7 ways to connect with - divine plan healing school · 2019. 7. 21. · magdalenes light, my eye...

www.divineplanhealingschool.org | [email protected] 1 7 Ways to Connect with The Mary Magdalene Consciousness Receive Help, Support and Insights Practical Spirituality by Harriët Kroon

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7 Ways to Connect with The Mary Magdalene Consciousness

Receive Help, Support and Insights

Practical Spirituality by Harriët Kroon

www.divineplanhealingschool.org | [email protected]



Preface 7 Ways to Connect with The Mary Magdalene Consciousness

1 – Use Your Magnificent Heart 2 – Take Advantage of the Powerful Date 22nd of July 3 – Visit a Power Place 4 – Allow Art to Serve You 5 – Visit Nature 6 – The Essence Vibration ‘Mary’s Light’ 7 – The Divine Plan Healing Training


Cover photo by Matthew Brodeur on Unsplash.

Copyright © 22 July 2019, Harriët Kroon No part of this e-book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without mentioning the author’s name and titles: Harriët Kroon, Founder of the Divine Plan Healing School and Channel of Mary Magdalene. Please be aware that you need to mention the name of artists and photographers if you want to use their art. Please be aware that you need to mention the artist’s name in case you want to use or reproduce their art.

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Preface This e-book is tailor made for you Over the years, I received many emails from people who are eager to connect with Mary Magdalene’s Consciousness, but struggle with doing so. This e-book is written to help you find your own individual way of connecting with Her. Transformative times As you might have noticed by the changes that are taking place in the world, we are living in the Era of the Rise of the Divine Feminine Consciousness. The first century person Mary Magdalene was a powerful representative of the Divine Feminine and developed her consciousness to a point that She is able to serve humanity to find their way back to their gentle feminine power, in order to create balance between the masculine and feminine life forces, which is so needed in this crucial time on Planet Earth. Allow yourself to receive support Mary Magdalene’s Consciousness asked me to create this e-book to empower you. It offers tips to find your own individual way of connecting with Her Consciousness. Allow yourself to receive help, support and insights from Mary Magdalene, portal to the Divine Feminine God Force. About the techniques The techniques and essences described herein are not meant to be a substitute for professional medical care or treatment. Wishing you uplifting hours in the Embrace of Mary Magdalene,

Harriët Kroon

Founder of the Divine Plan Healing School Channel of Mary Magdalene’s Light [email protected]

www.divineplanhealingschool.org | [email protected]


7 Ways to Connect with The Mary Magdalene Consciousness

Receive Help, Support and Insights

This e-book offers practical spirituality, tools to find your own individual way of connecting with Mary Magdalene’s Consciousness. One rule applies for each of these practical tools: once you have made your connection with Mary Magdalene, She would appreciate receiving thanks for all that She is doing silently for you at the background of your daily life. Once you have entered the state of gratitude, you may ask your question. Allow yourself to receive help, support and insights from Mary Magdalene. Let me emphasize that any investment in Mary Magdalene is an investment in yourself. Mary Magdalene’s Consciousness is an aspect of the ultimate Divine Feminine and your very existence is a celebration of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine nature forces dancing together on a daily basis. Therefore, any time or amount that you invest in building a relationship with Mary Magdalene is an investment in yourself. All will come back to you in tenfold, often in unexpected, magical ways. That is how the Universe works.

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1 – Use Your Magnificent Heart

A lot of people overuse their brain and therefore think that they can connect with other people, animals, nature and spiritual beings with their brain. This is impossible, a true connection always goes via the heart and is not something you think but feel.

If you want to connect with Mary Magdalene’s Consciousness, use your magnificent heart. Bring yourself in a calm and mindful state, like in a meditation, and then smile into your heart. This will soften your organ of love and make it more receptive. Then in your heart you set your intention to connect with Mary Magdalen’s Consciousness. You can use your heart’s consciousness like Wi-Fi or a radio wave to find Her in the Universe. When you connect, you might receive a response, like goose bumps, an energetic sensation or even a scent. And if you don’t perceive a confirmation, please know that setting your intention in your heart is enough to create a connection. Trust that it is happening.

