7 top-secret fat-burning bio-hacks - amazon s3your body stores glycogen in 2 places: your muscles...


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Page 1: 7 Top-Secret Fat-Burning Bio-Hacks - Amazon S3Your body stores glycogen in 2 places: your muscles and your liver. Muscle glycogen is used for energy when you’re running, lifting,
Page 2: 7 Top-Secret Fat-Burning Bio-Hacks - Amazon S3Your body stores glycogen in 2 places: your muscles and your liver. Muscle glycogen is used for energy when you’re running, lifting,

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Copyright Notice

Hey guys, this notice is just to say that this free report is copyrighted with All Rights Reserved by me & my company, Neil O’Nova Enterprises, LLC. Feel free to share this with anyone you want—as long as you share the entire, unedited file.

Disclaimer and/or Legal Notices

The information provided in this ebook is for educational purposes only. I am not a doctor and this is not meant to be taken as medical advice. The information provided in this book is based upon my experiences as well as my interpretations of the current research available. The advice and tips given in this ebook are meant for healthy adults only. You should consult your physician to insure the tips given in this ebook are appropriate for your individual circumstances. If you have any health issues or pre-existing conditions, please consult with your physician before implementing any of the information provided in this ebook. This ebook is for informational purposes only and the author does not accept any responsibilities for any liabilities or damages, real or perceived, resulting from the use of this information.

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The “Fat-Burning Foods” Myth

People talk a lot about “fat-burning foods,” “foods that burn fat,” and other nonsense like


Blueberries… Almonds… Lean meats… These are all examples of what some people

have referred to as “fat-burning foods.”

Don’t get me wrong, these

foods might be healthy. Some

might be low in calories. They

might even raise your

metabolism more than the

average food.

But they’re still food, which

means that they DO contain

calories. And that means you

can actually get fat by eating

these foods.

That’s right: you can get fat from eating blueberries, almonds, and chicken breast (if you

eat enough of them).

So, what gives?

Is the whole idea of “fat-burning food” something that marketers made up to sell you


Does a true “fat-burning food” really exist?

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The Only Real “Fat-Burning Food”

It turns out there IS a fat-burning food…

Or at least, a fat-burning nutrient.

And that nutrient is called resistant starch.

Resistant starch is a type of carbohydrate that your body

can't actually digest. Which means that when you eat

resistant starch, you’re not absorbing any calories. But your

body does have to spend some calories to move this

resistant starch through your digestive tract.

This makes it a REAL fat-burning food. (Nutrient.)

But it gets better.

Because while you can’t digest resistant starch, the

beneficial bacteria in your digestive system CAN. And these

beneficial gut bacteria help to keep you healthy and speed

up your fat loss.

For proof of this, check out the study titled "Resistant starch

consumption promotes lipid oxidation.” This study found that

eating 5.4% of your calories from resistant starch increased

fat burning.1

Foods High in Resistant Starch

Ok, so what foods should you eat to get this resistant starch

& increase your metabolism?

● Green (unripe) bananas

● Plantains

● Potatoes & potato starch

● Rice

● Legumes

Resistant Starch vs Yogurt

You’ve probably heard yogurt

described as a probiotic, right?

In other words, it introduces

healthy new gut bacteria into

your digestive system.

Well resistant starch is what they

call a PREbiotic. It doesn’t

actually add bacteria to your gut.

Instead, it’s a food source for

those good bacteria. As a result,

eating more prebiotics (like

resistant starch) can help

promote healthier gut bacteria.

The bacteria in your gut is one of

the most underrated and most

important things there is when

comes to your health and

wellness. Eating resistant starch

can help:

Increase your metabolism

Decrease your


Improve your body's

resistance to stress

Lower blood glucose


Improve insulin sensitivity

That's a lot of sweet health


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Green bananas are a great source (once bananas ripen, however, the resistant starch

changes to become more digestible). Potatoes & potato starch, however, are probably

the best source of resistant starch.

Speaking of potatoes, here’s a cool trick I learned by from Rusty Moore: the resistant

starch content of a potato increases each time you re-cool and re-heat it.

