70+:a++f+ · any ~lub~crll?er who fells to rocelv.e "till: i ltltcoan’+ reguhtrly otto have...


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Post on 13-Mar-2020




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Page 1: 70+:a++f+ · Any ~lub~crll?er who fells to rocelv.e "Till: i ltltcoan’+ reguhtrly otto have tlle omlsslou promptly correclcd by cnterhlg complaint al tile ofnce. Advertlalng rotes



/ ’s

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¯ A number of ladies were makingClothes for Belgian ’orphans at. nedCress headquarters. Naturally theytalked its tile)" worlted.

"Come,’ Madelhle; can’t ~-ou tell us of~bmo adventure tllat has befallen you?"

,My life has been vet3" uneventful,"was the reply. -

"You were In Europe, weren"t you,.whe¯.the great war hroke ant? Sttrelytilers, mtl~t lie noniethlng hlteresting inyour experhqlee’at t’hat time." , ’

"There was It ronlance.""Oh, d<)’tell us ahnut ttl" chimed

dozen 1,’n h’t,~¢,"It wnmft InUvh Of U ’hal)i~enlng ’ bat

Mne(, 3)()o want to b6ar it 1 th)~u’t \telling’ y¢)II.

"YOU ~l,e. [ %vas Ill llelglum whenIvar+xVll:+ dt,,’l:Lrt,d, ))tit tl hln¯t I(n,)~vttmt the (.;t,rm;m-~ x~el’tt g, dng to ¢nnn.Ill .+;tn’h ;l hurl’’+’, nlnl I hlllhl’t..~eelt, alltile .~k:hl.<. So I d,’l,O’(,l ~eltln~ awaytill they ~Gq’e drlvln:z tim 8"ren(.h be-[+ore lhenl [l)wnrt| Pnl’l,4.

",rhIlt’.~’tr’he "~Xll3’ I l.t+)l let(, Itell Cross

work."Ul~he i)nly inenns I)y which l ’could

travel ’were the Itnzl)lllttliC(,m elxi’ryltlg the

Wotlnded. I t~et ntyself Ii l , f(,l" n nurse,takhlg (’tlre of It load 9f wounded nten,’wht) Were !)t, hlg .(’Itrr](,d It+ tilt? rear,till n silt,IT eXi;ludod nnder It und blewtt and it.~’eontetfl,~ sky hl~:h,"

"Weretft you kllh,d?" asked one ofthem. "

",No," todd the story teller; "I wnmFt’kilh,d. + ,

,. , ,d ¯,% ’ ; 5. ! ;+~ ’.." ~’./’, ’.:.... c ’ ii .’ .!’i ..,"i~":""’. : ~;,’ ’,,, ~:.

¯ . - , ¯ ,.


An EffectiveIntrOduction,

),+)¯¯ " A"++ .... A BOLD ’A Mantel : MATCH




Worthington wtm at the ’seashore. "Harry." mitt Bess. -I’ve been think-~h0 day wus foggy, btft since there [ hag what an ntv.ful thing it Is for a girlwas nothing to do at the hater he cos- [ to trust her whole future to’¯ man,

¯ . ., ~...

r One nlshL’at+ 8 masquerada ball,twopersons appeareO, a man and ¯ woman,who iaxcttL=d conatdgrablo interest, ~he

tludcil to wlilk on the beach. He could not knowing whether ho’a g~lng to man rept~ented Fatter, the woman

l)r.(’eeded he forgot tht.+e at tile hotelslttlu~ abt)ut llgtlessly with a b.red+

It,ok on their fa(’t,s, lie was walking’

l~ the" llllst Ile(’nnse lie "wished to¯

not s(,t) the waves ns they rolled In,but" he cnuhl hear them break and theswishing s~ind as they slid up on thespuds. That et least’wee het[er than10naming o%3,r a magazine or knockingballs stir)tit en a tlllllard table¯’

For awhile’he kept between.lthediines nod tile verge of tile ocean. Iloco0hl see nothing ’a dozen feet beforehhn. |)nt ()t.varllollflllr wh0u ̄ dunetowered nht)ve hhn he caught a flintysight -f it. At times I~e diverged fromhis line of tlh-ectlon toward tile sceneand cnuld see the ft)anl ready to enelr.(.10 his feet. AIndng to keel) midwaybetween tim dum,s and the foam, whet]lie g-t tt)o nenr the sue, he bl,nt hisclnll¯~qe IOXVllrd tile bther.

Wily did he eontlnue h) w+fllk shult,ff from everytl~hlg mxVe tilt+ mends be-nc,lth Ills feet? Why do we ~o any.thln~ we are not obliged to do? Whywill u nmn rlsk Ills ,Hfe (.limiting cliff? Why will {)lit’ who has nuXde ’slit:us (,t,nthtue It+ the slavery of bust-wss+’.’ Why lh,i,s’ the, snlt0r ImprisonIhusel-f Ill a ship "0,’hen lie has tile

whole (,~).rth t,, wnoder ()n? slie dldn’t kn<)w. IIe.,had begun to

$1nlnler to avoltl ennui. But as lie

"Wh¯t sltvt2d. 3"~ta?" . .......... __q]B, re ~’tl sL s2methh__~g he liked In being

"1, wns.leaulnff over a wounded sol= |]ttl,~ shnt off fronl tile wt;rld he knewdler lit the thne. anti when he wast)h)wn ill) Iris b.dy eorlstltnted n pro-tectlnu f,,r nn,. lie was kllh,,l, though."~em.~ t~_m(aZL-r~mmrk.~L~no- of,tht~ ladles, "lhst there lm re)ale unnec-eRsnry Infot¯nuith)n given here+ GO on"with 14~+. s~,>ry so fnr ns ,rcgnrds your-self ah)ne.’"

"And h’n’+’e ant tile ronlance?""N’O!’" s|l+)llted every W<Hl3..qn present."They h,)k tim nlnlllllnnce | WeS In

to t’nlnIW’ -

"1 thon~ht It wu~ I)lown to atoms,"l)Ut In n li>tvnpr.

"Thn| x’+’nm a FPen<¯h nml)alance. [wns l)h’1~(,d t;p I)3" I,:n~llsh lied (’ros~w(wker~ und nt (’nlnls wus take~.Ill’ross the t’h;in]n’l¯"’

The sl)(’:fl,*’r M r)pl)~’d short, ns thoogh

sho h:uI l]nt>~hed her ~t,)ry."~,’h(,rt. d¢,(+~ the I’~)lllallf’e come In?"

asked ~o’,’eral htdlea ut nn<’e."elL I’m u,,In;~ h) toll yell that. Do

yon wnnt to he:it It?""’()f vorlrse," nil ro.qmrtdotl,

"’[ stny(’d In I.:n~luJul a long while,(’ar[nff for l~Ollllded sohlh,rs Io the hos-I)It:ll. At Insf I m~lh,d for Amerh’a In tlrili~h shllt. That xvn~ wh(,n the snb-nlarlno’~ [l:lt| K(It tO work. nut(1 we wereIH1 f6at’fnq ()f l)ein~ slnlk to the bottom¢)f lit+’ +)(iu|n. M,,~t Of n.q renlnhled

dta, s~(’(t day ~nld IH~zht. I wore n tailorInnlh, ~llit I had bought hi l,ondon.You st,o If I got thr,mgh snfely Iw.nhhft h,~ e to pay dnly on It, nnd ifw(. v,-(,ro b],,~x n l) ll ]l~l I V¢ll~ ~nv~l lwoIihl I,). ~ pll dn’~s)’d nnd r.orrespoud-hl~]y w(.tl tre:H+.d¯ ~ ]f l wn~ drownedIll.’)" t!()I’I)’~+, w,)u](l be e,’e]l g+)’+vned."

