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  • 8/12/2019 7clues


  • 8/12/2019 7clues



    1 WHAT IS A PROFIT LEAK?.....................................................................................................................1

    2 SO WHATS IN THE BANK ? ................................................................................................................... 4

    3 MY ACCOUNTANT LOOKS AFTER THE BOOKS!.............................................................................6

    4 HOW DO YOU MAKE DECISIONS?.......................................................................................................8

    5 I KNOW WHERE IM GOING!...............................................................................................................10

    6 I KNOW WHAT IM DOING!..................................................................................................................12

    7 ARE YOUR SYSTEMS AND PROCEDURES DOCUMENTED? ....................................................... 17

    8 I DONT LIKE TO SELL......................................................................................................................14

    9 SO WHERE TO FROM HERE? ..............................................................................................................17

    Now, would you like a Guarantee?... ........... ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ............ ......... ........ 22

    Two Boomerangs Guarantee ........................................................................................................................22

    Copyright Adam Gordon, Profits Leak Detective

  • 8/12/2019 7clues



    1 What is a profit leak?

    I'm glad you asked! Let me recount a problem I had a while ago with my water bill. Darwin, where I live,

    is in the tropics. So we essentially have two seasons only, commonly and somewhat unimaginatively

    known as the Wet and the Dry. During the Dry we can go for 5 - 6 months without a skerrick of rain, but

    the weather more than makes up for it during the Wet.

    A tropical storm is a wonder to behold, towering thunderheads, incredible lightening. Darwin supposedly

    has more lightening strikes each year than any other city, anywhere. NASA has even sent special aircraft

    out to study the phenomenon. But I digress.

    As there is no rain during the Dry (obviously) if you have a garden you need to water it. Most of us install

    automatic reticulation. So the reverse applies during the Wet, and we turn our reticulation off. Bear with

    me, I'm getting there.

    We are billed quarterly for our water. If we were billed monthly I might have picked up the problem

    earlier. (Hint - that is why you need to look at your accounts and other KPIs on at least a monthly basis.)

    It was a Wet Season bill, and my bill was more than DOUBLE what I was expecting. A very big OUCH!

    Why was it so?

    There were no leaking taps, water spurting or even dripping anywhere, either in the house or in the

    garden. No lush green patches. Being the Wet the garden was all lush and green. So where was the

    problem, and had how did I find it?

    In the end I found it by accident, treading into a very mushy bit of garden. And underneath the mushy bit

    was a split pipe, from whence all the water was leaking.

    But that was pure luck. I suppose would have found it eventually, if I had carried out a careful

    examination. But finding leaks by accident is just not good enough.

    And that is the problem you may have in your business. Sometimes the leaking tap is pretty obvious. A

    particular line, or activity is obviously costing you money. If you can see it, you can do something about

    it. But what about the times when you don't know profits are leaking. You don't know until you get the

    quarterly, or half yearly or, even worse, the annual figures. Because by then it is too late. The profits

    have leaked.

    Sure, you might then plug the leak, but what is gone is gone.

    So maybe you need to be a profits leak detective to find out if there is a leak, hidden leaks, and to do

    something about it.

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    Are there aspects of your business which are not doing as well as they should?

    Are you in markets which don't perform as well as others you could be in?

    Is a good performance in one area of your business masking a poor performance in another (and

    havent I seen this so often)?

    Are your margins what they should, or could be?

    Do you really know your Cost of Sales? If you don't, Id be willing to bet you are not covering all

    those costs, and are writing them off against overheads, not recovering them against the sale.

    So how do you know that you should be looking for leaks? Are there some clues or symptoms that

    are telltales saying that a bit of drilling down into your business might pay some dividends? Possible leakcould be anywhere.

    Of course we are dealing with high level, or first order clues here - clues that say that there is

    possibly, or probably a problem which needs investigation. These clues do not attempt to find the leak,

    but are more to alert you that there may be some leaks to find and plug. They are symptoms of a

    possible or potential problem. You will need to dig deeper and look for more specific clues, forensic

    evidence as a detective might say, to guide you to where you need to take action. Otherwise what you

    might end up with is some mushy ground and a big bill. And thats just what you dont want to happen.

    So here are the clues, but not in any particular priority. Hopefully one or two of them will really resonatewith you, and but they wont necessarily be the same clues for everyone..

    1. So whats in the bank? Obvious? But read on..

    2. My accountant looks after the books but how often do you review your financial statements?

    3. Availability and use of data for decision making. I'm looking at more than just Key Performance

    Indicators (KPIs).

