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To Inspire Better Choices for Health 1. Call to Order and Roll Call 2. Approve March 25, 2020 Board of Health Minutes. 3. Approve Payment of Bills totaling $185,925.27 4. Approval of Fiscal Report 5. Approval of ODH Food Survey Results. 6. Approval of Notice of Award for $30,000.00 from Ohio Department of Health, for Coronavirus Response. 7. Approve health commissioner to apply for COVID19 stimulus small business loan. 8. Approve transfers, Intra-fund transfers, cash transfer, write-offs and donations report: 9. Division Updates a. Health Commissioner (Submission of Service Statistics Report) b. Nursing (submission of Communicable Disease Report) c. Community Health Services d. Office Administration e. Environmental Health f. Parental Support Programming g. Human Resources 10. Executive Session to discuss – discipline; compensation; and employment of a public employee(s) – ROLL CALL 11. Other Business Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 19, 2020 at 2:00PM, at Henry County Health Department office, 1843 Oakwood Avenue, Napoleon, OH. 12. Adjournment AGENDA HENRY COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH MEETING Tuesday, April 21, 2020 2:00PM – VIA ZOOM

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To Inspire Better Choices for Health

1. Call to Order and Roll Call 2. Approve March 25, 2020 Board of Health Minutes. 3. Approve Payment of Bills totaling $185,925.27 4. Approval of Fiscal Report 5. Approval of ODH Food Survey Results. 6. Approval of Notice of Award for $30,000.00 from Ohio Department of Health, for Coronavirus

Response. 7. Approve health commissioner to apply for COVID19 stimulus small business loan. 8. Approve transfers, Intra-fund transfers, cash transfer, write-offs and donations report: 9. Division Updates

a. Health Commissioner (Submission of Service Statistics Report) b. Nursing (submission of Communicable Disease Report) c. Community Health Services d. Office Administration e. Environmental Health f. Parental Support Programming g. Human Resources

10. Executive Session to discuss – discipline; compensation; and employment of a public employee(s) – ROLL CALL

11. Other Business Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 19, 2020 at 2:00PM, at Henry County Health Department office, 1843 Oakwood Avenue, Napoleon, OH.

12. Adjournment



Tuesday, April 21, 2020 2:00PM – VIA ZOOM

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Board Members Present Roger Richard, President Marilyn Bremer Sharon Miller Char Weber Ryan Zachrich Staff Present Mark H. Adams, RS, REHS, MPH, Health Commissioner Tiffany Day, Human Resource Manager Joy Ermie, Director of Community Health Services Julie Lauf, Director of Nursing Jon Lindsay, RS, Director of Environmental Health Services Julie McHugh, Director of Finance Vi Ordaz, Office Manager Jennifer (Wagner) Hernandez, LSW, Director of Parental Support Programming Public Present Jen Lazenby, Northwest Signal Bob Hastedt, Commissioner Call to Order, Roll Call Roger Richard, President called the Board of Health meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. The meeting was called by Roll Call vote: R. Richard (Yes), C. Weber (Yes), M. Bremer (Yes), R. Zachrich (Yes), and S. Miller (Yes). The meeting was held video conferencing software (Zoom). A quorum was present. Approval of February 18, 2020 Board of Health Minutes R13.20 The Board of Health reviewed the Board of Health minutes. Char Weber moved to approve the revised Board of Health Minutes. Ryan Zachrich seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously, resulting in its adoption. Approval of Bills The Board of Health reviewed February bills. Sharon Miller moved to approve the February bills totaling $148,229.85 be approved for payment. Ryan Zachrich seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously, resulting in its adoption.

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Approval of Fiscal Report The Board of Health reviewed the February Finance Report. Char Weber moved to approve the February Finance Report. Marilyn Bremer seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously, resulting in its adoption. Approve contract with Ohio Department of Health (ODH) for COVID-19 Outbreak Planning and Response Funding in an amount to be determined R14.20 Mr. Adams reported Henry County Health Department reported that an application for additional PHEP funding was signed and sent to the Ohio Department of Health to supplement COVID19 department response. The amount designated to HCHD was not known at the time of application. There was a 24 hour turnaround for the application of free monies. Sharon Miller moved to approve the contract with ODH for COVID-19 Outbreak Planning and Response Funding. Ryan Zachrich seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously, resulting in its adoption.

Approval of Intra-fund Transfers and Donations R15.20 Mr. Adams, Health Commissioner, reported the Intra-fund Transfers and Donations:

1. February 2020 Intra-fund Transfers a. $1,000 from 5030-5200-50020 (Hospice Salaries) to 5030-5200-50120

(Hospice Other) b. $3,200 from 5060-5200-50020 (Safe Communities Salaries) to 5060-5200-

50200 (Safe Communities Contract) 2. February 2020 Donations

a. Donations totaling $30.00, Help Me Grow ($30), Health Department ($0.00). Sharon Miller moved to approve the Intra-fund, Cash Transfer, and Donations as presented. Char Weber seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously, resulting in its adoption.

