8 steps to paradise...update 032717 3 8 steps to financial freedom its about the people! now that...

8 Steps to Paradise

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Page 1: 8 Steps to Paradise...UPDATE 032717 3 8 Steps to Financial Freedom Its about the People! Now that we’ve covered the basics of business and being your own boss, it’s time to get

8 Steps to Paradise

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Welcome to Wakaya!Wakaya Perfection is the fulfillment of a serial entrepreneur’s dream. This, the twelfth successful Start-Up by Billionaire David H Gilmour, was inspired by the realization that life’s true luxury is greater health, not more money or even more time. That said though, more money and more time are pretty good too! In fact, Health, wealth, & the time to enjoy them create the perfect recipe for a High-Impact Life!

High-Impact Products Wakaya Perfection’s product line is second to none. We have the accolades of world class chefs, celebrities, and even Oprah Winfrey herself has put our products on her favorite things list, not once, but twice! In 2011, Mr. Gilmour set out to bring the purity and tranquility of Wakaya Island to the world, with his exclusive organic pink Fijian ginger, turmeric, and sun dried sea salt. Since then, our product offering has grown, including other lines including diet & fitness products, beauty & spa products, and more! For more information about all Wakaya Perfection’s High-Impact products, please refer to the Product Training Guide.

High-Impact Compensation Second only to Wakaya Perfection’s products is our Perpetual Compensation System. Unlike conventional sales commission structures, this comprehensive system rewards team builders as much as it does individual product sales people. The greatest appeal of the Perpetual Compensation Plan is that it balances traditional direct sales and traditional multi-level marketing into one all-inclusive system. For more information on Wakaya Perfection’s Perpetual Compensation System, please refer to the Compensation Training Guide.

A Proven System The purpose of this guide, however, is to help you learn three basic things: WHAT we do, HOW we do it, and most importantly, WHY you (and we) do it. We’re going to show you how to take these acclaimed products and this industry leading compensation system and build an income stream for yourself. Our proven “8 step” business building plan is deceptively simple, but only effective if followed faithfully, but it is how we do what we do. Before we get to step one however, we want to make sure you are it is a good idea to give you some background information and recommendations – so let’s get to it.

Relationship Marketing & Word of Mouth Advertising There’s only ONE time tested and proven method of advertising for any product or service – and that is Word of Mouth – nothing is more powerful than a recommendation or shared experience from a family member, friend, or neighbor. Likewise, there is only one way to build team or organization – and that is through relationships – focusing on mindset and desire, not just skill level. At its core, Wakaya Perfection is no different than any other product distribution company, we just focus on the proven principals of building and supporting relationships to build our customer base, while other companies dedicate the lion’s share of their time and money to trendy, but fleeting forms of advertising. Newspapers, radio, television, and even the Internet have limited lifespans, but word of mouth advertising has lasted through the millennia, and will continue to do so, as other media comes and goes.

What does “SALES” mean to you? Before we can share with you HOW to build your business and income stream, we need to share with you the simplicity of WHAT we do as a company – and WHAT you do as an Independent Business Ambassador. Simply put, our ultimate goal is to sell products. That may sound a little direct, but that’s really what we’re here to do. To succeed however, we must understand and embrace the concept of sales. Sales has become one of the most maligned and misunderstood words in our vocabulary. Contrary to popular belief, sales is NOT a process of taking advantage, pulling the wool over one’s eyes, or leaving people with a sense of buyer’s remorse – Sales, most simply put, is the process of helping your prospect make a decision that is in their best interest. Period. That’s right – “the sale” may be your goal, but sales is the process of doing your part to bring value to another person’s life. Done properly, it is deeply rewarding and life changing for everyone involved.

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It’s as Simple as ABC… Most people fear sales because they think it’s more like a magic trick than it is a simple process that is easy to learn and easy to master – all you need is a little awareness and some practice. Once you see this broken down, you’ll realize just how uncomplicated it actually is. There’s a simple acronym that will help you to remember the process: ABCDE. With each letter representing keywords of the process.

A. A stands for “AT,” as in “Where is your prospect AT with respect to your product or service?” Before you can offer a product, service, or opportunity, you should know more about their situation today. How is their health? Their wealth? Their time freedom?

B. B stands for “BE,” as in “Where would your prospect rather BE with respect to your product or service?” It’s critical to find out what they’re looking for. Are they looking for greater health? Greater wealth? More time freedom?

C. C stands for “CHANGE.” No matter how bad A is, or how fantastic B is, you cannot get from one to the other without change. Albert Einstein once said that the definition of insanity is to continue to do the same thing over and over expecting different results. Once your prospect has let you know A and B, they must acknowledge CHANGE, and the need for, or to do something different if B is ever to become a reality.

D. D stands for “DECISION.” Unless your prospect makes a DECISION to make the necessary change, your description of the features and benefits will fall on unfertile soil. Lewis Pugh said, prior to his famous swim across the north pole, “There’s nothing as powerful as a made-up mind.” The converse is also true.

E. E stands for “EVERYTHING ELSE.” And we literally mean everything else – product details, pricing, studies, compensation benefits, contests… EVERYTHING ELSE. This is when you share the solution with your prospect. Once a decision is made, you only need to reinforce that decision and help them get started.

Makes perfect sense, doesn’t it? Then why aren’t we more successful? Why is it that as consumers we avoid certain people, and as sales people, certain people avoid us? Simply because our natural human tendency is to use the ABC’s, but to run them backwards. Let’s walk through a typical scenario, one that you have most likely been on one side of at one time or another.

We’re excited, full of hope, and we’ve learned just how powerful our products and income opportunity are. The first person we find to talk to, instead of starting our ABC’s at A, we start at “E” – telling our prospect everything about everything we know: product efficacy, opportunity, benefits, income potential, on and on and on… we don’t know where they’re at, you don’t know where they’d rather be, they have no idea that change is necessary… Yet, we do a data dump on them and then try to get them to “D”, make a decision. Impossible! They move quickly to “C”, which now stands for CONFUSED – and a confused mind will never make a decision. They also get uncomfortable – giving them “B”, a bad attitude – so from now on, they will “A”, avoid you. Sound familiar?

Always Start at the Beginning If this has happened to you, don’t fret – even the greatest salesperson on earth occasionally lets excitement or desperation get the best of them and they run backwards too. The solution? Simply ask yourself this question the next time that you’re in a conversation with a prospect: “Am I starting my ABC’s at A, or E?” It really is that simple! As well, you will find this pattern throughout the rest of this training manual – In fact, let’s get ready for step 1, “Where are you AT? Where would you rather BE?”