"’flow th<)uchtfnt?’ remarked sereralI[st(’III’F~ ~t,tt~L V+)+’e

"Wt, hndWt been out thtrty-gtx hour~wheII t]l¢,Fe c:lnle the Follnd of UU ex-

Dh,’d<,n f,,rwnrd+ I knew nt nncc itWzl~; n su])nl:ll’i)le. I went to my +~tate-

r()o[n, t~,)f <)U{ nly Jewel~ and put

|heal on+’"

¯ ’Wimt f,)r7 ¯’ n.kf.d a surprised II~-t ene’r. [

"F()r the m:lrne r’(,:l.mOIlm l WOFe myI

tall,r rua,h, ):,)wn. I’ve t)p0n, esked

llt)t to ~jve Inly llnllpCe*~<[IFy InforIna-

floe. I think I ~v()tFt tell zmy moreof It."

"¢~c) ¢)II ~."~ ~xfl~4 1he UtllVorsnl cry."’)V(,II, ~h,,)t I went up tho eompan-

lonnity t folnld n terrible scelle Ondeck. Th,, ,)ill, ,,r,~ were l)rt)tectlng hoar>+ lit the l),)iul ()~ the I)islol Per v,’omt.n nwl vhlldr,,o When one ofthem m~w l:u, :m,l h,)w w(,ll dressed ~’+’:l’~-- Pn+)’~f ,If tile ~x,)lllCn Iook(.d llkefrl~hts - h,, ,)IT(,r(.,I tile hl’~ arm nnd era.t’,)l’l(’ll In(’ t() t| [,,):It: l lZ,’t h|, nn(1 we 3v(,re l:Hh,d away ft’(qn the shxk[nKship I threw hhn a kl+~s ,+f tlunlks;." ":

"ID,w I,,~,,f>i ~.’* ho lht¯r,)m:tn+’e?’""N~, I’m ~*,ht~f t,, t.ll > ,,u :ll)~)llt. lhe

r,)I]l{IIlt+( , IIt)XX ’i’ll+’ ~t’:l ~X’|IS rIIIlnhI~.~hi~ll¯ IIIl!l t)Ii+, [ltl:.:+, ",X~l’,’+, (’llnll,.ll]On~,~

;ind |llrNt’d <))It I,,):lt ()’,+’r. I UIiYe In)’-

~,~.lf Ul) f(,r h)~t. V-rtunnt(dy nly t:llh)r

Init*lo ’..’+,~’,n I D,bl y,nl )ll.nlt t’nll~ht ,n

lot ,,r :fir qrl,l(’r it, aIld thb+ k~’l,t lue lip

f,r nxxh+h, lh+l tho SI’U~ lilHll]y t.Okrill tim ll]r fl’~)rll IlIidor Ill(,, +ltld I wasal.)ut l,, ~-II)k ~+l,+.n I felt )ny+elf-drnwnrip(in +(~L() ~’<ItLl]{[ ~t. It x’+’e.+ tilt ImDro-vNed r:tft. [ l,),,k+,d I) Jr{to t he faceof tho h:ltld~4OlI£++st Ill{In I ever saw.

.... Fhl.q raft ]a n,+t enl)abh, of support-tim’ tI~ b,,~h,’ ho’,:)id. ’I glve my lifethat >,,n may fly(,.’ With that horolledoff h)t,) the watvr.’"

"ll+,w l,+,auttful’," exc]almed a chorus.’¯Wt+ w,)n+Pn ,l,,n’t nl)l)re(’lnte tt+e el-

fet’t of ,:,vu Iid,,rlmlellt,~. "_I’here ",’,’as

admiralhm h~ lay lu’+,sorver’s eyes,v,-hi+’h t~) doul,t wu~ h+d~htoned by mytall+If nla(h, Mitt uMd my Jewel’s, all of%V|l[¢’h v~(,I’p l)(.’,,nfiu~ to tile. [ haveno (Imfl)t that I owe my life to tJiem¯"

Tin,r(, wu~ n hushed nssent./¯ "Yell V¢l¯re pi,:ked ll~t?’)

"Yes.""Aild he?"Tile nurrlh+r I,ont over her work to

hills+ tim dhun(.s+s In her eyes¯"Nu" he slink I)t,nbuth the wnves.""’Wh() is lhat yol]llg w,>man?" asked

one lu(]y of allot+her lie they wero leav-Ing the phl/.e.

"The highest liar In the Unlt(~l.l~tat(,~ She has never heen out of tier/uitIve .~In t e."

Noolhll|il h/IN lh+, th’st (lr:lwl)rl,l~e Illtht, world lit whh’h nil th+, w,,rk +)fl)llt’ll[/l~ t]II(~ +’Jt)~]II~ It nnd ~H:lr(Itn~,Ir, lli,’ -vcr Slid IbI’oIJ~h It Is ,I,me l)y,’!evtrlelfy.

Writer that I~sln+n from .qU nrteshmv,t,’I ItL" (’nIlf()rlda Is ave(+nlpauled ,’n+,u~h nnltlr:tl ~:lq to supl)lY powI+~r It)I’"n)p IT a ,’+a)sbh,rnhlt, dlstn.ned;

. ’%


to’l,t, ul,,,ut hhn but ct)tll(l not see.’ liehnd s> ml)nthlT.ed " with hllnd l)t.r~eusitli~l v,’.tlt|t’retl ]+o’+v they el)nld’l)e eh(,er-’

~uk jls_j~aLu~--uf tlmm+wexe~~+N.a~’_hn _£~e_tIL~mLL~f~J~.~),).-Ju+~nnderslood. Itut he eonhl n()t glvohl~] tip onr Inlnda w|th delll)eratlon wheth-Iilluh’rvtandhlg hi w()rds.

[er We’d I)etler rlsk It or not.",%n~wlhln~ dark h,t,nted i)ef()re him,} "Thnt’s a good hlea. ~’llt, n shall we

fl|l(1 Ill anolh(’r nl(’)lul,n| a Wonhqll st()o(][l)egln--llOW~"

fnvlng hlnl. n ft,.w feet fl¯(nn hhlL She/"N,,: the next tlmo wn meet."

~,\-ll~t t’+’llnK rlnd pll,IIqflllt tq’ l()nk npon¯ llt, dlllll’l ~’nro to beghl no.~,’, becUuse’l’her(’ wn~ a Zest II~ thl~ tneethu~, t wns ’(,n V l 1 o’(’lt)(’k 0t Illgilt ¯rid he

I It)11~ I I hi" l)ers()n Iii+,t WItS n .mt rnnKor ’+’,’am (it)its sure |le w()uhl wlsh to spoon

to him¯ lh, xnh:ht have nu,t n-glrl, i till I. St) lln,y m~t lo¢]~ed btench oth;ninny =irls, Ihn,, nml n._,sln on n I)eacl)i er’s nvms fill 2, wht,u they mado prep-’+vhoi~ lhe whr, le lum()rnmn of nntttl~’t nratlt)~s f,)r Imrttn~, ~’hleh required’+’+’aq sl.rt’ad ,,ut I,et,,n. hhn nnd n,,t’, half II11 h,,ur inore, nnd ill)ally sccceed-<)lie lllnvo nt’trnbted hi.++ ntlentlon, lllltI

ed in tlrngghlg themselves awny fromlwre (,:~t +,f It,)lhlllk’lle~H hnd ~]~rllng n! (’Itch ~,th(,r nt

Page 2: 70+:a++f+ · Any ~lub~crll?er who fells to rocelv.e "Till: i ltltcoan’+ reguhtrly otto have tlle omlsslou promptly correclcd by cnterhlg complaint al tile ofnce. Advertlalng rotes

+.. ,,.



