERLVN Amsterdam A»e. and SSlh Street

Rev. ANTHONY II. EVANS. D . D . . Tastor, rrcaches II A. M. and 8 P. M.

Evening Subject: "Reasons tor Christian Fai th ."

acquired^* silo at TwenlynIftti>j;^>AUziNtiMAS^ BAH.M street, near Twenty-third avenue,? Astoria. Art architect has been en-1 gaged, who will draw plans for a sltucture to cost $60,000. It will he a synogogne and center comhincd.j Plans arc well under way for tais-f ing the necessary funds to Day tor j

S P. M . - r » » > c r and Mcdiialion. Wf9tKM*y, S:15 P. M.

Mr*!' Ktith f?j»T).*om.K+'l!cr. "DOE« GOD HEAR?"

H Service. Nichity^

T i l l ; RESCUE SOCICTV, iOtdCTiin^eThtatre. fe-T DOVERS STREET"

W I D E AWAKE .GOSPEL 10 P. M. W.M.C.A. Radio [the building. The congregation h a s j ^ ^ ^ J ^ V t ^ ' f ( • ' » 5 " ^ ' ™

just taken temporary nuarters at j j TiiOM.is J NOONAN. Si^ciir.itf. r.L

dedicate the new headquarters of j Church Mission of Help at 27 West r Twenty-fifth street The house wasf for many years the rectory of Trinity | j>arish and was Bishop Manning's < home at tthe time he took the lead i In establishing this organization, I Which for the last seventeen years 1 has been working with girls and | young women discharged from cor-1 Srcctionat institutions, paroled from the courts and others who through misfortune or accident find them­selves in need of friendship and counsel.

Offices for the New YOTK Church Mission of Help, national headquar­ters for the organization, and sev-1 «ral rooms for the \iso of the girls pro included in trre house, which has "..vx:n reconstructed for this purpose.

i 29-02 .Twenty-fourth avenue.

~» IT.HT5 L M O N T»U-:0LW»IC.1t, SEMINARY I i*\MVice !n the •C.ikptl. CUrfmoi-.t Auntte ,

I.Li Tl RB!*.

A NEW FOOD DISCOVERY Wiit Aid L'.« ln'''<h*r«vTnlf

iCS»angtag *>ar IvaUr.s H*l>ils, i.y

EUGENE CHRISTUM Ir'atnontt IViod *-*.i/r.Us* HAS I>.:V!.<-.:d YtfiA Cotftl>inalllf)r.S WtiMi «>v R<-<l!wfln« Aridity and EstaMiSiliTfig Alksiiriify, Worts Won'; riCTS. ! r • . : : .h ,••;!



FRIDAY, MAY IS, 8 P . M. Manhaiuin Corgtcgiuioftai Cliurclr,

Rroftoway nnd Ifitii Street

rrtltt«n I2t*h mui Ii2r;d Street*, at te'even <»V.?ix-*t»! Preacher—U;c RtVCTctid Professor .lAMKSjKOFFATT^ f>. tU «S Vr.lon Thto-lAgK-al {-"trnSfiftty.: :




Stmdny, May 1 L II A. M. Andiloriom; 5.1 West SWh St .

mm • .


Miss Villa Faulkner Page I*onndfr-I)lrcttor

STEINWAY HALL K W S & g P S ? * W+Ar^^A^r W»r «". « P- ^L- ¥ In the

Tl,,,,.Jf%%, May K, ^12ilJ-lijtor« and

Sf»vk<* At 518 W. Srtn.ci.\y'a\t-11 A. M.

?,'th « f « * t . and V P . M-


i rRKB SVNAC.OGI B Carr.eRife Hall. Se.veftlii Ave. ar.d *>Tth Strctl. ! 'Sunday Mfttnlnir, May 15, at 10:50

DR. WISE ;. . '•••" \ViH Pre*e!i On ' ;

*«riIB t I I I : t « I I ANSWERS V O t T H S II ;,; • ;•: < H A I , L L N < ; K " CTi&ir V.i!l i in« MeAdeJiso'hn'S "Eiijali" a t i | 10.-501. Alt sate v.-eko!Y'.e. . ,;

!!:; --.vIKWIMI SCIRNVK-." RARP.I. MOR1HS I»lCHTKN.STi-'.iN. L e a d e r .