Approval of Division updates Mark Adams, Health Commissioner, opened the division updates with the following topics:

Health Commissioner - Mark mentioned the monthly statistical report the following items: a. Monthly service stats report – 2020 spreadsheet was updated to remove data not

needed anymore. Public Health Nursing – Director of Nursing, Julie Lauf shared the following information:

a. Communicable Disease report good, nothing out of the ordinary. Community Health Services – Director of Community Health Services, Joy Ermie Office Administration – Office Manager, Vi Ordaz opened with updates of the Clerical

team work schedules. Vi was asked to be on the PIO team to assist with translating flyers from English to Spanish. Vi will start creating alternating work schedules for the 3 clerical staff. Zoom calls will also be scheduled while some staff will be working from home. Jill Keller has been reassigned to the ICS team reporting to Joy Ermie. April Murray and Shelly Boehm will cover Immunizations and Vital Statistics services respectively. With Jill out of the clerical rotation, Shelly Boehm will also cover Environmental work needs. It’s fortunate our clerical team has been cross trained to handle those services. LouAnn Rosebrock will continue to work 2 days for WIC and 2 days at home and an assigned project for HMG families.

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Environmental Services – Director of Environmental Services, Jon Lindsay reported on the following: Working from home setup. Completion of ODA food survey.

Parental Support Programming – Jen (Wagner) Hernandez, Director of Parental Support Programming shared many events they are experiencing.

Human Resources – HR Mgr. Tiffany Day – no report

EXECUTIVE SESSION: Personnel: There was no executive session. Approval of Personnel: Mr. Adams, Health Commissioner discussed the following item listed below with the Board of Health. The following personnel change was reviewed and approved:

a. Resignation: Sarah DoMoe, HMG Home Visitor, effective April 30, 2020. i. Char Weber approved the resignation of Sarah DoMoe. Ryan Zachrich seconded

the motion. Motion passed unanimously, resulting in adoption. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Ryan Zachrich called for a motion to adjourn at 4:26 p.m.

Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 21, 2020, at 2:00 pm, at Henry County Health Department in Napoleon, OH, or via video conference on the same date and time depending on social distancing orders issued by the Governor.

___________________________ ______________________________ Roger Richard, President Mark Adams, Health Commissioner

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Henry County Health Department

Accounts Payable March 2020

Vendor Name Check Description Check Number Effective Date Check Amount

Group: Biweekly; Pay Date: 2/7/2020 169 3/24/2020 7,832.01

Group: Biweekly; Pay Date: 2/21/2020 171 3/24/2020 7,738.21

Group: Biweekly; Pay Date: 3/6/2020 172 3/6/2020 64,663.58

Group: Monthly; Pay Date: 3/6/2020 173 3/6/2020 516.72

Group: Biweekly; Pay Date: 3/6/2020 174 3/6/2020 6,909.62

Group: Biweekly; Pay Date: 3/20/2020 175 3/20/2020 57,567.46

Adriana Lopez interpreter 97548 3/17/2020 60.00

Alysha Drain mileage 97541 3/17/2020 27.04

Amazon Capital Services Inc. office supplies 97169 3/3/2020 107.67

Amazon Capital Services Inc. office supplies 97241 3/5/2020 121.89

Amazon Capital Services Inc. office supplies 97358 3/10/2020 227.19

Amazon Capital Services Inc. office supplies 97542 3/17/2020 354.87

Amazon Capital Services Inc. office supplies 97791 3/24/2020 1,523.58

Amazon Capital Services Inc. office supplies 97850 3/26/2020 28.89

Breakaway Advertising web site hosting 97170 3/3/2020 120.00

Bright.Net domain hosting 97793 3/24/2020 25.00

Bryan Publishing Co advertising 97359 3/10/2020 109.80

Bryan Publishing Co advertising 97544 3/17/2020 26.80

Cathy Zwyer meeting expenses 97809 3/24/2020 42.77

Cintas Corporation 306 cleaning supplies 97171 3/3/2020 180.99

Cintas Corporation 306 cleaning supplies 97360 3/10/2020 240.74

Cintas Corporation 306 cleaning supplies 97794 3/24/2020 180.99

Cintas Corporation 306 cleaning supplies 97923 3/31/2020 180.99

City Of Napoleon electric and water 97175 3/3/2020 1,120.76

City Of Napoleon water tests 97804 3/24/2020 100.00

CLIA Laboratory Program annual fees 97790 3/24/2020 240.00

Daniel Breitbart mileage 97543 3/17/2020 64.48

eClincalWorks LLC electronic billing 97363 3/10/2020 810.60

Flex-Com phone repairs 97796 3/24/2020 138.90

Fort Defiance Servicemaster Inc custodial 97364 3/10/2020 1,290.00

Four County Career Center CPR classes EFT3562 3/3/2020 80.00

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Henry County Health Department

Accounts Payable March 2020

Vendor Name Check Description Check Number Effective Date Check Amount

Full Source various vests 97498 3/12/2020 2,051.52

Henry County Bank car loans 97172 3/3/2020 1,894.92

Henry County Emergency Management

Agency electric for generator 97173 3/3/2020 125.00

Henry County Engineer gasoline 97242 3/5/2020 402.03

Henry County Health Department copies, postage, office supplies 97365 3/10/2020 401.24

