8 gluconeogenesis different presentation


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An alternate set of slides to provide a different perspective on Gluconeogenesis.


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Mr Mwale Nicholas K.

Email: [email protected]/ [email protected]


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Precursors of gluconeogenesis

Regulation of gluconeogenesis

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All images and notes are taken from the following unless otherwise stated;

Nelson, D. L & Cox, M. M; Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry Fifth Edition (2008). W.H. Freeman & Co. Pp 551-558, 583-590.

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o Sugar- almost a universal energy source

o Some tissues solely exist on glucose

o Major fuel source for brain, renal medulla

(kidney), embryonic tissues, testes, red blood

cells and nervous system.

o Brain alone requires 120g.

o More than half of all glucose is stored as

glycogen in muscles and liver.

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Introduction cont…. • Blood glucose and glycogen stores are easily

depleted after periods of fasting or vigorous exercise.

• During these periods, organisms (plants, animals fungi and microorganisms) need to synthesize glucose from NON CARBOHYDRATE sources.

• Gluconeogenesis= new formation of sugar.

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• Important gluconeogenic precursors include; Lactate Pyruvate Glycerol Certain amino acids

• Generally three and four carbon compounds serve as precursors.

• Gluconeogenesis in mammals occurs mainly in the liver (to lesser extent in kidney and intestinal wall cells).

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GLUCONEOGENESIS cont… • New glucose produced goes via blood to supply


• Lactate from skeletal muscle goes via blood to liver.

• In liver this get converted back to glucose and in muscle will be stored as glycogen.

• This cycle is called the Cori Cycle.

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Cori Cycle Active muscles use up glycogen for energy. Lactate is generated during anaerobic respiration. Lactate liver (generates glucose). Glucose stored as glycogen in muscle.

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Gluconeogenesis cont….

• Occurs in opposite direction to glycolysis (but steps not completely identical).

• 7 of 10 reactions use the same enzymes but 3 reactions are irreversible (high negative free energy change) in glycolysis and use unique enzymes during the gluconeogenetic pathway; – 1. Conversion of phosphoenolpyruvate to pyruvate

– 2. Conversion of Fructose-6-phosphate to

fructose 1,6-phosphate.

– 3. Conversion of Glucose to Glucose-6-phosphate

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Opposing pathways of glycolysis and gluconeogenesis

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Gluconeogenesis cont… • In the gluconeogenesis pathway, the 3

irreversible reactions of glycolysis require enzymes and input of energy.

• These enzymes ensure that the reactions are

exergonic and thus irreversible.

• Both glycolysis and gluconeogenesis occur in the cytosol and are regulated by the irreversible enzymatic stages.

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Conversion of pyruvate to PEP • Pyruvate from cytosol is transported to


• Pyruvate can be obtained from alanine by transamination.

• When pyruvate or alanine are the glucogenic precursor, the following reactions are predominant;

Pyruvate oxaloacetate phosphoenolpyruvate

Enzymes: pyruvate carboxylase and PEP carboxykinase


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Conversion of pyruvate to PEP cont…

• First regulatory reaction of pyruvate to oxaloacetate requires Pyruvate carboxylase (with biotin prosthetic group).

• Acetyl CoA produced during fatty acid metabolism is a positive effector.

• Oxaloacetate produced must be transported to cytosol. • Done by reducing to malate by mitochondrial malate DHase then it passes through the malate transporter and cytosolic malate dehydrogenase reconverts malate to oxaloacetate.

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Conversion of pyruvate to PEP cont….

• Two high energy phosphate based molecules are required to convert pyruvate to PEP.

• Each yields ~50kJ/mol.

• During glycolysis 1 PEP to

pyruvate only uses 1 ATP.

• Carboxylation of pyruvate serves

to activate the pyruvate molecule

in prep for subsequent reactions.

• If lactate is the pyruvate

precursor a slightly different

path is followed.

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Conversion of Fructose 1,6 BP to fructose 6 P

• In glycolysis this is the second irreversible reaction catalyzed by phosphofructokinase-1.

• To reverse this during gluconeogenesis, the Mg²⁺ dependent fructose 1,6-bisphophatase is used here.

• Hydrolysis of the phosphate group at C1 is promoted by this enzyme.

