8 laws of greatness

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  • 7/28/2019 8 Laws of Greatness


  • 7/28/2019 8 Laws of Greatness


    E I G H T

    L A W S O F

    G R E A T N E S S

    D A V I D O W A B O Y E

  • 7/28/2019 8 Laws of Greatness



    Copyright 2010 by David Owaboye


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  • 7/28/2019 8 Laws of Greatness



    I want you to be in partnership with me through the preaching of the wordof faith to restore man to my original plans and purpose for his life, that is

    absolute dominion in all spheres of life as it was in the Garden of Eden,

    heaven on earth order of life

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    Faith Church Worldwide. By divine instruction I sat under your ministry (as a church

    member, from 1996 2008) before I answered this calling, unarguably God has used you to

    give my destiny shape and colour. I love and honour you sir!

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    Every child born into the world is goal oriented. The struggles to crawl, walk, explore have

    been in him from the very beginning. The problem is that the kicks and the knocks of life

    drive the desire for success out of him.

    In other words, the desire for success is inbred in every child. You did not come into thisworld bent toward failure. You may have had a lot of disadvantages. The tough and difficult

    times come. Welcome to human race. The difference is that some people give up and some

    do not.

    Todays mighty oak is just yesterdays nut that held its ground. Dont quit, dont give in. We

    need to paralyze resistance with persistence

    - Bill Newman

    Greatness in life is not an exclusive right of just few people, neither does anybody has acopyright to it. Everyone that is born of God already has a seed of greatness planted in him

    by the Creator. Whether or not we are aware of that seed is a different matter.

    We are all born potentially great. Life, a wise man once said, is like a house full of treasure

    but under lock and key.

    Without the right keys you cannot have access to the treasure house, yet you are invited to

    take as much of the treasure as you want.

    That is what this book is all about. It has placed in your hands life changing keys that will

    introduce in your life the house full of treasure of greatness. You need keys to gain access to

    the greatness Heaven has destined for you on the earth.

    Ignorance of this timeless truth has kept many extra-ordinary people away from this

    treasure house of greatness and made them to just live and get by in this market place

    of life.

    Application of these Eight Laws of Greatness will grant you unlimited access to the

    world of greatness in the pursuit of your life. Though things may not change

    immediately, but if you are determined to paralyze resistance with persistent

    application of these laws, things will definitely change in your life in no distant time.

    Satan does not have a defense against the truth. The knowledge of the truth accordingto the laws of the Spirit must decidedly set you free, no matter the resistance the

    adversary wants to put up against it.

    My heart goes out to people that have been destined to be blessings to multitude of

    people all over the world but who are living from hands to mouth today. My heart also

    goes out to people who had it been their potentials have been fully realized would

    have become a global point of reference today but have been reduced to messengers

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    and hewers of word, in one obscure corner of life. One thing we must understand is

    that life will never give us what we deserve except what we forcefully demand from it.

    Ignorance of these laws of greatness will keep greatness far away from you just as

    heaven is far away from the earth. That is why I want you to be awake right away and

    begin to contend with every spirit of sihon that has been resisting your efforts to gain

    your inheritance of greatness.

    Many people have allowed the enemy to box them into oblivion in life simply by

    mistaking their circumstances as their destinies. You are not what circumstance of life

    say you are, you are not what your enemies say you are.

    Rather, you are who God says you are. This is the point you must get to know in order

    to disable your defeat from overcoming you.

    The truth is that, just like Eleanor Roosevelt once said: No man can make you feel

    inferior without your permission. Yes, it may be the permission you gave out of

    ignorance but your permission is required before the devil can ever have a final say inyour destiny.

    In 2 Corinthians 5:7, the Lord instructs us to walk by faith and not by sight. I make

    bold to declare that your situations and circumstances are temporal, they will

    definitely change as you commit yourself to practising these life changing laws of


    Always remember that the mighty oak is just yesterdays seed that held its ground.

    Stand and keep on standing on these laws and your long awaited testimony willinevitably manifest!


    MARCH, 2010

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    Moreover whom He did predestinate, them He also called and whom He called them He

    also justified and whom He justified, and them He also glorifiedRomans 8:30.

    On the 28th of December, 2008, the Lord commanded us to begin a school called the school

    of greatness. The Master made a promise to make anyone who cares to apply these lawswalk in practical dominion in life adventure.

    So for everyone that desires to experience greatness in every sphere of human endearvour,

    these are the laws that God has designed for them to cause the seed of greatness planted in

    them to grow and become manifest.


    Everyone that is genuinely born again has a heritage of greatness in the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Angel Gabriel speaking to Mary about the destiny of the Lord Jesus Christ inLuke 1:32 said

    that Jesus shall be great .

    According to the Scripture, anyone that is born again, who has accepted Jesus Christ as his orher Lord and Saviour has been reborn by a great God.

    The law of nature simply says that likes beget likes. Plant will always and has always been

    reproducing according to the land in which it was planted. The same thing is true of the

    animal kingdom; animals always produce according to their kind. In the same vain, when aman is born of God (1 John 5:4), that is when he/she accepts the Lord Jesus Christ as his/herLord and Saviour. He/she becomes potentially a great person. The seed of greatness is wired

    into our system. This is validated inRevelation 5:6, which says that Christ has made us unto

    our God as kings and priests and our destiny is to reign on the earth.

    To reign means to command influence, to set the pace for others to follow. So we are

    redeemed into greatness. Our DNA as sons and daughters of the Most High God is that ofgreatness. See what the psalmist says inPsalms 91:14: If anyone is a lover of God, there is

    a promise hanging over his or her life to be set on high. This means that the person would

    be made great by God.

    So the plan of God for man from the beginning of the world is to make him walk in

    dominion (Gen. 1:28). God wants every man He created in His very nature to be walking in

    greatness; God wants him to be in control, to be a leader, to be incharge in every sphere of

    life. We were saved to become glorified and exalted according toRomans 8:30. We were not

    saved to be defeated and live a lower life. Rather heaven wants us to live a higher life.


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    By virtue of the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, we have been

    initiated into the Abrahamic covenant of greatness (Galatians 3:14).

    God establishing His covenant with Abraham in Genesis 17:6says that the offspring of

    Abraham shall be kings and queens not people that will just try and go by on earth.

    The seeds of Abraham, born again children of God have been destined to command

    influence in business, different careers and professions and whatever field of life they findthemselves.

    That is the programme of God. That is why all the seeds of Abraham that embraced

    Abrahams covenant of greatness also became great. The devil tried to abort their destinies

    but a covenant is a covenant and cannot be broken, it will always prevail. That explains why

    in spite of what the philistine did to stop the covenant from bearing fruits in the life of Isaac

    in Genesis 26:12-22, they did not succeed. The Bible says that Isaac became great in spite ofattacks from the devil through the philistine.

    In Genesis 26:13, Isaac waxed great and went forward and grew until he became very great.

    Galatians 4:28 says, as Isaac was so are we children of promise. We stand in the same place

    today like the biological children of Abraham. All we need to do is to embrace the integrity

    of the covenant of greatness, like the children of Abraham did to make our greatnessmanifest.

    No force, no matter how powerful it may be can destroy the validity of our covenant of

    greatness. It does not matter what obstacles are set against a covenant child of God, as long

    as he holds unto the integrity of the covenant, he must assuredly end up at the upmost part of


    The end time church of Jesus Christ is a company of great men and women. Heaven hasdesigned the church to be the strongest and wealthiest company of the people on earth.

    Isaiah 2:1-3 says that in the last days (which we are now) THE MOUNTAIN OF THE

    Lords house (the church) shall be on the mountain top and all nations shall flow into it. The

    captains of multinational companies, first class international leaders, geniuses will all emergefrom the church in this end time. The church of Jesus Christ is the light and salt of the earth,

    no more, no less. That is the plan of God for all His children. It does not matter what the

    circumstances look like. The Scripture cannot be broken, if the church will position herself

    correctly, though our beginning may be small our future will definitely be a glorious one.

