7 day prayer printable tracie miles revisedday+prayer...in divine ways, our spiritual passion will...

P rayer. It seems like a simple thing to do, but sometimes we make it complicated. We think we have to say the right words and pray in the right way. We compare our prayers to the prayer styles of others, and deem we are not capable of praying as good as them. We grow weary of waiting on God to answer our prayers the way we would like, so we assume He is not listening them to at all. We don’t hear from God, so we gradually stop talking to Him altogether. B ut prayer is the gateway to the heavens, and the only way we can talk to the One who resides there. God hears every silent and spoken prayer, and He is only concerned with the conversation itself not the words that are used. Our prayers matter to God, Without prayer, God cannot fully manifest Himself in your life. God’s Heart By Tracie Miles Contents

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Page 1: 7 Day Prayer Printable Tracie Miles revisedDay+Prayer...in divine ways, our spiritual passion will grow. It’s one thing to accept Jesus as our Savior with our lips., yet another

P�rayer. It seems like a simple thing to do, but sometimes we make it complicated. We think we�

have to say the right words and pray in the right way. We compare our prayers to the prayer�

styles of others, and deem we are not capable of praying as good as them. We grow weary of waiting�

on God to answer our prayers the way we would like, so we�

assume He is not listening them to at all. We don’t hear�

from God, so we gradually stop talking to Him altogether.�

B�ut prayer is the gateway to the heavens, and the only�

way we can talk to the One who resides there. God�

hears every silent and spoken prayer, and He is only�

concerned with the conversation itself not the words that�

are used. Our prayers matter to God, Without prayer, God�

cannot fully manifest Himself in your life.�

God’s Heart�

By Tracie Miles�


Page 2: 7 Day Prayer Printable Tracie Miles revisedDay+Prayer...in divine ways, our spiritual passion will grow. It’s one thing to accept Jesus as our Savior with our lips., yet another

If God is such a loving God,�

why do we need to ask Him�

to save us? How do I even do�

that? What if I’ve asked Him�

into my heart before, but feel�

led to recommit my life to�

Him and make my faith a�

priority? Will He still accept�

me? Does God still love me�

and want to be a part of my�

life, despite my sin?�

These are�

questions that�


numbers of�


struggle with�

every day. If�

you have ever asked yourself�

these questions, then know�

that you are not alone. But�

the answers are simple - God�

loves you and wants to hear�

from you - no matter what.�

If you receive an invitation in�

the mail, but never RSVP, will�

the host know you are�

interesting in coming and be�

expecting you to arrive? No!�

Not because they don’t want�

you to be there, but simply�

because you never accepted�

their invitation.�

God wants you to willingly�

RSVP to His invitation for�

eternal life.�

A life which�



for you by�

the blood of�

Jesus. If you�

have never�

accepted Jesus as your�

Savior, or you want to�

recommit your life beginning�

today, here is a sample�

prayer to consider praying.�

But remember, God wants to�

hear from you in whatever�

way you choose to speak.�

Lord, I know I am in need of�

a Savior. I need your love�

and I long for you to fill the�

empty places in my heart.�

Please forgive me for my sins.�

Cleanse me and make me�

whole. I believe You sent your�

Son to die for me on the�

cross to save me from my sins�

and give me eternal life in�

heaven. I praise You for who�

You are and I invite you into�

my heart today. I accept Your�

invitation to live abundantly�

here on earth because of�

Your sacrifice, but also to�

enjoy the gift of eternal life�

when my time on earth is�

complete. Lord, I seek You�

with my whole heart. Change�

me. Transform me. Allow me�

to see You working in my life.�

Hear my prayers. I commit to�

love You Lord from this day�

forward. In Your holy Name,�


Prayer of Salvation�

Prayers for�


Page 3: 7 Day Prayer Printable Tracie Miles revisedDay+Prayer...in divine ways, our spiritual passion will grow. It’s one thing to accept Jesus as our Savior with our lips., yet another