● Cooked potato: 0.25 g of resistant starch

● Cooled potato: 3.5 g of resistant starch

● Re-heated potato: 4 g of resistant starch

And so on. Check out this blog post which describes how Chris Voigt lost 21 pounds

eating nothing but potatoes.

So that's your first hack: eat more resistant starch to feed your beneficial gut bacteria

and increase fat-burning.

Sources: 1 Higgins JA, Higbee DR, Donahoo WT, Brown IL, Bell ML, Bessesen DH. Resistant starch consumption promotes lipid oxidation.

Nutrition & Metabolism. 2004;1:8. doi:10.1186/1743-7075-1-8.. ALSO: Robertson, D.M. Insulin-sensitizing effects of dietary resistant

starch and effects on skeletal muscle and adipose tissue metabolism. 2005 American Society for Clinical Nutrition.

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Should You Snack At All?

Before we get to the snack itself, I think it’s important that we first answer an important


Should you snack at all? And why or why not?

Snacking: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

The Good The Bad The Ugly

Done right, snacking tides you over until your next meal. It can help you

reduce overeating during meals and resist

temptations like the drive-thru.

Unfortunately, most people eat way too much when

they snack...and turn their snacks into extra meals. They would do better to

simply skip the snacks and eat bigger meals.

At its worst, snacking is done out of boredom and

becomes a source of empty calories. To make

matters worse, these calories come from crappy

junk food.

The unfortunate truth is that most

people snack the wrong way. They end

up eating way more calories than they

would if they skipped the snack and ate

bigger meals instead.

But don’t despair: smart, healthy

snacking is possible!

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What Should You Look For in a Snack?

The goal of a good snack, as I said above, is to:

1) Tide you over between meals

2) Reduce overeating during meals

3) Help you resist high-calorie temptations

The best way for a snack to accomplish these 3 things is to restore your liver glycogen.

What Is Liver Glycogen & Why Is It Important?

Glycogen is a form of stored carbohydrates that your body uses for energy. Your body

stores glycogen in 2 places: your muscles and your liver.

Muscle glycogen is used for energy when you’re running, lifting, exercising, etc.

Liver glycogen is used to balance out your blood sugar levels.

Your liver glycogen is what keeps your blood sugar stable in between meals. If your

blood sugar starts to get low, your liver releases glycogen (carbohydrates) into your

bloodstream to perk you up.

In other words, liver glycogen helps to keep you feeling consistently energetic and


The problem comes when your liver glycogen

levels become depleted (which is more likely

to happen when you’re eating a calorie deficit

to lose weight). When this happens, your body

can’t maintain stable blood sugar levels.

As a result, you start to feel tired, cranky, and


On the other hand, if you can keep your liver

glycogen full, then your blood sugar will remain

stable in between meals. You’ll feel energetic

and focused, and you’ll have the willpower

necessary to resist high-calorie temptations.

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Why is fruit a better snack

than veggies?

Honestly, veggies are

always a good choice—

you can’t go wrong with


But I recommend making

fruit your snack of choice,

not veggies, because

veggies don’t have

enough calories.

One cup of raw broccoli

has only about 2 g of

fructose, which isn’t

enough to replenish your

liver glycogen.

One banana, on the other

hand, has about 25 g—

which is enough to tide

you over until your next



What’s the Best Food to Restore Liver Glycogen?

As I said, glycogen is made up of carbohydrates. So to restore your glycogen stores,

you need to eat a few carbs.

And there are 2 common types of carbohydrates: glucose and fructose.

Glucose Fructose

● Comes from starches (potatoes, rice, pasta, grains, flour, etc.).

● Restores muscle & liver glycogen.2

● Comes from fruits & veggies. ● Restores liver glycogen.2,3

As you can see, glucose can be used anywhere—by

muscles or liver. But fructose can only be used by your


This is why fructose is the best choice of carbohydrate

to replenish your liver glycogen.4

And since fructose comes from fruits & veggies, that

makes FRUIT the best food to eat as a snack.

Why Is Fruit the Best Snack?

The main reason to choose fruit as your snack is

because fruit has the ideal combination of fructose with

a little bit of glucose to replenish your liver glycogen.

This will help keep your blood sugar stable in between

meals, so you don’t get too hungry, tired, or irritable.