    The good news is that for everyone that will listen to what the Spirit is saying, the church hasentered her season of glorification. We have entered the season of the manifestation of our

    greatness.John 12:23 [Amp] and Jesus answered them saying that the time has come for

    the son of man to be glorified and exalted. I pity those that are not born again because gross

    darkness or evil shall cover the whole earth (Isaiah 60:2). It is the arrogant people who will

    not humble themselves by surrendering their lives to Christ that will be victims of that

    darkness. Darkness stands for a life of shame, oppression, frustration, pain, a life riddledwith all kinds of sicknesses and diseases, premature death, stagnation and poverty.


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    It is dangerous not to be saved in this end time. So if you are not born again, the best

    decision you can ever make in your life now is to surrender your life to Jesus Christ. By so

    doing you will be on board the flight of GREATNESS. Your actual life does not really start

    until you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. The seed, which means, the

    beginning, the nucleus, the fountain, the source of greatness can only be planted in our lives

    when we have accepted Jesus Christ, the originator of authentic and enduring greatness as

    our Lord and Saviour.

    May I advise you to stop playing games with your life. The scripture says that it is appointedunto a man to die once. Therefore, no man will ever have the opportunity of coming into this

    world twice. So once you waste this very life you are living now, it is gone forever. The next

    thing you will face is judgement.


    When we talk of greatness, we are talking of being large; being big; abundant; being

    important, colossal; being celebrated; distinguished; being eminent; being exalted; being

    highly regarded; an excellent personality; something larger in size than others of the samekind; a powerful thing; an influential thing; something remarkable and outstanding in degree

    and extent; something superior in quality and character; something out of ordinary in degree

    and magnitude.


    There is no gain saying the fact that as believers, we have a heritage of greatness in our Lord

    and Saviour, Jesus Christ. But we need to quickly understand that there is a place we need to

    stand; there is what we need to be doing if our greatness must become a reality. If you are a

    lawyer, the programme of God for you is to be the lawyer in your country; if you are abusiness man, heaven wants you to be the businessman; if you are a teacher, God wants youto be a role model for all other teachers in your country. Whichever field of life endeavour

    you are, God wants you to stand out amongst others. He is not glorified when you are lost in

    the crowd. Wonderful as that heavenly agenda is, it will only remain a mere day-dream if

    you do not know how to gain access to it.

    Job said: As I was in the days of my youth, when the secret of God was upon mytabernacle. (Job 29:4). So God has secrets, which you can only access if you position

    yourself correctly in Him. To be dreaming of greatness in life without making effort to find

    out what to do to make it a reality is playing a game without knowing for what purpose. You

    have an enviable potential/destiny in Jesus Christ. It will only become a reality when you

    find out what God wants you to do to become great and you begin to do them accordingly.

    Once you can fulfill your part, God will not fail on His own part. We are assured of His everabiding faithfulness all the time.

    The master key to experiencing greatness is revealed in the story of the Israelites and

    Rehoboam. After the death of Solomon, all the Israelites went to Rehoboam in 1Kings 12:4

    to lighten the hard labour and the heavy yoke of his father,


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    Solomon put on them. Rehoboam consulted with the elders who served his father on how he

    should answer the people, they

    replied: If today you will be a servant to this people and save them and give them a

    favourable answer, they will always be your servants (1Kings 12:7).

    Listen to what the spirit of God is saying, just like the Israelites confessed that they have a

    heavy yoke on them, so it is in every generation, people have genuine needs from time to

    time in every generation, great people always emerge when those needs are identified andare instructed by God to rise up and begin to meet the needs of the people.

    So, here is the key: The elders of Israel offered excellent advice to Rehoboam as a matter of

    fact: their advice is what can be termed as the golden rule of greatness.

    The journey to greatness does not start until you locate where your promised land is. I mean

    that you have to have a revelation from God on which areas of life God wants you to servehumanity. Nobody can become truly great by having a motive to acquire influence just to be

    directing, ruling and controlling others. Every seed genuine dream of vision of greatness

    must and will always have service of humanity and God as its focus.

    Greatness from Gods perspective is not so much success, or the cars, the wealth etc. we

    have acquired but rather it is in values and contributions and those things that have improvedthe life of others.

    Remember the story of a young rich man the Bible described as a rich fool. He had money

    which he used for a wrong purpose, just to satisfy his selfish desires. That is why the Bible

    did not give us his name. He was not a great man and had no name. This is the truth I want

    you to appreciate; it is not a sin to want to be great in life. Apostle Paul wrote about anambition to become a leader. To aspire to a leadership position is an honourable ambition.

    (1Timothy 3:1 NED] as we have pointed out, greatness is our heritage in Jesus Christ, but theladder to that greatness is to desire to serve God by serving others first. God does not define

    a great man the way satan and the world look at greatness.

    The world think a great man is the one everyone must serve but see what Jesus has to say onthis subject inMatthew 20:26-27, Whoever wants to be great amongst you, let him be your

    servant. Whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant. Therefore, the

    journey to greatness begins when we have found an area of life where we are really ready

    and willing to serve the people first. Any business or venture you begin with the aim of just

    making money from people will not amount to much. But if you start same on the platform

    of true desire to put a smile on somebodys face, deflating the pressures and yokes that is inthe lives of the people, then you are on your way to leaving your footprint on the sands of


    Many of us need to ask ourselves why we are in the business we are into now. Why are we

    pursuing the career we are in? Is it just to make a living? Those who live for self alone

    cannot make a mark on earth. It is those whose selfless lives are aimed at solving a particularproblem in their generation that the Lord will eventually help to become great. Jesus,


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    the King of Kings served humanity to a point of death. He died and shed his blood, went

    through a lot of pains and agonies not for any selfish ambition but for the sake of man, so

    God had to exalt Him and after the pains He suffered. He is seated at the most exalted

    position, at right hand of God.

    Let us start thinking about the welfare of others. Lets start thinking of how we can make life

    better for others. Let us start imagining what we can do to solve the unemployment

    problems, strengthen the weak, clothe the naked, heal the sick, and feed the poor in ourgeneration!

    It is then we will be on our way up. If truly we are sincere about it, not for the sake of what

    we are out to get but for making life better for others, heaven is taking us up. 2Thessalonians

    5:24 says that faithful is He that calleth thee, who will also do it. When you discover your

    path in Gods agenda for the end of time church, then you commit Him to back you up. Your

    dream and vision will become His dream and vision and you will just become a co-labourerwith God - 1 Corinthians 3:9.

    Enough of living unto ourselves!! It will only continue to make slaves out of us. It is high

    time we started living for the sake of others. Look at what Joseph said to his brothers: God

    preserved me for your sake. So his dream of greatness was not about himself but for others.

    Gideon could not stand the molestation of the Midianites, God raised him. Moses was all out

    to serve the people; he turned down the pleasure of Pharaohs house in order to serve the


    You have not truly found a genuine dream to live for until you have found one that is adding

    value to others. InActs 20:35, the Bible says that it is more of a blessing to give than toreceive. May I challenge all of us, what contribution is our life making to our society, state,

    nation and the world at large?

    Our so-called success is of no consequence to heaven if its not adding value to our

    generation. We need to stop and take an inventory of our life-styles and make an amendment

    where necessary. We cannot afford to waste an entire life-time.

    Power and authority are given by God to great people to serve others, to use them for the

    benefit of mankind and not to abuse same and build selfish empires for ourselves.

    I read of Abraham Lincoln, who saw slaves in New Orleans; he was grieved by the horrible

    picture of indecent treatment of human beings like him that he saw. He decided to preparehimself for an opportunity to set slaves free in America. He was so sure the opportunity will

    come, and so God made it happen. You know till date he is still one of the best Presidents

    America has ever had. LOOK WITHIN AND UP so you can start right now, right now in

    your heart to look around you, you will see one hundred problems in our society. Thereafter,

    look up to heaven and start praying for the particular problem that is your own promised

    land. You know the prophet says inJeremiah 29:11, I know the thought/plan that I thinktowards you, saith the Lord. So God already has a specific plan for you, He has a


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    programme for you on the specific area you will make contributions in your generation; but

    you need to call upon Him and He will show you that plan. When God reveals that plan to

    you, then you have a certified seed/dream of greatness in your hand. So dont just step out,

    for you need to also step out aright. Seek divine direction and heaven will show you what

    you need to do.