An intimate relationship with�

Christ is worth every ounce of�

effort we put forth and is�

always time well spent,. When�

we begin to feel His Presence�

in divine ways, our spiritual�

passion will grow.�

It’s one thing to accept Jesus�

as our Savior with our lips.,�

yet another thing to really�

make Him Lord of our life.�

And it’s all too easy to know�

Jesus, yet quite another�

to know Him personally.�

To build an intimate�

relationship with Jesus and�

allow Him to transform us�

from the inside out, we must�

consciously commit to making�

our faith a priority in our life�

and that can begin by�

reading His Word. The Bible�

might seem overwhelming at�

first, but soon we realize that�

His Word is alive and that it�

speaks to us in amazing�


Anything that is worth�

achieving requires effort,�

commitment and passion.�

Lord, I want to have a strong�

faith. Help me learn to trust�

You. Shower me with grace�

and mercy and help me to�

shower others with these gifts�

as well. I long to walk in Your�

ways. Guide my steps and�

directly my life. Amen.�

day. Give me an insatiable�

hunger and a thirst for Your�

Word. Pour a longing for�

more of You into my heart�

and help me build a desire to�

pray without ceasing and�

serve without doubting. To�

have ongoing conversation�

with You and to be aware of�

Your intervention in my life.�

Faith Matters�

Prayers for�

Prayer�Jesus, I want to feel�

passionate about my walk�

with You. I want to hear You�

speak to me through your�

Word. To see scriptures come�

to life and seem illuminated�

in my heart. I want to know�

when You are speaking to�

me in any way whether�

through Your Word, other�

people, music, books, or�

dreams. Will you prick my�

heart and quicken my spirit�

with each whisper from You?�

Please make me acutely�

aware of when You are trying�

to talk to me, and help me�

have an overwhelming need�

to hear from You every single�

Page 4: 7 Day Prayer Printable Tracie Miles revisedDay+Prayer...in divine ways, our spiritual passion will grow. It’s one thing to accept Jesus as our Savior with our lips., yet another

Children are a gift from God,�

and when God entrusts the�

life of a child to us in an way,�

it is a gift we can never take�

for granted.�

Motherhood is the highest�

calling their is, and possibly�

one of the most stressful and�

anxiety provoking purposes�

that God calls us to.�

As moms, we�

not only want�

to protect our�


physically and�

keep them�

from harm,�

but we want to protect them�

from emotional damage as�

well. Life is hard, and they�

will have hard times, so the�

greatest shield of protection�

we can provide for them is�


Sweet Jesus, thank you for�

the gift of these children you�

have placed in my care. I�

truly am honored that you�

would trust me with such a�

high responsibility, and�

frankly Lord, I feel�

inadequate. I feel afraid that I�

may not be a good enough�

mom. Afraid that I might fail�

in some way, or fail them.�

Will you�

nudge my�

heart each�

day to�

remember to�

seek Your�

guidance as�

I deal with�

parenting challenges and�

decisions? Help me stand�

firm in my beliefs so I don’t�

waver in the face of pressure�

from my children or from�

other parents who may have�

different religious views, or�

different parenting views from�

my own. I long to let my faith�

be my guide in all that I do,�

especially when it comes to�

my kids. Help me to be a�

godly role model and to�

teach them to love you.�

I ask for an army of angels to�

surround them every day as�

they venture into the world,�

from kindergarten to college�

to young adulthood. Infuse�

them with a desire to know�

You and to walk in Your�

ways. Convict their hearts�

when they do wrong and help�

me be aware of the things I�

need to be aware of. I pray�

for their future spouses, and�

that You will bring Godly�

mean and women to them.�

When I am disappointed,�

draw me to You and reassure�

me that it’s okay. Remind me�

that no child is perfect, and�

no mom is either. Amen.�Prayers for�

Because they need it�Prayer�

Page 5: 7 Day Prayer Printable Tracie Miles revisedDay+Prayer...in divine ways, our spiritual passion will grow. It’s one thing to accept Jesus as our Savior with our lips., yet another