Henry County Sheriff background check 97499 3/12/2020 30.00

Hoops Brothers Trash Removal refuse pickup 97797 3/24/2020 105.00

I Heart Media advertising 97799 3/24/2020 75.00

Jane Hawkins Refund license fees 97168 3/3/2020 292.14

Jennifer Hernandez meeting expenses 97179 3/3/2020 76.55

Jessica Buhrman registration and meeting expenses 97546 3/17/2020 696.50

Joy Ann Ermie meeting expenses 97545 3/17/2020 34.32

Julie Lauf meeting expenses 97366 3/10/2020 90.74

Julie Lauf meeting expenses 97547 3/17/2020 60.32

Julie McHugh mileage 97549 3/17/2020 10.92

Kathleen Kaufman gasoline 97174 3/3/2020 21.00

Language Line linterpreter services 97501 3/12/2020 3.00

Log Me In software support 97924 3/31/2020 1,000.00

MASI Laboratories water tests 97243 3/5/2020 25.00

MASI Laboratories water tests 97367 3/10/2020 55.20

MASI Laboratories water tests 97801 3/24/2020 50.00

MT Business Technologies Inc copier maintenance 97802 3/24/2020 835.15

Napoleon Auto Service auto repairs 97803 3/24/2020 415.20

Office Depot Inc office supplies 97502 3/12/2020 344.26

Ohio Division of Real Estate burial permits 97368 3/10/2020 2.50

Ohio Gas Company gas 97503 3/12/2020 523.90

Pam Miller meeting expenses 97550 3/17/2020 23.16

Philip Roseman Construction and

Maintenance LLC building maintenance 97504 3/12/2020 127.50

Pitney Bowes Global postage meter rental 97369 3/10/2020 469.44

Quadax Inc electronic billing 97505 3/12/2020 55.00

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Henry County Health Department

Accounts Payable March 2020

Vendor Name Check Description Check Number Effective Date Check Amount

Ridgeville Telephone Company telephone and internet 97506 3/12/2020 649.19

Ruth Gerding PHEP coordinator 97176 3/3/2020 3,000.00

S.A. Comunale Co., Inc. building maintenance 97805 3/24/2020 82.00

Sanofi Pasteur vaccine 97806 3/24/2020 7,888.33

Seneca Medical LLC medical supplies 97361 3/10/2020 553.04

Seneca Medical LLC medical supplies 97795 3/24/2020 190.40

Shelly Boehm meeting expenses 97792 3/24/2020 46.19

Spyker Manufacturing, LLC building maintenance 97807 3/24/2020 1,222.00

Stericycle Inc biohazard pickup 97370 3/10/2020 20.40

Swanton Health Care medical supplies 97177 3/3/2020 863.90

Tante Lovins mileage 97551 3/17/2020 15.08

Tante Lovins meeting expenses 97808 3/24/2020 34.36

The Hubbard Company office supplies 97500 3/12/2020 29.33

The Hubbard Company office supplies 97798 3/24/2020 50.86

The Image Group supplies 97800 3/24/2020 2,741.47

Tiffany Day meeting expenses 97362 3/10/2020 7.34

TjohnE Productions Inc. Think Fast Interactive Assembly 97178 3/3/2020 5,000.00

Tomahawk Printing Inc office supplies 97552 3/17/2020 80.06

Verizon Wireless cell phones 97244 3/5/2020 207.35

Viola Ordaz mileage 95360 3/17/2020 (16.83)

Viola Ordaz mileage 97536 3/16/2020 16.83

ZirMed Inc. electronic billing 97553 3/17/2020 315.91

Report Total 185,925.27$

President, Board of Health Date

Secretary Date

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A. Finance 1. Financial Statements:

The March 2020 financial statements, graphs, and spreadsheets outline the expenditures, receipts, and fund balance for each Health District fund. The total cash balance for all funds combined for March 2020 was $1,518,392, an increase of $435,542 from February 2020. The General Fund balance was $794,490 at the end of March, an increase of $454,245 from February.

2. Donations There were no donations received in March.

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Prepared for April 21, 2020 Board of Health Meeting


This is a summary of all funds with an emphasis on important changes in revenues and

appropriations that occurred during March.

General Health Fund

The general fund balance ended March at $794,940, an increase of $454,245 from February.

The main sources of income for March were:

$549,600 for 1st Half Real Estate Taxes

$44,775 Help Me Grow Home Visiting (all counties and includes retro pay)

$17,355 for Personal Health Services (Medicaid, Private Insurance, Private Pay,

Community Health Worker, Sexual Health and School Nursing Contracts)

$10,293 for State Subsidies (includes $5,000 for COVID-19)

$6,153 for Vital Statistic Fees

$484 for Other Receipts (copies, postage, office supplies, other contracts and grant

administrative expenses)

$440 for CMH (formerly BCMH)

The most significant expenses for March were:

$97,646 for Salaries

$21,462 for Fringes (PERS, Medicare and Workers Comp)

$17,347 for Supplies (includes Office, Medical and Cleaning Supplies, and Vaccine)

$15,647 for March Health Insurance

$5,309 for Contractual Services (includes Electronic Billing for Immunizations,

Custodial, Copier and Printer Maintenance)

$3,211 for Other Expenses (Postage, Copies, Telephone, Internet Access, Cell Phones,

and Utilities)

$1,271 for Travel (includes Mileage, Meeting Expenses, and Registrations)

$1,222 for Office and Computer Equipment

$212 for Advertising

Home Health Agency Fund

The Home Health Agency fund balance ended March at $284,348, this represents a decrease of

$2,190 from February. The program ended October 31, 2019. There will be no further income from

this program. Expenses through the coming months will continue as the program goes through the

Cost Report process.

