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  • 1. Microsoft.70-433.v2009-03-31.by.Syva.65q
  • 2. Exam AQUESTION 1 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL Server 2008 database. This morning you receive an e-mail from your company manager, in the e-mail, the manager asks you to create a table which is named dbo.Devices. Five rows have to be inserted intothe dbo.Devices table. After this, DeviceID has to be returned for each of the rows. Of the following Transact-SQL batches,which one should be used?A. CREATE TABLE dbo.Widgets ( WidgetID UNIQUEIDENTIFIER PRIMARY KEY, WidgetName VARCHAR(25) );GOINSERT dbo.Widgets (WidgetName)VALUES (WidgetOne),(WidgetTwo),(WidgetThree),(WidgetFour),(WidgetFive);SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY();B. CREATE TABLE dbo.Widgets ( WidgetID INT IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY, WidgetName VARCHAR(25) ); GOINSERT dbo.Widgets (WidgetName)VALUES (WidgetOne),(WidgetTwo),(WidgetThree),(WidgetFour),(WidgetFive);SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY();C. CREATE TABLE dbo.Widgets ( WidgetID UNIQUEIDENTIFIER PRIMARY KEY, WidgetName VARCHAR(25));GOINSERT dbo.Widgets (WidgetName)OUTPUT inserted.WidgetID, inserted. WidgetNameVALUES (WidgetOne),(WidgetTwo),(WidgetThree),(WidgetFour),(WidgetFive);D. CREATE TABLE dbo.Widgets ( WidgetID INT IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY, WidgetName VARCHAR(25)); GOINSERT dbo.Widgets (WidgetName)OUTPUT inserted.WidgetID, inserted.WidgetNameVALUES (WidgetOne),(WidgetTwo),(WidgetThree),(WidgetFour),(WidgetFive);Answer: DQUESTION 2 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL Server 2008 database. Look at the following query. SELECT AddressId, AddressLine1, City, PostalCode FROM Person.Address WHERE City = @city_name AND PostalCode = @postal_code You notice that for a particular set of parameter values, sometimes this query has an unstable performance,sometimes it runs quickly while sometimes it executes slowly. You also notice that in the Address table, 92 percent of the rows contain the same value for the city. You have to improve the query performance. For the particular set of parameter values, you have to identify aquery hint which will optimize the query. Which query hint should be used?A. OPTIMIZE FOR should be usedB. FAST should be used
  • 3. C. PARAMETERIZATION FORCED should be usedD. MAXDOP should be usedAnswer: AQUESTION 3 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL Server 2008 database. There is a table which is named WorkEmployee in the database. Now you getan order from your company manager, a row in the WorkEmployee should be deleted. Youre assigned thistask. A transaction should be written. The transaction should allow the database to be restored to the exact point therecord was deleted but the time of execution is not needed. Of the following queries, which one should beused?A. DECLARE @CandidateName varchar(50) = Delete_CandidateBEGIN TRANSACTION @CandidateNameDELETE FROMWorkEmployee WHEREWorkEmployeeID = 10; COMMIT TRANSACTION @CandidateName;B. BEGIN TRANSACTIONDELETE FROMWorkEmployeeWHEREWorkEmployeeID = 10;COMMIT TRANSACTION;C. BEGIN TRANSACTION WITH MARK NDeleting a Job Candidate;DELETE FROMWorkEmployee WHEREWorkEmployeeID = 10; COMMIT TRANSACTIOND. BEGIN TRANSACTION Delete_Candidate WITH MARK DELETE FROMWorkEmployee WHEREWorkEmployeeID = 10; COMMIT TRANSACTION Delete_Candidate;Answer: DQUESTION 4 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL Server 2008 database. There are two tables in the database. The two tables are respectively namedClient and SellingsOrder. There are Clients who has have never made any orders and Clients who only madepurchases with an OrderTotal less than 90. Now the company manager wants to view the list of these Clients. So youhave to identify all these Clients. Of the following options, which query should be used?A. SELECT *FROM ClientWHERE 100 > (SELECT MAX(OrderTotal) FROM SellingsOrder WHERE Client.ClientID = SellingsOrder.ClientID)B. SELECT *FROM ClientWHERE 100 > ALL (SELECT OrderTotal FROM SellingsOrder WHERE Client.ClientID = SellingsOrder.ClientID)C. SELECT *FROM ClientWHERE 100 > SOME (SELECT OrderTotal FROM SellingsOrder WHERE Client.ClientID = SellingsOrder.ClientID)D. SELECT *FROM ClientWHERE EXISTS (SELECT SellingsOrder.ClientID FROM SellingsOrder WHERE Client.ClientID = SellingsOrder.ClientID AND SellingsOrder.OrderTotal 20040101ORDER BY SellingsPeopleName DESC
  • 6. C. SELECT SellingsOrderID, FirstName + + LastName as SellingsPeopleName FROM Sellings. SellingsOrderHeader HJOIN People.People P on P.BusinessEntityID = H.SellingsPeopleIDWHERE OrderDate > 20040101ORDER BY FirstName ASC, LastName ASCD. SELECT SellingsOrderID, FirstName + + LastName as SellingsPeopleName FROM Sellings. SellingsOrderHeader HJOIN People.People P on P.BusinessEntityID = H.SellingsPeopleIDWHERE OrderDate > 20040101ORDER BY FirstName DESC, LastName DESCAnswer: AQUESTION 10 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL Server 2008 database. The SQL Server has identified many missing indexes. Now you have to buildCREATE INDEX statements for all the missing indexes. Which dynamic management view should be used?A. sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats should be usedB. sys.dm_db_missing_index_group_stats should be usedC. sys.dm_db_missing_index_details should be usedD. sys.dm_db_missing_index_columns should be usedAnswer: BQUESTION 11 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL Server 2008 database. Look at code segment below: DECLARE @RangeStart INT = 0; DECLARE @RangeEnd INT = 8000; DECLARE @RangeStep INT = 1; WITH NumberRange(ItemValue) AS (SELECT ItemValue FROM (SELECT @RangeStart AS ItemValue) AS t UNION ALL SELECT ItemValue + @RangeStep FROM NumberRange WHERE ItemValue < @RangeEnd) SELECT ItemValue FROM NumberRange OPTION (MAXRECURSION 100) Do you know the result of executing this code segment? Which result will be returned?A. 101 rows will be returned with a maximum recursion error.B. 10,001 rows will be returned with a maximum recursion errorC. 101 rows will be returned with no errorD. 10,001 rows will be returned with no error