    See you on top in Jesus name!


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    Keep your heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life.Proverbs 4:23.

    The journey to greatness begins when we understand how things work in the realm of thespirit. Lack of understanding of how God operates in making people great on earth will lead

    to eternal frustration.

    The issue of identity is the foundation of any glorious life. If we do not understand who God

    says we are, there is no way in the first instance we can even ever attempt to become such a

    person. We need to understand that, the quality of our life can never be better than the state

    of our heart. When we attempt to become in practical life what we have not become in the

    inside and what our heart does not have capacity to accommodate, we always end up being


    That is why the Scripture enjoins us to keep our heart with all diligence. We need to be hard-

    working to be able to do it, because that is the foundation of our real greatness, and if the

    foundation is destroyed what can the righteous do?

    Once the foundation of a building is faulty, all attempts to build on it are a wasted exercise. It

    does not matter how much millions of dollars we spent in constructing on a faultyfoundation, it all amounts to a bundle of wasted efforts and resources. So when the issues of

    law of identity have not been properly resolved, all our efforts to be great in life adventures

    result in wasted exercise. The number of years spent notwithstanding, such a life cannot end

    up being great, its heading to failure from the start.


    At new birth, the nature of God is infused into our life. 2Peter 1:4 says that we become

    partakers in Gods nature of greatness. God is a great God and by the law of nature which

    states that likes begets likes, His children are automatically born great.

    You see, this is what the spirit of the Lord is saying to the body of Christ, the real man is not

    the outward physical body we look at, but his spirit that we cannot see with our physical

    eyes. Peter described the real man as the hidden man in the heart. (1 Peter 3:4). WhileApostle Paul calls him the inward man. That inward man has eyes, ears and so on, he is the

    one Solomon says we need to keep with all diligence inEcclesiastes. 4:23. Why? That

    inward man or if you like, the spirit of man is actually what represents the hundred percent

    personality of mans nature. Whatever your spirit does not have the capacity to handle or

    become, your body will never be able to dare. Even if your body attempts to become that

    because you see others becoming such, your body will fail you.

    Your nature or the state of your heart is what puts limit on what you can ever become.

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    So this is a major fundamental secret of greatness: in order to become great, that inward man

    is what must first become great, endowed with the capacity to become great, then becoming

    great outwardly becomes not very much an issue.

    Its a law in the realm of the spirit that the way we see ourselves in the inside of us has a

    great deal to do with whether we are going to become great or not. That is why Jesus said in

    Matthew12:33, either make a good tree and its fruit good or make it bad and its fruit bad. In

    other words, once you become great first in the inside of your spirit by feeding it with

    biblical principles, you will automatically produce fruits of greatness, while the revise is the

    case. So to become wealthy, we need to first internalize the principles of prosperity in the

    Bible like tithing, as contained inMalachi 3:10, giving inLuke 6:38, and so on.

    When our spirit man has been properly fed with the bread of life, the word of God, we would

    have built within ourselves the capacity to be prosperous and it will be only a matter of time

    before our prosperity will manifest for everyone to see it. Everyone that is born again is born

    great, but for that greatness to manifest, we must have a proper understanding of the nature

    of God in us. Genesis 1:26says, we are created in Gods image. So at new birth, we are not

    supposed to be struggling to become great or successful in life, we are born that way. Thegreat God cannot give birth to an ordinary being. No! We already have Gods nature, the

    DNA of greatness. The problem of man is that he does not know who he is. That is why he is

    dying like an ordinary being, a being oppressed by what God has already given him; the

    capacity to overcome.Psalms 82:5-6says, They know not, neither will they understand,

    they walk on in darkness all the foundations of the earth are out of course. I have said ye are

    gods and all of you are children of the most high. This Scripture captures the graphic

    illustration of the problem of man. There is no short cut to becoming great in Gods way,

    except we understand that we are not ordinary human beings but supernaturals in the order ofour God.

    We must believe that we are capable of operating like God by bringing about the miraculous

    at will. As a matter of fact,Isaiah 8:18 says that we are for signs and wonders. So when

    devil confronts you, dont attempt to prevail as a human being or ask what can I do? He will

    defeat you that way because he has six thousand head start ahead of you, you will not be anymatch for him as a human being but rather ask, how will or did Christ respond when

    confronted by the devil while here on the earth?

    1John 4:17says that as Jesus Christ is so we are in this world. Even Christ Himself said in

    John 17:22 that the glory God has given to Him, He has equally given to us.John 20:21

    reveals that as God has sent Jesus, even so has He sent us. The programme of God is that weshould do greater works than our Lord Jesus Christ did. It is high time we started seeing

    ourselves the way heaven sees us. The reason Jesus was able to carry out the exploit He did

    is that, He knew who He was. He never separated Himself from the power, ability, and

    strength of God. You often hear Him say inJohn 10:30, I and my father are one. At this

    time, He said whosoever has seen Him has seen the Father. He knew who He was, hence He

    could not be stopped by any gate of hell built against His ministry. We too need to get to thatpoint where we can see ourselves as one with God, having His strength.

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    Psalms 27:1 says that we have the strength of God, having His mind. 1Corinthians 2:16says

    that we have the mind of Christ, having His life/zoe. 1John 3:16says that we have eternal

    life, the very spirit of God.

    And even believe that our physical body is an anointed body immuned and insulated from

    diseases.Hebrews 10:5 says that Christ has a divinely prepared body, that is why sickness

    and disease could not attach themselves to His body. They attempted but did not succeed.

    Jesus said the prince of this world came to me and found nothing; devil did not have

    anything to work with when he attempted to attack Jesus with sickness and disease.

    1Corinthians 6:20 says we were bought with a price and we should glorify God in our body.

    1Corinthians 12:27says, now we are the body of Christ.

    This should not just be in name but in experience. We should see ourselves as one with God,

    because we are actually one with Him. 1Corinthians 6:17 but he that is joined to the

    Lord is one spirit with Him.Philippians 3:20 says, our citizenship is in heaven, so we are

    just representing His interest here on earth. We are Gods ambassadors. 1Corinthians 5:20

    says, we are in this world but not of this world. So when the world is facing economic crisis,

    we are covered and secure because we are under a different kingdom. Our case is different.

    We are the light of the world, (Matthew. 5:14). Our light must shine in the midst of financial

    darkness that has covered this world. When the world is saying there is a cast down, we

    should say there is a lifting up. The present global recession is an opportunity for the light of

    this world to shine in the midst of darkness. We should not say confederacy or fear what the

    people of this world are afraid of or say confederacy to. We are under a different

    government, the government of our Lord Jesus Christ, the government of peace, divine

    health, liberty, joy and prosperity. (Colossians 1:13). This is who we are. We are here toreign (Romans 5:17) and not to suffer what the world is suffering. Our case is different.

    Revelation 22:16describes Jesus as the Bright and Morning star. And that same Jesus, theBible says is dwelling in us through His Spirit (Colossians 1:27). So as Christians, we are

    stars on the earth. In whatever field we find ourselves, we shall stand out. We shall be the

    head and not the tail. This is who we are. We are born stars.


    Proverbs 4:23 says, we should keep our heart, what we see with our inner eyes, the mental

    picture of who God says we are with all diligence. Why this admonition? There is an enemy

    that is out to corrupt and destroy that positive imagination.Proverbs. 23:7says that as we

    think in our heart, so we are. In other words, you are the way you see yourself. If you seeyourself or imagine yourself as ordinary person you will die as an ordinary person. That is

    why Jesus said that for God to make you great in life, you must first become in the inside the

    kind of person you want to become on the outside. God will not put a new wine make you

    great in an old bottle someone whose state of heart is ordinary.

    We are told in the Scripture not to be conformed to this world but to be transformed by the

    renewal of our mind. (Romans 12:1-). So when we change the state of our mental picture or

    imagination, then our life will move in that same direction.

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    Our lives as human being are designed to conform to the structure of our mind set. That is

    why our mind is actually where the real battle is and for our battle to prevail, we must not

    live it to chances rather we must be diligent in keeping watch over it. The enemy of our soul

    knows that it is our mental picture, the way we see ourselves that will actually determine our

    future. So he is all out to sow tares in our minds. He keeps peddling thoughts of doubts,

    painting negative pictures about our destiny in our dreams and at any given opportunity.

