8 5-12 no matter whats up god is speaking

When Life Hit’s the Fan No Matter What’s Up God is Speaking Job 38:1-7 Job 40:1-14 Job 42:1-6, 10-17

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Post on 03-Jul-2015




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When Life Hit’s the FanNo Matter What’s Up God is Speaking

Job 38:1-7

Job 40:1-14

Job 42:1-6, 10-17


God’s speaking to Job from the whirlwind was not from a windstorm such as that which destroyed the house of Job’s children 38:1


He Revealed Himself in Time ("Then"), Though He is the Eternal God.


The eternal God appeared to Job at the time of His problem, but in His Own Timing. Time is God's measurement for man, whereby He condescends to work in the affairs of

and for the benefit of men.

God Revealed Himself in Person

Though He is Spirit he revealed Himself God reveals Himself to men through His

creation; as a "still small voice"; The convicting and reassuring Comforter as the Living Word of God; through the

changed life of believers Through His body, the church

He Reveals Himself by Being Personally Interested in Man

He Answered Job - Yet He Rules Over All Has not my hand made all these things, and so they came into being?” declares the LORD. These are the ones I look on with favor: those who are humble and contrite in spirit, and who tremble at my word.

Isaiah 66:2

He Revealed Himself as Personally Interested in a Man

If you seek an audience with God, the Holy Spirit will usher you directly before the eternal throne, and Jesus Christ will appear beside you as your advocate!!

He Reveals Himself in His Knowledge

Who is this who obscures My counsel with ignorant words?

His knowledge of man and his motives vs 2

He knew "who" was speaking

He knew the effect of his speaking

He knew the lack of "knowledge" behind it vs 4-6a


Who is this who obscures My counsel with ignorant words?

God demands that men prepare to give an answer

"Gird up thy loins" means to tighten your belt in preparation for labor”. Answering God is not easy work) as Job discovered!


Who is this who obscures My counsel with ignorant words?

God demands that men answer Him

God demands an answer of each individual

God’s Questions - This is Only a TestThe Lord addressed Job by challenging him to enter into a

dialogue in full possession of his human strength and faculties.

Do any of us you understand our relationship to eternity?" Are we prepared to stand before an eternal God

Are we measuring/justifying ourselves by the changeable whims of man, or by the unchangeable re­quirements of God in Christ Jesus?"

Do we set our own "line," or boundaries, or are we walking within the bound­aries set by God?“

Is your foundation built on sand, or is it built on the Rock of Jesus Christ?" On what are you leaning and trusting in?

GOD RESPONDED TO MAN'S NEEDThe Corner Stone Laid in Christ

Jesus Christ is the corner stone of creation. Not only did Christ create all things according to Col. 1:16, but "by Him all things consist" (1:17). The creative purpose of God is built on Jesus Christ!

Jesus Christ 1s the corner stone of salvation "Whosoever shall fall upon that stone shall be broken. but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder.“ Lk 20;18

Jesus Christ 1s the corner stone of a per­fect (mature) life

THE PROPER RESPONSE TO GOD By His Inanimate Creation

Elohim v7 (the Hebrew name of God as the creator and judge of the universe Gen 1:1-4a)

By His Spiritual Creation

The stars are personified as being able to sing.

By His Regenerated Creation

As Sons of God (we are His children)

Defense of His Sovereignty

God closed this portion of His questioning of Job in the same way He began it. He challenged Job’s understanding about the workings of nature

God questioned Job with a renewed challenge to either answer or make a rebuttal.

He challenged Job’s understanding about the workings of nature

Defense of His Sovereignty

God questioned Job with a renewed challenge to

either answer or make a rebuttal. Did you equip the

eagle with keen eyesight

Did you Make the hawk to fly

What did you have to do with any of my creation

Were you there when I created the elephant

Job Response

Job’s answer was a non-answer

“I am insignificant

Job did not disclaim his innocence. He had said all

he could about his situation.

The heart of the matter

Was Job ready to condemn God

Was Job so willing to defend his uprightness

Would Job justify himself

Job had an attitude problem that must be resolved if his

fellowship with God was to be restored

Job had complained that God failed to bring the wicked to

justice in his life (

The heart of the matter

Job confessed God’s rightful sovereignty over all matters,

including his situation. He had

Job had questioned the equity and justice of God’s dealings

God is at Work in Man’s Restoration

All test form God will result in your restoration and maturity God’s desire was to see Job mature

God is at Work in Man’s Restoration

Others will rejoice in your restoration with you