+.7?:; :’.;. :. ::.¯ ti " ¯ " .

’I" ,t


’" -,v+




. ~ .. -, ..< .¯:


J)ubllshed lqvoi*y’ ~ttll’duy. i~to|’nlog at Mny ~lLanding. N. J.

tteedl.,r,,I ¢.ff" "TItI~ ltI,:CORD’* slit)’ hlt\,e theiri’e.per ma.ih.d t,) lilly Ild(ll~’BS In tile UnitedI~latl~ all,{] lhil~4t+s~loos. (,’nne(bk,.~lll~xIeo aridCub~ >poetxlge prepahl, for ~l,~’, per itnnunl,~trletly In ndYlllle~, . . ,

Any ~lub~crll?er who fells to rocelv.e "Till: iltltcoan’+ reguhtrly otto have tlle omlssloupromptly correclcd by cnterhlg complaint altile ofnce.

Advertlalng rotes will be rnrnlght,l lIl~mappllcittlon.

Cnxb seqlt tbrongll Ihe mall will be nt tileseeder’s risk ; nil remltt~tnees should be madeby regls~l ’letter¯ post office or exprt’m~money order orebeek. Addressall renllttaoccqand ~}mmnn|e~ttioo~ to lhe office.

I.~NT,%TI.; (IF E. (’. NIIA,~" :-:it, l~d,?~,rr.I IrA ll’. II. l’~ilTll. Editor .r,i,’ J/¢tnnitrl..

I,]ul~r’~i at the May’s lnlndlng l’ol~t-<~lllce a.8eeond-~ Mailer.

C’ourt and County Omcers.8upreme Court Julltiee--lion. Charles C.

Illeck.Circuit Cotlrt Jndgc-- llon. tluwerd CRrrew,laI, w Jndge~lton. CIIftou C. 8hlnil. IConnl~" Clerk -Etlwln A, l’arkcr.DeptltT (~ounly Clerlt--lhlrloo A. Oi’i~kHl.

8helln’--.hmellh R. Brtrtletl.De’tullY Hherlff--~"hnllb I!]. JohnBon.I.lnrl~’~gJli@--Denlol ll, V, Bell.I)eputy 8orrogeto~Oei)rge T. Yeller.(.~uulty’Colleetor~Nnoch L. Johu~m.Couuly Audllor--Abgelom Ill lllgbce.I’onety blolleltor~E. A. lllgbcc.I’r~secotor of the I’lcalt~Clnlrlcs 8. M~mre.Asst. l~i’tmeentor--W. E. Brown, .Jr.Jor~ Co|nl|llttqio||ell--Wlison ~-te|lsen]uo,

, L]~GAI~. .’

’ N. OTICE T0 qREDITOR& ,.¯ ~tate of Frederick 8ehnube], d~ellled.I of’sunni to the eider of Denlol H. V.,Bell,

8urregate of-the c~U0t~ of Atlantic. thlil daymede on. l~ho.~ppll.c~tlon of the undor~ilgncd,r:xocu tr! ¯ of tne ~xuu ueeeoent, notice ill herebyglyeu to the creditors of the alild decedent toex:lflblt to the allbscrlboP, under oath or affirm-ntloil, tlmlr clahna and demends Itgalnet theoshit~ <If the said dqeedenl~ within nhm montbefnun this ditto, or they will bo forever barredn’om prom,l~uthig or recovering theega h~tt lad eubecrlhcr. "


May’a I.andlng, N.’J., .lilly 20, 1917.AI,IIEnT C. AnlIOTT. l’ruclor.

Atlantic CIty~ N, J,

Courl ,Ultrnographer--Clnnde W, Myrose, NOTICIIIPOF 8ETTI,EMI,INT.(’ounty I’hyalehtll--Lewls It. 8ooder. \ Notice Is hereby given th it the¯ncconntdq ofNol~rlnlemIPnl Chesty Asylum for insaol~--

tile aulmcrlber, ns Administrator or the eltateDr. fleer.%" C. :~lunro. " of A, 11¢lrry llyde, dcccal~ed, will be audltiL~i8teWarl or tile Almshoos~--])r, floury C mid Sllltl’d by theSurrognte nud reported for

i’llllllro. , .J llelllelnent In thb Orpheus’ Conrt or AUant e(:oenly,, on %Veduesdav, the thirty-first dlty ofCoonty l"hlpcrlolelident orblcbools--Heory M. I (lehlbor. next. nt "wble|l tlnlo appllnullon will

(:rt~islnll.n. ,+ ] be lUi|llde ~flr (,i-)l|lrOlssh)n~l aod clause] feeCounty I,:nRhn"er--A, I!. Nelson. I ’

¯Jfsse 11. Thorn! son,

(’oohty Nupervf~or,’or Ronds--Japhet Pricei

Atlnutlo City, N, ,i.¯ Dated September ’2<1, A. D.. I9J7.

,~q, ilr~l’lntetsilelll or (Jrounds and ltnlldlnl~s-- ~ I.otrlS E. bITEItN, Proctor. ,I)al~lel F. Vltughn.

" i ’ l’r’s fo~, 16.04 .~|H~’rlutvudeut of Vl’etghta and Menaores--|

Edward %V+ 8trl<’leland.C,u’tm,.rq--q{tehard IIew, Alhultle City;

(¯l~llll’il."4 I ’ililll]nll~[lltlO. lhllflnli~nto|l * tllt]vorL. If.rh,), I’l+’i!~lHitvili~.

~rlmhlr-II~ql I.]Hlerqon I~. I{h’hnrd~.J~"h:l,;x m,’+l -- II,+ll. Irvhlg lStrmon~nn,l

Ihm. I:t’, t i~tn~ E. V+’illtnlnn.

!’mP)HLI sch.

Mrn:trers of Chosen Froeholders.AIhHH h̄ ! "it)’+ .l*,htl J|. ’l’Ol111ill I’d wartl : E.

~’h.ii I’l ]llilil* ’,’llll ~.llllal : I~oln*’t i:ltzlY, i,t’Itlll,:lrd

,~hs’ I’t)ll I I% ]’]ll~.l. lll i~lihlll°*lll. I~1 WIll’l]i,+. It.C+ ̄ I~,ql.hlv..’lid Wnrli,

I~i1+,1HI \ I~l:l "l’I,’~VlIMilll Ihillilllh’l( I’~ilMI.’lhl.I{ D.. l’;*lM "VIn~.hHl!.l.

I~ the Salt" of Trade, WhenBusiness Is Slack It

o \ 77r gsResults as well’as in the Busy

Seasons, Try advertisingIn "The Record"

and watch the

"" L-’{....:.. - : , °

i"." ,.&,~/]’:’; : . ~:,; ’: .,’ "( . ’,."

