6th grade greece magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus Fine arts have been going on since the 17th century. Fine arts include painting, sculpture, architecture, music and poetry, with minor arts including drama and dancing. According to the Sacred Heart Website, “The studio art program covers cultural development of art through the Middle Ages and Renaissance, as well as art history and self-expression. The art studio is a place for students to explore, express themselves, and take risks without the fear of making mistakes. All students have the opportunity to perform in plays, musicals and instrumental music programs, which are taught as part of the regular school day” (Lower and Middle School). Students experience a well-rounded fine arts program that includes music(chorus/ band), art and drama. The fine arts programs are linked to the subject matter being studied in other classes. According to Sydney, “Fine arts is very fun. It gets you ready to start the day in a fun way with your classmates!” (An). Fine Arts has meant art form, developed primarily for aesthetics, distinguishing them from applied arts that also have to serve some practical function.. Fine arts commonly include visual art and performing art forms, such as painting, sculpture, collage, decollage, music, dance, theatre, architecture, film, photography, conceptual art, and printmaking. Fine Arts has developed over many years and will continue to grow! Fine Arts By Asha Agarwal Section 6.2 May 6, 2013 REFERENCE: N. "Lower & Middle School." Sacred Heart Schools. N., n.d. Web. 03 May 2013. <http://www.shschools.org/page.cf m?p=475>. "Talk with Sydney." Personal interview. 2 May 2013. N. "Fine Art." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 05 Mar. 2013. Web. 03 May 2013. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fine_ art>.

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6th Grade Greece Magazine


Page 1: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

Fine arts have been

going on since the 17th

century. Fine arts include

painting, sculpture,

architecture, music and

poetry, with minor arts

including drama and


According to the Sacred Heart

Website, “The studio art

program covers cultural

development of art through

the Middle Ages and

Renaissance, as well as art

history and self-expression.

The art studio is a place for

students to explore, express

themselves, and take risks

without the fear of making

mistakes. All students have

the opportunity to perform in

plays, musicals and

instrumental music

programs, which are taught

as part of the regular school

day” (Lower and Middle

School). Students experience

a well-rounded fine arts

program that includes

music(chorus/ band), art and

drama. The fine arts

programs are linked to the

subject matter being studied

in other classes.

According to Sydney,

“Fine arts is very fun. It gets

you ready to start the day in a

fun way with your

classmates!” (An).

Fine Arts has meant art form,

developed primarily for

aesthetics, distinguishing

them from applied arts that

also have to serve some

practical function.. Fine arts

commonly include visual art

and performing art forms,

such as painting, sculpture,

collage, decollage, music,

dance, theatre, architecture,

film, photography,

conceptual art, and

printmaking. Fine Arts has

developed over many years

and will continue to grow!



By Asha Agarwal

Section 6.2

May 6, 2013


N. "Lower & Middle School." Sacred

Heart Schools. N., n.d. Web. 03 May




"Talk with Sydney."

Personal interview.

2 May 2013.

N. "Fine Art." Wikipedia. Wikimedia

Foundation, 05 Mar. 2013. Web. 03

May 2013.



Page 2: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

What role did women play in ancient Athens? Main article: 300-400 words, 2+ MLA quotes, 2+ references.

Women had an important role in the history of Athens. First off, a key fact is that in Athens, women weren’t as free as women in Sparta. Their fathers controlled them before they were married. Once they were married, their spouse controlled them.

They learnt to read in school or at home. They learnt important household skills such as weaving, sewing, cooking, etc. Other things they learnt include religion, mythology, and music. They spent most of the time in the house doing chores.

Women were mostly married in their teen-hood. Their spouse has to be around the age of thirty. Her father would choose the man, for

most Athenians, marriage was living together. The women should have all been virgins, but if they had a child, there was no punishment. The woman’s new home must be their spouse’s.

Even though in Athens, women were not very important, the goddesses and gods were extremely important. Especially Athena, who was known for her wisdom.

The women weren’t very important, but they did do many things that were just as important as what the men did in ancient Athens.

Role of




By Audrey Cheng

Section 6.3 May 7, 2013

REFERENCE: N., N. N., N. "Ancient Greek Women in Athens." Angelfire.com. N., n. Web. 7 May 2013.

N., N. N. "Women in Ancient Athens." Ancient Athenian Women: Roles and Typical Lifestyles. N., n. Web. 07 May 2013.

N., N. N. "Home Page." Home Page. N., N. Mar. n. Web. 07 May 2013.

N., N. N. "Ancient Athens." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 29 Apr. 2013. Web. 07 May 2013.

