72626689 beverage industry in pakistan


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We would like to express our gratitude to all those who gave us the best support to complete this

report. First, we want to thank Almighty Allah who gave us the strength to work on this report and

made it successful. Sincere thanks to all the people who have contributed to and worked on this.

We are deeply indebted to our instructor Mr. Michael Simon whose help, encouragement and

stimulating suggestions have been the best motivator for us. e helped us each time we went to him

for discussion on the report and writing of this report.

!ast but not the least " would like to appreciate the efforts put up by my colleagues who were always

ready to provide every sort of help in every context of this report, with which we were able to make

this report a success.

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T!le o" Content#

#$%&%M' %F (A)"S*A& ................................................................................................................. +

#(%* %& ......................................................................................................................................... +

-##A/# "&01S*' "& (A)"S*A& ........................................................................................... +

*able of $ontents ................................................................................................................................... 2

+.#xecutive Summary ............................................................................................................................. +

-everage "ndustry in (akistan ................................................................................................................ 3

3.+ Slower /rowth with 0ecreasing (urchasing (ower .................................................................... 4

3.3 "ncreasing $onsumption of 0iet (roducts and -ottled Water ..................................................... 4

3.2 "ncreasing (urchases at 0epartment Stores and 0iscounters ....................................................... 4

2.*he Scope ............................................................................................................................................ 5

(roblems of the -everage "ndustry during the $urrent Socio6#conomic Situation ............................... 7

SW%* Analysis ...................................................................................................................................... 8

(roduction of -everages ....................................................................................................................... +9

Ma:or (layers of the -everage "ndustry ............................................................................................... +3

(epsi ................................................................................................................................................ +37.+.+ (epsi (akistan ...................................................................................................................... +3

7.+.3 (epsi$o "nc emains Market !eader with &ew (roduct !aunches .................................... +2

$oca $ola $ompany ......................................................................................................................... +4

7.3.+ $oca $ola in (akistan .......................................................................................................... +4

7.3.3 (roduction $apacity and Sales ............................................................................................ +;

7.3.2 )inley .................................................................................................................................. +;

Fruit <uices ............................................................................................................................................ +5=.+ Fruit <uice "ndustry > (otential -arriers ..................................................................................... +=

*rade Statistics and "nternational *arget $ustomers ............................................................................ +8

(rospect for &ew #ntrants ................................................................................................................ 39

$onclusion ............................................................................................................................................ 3+

-ibliography ......................................................................................................................................... 33

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$% E&ec't()e S'mm*+

(akistan?s -everage industry is one of the top industries. "t?s operating with around +79 units.

And its sales volume is up to 29.;@. *he beverage industry in (akistan, currently having a sie

of little over +39 million cases per annum with an annual growth of around +96+; per cent, has

the potential to double its sie in the next 26; years, if the governmentBs taxation policies towards

this industry are corrected.

*ea which is the second largest segment of beverages, share in net sales and operating profit

during 399= was at 23@ and +=@, respectively.

Among carbonated drinks, about =4 million cases 79@ per cent are (epsi productsC about 35 to

3= per cent are $oca6$ola products and remaining are other local cola drinks.

$hallenges faced by beverage industry are the high prices and unavailability of sugar and also

the taxes and excise duty, sub:ected at the rate of +3.; percent and sales tax at the rate of +;

 percent on the retail price. *his is the reason that beverage industry at the moment has very low

 per capita consumption of 39 serves whereas in other countries of our region it varies from+396

3;9 on the basis of single serve of 3;9 ml.

/rowth of the industry is slowed due to intense competition from the foreign products and also

 because of the decreasing purchasing power. $ompetition is also because of the large number of

hyper marts which offers greater variety of carbonated drinks to consumers.

Soft drinks market in (akistan has increased at a compound annual growth rate of 5.4@ between

3994 and 3998. And the carbonated category is the leader in the soft drink market with a share of

52.7 @. (akistan?s Soft 0rinks "ndustry "s Set to #xperience olume Sales /rowth of 29.;@ to39+9%*his reflects such a huge market to cater.