The wedding was beautiful,�

but is now just a precious�

memory in a photo album.�

We said “I do” without�

hesitation, and although we�

recited all the right vows,�

we’ve now realized it’s much�

harder to live out those vows�

than it is to say them.�

Ever feel that way?�

No matter how much we are�

in love with our spouse,�

marriage is not easy. In fact,�

it’s probably the hardest thing�

a woman will ever do�

because anything worth�

having, takes hard work.�

But when God is the center of�

a marriage, the likelihood of�

working through problems,�

treating other with respect�

and kindness, and learning to�

forgive is much higher than in�

marriages without Christ.�

You are my heavenly Father,�

and I trust You in all things. I�

trust You with the problems�

and challenges I am�

experiencing right now in my�

marriage, and I commit to�

trust You with my future.�

I seek Your divine intervention�

in my life, my marriage, and�

the issues we face. I ask for�

an extra dose of patience,�

kindness, self control and�

humility. I especially ask You�

Lord, for the supernatural�

ability to forgive my spouse�

for things he has done that�

have hurt me or hurt our�

relationship. Help me to see�

him through Your eyes,�

instead of my own eyes which�

may be shrouded with�


Give me the ability to love my�

we once shared. Sometimes I�

wonder if I married the wrong�

person Lord. I’m only human�

and I want a wonderful,�

loving marriage. But help me�

not to hold my expectations�

so high that my husband�

can’t possibly reach them.�

Give me the insight and�

wisdom to not compare him�

When Two Are One�

Prayers for�

to other men, or to unrealistic�

relationship standards set�

forth by our culture in movies�

and soap operas. This is real�

life. Help me love my�

husband the way You love�

me - unconditionally. And�

through that love, give him a�

desire to love me that way in�

return. Bless our marriage�


Page 6: 7 Day Prayer Printable Tracie Miles revisedDay+Prayer...in divine ways, our spiritual passion will grow. It’s one thing to accept Jesus as our Savior with our lips., yet another


It always has been and�

always be a source of anxiety.�

We are told in God’s Word�

not to worry about what we�

will eat or wear in the coming�

days and that He will provide,�

but how to do we that when�

the mortgage is due, the�

refrigerator is empty and�

when the�

amount of�

money in our�

bank account�

is already less�

than we need�

it to be?�

There is only one answer to�

that question.�

Faith. To walk by faith and�

not by sight and trust that�

somehow, someway, God will�

always provide.�

Lord, you know my heart.�

And you know my finances.�

You see through my facade�

of trying to act like we have it�

all together, and You know�

the worries that I try to keep�

tucked deep in my heart.�

Worries about not only daily�

finances, but�

about the�

future. My�


future. Our�

future needs.�



It’s hard to trust that money�

will “fall out of the sky” when�

we need it God. Forgive me�

for doubting when reality and�

skepticism seem to push�

themselves to the forefront of�

my minds Open my heart to�

Your reality and help me to�

let go of my doubts and trust�

that you see my needs, and�

that you will provide in Your�

perfect ways and in Your�

perfect timing. Open up�

opportunities for a new job if�

that is Your will for me, or for�

a new opportunity for my�

spouse that will better provide�

for our growing financial�

needs. Bless our economy�

and our country and protect�

those whose love You from�

the domino affects of our�

fallen culture.�

When I am experiencing�

financial blessings, help me�

to stay focused on You and�

never allow the love of money�

to override my love for You.�

Protect my heart from doubt�

and greed, and shower us�

with the blessings meant�

specifically for us Amen.�

Prayers for�

Worrying is normal�Prayer�

Page 7: 7 Day Prayer Printable Tracie Miles revisedDay+Prayer...in divine ways, our spiritual passion will grow. It’s one thing to accept Jesus as our Savior with our lips., yet another