Page 3: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

Ancient Greece Olympics compared to those nowadays.

In ancient Greece, the Olympics were very different compared to today’s Olympics.

Wars were called off in Greece during the Olympics. The Olympics was very important to them. As many as 70,000 people from all around Greece came to watch. Messengers went around Greece told everyone about the Olympics. Olympic athletes often trained to the sound of the flute.

Milo of Croton, a famous Olympic wrestler from that time period, was so strong he could bend nails with his two fingers and carry a cow on his shoulders!

There weren’t many rules, you were even allowed to tamper

with other athletes stuff. But if you cheat and you get caught, you would have to build a statue of yourself and engrave your name into it so people would know that you cheated.

The prizes were olive plant’s, crowns made of laurel leaves, jars of olives, beautiful pots or vases, wool, silk, linen to make into clothes, US$ 500,000 and they get to choose who they marry. They had no taxes.

The ancient Greeks believed that strong athletes pleased the gods. The Olympics were every two years in Greece, and if there was a war going on, they would immediately stop for the Olympics.




By Audrey Cheng

Section 6.3 May 9, 2013

REFERENCE: N., N. N. "Ancient Greece - Olympic Games." Ancient Greece - Olympic Games. N., n. Web. 08 May 2013.

N., N. N. "Ancient Greece - Olympic Games." Ancient Greece - Olympic Games. N., n. Web. 09 May 2013.

N., N. N. "Fun Facts: Ancient Greece and the Olympics :: Mary Pope Osborne." Mary Pope Osborne RSS. N., n. Web. 09 May 2013.

N., N. N. "Ancient Olympic Games." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 05 Sept. 2013. Web. 09 May 2013.

Page 4: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

The First Olympics that were held in Athens played a big role in the ancient history of Greece

The very first Olympic games were held and

created by Athenians. It was just one day out of

the year when all of the ancient Greece city

states stopped fighting, and came together to

celebrate the Olympic games.

“They were held in honor of Zeus, and the

Greeks gave them a mythological origin.

Historical records indicate that they began in 776

BC in Olympia.” (Ancient Olympic Games).

Created in 776 B.C, the tradition of the Olympic

games is still alive today, and only growing.

Today, two different Olympics are celebrated,

the winter and summer Olympics take place in

different countries all over the world. They

happen every four years. Thats how the modern

Olympics work. In 766 BC.C the traditions were

a lot different. They only had summer Olympics

and only a few city states from Greece

participated. The Olympics usually took place in

Athens in the heat of the summer.

“They were held in honor of Zeus, and the

Greeks gave them a mythological origin”

(“Ancient Olympic Games”).

Everything was made to help praise their god.

Like, if you win an event the prize was not a

gold metal like modern days, but wreaths made

of leaves . The Wreaths were made to honor

Zeus and replicate the ones that the gods wore on


“The games became a political tool used by city-

states to assert dominance over their rivals.

Politicians would announce political alliances at

the games, and in times of war, priests would

offer sacrifices to the gods for victory” (“Ancient

Olympic Games”)

These first Athenian Olympic games were so

much more than just a sporting event, they were

gently laced with political issues as well. You

had to be sly during the games. Trying to

overcome your rivals while still participating and

trying to win the Olympiad. And during all of

this the Priests were trying to convert people to

their religion and keep peace.

The Olympic games were quite a spectacle, and

the first of its kind. Being so important in the

turnout of Greek history.

The most important thing that happened while





By Allison Carter

Section 6.2 May 5, 2013

REFERENCE: N. "Ancient Olympic Games." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 18 Apr. 2013. Web. 18 Apr. 2013.

N. "1896 Summer Olympics." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 16 Apr. 2013. Web. 18 Apr. 2013.

Page 5: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

Sacred Heart’s cafeteria breakfast has a variety of delicious foods. Ryan said “The most popular item for breakfast in the cafeteria is bacon and bagels” (Smith).

In addition Ryan said “Maggie the chef for the breakfast portion wakes up at 5:30 to prepare breakfast/snack for the whole lower and middle school” (Smith).

Ryan exclaimed “SHS produce is from many different suppliers but mainly Daylight foods” (Smith).