The main source of income for March was:

$747 for Private Insurance

The most significant expenses for March were:

$1,895 for Equipment (Vehicle Loans)

$952 for Unemployment

$90 for Fringes (OPERS, Medicare and Workers Comp)

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Prepared for April 21, 2020 Board of Health Meeting


Home Health Aide Fund

This fund balance the end of March remained the same as the month of February at $75,328. This

program has closed and will no longer be taking patients. There will be no further income or

expenses for the final closeouts. The balance will be transferred to the General Fund in the next

several months.

Hospice Fund

The Hospice fund balance at the end of March was $72,217, an increase of $21,433 from February.

There will be no further income for this program. Expenses through the coming months will continue

as the program goes through the Cost Report process.

The main source of income for March was:

$22,624 for Private Insurance

The most significant expenses for March were:

$884 for Other (final expenses)

$248 for Salaries

$55 for Fringes (OPERS, Medicare and Workers Comp)

Hospice Restricted Contributions Fund

The Hospice Restricted Contributions fund balance at the end of March was $180,494, the same as

the end of the month for February. This fund was used for Hospice operational expenses, with a

special emphasis on the provision of medications, respite services, and other patient needs not

covered by any type of insurance.

Get Vaccinated Fund, formerly IAP

Beginning July 1, 2019, the fund now supports the Get Vaccinated grant from ODH. We partnered

with Fulton County Health Department for these services by contract with them as they are the sub-

grantee with the Ohio Department of Health. We expense out for grant deliverables each month and

bill Fulton County for reimbursement on a monthly basis. The fund balance at the end of March was

$7,282 a decrease of $1,753. We are still waiting for payments for submitted expenditures that are in

the approval process.

The main source of income for March was:

No income received

The most significant expenses for March were:

$1,724 for Personnel (Salaries, OPERS, Medicare and Workers Comp)

$29 for Travel

Environmental Fund

The Environmental Fund has a cash balance of $25,639 at the end of March. Cash transfers from the

General Health Fund are commonly needed throughout the year to supplement this program. A cash

transfer was not needed in March to supplement the program. Total cash transfers year to date are


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Prepared for April 21, 2020 Board of Health Meeting


The main sources of income for March were:

$10,723 for Food Services Licenses and Permits

$175 for Water Permits, Licenses, Fees and Site Reviews

$150 for Sewage Permits, Licenses, Fees and Site Reviews

$226 for Water Samples

The most significant expenses for March were:

$15,586 for Salaries

$2,909 for Fringes (OPERS, Medica1re and Workers Comp)

$938 for March Health Insurance

$670 for Other (includes Water Tests, Telephone, Copies, Postage, State Fees)

$527 for Travel (includes Gasoline, Vehicle Service/Repairs and Mileage)

$71 for Supplies (includes Office and Field Supplies)

Public Health Emergency Preparedness Grant (PHEP)

This program runs on a state fiscal year (July-June) and consists solely of pass-through federal grant

dollars. The fund balance at the end of February was $16,353. The grant year began July 1, 2019,

with a total award of $64,276, Expenditure reports are submitted monthly, so that the Health

Department will receive monthly reimbursements from ODH when deliverables are met.

The main source of income for March was:

No income received

The most significant expenses for March were:

$3,000 for Contracts (includes PHEP Coordinator and PHEP Administrative Costs

charged to Health Department for June)

Safe Communities Fund

This fund supports the Safe Communities contract revenue and expenses. The new grant year began

October 1, 2019. The fund balance at the end of March was $12,348. We are still waiting for

payments for submitted expenditures that are in the approval process.

The main source of income for March was:

No income received

The most significant expenses for March were:

$5,000 for Contract (Outside Consultant to do presentations)

$1,117 for Personnel (Salaries, OPERS, Medicare and Workers Comp)

$49 for Travel (Mileage, meeting expenses, registrations)

Severance Fund The Severance Fund was established in September 2016. The purpose of this fund is to ensure that

sufficient financial reserves are maintained for the payment of accrued but unused sick and vacation

leave upon retirement to eligible employees without jeopardizing the stability of the ongoing

operations of the Health Department. The balance at the end of March was $45,521. There was one

staff that did retire effective January 31, 2020 and that was for Julie Saputo in the amount of $6,910.

This represents her vacation and sick leave retirement payouts due to retirement. An amount will be

transferred from the General Health Fund as the maintenance payment that calculated for 2020 once

all calculations are completed.

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$1,020,277.85 $1,020,277.85 $1,064,849.59 $1,064,849.59

GENERAL HEALTH FUND $310,610.64 $340,695.81 $340,695.81


$1,064,849.59 $1,064,849.59


$340,695.81 $340,695.81








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Beginning Balance 1,121,877.93$ 1,020,277.85$ 1,064,849.59$