Ask Great Questions Mastering the ABC’s can be as simple as leading with great questions. Here are some examples that may help you with A, B, C, and D:

• Of the three most important areas of life, which is of greatest concern to you? Your health, Money, or Time Freedom? (can lead to discovering A and B)

• If I could show you a way to (insert their primary concern), without costing you more (insert their secondary concern), would you be interested in finding out more? (acknowledge C and leads to D)


• Practice asking great questions

• Practice answering questions with questions

• Don’t forget! You will only learn about your prospect by asking questions, not by talking about yourself, your product, or your company! (that comes LATER!)

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8 Steps to Financial FreedomIts about the People! Now that we’ve covered the basics of business and being your own boss, it’s time to get to work on the WHY, WHAT, WHO, WHEN, WHERE, and most importantly WHY of building your Wakaya Perfection business. Over the next few pages, at a pace that you’re comfortable with, we are going to show you EXACTLY how to bring your goals and dreams closer to reality. The time has come to share HOW to turn the world’s finest products and our industry leading compensation system into a High-Impact Life for you and your family for generations to come!

One of the best features of our income opportunity is that while you are your own boss, you don’t have to create a business and marketing plan from scratch – simply plug in to our time tested and proven system. Created and practiced by some of the most successful team and business leaders in our industry, this system is a lot like the ABC’s of sales. That is, it works best when each step is completed in the correct order, and if you skip anything or try to go backwards, you may and probably will compromise your success. We strongly encourage you to follow these 8 simple steps. Remember, like any large scale, multiple outlet distribution system (McDonalds, for example), duplication and consistency across the network is essential to success.

8 Steps to Financial Freedom

1. Define “Your Big Enough Reason Why”

2. Experience the products

3. Start your prospect list

4. Making Commitments

5. STP

6. Follow Up and Follow Through

7. Help those you enroll get started

8. Teach this training process

Like anything else in business, the sooner you get started, the sooner you will see success. Also, keep in mind that the only constant is change – meaning that even after you’ve completed a step, you’ll likely come back and re-visit, re-adjust, and or repeat any or all of them.

Steps 1-4 Even though these steps will be ongoing, your initial completions should be done within 72 hours of enrollment. The work you do here will form the foundation of your business and are absolutely essential to getting started, as well as to your long-term success.

Step 5 This is where your preparation pays off and where your business begins.

Steps 6-8 Team growth. Leveraged time. High-Impact life begins. Don’t forget to do it all over again to get to the next level.

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Define your “Big Enough Reason Why” —your dreams

Success leaves clues. This quote speaks to the importance of goals, from one of the most successful people in our industry, and he’s proud of his founding role here at Wakaya Perfection. As amazing as it may seem, it’s not your skills, but your desire and the focus on your “Your Big Enough Reason Why” that will dictate the pace and success of your business. However, neither a dream nor goal can be reached until it is contemplated, refined, and written down.

Most of us think about the finer things in life, greater health, or time freedom, but we rarely make the effort to truly define what it is that may be missing in our lives, or what drives our ambitions. For some, it may be time freedom and travelling the world, others may seek a healthier lifestyle, while some of us may just want to walk to the mailbox or answer the phone without the fear of who may be calling. We’ve prepared some questions and thought exercises to help you get to know yourself better and learn the secrets to your own big enough reason why.

To start, simply ask yourself the following questions:

Why did I join Wakaya Perfection?

What is your income goal this month?

What is your monthly income goal?

How will you reach these goals? Let’s work out the modest personal and team sales that it will take to realize your monthly goal:

The beauty of the Wakaya Perfection Compensation Plan is not only in its vast income potential, but in its simplicity. Hopefully, you’re already familiar with the unilevel portion of the compensation plan, as this will be the fundamental focus of your initial income goals.

“The goal was to become a well-known national brand within five years of launching our new product. Everything was geared to that. The goal defined everything we set in motion to attain it.” – DAVID H GILMOUR

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Pathway #1 (Personal Sales) Retail Customer Commissions: 20% of sales price

Preferred Customer Commissions: 10% of sales price

Action: Simply divide your income goal by 20% for retail sales and 10% for preferred sales to determine your sales goal. Example: for an income goal of $500, you would need to generate $2,500 in retail sales, or $5,000 in preferred customer sales.*

*Keep in mind that once 150BV in sales are reached, an additional commission of 20% of BV will be paid on all successive sales, which could increase commission payout by as much as 85%.

Pathway #2 (Team Sales*) Level 1 Override: 20% of BV

Level 2 Override: 20% of BV

Action: Simply divide your income goal by 20% to determine the total BV necessary on Level 1 and Level 2 of your organization. Example: for an income goal of $500, your organization would need to generate $2,500 GBV combined on Levels 1 and 2. This could be 20 Ambassadors with 125 BV each, or 10 Ambassadors with 250 BV each, or any combination thereof – with no minimum or maximum BV per Ambassador.

Initial Sales Goal: _________________________ BV / $_____________________________

* Commission levels require rank achievement of Coral, which at this production level, would be automatic.

Congratulations for getting your initial goals set! But this is just the starting point. Defining your goals is an ongoing process that will take time to complete. Remember, this is all about what will motivate and inspire you even when building your business is not easy. Many of life’s worthwhile goals aren’t easy – they’re not supposed to be, they require work to achieve, and quite often they evolve in the process. One common thread among successful entrepreneurs is that as milestones are reached, goals and dreams often get bigger and more altruistic.

“Any time over the last 21 years, if anybody would ask, ‘Hey Dave if you had only a little time on stage, what would you teach?’ It would be step 1 because without it, you’re not going to do the other seven steps. You’ve got to get real clear on what you want before you can achieve it.” – David Pitcock

“If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll end up somewhere else” – Yogi Berra

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From and All-Star network marketer to an Al-Star baseball player, the message is clear. Get some paper, a pen or pencil, and get ready to do some writing! Make sure that you’ll have some uninterrupted quiet time to reflect on the following questions. For the best results, write down everything that comes to mind, including the most vivid details.

Just in case you thought we were kidding about writing it down, we weren’t – make sure you have plenty of paper and ink!

• Of the three most important areas of life, which is of greatest concern to you? Your Health, Money, or Time Freedom?

• If you awoke tomorrow morning, and (fill in answer from above) weren’t an issue, what’s the first thing you would do?

• Where would you go?

• What would you do?

• Who would you be with?

• When were you the happiest?

• Where were you?

• What were you doing?

• Who was there with you?

• Who are your role models, or the people you look up to?

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Income Milestones One of the easiest ways to measure entrepreneurial or business success is with income milestones. It’s critically important to be honest and realistic with yourself in this regard, as there’s plenty of time to increase these goals as you move forward.