”In 1966, President Lyndon Johnson extended the program by offering breakfast to school children. It began as a two years pilot program for children in rural areas and those living in poorer neighborhoods. It was believed that these children would have to skip breakfast in order to catch the bus for the long ride to school. There were also concerns that the poorer families could not always afford to feed their children breakfast. Johnson believed, like many of us today, that children would do better in school if they had a good breakfast to start their day. The pilot was such a success that it was decided the program should continue. By 1975, breakfast was being offered to all children in public or non-profit private school. This change was made because educators felt that more children were skipping breakfast due to

both parent being in the workforce. In 1968, a summer meals program was offered to low income children. Breakfast, lunch and afternoon snacks are still available to students each year, during the summer break. Any child in need can apply for the program at the end of the school year. Parents that are interested in the summer meals program should contact their local school administration” (Devon). Breakfast cafeterias are one of the best things to have, and people are so privileged to have them.




By Keemya Bashiri

Section 6.1 5.3.13

REFERENCE: Reference 1 from N.p., n.d. Web. 05 May 2013

Reference 2 from "Greek Magazine Article Three Food at SHS Interview." Interview by Ryan J. Smith. Atherton, CA, May-June 2013.

Reference 3 from easybib.com

Reference 4 from easybib.com

Page 6: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

One of the many sports teams that we have at SHS is a volleyball team. It’s a lot of fun to be on the team. There are three teams. There is an “A” team, and there are two “B” teams. The “A” team is more advanced. Volleyball was invented by William G. Morgan in 1895. William G. Morgan was an instructor at the YMCA and wanted to develop a sport that would blend the elements of basketball, baseball, tennis, and handball, but would have less contact than basketball. Volleyball became popular pretty quickly, but it took a while for it to be popular around the world. On July 7, 1896 the first actual game of volleyball was ever played. It was played at Springfield College. Then in 1900, a special ball was designed specifically for the sport. In this same year, volleyball started to spread around the world, starting with Canada. Volleyball was officially considered a global sport (and had spread all around the world) in 1917. It was first played as an Olympic sport in 1957, though there were also a lot of competitions for volleyball players before this time. So, volleyball is clearly a very interesting sport. Anna Schwerdfeger says, “Volleyball is fun because you get to have fun with your friends. It is also fun because you don’t have to constantly be on your toes and you have time



Page 7: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

to gather your thoughts.” Everybody loves volleyball that plays it, because it is fun, rewarding, and teaches sportsmanship.

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

This article is about the 6th grade volleyball teams at SHS.

By Julia King

Section 6.3 5-5-13

REFERENCE: N. "SHS Volleyball." Volleyball - General Information. N., n.d. Web. 05 May 2013.

N. "SHS Volleyball." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 05 Feb. 2013. Web. 05 May 2013.

"Interview with Anna Schwerdfeger about SHS Volleyball." Personal interview. Apr.-May 2013.

Page 8: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

Aristocracy has been practiced in numerous

areas of the world. One of the most famous aristocrat

families is the royal family of Brittan.

“The Queen has many different duties to

perform every day. Some are public duties, such as

ceremonies, receptions and visits within the United

Kingdom or abroad. Other duties are carried out away

from the cameras, but they are no less important.

These include reading letters from the public, official

papers and briefing notes; audiences with political

ministers or ambassadors; and meetings with her

Private Secretaries to discuss daily business and her

future diary plans. Even when she is away from

London, in residence at Balmoral or Sandringham, she

receives official papers nearly every day of every year

and remains fully briefed on matters affecting

her realms. In front of the camera or away from it,

The Queen's duties go on, and no two days in her life

are ever the same”(Messer).

One of the most famous things about the

British royal family is Duchess Kate, and Prince

William. One of the main reasons why Kate and

William are so famous is because their wedding was

recorded on live television! “Two years have passed since Prince

William and Kate Middleton were married at Westminster Abbey in

London–but the low-key couple won’t be marking their anniversary

in a similarly lavish way.

In fact, they didn’t even spend a good portion of the day

together. In honor of Children’s Hospice Week, the Duchess, 31,

who is expecting the couple’s first child in July, visited Naomi

House, an organization that provides support to children with

terminal conditions and their families. After touring the facility, she

enjoyed a tea party with some of Naomi House’s children and their

families, where she watched a musical performance by a boy whose

brother died after receiving care at Naomi House.

Meanwhile, Prince William, 30, who is

working today on his search and rescue duties,

undoubtedly has plans for his wife this evening, as

the couple will celebrate their special day together

at home, in private. Their home is becoming a

busier place these days, as the couple has begun

preparing for their baby. This weekend, Middleton,

who has said that her friends “keep texting me

names,” visited the posh baby boutique Blue

Almonds with her mother. Creating a family has

always been something that Will and Kate have


acy in


By: Keemya Bashiri

Section 6.1 5.3.13

REFERENCE: Reference 1:The Queen's Working Day." The Queen's Working Day. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 May 2013.