Total Receipts 104,621.10$ 218,943.22$ 668,055.23$ 991,619.55$

Total Disbursements 206,221.18$ 174,371.48$ 214,513.23$ 595,105.89$

Variance (101,600.08)$ 44,571.74$ 453,542.00$ 396,513.66$

Final Cash Balance 1,020,277.85$ 1,064,849.59$ 1,518,391.59$


Beginning Balance 403,017.70$ 310,610.64$ 340,695.81$

Total Receipts 76,521.13$ 171,819.73$ 629,100.06$ 877,440.92$

Total Disbursements 168,928.19$ 141,734.56$ 174,855.53$ 485,518.28$

Variance (92,407.06)$ 30,085.17$ 454,244.53$ 391,922.64$

Final Cash Balance 310,610.64$ 340,695.81$ 794,940.34$


Beginning Balance 300,583.22$ 292,062.49$ 286,538.06$

Total Receipts 156.00$ 1,019.52$ 746.88$ 1,922.40$

Total Disbursements 8,676.73$ 6,543.95$ 2,936.47$ 18,157.15$

Variance (8,520.73)$ (5,524.43)$ (2,189.59)$ (16,234.75)$

Final Cash Balance 292,062.49$ 286,538.06$ 284,348.47$


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Beginning Balance 75,328.47$ 75,328.47$ 75,328.47$

Total Receipts -$ -$ -$ -$

Total Disbursements -$ -$ -$ -$

Variance -$ -$ -$ -$

Final Cash Balance 75,328.47$ 75,328.47$ 75,328.47$


Beginning Balance 54,534.52$ 52,102.88$ 50,784.36$

Total Receipts -$ -$ 22,624.00$ 22,624.00$

Total Disbursements 2,431.64$ 1,318.52$ 1,190.90$ 4,941.06$

Variance (2,431.64)$ (1,318.52)$ 21,433.10$ 17,682.94$

Final Cash Balance 52,102.88$ 50,784.36$ 72,217.46$


Beginning Balance 3,920.27$ 3,920.27$ 3,920.27$

Total Receipts -$ -$ -$ -$

Total Disbursements -$ -$ -$ -$

Variance -$ -$ -$ -$

Final Cash Balance 3,920.27$ 3,920.27$ 3,920.27$

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Beginning Balance 10,527.43$ 9,562.57$ 9,034.97$

Total Receipts -$ -$ -$ -$

Total Disbursements 964.86$ 527.60$ 1,753.33$ 3,245.79$

Variance (964.86)$ (527.60)$ (1,753.33)$ (3,245.79)$

Final Cash Balance 9,562.57$ 9,034.97$ 7,281.64$


Beginning Balance 7,436.00$ 13,474.85$ 30,345.74$

Total Receipts 22,457.00$ 34,860.27$ 12,993.48$ 70,310.75$

Total Disbursements 16,418.15$ 17,989.38$ 17,700.50$ 52,108.03$

Variance 6,038.85$ 16,870.89$ (4,707.02)$ 18,202.72$

Final Cash Balance 13,474.85$ 30,345.74$ 25,638.72$


Beginning Balance 17,837.68$ 15,261.30$ 19,353.28$

Total Receipts 3,824.42$ 8,018.43$ -$ 11,842.85$

Total Disbursements 6,400.80$ 3,926.45$ 3,000.00$ 13,327.25$

Variance (2,576.38)$ 4,091.98$ (3,000.00)$ (1,484.40)$

Final Cash Balance 15,261.30$ 19,353.28$ 16,353.28$

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Beginning Balance 180,647.52$ 180,493.83$ 180,493.83$

Total Receipts -$ -$ -$ -$

Total Disbursements 153.69$ -$ -$ 153.69$

Variance (153.69)$ -$ -$ (153.69)$

Final Cash Balance 180,493.83$ 180,493.83$ 180,493.83$


Beginning Balance 15,614.65$ 15,030.08$ 15,924.33$

Total Receipts 1,662.55 3,225.27$ 2,590.81$ 7,478.63$

Total Disbursement 2,247.12 2,331.02$ 6,166.88$ 10,745.02$

Variance (584.57)$ 894.25$ (3,576.07)$ (3,266.39)$

Final Cash Balance 15,030.08$ 15,924.33$ 12,348.26$


Beginning Balance 52,430.47$ 52,430.47$ 52,430.47$

Total Receipts - -$ -$ -$

Total Disbursement - -$ 6,909.62$ 6,909.62$

Variance -$ -$ (6,909.62)$ (6,909.62)$

Final Cash Balance 52,430.47$ 52,430.47$ 45,520.85$

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Immunizations Mar-20

Billed Amounts by Month

Oct-19 Nov-19 Dec-19 20-Jan Feb-20 Mar-20

Total Amount

Billed - 6


54,012.94 23,060.27 31,125.96 32,305.68 26,297.02 19,767.79 186,569.66$

Days in Month - gives total days for last six months

31 30 31 31 29 31 183

Average Daily Charges - take total amount billed and divide by total days 1,019.51$

Accounts Receivable - balance at end of current month 21,355.32$

Days in Accounts Receivable - Total accounts receivable divided by average daily charges 21

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Accounts Receivable Large Write-Offs


Sexual Health

Rhonda L. Crowe 40.00$

Cody W. Smith $280.00


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Accounts Receivable Small Write-Offs



Small Balance Write Offs

Shawna M. Leonard 12.00$

Eliza Mendoza 20.00$

Westin S. Rhodes 17.89


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Ohio Department of HealthNotice of Award

246 North High Street, Columbus Oh, 43215

4. Project:

1. Date Issued: 2. Program Title:

3. Revision:

5. EIN:

6. Project Director , Agency Name, Agency Address

7. Budget Period:

8. 9. ODH Award computation for grant:

10. Source of Financial Assistance:

13. Remarks: Other terms and conditions attached.

GRANT AWARD IS CONTINGENT UPON THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS. In compliance with ODH Grants Administration Policy, payments are based on actual expenditures and a cost reimbursement basis. Your initial payment will be issued upon submission of an expenditure report. When payment is issued, specific information will be viewable through your GMIS acount's Payment link. A Special Conditions link is available for viewing and responding to special conditions within GMIS. The 30-day time period, in which the subrecipient must respond to special conditions will begin when the link is viewable. Subsequent payments will be withheld until satisfactory responses to the special conditions or a plan describing how those special conditions will be satisfied is submitted in GMIS.