    4. I know where Im going - Lack of vision/direction, a focus on short term goals only.

    5. I know what Im doing are you concentrating on what you do and not on managing or developing

    the business.

    6. I dont like to sell - Lack of a planned approach to marketing.

    7. Lack of documented business systems and processes.

    They are not meant to be sequential or cumulative. Having said that, if more than two apply to you, in

    your shoes I think Id be looking around your business with a very suspicious eye, or even calling in the

    detectives in the form of your accountant, consultant or business advisor.

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    Now get your magnifying glass out, and have prowl around your business with open, suspicious eyes.

    To help you focus at the end of each section chapter is a score line. Score yourself out of 1 5 where 1

    represents an extremely poor performance and 5 is excellent. Think about what you do in your business

    in the context of each chapter and be as realistic as you can in the scoring.

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    2 So whats in the Bank ?

    Show us the colour of your money, as the old saying goes.

    What is your bank balance like? Is it in the red, or in the black? If its in the black, is what is there as

    much as you would expect?

    Now thats a pretty obvious clue, I know, but bear with me. The bank balance is the open window that

    shouldnt be, or the forced door that should grab your attention. Hullo, hullo, hullo, whats going on ere?

    we used to mimic the British Bobbies saying, with their hands crossed behind there back as they

    surveyed the scene of the crime.

    In the beginning

    Do you remember when you started business, when every sale was treasured, when you wondered

    where the next sale was coming from? Of course there was not much in your bank balance then, nor

    would you expect there to be. It takes awhile for sales, and cash, to accumulate.

    No, Im talking the situation when you have been in business for some time, when you are working hard

    for long hours, when you are wondering when you might get some time off, when the only solution seems

    to be to work harder.

    When youre in that situation, and your bank balance is in the red, or not as much in the black as it should

    be, then you should suspect that you may have a profit leak.

    What other evidence does your bank statement give?

    Somewhere on your bank statement, maybe on the top right hand side you should see four lines: the

    Opening Balance, Cash in, Cash out, and Closing balance.

    It is the cash in and cash out that is the evidence. If there is plenty of cash coming in, but also plenty

    of cash going out then there is a problem. Obviously there can be variations in cash flow, so where might

    they come from?

    Maybe there is a spike in expenses.

    You have had to make a large purchase of stock or materials to complete an order;

    Some unexpected repairs and maintenance;

    A large annual expense such as insurance

    Or a fall off in sales:

    Seasonal conditions many industries can be extremely seasonal;

    A one-off, unexpected loss of a sale.

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    It happens, so it is the trendyou are looking for not the one-offs and unexpected events, but beware if the

    unexpected becomes the expected. Is the colour of your money an aberration, or a clue to an on-goingsymptom of an underlying leak?

    Score yourself out of 1 5 on how comfortable that bank balance is. Could there be a leak?

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    3 My accountant looks after the books!

    But how regularly do you check your Financial Accounts?

    Were talking profits, right. And where do you find the record of your profitability, or otherwise? In your

    accounts of course. So if you want to know how your business is faring in the profitability stakes, then

    you would keep a regular eye on your profit and loss statement and balance sheet.

    Your balance sheet tells you what you are worth at a particular point in time, and the profit and loss

    statement tells you how you got there. Both are worth knowing. Of course these financial statement will

    tell you a lot more, if you set up your chart of accounts to give you the information you need to make

    decisions about the business. They can provide some of the forensic detail you may need to where the

    profit leaks are. But thats not what we are about at the moment.

    What we are on about is determining if it is likely that you do have a profit leak, whether further

    investigation is required, with one clue being how frequently you actually look at your accounting records

    as given by your financial statements.

    Probably because as a small business owner you are a key part of the economy (dont laugh, in Australia,

    the UK and USA about 90% of businesses are small businesses and collectively they are the largest

    employers) governments and other people are always looking at small businesses and how they operate.

    In Australia one such enquiry was the Wiltshire Inquiry. Now although it was over 30 years ago (1974)

    my experience working with many small businesses for nearly 20 years is that its findings are as relevant

    now as they were then. The Inquiry found that, amongst other things:

    An inadequately managed finance function has been the main functional problem for failed small

    enterprises, and this includes poor accounting.

    A survey of 400 UK small business owners (of companies with less that 20 employees) carried out by

    Vanson Bourne on behalf of the financial software company MYOB commented on the link between

    company survival rate and good accounting practices.

    It is clear from the survey results that small business owners need to be made aware of the fact that

    there is a definite link between company survival rate and maintaining good accounting practices, made

    possible by having good accounting software. This is despite the fact that 68% of sole traders felt that

    accounting software was unnecessary and 3% admitted to having no formal tools in place, paper based

    or otherwise, to manage their accounts.