SUNDAY, 11 A. M.v at l.'SO W . J&T.th Kt, i :i " A : DEBT TO MOTHER.^ ! ! t>tiBLIG CORlMALLV^VELtOME.


VT>»ly*t ftftd P^yclwteSisl, talks,Siin^>.y ftt 3, Motidfty. Twsday. Thtwday at S:l.> <>n

miTVX^. tWTTISK**. rOWER. t« lA*t Mtll M. <al Madjwn A*.> Apt. 33.


FORT G E O R G E ^ f S r e . L>riian R. Hartley. Mtnlsler

II A. M.-Mother"« Day. Sermon and Music, S P . M.-Sr**lf. l Mother"* Day feature*.

ASCENSION ^ ^ Rer. DONALD B. ALDRICH. D . D . . Rector. 9 A . M.—Holy Communion. .

10 A. M.—School o t Religion. II—Mornlne Prayer and Sermon (RectorL 8—Later Kvensong and Address tRccior) .

WEEKDAY. SERVICES Pa i ly , 5:30 t o 5:43 P . M., Night Prayers.

Wednesday, 8:30 A. M.» Holy Communion. Thursday, 8 P . M.. Contirmatlon.

Friday, 5:15 P. M., Ciasa in Peraonal Religion

CHl 'RCn O F ST. MARY T H E MUCIN 235 TTc^t Ferlr-«W»t W r w L

REV. J . G. II. BARRY. D . D- . Rector. Ix>w Masses. 7:30, 8:13. Children's Mass . 9 . High Mass and Sermon <I>r. Dclany>. 10:L".

HAYDN'S TI1ERESIEN MESSE. Vespers and Btr.ediction. 4 .

ASCENSION DAY. Thursday. May i ; t h . Hifth Mass and Sermon <l>r. Dclany) . 10:4*.

IIENSCHEL'S MASS IN C. Full choir. Week-day Masses, 7 . 8 , 0:30.

The Marble Collegiate Church

5th Avenne a t 20th Street



. t r . H . "WHY BELONG TO T H E CHl'RCH?" D r . Poling Speaks Wednesdays. 8 r .M.

CHOIR: Sne Harvard Gordt-n <tirtis" Helen Nixon • Norman Joliffc aichard T.Percy, "iroan is t and Dirtclor

Stats free—A Welcome to Ahh

Spiritual Meetings. 2:30 and 8 p . M.. at i f Eas t 170th s t . Rev. Hammond. FrUaj.l

P J M. Private Messages. Healing, IHnrfc;-Ing. Various Mediums. Bingham 4132.

MT. P1TCAIRN SPIRITUAL Cin-RClL Rev. Anna E . Stewart will resume m«lfca on Wednesday. May 16th. a t 8 P. M, B Camegie" Hal l . Studio 1101-2.

AURORA K L I N E . T R A N f B LECICREI of San Francisco. Cal. OPEN" CL4S5K,

Tuesday and FrMav. R:."ai P . M.: Thursdi;. 2:30"P. M. 10 West S « h . downstairs.


Wednesday and Fridav. 8 P. >I. 330 W . 93tb: Rivenide 60H.

StRACtl tlari unity denominate


Tuesday. ^ T . l $ > * o ] s>;: joint fti T. iiongTi

ijMiSslonarj of Christ.

" lfns, New^ •ntotJBiQ

::fcnd,Edwli moderatof.

£ of thoiMts ciplea of <

^ S. Idlerna Church, of •clialrriiart. i KaUOnal

^natibns wi Those ism

j *Hif» Idlemc ton Mosris Christian i Vtl FOTftui K ^ ^ c t e i i

* of the Ch ;.«iid;eaitoi ijttkrfcerly^

«'-•• • ;The' con Include t l

.-Burton,. N ,u. retary of t f*; CongregatJ ,r ,S.Parke8

!"• d6nt of tt Churches Rev. Char! city, past( ernacie, a Stafford, South Chi

Disciples •very sta l^ew Uiarn rthe nurnti and the in churches* Kentucky,

A «dlir3. :•:§ ,Cdhjgjttegi In every £ OUS in 1 number 6i the htemt . T h e Dis largest re

,\*:gm : in, A -; developed

.Christian. icanPreel

^ d n 9 ; h u n a fthom'as t ander Gai

- vania anfl at Lcsin) lirominfeni JkAJ.t« i . . ! . .M.