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Be)e*ge Ind'#t*+ (n Pk(#tn

unning a business in todayBs globalied world does not often offer easy times, as (akistan

normally scores Duite low on global competitiveness indicators. %ne such industry in (akistan,

that seems to be bucking this trend however, is the -everage industry. According to the

Ewww.accountancy.com.pk the growth in the production of beverage industry is 29.;@ during


*he beverage industry in (akistan has grown over the time. *he industry produces soft drinks,

 :uices, syrups, milk, and sDuashes. With about +79 units currently in operation throughout the

country, both upstream and downstream industries have grown and are flourishing. (akistan?s

soft drinks industry is set to experience volume sales growth of 29.;@ till 39+9.

*he beverage industry in (akistan, currently having a sie of little over +39 million cases per

annum with an annual growth of around +96+; per cent, has the potential to double its sie in the

next 26; years, if the governmentBs taxation policies towards this industry are corrected. *here

are 24 beverage plants in the country and this is one industry, which is very well organied. <ob

oriented in nature, the beverage industry employees over ;99,999 people directly and indirectly

and also supports many other upGdown stream industries such as crown corks, glass bottles, plastic shells, sugar, transport, advertising and media, (.#.* bottles, concentrates etc. due to this

industry a huge number of outletsGshops are supported to generate wide6spread economic activity

in the country

-everages, the second largest segment consists of various brands of tea. -everages share in net

sales and operating profit during 399= was at 23@ and +=@, respectively. &et sales of the

segment posted a healthy growth of 33@ in 399= to () 8.5 billion. Sharp increase of 34@ in

)enyan tea prices as well as depreciation of domestic currency reduced the margins of thesegment to 32@ in 399= from 3=@ in 3997. !ipton is the key brand in beverages segment of

1nilever (akistan. A leading carbonated drink brand has its annual sale up to +7;6+=9 million


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About =4 million cases 79@ per cent are (epsi productsC about 35 to 3= per cent are $oca6$ola

 products and remaining are other local cola drinks. 0ue to the Afghan and "raD wars, local $ola

did get a little footing especially in the frontier and "slamabad area but still they are not

immensely popular.

Success of the cold drink industry is depends on the sugar as it is the key input in beverages.

According to the Federal -ureau of Statistics the production of beverages declined by 2.7@ as

the prices of sugar rose sharply in recent months. Another challenge faced by the beverage

industry is the taxes and excise duty. -everages are sub:ect to excise duty at the rate of +3.;

 percent and sales tax at the rate of +; percent on the retail price. "n addition to a +5 percent sales

tax, carbonated soft drinks are sub:ect to double taxation with a ;9 percent input tax levied on

soft drink concentrate and a +3 percent tax on finished carbonated soft drink beverages.

*herefore, high duties on machinery and raw materials, which are not available locally, are a

disincentive to companies that want to establish manufacturing facilities.

*he beverage industry at the moment has very low per capita consumption of 39 serves whereas

in other countries of our region it varies from+3963;9 on the basis of single serve of 3;9 ml. *his

is definitely due to the heavy taxation, as the price of the product is very important and especially

in our country where clean drinking water is not available and our products has to be affordable

to a common man which it is not at moment.

eport revealed that 1S investors in (akistan?s beverage sector, for instance, are targeted with

higher taxes than domestic companies and those from third countries that manufacture competing

 beverages such as fruit :uices, tea and bottled water. "n addition to a +5 percent sales tax,

carbonated soft drinks are sub:ect to double taxation with a ;9 percent input tax levied on soft

drink concentrate and a +3 percent tax on finished carbonated soft drink beverages. *herefore,

high duties on machinery and raw materials, which are not available locally, are a disincentive to

companies that want to establish manufacturing facilities.

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,%$ Slowe* G*owt- w(t- Dec*e#(ng P'*c-#(ng Powe*

*he economic crisis hit (akistan hard, and the consumer purchasing power dropped significantly.

$arbonated drinks volume growth slowed down due to increasing poverty, and rising unit prices

have also put downward pressure on volume growth. $ompetition has increased with the wide

availability of imported products and additional products from local manufacturers at the rate of

3; per cent every year but now this growth has gone down instead, because of excessive taxation

 policy on this industry, which is 25 per cent of the retail price.

,%, Inc*e#(ng Con#'m.t(on o" D(et P*od'ct# nd Bottled /te*

*he beverage industry at the moment has very low per capita consumption of 39 serves whereas

in other countries of our region it varies from+3963;9 on the basis of single serve of 3;9 ml.