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    Now I know they are concerned with selling software, and not on the survival rates of small businesses

    but there has been a similar finding in Australia.

    A few years ago now Professor Williams from the University of Newcastle (Australia) did a study of the

    correlation between how frequently small businesses looked at their financial statements this and their

    survival rates. He found a very strong correlation between the two:

    Frequency Survival Rate

    At least monthly 80%

    Quarterly 72%

    Half Yearly 50%

    Annually 36%

    I dont think things have changed much. Of course in Australia, since 2001 you have to pay your Goods

    and Services Tax (GST) either monthly or quarterly and in the UK you have Value Added Tax (VAT). So

    your accounts must be prepared for that, but do you actually look at the completed financial statements to

    see how your business is travelling from a profitability perspective.

    You see, one of the issues here is that your financial statements are what we call lag indicators. What is

    in them has already happened and youre looking back at the past. So if there is a profit leak, the sooner

    it is found and plugged, the better.

    Makes sense doesnt it? If there is a profit leak it would be silly to leave it for six months or a year to find

    out. But stranger things have happened.

    Score yourself out of 1 5 on how frequently you analyse your accounts to check for gross and net

    profits, trends in expenses, ability to pay your bills on time and all the other information to be found in

    these pesky figures.

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    4 How do you make decisions?

    Are your decisions soundly based on data, information and knowledge?

    A related issue to use of the accounts is whether you are collecting and analysing the data you have

    trapped in the business to make your business decisions. A good example is the one quoted on the

    Profits Leak Detective site (www.profitsleakdetective.com). That client had the information available in

    Job Cards, but they were not collecting and analysing it.

    If they had been collecting and analysing the information they had on their job cards they would have

    noticed that their profitability on individual jobs was extremely variable, and that on some jobs they lost a

    significant value of the overall price.

    And having seen the size and frequency of the losses they would have gone looking for the cause.

    If a business is not collecting data and information and using it to analyse how the business is performing,

    its London to a brick there will be a profit leak just waiting to be found.

    Another example, but of a different type of profit leak was a client in the fitness industry. Now this person

    had hit on a very good way of building the relationship with his clients. On the counter where they paid for

    their session before leaving was a simple exercise book, you know the type you would have had at


    Clients were encouraged to write a comment in the book before leaving, a comment which could be onanything. And clients took advantage of it. The books went back some years, pages and pages of

    comments. People kept commenting because the owner always replied to their individual comment. The

    reply might be humorous, cheeky, serious, give thanks or whatever, but he always replied.

    Now this owner certainly succeeded in his aim of building relationships, but what he didnt realise was that

    he had a very large, albeit unorganised, database on the business. He had information on what was

    working, and what wasnt, suggestions on new activities, background music and on and on. There was a

    large depth of information which could help him improve the value of his services, and improve his


    And it was all just sitting there, awaiting a little analysis.

    In Australia there have been a number of formal inquiries into the needs of small businesses over the

    years. As mentioned in the previous chapter one such inquiry was the Wiltshire Inquiry which reported

    over thirty years ago in 1974.

    There tends to be a lack of information acquired by small firms because of an unawareness that it is

    needed: An imbalance of functional skills can lead to a failure to recognise, or tardiness in recognising,

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    impending difficulties and the need to find early solutions. Where such a lack of awareness exists it

    explains a failure to seek outside advice or to acquire the knowledge which would avoid such difficulties.

    People dont know what they dont know, if you get what we mean.

    Another survey of the information needs of small manufacturers in New South Wales (Australia), found a

    constant sense of urgency in proprietors leading them to avoid searching for information and waiting for

    external advice.

    Lets look at a practical example. In a small business there may be an underlying problem with poor

    inventory control. What the owner might see is lack of cash. But if the owner doesnt understand cash

    flow management, or have information available on the stock turn for different items he is unlikely to

    understand that this is where the real problem is.

    And if they dont understand that, they may not seek appropriate advice or assistance. The effective use

    of facts, data and knowledge leads to better decisions.

    So where might there be data and information in your business just waiting to be collected and analysed?

    A hidden leak of profits just waiting to be plugged by making informed decisions.

    Why not start by having a look at the records you keep. There are financial records of course, and we

    spoke of those in the previous chapter, but other records such as Job Cards, Time sheets, customer

    complaints, sources of enquiries, quotation success rates, 80/20 customers, management reports and so


    How and where have you analysed the data from these records? Can you point to the business decisions

    you made as a result of this analysis. Not doing so could be a clue.