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Conversion of Glucose-6 P to glucose

• This is the reversal of the hexokinase reaction involving the dephosphorylation of glucose-6-phosphate.

• This is energetically unfavorable -requires transfer of Phosphate to ADP forming ATP.

• To overcome this the enzyme glucose-6-phosphatase catalyzes the HYDROLYSIS of the phosphate group.

• Enzyme found in liver and renal cells- glucose made transported to brain and muscle via blood.

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Overview of gluconeogenesis • Gluconeogenesis is expensive but highly necessary

for maintenance of blood sugar.

• Overall energy expenditure is;

• Irreversible reactions commit the substrate into a singular metabolic pathway.

• This also serves to regulate the pathway.

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Precursors of gluconeogenesis • 4,5,6 carbon molecules from the citric acid cycle

can be oxidized to oxaloacetate.

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Precursors of gluconeogenesis cont…

• Carbon atoms of many amino acids can be catabolized to pyruvate or intermediates of the citric acid cycle (which are then oxidized to oxaloacetate).

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Precursors of gluconeogenesis cont..

• Acetyl CoA from fatty acid catabolism in contrast does not serve as a precursor for gluconeogenesis.

• Amino acids, glycerol and other compounds that can be catabolized into components for gluconeogenesis are called glucogenic compounds.

• Glycolysis and gluconeogenesis are regulated such that when glycolysis is high gluconeogenesis is low.

• Regulation occurs by allosteric and covalent modification.

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REGULATION OF GLUCONEOGENESIS • Both glycolysis (sugar breakdown) and

gluconeogenesis (making sugar from non carb sources) occur in cell cytosol.

• Means these two processes are regulated in a coordinated manner so when glycolysis is favored, gluconeogenesis is hindered.

• The three irreversible reactions serve as a regulatory point.

• Other substrates and by products such as ATP, AMP, reaction intermediates have an effect on the enzymes.

• Hormones also regulate enzyme activity.

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Regulation of gluconeogenesis cont.. • Phosphofructokinase-1 which catalyzes the

reaction below is inactive when fructose-2,6-bisphosphate is absent.

• This occurs even at physiological concentrations of other allosteric effectors such as AMP.

• (AMP signals low cell energy, ATP signals the opposite)

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Effects of F-2,6-BP on glycolysis and gluconeogenesis

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Regulation of gluconeogenesis cont..

• The phosphorylated sugar, F-2,6-BP (shown below) is in turn regulated by a bifunctional protein.

• PFK-2= Phosphofructokinase 2

• FBPase = F-2,6 bisphosphatase

PFK-2 PFK-2 FBPase-2

Catalyzes break down of F-2,6-BP

Catalyzes formation of F-2,6-BP

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Regulation of Gluconeogenesis cont… • Activity of this bifunctional protein depends

on whether it is phosphorylated or not.

• Phosphorylation of this protein enhances the activity of FBPase- (breaks down F-2,6-BP-inactivates PFK-1-glycolysis stops and gluconeogenesis is promoted).

• Glucagon hormone-signals low glucose levels • Glucagon activates formation of cAMP • cAMP activates cAMP dependent protein kinases • These kinases phosphorylate the bifunctional


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Effects of hormones insulin and glucagon on glycolysis and gluconeogenesis

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Regulation of gluconeogenesis cont..

• cAMP dependent protein kinases also phosphorylate liver pyruvate kinases (different isozyme in muscle) caused by glucagon.

• This slows use of glucose for energy and diverts it to brain and other organs.

• In muscle, epinephrine (adrenalin) enhances cAMP.

• Kinases enhanced by this activate glycogen breakdown (producing glucose for fuel).

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Regulation of gluconeogenesis cont… • Acetyl CoA allosterically enhances the

activity of pyruvate carboxylase- promoting conversion of glucogenic substrates to glucose (gluconeogenesis).

• Acetyl CoA also inhibits the enzyme that converts pyruvate to acetylCoA (pyruvate dehydrogenase complex) thus slowing down the electron transport chain.

• Overall high cell energy (NADH, ATP etc.) reduces glycolysis and favors gluconeogenesis.

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Gluconeogenesis and glycolysis are reciprocally controlled