$onsumer demand for Hdiet? products has increased. &ew products from international companies

which are ma:or share holders in carbonates have been well received and imported products in

the :uices category have also attracted a lot of consumer attention. %n the other hand, bottled

water consumption has increased with the deteriorating water supply in urban areas and

increasing health consciousness. *his is definitely due to the heavy taxation, as the price of the

 product is very important and especially in our country where clean drinking water is not

available and our products has to be affordable to a common man which it is not at moment due

to 25 per cent of taxation, whereas in this region taxes vary from =6+; per cent of the retail price.

*oday when the economical conditions all around the world are in recession and this product

 price is very much sensitive and elastic to the retail price.

,%0 Inc*e#(ng P'*c-#e# t De.*tment Sto*e# nd D(#co'nte*#

0epartment store chains are aggressively opening up branches in different areas of the country.

*his gives consumers a choice, but creates a competitive environment for carbonated drinks

manufacturers. With rising poverty and reduced disposable income, people prefer to shop at

/overnment owned discount stores and big departmental stores that give discounts on bulk

 purchases like Makro and Metro.

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+. (olitical instability may affectI the

ability to acDuire of form a strategic

 business alliance with suppliers,

activities that make necessary

infrastructure enhancements to

 production facilities, distribution

networks, sales eDuipment and


3. *he security measures taken by the

government have increased the cost of

doing business. *he anti6terrorism

campaign has caused inefficiency in

allocation of resources, as increasingly

resources have been diverted to

security matters at the expense of

economic development.

2. "n addition to a +5 percent sales tax,

carbonated soft drinks are sub:ect to

double taxation with a ;9 percent input

tax levied on soft drink concentrate and

a +3 percent tax on finished carbonated

soft drink beverages. Jigh *axation >

figures can be double checkedK


+. *he cost of raw materials e.g. soda ash

for glass manufacturers, 0(# for

 plastic bottles and sugar have increased

to further impact the price of the cold

 product. (roduction of beverages

Jweight, 9.3=@K declined by 2.7@ as

the prices of sugar, one of the key

inputs in beverages rose sharply in

recent months. J#S( 6 399=68K


+. (ractice of Ehealthy life6styles has led

to a shift in consumption of $arbonated

Soft 0rinks > switching to bottled


+. &ew Marketing *echniDues and #6


3. "ntroduction of bottling technology is

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water and diet colas.

3. igh (opulation /rowth ate .

hindered by duties on machinery and raw

materials > not available locally.

0% T-e Sco.e

Soft drinks market in (akistan has increased at a compound annual growth rate of 5.4@ between

3994 and 3998. And the carbonated category is the leader in the soft drink market with a share of

52.7 @. (akistan?s Soft 0rinks "ndustry "s Set to #xperience olume Sales /rowth of 29.;@ to

39+9%*his reflects such a huge market to cater.

$oca6$ola and (epsi are two companies that have fought hard to be on top in the beverages and

nonalcoholic industry. Scope of beverage industry is very vast in (akistan as there is sluggish but

 potential growth in the market.

%ther companies like edbull bringing in new drinks that are targeting the youth. According to

the statistical bureau of (akistan, (akistan youth is composed of 79@ of the total population.

ence there is a huge market potential

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P*o!lem# o" t-e Be)e*ge Ind'#t*+ d'*(ng t-e C'**ent Soc(o1

Econom(c S(t't(on

(rimarily, this industry faces three issues.

+. *he first issue is the security concern which is hampering business all over the country. "n

)arachi, for instance the sales volumes have considerably decreased due to security issues.

*he last two years for the $oca $ola $ompany have been Duite testing. "f the situation does

not improve, the foreseeable future business will further go down in these areas.

3. Secondly, the taxation structure on the beverage industry has also been a cause for great

concern. When compared with other countries in the region such as "ndia, Sri !anka, &epal

and -angladeshC (akistan has the highest taxation rates on beverages. *his in a way is

discriminatory as other industries in (akistan are not taxed at the same ratio. For the last eight

years, the beverage industry has time and again raised this issue with the government.

eduction in taxes will give organiations more room to invest. ence, with increasedinvestment and resultant increased production volumes the government stands to earn more

in taxes.

2. *hird and the most vital issue is the presence of spurious and fake products in the market

which make up almost = percent of the total market share. *hese inferior Duality drinks are

causing serious health concerns and also bring a loss of almost 5;9 million rupees annually to

the government in tax revenue.