    Many glorious destiny have been destroyed because they are ignorant of this fact. They

    allow the devil to dump all sorts of evil thoughts seeds and imaginations in their hearts

    where the inner man is. Whatever enters your heart where the inner man, the Spirit resides

    has entered your life and if it is evil, and its not dealt with, its only a matter of time before

    the person will be consumed by the evil seeds.

    Thoughts are seeds, so also negative imaginations are seeds. When they are allowed inside

    us, seeds have been planted either negative or positive.

    There are two doors to our destiny: the door of the inner eyes and ears. What we look at with

    our physical set of eyes can gain entrance into our destiny through our inner or spiritual ears.

    That is why we need to be watchful of the kind of picture we look at and the kind of sound

    we listen to. If it is bad news, we can hear it with our physical ears but should not receive it

    with our spirit. Listen to what the Spirit of God is saying because the devil will deliberately

    sow tares, smuggle negative seeds, thoughts and imagination into your life through what he

    shows you and what he says or suggests to you. That is why 1Coinrthians 10:5 says, we

    must keep casting down those negative imaginations and bring those thoughts captives to the

    obedience of Christ.

    If we fail in this area, our greatness will always remain a mirage. The goal of the enemy is to

    make us disbelief who God says we are. That is why he will attempt to come up withnegative thoughts and imaginations. You must not entertain or give your attention to any of

    such evil, they are destiny destroyers.



    The devil works through the five senses: what we hear, see, feel, perceive and taste. But the

    Bible says we do not walk by sight but by faith. 2Corinthians. 5:7 faith is believing

    what God says regardless of what you see, hear or feel. That is the point we need to get to

    know in our quest to be great in life. We must believe those principles of greatness so muchso that we are not moved by what we see, hear or feel; then when we believe this way, we

    are headed straight for greatness. We would have furnished the Holy Spirit with enough

    materials to work with in our bid to make our greatness manifest. There is the difference

    between failures as an event and failure as a person. For example, a student that failed an

    examination in school is not necessarily a failure, that is just failure in an event. The first

    examination that I sat for in H.S.C., I only scored five points, so I could not realize my

    dream of studying law in the university. But I sat for the same examination and came out as

    the best student in my school then with twelve points out of fifteen points.

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    What the devil does to many people in life is that he makes us to assess the understanding of

    who we are according to our performance and achievement. If I did not try the second time

    as I resat for that same examination, I would have transferred failure as an event to failure as

    a person.

    But the truth is this: even the first time I wrote the examination and scored five points out of

    fifteen points, I was still who God says I am, the head and not the tail, according to

    Deuteronomy. 28:13. Visions limit behaviour; the image, mental pictures we carry in our

    hearts will always affect what we can do. That is why the devil works so hard to convince us

    to judge and assess our lives based on circumstances that he himself creates around us. But if

    we refuse to succumb to his antics, we give him nothing to work with; he will be stranded in

    his attempts on our lives. We must fight to keep positive biblical pictures the way we fight

    for natural things that belong to us on earth; that is the only way we can remain victorious.

    We must not make the mistake of leaving the issues of our thoughts and imaginations to


    If we do, we will be making the works of the devil to steal, kill and destroy very simple. In

    order to help Abraham out of his situation, God had to change his mind set and imagination.(Genesis 13:14-16).

    We are seeds of Abraham and according to Galatians 3:14, we must follow the Abrahamic

    faith. We must deliberately programme ourselves for greatness. We should invest our time in

    visiting places, countries that will boost our mental imagination. We must be practising how

    great people operate, dress, talk, where they visit even though our temporary condition may

    be the exact opposite of such things. But because we believe we are who God says we are,

    we must refuse to be swayed on the inside about situations that will soon fizzle out, rather weshould hold on to the integrity of the Word. We stick doggedly to the syllabus of the

    thoughts of our life according toPhilippians 4:8. By so doing, we are headed straightway forgreatness and the result is the inevitable manifestation of the truth which of course is that we

    are kings and priests.


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    Luke 1:80 says: And the child grew and waxed strong in spirit and was in the desert till the

    day of his showing unto Israel. Luke 1:40 also said, And the child grew and waxed strongin spirit, filled with wisdom and the grace of God was upon him.

    Greatness in life demands growth in whatever field of life we find ourselves. There is an old

    saying that Champions dont become Champions in the ring, they are merely recognized

    there. So what a person does on a disciplined, consistent basis prepares him for greatness, no

    matter what the goal is in his life.

    Our God is a God of process. He is a God of order. So in order to make our greatness

    manifest, we must be like God and follow His pattern of operation. Jesus, the greatest man

    that ever lived on this planet had to obey this law of growth.

    InLuke 1:40, we are told, He grew and waxed strong in spirit; filled with wisdom and the

    grace of God He needed for His greatness to manifest and come upon Him.

    Benjamin Disreali once said: The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his

    time when it comes. This is absolutely true. There is no shortcut to becoming great in life;

    we must obey the law of growth. John the Baptist inLuke 1:80 had to also obey this law

    before God showed him to his world.

    Isaac, the biological son of Abraham could not avoid this basic truth of life. In Genesis

    26:13 we are told that he grew up. It is preparation that will always precede greatness in anyform; be it in sports, academics, business, career and so on. To wax strong means to build up,

    strengthen ones inner capacity, to increase in knowledge and wisdom of God. Anyone that is

    not willing to obey this law is also not ready for greatness. God is excited when we grow up,

    because our growth makes His desire to reveal us to our world easy.

    1 Peter 2:9 discloses how God showed forth the greatness of Jesus and John the Baptist only

    when they developed enough spiritual capacity to sustain and maintain the weight of glory

    upon their lives. I am in total agreement with what John Maxwell said: See what a person is

    doing everyday, day after day and you will know who that person is and what he or she is

    becoming. So to become great in life we need to start paying the price now!


    It is interesting to know that God is not preparing great blessings for anybody, He already

    prepared them for us before the foundation of the world. His only desire is to prepare us to

    be able to receive this glorious destiny.1Corinthians 2:10 says that eyes have not seen,neither have ears heard that which God has prepared for those that love Him. So the issue is

    not whether the greatness is available or attainable in any field of life endeavour.

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    The issue is that whoever has grown up in the Lord will be able to manifest that greatness.

    Revelation 5:10 says that Jesus has already made us kings and priests unto God, so we have a

    royal destiny in Jesus Christ. According to 2Corinthians 8:9, we have a prosperous destiny

    in our Lord Jesus Christ. He has already given us the power to get wealth. On the authority

    ofMatthew 5:14, we have a mountain top destiny in Christ, an enviable and marvelous

    destiny. God created us to show us forth to our world.

    All these are our heritage in the Lord Jesus Christ, but we can only manifest them when we

    grow up in the ways of God. 2 Peter 1:3 reveals that according to His divine power God hath

    given unto us all things that pertain to life and godliness through the knowledge of Him that

    hath called us to glory and virtue.

    The phrase through the knowledge is the condition that determines whether we will enjoy

    those inheritance or not. Once the knowledge of the Word is gained in any area of life,

    corresponding spiritual capacity has been built unto us to enjoy manifestation in that area.


    1Corinthians 16:19 says that a great and effectual door has opened but that there are many

    adversaries. This is the major reason why we need to grow up. Whether we are aware of it or

    not, whether we are ready to fight or not, there is an adversary an enemy assigned by thedevil to paralyze the greatness of the people of God. (Deuteronomy 2:24).

    Bishop Oyedepo once said that predestination is an act of God but fulfillment of our glorious

    destiny is our responsibility. If you will not contend for your glorious destiny by building up

    adequate spiritual capacity to match, you will be helpless in the battle of life. The cheapest

    way to disarm the opposition is to grow up in the spirit. 1John 1:5 says that in God there islight, there is no darkness at all. So the more the light of the word of God we receive the

    easier it is for us to be able to manifest our sonship and glorious destiny. Our problem as it

    were is not the devil; our major problem is that we are not growing up the way God wants us

    to grow up. Galatians 4:1-2 says that as long a child is called an heir he is not better than a


    We are joint heirs with Jesus, but it will take spiritual growth to be able to possess our

    possession. Many Christians today are living like slaves, servants because they have not

    developed enough spiritual muscle and strength to subdue the opposition.