Sometimes we love it.�

Sometimes we despise it.�

Sometimes we feel thankful�

for it, while sometimes we�

feel cursed by it.�

Sometimes we wish it would�

end, and sometimes we�

desperately long for it.�



this range of�


when it comes�



We spend most of our waking�

lives at work, which makes it�

even more important that we�

don’t forget to pray about it.�

Prayers not just to get�

employment, but to allow�

God to be a part of it.�

Only You Jesus, know what I�

am really going through.�

How I am really feeling.�

Whether I am happy, or�

whether my heart longs for a�

different direction or purpose.�

I want to enjoy my work, not�

just earn a paycheck. Yet I�

need to make my finances a�

priority at the same time.�

Lord, I seek your guidance in�

all my�


when it�

comes to�

where I�

choose to�

work and�

spend most�

of my time. Even though I�

may not have had a choice�

due to necessity, I ask that if�

I’m not in the right place, that�

you make that clear. I also�

seek your protection in the�

work environment I am�

corporate practices and give�

me the strength to stand firm�

in my beliefs. If I am to�

pursue a new opportunity or�

career path, Lord I ask that�

You make it abundantly�

clear. Give me spiritual�


I seek Your blessing on the�

work that I do, especially if I�

am doing what I enjoy. Help�

me stay focused on You and�

to do my work as an�

extension of my faith. I want�

everything I do to glorify You.�

I thank you for the blessing of�

employment, even if it’s not�

my perfect dream job. I�

praise You for providing for�

my financial needs at this�

time and I will have faith that�

if I am in a waiting period,�

that I will trust You to provide�

for all my needs. Amen.�


Prayers for�

But, it’s hard.�

Page 8: 7 Day Prayer Printable Tracie Miles revisedDay+Prayer...in divine ways, our spiritual passion will grow. It’s one thing to accept Jesus as our Savior with our lips., yet another

When life is good, praising�

God is easy and comes�

naturally for most of us.�

Yet in the midst of struggles�

and hardships, we often�

forget to praise God for the�

good things in our lives,�

much less thank Him for�

difficult circumstances as we�

are instructed to do. In 1�


5:18, and in�

James 1:2-4,�

we are told to�

consider it a�

joy to have�

trials and�


Both of these verses require�

us to have faith under�

pressure, and that is when�

true faith really grows and�

true praise really begins.�

Dear heavenly Father, I�

praise You today for who You�

are, not just for what I see�

You doing in my life. Forgive�

me for expecting You to�

always make life go my way,�

and for falsely assuming that�

I should be immune to the�

problems of life.�

Lord, I believe that You are�

the giver and taker of all�

things, but�

that You�

always have�

my best�

interest at�

heart. I�

praise You�

for Your�

unconditional love, grace,�

and mercy. I praise You for�

all the blessings You have�

bestowed upon my life. I�

praise You for all the little�

things that I normally take for�

granted, and ask Your�

forgiveness for doing so.�

Thank You for the blessing of�

eternal life, and for the�

blessing of being able to�

enjoy abundant life while�

here on earth. Thank You for�

Your unconditional love and�


Thank You for purpose and�

passion to do what You have�

equipped me to do. Thank�

you for my past, although it�

may be filled with pain, it is�

also filled with clarity about�

how You were beside me the�

whole time. If I am missing�

that clarity, open my eyes.�

Thank You for protecting me�

against situations I may not�

even know I need to be�

protected from.�

Thank You for being�

available for conversation�

and for providing peace and�

comfort when I need it. Thank�

You for Your Word.�


Prayers of�

God is praiseworthy!�

Page 9: 7 Day Prayer Printable Tracie Miles revisedDay+Prayer...in divine ways, our spiritual passion will grow. It’s one thing to accept Jesus as our Savior with our lips., yet another

Paradise lost has now been found.�

Lord, I pray for Your sovereign protection, guidance,�leadership, spiritual clarity and divine intervention over�every area of my life including my faith, my children and�

family, my marriage or future spouse, my finances and my�employment.�

I praise You for You are worthy of my praise!