HOTEL ST. ANDItEW. B'WAY & 'ID ST. Sun. and Tliurs.. « P. M.. messagtJ.

FHtb Spiritnalist Church. 113 W. 5hS S-STEINWAY HALL., ROOM M i

Sun.. Tues. . Fri.; 8 P. M. Tues. at I * Rev. Hermlne Leger. Pastor.

HARLEM. 1>enox A \ e . nnd 133d St . Rev. EDGAR TILTON. JR., 1>. D . . Minuter.

11 A. M.—Dr. Tiiton will preach. 8 P . M.—Prcacl-.ing by Mr. Dean McKccn.


."VS3 West End Av. iBetween 85th nni Sci Meetings Tuis^, Thurs. . Sat . and Sun., 8:?-


UNIVERSAL WORSHIP. Snnday. at II a » Subject of address. "THE GO;> IDEAL

8:SO P . M. -Publ i t Lecture by PATki Subject of lecture. "WILL FOWETt." 31st Floor. II West 42d st.. New York TO

THEOSornv. -i

HAMILTON GRANGE, Convent Ave. and West H9th St . Rev. Arthur Frederick »

Mabon. P . D . , Minister. 11 A. M. and 8 P . M. i


WALTER DI N I A V RECIIANAN. D . V. Minister. Services" II A. M.-8 P. M.

SECOND rRESBYTERLVN CHCRCI1 With Street and Central rark West.

R*v. GEORGE J . RUSSELL. Minister. It A. M.-MR. lUTSSBIJt*. 8 IV M . - R E V . FRANK HUN0EIL


ftt Cfjomas Cfjurdj l l F i n AVKM K and Wrd STREET

Rftv. ROEL1F 11. RliDOKS. S. T. D-, Kcclor 8A.M.—Holy Ccmmnnion.

II-MoTTiTng Service and Scttft^n <r»c«t6r) I-Sti\icc for list, N. Y. Infawty

Rev. Itajuvmd S. r.rown Atctnsio'rt.Day; Tliarsday. II A. >L

g>t. (Eftomas Cfjapei SMIein Slreef. East *f TWrd At*««*

RICHARD MARQVEDANT lK>ir>S. Viear. Services 8 and II A. M. and 8 P. M.

S.hw.1. *»:*•. A. M. Musical Vcattti*. >% P. M. TIHRSDAY. MAY i;th. ASlENStON DAV. S«»vk<.«. 5 an«l i<> A. M. and »?« V, M.

TO RAWSON STUDENTS Last t»iViie lecture Ihls *easftrt <MI the prac­

tical t)tili»Jion of Divinely Sclent I lift .Right TlilnTclnff, Ixeinrer; Ml*» Rradley of Head-quarters Staff of Mr. RawsMj's I<ondort tEngf.l Scltool, The Society for Spreading tiic !;a™!»ilM o l T t w Prayer.



ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH Mn>%c*.int Snn^r*

16th StrccL R ^ l ft TWr«J Autrti* Rev. Dr. KAW. RK1LAND, Rtttor.

8 A. M.-Holy Corsinit-.nion. II-MoiViinc Prayer and Setmon flltclor). • 4 P, .M.—Vc.*t>cr?, Service c ne fioor. _.•• • Address by Dr. RcJIaftd.

r^Churcli of tne Resurrection " ; i t h St . , E A < 4 * I Park \ \ t .

Rev. E . RUSSELL ItOVRNK, Ecclor Services 8 A. M. and II A. M. T i l l R8f>AV-AS( ENS10N DAY

Holy Communion, 8 and 11 A. M,

CJlttluH Of f i lE%u^rAll t f%r* ^ SSapfl of ffl&§mt Supple


S A. M.. Holy CcmmunT^n-ll A. M., Recloi P:."W A. M.-rinircTr School.

8 P. M.-Rev. Hctbcti J. Glover.

K<.v. S. M. SHOEMAKER. Jr.. Etcler. 8-Holy Ccn-.munion.

tej -II -Th9 P.«lc.r. . ' C*n T^tse D t y Live?'

8 - M r . Eaton. ••SpItUwal Tx*P^n^cr,cy."