11. Program Income will be used in accordance with:



3/16/2020 3/15/2021

ODH hereby awards to subrecipient named in section 6 above, funds as specified in section 9 above, subject to and in consideration of the subrecipient compliance with the terms and conditions set forth in section 10, 11, 12, and 13 above. This award is subject to the availability of federal or state funds (whichever is applicable). ODH may terminate this grant in writing at any time prior to the end of the budget period as stated in section 7 above. This Award, signed by the Director of the Department of Health, is effective for the Budget Period dates in section 7 above. Acceptance of the grant items and conditions is acknowledged by the subrecipient upon receipt and expenditure of funds through the grant system.

12.This Award is subject to the terms and conditions incorporated directly in the following:

a. The Program legislation cited in the Authorization Section above.

b. The Ohio Department of Health " Grants Administration Policy and Procedures".

d. The notice of award agreement including terms and conditions, if any, noted below in Section 13, Remarks.

c. The Ohio Department of Health Solicitations and Subrecipient Program Application.


Deductive Alternative: Used to reduce the amount budgeted for grant funds and applicant share proportionately.

Additive Alternative: Used to further the objectives of the legislation under which the grant was made and increase the total budget. All expenditures of such funds must have prior written approval in the form of a budget revision.

Matching Alternative: Used to finance part or all of the cost sharing requirement and will reduce the amount of applicant share.

(a).ODH Funding:

(b.) The Ohio Department of Health authorizes

to expend the following funding sources at the stated percentage (%) of the total approved budget Funding sources:

a. Amount of current ODH funding:


Henry County Health Department


% of all allowable program

b. Amount of ODH funding this action:

c. Total ODH funding (from 10-a): $30,000.00

Any Program Income generated in excess of 10b (Program Income) must be treated in accordance with the Deductive Alternative.


Total Subgrantee Funding Sources

100.00 %

expenditures not to exceed line 9(c).

Source Authorization Grant Funds

3GN0 CFDA 93.354 $30,000.00

Total ODH Funding: $30,000.00

Ruth Gerding

Henry County Health Department

1843 Oakwood Avenue

Napoleon OH 43545

Initial X


Total Approved Budget $30,000.00

Amy Acton, M.D., MPH



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Mark Adams

From: Julie McHughSent: Monday, April 20, 2020 3:31 PMTo: Mark AdamsSubject: bills

Mark, I just sent 4 more invoices for approval to you. Also, I needed to make a cash advance into the Coronavirus Response fund since we used it for payroll last pay period and the auditor needed to post for their records. I did a cash advance of $30,000, current amount of the grant, since we will be using it so quickly. Once we get money from ODH we can pay this back after we get through the next $15,000 that we will be getting in addition to the $30,000. Just wanted to let you know if you wanted to put it on the Board of Health agenda for tomorrow. If you do, here is the wording and coding: Cash Advance from Health Department Fund to Coronavirus Response Fund $30,000.00 from 5000-5200-51110 (Health Dept – Transfer – Appropriation) to 5130-5200-40490 (Coronavirus Response – Advance – Revenue) Thanks!! Julie McHugh, Director of Finance Henry County Health Department 1843 Oakwood Avenue Napoleon, OH 43545 P: (419) 599-5545, ext. 1313 | F: (419) 592-6400 [email protected] | www.henrycohd.org

Our Health ∙ Our Home ∙ Our Henry County

Confidentiality Notice: "This e-mail is intended for the sole use of the intended recipient and may contain privileged, sensitive, or protected health information. This message and any response to it may constitute a public record and therefore may be available upon request in accordance with Ohio public records law (ORC 149.43). If you are not the intended recipient, be advised that the unauthorized use, disclosure, copying, distribution, or action taken in reliance on the contents of this communication is prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender and immediately delete this e-mail."

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Feb March 2020 2019

% change

# large accounts written off 4 2 10 39 -74%# large Immunization accounts 4 0 8 17 -53%# large Sexual Health accounts 0 2 2 22

$ of large accounts written off 853.70$ 320.00$ 1,366.36$ $4,041.65 -66%$ of large Immunization accounts 853.70$ -$ 1,046.36$ $2,497.76 -58% $ of large Sexual Health accounts -$ 320.00$ 320.00$ $1,571.56

# small accounts written off 2 3 7 21 -67%# small Immunization accounts 1 3 6 16 -63% # small Reproductive Health accounts 1 0 1 5

$ of small accounts written off 35.20$ 49.89$ 113.92$ $254.04 -55%$ of small Immunization accounts 10.20$ 49.89$ 88.92$ $192.83 -54%$ of small Reproductive Health accounts 25.00$ -$ 25.00$ $61.21

Total # of accounts written off 6 5 17 60 -72%Total $ of accounts written off 888.90$ 369.89$ 1,480.28$ $4,295.69 -66%Days in Accounts Receivable- Immunization 20 21

