8 foods-that-blow-up-the-fats

8 Foods That Blow Up the Fats Katie V. Adams http://weightlosstoday.info

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Post on 18-May-2015



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8 Foods That Blow Up the Fats

Katie V. Adamshttp://weightlosstoday.info

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The most common advice for weight losing is to eat less. But surprisingly, people who eat more of certain food actually lose weight. The latest studies have discovered some foods that act as real fat burners. It is very helpful to know that instead of taking supplements for losing weight, we can actually eat normal food and still lose fat. Below are eight of the best foods that we can eat to fight with weight.

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1. Chili peppers

Chili pepper works amazing in burning fats due to its natural component, Capsaicin. This is the element that fires up the metabolism while decreases the glucose level found in the blood. Studies have shown that if a person eats at one meal a bowl of chili, the metabolism can increase by 25%.

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2. Chocolate

This product contains antioxidants like epicatehina that seems to increase the elements found in the body’s cells responsible for producing energy. It is still advisable to control the consumption of chocolate as the sugar content in it may cause weight gaining.

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3. Dairy products

Myths say that dairy products prevent the weight loss. Actually, it is exactly the opposite! Researchers have proved that having three dairy servings per day fat reduces significantly. If calories are mildly reduced, and the quantity of dairy products stayed the same, the fat and weight loss accelerates.

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4. Pine nuts

Crunching these tasty fruits causes the hormones that take charge of the satiation process to stimulate the body to feel stuffed and fat is kept away. Studies have shown that overweight women who ate pine nuts reported a decrease of 29 % of food desire.

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5. Oranges and grapefruits

Due to their great quantity of fibers, oranges are placed first among the foods that cut off the food desire. A study made has shown the fact that a person who ate a half of grapefruit at every meal lost almost 2 kilograms over a period of 12 weeks. Grapefruit helps the body to use efficiently the insulin, maintaining the sugar from the blood at a balanced level.

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6. The green tea

By drinking four cups of green tea every day, the body can lose 3 kilograms or more in 8 weeks. A component named EGCG accelerates for some time the metabolism. Another study has found that fat oxidation increased by 17% with men who took green tea before exercising.

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7. Water

Water is not just a natural appetite reducer. By drinking it, we accelerate weight loss. According to a recent study, after drinking ½ liters of water the metabolic rate increased by 30% for 40 minutes. Researchers calculated that by drinking 1.5 liters of water every day, the organism loses 17400 calories/ year.

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8. Broccoli

All studies link calcium and fibers to weight loss. Broccoli has them both, together with powerful phytochemicals that protect the body against conditions. Due to the fact that a cup of broccoli has only 44 calories, this vegetable can be seen as a fat burn nutritional power plant.

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Katie V. Adams is a nutritionist and fitness trainer that has help many individuals lose weight successfully through exercise regime and diet.

To learn how to melt the body fat like magic, visit http://www.weightlosstoday.info

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