But that’s not the only reason. Here are a few other

great benefits of snacking on fruit:

● It’s a healthy choice with vitamins, antioxidants,

& other micronutrients.

● Fruit is fairly low in calories (maybe 100 calories

or so).

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● It’s cheap and often doesn’t need refrigerated.

● Fruit travels well; it’s easy to throw an apple or banana in your bag.

● It has potassium, which helps balance out excess sodium.

● Some fruits are high in fiber which also helps keep you feeling full.

Which Fruits Should You Eat?

There are all kinds of fruits out there. So which fruits should you snack on?

Most Convenient: Apples & Bananas

Healthiest: Berries

Just Plain Delicious: Pears & Plums

These fruits are super easy and convenient. They don’t need refrigeration and are relatively easy to eat (no silverware needed). Toss an apple or banana in your bag or briefcase and you’re good to go.

Berries are the healthiest fruit because they usually have the most fiber, the most nutrients, and the least calories of all fruits. Strawberries, cherries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries… Any berry is a good choice.

Maybe it’s just me, but these are some of the tastiest fruits out there. They’re delicate, so they’re not as easy to travel with as an apple or banana, but they make a delicious snack anytime you’re at home.

Other good options:

● Apricots

● Oranges

● Grapes

● Kiwis

● Honeydew

● Mango

● Nectarine

● Pineapple

● Watermelon

Bad options (these do NOT count):

● Fruit juice

● Fruit lollipops

● Fruit roll-ups

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In other words, you should only eat real, natural,

raw, whole fruits.

Important: Remember…

Just remember, this is a SNACK.

If you're feeling hungry in between meals or

something, that's when you want to have a

banana or an apple to tide you over.

It’s NOT an excuse to eat 1,000 calories.

Fruit is a healthy choice, but you still have to

exercise portion control. Fruit is relatively high in

sugar and you can definitely gain weight if you

eat too much.

And that’s hack #2: snack on fruit to replenish

liver glycogen and keep your blood sugar stable

in between meals.

Sources: 2 Décombaz J1, Jentjens R, Ith M, Scheurer E, Buehler T, Jeukendrup A,

Boesch C. Fructose and galactose enhance postexercise human liver

glycogen synthesis. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2011 Oct;43(10):1964-71. doi:

10.1249/MSS.0b013e318218ca5a. 3 McGrane, MM (2006). Carbohydrate Metabolism: Synthesis and

Oxidation. Missouri: Saunders, Elsevier. pp. 258–277. 4 Conlee RK, Lawler RM, Ross PE. Effects of glucose or fructose feeding

on glycogen repletion in muscle and liver after exercise or fasting. Ann

Nutr Metab. 1987;31(2):126-32.

People often misunderstand what

organic means. Basically, organic

foods are grown without pesticides,

chemical fertilizers, dyes, etc.

For some foods, this doesn’t really

matter. That’s because some foods

have a thick skin that protects them

against pesticide contamination.

For other foods, organic makes a

big difference. That’s because

these foods are easily

contaminated by pesticides (and

some of them may require more

pesticides to keep them insect-


A good rule of thumb is this: if the

food has a thin skin (think

tomatoes), it’s best to go organic. If

it has a really thick skin (like

pineapple), then you probably don’t

need to get organic.

Fruits on the “Dirty Dozen”:

● Apples

● Grapes

● Peaches

● Strawberries

● Sweet Bell Peppers

Fruits on the “Clean 15”:







Does Organic Matter?

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Seriously? Tetris?

Yes, Tetris. Seriously.

Don’t like Tetris?

Angry Birds will work, too.

Am I Crazy?

Yeah, I’m crazy...crazy like a


Here’s the thing to keep in


Hunger cravings are often

strongly visual.

Think about it like this. How many times have you been watching TV, feeling no hunger


When suddenly you see a Krispy Kreme commercial.

And somehow, seeing a huge, moist chocolate donut in slow motion makes your

stomach grumble.

Thirty seconds ago you weren’t hungry at all. But now, all of a sudden, you want a

freaking donut.

What just happened there?

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Hunger Cravings Are Often Visual

We humans are visual creatures. Out of all the 5

senses, we’ve come to trust sight more than any


Is it any surprise, then, that seeing food is enough

to make us hungry?