. .....

,,¯ 19i ;, SATURDAY, OCTOBER2 :"

’ , m~.,s.~’cl+~t, .. _ ~tsMmm~,.m~, ¯ ̄

. and,....

lnsu~ce in Sl~ndard,ii r~mpanles.

Iml~roVed I~lid ,Unimproved Farms I~’om,to ~0 ~ix~. +

Money ~u on Mo~lglg~0onveylin01nli In all Ill brunell~.Commlalilonar of Deedl fol I Now Jersey¯

Juflflus Kr. .us,P. O. ~/oz ’No. 187,

Bell Phons No, l. MIyPI Landing, N. J.


M. Friedeberg,,/ewYier,

Diamond. 1617 Atlantl¢ Ave.,Watches, ’ ~tc ct~, w. ~.Jewelry, lilni’-Wal~h ~,nd Ctock Re’~airtnfl.Optlcan. llell .Phone ~-A.

We hare all II~clllUm for Icetl gynureyes,’lly day ot’ ’utght an I::yeSi)eclall~till yotitp cure mand

He . ry Bogle, Jr.,Jeweler ~ Optician,

~z~- ¢lii Athmtlc Avenne,


Th’e Business .ofourTru~t Del~rilnent le COno

slanlly lucrealqng. More "lmOplO¯ every,year are realizing thoadvau- ̄lages of nemlng lhle.Cmnpaoy allIhc excl~utor or their Wllhl.

¯ All bulllnes~ enlcusled to tie lelrealed Io a ~lrlclly enufldenllali~len eer.

We ella~l he I, lee~l In drawyour wlJI--trcc ot cbarge--lf you,Inple tllla Cotullliny ns ~our ex*(~nlor.

(i arantee Tr stCompany

North Carollna & At~ntlc Ayes.,

Atlantlc city, ~. J.

Dalllel 8. %Vhll~, Pn,shleu/1[enly lIV. I,eO¢l~ VlecC areoce L. Chic’ ’ l’rcsl<lent~.

IIL’rmuo bl 8yphbrd,%, ~’t+ I’rl,idd’~nl and Trnl-I Officer. SN

Charle, I1..hqFrles. ~Y~8ren, la ry nod Trl~su r~r.


Harrls Bros. Cigar,Co.,

Wholesale De.’ilers in Cigars,Clgarettes, Tobacco, Etc.

We cnrry ill,, hu’gcst ~Ir~--k In 8outll Jel’~lI~oil*.li~(llta fnr (’Incl. Truth gnu

\; %~1"~: I,,’tY;lll.~G. ill’l’il]l’l¯:ll. "~,l. 1’,117.

REPUBLI~N TICKETFor As.~embiy-William A. Blair and

lJnderwood Cochrnn

Por Stlrr."~3l~ Albert C. Abboit.

For Corrncr:--Atbert E Jmnes and

Go,~rge B Sle, ddard.

Domc~cr:ttlc efforts to get Republi-

cnn.~ to " aplit thetr ticket ..¯ this Fall

3ro tm’,’,,,II~. ;’t bootnerang.

i".ii~t ,~|l;llilll’l’lly -IM witrli, N~ll’l Is l-llnllh ;Alfr~,d l:. Nllillll. "lid Wlirli,

]’~1~1£ llill’ilIw I’11%" -- ,~lllliti,q %Vhil+,rlllllll)lil,I,:ffg Illil Hop Clly,

I+:I~l., II:lrbllr ToWll~hll,_ %%’llllitlii Ncoll, I.lii-,vii41,|,

lilllhiwiiv ’i’lIWll~lh I, - .|,tilll ililll~l,llilanll,

ilnlnll,’~ui TllwlIMiiI, IritT. II+l~iillllll,,%la~.,lt

II!iliiiiP, lil~Hi .- Vflllhiln I. IIhu’lL. I’)l-lll4 F.( ]lI i~ i ii ,ll.

~iJIrl:lii+’ (’11%" (i,’~,l’gP %%’+’1,1+" Mlil’gllleI’lly

31illli~n ’r~,wll~liI, %%"llllalil l.. Illitlr. F:1-11"1,1111.

NtlrlillIPhi Ully "l%’nlil,r+l. Ityon, I~I wllrd,I;iil(t’I¯~% illl, : 7111| "~Wtrd, %\’ll]litlli {)II+’y.

I’l,’ll~:illil’lll," ¯,llllln I I, l%~|illll,iid, l’q witrd iI’hilh .%’<lnlliq, _llili v,’llrll.

I*l~ll I~¯’l~lihlh" t’llv .lll~+.l,h M. I+ollln% 1~1,i 111 ii ~ ̄ % ~li h’y t ht rl I~lil. 71i1~ "~’llril.

~4,11,1i¯l~ i’llllil I’llv All,,li ¯rlillllillli, ]~t w:lrd;if y,. u v.:llll Io Flick the "chlYnp~" i,i,aH,+~ \,;¯ Cl,,meiii~, ’2ml ward.

,~f flY" n’lxl :~-rlo’;. Ter,k over the ticket

<-it the h,.n,l < thir. c?ltll]~i1 Its n 5uro

w,nNer I

~.IIIll]G’ rllla11"7, ctf, rt tu beat Collins

\l¯tltll ,il, lllr Tiiylllr Ill~lllll,~" I~1 wllrll.| 11nii’~ I"llluil r. 71ill %’Vniul.

’Viii’Ill+ill I h ’l’l)Iv ii~lilt~ I" rlillk ~i (, K t¯al~llO.l"ilckh h~lo

Freeholder Committees.I"lllXtti, +. Vi’TIIh~ill I,. I11n,’k I,’riilik ’-lwahl)dn,t1~ the’ h’tt +" plato r(’i]l’,n ]~ o11e cf thc

r" I+¯r~ll V IhulRhlv.¯l,:llil,~l %%+ Nh;ickh,f(irdd,’;Dcrqi,, uflc~rI.’, e~l II]O Delll©cr~t~ to II~,b,,ri I¯ I.’liz~:l.r;iTd..Iohil II.¯l¯l,,lillil. %’~hh,yovertake th-o b~epubli¢~n lead In At- li~tlll.,,n,

A~yllllil iiiill .~lllll~hllii~,,-’[’ilyhlr I,. tinllll,~Inntio Ct,11[117¯ El|Will I{Hhiii~llli.,JOlill I’. ,~l~hllll,lill, Alrrl.d

- -,.ql.- il. P’.Itllllh. %’\’+ill+ill IQ,.ll I’viit,.i I,’. I)+l~t++<E.

(’ONTlln% C’l’l)lt~.

Contrac+or andguilder

Repair Work a Specialtyi


]E su], s ..,+,....,,=0o,:,,.-- . Prlcee on appllctitlon."

0 - :-: ....... - ---= Cornel Atlantic and Virginia Avenues,ATLA.NTIC CITY ~. J.e TrouNes. , ’

re Hereditary ,,UMl,,,.,<

I+t’l Illl’ II~1~,’@ )’(ill al|,F:lllllll~l|e (ill ~i,wJ IIIl tlllffq I,r I{.l+l)llli?4 1<) ()l(t ()|1,~1. I gl|’!+’l+ %1,I lllOllt~y.

SHOES ’"" ........ .......StlOE REPAIRING

JOSEPH LANZAMay’s Landing, N. J.