    Score yourself out of 1 5 on how well you use data and information to make decisions.

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    5 I know where Im going!

    Do you? Or do you have a focus on short term goals/operational issues, rather than a long term


    Its no surprise that lack of direction has been recognised as a problem for a long time, two thousand

    years in fact. The following quote has been attributed to Seneca, a 1st Century Spanish-born Roman

    Statesman and philosopher 'If a man does not know what port he is steering for, no wind is favourable to


    Kinda makes sense doesnt it.

    Even Alice in Wonderland had something to say:

    Lost in Wonderland, Alice asked the Cheshire Cat: Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go

    from here?"

    "That depends a good deal on where you want to get to, said the Cat.

    "I dont much care where, said Alice.

    Said the Cat: Then it doesnt matter which way you go."

    Or as marketing guru Dan Kennedy says You can eventually get south by going due north, but life is a lot

    easier and less stressful, and business more profitable, it you actually get headed in the direction that

    leads to your destination of choice.

    A sure sign a company is not doing as well as it could is when the owners focus is 100% on short term

    goals, on what he is going to do today, and not where he is taking the business. Direction is critical but if

    owners and managers ignore that and focus on getting the sales in now, prioritising immediate sales over

    everything else, including customer service and satisfaction, then it doesnt matter which way they go,

    theyre steering for no particular port.

    Successful businesses seem to buzz with confidence, but simultaneously they hum with dissatisfaction

    a good kind of dissatisfaction - the sort of restless knowledge that there's more to be done, that there are

    always improvements to be made.

    When asked where he wanted his business to be in five years a new client said Dunno, havent thought

    about it yet. There were certainly improvements to be made in that business. If they werent there was a

    fair chance that the business would be overtaken by events, and by their competition.

    A Japanese proverb says "Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare."

    And that is what happens for so many small businesses. They get very busy doing things and end up in

    the nightmare of being busy and going nowhere, and very probably leaking profits on the way.

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    How can we be sure that profits are leaking in this situation? If there is no direction or vision, then

    theres a pretty good chance that the decisions being made are not optimal, that they wont be consistentor have direction.

    And that is the point. Given that small businesses are usually short of both time and capital, decisions

    need to be optimal, and made with a view of taking the business somewhere, somewhere there is a better


    So where do you fit in this situation? Where is your better future? For some of you it will be to grow your

    business. You may not wish to be number two in the world but you see yourself growing to be a dominant

    business in your market. Maybe you wish to extend to branches, or grow by franchising your business.

    For others, it is not so much size as profitability, not growing the business in size but just making a

    reasonable level of profits. Do you want not so much a bigger business but one earning more profits from

    your existing level of business, and the effort you are putting into it, would be much more satisfactory. Is

    that you?

    Or for you is it more free time? To be able to take more time off with the family each day, each week. To

    be able to have decent holiday each year. To just get off the treadmill without your business going belly

    up. More free time is the wish of many a small business owner.

    Giving their children a better and more secure future than they had drives others. Not to have to go

    through the hard times, the struggles that they went through, drives others. This may be your goal, yourvision.

    Whichever overall goal fits you, and obviously there are many others, if you dont have an overall goal, a

    vision for your business to guide your decision making, then no wind will be favourable to you.

    So why dont you get yourself a good cup of coffee or tea, and take ten minutes out to have a good think

    about how clearly you have set the direction of your business for the next five years.

    Score yourself out of 1 5 on how clearly you have determined the direction of your business.

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    6 I know what Im doing!

    Are you concentrating on what you do and not on managing or developing the business?

    This really follows from the previous clue. You started the business because you are good at what you

    do; better in fact than the staff you employ, so you keep on doing the work on the shop floor, or whatever

    is the work of your business. So effectively you spend your time being an employee of the business and

    not the owner/manager of the business.

    This situation has been recognised in studies of small business. The business depends at the start, and

    often for a long time afterwards, upon the personal characteristics, abilities and resources of the owner-

    manager(Wiltshire Enquiry 1974).

    Nothing much has changed in the decades since then. The personal characteristics and resources of

    the owner-manager are likely to still be those he or she started their business with, the technical skills that

    gave them confidence to start their business and were the basis for their initial success.

    And because youre better than the staff, do you still feel the need to do the work of the business, solve

    the technical problems? Some owners also feel a need to also feel the need to do some work on the

    shop floor because they need to earn their wage.

    So you have to do the work and make the business decisions. The Wiltshire Report went on to say The

    responsibility imposed on one or two persons for all management decisions usually leads them into

    working long hours in an atmosphere of constant pressure. This pressure is partly due to lack of

    management know-how and has the unfortunate result of preventing participation in activities designed to

    alleviate these pressures.