*he beverage industry has raised voice against these concerns several times and expects the

government to bring a law into place and levy punishments on spurious product producers. A

strict check and balance and punishment procedure from the government towards spurious

 products producers is lacking which in the end is problematic not only for the beverage industry

 but for the consumers as well.

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S/OT Anl+#(#


• enewal and investment

• "nnovation and *echnological development

• #xperience in searching for new markets, niches and partners

• Availability of key raw materials, cheaper labor costs and presence across the entire value

chain gives "ndia a competitive advantage.


• %ld technologies and poor work organiation

• "nsufficient pace of creation and implementation of innovations

• "nsufficiently effective activities of small and medium6sied businesses

• $hange in household consumption patterns


• (resence of a favorable market

• Market globaliation

• Foreign direct investment promoting knowledge and developing export channels

• *ransfer of production to the countries with smaller labor costs

• Well established distribution network 

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• 1nfavorable market trends in energy resources

• "ncreasing competition among exporters and decreasing dependency on one market

• "ntense competition between the organied and unorganied segments and low

operational cost.

• Water scarcity in (akistan

• "mplementation of /oods and Service tax by 39++

P*od'ct(on o" Be)e*ge#

According to #conomic Survey of (akistan 3998639+9

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M3o* Pl+e*# o" t-e Be)e*ge Ind'#t*+

*he two ma:or players of the beverage industry are (epsi and $oca $ola. *hey have more than

7;@ market share. "n addition fruit :uices are also gaining their market share slowly as people

are learning more about the disadvantages of using a carbonated drink. *he companies are

having large annual turnovers with wide range of product portfolios which include all kinds of

 beverage drinks from soda to energy drinks. *hese companies are having a large variety of

 products like soda, water, $olas, Fruit based drinks, Milk beverages.


(epsi "nternational is a world most admired company. "t is a very well organied multinational

company, which operates almost all over the world. *hey produceC one of best carbonated drinks

in the world. (epsi is a symbol of hygiene, Duality and service, all over the world. (epsi is

 producing $ola for more than +99 years and it has dominated the world market for a long time.

"ts head office is in &ew 'ork.

4%$%$ Pe.#( Pk(#tn

(epsi started its operations in (akistan in +87+. (epsi was put up their first plant of (akistan in

Multan. (epsi is the first choice of every one in soft drink. (epsi is popular in all age groups dueto its distinctive taste. As compare to the other $ola brands in the market, it is bit sweeter which

contributes greatly to its liking by all.

Against the biggest competitor $oca $ola, (epsi use its aggressive marketing planning and

diversification in creating and promoting new ideas is successfully maintaining its &o.+ position

in (akistan. (epsi strong their portfolio by adding new brands of cold drinks which make them

stronger than their competitors. 0ue to the strong portfolio (epsi en:oy 79@ market share in cold

drink industry where as its strong competitor coke :ust has 3=@ market share.

*o maintain the power of brand name (epsi make sure the availability of their products so that

they can gain edge over their strong competitor $oke. (epsi also advertise their brand creatively,

which stands (epsi apart from competitors.

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(epsi$o is an international cold drink brand and the leader of (akistani beverage industry. *heir

vision is to be the worldBs best beverage company. -eing the best means providing outstanding

Duality, service, cleanliness and value, so that their every customer is satisfied and happy with

their products.

4%$%, Pe . # (Co I n c R e m (n # M * ket 5 e d e* w(t - New P*od'ct 5'nc-e#

(epsi$o "nc has introduced new diet product that has been well received and supported  by

good marketing activities. *his new launch will help (epsi$o "nc to increase its share in

the market and prove to be tough competition for 0iet $oke. <uices manufacturers have taken

their   lead from &estle by offering +99@ concentrate products across the country. -ottling

companies are facing stiff competition from local unregistered companies that sell a class,

urban areas. J(epsi, 39+9K

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Coc Col Com.n+

*he $oca $ola $ompany started its operations in (akistan in +8;2 with the first bottling and

concentrates plant in !ahore. *he organiation then gave out franchises taking the number of

 bottling plants to six. Fifteen years ago, the company acDuired back the bottling plants and today

all of them are owned and operated by the company itself. *his gives them the benefit of

controlling the Duality of product and also to bring about efficiency in overall operations and

 procedures of the company.