It’s true.

I’m not just talking about commercials, either. For

example, have you ever walked into the

breakroom at work and seen a box of donuts

sitting out on the table?

Same things happens. You go from not hungry to

craving a donut in 2 seconds flat.

Billboards on the highway… Print ads in a

magazine… Watching a friend eat a cookie…

These are all visual cues that can elicit a powerful hunger response.

OK, So...Where Does Tetris Come In?

We’ve established that hunger cravings are often visual in nature. In other words, just

seeing a food can make you crave it.

Luckily for us, this mechanism can also work in the other direction.

In other words, you can reduce the power of hunger cravings by occupying the visual

part of your brain with something else!

Something...like Tetris.

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A 2014 study showed that engaging in visual tasks, like playing Tetris, was enough to

reduce hunger cravings and reduce the “vividness and frequency of craving imagery.”5

See, when you play a visual game like Tetris or Angry Birds, you’re creating a

visuospatial working memory load.

In other words, you’re forcing the visual part of your brain to focus on something else

(something other than food).

And that distraction is enough to reduce hunger cravings.

How Should You Use This Information?

It’s an interesting fact, but how should you use this information?

I would recommend finding a game on your cell phone that you enjoy.

Anytime you feel a hunger urge coming on, open the game and play for a few minutes.

Chances are, by the time your game is over, the urge will have passed.

(Hunger urges and cravings do that, by the way. They come and go like waves. You

won’t have to resist the urge forever. You just have to resist it for a few minutes until it

goes away.)

What Game(s) Should You Play?

The easiest thing is to just open your app store and browse through the best-selling

games. But here are a few ideas:

● Tetris

● Angry Birds

● Kingdom Rush

And that’s hack #3: play Tetris (or another visual game) to reduce hunger cravings.

Sources: 5 Jessica Skorka-Brown, Jackie Andrade. Playing ‘Tetris’ reduces the strength, frequency and vividness of naturally occurring

cravings. Appetite, Volume 76, 1 May 2014, Pages 161–165.

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The Importance of Grocery Shopping

When it comes to weight loss, I believe that 90% of the battle is either won or lost at the

grocery store.

Not at the dinner table, or in the pantry, or in the fridge.

It happens before all that, when you actually buy the food that will occupy your kitchen.

If You Buy It, You Will Eat It

The truth of the matter is, if

you buy junk food, you WILL

eat it sooner or later.

(Usually sooner.)

It doesn’t matter how

determined you are or how

strong your willpower is.

When there’s junk food in

your kitchen, it’s a constant


It sits on the shelf, tempting you with its sugary goodness. And sooner or later, even the

most dedicated dieter will crack.

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So what’s the trick? How do you avoid this losing proposition?

The answer is pretty simple: don’t buy that crap in the first place.

How To Eliminate Junk-Food Purchases Forever

The trick, it would seem, is to eliminate junk-food purchases at the grocery store.

But how do you do that?

Should you make sure to eat before going to grocery store so you’re not hungry?

Should you stick to the outside aisles?

Should you always shop with a grocery list?

Yes, those are all great grocery-store strategies.

But they aren’t fool-proof. Even if you go to the grocery store well-fed and with a list, it’s

still easy to come home with a few impulse purchases.

After all, grocery stores are laid out specifically to TRICK YOU into making impulse


Grocery stores bake fresh donuts and muffins and leave them out in plain sight. They

have all kinds of signs and coupons. They put high-impulse items (like cookies, candy

bars, etc.) at eye-level. They also force you to go all the way to the back of the store to

pick up a gallon of milk.

Basically, grocery stores do everything they can to try to get you to buy more food than

you need.

Luckily, there is one thing you can do that makes it super easy to resist these tricks.

The #1 Best Way to Resist Grocery Store Temptations

What’s the easiest way to resist grocery store temptations?

Don’t go to the grocery store!

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That might sound facetious, but I’m being quite serious.

The best way to eliminate impulse purchases is to give your

grocery list to someone else and let them do your grocery

shopping for you.

In other words, use a grocery delivery service!

How Much Does This Cost?

Now, you do have to pay a small delivery fee (InstaCart is

about $4-6/order or $99/year). But at the same time, these

services also make it easier to compare prices.