Human Resources# of staff at beginning of month 49 49 50 49 2%# staff starting employment 0 0 0 10 -100%# of involuntary separations 0 0 0 2 -100%# voluntary separations 0 0 1 7 -86%# of staff at end of month 49 49 0 50 -100%Voluntary turnover rate 0.0% 0.0% #DIV/0! 14.00% #DIV/0!Total turnover rate 0.0% 0.0% #DIV/0! 18.00% #DIV/0!Annual retention rate 100% 100% #DIV/0! 81.63%# incident reports 0 0 0 6 -100%# of employee injuries reported 0 0 0 1 -100%# of non-employee injuries reported 0 0 0 1 -100%# of Workers Compensation claims filed 0 0 0 1 -100%# of PERSO claims filed 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0!# of work days lost due to injuries 0 0 0 124.2 -100%# staff on FMLA, unduplicated 0 1 1 6 -83%

Quality Improvement/Accreditation# client surveys completed by EH 0 0 34 0EH Denominator *not surveyed 70 70 265 70Completion rate- EH *not surveyed 0.0% 12.83% 0.0%# client surveys completed by Immunizations 0 0 182 0Immunization Denominator *not surveyed 0 597 0Completion rate- Immunizations *not surveyed #DIV/0! 30.00% 0.0%# client surveys completed by HMG 0 0 40 0HMG Denominator *not surveyed 0 310 0Completion rate- HMG *not surveyed #DIV/0! 17.00% 0.0%# client surveys completed by Vital Stats 0 0 168 0Vital Stats Denominator *not surveyed 0 369 0


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Completion rate- Vital Stats *not surveyed #DIV/0! 46.00% 0.0%

Registered Births 11 24 51 192 -73%Registered Deaths 15 16 48 206 -77%Registered Fetal Deaths 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0!Birth Certificates Issued 102 73 262 1141 -77%Death Certificates Issued 68 77 201 747 -73%Burial Permits Issued 1 1 4 29 -86%# of Vital Statistics clients 105 89 293 1251 -77%

Community Outreach by CHS staff 0 0 1 78 -99%School-based 0 44 -100%Community-based 1 34 -97%

Community meetings facilitated 2 26 -92%Community meetings attended 9 28 -68%

SewageNumber of Permits issued 0 0 0 42 -100%Number of Site Reviews conducted 1 0 1 34 -97%Number Sewage Permit Inspections 5 3 11 60 -82%

WaterNumber of Well Permits Issued 0 1 3 27 -89%Number of Pond Permits Issued 0 0 1 6 -83%Number of Water Samples Collected by the Public 1 1 3 29 -90%Number of Water Samples Collected by HD 7 3 15 59 -75%

FoodNumber of Risk Level I Inspections 0 0 0 28 -100%Number of Risk Level II Inspections 0 1 1 7 -86%Number of Risk Level III Inspections 9 1 38 135 -72%Number of Risk Level IV Inspections 9 0 26 87 -70%Number of Re-inspections 8 0 8 31 -74%Number of Mobile Inspections (Henry County) 0 11 11 20 -45%Number of Temporary Food Inspections 1 1 2 53 -96%Number of Vending Inspections 0 0 0 16 -100%Number of Risk, Mobile, Vending, and Temporary Permits Issued 141 37 178 198 -10%Number of Plan Reviews Requested 1 0 2 6 -67%

CampgroundsNumber of Campground Inspections conducted 0 0 0 5 -100%Number of Temporary Camp Inspections 0 0 0 3 -100%Number of Resident Camp Inspections 0 0 0 1 -100%Number of Camp, Temporary and Resident Permits Issued 0 0 0 8 -100%

Pools / SpasNumber of Permits Issued 0 0 0 8 -100%Number of Inspections conducted 1 0 1 12 -92%

Vital Statistics



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Smoke Free WorkplaceNumber of complaints investigated 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0!

RabiesNumber of Animal Bites reported 5 4 11 59 -81%

NuisancesNumber of Nuisance Complaints reported 0 3 3 9 -67%Number of Nuisance Investigations 1 2 5 14 -64%

Body ArtNumber of Body Art Permits 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0!Number of Temporary Body Art Permits 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0!Number of Body Art Inspections 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0!

SchoolsNumber of School Environment Inspections 0 0 0 25 -100%

CMH (Children with Medical Handicaps)Total # of Contacts 34 749 -95%Active Cases 55 685 -92%

Car Seat Education and DistributionNumber of Convertible Seats Distributed 4 6 105 -94%Number of Booster Seats Distributed 2 2 0 #DIV/0!Community Car Seat Events 0 2 5 -60%Number of Car Seat Trainings Provided 10 18 102 -82%# Parents Trained 10 16 123 -87%

Breastfeeding ActivitiesActivities associated with breastfeeding outreach 2 4 14 -71%

Referrals received 16 26 24 8%Number of visits provided by HMG Staff 13 25 29 -14%Number of unduplicated Clients 7 16 27 -41%

Health education presentations by PHN/CHW staffHealth education presentations by PHN/CHW staff 14 48 -71%

School-based 2 8 -75%Healthcare Provider-based 12 8 50%Community-based 0 32 -100%

Help Me Grow0-3 year old home visits by Home Visitor 127 189 445 1583 -72%Unduplicated home visits by Home Visitor 75 81 226 912 -75%Referrals to Home Visiting 5 8 20 55 -64%