Some people are less sensitive to energy than others, but that doesn’t mean that they cannot make spiritual connections. Becoming aware of energetic connections and spiritual information is like learning a new language, it takes a bit of time and practice.

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2 – Take Advantage of the Powerful Date, 22nd of July

As I am not related to any religion, the Roman Catholic name days for Saints always seemed a bit strange to me. But after I became the channel of Mary Magdalene’s Light, my eye caught somewhere that the 22nd of July is Mary Magdalene’s official name day. This date then started to intrigue me. Over the years massive amounts of people have commemorated Mary Magdalene on her official name day. With each commemoration more and more of her energy is called in.

The time has come to not mourn about her difficult live, but to celebrate her entrance in the world’s realm. By her dedication to her spiritual path, she was able to develop her flame to such an extent that her consciousness is now able to serve us in our search to find balance between our feminine and masculine qualities. Several times I experienced that Mary Magdalene’s Consciousness guided me to take certain actions on the 22nd of July and also on the 22nd of other months. For example, on the 22nd of July 2018 I was offered the essence vibration called Mary’s Light; I was guided to start the Mary Magdalene Magical Months (an online Self-Love Journey of 7

months) on the 22nd of October; and I was asked to offer Mary Magdalene Light Transmissions on the 22nd of several months.

Take advantage of the powerful date of the 22nd of July to connect more easily with the omnipresent Mary Magdalene Consciousness in any of the ways presented here.

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3 – Visit a Power Place

My experience is that when a certain aspect of The Divine is acknowledged and worshipped for years at a certain location, this location becomes very powerful. Some of them are fantastic power houses, like ancient temples and pyramids. On these sacred sites, the worshipped forces are easily accessible. This is also the case with churches, cathedrals or chapels dedicated to Mary Magdalene. In general I do not like religion for its dogmas and their claim to have the exclusive right to connect with The Divine – after all, life is about empowering yourself and that includes finding your own individual way to connect with The Divine. But I do find that in some of the religious buildings dedicated to Mary Magdalene it is very easy to connect with Her loving embrace.

If you can, don’t let any negative experience with religion put you off visiting a religious place that is dedicated to Mary Magdalene, rather see it as a massive opportunity to heal and come to terms with the past. Mary Magdalene can’t help it that religion has distorted her name and the message of love that she came to bring into the world.

Visit a church, cathedral, chapel or any other place that is dedicated to Mary Magdalene. Feel into the energies there and then decide for yourself whether they are positive or negative. If you don’t feel attracted to enter or stay, then

don’t do it – trust your intuition. Research the places in your area to find the ones that allow you to connect with Her energy. I personally like to burn a candle for Mary Magdalene to acknowledge her spiritual journey and to thank her for all Her support in my life.

The Mary Magdalene Church in Stockholm, Sweden

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4 – Allow Art to Serve You

Many artists all over the world depicted Mary Magdalene. They all had their own individual take on who she was and what her role was in the world’s theatre. Art is very powerful in transmitting the energy with which it was created.

Perhaps you have a favourite painting, drawing, sculpture or any other form of art that depicts Mary Magdalene, otherwise there is plenty to find on the internet. If possible, go to the place where the art is presented. You can also make a print of the artwork that you like and discover all aspects of the depiction by letting your eyes gently wander. Be still and allow your heart to be touched by the creative love with which Mary Magdalene was depicted and the energy that flows out of the artwork into your heart. Meditate, connect, give thanks.