In other words, you can search for a food and then sort by

price to quickly find the cheapest option.

So you end up paying a little extra for the delivery, but you

also save a little money too.

Tricks to Get Even More Benefit from These


As you can see, grocery delivery services are super useful

and convenient. And here are a few ninja tricks to get even

more benefit out of them:

● Once you pick out the foods you like, you can add

them to your “favorites.” This makes it super-easy to

buy them again next time.

● Out of town? On vacation? Schedule a grocery

delivery for the night you get back in town.

● Order groceries and hit the gym while somebody else

does your shopping for you!

Ok, that's it for hack #4: use a grocery delivery service to cut

down on junk-food purchases.

What Is A Grocery Delivery Service?

These are services that will do

your grocery shopping for you

and deliver them to your door. All

you have to do is pick out the

food you want on their website.

Peapod is the most well-known

service, but these things are

springing up all over the place.

Even Amazon delivers a ton of

groceries nowadays.

I recently started using one

called Instacart, and it has

changed my life.

Instead of spending an hour and

a half driving to the store,

walking around shopping,

waiting in line to pay, and driving

home… Now I just go online,

click on the “favorites” tab, and

add all my favorite foods to my


I schedule the delivery for a time

when I'll be home, and boom. My

grocery shopping done—and I

didn't even have to use a scrap

of willpower… Because I wasn't

faced with any temptations.

Because I didn't even go to the


It saves me a ton of time and

hassle. I save at least 2 hours

every time I use it.

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The Importance of Mindfulness

When it comes to weight loss, few qualities are as important—or as underrated—as


Mindfulness means just what it sounds like: it’s

being mindful of the present moment, what you’re

doing, and how you’re feeling. Eating mindfully

means that you’re aware of what you’re eating,

how much you’re eating, and how it’s making you

feel. (This includes being aware of the moment

when you’re no longer hungry.)

This is, of course, the exact OPPOSITE of

mindless eating, which is what most of us do when

we’re sitting in front of the TV with a bag of chips.

Learning how to eat more mindfully is one of the most researched and clinically proven

ways there is to successfully lose weight and keep it off.6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13

The only problem is, it’s hard to be mindful all the time. We can all force ourselves to

pay attention to the moment, but it’s easy to slip back into our old habits and actions

after just a few moments.

Fortunately, there’s a trick that makes it much, much easier to be mindful of everything

you put in your mouth.

Instant Mindfulness (the Easy Way)

The trick is simple: take a picture of everything you eat.

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And that’s it.

You have a cell phone, right?

And you have that phone with

you pretty much all day, right?

Finally, that phone has a

camera, doesn’t it?

Well there you go.

Just get in the habit of whipping

out your phone and snapping a

quick photo of everything you’re

going to eat. Everything—

whether it’s a meal, a snack, or

even a single blueberry. If it has

calories, take a picture of

everything you eat.

This is a relatively easy habit to adopt, and its effects can be profound. Taking one

second to snap a picture of what you’re about to eat will force you to become

momentarily aware of your diet.

And the more aware you are of what you’re eating, the more likely you are to make

smart food choices.

So that’s hack #5: take a picture of everything you eat to promote greater diet


Sources: 6 Mindful eating may help with weight loss. http://www.health.harvard.edu/healthbeat/mindful-eating-may-help-with-weight-loss 7 Daubenmmier J, Kristeller J, Hecht FM, et al. (2011). Mindfulness Intervention for Stress Eating to Reduce Cortisol and Abdominal

Fat among Overwieght and Obese Women: An Exploratory Randomized Controlled Study. Journal of Obesity, 2011. 8 Tapper, K., Shaw, C., Ilsley, J., et al. (2008). Exploratory randomised controlled trial of a mindfulness based weight loss

intervention for women, Appetite, doi:10.1016/j.appet.2008.11.012. 9 Papies EK, Barsalou LW, Custers R. (2011). Mindful attention prevents mindless impulses. Research submitted to Social

Psychology and Personality Science. 10 Smith, BW, Shelley BM, Leahigh L, et. al. (2006). A preliminary Study of the Effects of a Modified Mindfulness Intervention on