  • 7. Answer: AQUESTION 12 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL Server 2008 database. There is a table named dbo.Sellings in the database. The table contains thefollowing table definition: CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Selling]( [SellingID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED, [OrderDate] [datetime] NOT NULL, [CustomerID] [int] NOT NULL, [SellingPersonID] [int] NULL, [CommentDate] [date] NULL); Since you notice that this query takes a long time to run, you start to examine the data. You find that only 2%of rows have comment dates and the SellingPersonID is null on 10% of the rows after the examination. So youhave to improve the query performance. You have to create an index which must save disk space when optimize thequery. Of the following index, which one should you choose?A. CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX idx2 ON dbo.Selling (CommentDate, SellingPersonID) INCLUDE (CustomerID)WHERE CommentDate IS NOT NULLB. CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX idx2ON dbo.Selling (CustomerID)INCLUDE (CommentDate, SellingPersonID);C. CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX idx2ON dbo.Selling (SellingPersonID)INCLUDE (CommentDate, CustomerID);D. CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX idx2ON dbo.Selling (CustomerID)INCLUDE(CommentDate)WHERE SellingPersonID IS NOT NULLAnswer: AQUESTION 13 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL Server 2008 database which is named DB1. There is a table named Bill in DB1. BillID is the primarykey of the Bill table. By using the identity property, it is populated. The Bill table and the BillLineItem are relatedto each other. In order to increase load speed, all constraints are removed from the Bill table during a data load. But arow with BillId = 10 was removed from the database when you removed the constraints. Therefore you have tore-insert the row into the Bill table with the same BillId value. Of the following options, which Transact-SQL statementshould be used?A. INSERT INTO Bill(BillID, ...VALUES (10, ...B. SET IDENTITY_INSERT BillON;INSERT INTO Bill(BillID, ...VALUES (10, ...SET IDENTITY_INSERT BillOFF;C. ALTER TABLEBill;ALTER COLUMN BillID int;INSERT INTO Bill(BillID, ...VALUES (10, ...D. ALTER DATABASE DB1SET SINGLE_USER;INSERT INTO Bill(BillID, ...VALUES (10, ...ALTER DATABASE DB1SET MULTI_USER;
  • 8. Answer: BQUESTION 14 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL Server 2008 database. There are two tables in the company database. One table is namedSubitems which includes subitems for shoes, hats and shirts. Another one is named Commodities whichincludes commodities only from the Subitems shoes and hats. Look at the following query: SELECT s.Name, p.Name AS CommodityName FROM Subitems s OUTER APPLY (SELECT * FROM Commodities pr WHERE pr.SubitemID = s.SubitemID) p WHERE s.Name IS NOT NULL; Now you have to foretell what results the query produces. So what is the answer?A. Name CommodityName---------- --------------------Shoes Mountain Bike Shoes,Shoes Mountain Bike Shoes,Shoes Racing Shoes, MShoes Racing Shoes, LHats ClassicHat, SHats ClassicHat, MHats ClassicHat, LNULL Mountain Bike Shoes,NULL Mountain Bike Shoes,NULL Racing Shoes, MNULL Racing Shoes, LNULL ClassicHat, SNULL ClassicHat, MNULL ClassicHat, LShirts NULLNULL NULLB. Name CommodityName---------- --------------------Shoes Mountain Bike Shoes,Shoes Mountain Bike Shoes,Shoes Racing Shoes, MShoes Racing Shoes, LHats ClassicHat, SHats ClassicHat, MHats ClassicHat, LC. Name CommodityName---------- --------------------Shoes Mountain Bike Shoes,Shoes Mountain Bike Shoes,Shoes Racing Shoes, MShoes Racing Shoes, LHats ClassicHat, SHats ClassicHat, MHats ClassicHat, LShirts NULLD. Name CommodityName---------- --------------------Shoes Mountain Bike Shoes,Shoes Mountain Bike Shoes,Shoes Racing Shoes, MShoes Racing Shoes, LHats ClassicHat, SHats ClassicHat, MHats ClassicHat, LShirts NULLNULL NULLAnswer: CQUESTION 15 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL Server 2008 database. There are two tables in the database of the company. The two tables arerespectively named Sellings and SellingsHistory. Historical selling data is stored in the SellingsHistory table. Onthe Sellings table, you perform the configuration of Change Tracking. The minimum valid version of the Sellings table is10. There is selling data that changed since version 10. According to the company requirement, a query has tobe written
  • 9. to export only these data, including the primary key of deleted rows. Of the following methods, which oneshould be use?A. FROM Sellings INNER JOIN CHANGETABLE (CHANGES Sellings, 10) AS C ...B. FROM Sellings RIGHT JOIN CHANGETABLE (CHANGES Sellings, 10) AS C ...C. FROM Sellings RIGHT JOIN CHANGETABLE (CHANGES SellingsHistory, 10) AS C ...D. FROM Sellings INNER JOIN CHANGETABLE (CHANGES SellingsHistory, 10) AS C ...Answer: BQUESTION 16 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL Server 2008 database. There are two tables in the database of the company. The two tables arerespectively named Clients and Bills. Now you get an e-mail from your company manager, youve beenassigned a task that you have to write a SELECT statement. The statement should output client and bill data as a valid and well-formed XML document. You have to mix attribute and element based XML within the document. But you thinkthat it is not proper to use the FOR XML AUTO clause. You have to find the suitable FOR XML clause. Of the following FOR XML statement, which one should be used? (choose more than one)A. FOR XML PATH should be usedB. FOR BROWSE should be usedC. FOR XML EXPLICIT should be usedD. FOR XML RAW should be usedAnswer: ACQUESTION 17 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL Server 2008 database. Theres a table named Clients in the database. The Clients table contains anXML column which is named ClientInfo. At present the Client table contains no indexes. Look at the WHEREclause below: WHERE ClientInfo.exist (/ClientDemographic/@Age[.>="21"]) = 1 You use this clause in a query for which indexes have to be created. Of the following Transact-SQLstatements, which one should be used?A. CREATE PRIMARY XML INDEX PXML_IDX_ClientON Clients(ClientInfo);CREATE XML INDEX SXML_IDX_Client ON Client(ClientInfo)USING XML INDEX PXML_IDX_ClientFOR VALUE;B. CREATE PRIMARY XML INDEX PXML_IDX_ClientON Clients(ClientInfo);CREATE XML INDEX SXML_IDX_Client ON Client(ClientInfo)USING XML INDEX PXML_IDX_ClientFOR PATH;C. CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX CL_IDX_Client ON Clients(ClientID);CREATE PRIMARY XML INDEX PXML_IDX_ClientON Clients(ClientInfo);CREATE XML INDEX SXML_IDX_Client_Property ON Client (ClientInfo)USING XML INDEX PXML_IDX_ClientFOR VALUE;