!l~llve vision tllereI~ almost Inverlallly li"oullle in IbelrchLIdren’s eyes.

Take No ChancesI’lave’mglll~ ht’~llli and comfort ofYour chlklren by letllng u~ thor-~,lltlghly exanllne rheim and rl~ti*~nre lhill only In nl~Pdy caliofl

/ ghutses would eve’r be prescribed.

L.W. Belts, D.,The OptometlT Specialist



Catarrh Cannot Be CuredWltli LOCAI. APPLICATIONtL ns thuycannot reech .the seat of the dlsPnse. CIt-tarrh Is a blood or constttutlonnl dlsen!..and In order In cure Ir y,,u mu~t lake Ill-leTnel remedle¯. Hall’s Calnrrll Cure Istaken internally, end aet~ directly upoethe blood and ’mucous surf nee. Hall’sCntarrh Cure is not a qum’k medlet?~. Ii

Whclt hi Want O[

Lumber and/ 1111 Work ,

and Wlillt n qel(.k, l~lion@ OS, We have Itlit rlg~l i[i’lide alld rlghl l, rlelm. WedeJlvor Io )’l)ur (I,)()r¯

Egg ltarborC~ & Lumber Co.Phone 63-02. Egg Rartor CRy, N. J.


H~rry Jenkins,Painter & gaz er,

Elqllnlllt.x fllrllINllvll I#I~n ii i,l,llcallon,The :~Jpport ,"t:;cured to Blnir and

C,?(~lr~rl frr A=.-cmbly throughout the

cily and c.~umv :;hows that the pecple

have faith ;,n their ability t, faithfully

represent Atlantic County in the net~t

I .~_~] l~+~,~. .~,,, ,r ....

Meat. wheat, sul~r and d~iry pro-

IIl:illii, ,’ "l’i I ’.~ ] Ili:~lil,x I:l’lll’M %’~: ~)i:l| R(’I-[(il<i, (’11111 ̄’ %%’. ! ," ’ ’n|.k. (; l,lltl~4+ Wehb. I ~ ? ~ . #t~’@ qO~o ~ t~,’,,,*< :,,, ......, .’., < .~,,-,, , i,, A,,,i,.,. ,,,r. II kS/¯ il~. q~ll]iTllll~ ~ ~O11~

i,,i,,=,~ .i. ll,,,,y I.’,,,,,.r, ,’:,t,,,, ’<"’""’11i5 Atlantic Avenue,NIIIII ¯illhll" I1tlnMqllltlllll, Alll,n TitlllllllI, ii ! ATLalITP PT,~v

i’uldlc lhllhlink,~-%VIIthiul ,’%. Illalr Ira TI~IL]H/)/.,o.II. ~:+lllh, .i, II;lrry l"lllltil ¯r, I)ollllnleli (’or- . .~i#i~,

~i;.’ll=l..I,>lin i’ A.l ........ I, 7.\ll~.n Tall ........ N, .... ~/~:<?11l ~?lld i/O[ ll/,~/crdti;10 3rq wh~t lhe soldicr.~ across Ike ,.~.~,,~m,

"’I:.! lhat ~:,l;.:b "t w:n lh,~ w<nr.

the B,.r,r] Ch~::,~n P’reeh,.]ders ha.~

n ~ ]l] L ~ : ~" "i C] lh,",t h~ ’~,i]] br, n cnndidate

,hlhll II. Tlillill,i N,’:’lt hi |"L,~I Nntlt,n111 Ilnllk Will prescribed, by one of lhe best phy-sIPlans lu thta counlry rot- yenrs aad Is

I~ll:lll~ Illilihih’k I’lll-lc, llii. .l+lhil I|ilil~l,. a rcgolar Pr#.¢rlplloil. It Is composed ofIhe best tonlee, known, comblned wltll lhebest blood purlllers, re’ling dlreclly on themueoue eurt~e. The p~rfect eombloe-lion of the two Ingredients le wbat pro-ducek euch wonderful resulte In curingcatnrrlL 8end, tnr leatlmonlale, free,F. J. CHEN1~¥ & CO. Props., Toledo, O,

Sold by Drug~l.lll. llrlee 75¢.Takl ~I~’I-I~I~ILy PIIII for comltlliitlon.

¯ -- 1"ill r, Iliii i{l.i’,tl.;lilZa iii.1,~t i¯’l.liTll~ .~|1~5’?3 let~ ] k!’,~ iE flghtinl~, . trim ilT]d Ki.hR11,,. I’li~ilh,, %%’. i ¯ *iii ,llI~ Irlt’r, lt. ,Iqlillllt.ev0ry h,:t:.--.t :f,, ’~’h H,~.qa~e,~ SOtTle- "~x IIIhHH ~,’u .h-’~’ t: tt-,- le’~ f these I; helping l ir, llll;tll .... I,,:iii If. ’l’,,illllll. %’vlirl.l-ll Ity,ln,

%’vi:ll+llll .’~¢llll, IP;l "]’. II. ,~llll|li, ~A’lllPnln A.IIl+d r.

~,,I,lh,i~+ ~,tlri¯l I xrtl~ ~¯ll~ffi)li¢l ,~llfrl.d II.~4illllh, +I*,~, idl )l.i,llllli~. [.’rllllk Ml’i{l’Uglll,,\’lllUllli Y~,, till

lll~l’h:r,’~¢̄ tlf ]lrl~lili,.r~.. %%’lirr’*:h R3"¢ili %%" -Ihllll \+ H~,lr, \t’llll+l,ll

ll,ll’l(, (;i,i}FL~t¯ \ll’l,llti’

I’l,lrR ~+I IH,~,! :’~tt:O" ’"I :~, ~1,’ ,’If ~l ] wll ]oubtlcr¯:~ l’rl,i iiz ,:I,1Nl;,lh,,ll.i, I~,+h~’ll I,’llz,.+,r;ihl

l’,lxl,H I~¯il,l,~ hlliil I’ %Milli,,:ul I¯’litlllil{til~I ..... I;llr]tJ’?c] [: th,; -fffco he ha.~ [filed ,,,-,,,1. ,;rl, n ̄ i’alhtmn111 HC~ "7 i ....t, sd,*~l I ~I1C] o=ller~etic Tn31]- I+lht:lyx I h4i+h.4 %’%". ’li’llll’lll< ¯~lll"ll ’l’lill-

Ill,HI. %% Illilllli ~CIIII. I"l:liill "4%l’ill~lll|ii.n, r / hnv,- frcluently com-tn,~: ]~-] tl:,, bt:~ ne.%-like conduc{--mf

’ ofIiamilton TownsMp Directory.~)r :iF] .... IlI’~. ~’’. tlRd,:r the l{rtvc~] I ,~tl-tll 1, t Htillilllh,i, -I[arrll.~ln %%" Is ii.

L",r~¯<:" r ’~.’,!.t~+l’b:l+,~l]~, t;i,lll,ili : +JiiiIli¯~ %. l=lllllit.l| Itllli I’llrll~I I a/.plI,Hi r

%~l.~,,r,,l#r;ixl.~ -J[atry .ll,lllkln~.( ,,Ih. I,,I ,*[ ’[;IX,’~ ( lalk \V. Ahl~+~It.I +~l~Ix, l,I, ¯. I,IIi I’+’tlZ*’ .[’)~l’l)h llLIl,l’t"ll,lz,

l,dHI .%*,i,~ " ,IHI "111,1i11+,1 ’l’ll~ hlr.Ih.l~,’,. ,, I I’*’:1~"’ I:llll,"~ % I.illlil,~’,’l.