Binge Eating. Journal of Evidence-Based Complimentary & Alternative Medicine, 11(3), p. 133-143. 11 Bacon L, Stern JS, Van Loan MD, & et. al. (2005). Size acceptance and intuitive eating improve health for obese, female chronic

dieters. Journal of American Dietetic Association, 105, 929-36. 12 Kristeller JL, Hallett CB. (1999). An exploratory study of a meditation-based intervention [mindful eating] for binge eating

disorder. Journal of Health Psychology, 4, 357-63. 13 Smitham LA. (2008).Evaluating an intuitive eating program for binge eating disorder: A benchmarking study [dissertation]. South

Bend, IN: University of Notre Dame.

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The TV Trap

There are many reasons why

watching TV is associated with

weight gain and


For one thing, it’s a sedentary

activity that burns very few


As you learned in the last hack,

eating in front of the TV is also

a form of mindless eating.

Mindless eating is a weight loss

no-no, because it typically causes us to eat way more than we should.

Now, I’m not going to tell you to avoid watching TV. I think it’s fine to watch shows in


Instead, I have one quick and easy trick you can use to cut down on TV-related weight

gain. And that is…

Never, ever eat out of a bag or box. Eat off a plate instead.

This applies to chips, cookies, popcorn, cereal, ice cream, EVERYTHING that comes in

a bag or a box or a container of some kind.

This probably makes intuitive sense already, but let’s dig in a little deeper.

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Remember the Tetris Hack?

Remember hack #3 in this report? In that hack, you learned that hunger cravings are

often visual. Just seeing food is often enough to make you feel hungry.

Now, here’s the problem with eating out of a bag or box: You never actually SEE how

much food you’re eating. You have no concept of how much you’ve already eaten.

How many servings have you eaten? One? Two? Three? Is the bag half-empty?

There’s no visual cue giving you this information when you eat out of the bag. Instead,

you get in this habit of automatically moving your hand in and out of the bag. It’s a

mindless, robotic movement that usually doesn’t stop until the bag is empty.

Has This Ever Happened To You?

I know it’s happened to me.

You open a bag of chips and sit down in front of the TV. You’re not really that hungry,

but chips just sounded good and it’s nice to have something to do when you’re watching

a show.

Before you know it, you’re engrossed in the screen. You aren’t paying any attention to

the chips. But your hand doesn’t stop moving.

The next thing you know, you reach into that bag for a chip… And there aren’t any left.

You ate the whole. God. Damn. Bag.

Add up those calories, and you easily

just took in 1000+ calories of highly

processed simple carbs and cheap


And worst of all? You weren’t really

paying attention when you ate them…

Which means you didn’t really enjoy

any of it.

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There’s an Easy Fix

And that fix is to simply eat off of a plate.

If you want some chips, fine—have

some chips...but put them on a plate.

Then, put the bag away.

Now, you have a visual cue. You’ll

see how much you’re eating.

It’s also a form of damage control,

because you can’t just keep eating. If

you want more, you have to make

the conscious decision to get up and

put more on the plate.

This works for anything that comes in a container: chips, cookies, crackers, pretzels, ice

cream, candy, popcorn, nuts—anything.

So that’s hack #6: eat off a plate, and never out of a bag or box.

Sources: 14 B Swinburn and A Shelly.Effects of TV time and other sedentary pursuits. International Journal of Obesity (2008) 32, S132–

S136; doi:10.1038/ijo.2008.249.

15 DeBoer M, Peck T, and Scharf R. Viewing as Little as 1 Hour of Television Daily Is Associated with Higher Weight Status in

Kindergarten: The Early Longitudinal Study. Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting. 2015. 16 Henderson VR. Longitudinal associations between television viewing and body mass index among white and black girls. J

Adolesc Health. 2007;41:544-50. 17 Dietz WH, Jr., Gortmaker SL. Do we fatten our children at the television set? Obesity and television viewing in children and

adolescents. Pediatrics. 1985;75:807-12.

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Should You Share Your Goals?

That’s the crux of this hack.

Most people tend to think that it’s best to share your goals with family and friends.

The reasoning goes like this:

If I tell people about my goals to lose weight, I’m making a public commitment. They’ll

hold me to it, so I’ll be more likely to achieve my goal.