• What is the amount of monthly income to pay for:

• Your personal Wakaya Perfection product consumption?

• Your car payment?

• Your house payment?

• Just enough to “get by?”

• Replace my spouse’s income?

• Replace my income?

• Vacation where and when I want to?

• Retire and live a “comfortable” life?

• Retire and live a VERY comfortable life?

It’s Time to Start Dreaming Again! Hopefully, by now you’ve caught yourself with more than a little smile on your face. If you’re doing this right, your heart has jumped and you might feel compelled to force yourself back down to earth. Well, we say it’s time for you to start dreaming again! We invite you to re-engage with your younger self, and dream as big as you can – today, and for the rest of your life! Today’s dreams can become tomorrow’s lifestyle!

• What would you do with an extra:

• $100 a month?

• $250 a month?

• $1,000 a month?

• $5,000 a month?

If you’re not excited by now, you need a bigger dream. Go back to the beginning and figure out what you might have missed. There are no barriers or obstacles in your path – only milestones to be reached on your way to achieving that goal.

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Your Dream Board One thing about your dreams is that only you know what they are, and only you can have the passion and desire to make them come true. Whether your dreams are big or small, you can only achieve it if you believe it. Pictures help a great deal by making your dreams less imaginary and more real. Create a dream board – a collage with pictures of the people, places, and things that are part of your dreams and Big Enough Reason Why. Here are some ideas:

• Pictures of Family • Wakaya Products • New Shoes

• New Boat • New Wardrobe • New Golf Clubs

• Lessons for your kids • Home Improvements • Pay off credit cards

• Dream Car • Dream Vacation • Retiring your Boss

• Working only part-time • Working at home • Private school

• College Degree • Dream Home • Family Reunion

• Include the little things too!

Keep your dream board and your dreams where you can see them every day, all throughout the day. This will help to bring your dreams from your sub-conscience to your conscience where they can start becoming a reality.

Get Your Family Involved Embracing your entrepreneurial spirit is not always convenient. Stepping out of the status quo takes commitment and hard work. There are only two ways to succeed: with your family and loved one’s cooperation and commitment, or without. Trust us when we say the first option is not only better, but more rewarding for everyone. Share the load and dream together. The more connected your family and loved ones are to the process, the easier it will be to make the sacrifices and share the benefits. An idea of how to do this can be summed up in this quote:

“One principle for helping your family get excited about Wakaya Perfection is to build family dreams and goals, not just individual ones. Call a family meeting and say, ‘If we do this right, we’re going to reach Sapphire Ambassador, and when we hit our next income goal, what would we like to do as a family to celebrate?’ Then, up the ante a little – ‘How about when we make an extra $1,000 or $2,000 a month? What would we like to do as a family then?’

I’ve seen it time and time again that when you do this, your family not only gets involved with those dreams and goals, they’re willing to sacrifice and do their part. As a family, you can cut out a bunch of pictures from magazines or go to the internet to look up images of your dreams and goals and use them to make that family dream board.

One of the things you can do if you want to make these dreams come to life for your family is to not just take a picture of the car, but take a picture of you in the car. Don’t just take a picture of where you want to go, Photoshop your family into that picture. Think out loud, ’This is the picture we’re going to take when we’re here.’ Put yourself and your family in it; it’s more powerful when it’s about the people.” – Blake Graham

As we move on to Step 2, it’s important for you to keep this process going, as this is the fuel that will help keep you motivated to accomplish these goals. Look at your pictures, go to these places if possible, try them on, sit in the cars, tour the homes, do whatever it takes to keep your dreams alive.

“You become what you think about most of the time.” – EARL NIGHTINGALE, FROM THE STRANGEST SECRET

“Whatever the mind of a man can conceive and bring itself to believe, it can achieve.” – NAPOLEON HILL

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Experience the ProductsOne unique principle of Wakaya Perfection is that there are absolutely no personal purchase or auto-ship requirements for Ambassadors to participate in, or advance through the ranks of our compensation system. The open market has already proven that our products stand on their own volition as desirable products with excellent consumer value, so there’s no need for us to “force” our Ambassadors to purchase them. That said however, network marketing is based upon building relationships and word-of-mouth advertising – and word-of-mouth advertising is most effective when sharing personal experiences. Imagine sharing the story of a movie you’ve never seen, or a restaurant that you’ve never eaten in – well, you get the point.

If you’ve purchased a Paradise Pack, you already have some of our most popular products. If not, log in to your personal shopping cart and select some products that interest you – it’s a good time to take advantage of the special Ambassador pricing. Either way, we encourage you to experience all that Wakaya Perfection products have to offer. And even though a monthly auto-ship is not mandatory, you can save even more on personal product purchases if you commit to monthly shipments.

As your business grows, you will find that people you share the Wakaya story with fall into one of four categories: Interested in our products, interested in our opportunity, interested in both, or interested in neither. You should be prepared for all instances, and don’t limit your expertise and sales focus just to enrolling Ambassadors, for most of the people you attract will be product consumers, not business builders. Your product familiarity and personal experiences will help guide them to the products that will benefit them the most.

The Wakaya Product LineWakaya Perfection’s products are of the finest quality and purest source, supporting a healthy lifestyle. Since our product offerings are expanded on a regular basis, you should make a habit of perusing the Product Information Sheets and attend the regularly scheduled Product Training Webinars.

“Belief is a major factor in whether people will be attracted to you and your business.” – FROM THE MAGIC OF THINKING BIG

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Create your warm market listWARNING: This is the easiest of the 8 steps to do; unfortunately, in the words of the venerable Jim Rohn, it’s also the easiest not to do… and not doing it, can have disastrous results.

Since Wakaya Perfection Corporate takes care of all manufacturing, order processing, and shipping, what inventory is it that you care for? Customers, Ambassadors, and Prospects of course! Think of your Customers and Ambassadors as completed product and your Prospects as the raw materials. Your prospect list, simply put is where your business begins. Like opening a gemstone mine, it’s hard to tell the sapphires from the diamonds from the rocks, that is, until the refining process begins – but we’ll get to that later! First, you need to stake your claim, and start digging!

Now, keep your list handy, because you’re going to start using it real soon!

Here’s what to do:

• Grab a notebook or your computer – but paper and pen work the best.

• Start writing down everyone you know and everyone you know of. Don’t worry about their contact information just yet.

• When you start running out of names, grab the contact list in your cell phone. When you have all of them written down, use the memory jogger to help.

• Don’t prejudge anyone – remember, the refining process comes later. If you think of a name, write it down.

• By now your list should have a hundred names or more. Once compete, go back and mark a 1, 2 or 3 next to each name. 1 = Those you are sure will be interested. 2 = Those who might be interested. 3 = Those that you aren’t sure about.