    Does your business require you to work long hours? In his well known book, The E-Myth, Michael

    Gerber recognised the underlying cause of this situation. He said that people were working in the

    business and not on the business.

    And that is a basic problem of smallness. You are the chef, the cook and the chief bottle washer. You

    find yourself doing the work and making the decisions. And because you may not be as profitable as you

    could be, you have to keep the work coming in, and churning it out so you dont have too much time to

    think about the business, and the decisions you are making.

    Sometimes the pressures lead to a feeling of isolation, and that nobody could help you if they were not in

    your particular industry. They wouldnt understand it. And if nobody understands it, then there is not

    point in asking for outside assistance. So you keep pounding away on that treadmill. And where do

    treadmills go nowhere!

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    It is easy to recognise if you are on this treadmill, working in the business and not on the business. A

    good clue is the clothes you are wearing. Depending on the industry you are in these are often khakis orblues. They signal an intent that you intend to spend at least some of the day working on the shop floor

    and not managing the business.

    So why does this lead to a profit leak? While you are working on the shop floor, working on the technical

    side of the business you will be earning whatever hourly rate you charge out or mark-up you put on the

    product. You will not be looking at how to increase sales, how to increase or improve margins, how to

    increase productivity, improve purchasing, or reduce expenses.

    In other words you will be looking at the job on hand and not how to increase profitability. And if you can

    increase profitability just maybe you can get of the treadmill and spend less time in the business.

    Wouldnt it be good if the focus of your daily activities had a high impact on the business, and not just on

    the job on hand.

    Why not start by making a record of what you do each day, a timesheet of your days activities. Do this

    for a few days, and then review the record. How much time goes on just doing the job, and how much

    time you spend on developing the business

    Score yourself out of 1 5 on what proportion of your time goes on managing and developing the

    business, as opposed to just being an employee of the business.

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    7 I dont like to sell

    Sales will happen, right?

    Well, they might, but lack of a planned approach to marketing is a sure indication that you are not making

    as much profits as you could. And that is just as much a profit leak as hidden costs not being recovered.

    Costs not being recovered are just cash draining from the business. Not marketing properly amounts to

    unconsciously reducing cash coming in. The effect on the bank balance is the same. So not doing good

    marketing is a huge profit minimiser.

    So you just accept any job which comes through the door. And as long as they keep coming there is no

    problem. Right!

    Well, may be so, but:

    Are you attracting the right clients?

    Do all the sales you make have the right profit margins?

    How much repeat business are you getting?

    Are there more profitable markets you are missing out on?

    With a little attention to marketing you will know the answers to these questions. Lets look at some of the

    reasons (excuses) Ive heard over the years.

    1. Marketing is, well, pushy and I dont like to be pushy you dont have to be pushy. Marketing is

    about meeting customers needs, wants and expectations. If you properly understand your

    customers than by providing them with what they want you are actually doing the right thing by them.

    Or would you rather a competitor did that?

    2. I get enough business as it is and well you might be, but is it the right business? Is it the most

    profitable business you could get? Lets face it. Some products have better margins than others, and

    some market segments are bigger and offer more potential than others. Some customers are only

    interested in the lowest possible price, others buy on value.

    You dont have to sell more to have a better business. You only have to sell more of those products

    and services which have reasonable profit margins, and less of those which have poorer profit

    margins. And it can be done. Just read the case study on the front page of the Profits Leak Detective

    website again (www.profitsleakdetective,com).

    3. If I turn away a customer they wont come back do you want them back? If they are the wrong

    type of customer, a low profit customer, do you really need them? Turning away the wrong type of

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    customer will be good for your business, not bad. It will free you up to accept the good type of

    customer, one who is worth retaining.

    Occasionally you may have to turn away a good customer because you are genuinely busy. If they

    are the right type of customer, and you have been looking after them, they will come back. They will

    appreciate your care and guidance as to who can look after them on this occasion, or be willing to

    wait if the matter is not urgent.

    In any case, being genuinely busy with good customers just demonstrates how much in demand you

    really are. It is good promotion.

    4. I need the sales this is a variation of the any sale is a good sale theme. Let me tell you the tale of

    two manufacturers, both small businesses, both manufacturing the same products for the same

    geographical market. One had good turnover, planned their approach to the market, knew the

    customers they wanted and achieved very good margins. They were extremely profitable even when

    the market had a downturn, as markets do.