    Improvement is impossible in a life without a change. When we change, things will begin to

    change for the better. God is not glorified by all of the business failures, stagnations, going

    about in circles, failure at the edge of breakthrough and demonic oppression that is plaguing

    the church today. The solution is in accepting responsibility to grow up. That is the only way

    we can become providers of solution to our generation and become a vessel of honour in the

    hand of God to add value to our generation.

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    InLuke 2:52, the Bible says Jesus increased in wisdom.

    The word of God is the wisdom of God, so when we gain insight or revelation into it, thecapacity of our wisdom automatically increases. Growth in our spirit occurs when feeding on

    the word of God. Just like in the natural, we grow by the kind of food we eat. In the same

    vein we grow up by feeding on the word of God.Acts 20:32 describes the Word as builder ofour spiritual capacity. So the more of the revelation of the word of God we receive, the more

    we grow. And the more we grow, the more of the inheritance we have in Christ Jesus will be

    released. The word of God according toJohn 6:63 contains His spirit and life. So when weare feeding on the Word we are building Gods power, dominion, authority and life into our


    This energizes our spirit man to be able to stand against the enemy. InEzekiel2:2, the

    prophet says that the spirit of God intered into him as God was speaking into his life and he

    was able to receive strength to stand up against satanic installation.

    InLuke 4:17-20 after Jesus had a revelational knowledge about what was written concerning

    His destiny, He began to command the attention of the people around him as they began to

    fasten their eyes on Him. He became a spectacle to His world simply by feeding and

    discovering what was written concerning Him. Our greatness in all walks of life; be it sports,

    business, family, and so on, will not manifest any other way. Whatever God shows you inHis Word, the manual of life will show you forth to your world; whatever is revealed in the

    word of God will reveal you to your world. So this generation needs to settle down and begin

    to grow in the Word of God by spending qualitative time with it every day. By so doing, we

    can grow from feeding on milk dimension as in 1Peter 2:2 to bread level as inMatthew 4:4

    and as we accept more responsibilities through listening to tapes, attending seminars,

    personal devotions, we can grow higher by operating on strong meat (Hebrew 5:14) and

    ultimately the honey level of the word of God. (Proverbs 24:13-14). At the honey level, it

    will look as if the devil does not even exist at all because of the sweetness of the word of

    God you are operating with.


    InLuke 4:10, Jesus waxed stronger in the spirit. To wax strong in the spirit means to grow up

    in anointing.Psalms 66:3 says that, it is through the greatness of Gods power that the

    enemy submits. So when we grow up in the anointing, our greatness will manifest becausewe will effortlessly subdue all obstacles planted on our way to greatness.InLuke 4:32, the

    Bible says that the people were astonished at the teachings of Jesus because His word was

    with power.

    It was while He was able to cast out demons with ease by the anointing of the Holy Spirit,

    that His great ministry began to manifest. This is the pattern from heaven. After Paul

    returned from Arabia where he went to build himself up in the spirit, people began to say

    these people that have turned the world upside down are here. They began to cause waves, to

    take the world by storm and left their foot prints on the sands of time.

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    1Corinthians 13:11 says that we should talk like spiritually mature Christians. One area ourspiritual growth impacts upon others is in our speech. The Bible says we should not let any

    corrupt words proceed from our mouth. One way of growing up in the Spirit is to make a

    decision to always say what God says in every area of ones life.Hebrew 11:3 says thatthrough faith the world was framed by the word of God. In the beginning (Genesis 1:1) God

    created the world. And according to Genesis 1:26-28 we are created in the image of God, so

    we are co-creator with God. God did not describe His condition, circumstance, that is,darkness, but He called things that be not as if they were. (Romans 4:17).

    We can frame our own world too by the word of God by always saying continually what

    God has said concerning our glorious destiny. By so doing the circumstances of our life will

    change and align to the integrity of what Gods word has revealed.


    In the parable of the talent, the master gave to everyone according to their various capacities.

    One servant received five, the other two and the other one. So if we want God to commit

    greatness into our life, we need to improve in our managerial capacity. We need to becomeeffective managers of time. David Yongi Cho said, When we utilize even the smallest

    segment of time for self improvement, we will find ourselves much better off in the future.

    That is true, our desire should always be to become a better person by the day, to build on

    the previous days progress. So every tiny minutes, ten, five minutes must be important to us.

    We must have value for time management. We should not be time spenders but investors intime.


    In Isaiah 44:1-3, the ancient prophet says that it is by the spirit of God that God will pour

    water on the soul that is thirsty. For us to grow in the Word and in the anointing, we need tothirst for it. 1Peter 2:2 reveals that as new born babes desire the sincere milk

    So without a desire and or thirst for the Word of God we cannot grow in the spirit. We

    however give expression to our thirst and desire by prayer and fasting and how we invest our

    time?John 3:30 shows that when we begin to decrease, by fasting with our meal in exchange

    for spiritual treasures, revelation and anointing, God will increase in our lives and our lightwill break forth like morning. (Isaiah 58:8).

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    Isaiah 43:19 says Behold I am doing a new thing! Now it springs forth, do you not perceiveand know it and will you not give heed to it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and

    rivers in the desert. In the School of greatness, operating in the new order of things is very

    fundamental. And the Lord Jesus Christ is a God of new things. He desires all His followers

    to always make progress in all walks of life. Gods hope for His children is to move from

    one level of glory to another level of glory in our business, family, ministry, career and so

    on. God is not delighted when we are stocked with problems of life.

    2 Corinthians 3:18 promises that every believer will embrace change and or improvement in

    their endeavour and promotion galore from one height to another. The psalmist validates this

    truth inPsalm 84:7when he says: they move from strength to strength those that appearbefore the Lord in Zion.

    Listen to me, where you are today is only good for today, if you dont move with the cloud

    of glory, those people behind you will catch up with you and overtake you. We need to keep

    pushing in all our different fields in order to walk with God. Our path must be shinning as

    light more and more unto a perfect day if our life must bring glory to our God according to

    Solomon inProverbs 4:18. Nothing else will give our God delight than a better today,

    tomorrow, week and new year. God does not move people backward in life, rather His desireis for us to keep moving from exploit to exploit as we walk with Him. No matter the height

    we have attained now in our career, family, business, studies, there is still a place that isbetter than where we are today; this is where our Master wants us to be. There is always a

    better way of doing whatever we are doing in order to get a better result; this is thrust of the

    law of inspiration in the school of greatness.


    The word NEW means three basic things First, it means something that has never

    happened before in time in bible history.

    InLuke 1:1-80, God did something new through a virgin called Mary; she brought forth ourLord Jesus Christ without meeting a man. Incredible you say! God still desires today that we

    do new things in our business world that have never happened before in time.

    Secondly, the word NEW also means something that has happened in somebodys life that

    has never happened at all before in the persons life. The Scripture makes us to understand

    that all things are ours as they are for everyone else. Paul by the Holy Ghost says in the book

    of Roman 2:11 that there is no respect of person with God. So there is nothing God has done

    for or through somebody that He cannot do again and again through and for another person.

    That is why there is no need to be envious or jealous of any human being.

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    Finally, the word NEW also means something good that has happened in your life before that

    is now beginning to happen in a new way. When we come to Christ and accept Him as our

    Lord and Saviour, our mind is not expected to be removed but rather to be renewed.Romans

    12:2 says that we should be transformed by the renewal of our mind. So our mind and brain

    are not suspended at redemption but rather upgraded.


    We must constantly bear in mind that there are certain things that happen in life that we donot have control over. For instance, nobody has control of the family he or she will be born

    into or the date he will be born. Similarly, we should refuse to be dwelling on our negative

    past that will not add any value to us but would rather draw us backward. We should allow

    negative past to go with the past and always move forward in life.

    In 2 Samuel 12:16-24, David prayed and fasted to save the life of his baby that came throughillicit affair with Bathesheba, eventually the baby died, thereafter he washed, anointed

    himself and changed his apparel. David went forward, met with Bathesheba and had another

    son called Solomon who later succeeded him as a king.