As far as the beverage industry in (akistan is concerned, $oca $ola is the second largest player

in the market. *he local beverage market is primarily dominated by carbonated soft drinks with

each company having its own strategy of acDuiring the market share. $oca $ola currently holds

2+ percent of the overall beverage market share and aims to increase this share further through

increased investments.

"n the last five years the organiation has invested over 339 million dollars and has committed

 publicly to invest another 3;9 million dollars in the next three years.

4%,%$ Coc Col (n Pk(#tn

-eing the largest beverage name in the world, the core business line has always been beverage

and the focus still remains. *he $oca $ola $ompany is ranked high in terms of innovation.

/lobally, the organiation is producing more than 2;99 products with diverse ranges such as

dairy drinks, coffees, sports and energy drinks.

$urrently in (akistan, there is a very interesting product range which comprises of carbonated

soft drinks and :uices. Minute Maid, which was launched two years back, has been extremely

 popular with the consumer. %wing to the positive response from the consumer, the organiation

is expanding its range and introducing new flavors for the product in the next year.

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4%,%, P*od'ct(on C.c(t+ nd Sle#

"n the last ten years, $oca $ola has nearly doubled their sales. *he organiation is expanding

with two new production plants being established, one in )arachi and the other in Multan. *hese

 production plants are expected to increase the growth in double figures in the next year. *his

gives the organiation an edge as it will be better eDuipped to serve the consumer with increase

 production as well as more portfolios.

$oke and Sprite dominate overall sales of the organiation. %n the other hand Minute Maid, the

 :uice brand, which is relatively new in the market, has also been extremely successful.

4%,%0 K(nle+

)inley water understands the importance and value of the life giving force. )inley water comes

with the assurance of safety from the $oca6$ola $ompany. $oca6$ola introduced )inley with

reverse osmosis along with latest technology.

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F*'(t 6'(ce#

*he fruit :uice coupled within beverage industry is considered to be one of the largest industrial

sectors in (akistan. "t is expected to be growing at a robust rate of 3963;@. Moderniation of this

industry, in consonance with the change in urban life style, massive shift of rural population to

the urban areas, growth in population, etc., predict a growing potential for instant solutions in

fruit :uice segment of the beverage industry. *raditionally in (akistan and generally all over the

world people prefer to use natural drinks rather than carbonated soft drinks and this perception is

gaining more currency day by day which also adds to the advantage of the fruit :uice industry.

Around 79@ of the total fruit :uice market is accounted for by 3;9ml tetra pack servings while

the rest 29@ includes ;99ml and +999ml packs. *his shows significant convenience Jfrom

consumer?s perspectiveK and high sales freDuency in 3;9ml package category. -ased on this

market situation, it could be observed that the entrepreneur should focus more on small serving

 packs rather than one liter or other serving sies.

$urrently in (akistan, there are 34 fruit :uiceGpulp processing units and a number of small units

in the informal sector are working. *he present installed capacity is estimated around 499,999

metric tons per annum with an estimated growth rate of 39@ to 3;@ annually J#A$63992 and

discussions with the industry expertsK. *he fruit :uice market is estimated around 3.; billion to

3.= billion upees.

$ommon people especially young generation is inclined to have ready to consume drinksC in

addition hotels, hospitals are also expanding day by day where :uices could be marketed

successfully. Moreover the global trend of preferring fresh fruits and :uices also marks

 possibilities of growth in this sector. Furthermore, the growing exports volume and withdrawal

of $#0 Jcustoms and excise dutyK on fruit :uices Jproduced locallyK could further supplement

significant growth in the fruit :uice industry.

For industrial scale manufacturing of fruit :uice, pulp is used which is available round the yearC

on the other hand, fresh fruits are also being used for +99@ pure :uice production. owever,

 based on our discussions with industry experts, we understand that business viability could be a

Duestion mark when fruit :uice business starts with fresh fruits processing.

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"t is absolutely necessary for someone starting a :uice manufacturing operation to be familiar

with the regulations and reDuirements of the market. For commercial purposes, it is important to

define the differences Jfrom other :uice productsK carefully and ensure that specifications and

labeling are correct. *here are circumstances where a +99 percent :uice or puree product is

impractical while dilution with other :uices andGor water and sweeteners are practical, as long as

the products are correctly identified. Water, sugar, organic acids and low cost bulk :uices are

much cheaper than higher value fruit solids.