Mary Magdalene: Invitation to Love by Janet McKenzie Mary Magdalene and the Tree of Life by Alma Yamazaki

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5 – Visit Nature

As mentioned in the preface, we are living in the Era of the Rise of the Divine Feminine Consciousness. The Divine Feminine, including the Earth Mother, was neglected and abused for many, many centuries and this is still happening. Our task on earth is to heal the distorted masculine forces and the suppressed feminine forces within ourselves, and to bring balance between the two of them. This then will have an inevitable positive effect on the way we connect with other people and the Earth Mother. Mary Magdalene’s Consciousness is an aspect of the Divine Feminine God Force, and so are Mother Earth and nature. Therefore, you can ask nature to connect you with Mary Magdalene. You need to know that the nature forces like to be acknowledged before they respond to you. Once you have made your exchange, they will start interacting with you.

Visit nature (garden, forest, beach etc.) and show the nature forces your appreciation by thanking them from your heart (not the brain) for the ways in which they support your existence. Then make an exchange for their vital bedding. You can do this in various ways, e.g.:

clear a neglected piece of garden; pick up any waste (e.g. plastic) from a forest, beach or any other

natural environment; make an offer with one of the essence vibrations that Mary

Magdalene has offered. I find the essence called Mary’s Light very useful for this and I regularly drop a few drops of this essence vibration in a canal, on a tree, in a garden etc.

Once you have made your exchange, center yourself in your heart, connect with the nature forces and then ask for a connection with Mary Magdalene. Wait and allow the unexpected to be the response and confirmation for you.

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6 – The Essence Vibration ‘Mary’s Light’

The essence vibration of Mary’s Light was gifted to me for healing and also for reconnection with the Divine Mother of All That Is. Now how does that work? Mary Magdalene’s Light is an aspect of the Divine Feminine God Force and therefore one of Her main functions is being a portal to The Divine Mother. Now Light is not the same as energy, it has a completely different vibration and signature. It is of a higher realm, but you can use it very well to connect with the consciousness of Mary Magdalene.

The essence vibration ‘Mary’s Light’ contains pure liquid Light and has mothering, nurturing, soothing an calming aspects. You can use it for yourself or, as described above, offer a few drops to nature. The intake is three times a day three drops in a little water until the bottle is empty. This takes about four weeks. The vibration then continues to work for another two weeks, which means that you benefit for six weeks in total.

If you feel called, you can purchase your bottle in the web shop of the Divine Plan Healing School, https://divineplanhealingschool.org/shop/marys-light-essence/?lang=en.

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7 – The Divine Plan Healing Training

The Divine Plan Healing System was gifted by Mary Magdalene with the help of Yeshua on the 22nd (!) of October 2013 to (re)connect people with their blueprint, their individual path and their gentle power. A Divine Plan Healer is ‘nothing but’ the witness of transformational healings given by the Emerald Heart Light and the Love and Wisdom of Mary Magdalene. Many people have taken one or more trainings and since their very first attunement, Mary Magdalene is always present during their Divine Plan Healings. I often receive the feedback that She makes herself known on other occasions as well.

You are most welcome to learn how to give Divine Plan Healings to yourself and others. This training takes only one day at the location of a Divine Plan Teacher, and can also be taken online in 3 slots of about 2,5 hours (with live Zoom or Skype video).

Read experiences of Divine Plan Initiates and Healers with Mary Magdalene’s Consciousness on the website of the Divine Plan Healing School, https://divineplanhealingschool.org/experiences-with-mary-magdalene/?lang=en.

In-depth information about the training is available at https://divineplanhealingschool.org/becoming-a-divine-plan-healer/?lang=en.

Thank you These are the seven ways of connecting with The Mary Magdalene Consciousness that I was asked to share with you. I hope that this e-book has brought you the tools that you were looking for. Wishing you many uplifting Mary Magdalene Moments!

www.divineplanhealingschool.org | [email protected]


Feedback I love receiving feedback!

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Do you have another way to connect with The Mary Magdalene Consciousness? I would love to hear that.

Do share your Mary Magdalene Moments with me! Thank you for staying connected. Many blessings, Harriët

Photocredits Heart: Designecologist

Calendar: Maddi Bazzocco Mary Magdalene Church pictures: Harriët Kroon

Leaves: Aaron Burden Mary’s Light essence: David Ashworth

Online Divine Plan Healing Training: Benjamin Arthur