8 screen analysis

The Big Combo 8 screen analysis

Upload: rebecca101

Post on 22-Jul-2015




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Page 1: 8 screen analysis

The Big Combo 8 screen


Page 2: 8 screen analysis

This is a low static camera shot, this reveals the femme fatale running away from somebody. This also shows she is running in a corridor another convention of a film noir.

This long shot reveals than 2 men are chasing the woman, possibly the detectives. It is also set is some sort of bar or pub which is a typical setting for part of a film noir.

Page 3: 8 screen analysis

This Medium shot is very important. It shows one of the men stood almost in total darkness and the other slightly in dark, this could by symbolic of evil or bad. Also the femme fatale is in the middle stood in the only light in the scene showing good possibly. This shot makes it obvious that the 2 men are intimidating her

This medium shot shows the femme fatale hitting one of the males. This is the feisty behavior of a femme fatale.

Page 4: 8 screen analysis

This is a medium shot, this reveals the location of the scene. This is a bar, with one man smoking. Both these things are typical conventions of a film noir.

This medium close up also helps revealing the time due to the clothes the man is wearing. It also reveals his facial expressions, he seems concerned for the woman.

Page 5: 8 screen analysis

This long shot reveals a different location than in the previous scene, however this still is a typical film noir setting in a busy city.

Close up shows the police car. This again is a film noir conventions of detectives and police.