    It is not tragic to fail in life, the only tragedy is to fail and never rise up again. You may have

    failed in your business endeavour, career, marriage, dust yourself and stand up again. It isnot yet over until it is over. The tragedy of living in the past is that even when God wants to

    do a new thing that will make up for what you have lost, you cannot pick divine signal as

    such you are left in your situation for a longer time than is necessary.

    God desires to put an end to an old chapter in your business, marriage, career and life and

    usher you into a new season, new day, new life, and change in order of event; newdimension, new open doors, fresh starts, new opportunities and enlargements. The only way

    you can tap into what God is doing is to let the past be buried forever, otherwise you may

    pass with it if care is not taken. All you need to do about the past is to learn from your past

    failure so that you will not keep making the same mistake over and over again. That is the

    only good thing about failures in life. We can learn from our past mistakes. So many people

    hate their past mistake so much that they cannot learn from them and before they say JackRobinson, they have fallen again into the same kind of mistake they fell into in the past. We

    dont learn from history, that is why history keeps repeating itself.


    Isaiah 42:9-10 says: Behold, the former things are come to pass and new things do Ideclare before they spring forth I tell you of them.

    Sing unto the Lord a new song and His praises from the end of the earth ye that go down to

    the sea and all that is therein, the isles and the inhabitants thereof.

    One vital and potent way of experiencing inspiration from God is through praises. The Bible

    says, with joy will believers draw water from the well of salvation, so when we are singingthe praises of God, His glorious voice will come through to us.

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    Isaiah 30:29-31 says: And as the voice of the Lord sounds, all the problems that the devil

    has assigned will be paralyzed. Every problem of life, be it in business, marriage, career,

    will bow to the revelation from God. Joy provokes inspiration from the Lord. In order to

    experience a change in the order of event in our lives, we need new ideas from the Lord on

    how to get better results in our different fields; that new ideas will only come when we start

    fellowshipping with Holy Spirit through hearty praises.

    Ephesians 5:17-20 enjoins us to be full of hearty praises unto God in order to be filled with

    the Holy Spirit. Understand that Holy Spirit is the custodian of new ideas, and every kind of

    inspiration you can talk about. If we want to experience a new beginning, we must be people

    who dream. I mean, we must be people who have been sanctified by Bible based Holy Ghost

    inspired dream. This world does not belong to people who exert physical strength but to


    This generation must seek passionate relationship with the third Person of the Trinity, the

    blessed Holy Spirit and this world will be the best place to live in.

    InJohn 16:13, Jesus speaking about Holy Spirit said: He will teach us all things, how to run

    our business, how to keep moving from glory to glory in our career, marriage and so on. The

    new step you need to take for that marriage to blossom; prosper in that business and career

    will be revealed to you when you befriend the Holy Spirit. You must always remember that

    without him you can do nothing. Even Jesus had to hear clearly and draw inspiration from

    God before He could succeed in His ministry, how much more you and I. When we draw

    inspiration from God, and our struggle in life will come to an end.

    Let the joy of the Lord become the strength of your life and your life will take on a new

    meaning. Start looking away from the situations and conditions that devil has designed todeceive you and start praising God for His word.

    Psalm 56:10-11 says, In God will I praise His word: in the Lord will I praise His word. In

    God have I put my trust. I will not be afraid what man can do unto me. If only you will

    take God for His word and start praising Him for it, you will no longer lack inspiration and

    new ideas on how to run the race of life. Let the word of the Lord, every revelation you have

    discovered become the rejoicing of your soul and transformation will begin to take place in

    your life.


    In 2Kings 7:4-5, four lepers renewed their minds and entered into a new season of life. These

    lepers had previously accepted their situations as their destiny until one day they experienced

    a paradigm shift and had a new perspective about life. They were living outside the gate of

    the city. Hear what they said in the midst of famine and utter darkness that had enveloped the

    whole nation of Samaria for Benhadad the king of Syria had besieged the City:

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    If we say we will enter into the city, then the famine is in the city and we shall die there and

    if we sit here we die also, Now therefore come and let us fall unto the host of Syrians, if they

    save us alive, we shall live and if they kill us, we shall but die. 2 Kings 7: 4-5 And they rose

    up in the twilight, to go unto the camp of the Syrians and when they were come to the

    uttermost part of the Camp of Syria behold, there was no man there.

    In order to receive inspiration for a new beginning we must always renew our mind with the

    word of God.Romans 12:2 says, we should not be conformed to this world but be

    transformed by the renewal of our mind.

    When we renew our mind, every toxic thought that the devil has planted to poison our lives

    will be drained and paralyzed.

    The adversary, the devil places limitations on our lives by sowing tares of wrong thoughts,

    and imaginations in our minds. The devil knows that there is no way the Holy Spirit can

    work with us with an impossibility mindset. It is only people who believe that all things are

    possible with God that God can work with. Once we say certain things are not achievable,

    we have disabled the Lord from working with us in our lifes endeavour.

    Luke 1:37says with God all things are possible. There is no impossibility in the dictionary of

    the Holy Spirit. So that new height in marriage, career, business, family is possible if we will

    renew our mind with the word of God. We need to clean and detoxicate our minds from

    thoughts of the darkness that the devil delights in planting on the soil of our hearts, day and

    night. Those evil thoughts are like spiritual poison, orchestrated from the satanic world to

    destroy our lives. We should not play , pamper or nurse any negative thoughts and

    imaginations, otherwise, we will make the work of the devil to kill, steal and destroy veryeasy.

    We need to take heed of the new things God wants to do through and for us in our different

    fields. Those new things will not come on their own, we must put up an effort to co-operate

    with God all the time through the process of renewal of our mindset. The day you make up

    your mind is the day your destiny is made up. Make up your mind today and you will stepinto the certainty of a glorious future, and new dimension.


    The word of God must not just form our thought pattern; it must also form the basis of our

    action. In 2Kings 7:4-5, the lepers did not only change their minds, they also took action

    based on their own mindset. When they took steps, they got to the camp of the Syria andfound nobody there. When God saw their actions, He provoked a terrible noise that drove

    away the Syrian army.

    As we make the word of God the basis of our thoughts, life and actions, a new dawn will be

    inevitable in our life. These lepers were not delivered from leprosy yet, they started taking

    action, not because there was light around them but because there was light inside them. This

    is what brought them into fortune. If you will not take steps based on your discoveries, God

    will not be able to help you. Heaven helps those who always take sides with Gods word.

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    Those who will keep on practising the word regardless of how tough the challenges of life

    the enemy may have orchestrated around them is.

    Always remember this truth, there is no alternative to the word of God except failure and

    defeat. The word of God is the answer to all the situations of our life, eat it, digest it, and

    practise it. Let it be your vitamin, water, tonic and the strength of your life and you will find

    yourself flying all of the time.

    When our steps on earth align with the steps in heaven, positive result is inevitable. This is

    one sure way of experiencing a new season of life.


    The Scripture declares that iron sharpeneth iron. It is note worthy that in 2Kings 7:4-5, there

    was no dissenting voice amongst the four lepers. All of them agreed that they needed to take

    action about their ugly condition and they did.

    Here is what the Spirit of God is saying to the church: we need to look for people that are

    going somewhere in life and consciously develop a relationship with them. By so doing we

    will not just get inspired but will in due time be like those that have achieved greatness

    already. We need to start relating with the people that will encourage us and support us in

    our quest for greatness in life. There is no self-made person in life, but only self-made slaves.

    Everyone that desires to be great must of necessity have a mentor. Jesus said to the disciples,

    follow me and I will make you fishers of men. As they began to follow Jesus foot steps, the

    disciples practically duplicated the multifaceted graces of God upon Jesus. Elisahs greatness

    was answered and produced after the order of Elijah in a greater dimension because of his

    obedience to this law of association.

    Joshuas greatness produced after the order of Moses because he took heed of this all

    important truth of developing and cultivating a relationship that will help in fulfilling his

    destiny. Relationship, good ones are much more valued than revenues, T.D. Jakes declares,

    I think that is absolutely correct. Many people keep pursuing just revenue and losing sight

    completely of relationship. Relationship will produce revenue when it is well nurtured.