  • 10. D. CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX CL_IDX_Client ON Clients(ClientID);CREATE PRIMARY XML INDEX PXML_IDX_ClientON Clients(ClientInfo);CREATE XML INDEX SXML_IDX_Client ON Client(ClientInfo) USING XML INDEX PXML_IDX_ClientFOR PATH;Answer: DQUESTION 18 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL Server 2008 database. There are two tables in the company database. The two tables arerespectively named Bill and BillData. Bill information is stored in the two tables. The Bill table relates to theBillData table through the BillID column of each table. In the Bill table there is a column which is named LatestModifiedDate. If therelated bill in the BillData table is modified, you must make sure that the LatestModifiedDate column mustreflect the data and time of the modification. So you have to create a trigger. Of the following Transact-SQL statement, which oneshould be used?A. CREATE TRIGGER [uModDate] ON [Bill]AFTER UPDATE FOR REPLICATION AS UPDATE [Bill] SET [LatestModifiedDate] = GETDATE() FROM inserted WHERE inserted.[BillID] = [Bill].[BillID]B. CREATE TRIGGER [uModDate] ON [BillDetails]INSTEAD OF UPDATE FOR REPLICATIONAS UPDATE [Bill] SET [LatestModifiedDate] = GETDATE() FROM inserted WHERE inserted.[BillID] = [Bill].[BillID];C. CREATE TRIGGER [uModDate] ON [BillDetails] AFTER UPDATE NOT FOR REPLICATION AS UPDATE [Bill] SET [LatestModifiedDate] = GETDATE() FROM inserted WHERE inserted.[BillID] = [Bill].[BillID];D. CREATE TRIGGER [uModDate] ON [Bill]INSTEAD OF UPDATE NOT FOR REPLICATIONAS UPDATE [Bill] SET [LatestModifiedDate] = GETDATE() FROM inserted WHERE inserted.[BillID] = [Bill].[BillID];Answer: CQUESTION 19 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL Server 2008 database. Theres a table which is named Essays. The Essays table contains twocolumns respectively named EssayHead and Detail. The two columns all contain a full-text index. The word"technology" may be in column EssayHead or in column Detail. You have to return row from the Essay table. Of the following codesegments, which one should be used?A. SELECT * FROM Books WHERE FREETEXT(BookTitle,computer)B. SELECT * FROM Books WHERE FREETEXT(*,computer)C. SELECT * FROM Books WHERE BookTitle LIKE %computer%D. SELECT * FROM Books WHERE BookTitle = %computer% OR Description = %computer%Answer: BQUESTION 20 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL Server 2008 database. Now you get an order from the company manger. The company manager
  • 11. assigns a task to you that you have to perform the configuration on the Service Broker, making it processmessages within a single database. You have completed three steps: CREATE MESSAGE TYPE; CREATE CONTRACT;CREATE QUEUE. After the above three steps, you have to complete the confifuration. So what is the nextstep?A. CREATE ROUTE is the next step.B. CREATE SERVICE is the next stepC. CREATE ENDPOINT is the next stepD. CREATE BROKER PRIORITY is the next step.Answer: BQUESTION 21 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL Server 2008 database. You manage a SQL Server 2008 database of the company. Now you get ane-mail from your company manager, in the e-mail, you have been assigned a task. You have to send e-mailfrom a stored procedure. But when you start to perform this, you notice that that a MAPI client has not been installed. In thefollowing options, which system stored procedure should be used?A. sysmail_start_sp should be used.B. xp_sendmail should be usedC. xp_startmail should be used.D. sp_send_dbmail should be usedAnswer: DQUESTION 22 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL Server 2008 database. Now you get an email from your company, in the email, youre assigned atask. You have to configure Full-Text Search, making it ingnore specific words. So of the following Full-TextSearch components, which one should be used?A. iFilter should be usedB. Thesaurus file should be usedC. Word breakers should be used.D. Stoplist should be used.Answer: DQUESTION 23 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL Server 2008 database. There is a table which is named Item. Look at the following location: PS SQLSERVER:SQLCONTOSODEFAULTDatabasesReportServerTablesdbo.InventoryColumns>
  • 12. At this location, you use the SQL Server Windows PowerShell provider to open a Microsoft WindowsPowerShell session. You have to query all the columns in Item table using the e SQL Server WindowsPowerShell provider. Of the following options, which cmdlet should be used?A. Get-ChildItem should be usedB. Get-ItemProperty should be usedC. Get-Item should be usedD. Get-Location should be usedAnswer: AQUESTION 24 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL Server 2008 database. Enterprise Edition and all the company data is stored in the SQL Server 2008database. Theres a table named Modifications. The data is the table is frequently modified. According to thecompany requirement, you have to maintain a history of all data modifications, the type of modification and the valuesmodified also have to be kept. Of the following tracking methods, which one should you use?A. C2 Audit TracingB. Change Data CaptureC. Database AuditD. Change TrackinAnswer: BQUESTION 25 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL Server 2008 database. You insert the WorkerID of each Workers manager in the ReportsTo columnto document your companys organizational hierarchy. You have to write a recursive query. The query shouldproduce a list of Workers and their manager and include the Workers level in the hierarchy. You write the following code segment. (Line numbers are used for reference only.) 1 WITH WorkerList (WorkerID, FullName, ManagerName, Level) 2 AS ( 3 4) 5 SELECT WorkerID, FullName, ManagerName, Level 6 FROM WorkerList; At line 3, which code segment should you insert?A. SELECT WorkerID, FullName, AS [ReportsTo], 1 AS [Level] FROM Worker WHERE ReportsTo IS NULL UNION ALL SELECT emp.WorkerID, emp.FullNName mgr.FullName, 1+ 1 AS [Level] FROM Worker emp JOIN Worker mgr ON emp.ReportsTo = mgr.WorkerID