    The other was the mirror image, the reverse. This company was desperate for sales, sales from

    anyone, and would accept any sale, at any price. So their margins were thin, their cash flow poor,

    and they felt they had to accept any sale to keep the cash coming in. They were on a treadmill off

    which they could not get. I wrote about this in an article (www.profitsleakdetective.com/)

    You see they had no target market any sale would do and no marketing strategy and itsaccompanying marketing mix (price, product, promotion, place) to deliver the strategy. The first

    company had a target market and a strategy, the second didnt. Take your pick. Who had the profit


    5. I dont have the time to be marketing, Im busy enough as it is busy doing what? I know, the

    work you have already have. But is it good business or the right business as we discussed above.

    And what are you going to do when these jobs end? Take the first sale that walks through the door?

    You get the picture.

    Wouldnt it be better to ensure you were getting the right sales, and getting them when you neededthem, and not have to take just any sale?

    6. I tried marketing and it didnt work did you, or did you try what you thought was marketing? Was

    it to a plan, or a one-off promotion? Were you spreading your message too thinly instead of creating

    a hit list and communicating more often to them? Image advertising instead of "selling in print". Small

    business needs something more responsive than image advertising.

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    Did you have a target market and understand the particular problems of that target market. Have you

    crafted a Core Marketing Message that really gets your target markets attention? Have youidentified what it is about your business that offers a true advantage to clients?

    Does your message match the market? Without these, and of course repetition, your marketing would

    not have worked.

    You dont have to sell. By and large people seek to buy something when they have a problem to be

    solved, something they want or need. Is the role of your business to solve those problems, satisfy those

    wants or needs when and where you have the expertise to do so? If not, why are you in business?

    A planned approach to marketing really ensures that those people come to you when they are in that

    situation. And you cant help them if you are tied up servicing the wrong type of customer, the

    unprofitable customer.

    Is there the possibility that you could have a profit leak from the profits that you are not making, but could

    be making with better sales and marketing? Its time for another cup of tea or coffee and have a good

    think about your approach to sales and marketing. Score yourself out of 1 5

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    8 Are your systems and procedures documented?

    Have you noticed that all good businesses have good systems?

    Some of you will be old enough to remember when products made in Japan were just a load of rubbish,

    Jap Crap people used to say. Yet now, Japanese products are synonymous with quality. The change

    didnt happen over night. It happened over a decade or two, but it happened.

    The person who made it happen, who showed Japanese business how to improve their businesses was

    an American, Dr. W. Edwards Deming. During the Second World War Deming had developed a system

    to help American industry meet wartime requirements which became known as Total Quality

    Management (TQM), sometimes known as management for continuous improvement. Deming was

    bought to Japan by General MacArthur after the war to help rebuild Japans industry as a bulwark against

    the Soviets.

    Enough history. The key to all this is that Deming understood that everything you do in your business is a

    system or process. He said "94% of all failures occur when a person is not following a tested system."

    When you get a failure you have to redo the task, repair the product or replace it. And that is WASTE,

    waste of your time, waste of your money.

    Another day, another dollar another leak! That is, another dollar not in your pocket.

    Waste in a business is sometimes likened to an iceberg. You only see the top 10%. Which means there

    is an awful lot going on that you dont see. And if you dont see the waste, just like my water leak, it will

    go on and on adding costs and draining profits from your business.

    And dont forget the opportunity cost of waste. Whilst you are redoing the job that should have been done

    properly in the first place you are not doing the next job, or making the next sale and the dollars that go

    with it.

    The whole point of having documented systems and procedures is that, if followed, mistakes dont occur

    repeatedly. Nor do you waste time and money reinventing the wheel.

    There is another benefit from documenting systems and procedures. They prevent you slipping back into

    your old, bad habits. Have you ever heard of, or seen the situation where a mistake has been made or

    problem occurred, the business has worked out what went wrong and how to prevent reoccurrence, but

    over time people slipped back into the comfort of the old ways. And lo and behold, the old mistakes and

    problems creep back into the business.

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    A definition of business insanity is to do the same thing year after year and expect a different result at the

    end of each year. It doesnt take much thought to see that if you want a different outcome in yourbusiness when it has not been traveling as well as you would like, you must change either the process,

    the product, or both. If you always do what you have always done you will get what you always got!

    As soon as someone says but weve always done it that way a warning bell should be sounding in your

    ear to say have a good look at this.

    The problem for many people is that they are too close to the problem to see that the way they have been

    doing things may be wasteful, or if they were useful once, they may have become obsolete. That is why

    the outside view is useful.

    The outsider comes with a different perspective. They are not emotionally involved as the business

    owner. Sometimes, when you have your head down, bum up and are pedalling furiously, it is difficult to

    step back and see things as they really are. Is that you?