"~JhHIt’"’¯. % ..... ,I,,I \11,11"1’~ (;ilh,~i*lf."]:’’’,J’I’T /lit1,. \ Ill,~lhl’rl.I i ..... I ,, ,’h,, 1,+. ll;I 1". Ii ~,l 1)..

,’~*-~,+q i I.in,,~ \ l.;~,l~l,,’~’f; ,;Lid ,ll I.,Ii1,,.~11,~1 I~tIl,Ii H. %"111111; -

r~l LI] f’,,--I 1, " ’ ll;irlv , ~;.11 -¯ Ar~+hh’ II’.’r,r’~, ]U’K’¢ f+’I:’ ’~ "X’}: h’,’.’e th3t ~.ili.fi,. ill,t!. II:tt,qi,in Ib,i,,,l’t 11 .\hh(ill¯ I,ih i I’, +l>,,I.,k I+rlil’~ ’[*,111+,,-, \Vllllil’r A.

\h~.,,’~ \’, .: I’ Ii, :HPi+:l(i "l’l’tlZttll 41flll.l¯r,[ "i;’,- ¢ +; - ;i, ,l~. Ti]:,’ "D" I11 ~:I]I .I,:r, , I II,,,,’, ’ I, ik. \r,’lib, II II

[’, II ....

’ ’’ril IflV J~r. II I" .lllllll.~’

J’ ,[, ,il \]’ ’ [+ [1+ ll!ll¢¯lill. *~l’l’rf,litry ~ Io¯" "t:LIrh~ + rt ¯


itratMc,/Tn a;uf .~c,’! /ro~z tVorh.

//~z ;’~/=i ’cz ~’c ,

~~,rose /’hrnz:+kz)?~ Goods.

Lucas’ Paint. Varnishes. Brushes._...~ Stai~Ts etc.

~[a\".~ I.an(tin~, N..I.

Practical Tinsmith and - St~ve Repairer,Spouting, Tln Roofing etc.

/,,t,t++ ,+,/ #,r,,,+l l,t~l /~+,... t¢,l,t ,’¢’ttlqf+t+’t,r,,I(.’.rl r/~, f,.,.H

()rders hq+l ill lhl, ~l~’llt++r I’,ixli,r ,I-llliri, willI~l,t.+ iv+, I’rlllllll I dllllt>lillilli

M."l.y’~; Landing Lodge Directory.I I~1t% I...li.., N~l. ’~l. I". & .’... .’+I. llil’i t.~ fir+.[

%\’,’,l~l,..,Lt~ ,~ iltt ~ ,if tll+. nl,).H ]llirI,Hi /%.i’>l’kii I. ’~V 31.: ]~ II II,,,x,-r. ~+’l*rl’lliry.

% I ’ ,, ,11,. [., ),1~1..~1). -i?. ]¯ ( ) i ~. I,’. i111.t¯1~ 4,vi,ry" ii,I, ¯ +"t’’~L’ ¢ "ti’t 1 ’,+ ~ hl~lii*, ~(}l)](’i,FIH~I: IHli~r’. ll,.,~,’r ’’,’r,lnry.

-"~llll’ll~ ill~-i’ll ’I’rlt.. N+~ IIII. I. 1~ I~. ~|. llll’,’l.~, %~’r~ "l’u,+.d,i5 "~ >1,. IL l’:a I1 T;ivIHr, ,"4Arh,,ili ;I’hr,HH .,,,, ~, II,~tv+Ji ,’~I’I’rPHH+).

.%l;ty’~ I,:lli,i il~ I’t~tJll+-II "~, I’1, IJ+ I’. ~t¯ ,ll|¯r]i+t I~+ ’,’1 r¯ :%I,,IHla%, %+.lllll~ liH,znn,~ I ~Lrr ,I#~,llli, t.,,r" : [ %,%’. ~lillll+,r ~,,+1t,,~:1I%."

I,~11~ ,t- \V~ql~ i "li,.i,,, 1’ Hd h+’rl’H ~,d ill+%,lll+.rh+~ lii,q,l~ .vi, r.%’ %’V+.dlll-~llily I".Plillil~.I’:+ix~;iid .I,l~l li, |’lil+,f ~ll’li~lilligloil I’llll-l,nt~o"l’.i ’~ hlr. ~,.l++l I~l+l 1,or.a

City and Townshlp Clerks.,’~h’~l’l.,)ll I’lly t~lllnlll,I .[i)llll~,ll..\ll~tl"llll

i ’It)..\ll!lllll,- I’11~ -.]l,~oii b A. Ml~N,lliil.l,. AIIillllll,

I’i!~I~ilfflililliil/ i llv i’:. It ,~tlllllh. IllllZillllllit.+.H,¯

"N li*Jl,l.I ~:~[ Ihitl.*r i ilv ’VIIihllil ~%llirl~l’ll%q’l*t’l{. -L.

I.:;f~ ][nll.~l i itvI:L~ II,ill,,. "l’,l~tli-lltll-i’illil~iJ~ I+ Nltiith,

I:lli~ll~ll i ’i*~ kl,’+l!.,>lll Ii, %’I. lixldcltl,l̄ , I¯’,iI.~o111.Ii;ill+l~.li~ ’rHwl,~lilll-- llnrry II. Ilolzt,r.

I’llllll,rli li 1;i ̄II;lllll~l,~li ’l,l’,~ i-ll I Jll+,i~lll.+lll IlL lh.’~v,¯r,

~la.. ’. I,:H~+il i:=.Illllllli i~ll,,tl \V, It N,-+,ly, IIlllllllli~ll till,I,lllw+.lll iliTlll¯~ lrl ~ll ]olllWl~l,d¯

l,~llit~i’iil- \VIIIlillli N (; Ill rl, lollll~lXll-t.MIIlll,’n ’ri,wll.~h Ii {;+’ ,. ( n~,,ll¯ I’:lwl~lll.Jllii~lill, I’11%" . ~ili. \ .,ll Ii lllli. )iilrgat~

I ’11%" lNorlhfl,,hll’l~’ I’:ug~, l,’~ Ilk, y, N~,rlhthihl

I ’11~.I~ll~i,~lilil’cllh’--Nt*h,+,,ihtl %hllPi w~ I,ll¯lLiqillr.


l’llrl t+’ll i iIh, I¯11), _l ’l,irl( %’. ̄ ll,llil~lil, 1¯tit1I~++ldilH Ii."

~’lHilll+rN’ I’+tliil I "lly+- lltiiil’~ L+, Ncul , *l~lllllll¯l’~’l*~$111l.

’Vl+li|n,lrl’lly -t’]-/~’ttt~l’llii;In I{~)’lil, ~.~Pnln,)r’lLy,~i’+~ylil~ltitli "rowtl~. ip It~lljlll T." Italley, ]

TUI" klih¢,l’,

County Tax Collectors.I lillll

N’’. I(XL I’lllrl+llh" ~,ilill.of Allll,rll,,tI

~lbM’<’oU (;Ity ,Je ,~" +i’t. ,l’lil+l%Vp ], Ahli,~llll¯rli ......... ,rv ’l’llui~dliy ,’V,’llliig. .%[illllii Alhililh’(’l!y+ l.,,wl~ I.. :q~*lhi~’, Alhllith!(;ity,|’l ’, r-,, ~ I’l,:+hl, I~ ~llh(’rf l’tli]l , Ht¯erehiry. I1rh~lllilhil, l’llv II l},~lllllli IlrtKlintllll+(’lty.