  • 13. B. SELECT WorkerID, FullName, AS [ReportsTo], 1 AS [Level] FROM Worker WHERE ReportsTo IS NULL UNION ALL SELECT emp.WorkerID, emp.FullName, mgr.FullName, mgr. Level + 1 FROM WorkerList mgr JOIN Worker emp ON emp.ReportsTo = mgr.WorkerIdC. SELECT WorkerID, FullName, AS [Reports To], 1 AS [Level] FROM Worker UNION ALL SELECT emp.WorkerID, emp.FullName, mgr.FullName, 1 + 1 AS [Level] FROM Worker emp LEFT JOIN Worker mgr ON emp.ReportsTo = mgr.WorkerIDD. SELECT WorkerID, FullName, AS [ReportsTo], 1 AS [Level] FROM Worker UNION ALL SELECT emp.WorkerID, emp.FullName, mgr.FullName, mgr.Level + 1 FROM WorkerList mgr JOIN Worker emp ON emp.ReportsTo = mgr.WorkerIDAnswer: BQUESTION 26 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL Server 2008 database. Sales information for your company orders is stored in this database.According to the company requirement, a common table expression (CTE) has to be implemented. In theoptions below, which code segment should be used?A. SELECT Year, Region, Total FROM (SELECT Year, Region, SUM(OrderTotal) AS Total FROM Orders GROUP BY Year, Region) AS [SalesByYear];B. SELECT DISTINCT Year, Region, (SELECT SUM(OrderTotal) FROM Orders SalesByYear WHERE Orders.Year = SalesByYear.YEAR AND Orders.Region = SalesByYear.Region) AS [Total] FROM Orders;C. CREATE VIEW SalesByYear AS SELECT Year, Region, SUM(OrderTotal) FROM Orders GROUP BY Year, Region; GO SELECT Year, Region, Total FROM SalesByYear;D. WITH SalesByYear(Year,Region,Total) AS (SELECT Year, Region, SUM(OrderTotal) FROM Orders GROUP BY Year,Region) SELECT Year, Region, Total FROM SalesByYear;Answer: DQUESTION 27 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL Server 2008 database. Sales information for your company orders is stored in this database.According to the requirement for marketing analysis, your company wants you to identify the orders with thehighest average unit price and an order total greater than 8,000. There should be less than 30 orders in the list. Of the followqueries, which one should you use?A. SELECT TOP (30) o.SalesOrderId, o.OrderDate, o.Total, SUM(od.Qty * od.UnitPrice) / SUM(od.Qty) AS [AvgUnitPrice]FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader o JOIN Sales.SalesOrderDetail od ON o.SalesOrderId = od.SalesOrderId WHERE o.Total> 8000 GROUP BY o.SalesOrderId, o.OrderDate, o.Total ORDER BY Total DESC;
  • 14. B. SELECT TOP (30) o.SalesOrderId, o.OrderDate, o.Total, (SELECT SUM(od.Qty * od.UnitPrice) / SUM(od.Qty) FROM Sales.SalesOrderDetail od WHERE o.SalesOrderId = od.SalesOrderId) AS [AvgUnitPrice]FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader oWHERE o.Total > 8000 ORDER BY o.Total DESC, AvgUnitPrice;C. SELECT TOP (30) o.SalesOrderId, o.OrderDate, o.Total, SUM(od.QTY * od.UnitPrice) / SUM(od.Qty) AS [AvgUnitPrice]FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader o JOIN SALES.SalesOrderDetail od ON o. SalesOrderId = od.SalesOrderId WHERE o.Total> 8000 GROUP BY o.SalesOrderId, o.OrderDate, o.Total ORDER BY AvgUnitPrice;D. SELECT TOP (30) o.SalesOrderId, o.OrderDate, o.Total, (SELECT SUM(od.Qty * od.UnitPrice) / SUM(od.QTY) FROM Sales.SalesOrderDetail od WHERE o.SalesOrderId = od.SalesOrderId) AS [AvgUnitPrice]FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader o WHERE o.Total> 8000 ORDER BY AvgUnitPrice DESC;Answer: DQUESTION 28 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL Server 2008 database. Now you manage a SQL Server 2008 instance. The instance is configured touse the Latin1_General_CS_AS collation. You use the statements below to create a database. CREATE DATABASE TestDB COLLATE Estonian_CS_AS; GO USE TestDB; GO CREATE TABLE TestPermTab (PrimaryKey int PRIMARY KEY, Col1 nchar ); You implement a temporary table named #TestTempTab that uses the following code. USE TestDB; GO CREATE TABLE #TestTempTab (PrimaryKey int PRIMARY KEY, Col1 nchar ); INSERT INTO #TestTempTab SELECT * FROM TestPermTab; You have to decide which collation will be assigned to #TestTempTab. In the options below, which collation will be assigned?A. Latin1_General_CS_ASB. No-collationC. Estonian_CS_ASD. The collation selected by the Windows system locale of the serverAnswer: AQUESTION 29 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you are
  • 15. employed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL Server 2008 database. Your company assigns a task to you that you have to write a query. The queryreturns the sequential number of a row within a partition of a result set by using a ranking function, the rowstarts at1 for the first row in each partition. In order to accomplish this task, which Transact-SQL statement should youuse?A. You should use RANKB. You should use NTILE(10)C. You should use ROW_NUMBERD. You should use DENSE_RANKAnswer: CQUESTION 30 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL Server 2008 database. There is a table named Employee. The table contains a clustered index onEmployeeID and a nvarchar column named Family name. The Family name column has Russian and Korean characters. You will use the following code segment to search by Surname. IF @lang =Russian SELECT PersonID, Surname FROM Person WHERE Surname = @SearchName COLLATE Cyrillic_General_CI_AS IF @lang = Japanese SELECT PersonID, Surname FROM Person WHERE Surname = @SearchName COLLATE Japanese_CI_AS_KS Now your company assigns a task to you. According to the company requirement, you have to enable SQLServer, making it perform an index seek for these queries. What action should you perform?A. An index should be created on the Surname column.B. For each collation that needs to be searched, a computed column should be created. Then on the Surname column, an index should be createdC. For each collation that needs to be searched, a computed column should be created. On each computed column, an index should be createdD. For each collation that needs to be searched, a new column should be created. Then you should copy the data from the Surname column. Create an index on each new column.Answer: CQUESTION 31 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL Server 2008 database. Therere two tables in the database. The two tables are respectively namedCommoditySort and CommoditySubSort. According to the company requirement, a query should be written.