    Does your state, province or business association have some kind of a business award program? You

    know the type of thing Exporter of the Year, Small business with less the 20 employees, Conference

    and Event Manager of the Year. Without doubt, most winners of business awards have documented

    their business processes in their Operations Manuals. They know doing this is a virtual guarantee against

    profit losses. Documentation of processes is the beginning, the foundation, and the bedrock of worthy


    So just how well are your systems and procedures documented? Are they readily available in hard copy

    or electronically? Score yourself out of 1 5.

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    9 So where to from here?

    So what have you found? Did you score yourself less than say, 3 against any of the symptoms? And if

    so, against how many symptoms?

    Lets check!

    Symptom Your Score

    So whats in the Bank ?

    How regularly do you check your accounts ?

    How do you make decisions ?

    Do you have a focus on short term goals/operational issues, rather

    than a long term vision?

    Are you concentrating on what you do and not on managing or

    developing the business ?

    I dont like to sell

    Lack of Documented Systems and Procedures


    Does that suggest to you that some further forensic work might be worthwhile, that there may profits

    leaking away from your business? Now a good hard look is something you can undoubtedly do yourself

    in your own business but, and its a big BUT:

    Do you have the time? After all lack of time is one of the problems bedevilling you right now?

    What can you set aside to do the research?

    Do you have the expertise and experience? Now Im not saying you dont know your own

    business. After all, it was your expertise and experience in your field that enabled you to start

    your own business in the first place. But step back and remember how many years you put into

    developing that skill in the first place. And how many years have you put into developing your

    financial management and marketing skills? Its horses for courses is it not?

    Do you know where to start, what are the most likely areas to investigate? After all, you dont

    have the time to waste chasing down the wrong leads?

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    Here are some tools that might help you.

    1. Financial Management Self Assessment Program -Do you know how to analyse your financial

    statements? Can you use your Profit Loss Statement and Balance Sheet to dig deeper? The

    ultimate outcomes of profit leaks are measured largely in financial terms. And it is the financial tools

    which assist you to drill down and find those leaks.

    If you dont have a grasp of how to use your financial statements to analyse your business then our

    Financial Management Self Assessment program will give you an understanding of what to look for.

    Go to http://www.profitsleakdetective.com/products/financial-management.html

    And as a bonus for buying the Financial Management Self Assessment program I throw in a

    recording of a tele-class on Cash Flow Management.

    2. Forensic Diagnostic do I hear you say But I need more than that? The Forensic Diagnostic is

    where we work with you to drill down further into your business, looking for telltale clues which may

    guide us to the profit leak.

    If you have studied the article How to increase profits and cash flow on the Profits Leak Detective

    website (http://www.profitsleakdetective.com/articles/how-to-increase-profits-and-cashflow.html ) you

    would know there are five broad areas to work on to do just that, increase profits and cash flow. They


    Increase Sales users, usage & uses

    Increase Margins increasing prices

    Improving margins lowering the cost of sales

    Lowering the cost of operation your overheads and administration costs

    Improving productivity systems, processes & procedures

    Your profit leak may lie in one or more of these areas. But before we can pin it down we need to know

    a little more about your business and your responses to the 7 Clues.

    The Forensic Diagnostic comes to you as a workbook which guides you through a series of questions

    and tables for you to complete.

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    When you return the workbook we analyse the results and prepare a practical report on the issues we

    identify and make specific, practical recommendations on the steps you may take to plug the profitleak. If required we will contact you by telephone or email to clarify any areas of your response.

    Bonus once you have received the report we will have a one-to-one conference call (1 hour) to

    discuss our findings and the rationale for our recommendations.

    Our work with AKS Welding highlighted on our web site, started with just such a business review:

    Over the last three years Adam has had a huge impact on the way we do business today.

    He has a calm common sense, no jargon approach to explaining how business works.

    Some of the valuable points learned were in marketing, proper use of job cards, time

    keeping, and the successful estimating of jobs to improve our margins to name just a few.

    Julie Shugg, Managing Director, AKS Welding and Fabrication Pty. Ltd.

    So what will be covered in the report?

    Identification o f that prof it leak - Of the five key areas to look at there may well be leaks in 2,

    maybe 3 but very rarely in all 5. The report will identify the specific leaks to plug.

    What-if- analysis the report will provide a what-if-analysis of the impact of closing off this

    profit leak. It will show just how much your position will be improved by taking the necessary

    steps to close of the leak(s).