This is the start of your diamond mine. As your business grows, so will your list – because everyone you meet goes on the list. In fact, you’ll begin to look for excuses to talk to people, just to get them on your list! It is as essential to your business as the products and delivery trucks. The bigger your list, the bigger your income. A well-maintained list is a priceless commodity that you will never want to be without. Never delete anyone from your list, just set a future follow-up date – because for many people, it’s not a matter of if, it’s only a matter of when.

Now, keep your list handy, because you’re going to start using it real soon!

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Memory Jogger:After listing family, friends, and neighbors, you’ll find more ideas all around you of who to add to your Warm Market list. Just ask yourself:

Who do I know who...Are parents of my kid’s friends? Cleans our clothes? Does our taxes? Hung our wallpaper? Installed our refrigerator Is a deacon in our church? Is in our book club? Is my child’s teacher? Manages a salon? Works at the pet shop? Services our car? Taught drivers ed? Delivers packages? Sells pest control or security?Teaches gymnastics? Is our son or daughter’s coach?

Look online for more ideas.

Mike Gardner

Check each box as you communicate with each of your contacts: sure


don’t knowX X X


Warm Market List

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Making commitments

By this point, you should have three things in place: Your Big Enough Reason Why, your initial product experiences, and your initial prospect list. If any of these are incomplete, please go back and complete them – YES, they really ARE that important.

All ready? GREAT! It’s time to get to work! However, one BIG question remains: How committed are you? Is “Your Big Enough Reason Why” big enough? Are you ready to push back against the naysayers and status quo?

The road to success is fraught with trials and challenges, and surely you will be tested in your journey. In addition to your steadfast focus on your goals, you must treat your business, well, like a business. You will only get OUT of your Wakaya Perfection business what you put IN to it. However, unlike a more traditional business or franchise, you don’t have to put in money or infrastructure, just consistent effort and dedication.

The size of your goals and dreams is what will determine the amount of effort required. Either way, the lion’s share of the work will be in the beginning, just like any other business. However, as you continue to consistently work your business, it will grow faster and faster. So, just what commitments do you need to make to your business and to yourself? We’ve put some simple questions and quick exercises together to help you figure that out.

Paradise Qualification Paradise Qualification is a one-time qualifier that opens all levels and perks of the compensation plan. It’s also simple to achieve. All that is required is that you achieve 500CQV (Customer Qualifying Volume) in a single calendar month – just one time, and you’re Paradise Qualified from that month on! For most, it’s not a matter of if, but when you will be Paradise Qualified. The only question remaining is:

If you are not already Paradise qualified, what is your time commitment; by what date will you be Paradise Qualified?

The Advantages of Auto-Ship There are many advantages to Wakaya Perfection’s auto-ship program. You may not be aware of this, but did you know that:

• You can take advantage of an automatic 5%-10% AUTO-SHIP DISCOUNT on nearly every product in the catalog?

• You can add to, delete from, or make changes to your auto-ship anytime up to one business day prior to the scheduled shipment?

With so much flexibility, and the automatic discount, there really are no reasons NOT to use auto-ship for all your products!

Do you have a monthly product order on auto-ship?

*Note neither auto-ship nor personal product purchases are required to receive commissions or advance through the ranks.

“Character is the ability to follow through on a resolution long after the emotion with which it was made has passed.” – BRIAN TRACY


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Your Personal Product Preferences As a marketer of Wakaya Perfection products, you should be as familiar as possible with all Wakaya Perfection’s pristine and life changing products. You should be familiar with the basics of all our products, but we know that you will see the most success with the products that you have personal experience with and believe in the most. Do you have any personal stories to share about any of Wakaya Perfection’s products? If so, are you ready to share that story with others?

What is your “favorite” Wakaya Perfection product? The one that you feel everyone should experience for themselves and never be without?

Your Time Commitment So far, you’ve identified WHY, WHAT, and WHO, so let’s work on WHEN you will be building your business. Irrespective of your initial and long term goals, you must schedule and dedicate some time out of your current schedule to start moving in the right direction. Remember, sometimes the toughest part of being your own boss is mastering time management. Rather than just commit to some vague “hours” here and there, it will work best if you make very specific time commitments.

There are basically two different types of time that will need to schedule; WORK time, and PREPARATION FOR WORK time. Unlike an hourly or salaried job, at Wakaya Perfection, we do not reimburse you for your time, we pay you for achieving a result. Results come from work, and work must be prepared for. Here is a quick idea of the types of activity the fit into each category.

WORK = Otherwise known as “Money Making Activity”. Sharing the Wakaya Perfection story with a qualified prospect who is able to proceed with a product purchase, an enrollment, or both.


In the beginning, it’s expected that you will do more preparation than work, so be prepared to attend extra training sessions, conference calls, and webinars. And, even though the percentage of time you spend will increasingly be work related, there are local, regional, and national events that are absolutely must-attend for anyone serious about building a significant income stream. The following exercise will help identify your work time as well as your preparation time.

Grab your Wakaya Perfection “week at a glance” calendar and a pencil. At first, it will be simpler and easier to schedule the times that can’t dedicate to Wakaya Perfection through a process of elimination. Mark out the following:

• Days and times that you work at your job.

• Days and times that you attend church or other community events

• Days and times of family events. E.G.: Bowling league, scrapbook night, family pasta night, etc.

• Date night*

• Family night*

• Any other special days and times of the week.


In getting and keeping support from your family, it is critical that you schedule at least 1 night per week, 1 weekend per month, and 2 weeks per year as close family time - date night with your spouse or significant other, play day with your family, and a special vacation with those you care about the most. In your process of sacrifice, they will sacrifice too – and you must reward them and be faithful to your family schedule – it’s the only way they’ll accept your being faithful to your Wakaya Perfection schedule.

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Now that you know when you can’t focus on Wakaya Perfection, let’s see when you can:

• What days and times are you available for prospecting and invitations?

• What days and times are you available for one on one presentations or Paradise Parties?

• What is the day and time of your local Income Opportunity Meeting and or Business Training?

Once you’ve identified your available time slots, you must fill them. Use your Prospect/Warm Market List that you have already created to fill in these dates. Remember, the more you work, the faster your income will grow.

Events and Rallies

• Are you pre-registered for the next Wakaya Perfection event?

• If so, how many from your team are going with you?

Events can be life changing, and often the bigger the event, the bigger the change. Group events allow you to get around people just like yourself that are seeing success in the company. Share some stories, and learn from everyone that you meet at these high energy and educational events. Check the events section of your virtual back office, or contact your Upline to find out when the next event is, and how to get pre-registered.