It’s a perfectly reasonable explanation...which is a shame.

Because it’s 100% wrong.

The Danger of Speaking Your Goals Out Loud

According to research, the truth is

the exact opposite: sharing your

goals with others makes you more

likely to give up and quit.18

Here’s the problem.

When you say your goal out loud, as

Derek Sivers says, it’s easy for your

mind to “mistake the talking for the

doing.” And on top of that, sharing

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your goals with others causes them to give you encouragement and acknowledgement.

And that that acknowledgement often “feels real in the mind.”

In other words, sharing your goal with others gives you a mental sense of satisfaction.

You get what researchers call a “premature sense of completeness.”

Here’s an Example

Let’s say you decide that you’re finally going to do it: you’re going to commit 100% to

losing 50 pounds, getting in the best shape of your life, and looking fantastic for that

wedding 10 months from now. You get all psyched up and your motivation is through

the roof.

The next time you hang out with your friends, you tell them the good news.

“I’m going on a diet,” you say. “And I’m serious. I’m really serious. I’m going to lose 50

pounds by the wedding and get in the best shape of my life.”

By telling this to your friends, you’ll elicit responses like:

● That’s awesome!

● I’m jealous!

● Way to go!

It might seem that this encouragement is a helpful thing. But in fact, on a subconscious

level, you’re now starting to FEEL as if you’ve already completed that goal. After all,

you’ve already been congratulated for it.

And as a result, you lose the motivation to actually do the hard work.

So, counterintuitive as it may seem, keep your goals to yourself. Dream big, by all

means—just don’t share those dreams with others until you’ve actually achieved them.

And that’s hack #7: keep your goals private to keep up your motivation.

Sources: 18 Peter M. Gollwitzer, Paschal Sheeran, Verena Michalski, and Andrea E. Seifert. When Intentions Go Public: Does Social Reality

Widen the Intention-Behavior Gap? Association for Psychological Science, 2009. Volume 20, No. 5.

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You just read 7 Top-Secret Fat-Burning Bio-Hacks to

improve your health, boost energy, & transform your body.

Now…how would you like 50 more?

That’s exactly what you’ll get with the Stronger+Leaner

guide called:

57 Quick & Easy Fat-Burning Hacks

In this program, you’ll discover a mind-blowing 57 easy

lifestyle tweaks that you can use to dramatically ramp up

your body’s fat burning.

These lifestyle tweaks are NOT difficult, or expensive, or

time-consuming. Instead, these hacks all take advantage

of the logic behind the 80/20 principle to leverage the most

efficient weight-loss strategies…

Making weight loss faster, easier, and more enjoyable

than ever…

While helping you to save time and frustration by

AVOIDING the 80% of weight-loss strategies that give you

minimal results.

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You’ll discover secrets and strategies like:

● 7 clever ways to take advantage of your own

psychology to make yourself a naturally healthy

eater… This is how you make weight-loss


● 9 “smart replacements” for common high-calorie

foods. These are simple substitutions you can make

each week that will significantly reduce calories

without changing the way your food tastes…

● Exactly what you should order at restaurants to avoid

derailing your diet…

● The one weight-loss technique that nobody talks

about, even though it’s been proven through research

time and time and time again…

● Tricks to reduce your time spent in the kitchen by up

to 80%…

● How to hack the physiology of your sleep to optimize

your body’s hormone levels and reduce hunger…

● The secrets to achieving elite motivation that will help

ensure consistent progress…

● Why you might be wasting hours and hours of your

life at the gym…

● And much, much more.

These weight-loss hacks can be used with any diet or

exercise plan you want: it doesn’t matter if you’re on the

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Atkins, South Beach, or Paleo Diet, if you’re a Cross-Fitter

or a weekend warrior or just a regular guy or girl who

wants to lose some weight and look good…without

starving or killing yourself at the gym.

Now let me just be clear: this is not a fad diet or a miracle


This is a system of easy lifestyle modifications that make

weight loss easier and more enjoyable.

This is a collection of essential weight-loss strategies that

you can use for the rest of your life to achieve and

maintain a leaner, sexier physique.

This is weight-loss made smart.

This is 57 Quick & Easy Fat-Loss Hacks.