Cfjapei o! ©je intercegston

Trinllj Parish, Prcadway anfl l&Mh St» Tv*v. M1LOII. GATES, S. .T. D., Vkar.

8, ».»:»:% It A. M. 8 P . M.~Crrotat EvtrtJorsg and Sermon.


She general public and the I . A. S . for their I;!nd expressions

or sympathy in i « r late sorrow

Meclinss ^<»i — 1=-M recularly DAILY 8 P. M.

Saturdays. Tuesdays. Tliursdavs nt 2:50

FRi\NCES SEABURY I 9 U Droadnay (Uncolo Arcade) . Room ill.

•MARGARET PAMPBELL MEMORIAL, The l o t u s Flower Spiritual Church.

Genealogical Hai l . 2t$ We>t 5Mh M . Scrvke3 Tuesday and Friday evenings. S:l-"» (except every second week In month, when sciviecs will be held Sat ­urday nichl instead of Fridav i . i i i . t ) .



'.UNITED LODGE OF THEOSOPlIlSri! 1 West 67lh St .

Free Ijectare Sonday, 8:15 V. M-


The arousing of I fir sonl In Hie hody t>»] scientific proress. W h a t Is the nlrlW; of sonl to mind?

C ^ d ' T r ti^iris" Or the local

". -usually a of Christ At6 thou "bfOtherl Uorriittatii

The flfi ~ America

grims, v. flower at

Memo] A t Chi



Wednesday. 4:ir, to 5:15 P. Closinv Lcctuter-

On the Dhammapada. No Charse» or <ollctlion«.


Formal xnorials.! years oi William

L fie Witt *• ington si

row iaf te preseotei Cuyler o City Mi Dr. De 1

a *ftt fit n\6t!a!I< acceDted the Retr.

A£ oli trtorlal < the late who tfoi chutch J » l the ! mornfns

f-v Mis. Jo!



SVIRITI'AI.IST < n t R C I I of the >T.W f»AV Meetings Saturday and Sunday tveninss

at 8 P M. Inspirational lecture hy Rex-. E. Sherman.

Trance mesaajres t>y Mr. J. A, Strauh, Wcdr.rjfliv tvenlnc at 7 : l \ • • • . •

XI lltmsn l'l:ue v.tur 12->l?» Si., Rte-.;fJ«.iy, Apt. C?. PoMic Invited.

HOME MISSION SPIRItl'AL CHI Kil l Kfr. « . Walen. S33 K. Hist M.

T^nijt'it Flower s<a-.cc hy Mr. Ssmnttr Item tT.icasc. .. .. .

M*M*«* Healinjt Mcetln'w<aily.-S P.:M... Different ^ttdhm\s_. Deveit-^n?: class W«d.,

iltinot Simons, 3D. &

FOI RTH A*LMI A T S O L H M R f ^ l r O l N D K R '**•

II A. M . - D r . Horac* Wtsiwc: Mission Preacher of the Unitarian W

•: l e a g u e . ".::••:"••; -'-.»

WENT S I D E UNITARIAN FlIIIW* HMh M . 4a»l E a * l of Dre*d«Mt-

: Dr. Arthnr Wftt;e<fc;.1 s;aJ'^. V&L!} I I A . M . - " t H E "%IR<.IN MOIHLR-•

i m ; COMMt'MTY 1111 R I H •: tSss HeAdirs ••Commtsnity

OF v.! .

S P. M. Mediums Wanie-?.

§>U iHaitijcbj & §>l Cimotfj/» ReV. FREDERICK RERrtESS, R. !>., Rector, S, n <(5e.-irtt-» ?*nd S *Rev. Donald Mii'at) .

ASCEVSION DAY-MAY ISIh | S nna 1l A. yi.-lloly commv.nlon tRector).

ALL ANGELS CHURCH West Yjni A\enne ana *M SlrceL

Rev. S. D«L»fWyy To«r.stnd,.D. D., Rector. S A. M.—Holy Commanlon.

II A. M.—Mcmlng Prayer and S*ttr.on. Rev. C.EORC.E A. TROWBRIDGE. -

_ V' ^-EVENgQNC.