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    Hebrews 6:12 says That ye be not slothful but followers of them who through faith and

    patience inherit the promise.


    Attainment of greatness in any field of life is impossible without the application of the forces

    of faith and patience. The road to greatness is always full of obstacles, hiderances and

    oppositions that will appear in form of fiery burning furnace as in the case of Shedrach,

    Meshach and Abednego. (Daniel 3:28).

    But for the active faith of these young men, their great destiny would have been wasted in

    the fiery burning furnace. Daniel also had a glorious destiny but devil had entered into a king

    called Nebuchadnezzar to stop him, if not for Daniels application of the forces of faith andpatience; his flesh would have been eaten up in the den of lions. InDaniel 6:16, 23, the Bible

    says that Daniel was taken up out of the den of lions and no manner of hurt was found upon

    him because he believed in his God. So it was the active faith of Daniel in God that caused

    his great destiny to be preserved; devil would have eaten him up as a pepper soup.

    These are no issues of luck; these are serious issues of life that call for serious attention for

    every one that has a glorious destiny to pursue. The adversary is not joking with us at all, he

    is roaring like a lion looking for ignorant people to destroy and waste; he has wasted quiet a

    number of lives and he is still hunting for more precious destinies to destroy and he will havehis way if you let him.

    Devil does not know what mercy is, neither does he play fair in anyway. God is determined

    that you are not going to fall victim, that is why he has brought this message your way so

    that you can jack up your level of faith. The issues of faith are not what you live to chance,

    rather you must be intentional about it. I mean you must consciously develop and work onyour faith everyday.

    This is the only way the fiery burning furnace and lions that the devil has assigned against

    your life will not waste your great destiny.

    InEphesians 6: 16, Paul by the help of Holy Spirit was admonishing the Church in Ephesusto take up the shield of faith with which they will quench all the fiery darts of the enemy.

    The beautiful thing that is as long as your faith is in place, the devil is helpless concerning

    the fulfillment of your great destiny.


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    Vision is the unfolding of Gods plan for your life. So vision defines where you are heading

    to in life, but that vision will be crippled without the application of the force of faith. Manypeople have great goals or dreams in life, but now many of those goals and dreams are

    fulfilled? No vision or dream can be fulfilled without operating in faith. Jesus said in

    Mathew 9:29 that it is unto everyone according to his or her faith and not dreams or goals inlife. So it is by faith that we are empowered to fulfill our great destiny in life. How? Faith is

    the link between visionaries and God. Faith provokes partnership between God and man. So

    it is by faith that Gods involvement in our goals or dreams are ensured. We can onlyaccomplish great feat in life through Jesus Christ that strengthens us.

    Philippians 4:13 says that it is only those that believeth, that put their trust in God and the

    word of God that all things are possible for. But for mere men, those who are not in the

    stronghold of faith, many things cannot and will not be possible for them.

    Mark 10:27 says with men it is impossible, but with God, all things are possible (Mark9:23).The race of life is not to the strong or swift but to those who are operating by the grace

    of God. We dont prevail and succeed in life by our strength but just by the grace of God

    which is made possible by our active faith in His word.

    This is the thought echoed by Jesus in John 6:23, when they ask Him how can one do the

    work of God. The Master responded that the work of God, every God-giving assignment can

    only be accomplished by believing, that is by faith.

    Let me draw your attention to the same revelation in the Old Testament.

    InHabakkuk 2:4, it is revealed that the just is to live by their faith.

    Yes, you have received the vision, and it is very plain, but the Prophet is saying that it is only

    by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit that such vision can be driven and be accomplished by


    So it is faith that gives value to any dream we are pursuing in life.

    Hebrew 2:4 says that God upholds all things by the power of his Word. So for all of our

    vision to be fulfilled, we must locate the appropriate word and or receive revelation from

    God on what we must be doing in order for that vision to be upheld.

    InJohn 2:5, Mary, the Mother of Jesus preached the greatest message of all time, when she

    said during marriage at Cana in Galilee, when the couple ran out of wine and she went to

    Jesus: whatsoever He tells you to do, do it

    Destiny or greatness in life in any field becomes an easy task when we choose the path of

    simple obedience to the written word of God and instructions the spirit of God is revealing in

    our heart.

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    Every divine project or dream no matter how big it is or how impossible it may appear is

    accomplishable when we choose the path of trusting in the word of God.

    Faith is believing the word of God regardless of what we see, hear or feel. In otherwords,


    is refusing to believe in the efficacy of the circumstances of life that weigh us down. This

    means that, when we are walking in the stronghold of faith, we are refusing to go by what is

    happening in the natural which may be contrary to what God has said. Rather, we are

    choosing to keep walking by the word of God. A good result is inevitable.


    A wise man once said that life is in phases while men are in sizes. So we must understand

    that our greatness will not manifest in a day, every great thing will always be produced in


    Many people are easily discouraged when they do not see the manifestation of their gloriousdestiny on time. Friend, dont throw away that vision, or dream inside you, it is your glory,

    colour and beauty but you need the force of patience to enter into your glorious destiny.

    In Genesis 17, God gave Abraham a vision that He has made him the father of many nation,

    when he did not even have a child at the age of seventy-five, but it took his active faith in theword of God, the promise God made to him and another twenty-five years before the vision

    could come to reality.

    That is why Hebrew 6:12 enjoins us to also guard our faith with the virtue of patience in

    order to allow it to produce.

    By patience, we mean, to constantly resist evil; to stand on the word of God all the time; to

    be like Jesus, the same yesterday, today and forever; to the promises God has made to you

    regardless of your present circumstances or situations.

    There is nothing like overnight greatness in any field of life. In the parable of the sower, the

    seed which is the word of God had to produce in phases, first the blade, then the leaves, then

    the fruit and the full corn.Luke 8:15 says the seed that fell on the good ground are those who

    having heard the word with a noble good heart, kept it and bore fruit with patience.

    We must keep cultivating the seed of greatness, that is the vision, and revelation we have

    received from the Lord until it produces its full corn.

    Job had to hold on to God in spite of the troubles he went through until the word produced

    fruit in his life.

    In Job 14:14 it was said that if a man dies he shall live again. All the days of my

    appointment time will I wait, till my change comes. Yes, the revelation is great, you know it

    is from the Lord, but there is also the waiting period of life which this generation is always

    trying to avoid.

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    But the Scripture cannot be broken. In Genesis 8:22, we are instructed in the Manual of life

    that it is time (waiting or if you like patience) that will always follow planting thereafter

    harvest will now follow.

    Harvest does not always follow the planting of seeds immediately; it is the waiting time or

    time of being patience that will always follow it. We must understand the ways of God if we

    must receive from Him.

    Listen to me, that great destiny will be aborted by the devices of the enemy without your

    understanding of this truth. Every glorious destiny will face opposition, circumstances of life

    orchestrated by the demons, rulers of darkness in high places and principalities to deceive

    you into giving up before your dreams are fulfilled. The solution is the application of the

    force of patience. Just keep resisting all those evils and keep standing on the truth and your

    triumph will be guaranteed.

    The ancient Prophet, Isaiah captured this thought graphically when he questioned the

    inspiration of Holy Spirit inIsaiah 66.8: who hath heard such a thing? For as soon as Ziontravailed she brought forth her children?

    The travailing process is what is called the application of the forces of faith and patience. It

    was easy for Isaac to get a wife, but took twenty years of rigorous waiting before he could

    have children. So friend, it is not that you are out of Gods plan, as the vision seems to be

    taking time to produce, it is just that you need to apply the virtue of patience. Listen to me, if

    you have acted on any Word in faith, it will produce in due time. The Lord revealed to me

    that the Words of the Lord do not die. Nothing can make the word of God to be of no effectuntil you quit believing and give up.

    Isaiah 40:8 says that grass may wither, flower may fade, but the word of our God shall stand

    forever.Notice the word forever. So keep digging around that vision, keep up the

    confession of faith, keep thinking and imagining the word, it shall stand forever.I Peter 1:25

    says the word of the Lord endureth forever.