    Practical steps to follow it is all very well to help you identify the impact of the profit leaks, and

    how your position to will be improved. But you need more than that. You need practical steps

    you can follow, and thats what will be included in the report.

    You have established that there is a pretty fair chance you are leaking profits. The next decision you

    have to make is

    Do you want to do something about it?

    I have been working with small businesses to review and improve their operations for 18 years, and

    across a wide range of industries. And Ive always found some areas in which to help the business

    improve its position. You cant buy experience like that?

    Well, you can actually. Thats the thinking that has gone into this Forensic Assessment product, and the

    analysis that I will undertake when I get your answers.

    I want you to do a simple test and its on only one possible profit l eak!

    Take out your last annual Profit & Loss Statement

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    Calculate the value of an increase in your Gross Profit % of an additional 5% ((for example from

    20% to 25%).

    Assuming for the moment there are no increases in your expenses, that increase will go straight

    through to your Net Profit.

    What has your net Profit increased by?

    Now, what is i t worth to you to achieve that increase,remembering that is only one area of possible

    profit leak?

    Your detectives fee is only $675.00. Your decision!

    Now, would you like a Guarantee?Here's what we can do for you.

    Two Boomerangs Guarantee

    Now why do you need two boomerangs for your guarantee? It's simple really.

    First boomerang- of you feel you haven't got value out of our product then all you have to do is heft it on

    to your hand, and return it. Just like a boomerang, wing it back to us. You may dance on it, throw a part

    around it or even use it at a corroboree. That's all right, as long as you give it a good throw so it returns

    to us. And then:

    Second boomerang - we get the product back, and arm back, and.... Throw...whoosh, whoosh, whirl,

    whirl back come your funds. In full, right into your hand.

    It's simple really. One good boomerang returns another.

    If you are still unsure, go back and check the calculation you just did.

    Then contact me on [email protected] we can have a chat about your challenges.

    To your profitable future.

    PS. Now what did your calculation show?

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    10 About the Profit Leak Detective

    Adam has been suppor ting small and medium enterprises (SMEs) for over 18 years as a business

    consultant. To do so he draws upon his many years experience at senior management levels in both the

    private sector and government. This experience includes both manufacturing (aerospace, marine, farm

    machinery) and retail industries with responsibilities in general management, marketing and export. His

    qualifications include B. Ag. Econ (UNE), MBA (UNSW) and a Diploma in International Marketing.

    Managing a small business is no t always easy. Do you:

    Struggle with cash flow, profitability and available management time.

    Know you work hard, and are a good operator in your area of business; but

    Find that, because you are always busy, you lack the time to identify the key constraints on you

    and your business.

    Suffer from profit leaks in the business which drain the profits you hope for.

    As a result you work long hours, seven days a week and rarely have the time to enjoy what you


    If this is you, then you are the type of small business the Profit Leaks Detective assists.

    Some people promise solutions we provide results!

    If you are a typical business owner or manageryou started your business because you are good at

    what you do, and that has got you to where you are today. But to keep building your business you may

    need guidance or assistance in areas in which you havent had the time or opportunity to develop

    expertise. For most small and medium businesses these may be developing a clear strategic direction,

    developing effective management systems and processes, understanding financial management, or how

    to effectively market you business.

    Profitability is not optional! Have a look at our "How to Improve Profits and Cash Flow Model" and

    other useful articles on www.profitsleakdetective.com site then contact me for a chat.

    Do you recognise yourself above an owner operator who has built a business based on your expertise

    but find yourself struggling with cashflow, profitability and never enough time? Thats where we specialise

    helping small and medium businesses overcome these burdens.

    Of course I don't know your business as well you do ; nobody does and it would be impertinent of me

    to suggest otherwise. What we do bring is knowledge of particular techniques and principles to find and

    plug profit leaks which can be applied widely to small businesses. I have successfully worked with

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    businesses across a wide range of industries, from tourism to real estate, IT, engineering and

    manufacturing. And every time I have been able to identify some opportunities for improvement whichhad a positive impact on the business.

    Many years of practical experience in business- hands-on direct management experience running a

    small business - enables me to bring you a deep understanding of how small business operates and the

    pressures you face.

    And I specialise in working wi th small businesses because I understand the issues they face, the

    need to have greater control over their business and to improve their quality of life.

    Is there something bugging about this page, something that is just not right, or that (horror)

    I spelt incorrectly? If so, let me know through this link. And thank you!

    Adam Gordon, Profits Leak Detective

    TEL:61 8 8941 0388 FAX:61 8 8981 8382

    EMAIL: [email protected].

    Copyright Adam Gordon, Profits Leak Detective

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