Conference Calls and Webinars

Live conference calls and webinars are conveniently scheduled throughout the week. You can dial-in or log-in to these calls live, or you can access call recordings at your convenience through our extensive Podcast library. Check the “Calls” link in your virtual back office for details.

These calls are hosted by successful industry veterans that, no matter what your stage of success is, have been exactly where you are right now. Even though this training can be described as priceless, you should never confuse it with, or substitute it for real work. Real life “on the job training” is always better; besides, you can listen to the recorded calls anytime that doesn’t interfere with your other commitments.

• Are you plugged into the ongoing training that is available to you?

• Are you keeping Money Making Activity the main thing?




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Trust in and Be Faithful to this System The good news is that any failures in Corporate America will have no negative impact on your success here. The bad news is that any successes in Corporate America will not guarantee your success here. Network Marketing is a unique, level-playing-field concept that does not care about your age, education, family background, heritage, religion, or your zip code. The key to your success is consistent effort, your commitment to this system, and teaching others the same. This 8-step guide, as simple as it is, will be your business building bible. If you skip over, shortcut, or avoid any of these steps, your ultimate success may be compromised.

• Are you totally committed to this 8-step training guide?

My Personal Commitments to my Business This is a perfect place to add any other personal commitments that you would like to make to your business, yourself, or your family:

Share Your Commitments Schedule a time with your enroller or Upline trainer to review your goals and commitments. And don’t forget to share and make an extra commitment to your family – this will go a long way towards your continued success.


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Show the Plan &Share the Products (STP)

Your business plan is starting to take shape, and NOW is the time to get to work. It’s time for some STP! STP means to Share The Products with potential customers and or Show The Plan to potential Ambassadors. As you would with ANY business, you want to share your business with anyone and everyone. Keep in mind that while we believe that Wakaya Perfection is right for everyone, we must acknowledge that not everyone is right for Wakaya Perfection. This means that it’s OK to share it with everyone, knowing up front that not everyone will take advantage of what you have to offer. But think about this for a moment: Per Newsweek Magazine, 3 out of every 4 households in America will get involved with a home-based business sometime over the next 6 years. That means that while not everyone is ready today, ultimately about 1 out of every 6 people in America will be involved in a home-based business over the next six years. The ONLY real question to ask yourself is “Will they be involved with my home-based business? Or someone else’s?

The STP process is fundamentally broken down into three distinct and key parts: The Invitation, The Presentation, and The Conclusion. To ensure the highest probability of success, you should not blur the lines by working on these out of order.

The Invitation Your goal during this phase is to get a commitment from your prospect to “take a look” or “find out more” about what Wakaya Perfection has to offer. This is your ONLY goal during this phase. First, remember your ABC’s (If you don’t know what we’re talking about, go back and review the ABC’s section at the beginning of this guide.) Second, focus solely upon that immediate goal. This is the most important part of the process, because this is when you discover where your prospect is AT, where they would rather BE, if they’re ready to make a CHANGE, and most critically – this is when they make the DECISION to get involved. The Invitation process will guide you to which specific products, or which part(s) of the income opportunity to share with your prospect. Many over-enthusiastic Ambassadors fail to do the ABC’s properly, and end up showing their prospect irrelevant product and or compensation information, making the Presentation difficult, and the Conclusion awkward.

How to invite? Essentially, there is only one way to invite – through conversation. Whether the conversation is verbal or written, it should be focused solely on the prospect, not on the company and not on you. Most people are interested in three things: Money, Health, and Time – Your Invitation goal is to find out which area they’re most concerned about, and if they’re willing to make some changes to achieve their goals.

Decisions are made emotionally, not logically. Ironically, your prospect will make the emotional decision to get involved before they really know anything about the company or our products, however, that emotional decision must quickly be backed up by a logical and sensible rationalization, which is where the Presentation comes in. Your invitation can be as simple “If I could show you a way to (insert their primary want or need), without costing you more (insert their secondary want or need), would you be interested in finding out more?”

The Presentation Remember that most of your prospects have already made the emotional decision to get involved, they just need the logical rationalization to back it up. Your presentation should be tailored to what they want to see as well as what they expect to see. Here are some of the top ways to present the Wakaya Perfection story. Stick with what is consistent with your invitation and what you’re comfortable with.


• Remember your ABC’s! Your initial contact is ONLY to find out A, B, & C, then find out if they’re interested in learning more – not to tell them everything about everything and try to give a presentation over the phone or in casual conversation. Refer to the sample scripts, they will help you get started and see the greatest success.

• When one of your prospects does want to know more, you MUST resist the temptation of giving them a presentation over the phone (or at the dinner party, baseball game, or wherever you happen to be speaking with them). Invite them to the next event, or schedule a 1 on 1 presentation.

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• Large or Medium Group Presentations

• Seminar style at hotel or event facility

• Paradise Home Parties

• Small Group Presentations – 3 to 5 people

• One on One meetings

• Bula Bottle and Cap Sampling

• Virtual Events

• Conference Call

• Webinar

• Social Media Simulcast

This is by far not a complete list, as it seems that new communication methods are invented daily. The only critical thing to remember is to share the most current and official Wakaya Perfection Story, whether using product information sheets (white papers), or the official income opportunity PowerPoint or video presentation. Wakaya Perfection Corporate goes to a great deal of effort to make sure that you have the most recent, up to date, and compliant information available to you. Make a habit of visiting the training and documents sections of your Ambassador virtual back office, as well as the Wakaya Perfection blog site (www.wakayablog.com) for the most up to date information and videos. You also have the assistance and support of your Upline, as they are here to help you in getting your business started, and your marketing plan in place. In fact, you may choose to just “plug-in” to their existing presentation schedule, and start your own later.

Once you’ve selected the Presentation method that suits you, it’s time to setup your initial schedule. Start by having three pre-scheduled dates for your personal Wakaya Launch Presentation and or Paradise Parties. Don’t forget to block out smaller amounts of time that would be good for one on one meetings if you choose. The more live presentations you hold, the faster you will learn, the more natural it will become, the more people you will attract, and the faster your business will grow.

Group Presentations (in office, home, or hotel) Group presentations are often the most fruitful, as there is power in numbers and the positive energy they generate is contagious. When possible, your Upline will be there to help you with the presentation. You can hold presentations in the home of a teammate or prospect, your home, a hotel, or any place that can accommodate a group and gives you a suitable “stage” to talk and answer questions. You may want to have product samples, a white board and or a computer projector to show the PowerPoint or video presentations (you can also use the flip chart for smaller groups). Be sure to use only Company prepared and or company approved presentations. You can find the most recent approved marketing material by accessing your virtual back office.