Most of the fruit :uice manufacturing units are operating in !ahore, Sargodha, -ahawalpur,

yderabad, /u:ranwala, attar &WF( and )arachi. *he following table presents a synopsis of

some well known local and imported brandsI

Following are considered to be the ma:or players of fruit :uice industry. Some of them haveclosed their operations due to political instability during the last five years e.g. Monalisa and

Sunflo $it6usI

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$urrently Shean is giving tough time to other fruit :uice manufacturers due to its Duality and

huge export volume as well as capturing local fruit :uice market where it has competition with

 &estle. Most of them offer fruit :uice in tetra packs where sDuashes and syrups are available in

glass bottles.

7%$ F*'(t 6'(ce Ind'#t*+ 8 Potent(l B**(e*#

+. A significant number of fruit :uice manufacturers have imported cheap, second hand

machinery which is inefficient with high cost of production.

3. *he packaging material, such as glass bottles are inconvenient and expensive.

2. Many manufacturers use small percentage of real fruit :uice, rendering low Duality product

not offering a long life.

4. Many units were established through bank loans. *he pro:ect owing to various reasons could

not generate sufficient funds to repay loans and have turned into sick units.

;. !ack of infrastructure and limited budget for advertising L publicity.

5. Most consumers continue to show a preference for fresh foods.

7. igh cost of processed food due to high input, processing L packaging costs.

=. !ow income coupled with erosion in purchasing power 

8. "nadeDuate infrastructure facilities including storage L transportation facilities.

+9. !ack of awareness of standards reDuired for processing of foods.

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T*de Stt(#t(c# nd Inte*nt(onl T*get C'#tome*#

*here is a lot of potential to export fruit :uice from (akistan to other countries i.e. 1.S., #uropean

1nion, South )orea and 1A# etc., Five years summary trade data relating to fruit :uice is

 provided in the following tableI

'ear 3997 3995 399; 3994 3992

#xports 4,;=2 2,783 2,85; ;,2;7 ;,=54

"mports +,952 742 =4= =25 733

"n Mt

7/21/2019 72626689 Beverage Industry in Pakistan

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P*o#.ect "o* New Ent*nt#

*here is a huge potential for this business to grow in (akistan as more than 59 percent of our

 population is below 29 years of age. *he initiation of this business depends on the level of

investment that an investor can make. #stablishing a production plant reDuires ample investmentC

however, other areas in the beverage industry such as distribution can be a great venture for

investors who do not have the resources to make huge investments.

"n the last couple of years, we have seen a number of local brands come into the market and have

made a place for them on some level. owever, what needs to be considered here is that it is not

 :ust about setting up a business onlyC it is about getting into this business keeping in mind

international standards of product Duality and production process.

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(akistan at this point in time is facing dire socio6economic problems. owever, in the face of

natural calamities and social unrest the country is still moving forward, with an economic growth

rate of 2.3 percent. *his shows the potential that this country has and its capacity to deal with and

move forward towards a positive direction in the worst circumstances.

"n a similar way, (akistan has one of the lowest per capita consumption of soft drinks which

makes a huge potential for the beverage industry to grow, in fact grow manifolds in the next ten


*herefore, the government and $- should abolish excise duty as we have sales tax on the

 products as well which is double taxation, this in turn will allow to read:ust the retail price and

maintain at an affordable level which will make sure that the industry grows at a faster and

higher rate which ultimately will increase the total revenue of the government which at the

moment is over s;.3 billion.

"t must be noted here that the beverage industry is the 2rd largest revenue participant of $-.

-everage industry has tremendously changed in the last +9 years due to more aggressive

 participation and marketing strategies of the two multinational brands known all around the

world i.e. (epsi and $oke. $urrently, 8; per cent of the market share is held by these two brands

and the rest by some other foreign and local brands, therefore, your point of view is correct as the

local brands of this country are also not being given any special incentives to grow. *he focus of

the government and its economic policies is on export6oriented industries only which we believe

is correct but at the same time the government and policy makers should also keep in mind that

all those industries which may not be export oriented but to generate economic activity inside the

country should also not be neglected, that is industries like construction and consumer product

industry such as confectioneries, food and beverages.

0ue to the economic downturn the government should provide special incentives to the

 beverage industry by way of reduction in taxes to provide a chance for them to push forward

their growth by maintaining affordable prices to generate maximum economic activity,

especially the food items which can be kept within the reach of common man.

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