R*v. RANDOLPH RAY, 1*. 1*., Rector. Communions S and t» <Daiiy 7:5<>>. Il-Missa I'antata, Scrnion <L«torL

•': 4—Vespers .and DewHotis. • T"'»t,ri»Ai;ii.,» 'rnAPEU nwHf ****%'"'

Rroadway. Fnlion land Vescy Strccls Rev. JOSEPH r . McCOMAS, D. l>.. Viear.

*,!»*. Id:W. 11 tSownolrt;; I a^'ire*>»). Daily <?:1') "9,-12 or 12:11, » IX M.

Rogattori Day.*. Mcn.AWd., Litany, 12:15. Tl\e Ascension Day,' 5«. 12 tChotall and S.

Madivon A\«lie and!

*I*l Street Franlt Watfidd Vrowder, 1>. 1>., Rector

S A M.. I t A. M «Ufc:or>; « P. M. <Uc\. Sidney TV troo'xe^

ST. JAMES ' Rev. Frsnlc Watficld Crow^

TRANCE SERVICE Iter. S. W. Co*Mnc. Pa>for. anfl

Mr. F. SchnWer-I^cior* and MestaRet. Tees, at 3:S9 P M and Timrs. S;15 P. M.

First tlmreTi of Splritnsll»t Harmony. • • CENEALlHilCAI. H A L L

SS9 W. SSth Str tcL N e w York.

SPlRITt 'AL M I . E t l N f . S , 1X> E . IJMh S*. ALFRED WOOD MLMSIER.

Meetings a t 2:SC, ar.,l S P. M.. 1-y vario-uS nUdinms, E . D. Crxtnc, Sotrdsy and TJitrri* da>-, S P . M . Friday, Vm P . M.» Developing, l leai i t j t . Pi Rate MessaRes.

S P I R I t l A L I s T SCIENCE FRIENDS SOCI-ETV D F AMERICA a V . v . T s a D - G . A:sSiv.a

Wiseman, Hon, Pres. Friday*, S P. M. MV.o lejclnrc. f e f a m . tnes^aRc*. First Saturday s P. M„ Social. VA "W. i*sth *t, »f*<J

-ST. ANDREWS » S ; Y « ? . \?V'-

Rev. A. E . R1BOVRC, D . D . , Rector.

ST. CLKMKNTS, -»« West 4fitll S», "Rev. THOMAS A. SPARKS, l i e n o r .

Services S, 11 A. M. ftnd 8 P . M.

Spiritualist Chnrch of Advanced Ihoosht* 123 West 91th Sfreet

Suhtlftv, T»:e».?ay. Friday Eves, S:50 thztp. Wednesdav Arterrioon nt 2 o'eioefc.


Violet Snlr. Cliarch <Mr«. M Mtilert Services Wed. S:^) and S P. M.

Sat . , S P M l>evelo^nre«t Class , Mon. S P. M.

Eocn-., S. S " 3 E'wa>, Near iO;h St .

tNIVERSALIST, ^ « ^ j ^ > ^ '


Ctrtlrat Pitk West *t Chat lcs I'M'ncis Pc tur


"WHY MAN NEEDS *B)Tf.e Evidence From J> •I and S 1*. M.»METT?<>rt

CONFERENCE. • AddrciscS l«y

Me's*e>« Hal l . P->««r

VEDANTA S l K l L l V .

COD" r.vN

II A. M.—"<";o.:i.jr,;ox;ca,:(- Av*;; ?;.»

S P, M.-'Tsj-cho'io^y <-* ' ,;v,-:v "i" S p . M.~"Howicward PO-JCC. _ ^


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I Sermon Dr. 1

preach*! Xeague, at the

ftt the I, tcrnily,

'Seveniy topic v?i Othtt ) Oliver ! Ttttis t Charles theCh, who wi' *f ft LI *k*«Ion Hif lg «t

€1 Willi*

S;itl5t;:| Centtal stteet, lAicia < t»re lr ^<:lenti Friday Ti tUo Fifth i 3vftSt I? Sfl*f f t<

•KeriS. for fa ^ntist Casino Lue, o

Y'. M. « . 1 .

I»I>:L« ••Friendshifl or E n c l i j n X Rev. s . Parkes * adman, ' ; ; ' • „ '

Sunday. May D>. :>;*"" \ :.' &-i'.s' Y.M.C.A., Ecd.'crd a:vJ C.it. *- >""•->*

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