Public Health Nursing ServicesAdolescent/Child Immunizations Patients 67 68 235 1234 -81%Adult Immunizations Patients 15 18 66 514 -87%Travelers Immunizations Patients 0 1 3 18 -83%Mass Immunization Clinic Patients 4 0 4 38 -89%


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BP checks 0 0 0 3 -100%Hemoglobin Screening 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0!BP Screenings 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0!Glucose Screening 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0!Immigrant TB screenings 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0!TB screenings 6 6 23 119 -81%TB-Positive 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0!Lice screenings 0 0 4 1 300%Lice - Positive 0 0 2 1 100%Pregnancy Tests 0 0 0 0HIV tests 0 0 0 0

ImmunizationsDT (pediatric) 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0!DTaP 8 8 23 107 -79%Gardasil (HPV) pediatric 22 13 56 323 -83%Gardasil (HPV) adult 0 2 5 20 -75%Hepatitis A (pediatric) 17 22 67 395 -83%Hepatitis A (adult) 1 3 12 202 -94%Hepatitis B (pediatric) 12 13 37 156 -76%Hepatitis B (adult) 4 2 12 56 -79%HIB (pediatric) 4 3 19 80 -76%HIB (adult) 0 0 0 1 -100%Influenza (pediatric)- LAIV 0 0 1 9 -89%Influenza (pediatric)- Regular 26 18 92 304 -70%Influenza (adult)- LAIV 0 0 0 2 -100%Influenza (adult)- High Dose 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0!Influenza (adult) - Flublok 0 0 2Influenza (adult)- Regular 5 1 14 102 -86%Meningococcal ACYW (Menactra - pediatric) 1 3 9Meningococcal ACYW (Menactra - adult) 0 0 0Meningococcal B (pediatric) 13 16 40 168 -76%Meningococcal B (adult) 2 2 6 12 -50%MMR (pediatric) 5 5 21 111 -81%MMR (adult) 1 0 2 20 -90%Pentacel (Dtap/HIB/IPV) 14 17 46 211 -78%Pneumonia (pediatric) 1 0 1 0 #DIV/0!Pneumonia (adult) 0 0 0 7 -100%Polio (pediatric) 2 2 4 30 -87%Polio (adult) 0 0 0 5 -100%Prevnar (PCV 13) (pediatric) 19 19 64 284 -77%Prevnar (PCV 13) (adult) 0 0 1 7 -86%ProQuad (MMR&Varicella) 2 4 10 79 -87%Quadracel 0 5 10 82 -88%Rabies 0 0 0 3 -100%Rotavirus 11 11 32 159 -80%Shingrix 3 1 9 59 -85%TD (pediatric) 0 0 0 2 -100%TD (adult) 0 0 0 10 -100%Tdap (pediatric) 0 0 0Tdap (adult) 5 7 17

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Twinrix (Hepatitis A/B) 0 0 1Typhoid (pediatric) 0 0 0Typhoid (adult) 0 1 3Varicella (pediatric) 6 5 23 133 -83%Varicella (adult) 0 1 1 8 -88%Yellow Fever (pediatric) 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0!Yellow Fever (adult) 0 0 0 0 #DIV/0!Total vaccines 184 184 640 3780 -83%Total doses Billed vaccine given 108 106 397 2335 -83%Total doses VFC/ODH vaccine given 76 78 243 1445 -83%

School NursingHearing Screening 0 0 42 298 -86%Vision Screening 0 0 0 313 -100%Scoliosis Screening 0 0 0 69 -100%Kindergarten screenings 0 0 0 34 -100%Lice Screening 0 0 0 1 -100%School Visits 0 0 5 44 -89% # of St. Paul visits 0 0 2 2 0% # of St. Augustine visits 0 0 1 1 0% # of St. John visits 0 0 2 2 0%

Community Health Worker Program# of referrals 14 32 94 -66%# of clients enrolled 6 14 107 -87%

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Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec YTD

Class A

Total Monthly Diseases- A 0 0

COVID-19 0

Class B

Chlamydia 10 3 6 19

Gonococcal infections (Gonorrhea) 1 1

Hepatitis B (non-perinatal) 1 1

Hepatitis C 2 3 5

Influenza-Associated Hospitalization 7 5 6 18

Salmonellosis 1 1

Streptococcus pneumoniae-invasive 2 2

Total Monthly Diseases -B 19 11 17 47

Class C

Total Monthly Diseases -C 0 0 0 0

Total # of Communicable Disease Cases 19 11 17 47

Total # of Communicable Disease Reports 25 20 53 98


Influenza (lab confirmed) 115 152 65 332

Influenza (physician diagnosed) (ILI) 83 46 36 165

Outbreaks (Class C)

Institutional 0 1 1 2

community 0 0

foodborne 0 0

household 0 0


Animal tested/investigated for Rabies 0 1 0

Negative 0 1 0

Positive 0 0 0

Indeterminate 0 0 0

# Reported 223 220 155 600

I drive/Monthly comm report to DON and BOH/ Stats SEE monthly HEN REPORT from EPI


CASES That have been entered in ODRS.

(the fraction number is 1 institutional with 21 illnesses)

note: Numbers subject to change as cases come in after entered on spreadsheet

Henry County Health Department

2020 Communicable Disease Summary

Call the Henry County Health Department at 419-599-5545 for additional reporting.