7 choices that calm mums make consistently

7 Choices that Calm Mums make CONSISTENTLY

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Post on 07-Mar-2016




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Working mums have more to juggle than ever before… Life is more stressful than ever but choices that you make day in and day out affect whether you stay stressed and feeling guilty or you start taking small steps towards a calmer, more balanced life.


Page 1: 7 Choices that Calm Mums make CONSISTENTLY

7 Choices that Calm Mums make CONSISTENTLY

Page 2: 7 Choices that Calm Mums make CONSISTENTLY

Working mums have more to juggle than ever before…

Life is more stressful than ever but choices that you make day in and day out affect whether you stay stressed and feeling guilty or you start taking small steps towards a calmer, more balanced life.

Page 3: 7 Choices that Calm Mums make CONSISTENTLY

#1 Choose to slow down when you are feeling frazzled. Those feelings are telling you something so listen to your body

#2 Choose to look for the lesson in everything that doesn’t go to plan. If you didn’t get that job, instead of thinking “I’m not good enough” think about what you can do next time to make yourself even more awesome

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#3 Choose to ask for help. Feeling overwhelmed? Ask for physical and / or emotional support, it is a sign of strength and courage not weakness

#4 Choose not to compare yourself or your children to others. Your child may well be the last to be potty trained, so what! Stressing about it doesn’t help you or your child

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#5 Choose not to feel guilty, Guilt is a wasted emotion and is often linked to comparing ourselves to others so STOP IT!

#6 Choose to see the positive in every situation. If your mother in law offers to do some housework for you SAY YES! See it as a gift not as a criticism that you aren’t a good mum.

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#7 Choose to focus on small steps in the right direction. Pick one of the choices above and make it a habit!

Learn how to reduce working mothers stress and find more stress tips for working mothers.

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