Paradise Parties A Paradise Party is just a fancy way of saying “you’re going to have a bunch of people over to your house! Have some fun, talk about Wakaya Perfection Products, give some stuff away, and sell some stuff too!” Home parties are fun and very rewarding. Not only can bring in new customers, you will be expanding your Prospect List and may even add some new team members in the process. Most parties are held in the comfort of the home, however like any group presentation, they can be held at any location that allows you to show and sample the products.

At a Paradise Party, the hostess (or host) is rewarded for inviting their friends and family into their home to share the products and opportunity with them. Their friends can quickly become your friends, while everyone has a great time sampling products, checking out the essential oils, getting beauty treatments and more! An average party can generate $500 or more in retail or preferred customer sales and could earn the host over $75 in free product and other perks. Check your back office for more specific training on home based Paradise Parties and how to get started using the Wakaya Perfection dedicated Home Party software system, making it easy to organize your party efforts!

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One on One Presentations In today’s world, not everyone that you share Wakaya Perfection with will be able to attend a live party or presentation. In those cases, simply agree upon a date and time to meet with them in their home, at the coffee shop or even the park. If a face to face meeting isn’t possible, then arrange for a time to chat via video conference (Skype or Facetime), or with another online program that enables you to see each other. If, however, technology is not your strong suit, a telephone conversation is certainly better than nothing!

As you are getting started, you may find These meetings are also good to involve your Upline for training and credibility purposes. In such cases, however, be sure to let your prospect know you will be bringing an expert with you.

Determine your goal and the time you will dedicate before you arrange the meeting. The specific goal depends upon where you are in your ABC’s process, but we recommend that you dedicate no more than 30 minutes, out of respect for your prospect’s time as well as your own. Ideally, the first 2/3 of the meeting should be you asking great questions, and the last 1/3 should be addressing their concerns and getting their products on order. Try to keep the last 10 minutes of your time together for closing, answering questions and filling out the paper work. You can tell when they get excited about the products and opportunity as they will ask a lot of questions. This may also throw your time off. Let your contact know where you are at on time and if they have an extra few minutes if needed.

Product Sampling Since Wakaya Perfection has no territorial restrictions, it’s highly likely that some of your prospective customers and Ambassadors will be, or already are, out of state. Occasionally, a phone call or video conference just isn’t enough. Sometimes the best presentation is to let the products speak for themselves! A well-placed sample of bulaFIT™ fuel & burn, or a bula bottle and some bula cap samples may be all that’s necessary to seal the deal.

While sampling has a small investment attached to it, it is a great way to share the great taste and efficacy of Wakaya Perfection’s high impact products. If you are sharing samples, be sure to maximize your investment by following up with them to answer any questions they may have and invite them to take the next step.

Sharing the Wakaya Way No matter which presentation method you use, keep things simple and tailored to the audience. Always remember your ABC’s, and start by getting to know your prospects, their wants and their needs, so that you can share the parts of Wakaya Perfection that will best help them. When in doubt, just go to the next page or slide of the presentation, and you will do great!

Remember to always be aware of the time and leave an appropriate amount to close the presentation and invite your audience to take the next step. Keep your prospect’s goals in mind at all times and never try to do too much too quickly. Here are some tips to help stay on track:

Keys for STP success

1. Have the proper intention. You must believe that this is the greatest opportunity for everyone.

2. Dress professionally for the meeting setting. Don’t overdress, but be a step above who you are presenting to. Business when appropriate – Casual when appropriate.

3. If using your home for an event, make sure it’s tidy, but not uncomfortable.

4. Eliminate any unnecessary interruptions (Phone, pets, children, TV)

5. Be sure to properly introduce guests and always edify your Upline leadership and the company before starting a presentation.

6. Stay excited! When not “in the front of the room,” sit on the edge of your seat and in the front. Never be in the back talking or not paying attention.

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7. Have the “We’re going to do it with or without you” attitude. As they say, attitude is everything, and showing your commitment is a big part of that.

8. Always have products that you use with you. Your bula bottle is your best friend!

Invite Everyone You Know, and Everyone You Don’t (yet) Know This is where building your business begins. It’s time to start inviting your prospects! Grab your prospect list and the telephone. Start with your 1’s, go to your 2’s and then your 3’s. Use the contact tracking next to each name to keep track of who you have contacted. Don’t be surprised when some of your 1’s are not interested and your 3’s are so excited they can’t wait to get to the next step!

Remember that not everyone is going to be ready to sign up as a new team member or as a customer, and that is okay. Some people will simply not be interested or it may just not be the right time for them. Each conversation is important, as you are always looking to add new referrals and more contacts to your prospect list. You are looking for people who are looking for something, and you’re looking for people that don’t know they’re looking for something.

Keep your conversation natural but sincere. Don’t put any undue pressure on the people you speak with. Your intention and tone is more important than the words. Here are a few sample phone scripts to get your thoughts going. Have fun and relax! Your only goal is to invite them to hear about Wakaya Perfection. Again, don’t try to show the plan over the phone, just peak their curiosity.

Example “warm market” script

Hi, ___________! I only have a few minutes, but I’ve been wanting to chat with you. As you probably know, I’ve been looking for a simple way to (insert a part of YOUR “big enough reason why”)

• make a few extra bucks • free up some of my time

• go on a REAL vacation • get away from my current job

and I believe I’ve found it! For the first time in my life, I feel like I’m ahead of the curve! I’m starting my own home-based business and I’ve never been so excited. Our company is young, but growing like crazy!

• I don’t know if you have any interest, but I’ve just got to show you this…

• Since you and I aren’t that different, I think you should take a look...

• Our products follow some of the hottest trends today, and I want to get you some to try and let me know your thoughts.

• Can we get together ___________________ so I can show you what’s going on?

Possible Responses to Their Replies

I don’t know if I would be interested…

• You’re right, I don’t know if you would be either. You would know better than I, but only after you know more. All I know is that I’m really excited about it and would like to at least run it by you. Why don’t you come over and get the information direct from the source? If you’re still not interested, it is 100% okay with me.

I’ll try to be there…

• I’m only having a few select people over because I’m inviting one of the company experts too, and I have limited space. If you don’t think you can come (or don’t want to) that’s fine! Just let me know so I can invite someone else. But if you’re going to come, I need to know because I don’t want to give your spot away.

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What’s it all about?...

• I’m so glad to hear you ask me that! That’s what I want you to see. It’s a direct sales home-based business, but not like anything you’ve ever seen or heard of before! This is a company that was started by the founder of FIJI water, and the products have been sold on HSN! Even Oprah Winfrey has endorsed them! Just come bring an open mind and leave your checkbook at home! It’ll be fun!

No, I don’t think I will have any interest at all.