  • 16. A list of commodity sorts which contain more than ten sub-sorts should be returned by the query. As thetechnical support, the company assigns this task to you. You have to write this query. In the options below,which query should be used?A. SELECT [Name] FROM Commodity Sort c WHERE EXISTS (SELECT CommoditySortID FROM CommoditySubSort WHERE CommoditySortID= c.CommoditySortID GROUP BY CommoditySortID HAVING COUNT(*) > 10)B. SELECT [Name] FROM Commodity Sort c WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT CommoditySortID FROM CommoditySubSort WHERE CommoditySortID= c.CommoditySortID GROUP BY CommoditySortID HAVING COUNT(*) > 10)C. SELECT [Name] FROM CommoditySubSort WHERE CommoditySortIDIN ( SELECT CommoditySortID FROM CommoditySort) GROUP BY [Name] HAVING COUNT(*) > 10D. SELECT [Name] FROM CommoditySubSort WHERE CommoditySortIDNOT IN (SELECT CommoditySortID FROM CommoditySort) GROUP BY [Name] HAVING COUNT(*) > 10Answer: AQUESTION 32 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL Server 2008 database. Therere two columns that are used to store data information by yourcompany. The two columns are respectively named Column1 and Column2. Column1 contains the data in localtime, Column2 contains the difference between local time and UTC time. According to the company requirement, this datahas to be stored in a single column. As the technical support, you have to accomplish this task. Of the followingdata types, which one should you choose?A. datetime2(5)B. datetimeoffsetC. timeD. datetime2Answer: BQUESTION 33 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL Server 2008 database. Now you receive an e-mail from your company manager, in the e-mail, hewants a unique constraint to be created. As the IT engineer, you are assigned this task. So you have to create acolumn which allows the creation of a unique constraint. Of the following column definitions, which one can be used?(choose more than one)A. nvarchar(100) NULLB. nvarchar(100) NOT NULLC. nvarchar(max) NOT NULL
  • 17. D. nvarchar(100) SPARSE NULLAnswer: ABQUESTION 34 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL Server 2008 database. Therere two partitioned tables respectively named Deal and DealDetail. Nowyou get an order from your company manager, according to his requirement, one of the partitions of theTransaction table has to be archived to the TransactionHistory table. You have to accomplish this task. In the options below,which method should be used?A. ALTER PARTITION FUNCTION ... MERGE ...B. ALTER PARTITION FUNCTION ... SPLIT ...C. ALTER TABLE ... SWITCH ...D. INSERT ... SELECT ...; TRUNCATE TABLEAnswer: CQUESTION 35 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL Server 2008 database which is 5 GB. Theres a table named SellingDetails in the database. Youoften perform the inserting and updating of the Selling information. Today you get a report saying that in theSellingDetails table, there happens excessive page splitting. As the technical support, you must solve this problem, that is tosay, you have to minimize the chance of the page splitting. In the options below, which code segment shouldyou choose?A. EXEC sys.sp_configure fill factor (%), 60;B. ALTER INDEX ALL ON Selling.SellingHistory REBUILD WITH (FILLFACTOR = 60);C. UPDATE STATISTICS Selling.SellingHistory(Products) WITH FULLSCAN, NORECOMPUTE;D. ALTER DATABASE Selling MODIFY FILE (NAME = Sellingdat3, SIZE = 10GB);Answer: BQUESTION 36 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL server 2008 database. According to the business development, you are developing a new database,which will have two tables named SallsBillItem and Goods contained. They are related to each other. Now youare assigned a task to make sure that all goods referenced in the SalesBillItem table have a corresponding record in thegoods table. Which method would be used to accomplish this task?
  • 18. A. DDL trigger would be used to accomplish this taskB. Foreign key constraint would be used to accomplish this task.C. Primary key constraint would be used to accomplish this task.D. DML trigger would be used to accomplish this taskE. JOIN would be used to accomplish this taskAnswer: BQUESTION 37 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL server 2008 database. You have a table named Client. Now you are assigned a task to make surethat client data in the table not only make the credit limit less than 10,000, but also make the credit limit zerowhen client identification has not been verified. So which constraint would you check to accomplish this task?A. ((CreditLimt = 0 AND Verified = 0) OR (CreditLimt BETWEEN 1 AND 10000 AND Verified = 1))B. (CreditLimt BETWEEN 1 AND 10000)C. (Verified = 1 AND CreditLimt BETWEEN 1 AND 10000)D. ((CreditLimt = 0 AND Verified = 0) AND (CreditLimt BETWEEN 1 AND 10000 AND Verified = 1))E. ((Verified = 1 AND CreditLimt BETWEEN 1 AND 10000) AND (CreditLimt BETWEEN 1 AND 10000 AND Verified = 1))Answer: AQUESTION 38 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL server 2008 database. A table that has the GPS location of clients stored is being created to meet thebusiness needs. Now you are asked to make sure that the table allows you the following issues: 1. Calculate the distance between a client and the nearest store. 2. Identify clients within a specified sales boundary. So of the data type below, which one would be used?A. Nvarchar(max) would be usedB. Varbinary(max) FILESTREAM would be used.C. Algebra would be usedD. Geometry would be used.Answer: DQUESTION 39 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL server 2008 database. You have two tables respectively named Bills and BillItems as shown as thefollowing:
  • 19. From the table we can see the BillItems is related to Bills by a foreign key that enables CASCADE DELETE. Now you are asked to have all records removed from the Bills table. Of the Transact-SQL statements below, which one would be used?A. DROP FROM BillItems statement would be usedB. DROP TABLE Bills statement would be usedC. DELETE FROM Bills statement would be usedD. TRUNCATE TABLE Bills statement would be used.E. DELETE FROM BillItems statement would be used.Answer: CQUESTION 40 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL server 2008 database. You have two tables respectively named Clients and Bills. According to thebusiness requirements, a list of each Clients name and number of bills should be produced for clients that haveplaced at least one Bill. Which query should be used to achieve this goal?A. SELECT c.ClientName, SUM(o.BillID) AS [BillCount] FROM Clients c JOIN Bills o ON c.ClientID = o. ClientID GROUP BY c.ClientName HAVING COUNT(o.BillID) > 1B. SELECT c.ClientName, COUNT(o.BillId) AS [BillCount] FROM Clients c JOIN Bills o ON c.ClientId = o.ClientId GROUP BY c.ClientNameC. SELECT c.ClientName, SUM(o.BillID) AS [BillCount] FROM Clients c JOIN Bills o ON c.ClientID = o.ClientID GROUP BY c.ClientNameD. SELECT COUNT(o.BillId) AS [BillCount] FROM CLIENTS c JOIN BILLS o ON c.CLIENTID = o. CLIENTIDE. SELECT c.ClientName, COUNT(o.BillID) AS [BillCount] FROM Clients c JOIN Bills o ON c.ClientID = o.ClientID GROUP BY c.ClientName HAVING COUNT(o.BillID) > 1Answer: BQUESTION 41 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. Now you are asked to use a code segment to have the value2.85 rounded to the nearest whole number, which code segment would you select?A. You would select ROUND(2.85,1)B. You would select ROUND(2.85,0)C. You would select ROUND(2.85,2)
  • 20. D. You would select ROUND(2.85,1.0)E. You would select ROUND(2.85,2.0)Answer: BQUESTION 42 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. You have a table named Staff. In order to identify the supervisor that each staff reports to, you write the following query: SELECT e.StaffName AS [StaffName], s.StaffName AS [SuperVisorName] FROM Staff e Now you are asked to make sure that a list of all staff and their respective supervisor is returned by the query. So of the following join clauses, which one would be used to complete the query?A. LEFT JOIN Staff s ON e.StaffId = s.StaffId would be used to complete the queryB. INNER JOIN Staff s ON e.ReportsTo = s.StaffId would be used to complete the query.C. LEFT JOIN Staff s ON e.ReportsTo = s.StaffId would be used to complete the queryD. RIGHT JOIN Staff s ON e.ReportsTo = s.StaffId would be used to complete the queryE. INNER JOIN Staff s ON e.StaffId = s.StaffId would be used to complete the queryAnswer: CQUESTION 43 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL server 2008 database. You have two tables respectively named Sales and SaleAlters Sales SaleID 1 2 3 4 SaleName SaleA SaleB SaleC SaleD VendorID 0 1 1 0 SaleAlters SaleID 1 2 3 5 SaleName SaleA SaleB SaleC SaleE VendorID 1 1 2 1 Then you execute the statement as the following: MERGE Sales USING SaleAlters ON (Sales.SaleID = SaleAlters.SaleID) WHEN MATCHED AND Sales.VendorID = A THEN DELETE WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET Sales.SaleName = SaleAlters.SaleName Sales.VendorID = SaleAlters.VendorID; In order to identify the rows that will be displayed in the Sales table, which rows do you display?
  • 21. A. SaleID 1 2 3 5 SaleName SaleA SaleB NewSaleC SaleE VendorID 1 1 2 1B. SaleID 1 2 3 4 5 SaleName SaleA SaleB NewSaleC SaleD SaleE VendorID 1 1 2 0 1C. SaleID 2 3 SaleName SaleB NewSaleC VendorID 1 2D. SaleID 2 3 4 SaleName SaleB NewSaleC SaleD VendorID 1 2 0Answer: DQUESTION 44 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL server 2008 database. You have a table named Sale. According to the business requirements, thesale prices should be increased by 15 percent for only the vendor named Hope Food shop, and then a list ofthe sales and updated prices should be returned. So which code segment would be used to achieve this goal?A. UPDATE Sale SET Price = Price * 1.15 SALE inserted.SaleName, inserted.Price WHERE Sale. VendorName = Hope Food shop would be used to achieve this goalB. UPDATE Sale SET Price = Price * 1.15, WHERE Sale.VendorName = Hope Food shop SALE inserted.SaleName, inserted.Price would be used to achieve this goal.C. UPDATE Sale SET Price = Price * 1.15, SaleName = SaleName WHERE Sale.VendorName = Hope Food shop would be used to achieve this goalD. UPDATE Sale SET Price = Price * 1.15 SALE inserted.SaleName, deleted.Price WHERE Sale. VendorName = Hope Food shop would be used to achieve this goalE. UPDATE Sale SET Price = Price * 1.15 SaleName = SaleName inserted.Price WHERE Sale.VendorName = Hope Food shop would be used to achieve this goal.Answer: AQUESTION 45 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL server 2008 database. You have two tables and they are respectively named SalesMan andSalesZone. According to the business requirements, you should use a Cartesian product that contains the datafrom the SalesMan and SalesZone tables to create sample data. So of the following code segments, which one would be used to achieve this goal?A. SELECT p.SalesmanId, t.Name AS [Saleszone] FROM Sales.Salesman p CROSS JOIN Sales. Saleszone t would be used to achieve this goal.B. SELECT p.SalesmanId, t.Name AS [Saleszone] FROM Sales.Salesman p FULL JOIN Sales. Saleszone t ON p. SaleszoneId = t. SaleszoneId would be used to achieve this goal.
