8 symptoms and physical problem

Symptoms and Physical Problem

Upload: galih-jati

Post on 15-Apr-2017




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Page 1: 8 symptoms and physical problem

Symptoms and Physical Problem

Page 2: 8 symptoms and physical problem

Useful Expressions . . . Locations• Where do you feel it?• Does it move around?• Show me where. Quality or character• What is it like? Is it sharp, dull, stabbing, aching?• Do you feel…?• What does the pain look like? Severity• On a scale of 0 to 10, with ten of worst, how would you rate what you

feel right now?• What was the worst it has been?• Does this interferer you usual activities? In what ways? Timing• When did you first notice it?• How long does it last?• How often does it happen? Setting• Does it occur in a particular place or under certain circumstances?• Have you taken anything for it?• Does it appear in particular time?

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1. What’s your problem?2. How are you feeling today?3. What’s troubling you?4. What’s the matter with you?5. What’s wrong with you?

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I have + (a part of the body + ache) a toothache a headache a stomachache a backache

I have + (a sore + part of the body) a sore throat a sore foot a sore arm

I have/get + kinds of physical problem the flu the cold a fever

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Reporting He/she complains about His/her + part of

the bodyhas + health problemsuffers from + health


Diagnosis He/she may have … + disease/health

problemSeems to have + disease/health problem

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Ache (v) : Merasa sakit yang tidak terlalu, tetapi berlangsung terus menerus. E.g : Her eyes ache from lack of sleep.

Ache (n) : rasa sakit . E.g: Mom, I’ve got a tummy ache.

Pain (n): suatu rasa yang dialami tubuh akibat suatu penyakit atau luka atau tindakan tertentu. E.g : He felt a sharp pain in his knee.

Painful (adj) : terasa sakit . E.g : My ankle is still too paintful to walk on.

Hurt(v) : menyebabkan terasa sakit secara fisik, terluka. E.g: Strong light hurts my eyes

Injured (adj) : melukai, luka, menyebabkan luka. E.g : She injured herself during training.

Throb (n) : sakit yang berdenyut. E.g : My headache faded to a dull throbbing.

Sore (adj) : sakit, perih (bias karena infeksi atau gerakan yang berlebihan). E.g : I have a sore throat

Itch (v) : gatal . E.g : I itch all over.

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I feel + kinds of physical problemsdizzyfeverunwell

I suffer from + kinds of certain illnesscancercostipation

I sprained my (possessive) + joints/bones problemsanklebrokehurtlegarm