7 ways to beat sugar cravings

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7 Ways to Beat Sugar Cravings

90045729 15 101

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Sugar cravings can certainly be a problem, and many people struggle with them. With a modern lifestyle that often includes processed foods,

irregular sleep schedules, artificial light and lack of movement, hormone imbalance is a growing problem and cravings are a growing symptom.

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What Causes Sugar cravings?

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• There are many reasons we crave sugar. Humans are somewhat wired to crave sugar and carbohydrates from birth for a good reason.

• Breastmilk is naturally sweet and has important carbohydrates that not only feed the baby, but feed the baby’s gut bacteria as well.

• The carbohydrates in breast milk stimulate the release of serotonin, endorphins, and promote relaxation.

• These are all important reactions in babies and contribute to the bonding process between mother and child.

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• Later in life, this natural desire for sweet foods continues and the body still gets this physiological sense of reward from eating sweets.

• Today, where there are 90 types of candy bars and 40 kinds of soda at every checkout counter, they can do more harm than good.

• Habitual consumption of sugar and excess carbohydrates can perpetuate this craving cycle, and statistically, habitual sugar consumption is exactly what many of us do.

• The average American consumes 22 teaspoons of added sugars a day in the form of foods, drinks and sweets.

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• Of course, occasional indulgence in a high quality and nutrient dense treat, like homemade chocolate or coconut milk panna cotta, is  perfectly fine unless there is another health issue, but everyday sugar consumption and cravings are a big struggle for many people.

• If you struggle with cravings, these are a few things that I’ve found helpful for beating sugar cravings naturally.

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A Little L-Glutamine

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• Any of us with severe amino acid deficiencies and neurotransmitter imbalances can’t overcome sugar addiction with willpower alone.

• Fortunately, the solution involves short term supplementation with the amino acid L-Glutamine.

• It’s possible that a few 500mg doses of L-Glutamine per day when sugar cravings occur is enough to rid a person of sugar cravings in only a month or two.

• In hindsight, I noticed that when I was taking L-Glutamine as part of my protocol to improve my gut health and manage my autoimmune thyroid disease, I also lost all cravings for sugar.

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Protein and Good Fats

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• Sometimes, sugar cravings may be from something as simple as consuming too many processed carbohydrates on a regular basis and not getting enough protein and fats.

• Carbohydrates provide a quick and easy source of energy for the body, and they certainly have their place, but when a person gets in a habit of carbohydrate consumption, the result can be blood sugar fluctuations that lead to cravings.

• Proteins are made up of amino acids, which are vital for proper neurotransmitter production, an important component in balancing hormones and avoiding sugar cravings.

• Beneficial fats are a source of energy for the body and help increase satiety and ward off immature feelings of hunger.

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Eat when Hungry

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• Times of intense hunger are not times to make level-headed decisions about the best foods to eat.

• Eating enough nutrient rich foods like proteins, healthy fats and vegetables will help stop extreme hunger and blood sugar swings.

• This makes it easier to choose healthy options as sugar cravings are more likely to occur when a person gets extremely hungry (especially when this hunger is combined with stress or lack of sleep).

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Get Moving

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• Exercise releases some of the same endorphins that sugary foods release and can be a great substitute when done consistently.

• You don’t have to go running or do anything incredibly intense to get the benefits.

• Even just a brisk walk or a few minutes of intervals with a jump rope or just your body weight can be enough to get the endorphins moving and dodge the sugar cravings.

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Get Some Sleep

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• From a sugar perspective, sleep is vital for balancing blood sugar and maintaining the correct levels of the hormones that manage insulin.

• In fact, just one night of impaired sleep can leave a person with the blood sugar levels of a pre-diabetic.

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• Some evidence shows that taking small doses of Chromium can help ward off blood sugar dips and spikes that lead to cravings.

• A doctor once recommended that I take 200 mcg of Chromium once a day in the morning to help balance blood sugar levels.

• Always check with your doctor first.

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• B-vitamins are said to help with carbohydrate metabolism and are also important for many other reactions in the body.

• B-vitamins are depleted by excess stress, carbohydrate consumption and environmental stressors.

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A Note About Sugar Substitutes…

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• There are many sugar substitutes available now, but just switching out sugar for a sugar-substitute won’t address the underlying problem and may lead to more serious problems, depending on the sweetener.

• Two that I use on occasion are xylitol and stevia, and I avoid all others.

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For more information about sugar cravings an the dangers

of sugar overconsumption, Click here.

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