~.i.-- " Illii,llli Vl~lit’l’lVlL A I’. Ihii~gl,ll, Vhlehllld.

Ru~ter of Connty Mayor~.\r,~, ,111 thlri.v M+*II~<III, Nr.

.\lrJtllll, + i iij ItHl.ly ]llll.hlirlil.hIhl~allllli,, i Ily ,~ilfrl,iI II. F411111i]J’:!ZLf I[+Lrlrll̄ i Ily--(;i,i)r~e ,~ltlt:[ll+r,I¯’,ll~lltli ¯l,lhll I’. t¯:hy.II;lilillll~iilrlii -Th,~lll.l~ I’. I’:lvlii~.l,lii willful %’%" 1 II hi l,I :’-’U il.I ~<HIgl nll’i I ;llllih I I ltFl’llll rl.,%’t;I i’glll,’ I "11 )" J I+,llr\ I.’+ I iPl’l .%.ii..%’,lrlhlll,ld I ’fly \Villiaili l;-h’,|’h’ilMililVI Ii, rl’h¢~ilin~ F. l’r,t..vfoi~l.%11 I{+.I lihiH’ "i’ll+~lI i,,Tiirlil.l.

+~l/llr¯’~’ [’,#llll J~l)lh’t! ~. (’iI~*.)’¯½’l+illll,,rl’ll.." Tlli’llll<lll, \%" y.ll.hllllllf’

Notice of Fire Alarms.Thr¯ lihtrnl ~1MI1:11~ |lro ,l N rr)llowA

I -II,iri hhl~l N(,rlh,,rl,’irel-llllll¢li]2,.I , rl it~.1~ I,’liN| o f I++l r~, pit al illil~1 Nhlirt bhl~lltl, P-4oill h ill I,’lrt. ,~lhitioli~

l¯:gg IIllll.,rl ¯1 ) -r -. I’~ ll,l.k~.t, ]’:l~g thirhol t’lly,I’:~l~ Illirl,llr "l’wi~. Ih,ilJ, I’. l.,.e, Hcullvllle.I,’¢ll~ll~ll , "f]i*illia~l I ’hn]llll,r~l. I?llll~,llll.IJillhiwliy ’l’wll -..1:i ilil¯~l ,i.,lltlll,.rl4. I h’,.nnvllle.IlainlllonTwl).’-(’" ~a," Ai~hl,ll. Miiy’~l.nndliig. 1|alllllll~lil(,li-A. IL lhi’,l~, ilnliJln~lllll,h.I~lna, llo, i.-(+ilrll~l ,~"~illif’lq I.tiiWl~tll|.

Ixllll~II~,rl--~,lfili. N lil]ili,irt-, l,lili;~lt~,rl¯i’lhilllcil’I,,wii~] i I - I"nlnk I:rlwnrd~, I,:lwl,+M~llirgiil,, {¯11 i. _.%’. i ;~+11z,¯l,. ¯It¯. ,\larl~ale (’11)’.N<lrlhll,.Id ~lllil#,l.. ,I ,\il~ilil ~l, N+allllh.hl.Iqeil~litlll’,’llh. -’~\’rb.h,r I’rh’% I’h’ll,.iililvllh.1’orl I{,TuiHIc h~; .M 1%111 li~l. l%rl ILepIlhll~.~(llillq’S’ Ih,llil I :lly .~l. ~l’. I)ar,!, ,~411illlt!rs, I’lllltL.Volllnl}r I +llv--.lilllil.t~ li.~,~l.illl. Vl’nln¢,r (’lly,7v’l~ynlllul.h TWl,. - I^ Ih.,,i.. It+l".lL,’rtll:Rahlle+

WE BUY?llA( ’ll I N Jl: II "f

M O’1"1111.’.1IIOILEIIM ET{;..... ndustrial Service Co.,All i~lallbl urlJ Ixl tltl proci!<led with one hJug

bhl~t ml an alarm of dre. / ¯ / LI/COLN~ N. J.

I.’-r ..... .. l:k+.’~,~:~

F’vorv t.,!!!:,,+r :.:"’lid ~q h;= Dqrl 15

i r, ;,Lt r’ "" I’ k,’,;p;i])[ III illiHd

.... +t th,": = l:,..’,tr" y 11] ,r,~ kFtH~,e 211d

’t{nrn’" ,:<.’.’-- tl::m ~:,’; other one

aW:n,’v N+:’¯’+ r fi:rmw nw.n), n lgh ,~d

Cl~.’tr 7"*r~’:t+" qr p I:R’,h edF, Si’,’ ’- ;i :,,;-¯, DtJ ]r 5 |~’T73 ti[:

derf(,~ ,~; : ,,.’.: ,<-ua th+ m If y,~uh$]’d’- "l [" r ’¯ :¯~’,¯ !l]Fil it 12 21",V~’ly[PC’.I ;:P2~ 2x:;C ICfiV’:L 2;H.] lIq21K~ ".Llr~

It " - ’ ’ J i" O/’lLl ,~q ;:’] ’¯’] ue]cre

/’,q ;~[ A~h t’. ;’+’b’Jbh,:q:l C;~I/

¯ f.,., [-,, " " rll, ,’v,.r rocurded~/ 1;: :] [ ",,’J ~i ¯ I,;¯ f ttl,: (]]~,

IP;,;l ¯ii f+;:t tl:;it ~ - rail ,;/!y nhe’ld

cf i~l:; t’,.: ,,+’ "+I ’ .... ;~r "~,’, Jtl.;l rtilt],t,,:nt z: iti,, ’;Pi r’, he r,:t:c;vhLs ~lGd Ii,+" ,vJ r,:o,, d+. ,i,i ~:’7,:[i ......

f]att+rlnH ’,".I+" ++l’ :I;,: ~[ ¯,jt¯r:l el,: ;:;,i

Of cour:,+ lhlg :.}Y,,l[,. c," Ir~l,. ¯ rl -,.,y

C :,’~,’+,tl’ 1;~ t’,, .f]r,Hic [I=,II’~CI. I’,lit III IRR

fa :,’ f " JllCl]lZ lh tt ’" h,~ W~tl]drl’tcarry hi: , ..’:l l,.’;.,i~:.., i,. ¯ :T~adu by oneor IWo hld,’:.d i pr, r. onall), opposed

1o hia ca h Lc}, t~,~ fact: :,latl,] rJul i

plain a:; dr~yI,~;h~ Ju:,t pa:;tc our pre 1diction in yoqr hd t}l:lt A,’/botl will bc

elected Surr%{nlo. by 5.000 nYtjorlty

and compare that ’,vilh the re:;ult-; ,}]the elcctlon 1

Dlu es F~r SaileAlways from 100 to 300 head ofhorses and mules el all descriptions

for sale at my stablesJoe Kindig, York, Pa.