Here’s where you use FEEL...FELT...FOUND

I know exactly how you FEEL. I FELT the same way until I saw what this company is really all about. Let me tell you what I FOUND. This company is totally different than anything I’ve ever seen. Hot trending Products like Ginger and Turmeric that are the best in the world, and endorsed by Oprah Winfrey! A business plan that shows you exactly what to do to make an extra thousand dollars a month or more... Even a free cruise every year! You might HATE it, but then again, you might LOVE it! Come on over, have a cup of coffee, and spend 30 minutes. If you still have no interest, that’s perfectly fine! But I sure would love to see you (and the family) on the next cruise!

OK, I’ll be there

• Great...The meeting starts at ____________ I’ll be waiting for you at the door or I’ll be watching for you.

Thanks, but no thanks

When it is clear that a prospect is either not interested, or not going to take the time to find out if they’re interested, it is time to STOP the invitation, sales, or closing process. Remove ALL pressure from your prospect and simply say something like:

• I completely understand, would it be okay though, if I got back with you in a few (weeks, months) just to see how things are going with (kids, family, work, etc.)?

Done at the right time, a disinterested prospect will always agree to a follow-up call because, they probably just want to move on and not be “sold” anything today. Give them that respect and get permission to ask again another day.

After showing the Plan / Sharing the Products After a presentation, your prospects will typically fall into one of these four categories:

• They will have no interest at all

• They will have questions and want to think about it

• They will want to get started right away

• They will want to purchase product either at retail or as a preferred customer

If they choose to not take any action on the first meeting, set up a follow-up meeting after they have had time to think about or identify any concerns they may have. Your goal is to help them overcome their concerns and join your team or become your next customer.

Let’s talk about some of the questions they might have and how you can respond to them.

I’m Just Not Interested If your prospect has no interest at all, your goal is to simply to ask for referrals, and plant a seed for possible follow-up call, then share your website with them or your favorite DVD and invite them to just learn more about the products and how they can help them.

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Chances are, however, that it may just be a timing issue, and that you’re speaking to the right person (after all, they did come take a look), just at the wrong time. There is likely a reason that it’s not the right time just yet... Here are some of common reasons and things to think about between now and your next follow-up conversation.


• They are too comfortable with their situation

• Ask yourself, “Do you know what their dreams are?”

• Did you ask them what they would do if they hit the lottery?

• Did you ask them what they would do with an extra $1,000 a month?


• Remember, when someone says no, it’s often because they don’t know enough.

• What your prospect may be wondering is “Show me that I can really do this business.”

• He or she needs to go to a party or meeting with you or listen to a DVD.

• You may encourage them to go to a larger event or meeting

• Explain the concept of leveraging their time

• Invite your Upline to help share the benefits of the compensation plan with them.


• They don’t understand how they themselves can be successful in the business based on their current circumstances.

• They think they are too busy, too shy, can’t hold meetings because they don’t know anyone who would want to do this, etc.

If you can identify the “objection”, you can simply address it at your next opportunity.

I want to think it over This is by far the most common response that you will hear, and there are many reasons for it, including:

• They actually do want to think it over

• They’re not interested and don’t want to tell you

• They’re interested, but

• worried what other people will think

• worried about the expense

• worried about the commitment

• They don’t know what to do next

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Since this is very common and often sincere, it’s imperative that you figure out the real reason behind the response. Here is a wonderful script that if you practice, will help you figure it out.

Them: I want to think it over.

You: Great! I’m sure by telling me that, you’re going to give it very careful consideration? (no pause) I mean, you’re not telling me that, just to get rid of me, are you?

Them: No, no… of course, I really do want to think it over

You: Excellent! Well, then just for my curiosity, what is it that you’d like to think over? (no pause) Is it the quality of Wakaya Perfection’s products?

Them: No, the products look very good… (or maybe they do have a question about the products)

You: Then it must be the compensation system – is it the Plan to a GRAND?

Them: No, it certainly looks like the company pays well… (or maybe they do have a question about the compensation system)

You: Oh… Well, be honest with me… Is it the money? Is that what you need to think about? (hopefully, you’ll find out what’s up!)

Has Some Questions This is GREAT! When your prospect poses questions, they are very close to going ahead. The tricky part is that sometimes, people will just keep asking you questions until they find something that you don’t know and then use that as an excuse to not go ahead. Sometimes, it’s best to deflect questions to another expert, such as your Upline or the company website. Don’t overthink it, but try to use systems and people to answer more complex questions, so that your prospect will realize that they won’t have to know all that detail either. Here are some tips:

• Answer as many simple questions as you can.

• Use the website, DVD’s, printed materials or other tools to handle the more complex or detailed questions.

• Do a 3-way call with your Upline or use the conference calls.

• Invite them to attend an open meeting in the area.

They’re Ready to Get Started NOW Congratulations! And this will happen more than you expect, if you follow your ABC’s and follow-up diligently. When your prospect is ready to sign up, get the enrollment paperwork or go online right away while you are there. Encourage them to purchase the Paradise Product Pack as it offers the largest variety of product, best discount and it offers enough CQV to Paradise Qualify your new Ambassador.

After getting them enrolled, be sure to advise them of the auto-ship discount program, and that some products and packages bring a large enough discount to cover the cost of additional products or even shipping expenses. Also advise them that auto-ship orders can be adjusted or even cancelled up to 24 hours before the scheduled ship time.

Now that they are enrolled, familiarize them with their back office, show them how to process orders, and show them where the training system is, as well as this 8-step training guide. They can start this process while they are waiting for their enrollment kit and any initial product orders to arrive.

Get them started on completing STEP 1, and identifying their “big enough reason why.” Help them set dates for their first three events at their how and decide what type of event they want to do. Review the Warm Market List and sample scripts.

While you are excited to have a new team member and to help them achieve their dreams, remember a message read or heard once is 66% forgotten within 24 hours and practically out of mind in 30 days. Don’t overload them with too much information. They only need to know the way to next step.

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FOLLOW-UP and Follow Through Congratulations! You’ve made it past the toughest part of the business, to the single most important part of the business. (Forgive us, but we’re going to slip into some bona fide sales training for just a moment – to make a point.) It is Follow-up and follow through that separate the successful elite sales people from the less successful ones. It’s a universally accepted fact that “the sale” most often requires 5 to 7 follow-up conversations or “touches” with any prospective customer – at the business to business level and at the consumer level as well. Ironically, most salespeople never actually ask for the sale, much less persist through 5 to 7 follow-up calls.