  • 22. C. SELECT p.SalesmanId, t.Name AS [Saleszone] FROM Sales.Salesman p INNER JOIN Sales. Saleszone t ON p. SaleszoneId = t. SaleszoneId would be used to achieve this goal.D. SELECT p.SalesmanId, t.Name AS [Saleszone] FROM Sales.Salesman p CROSS JOIN Sales. Saleszone t WHERE p. SaleszoneId = t. SaleszoneId would be used to achieve this goalAnswer: AQUESTION 46 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL server 2008 database. You have two tables and they are respectively named Clients and Bills.According to the business requirements, data of 30 days ago should be moved from Clients into Bills. Which code segment below would be used to achieve this goal?A. INSERT INTO Bill SELECT * FROM Client WHERE RecordDate < DATEADD(D,-30,GETDATE()) would be used to achieve this goal.B. INSERT INTO Bill SELECT * FROM Client WHERE RecordDate < DATEADD(D,-30,GETDATE()) DELETE FROM Client would be used to achieve this goalC. DELETE FROM Client OUTPUT deleted.* WHERE RecordDate < DATEADD(D,-30,GETDATE()) would be used to achieve this goal.D. DELETE FROM Client OUTPUT DELETED.* INTO Bill WHERE RecordDate < DATEADD(D,-30, GETDATE()) would be used to achieve this goalAnswer: DQUESTION 47 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL server 2008 database. You are writing a query, which returns a list of sales that have grossed morethan $10,000.00 during the year 2007. Meanwhile, the filter expression of SUM ([Order Details].Unit Price * [Order Details].Quantity) > 10000 shouldbe inserted into the query. Of the clauses below, which one should be inserted into this expression?A. WHERE clause should be inserted into this expressionB. HAVING clause should be inserted into this expressionC. GROUP BY clause should be inserted into this expressionD. ON clause should be inserted into this expressionE. WHEN clause should be inserted into this expressionAnswer: BQUESTION 48 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL server 2008 database. The following table is named Products and the products data ordered by date
  • 23. of product and client name should be returned. You should give each client a list of the most recent product atthe first time. So of the queries below, which one would be used?A. SELECT ClientName, ProductsDate FROM Products ORDER BY ClientName, ProductsDate DESC;B. SELECT ClientName, ProductsDate FROM Products ORDER BY ClientName DESC;C. SELECT ClientName, ProductsDate FROM Products ORDER BY ClientName DESC; ProductsDate;D. SELECT ClientName, ProductsDate FROM Products ORDER BY ClientName, ProductsDate;E. SELECT ClientName, ProductsDate FROM Products ORDER BY ProductsDate DESC, ClientNameAnswer: AQUESTION 49 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL server 2008 database. Now with a given clause, you need to identify whether February will contain 29days for a specified year. Which object should be used to achieve this goal?A. Table-valued function should be used to achieve this goalB. Scalar-valued function should be used to achieve this goal.C. DML trigger should be used to achieve this goal.D. DDL trigger should be used to achieve this goalE. Stored procedure should be used to achieve this goalAnswer: BQUESTION 50 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL server 2008 database. Data is inserted directly into a table by a third-party application. Then in orderto meet the business needs, two new columns are added to the table, which cannot use default constraints oraccept NULL values. So what action should you perform to make sure that the third-party application is not broken by the newcolumns?A. You should have a DDL trigger createdB. You should have a DML trigger created.C. You should have an INSTEAD OF INSERT trigger createdD. You should have an AFTER INSERT trigger created.E. You should have a stored procedure createdAnswer: CQUESTION 51 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you are
  • 24. employed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL server 2008 database. There is a transaction using the repeatable read isolation level. After using therepeatable read isolation level, you find it causes blocking problems frequently. Now you are assigned thefollowing tasks: 1. Reduce blocking. 2. Avoid dirty reads. 3. Avoid non-repeatable reads. So which transaction isolation level should be used to accomplish these tasks above?A. READ COMMITTED should be used to accomplish these tasks aboveB. READ UNCOMMITTED should be used to accomplish these tasks aboveC. SNAPSHOT should be used to accomplish these tasks above.D. SERIALIZABLE should be used to accomplish these tasks aboveE. READ-Only COMMITTED should be used to accomplish these tasks aboveAnswer: CQUESTION 52 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL server 2008 database. You have many tables in your database. What action would you perform to make sure that tables are not dropped from your database?A. You should have a DML trigger that contains COMMIT created.B. You should have a DDL trigger that contains ROLLBACK createdC. You should have a DML trigger that contains ROLLBACK createdD. You should have a DDL trigger that contains COMMIT createdE. You should have a XML trigger that contains ROLLBACK createdF. You should have a XML trigger that contains COMMIT createdAnswer: BQUESTION 53 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL server 2008 database. TRY...CATCH error handling is being used to raise an error that will passcontrol to the CATCH block. So of the severity level below, which one would be used?A. 0 level would be used.B. 9 level would be usedC. 10 level would be usedD. 16 level would be used.E. 18 level would be usedAnswer: D
  • 25. QUESTION 54 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL server 2008 database. Now a function that references a table is being created to meet the businessneeds. In order to have the table prevented from being dropped, which option would be used when the functionis created?A. WITH SCHEMABINDING would be used when the function is createdB. WITH RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT would be used when the function is createdC. WITH ENCRYPTION would be used when the function is createdD. WITH EXECUTE AS would be used when the function is createdAnswer: AQUESTION 55 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL server 2008 database. Now according to the order of your manager, a stored procedure that acceptsa table-valued parameter named @Clients should be created. So of the code segments below, which one would be used?A. CREATE PROCEDURE AddClients (@Clients ClientType OUTPUT) would be usedB. CREATE PROCEDURE AddClients (@Clients varchar(max)) would be used.C. CREATE PROCEDURE AddClients (@Clients Client READONLY) would be usedD. CREATE PROCEDURE ADDCLIENTS (@Clients varchar (max))ASEXTERNAL NAME Client.Add. NewClient would be used.Answer: CQUESTION 56 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL server 2008 database. In your database, there is a single CLR assembly, which only referencesblessed assemblies from the Microsoft. External resources are not accessed by the NET Framework. Now youare assigned a task to deploy this assembly to meet the following needs: 1. Use the minimum required permissions. 2. Make sure the security of your database. What would you do?A. You would set PERMISSION_SET = UNSAFE TRUSTWORTHY ONB. You would set PERMISSION_SET = UNSAFE TRUSTWORTHY OFFC. You would set PERMISSION_SET = SAFE TRUSTWORTHY OND. You would set PERMISSION_SET = SAFE TRUSTWORTHY OFFE. You would set PERMISSION_SET = EXTERNAL_ACCESS TRUSTWORTHY OFFAnswer: D