Dr; Arthur ID. Gotdl~MtVeterinary Surgeon

J)(’RH |O announce that lie |ln~l opeqfI@(t ,IVeh,rlllary blillllllll I for ttie Irt~ltllicnlalill blllird of all d{llliP811eliled flnllnalt

Vineland, N.d. ’ Bell 68


Philadelphl~ Second Hand Pipe Supply

1003 N. 7th St., Philadelphie, Pa

Addr~ P. 0. Box 4Z.lilay’s Landing, " ?’~w Jereey


Wagon BUilding and" "Rcpalrlng ...........

Spring Wegone, Carrlege~ and ExpvesaWaRou~ On ltUnd Ill LOWl~lill I’rlceq.Flrxt Chiss l{epelrlnlf tlnanuitt~d.

Joseph I~. ,~att~son,Wagon Builder, EstelYiIle, N T.

Bumstead’ s Worm Syrup_~l. ~af* a~d iiur* ~lemody for Wolmll,I~¢ooo lho ioIt for ~0 yoarI. IT ll’]~Vllil~A~So TO chfldrau ltg aa auirel oem.rcy, i~i, lIAiIAii~ ’rAxll. lio~XCEII~IS. liO l~l’TIlIc ~-D~.~. One~otlJe h ln llnled 132 worme. All 4rnff-llnl’ce ena. ~enerel ¯torss. or by mal~--~5obet. 1~-st. ~. A. ~OORII"EI~S.M.D..I~hUao.P&.

FurnitureCarpet & gedd ng

~tltr~ replllr fllrllllure alld ly or(’ll’ilalll~l~ yOO r {lid (llg(’A| rdt, d furnl-lllre Ioi" liew fnrllllllrP.

A llO~iliil card lir llhllne, eillLtllO:l15 a~l, wll brlllg illl 1o yllnr diNirI11 lilly )ilrt ¢%f lhe I[’l,t 11%’ wllb~lllil i, i~. I"tilr dl+llllli~ nii(I gllli~i-fli¢’t loll I~Uiil’a li I elql.

(l(x,(t~l d,,liv,il¯l I1 If) ltll pilrltl li|l I (~,)nnly fl’(~, of(ThlirKe¯

Henry W rnberg2"49 Liverpool Avenue



Wll ,Tllo ds DadyThe Bell directory is the most used book in town \--~t’s the book to which you turn when there’s aphone call to make or an address to look upor~il name or initials to verify. The Inde~ ofA~vertisers is a means for locating the manwho offers for sale what you want to buy whenyoh want to buy it--perhaps a man youvonever heard̄ of,

,And how about YOUR goods or services ? Arethey advertised in the telephone directory pagesand listed in the Index? Are you "displayingyour wares" in the show-window that is atevery telephone user’s elbow, every dag in theyear?

Now’e just the time lTHIm DI~LAWAiltI~ & ATLANTIC

T]I~LI~GILAPII Ill ’l’l~LJl~l*llONim CO,.,,C. II. HMITI[, District Manaller4ATLANqrltJ ~ITY, N, J.

,. . -;.

’ t ¯

., I "’ LUMI3ER ~TC~

\-’"T" " .

,We are in a posltton to serve you With al/klndsoflumber and millwork; lumber that has quality-deliveredto you where and when you want It. -

’Frame Lumber Whlt0 Pine "" ¯ Fir8heating Cyprese Soft Yellow 9leeFlooring Redwoxl .Sash illiCeiling .-- Cedar Screene " "W~[ln~cottng., Dooro ’ Ho~-bed S~eh ,Trim ~oulding~ Scroon Doom21 ~,phalt .Rootlng All kttidi .ot ltIillwork

70+:a++f+.Egg Harbor’City, N. J.

:::ll [====:i] ~ ---,]


Lake & Nis <ey COmpanyDEALERS IN

Lumber and Nitiwork, Ceal, Lime,.Brick,Terra Cotta Pipe, Paint,. Oil, (Jlnss

and Builders’ Hardware


Manufacturers of

Pre ed Frent II r clkVarious Color-,, Both Plain and Moulded.

Office and Works : MAY’S LANDONG, N. J.WRITE FOR ~AMPI¯II~ AND PiglCir~i.

- 2

At]lant c Commercial MeteN LlghUng, i5 centa perklh,watt hour for current consumed sub-Ject to q onntlty discount a¯ follows :

County ..t 15 I+o20’ .15 **

Ellectr c Ce =o,o,o, +..Minimum charge for meter 7Sets. per month

O Cxlmmen:lal Metered Power:- [ 0 k,w.h, or leme per month .1"11 per k.w.h.51 to 100 k,w.h. * .08 ’,

Egg rbor Ctfy 101~ ~ " .,~l.,..~a , ’201 to ~ .... .o7 . ,,

"a Z ~’Ma’""~’~ ulg i . n.l-ln_.- _ ~01 to ~ .... .os .,---. 4101 tO ~ ’* *+ .05-- - . . ~ to-tg01.,+" ,,lil 1001 or more ,r- ~l _ " .,~, l~lSamuel Wluterbottom, Prompt Pa~’ment Dl~ou nt:

Mannger A discount or fi percent allowed on all hlll~of II1 or over, It paid on or before the 251h day

Te/ephone 47-01 ofeacil month,

Long Distance Driving a SpecialtyAnytlme Anywhere


]lolh 1"lloul~t.

, Hammonton, N.J. 1~

++s++’+ liss+s+ +1++1 {l+a+sA carefully selected line, with but one

model of each\kInd, embracing all the\-fashionable and. most 13opular winterweight fabrics All that-Is good in

style, material and make Is here ’,-15resented. Every coat is" ~cut onlines whtch guarantee -a good fit.

Excellent workmanship and tailoring

$10.00 to $22.50II

Page 3: 70+:a++f+ · Any ~lub~crll?er who fells to rocelv.e "Till: i ltltcoan’+ reguhtrly otto have tlle omlsslou promptly correclcd by cnterhlg complaint al tile ofnce. Advertlalng rotes

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’ " .... ’ ’ .... the two w/mien nlgne and not let them.:


guide the conversation. $9 he went’Into’needless details regardl[ig his int.est law ¯ease, explained the men.lug

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The G ntl rffan "’ +’: ’’. ¯o .e e 7tZ:., .. . . .. ¯ , ~ ."’:;iv/. ’ ’ 1

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(Copyright, lgl?, by the MeClur@ New---per Syndicate.)

A mnn whn lilts uny Ilnnghu/ttnn re-gardlng feinhfln0 li§yehohlgy must al-ways look with solaethlng like concerntoward the first nleetLng of his ~uother’.and his wife--or the woluun whon~ heIntends.tu n~llte I’lls v,’lfe. -.So+ whenlllackstone ]aumil~’ nlolhcr wrote toher sou that sll0 Wll~ ctHiiIng tu New

York from her honn, lit tt mhhllo West-erll ntetrl~|lolls for n shaft .,,tny ~t n ho-h,l of nutlnn-~6’hh, £11nlo,.he wils not ul-toge’ther ~llnguln’e lit Ills nullcllmtlonof the nlet,llng o’f |hi,so tx\ ¯. Women

¯ i~o huIInrtunt hi his lift,¯llow wonhl the "lHtu~ewifcly Imd

fllt’ln-lll’t,~| nlldhPr I’t¯gtlr!l tilt’ rlly liudl,lnc’e-hr,’,d lhttlOPO’..’ Wit hl’nI’t IHacl;.-8to110 kuow tIH’ll~ IH lle.lnUch tilt, silt+l,,s-rt i,f xGm~),n, lip