Timing is literally everything. Let’s look at this from a mathematical perspective. As we stated earlier, Newsweek Magazine stated that 3 out of every 4 households in America are or will become involved with a home-based business over the next 6 years. Let’s assume that’s true. Let’s also assume that, with some number crunching, that equates to 1 out of every 6 people here in the US. That would mean that 50Million people (that’s a 5 with 7 zeros after it) are primed to get involved with your Wakaya Perfection business! Phenomenal! However, the most important line is “over the next 6 years.” Gotcha! That means, even if you find the right person, chances are, it’s not the right time… yet. It also means that with proper follow-up, it’s just a matter of TIME.

How do you master the art of follow-up? Darned simple! Just follow these steps:

1. Acknowledge that follow-up is absolutely necessary. (check!)

2. Learn what follow-up is, and how to properly follow-up.

3. Learn when to follow-up, and when to give-up!

4. Apply it. Faithfully!

So, what is follow-up? Do you remember the ABC’s at the start of this manual? Follow-up is simply the review of the ABC’s with your prospect. As in “Where are you AT?”, “Where would you rather BE?”, “Are you ready to make a CHANGE?” and your goal is “D” – “Have you made a DECISION to make that change?”

How do you follow up? That depends upon where you left off when you last spoke. Ideally, your previous conversation ended with something like “Would it be OK if I check back in a few weeks to see how things are going?” The answer should always be yes, and you should keep your word!

When to follow up? Always! Follow up should be a daily habit, and it should always be on your schedule. Since your treating Wakaya Perfection like a serious business, let’s seriously look at your follow-up routine. At the top of your follow-up list should always be the person in the best position to generate cash flow. Who might that be? Well, it’s not your prospects, your enrolled Ambassadors, or your customers… It’s YOU! Yes, your first follow-up and review of the ABC’s each and every day is with you. Your next round of follow-up is with the person or people that are in the next best position to generate cash flow in your business – your team of Ambassadors, then your customers, then your prospects.

When to give up? NEVER! As a marketer, you are in the relationship business. Relationships are fluid… It’s about people – and timing. The wrong and the right people, at the wrong and the right time. It’s pretty easy to find the wrong person at the wrong, or even the right time. It’s also easy to find the right people at the wrong time. But what you’re interested in, is finding the right person at the right time… and there’s only two ways to do that: Pure luck, or proper follow-up! IF you are following the ABC’s in the correct order, you should always have permission to follow up, making it just a matter of time…

Each follow-up conversation will have different goals, depending upon who you’re talking to, but will follow the same pattern of the ABC’s – “Where are you AT? Where would you rather BE? Are you ready to make a CHANGE? Have you made the DECISION to change?” Some conversations will be ongoing; some will be conclusions. Follow the system, the system will find the right people at the right time.

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HELP Those You Enroll Get StartedOnce you enroll someone it is your goal, within the first week, to get them started on steps 1 through 4 of their own 8 steps to Paradise get them in position to show the plan and share the products with their prospects. Make sure they know that you are committed to their success.

It is your responsibility as their Enroller to help them:

• Invite people to their first few events (Paradise Parties, Group Presentations, Other Meetings)

• Help with their first few events

• Help them learn and know the importance of following these 8-Steps to Financial Freedom

• Strengthen your relationship with them and help them to start dream building

• Start the training process by promoting the events, meetings, conference calls and other business trainings

• Help them process their first few product orders and enrollment, showing them how their back-office works, and how to work with the Home Office.

What’s most critical is that your new enrollees get off to a fast start. The most fragile time in a new Ambassador’s career is the time between the time they complete their enrollment form, and the time they see success – however they define it, whether that’s receipt of their initial product order, receipt of their first commission check, or their first rank promotion. If they’re new to the industry, or if they’re not accustomed to being their own boss, they will need guidance and motivation from you, so follow-up often and make it clear that you are here to help. Make sure you know what their goals are, as you may need to remind them from time to time. Don’t be afraid to hold their hand, but be careful not to hold it too tightly!

“You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.” –ZIG ZIGLAR

Page 26: 8 Steps to Paradise...UPDATE 032717 3 8 Steps to Financial Freedom Its about the People! Now that we’ve covered the basics of business and being your own boss, it’s time to get

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TEACH the Training Process This is the step that holds all the others together. It will supercharge your business and create wealth. As you build your team it’s important to teach your new Ambassadors this 8-Steps to Financial Freedom so they can teach it to their new team members. This creates a process of duplication where the entire team is working together towards a common goal.

Just as the secret to McDonalds ongoing success is consistency across all their restaurants, the secret to your success is through consistency and duplication of our distribution system. That’s what this 8-step guide is all about, and why it is so important to follow it faithfully, as well as to use only corporate prepared and official presentation and other marketing materials. Whether you believe that a McDonalds hamburger is the best tasting in the world or not, you probably will agree that they are amazingly consistent from location to location; they look, smell, and taste the same everywhere. Let’s just say that there is a reason they don’t put mayonnaise on a Big Mac®! The same should be true for your Wakaya Perfection business. Consistency across your distribution outlets is more important than the “perfect presentation” or the “perfect close”. Even your personal performance is moot, if it cannot be taught or duplicated throughout your organization. Focus on teaching the things that can be easily taught, easily learned, and easily duplicated by everyone in your organization.

The more consistently you promote the company events, the more people from your group will attend. The more people you have attend events with you will determine how fast, profitable and secure your business will grow. Always be the first to register for the next event and promote it with your team.

Be sure to include the company trips and incentives as part of your team culture. These incentives will help give your leaders a long-term outlook and commitment. Stay plugged in to the company blogs and social media outlets for up-to-date information on local, regional, and national events and incentives. Never take anything for granted, always pass on and promote this information to your team, and don’t be afraid to repeat yourself, for as they say, repetition is the mother of learning.

Continue this training process, always expecting all your Ambassadors to excel, but not counting on them to build your business for you. The greatest leaders in your organization will often be the most unlikely champions, and sometimes the Ambassadors that have the right look, and say all the right things, will go nowhere. As with most things in life, some will, some wont, but some others are waiting –

Here are some additional activities that active leaders do to increase their knowledge, energy and stay motivated.

1. Listen to good audios every day. Both educational and motivational. Check the Wakaya Perfection Podbean channel for a library of good stuff. http://wakayaleaders.podbean.com

2. Read good books that provide leadership, inspiration and knowledge every day.

3. Go to every possible Wakaya Perfection function.

4. Teach the 8-Steps to Financial Freedom to your organization

5. Follow-up with your team, and hold them accountable to their goals and especially to the activity necessary to achieve them.

Your group will do what they see you doing. Remember, what you do speaks so loudly, they will not hear what you are saying – so the best training you can give them is to lead by example in all aspects of your business. The speed of the leader is the speed of the group. Lastly, and most importantly, don’t let anyone steal your dreams!