  • 26. QUESTION 57 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL server 2008 database. Now your manager asks you to capture the execution plan for a query. So which statement as the following would be used to achieve this goal?A. SET STATISTICS IO ON statement would be used to achieve this goalB. SET STATISTICS TIME ON statement would be used to achieve this goalC. SET FORCEPLAN ON statement would be used to achieve this goalD. SET SHOWPLAN_XML ON statement would be used to achieve this goalE. SET FORCEPLAN TIME ON statement would be used to achieve this goalAnswer: DQUESTION 58 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL server 2008 database. After running the database server, you find that it has a slow response toqueries. In order to make the server response normally, you have the following dynamic management views (DMV)query run on the server. SELECT TOP (10) wait_type, wait_time_ms FROM sys.dm_os_wait_stats ORDER BY wait_time_msDESC; After a long time, a top wait type of SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD was returned to the query. Now you are asked to find out the reason to cause the slow response. So what should you do first?A. First you should investigate MemoryB. First you should investigate NetworkC. First you should investigate CPUD. First you should investigate DiskE. First you should investigate SQLAnswer: CQUESTION 59 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL server 2008 database. Now according to the order of your manager, you are analyzing a workload byusing the Database Engine Tuning Advisor (DTA). So of the commands below, which one would be used to save the recommendations generated by the DTA?A. The command of importing Session DefinitionB. The command of exporting Session DefinitionC. The command of importing Workload Table
  • 27. D. The command of exporting Workload TableE. The command of previewing Workload Table.F. The command of exporting Session ResultsAnswer: FQUESTION 60 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL server 2008 database. Now you are assigned a task to use the Database Engine Tuning Advisor(DTA) to capture and record a workload for analysis. Of the tools below, which one would you choose?A. You would choose SQL Server ProfilerB. You would choose XML utilityC. You would choose Performance MonitorD. You would choose DTA utilityE. You would choose Activity MonitorAnswer: AQUESTION 61 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL server 2008 database. According to the work requirement, SQL Server Profiler is being used tocollect deadlock information. So of the following events, which one would be used to capture an XMLdescription of a deadlock?A. Lock:Deadlock Chain would be used to capture an XML description of a deadlockB. Deadlock Graph would be used to capture an XML description of a deadlockC. Deadlock XML would be used to capture an XML description of a deadlockD. Lock:Deadlock would be used to capture an XML description of a deadlockE. Showplan XML would be used to capture an XML description of a deadlockAnswer: BQUESTION 62 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL server 2008 database. Goods information is contained in the XML document as the following: DECLARE @GoodsList xml = ... ; Now your manager asks you to return a list of Goods including the following information: The Goods Name;
  • 28. Price of each Goods; The Category; So which query would be used to return the list?A. SELECT Goods.value(@Name,varchar(100)), Goods.value(@Category,varchar(20)), Goods. value(@Price,money) FROM @GoodsList.nodes(/GoodsList/Goods) GoodsList(Goods);B. SELECT Goods.value(Name[1],varchar(100)), Goods.value(Category[1],varchar(20)), Goods. value(Price[1],money) FROM @GoodsList.nodes(/o:GoodsList/o:Goods) GoodsList(Goods) WITH XMLNAMESPACES(DEFAULT urn;Wide_World_Importers/schemas/Goods as o);C. SELECT Goods.value(./@Name,varchar(100)), Goods.value(./@Category,varchar(20)), Goods. value(./@Price,money) FROM @GoodsList.nodes(/GoodsList/Goods) GoodsList(Goods) WITH XMLNAMESPACES(DEFAULT urn:Wide_World_Importers/schemas/Goods);D. SELECT Goods.value(.[1]/@Name,varchar(100)), Goods.value(.[1]/@Category,varchar(20)), Goods.value(.[1]/@Price,money) FROM @GoodsList.nodes(/GoodsList/Goods) GoodsList(Goods);Answer: CQUESTION 63 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL server 2008 database. According to the business needs, an XML schema must be used to validateXML data in your database. So of the following code segments, which one would be used to store this XML schema?A. CREATE XML SCHEMA COLLECTION ClientSchema would be used to store this XML schemaB. CREATE DEFAULT XML INDEX ClientSchema would be used to store this XML schemaC. CREATE SCHEMA ClientSchema would be used to store this XML schemaD. CREATE DEFAULT ClientSchema AS XML would be used to store this XML schemaE. CREATE PRIMARY XML INDEX ClientSchema would be used to store this XML schema.Answer: AQUESTION 64 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL server 2008 database. A table named Client has an XML column named Places, which has an XMLfragment with details of one or more places stored. You can see it from the following examples: Now you are assigned a task to write a query that returns a row for each of the clients places to meet thefollowing needs: Each resulting row includes an XML fragment that contains the place details. Each resulting row includes the city. Each resulting row includes the client name. So which query would be used to accomplish this task?
  • 29. A. You should use the query that SELECT ClientName Places.query(data(/Place/@City)), Places.query(/Place) FROM ClientB. You should use the query that SELECT ClientName, Places.query(for $i in /Place return data($i/ @City)), Places.query(for $i in /Place return $i) FROM Client.C. You should use the query that SELECT ClientName, Loc.value(@City,varchar(100)), Loc.query(.) FROM Client CROSS APPLY Client.Places.nodes (/Place) Locs(Loc)D. You should use the query that SELECT ClientName, Places.query(for $i in /Place return element Place {$i/@City, $i}) FROM ClientAnswer: CQUESTION 65 You are a database developer and you have many years experience in database development. Now you areemployed in a company which is named Loxgo. The company uses SQL Server 2008 and all the company datais stored in the SQL server 2008 database. You have two tables named Clients and Bills. Bills table is related to theClients table on the ClientID by a foreign key constraint. Now according to the requirement of your manager, the XML structure that contains all clients and theirrelated bills should be generated as the following: Client1 < Bill >1/1/20084224/8/2008300 ... ... So of the following queries, which one should you choose to meet your manager??s requirement?A. SELECT ClientName, (SELECT BillDate, BillValue FROM Bills FOR XML PATH (Bill)) FROM Clients FOR XML PATH(Client), ROOT(Root), TYPEB. SELECT ClientName, (SELECT BillDate, BillValue FROM Bills WHERE Bills.ClientId = Clients.ClientId FOR XML PATH(Bill), TYPE) Bills FROM Clients FOR XML PATH(Client), ROOT (Root)C. SELECT ClientName, BillDate, BillValue FROM Clients c JOIN Bills o ON o.ClientID = c. ClientID FOR XML AUTO, TYPED. SELECT * FROM (SELECT ClientName, NULL AS BillDate, NULL AS BillValue FROM Clients UNION ALL SELECT NULL, BillDate, BillValue FROM Bills) ClientBills FOR XML AUTO, ROOT(Root)Answer: B