8 sure-fire ways to sabotage your career

8 sure-fire ways to sabotage your career

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Post on 20-Jan-2017




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Page 1: 8 sure-fire ways to sabotage your career

8 sure-fire ways to sabotage your career

Page 2: 8 sure-fire ways to sabotage your career

What’s the best way to damage your reputation and potentially harm you career? Say something you really shouldn’t at work. If you like your job and don’t want to burn your bridges in your current industry, here are eight [phrases you should avoid.

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Who did you vote for in the last election? You should never talk politics at dinner parties or work. Ever. The conversation can get very ugly, so don’t even go there.

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What are your religious beliefs? Something so deeply personal is not fodder for water cooler chit-chat, and could land you in a lot of trouble for asking about it.

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How much was your pay rise in the last review? No good comes from asking about money. The only person you should discuss your salary or pay increases with is your boss, or HR. Similarly avoid asking colleagues what they earn.

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Have you lost weight? Yep, it’s meant as a compliment but the other person could take this as an insult, because what they hear you saying is they used to weigh more. Stay away from this can of worms!.

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Guess who I saw leaving work together the other night? Gossip is poison. Once you earn a reputation as someone you can’t be trusted or who stabs people in the back it’s very hard to shake.

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I think our boss is a loser. A colleague may repeat this sentiment to someone else, and it won’t end well for you. Keep your opinion of your boss to yourself.

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I hate my company. Badmouthing your job or employer is poor form. Don’t ever post anything online that could come back to bite you.

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I shouldn’t be telling you this, but…If you know you shouldn’t be telling the other person something, don’t!.

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Would you want what you’re about to say broadcast on every online news site in the world? No? Keep your reputation intact – don’t say it!.