8 steps to ending your day as an entrepreneur


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Post on 18-Aug-2015



Small Business & Entrepreneurship

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You survived another day as an entrepreneur, but there is an equally stressful one on the docket for tomorrow. The sun is down and you’re thinking about finally heading home but there is still so much to do.

Here are 8 easy steps on how to end your day the right way!

Set Boundaries Just Finish Review the Day Clean Up Look Forward Shut Down Enjoy the Evening Go to Bed

Set boundaries on when you’re going to turn it off and stick to it. You shouldn’t let your work drift deep into the night, regardless of what the clichés say.

You risk not only losing a night to unwind and letting your

mind reset, but you also set yourself up for a late start and an unnecessarily exhaustive grind tomorrow which can turn into a vicious cycle.

Just Finish that nagging task you have been putting off all day. Letting it hang over your head is going to nullify the entire purpose of a relaxing evening as its going to be the only thing on your mind.

Take a second to empty that inbox too and close off your open conversations for a fresh start tomorrow.

Review the Day and everything you accomplished. Focus on the positives and hang your hat on a hard day’s work.

Take a bit of time to celebrate the wins. The sense of

achievement will really help in the unwinding process.

Clean Up your desk, your workspace, and your office.

Make sure everything is in its proper spot for when you arrive tomorrow.

Cluttered spaces represent chaos and that’s definitely not

how you want to start your day.

Look Forward to what tomorrow holds. Again, focus on the positives and everything you’re working for.

Set up your daily task lists and the things you are planning to

accomplish tomorrow, but don’t try to make any big decisions. You’re tired and that never works out well.

Just set up the day to avoid a morning of scheduling.

Shut Down and unplug from your busy day. Let people know that you’re done for the day.

You are still the boss so if there is an emergency, obviously

respond but you’re not doing yourself any favors dragging the daily stress home with you.

Enjoy the Evening at home, a restaurant, the bar, wherever. Try to clear your mind and let you emotions simmer.

Read some fiction, watch a sitcom, or go for a walk. Exit out

of the office reality and just enjoy some peace to really recharge for another battle tomorrow.

Go to Bed because you can’t put a price on a good night’s sleep. It needs to be a priority.

Would you rather go to bed earlier and have the energy for

tomorrow or stay up late and drag yourself around all day? Getting a solid night of sleep is just a good investment in tomorrow.

You may have a lot to do, but you need a break too. You don’t want to overwork yourself and become less productive. Instead, become more productive and use these 8 tips to end your day!

End your day the right way so you can start your next day off even better!

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