    If you are operating in the word by faith, the process may appear slow to you, but the Bible

    says God is not slow. 2 Peter 3:9 also reveals that the seed is only developing a very solid

    tap root that will sustain the height of the tree tomorrow. The depth of foundation of a three

    bedroom bungalow cannot and will never be the same thing as that of twenty-four storey

    building, otherwise what you will have is not a twenty-four storey building but a death trap;it will collapse any moment because the depth and height of a bungalow cannot carry the

    weight of a twenty-four storey building.

    You have a mountain top destiny in Christ, but God wants the depth of your foundation to be

    deep enough to carry the weight of your glory tomorrow.

    Some Bible Scholars said that Noah built the ark for forty years, while some said it took onehundred and twenty years before the flood came. Whether forty or one hundred and twenty

    years, which one is easy? It takes perseverance of faith to achieve anything worthwhile.

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    That means, for either forty or one hundred and twenty years that man kept believing without

    seeing any result and he kept at it; he kept acting, you can imagine the reproach he must have

    endured, but one day faith and patience produced fruit. Yours is the next one in Jesus

    precious name.


    InPsalm 56: 4 the Psalmist revealed one of his secrets of winning when he said, In God I

    will praise his word, in God I have put my trust I will not fear what flesh can do unto me.

    While you are waiting for your harvest, you need to keep praising God for His word asevidence of your trust and faith in His promises to you. The quality of our waiting is

    enhanced by an attitude of praise which we must develop. It is those who celebrate their

    marvelous tomorrow based on the revelation that God has given to them in His Word that

    really enter into it. InRomans 4:20, though Abraham waited for twenty-five years before this

    vision came to pass, he was giving God glory during that period of waiting. He maintained

    an attitude of praise and thanksgiving to sustain and nourish his faith. Otherwise, those

    twenty-five years could have just been fifty years or more.

    The earlier we learnt the principle of being grateful to God in all things the more speed we

    gained in life. Hebrews 13:15 says, By him therefore, let us offer the sacrifice of praise to

    God continually, that is the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name. The praise is called

    sacrifice because it is not convenient, there seems to be nothing on ground in the physical tocelebrate apart from the word of God, which you have taken as evidence of the reality of

    your dream. Just anybody can celebrate when there is a result, that is natural faith. That will

    not see you through for faith is not experienced by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7says, we walk

    by faith and not by sight. So look away from those circumstances so that you can go away

    and enter into the fulfilment of what God has promised you.


    We should not be tempted to surrender our dream of greatness to situations and

    circumstances. If we do, we would have played into the hands of the enemy because that is

    one of the reasons he organized such situations and circumstances in the first place.

    In Luke18:1, Jesus narrated a parable of a woman who had been cheated by someone. The

    woman went to a judge who never feared God or man to ask for justice but the judge will not

    accede to her request. She went the first time, second time and third time without anypositive result. But at last, the difficult judge said, although I neither fear God nor man, yet I

    will avenge this womans enemy lest she weary me by her continued coming. So we need

    this kind of perseverance in order to fulfill our great destiny in life. We need to keep onpraying and not faint or give up because if we quit praying, we will give up and faint.

    I love one translation of what Jesus said in Matthew 7:7-8, it says, keep on asking and you

    will receive, keep on seeking and you will find, keep on knocking and the door will be

    opened unto you. For everyone who keeps on asking receives, and everyone who keeps on

    seeking finds, and everyone who keeps on knocking will have the door opened unto him.

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    You need to be like a postage stamp, stick to the pursuit of your goal until you get there. You

    may have failed a few times before; you must know that you are not yet a failure until you

    fail to try. Micah 7:8 says, rejoice not against me O mine enemy when I fail, I shall arise

    when I seat in darkness, the Lord shall be a light unto me. So keep on at it, and you will

    win. Robert Schuller once said: Tough times never last, but tough people do. It takes

    spiritual toughness to achieve anything worthwhile here on the earth. Those who dont want

    to go through something will never and can never become something.

    Rev. Sam Adeyemi once said that: With persistence you will succeed at everything.

    Because your persistence will make up for all your deficiencies. I think that is absolutely

    true. Our problem is that we give up too soon and we always think that because we are

    Christians, we are exempted from the challenges of life. As long as we are in this world, the

    challenges of life will not stop coming, but like Job we dare to believe God to cause our gold

    to come forth out of all of them.

    Job 23:10 reveals that God knoweth the way that we take, when He hath tried us, we shall

    come forth as gold. John L. Mason puts it this way, You are like a tea bag. Not worth much

    but till you are in hot water! Trying times are not the time to quit trying. You can start fromthe scratch and keep on scratching. Just like its always firing pot for silver and furnace for

    gold, your beauty is coming out after every temptation in Jesus name.

    I love the thoughts expressed by Harold W. Ruoff who said that, In the presence of trouble

    some people grow wings, others buy crutches. Please dont go to purchase crutches in the

    face of what you are passing through today. Let this situation train you on how to pray, grow

    in faith, in deeper fellowship with God, and strong character and you will become a better



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    Most assuredly, I say to you unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, itremains alone, but if it dies, it produces much grain. He who loves his life will lose it and he

    who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. If anyone serves me let him follow

    me and where I am there my servant will be also, if anyone serves me, him my father will

    honour. John 12:24


    One thing is to be a great dreamer and another thing is to see the dream come true and be

    fulfilled. The vision of God for your life can be likened to a seed and until a seed is planted it

    is not of much use. The law of dedication is the process of planting the seed. It is planting of

    the seed that will make its destiny be fulfilled. The quality of the seed of your vision does not

    matter until it is planted, because it cannot bear any fruit until it is planted. One of thefundamental truths of greatness in any field of life is dedication. Jesus said that it is when

    one becomes dedicated to God and his assignment in life, that his life will produce much


    The much fruit order of life refers to a fulfilled life, a spectacularly outstanding result in our

    lifes endeavour. The way to that order of life is to be ready to obey the law of passion.

    Every great destiny is always at the mercy of passion.

    Mensa Otabil defines passion as intense devotion to someone or something which drives us

    beyond what might be considered reasonable behaviour.

    Merriam-Webster Online dictionary, 2008 defines passion as an intense, driving, or

    overmastering feeling or conviction. When you are passionate about something, you are so to

    say ready to die in order to experience its fulfillment. The law of passion is the secret of

    every champion. There is no one that has ever gotten to the stage of fulfillment in life and

    remains there without obeying the law of passion. You can only go as far as you are

    dedicated to any given assignment on earth. This is where many people miss it in the school

    of greatness. They assume that once they have a dream, they are through in life. No! Your

    dream is just the mental picture of where you are heading to in life. It is the level of

    dedication or passion you show that will empower you to see to its fulfillment. Just like a

    seed runs the risk of being destroyed, so does our dream if we lack the required passion to

    see it through.


    The ancient prophet, Isaiah by the help of Holy Spirit described human being as trees of

    righteousness (Isaiah 61:3).


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    In order for us to become fruitful in our lifes endeavours, we must remain connected to God

    and the advancement of His kingdom. That is only when our glory will burst forth. Jesus

    himself said that He is the vine while we are the branches (John 15:2).

    In the natural, once a branch is cut off from the main tree, it dries up. That is exactly the way

    it is with every human being who cuts off him or herself from God. For the wisdom,

    blessing, life and strength of God to keep flowing to and through us, we must remain

    dedicated to God and the advancement of His Kingdom on earth. We must be like our rolemodel: our Lord Jesus who came to show us how to become great in life.

    InJohn 2:17, the Bible says that the zeal for the Lords house, welfare and the advancement

    of Gods kingdom ate Jesus up completely. He himself instructed us inMatthew 6:33 that we

    should seek first the kingdom of God and all other things will be added unto us, including

    greatness in life. Listen to this: you must realize that you cannot receive from God on your

    own terms; it has to be on Gods terms. Seeking the blessing of God without first of allmaking a commitment to actually give Him your heart is like pouring water in a basket. You

    know the result.

    God is seeking for worshippers, kingdom addicts, people that will be there for Him come

    rain, come sunshine, not just people that will only be there for what they can receive from

    Him. That is why He said inProverbs 23:26: son give me thine heart and let thine eyesobserve thy ways. We need to realize that once we actually give our lives to Christ, it is no

    longer our own. Our