Reference 2 from: Anniversary, Gty Prince William Kate Middlerton Dec 2012 Thg 130429 Wblog How Will and

Kate Are and Kate Are Spending Their Anniversary." ABC News. ABC News Network, n.d.

Web. 02 May 2013.

Page 9: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

Did you know that greek gods didn’t eat at all, but

people did? Civilized Greek people only ate fresh

meat if it had been sacrificed to a god, or had been

hunted in the wild.

The greeks thought of the god Dionysus as being

part of the wine they drank, and they thought of

Persephone as being part of their bread(Dr.Karen


Some of the different types meats the greeks ate

include birds, boar, chicken, deer, donkey, goat,

goose, hare, lamb, pheasant, and pork(Nancy

Gaifyllia). In addition many of these foods: tomatoes, peppers,

potatoes, and bananas didn't arrive in Greece until

after the discovery of the Americas in the 15th

century, because that's where those foods

originated(Nancy Gaifyllia).

Fish was the main source of protein in the

Greek diet. Beef was very expensive, so it was

rarely eaten. Beef and pork were only

available to poor people during religious

festivals. It was during the festivals that cows

or pigs were sacrificed to the gods, and the

meat was cooked and handed out to the public(Nancy Gaiyfllia).Overall ancient food is a

superb project to learn about.:)




By: Keemya Bashiri

6.1 5.2.13

REFERENCE: Reference 1 from "What Did the Ancient Greeks Eat?" About.com Greek Food. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2013.

Reference 2 from ."Food in Ancient Greece." Ancient Greek Food. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2013.

Page 10: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

Sacred Heart’s cafeteria breakfast has a variety of delicious foods. Ryan said “The most popular item for breakfast in the cafeteria is bacon and bagels” (Smith).

In addition Ryan said “Maggie the chef for the breakfast portion wakes up at 5:30 to prepare breakfast/snack for the whole lower and middle school” (Smith).

Ryan exclaimed “SHS produce is from many different suppliers but mainly Daylight foods” (Smith).

”In 1966, President Lyndon Johnson extended the program by offering breakfast to school children. It began as a two years pilot program for children in rural areas and those living in poorer neighborhoods. It was believed that these children would have to skip breakfast in order to catch the bus for the long ride to school. There were also concerns that the poorer families could not always afford to feed their children breakfast. Johnson believed, like many of us today, that children would do better in school if they had a good breakfast to start their day. The pilot was such a success that it was decided the program should continue. By 1975, breakfast was being offered to all children in public or non-profit private school. This change was made because educators felt that more children were skipping breakfast due to

both parent being in the workforce. In 1968, a summer meals program was offered to low income children. Breakfast, lunch and afternoon snacks are still available to students each year, during the summer break. Any child in need can apply for the program at the end of the school year. Parents that are interested in the summer meals program should contact their local school administration” (Devon). Breakfast cafeterias are one of the best things to have, and people are so privileged to have them.




By Keemya Bashiri

Section 6.1 5.3.13

REFERENCE: Reference 1 from N.p., n.d. Web. 05 May 2013

Reference 2 from "Greek Magazine Article Three Food at SHS Interview." Interview by Ryan J. Smith. Atherton, CA, May-June 2013.

Page 11: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

Subtitle here: 1 sentence summary of the article. Main article: 300-400 words, 2+ MLA quotes, 2+ references.

Sacred Heart School, Atherton Sixth grade year starts in the end of August and ends in the beginning of June. There are 72 to students with a mix of boys and girls. Each student receives a tablet which has a pen and can swivel 180 degrees.

Katie Quinlan is new to Sacred Heart School, Atherton this year. She thinks that this school “…has great teachers and friends, and her move hear would not have been so easy with such nice friends. The teachers are

always there to help you with making friends and also with extra help in school. There is not one teacher she is afraid of sharing important information or asking about school help to.”

The word school comes from the ancient Greek word skhole, to have a learned discussion, lecture or dispute. Most of human history is the origination of school. In pre-literate societies, education, was achieved through demonstration and copying as the young learned from their elders.

Sacred Heart 6th

grade school life

By Emma Briger

Section 6.3 5/7/13

REFERENCE: Reference 1: N. "School." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 05 Feb. 2013. Web. 07 May 2013.

Reference 2

"6TH Grade Life." Interview by Katie Quinlan. 2 May 213: n. pag. Print.

Page 12: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Athens Government VS. Spartan Government

There are many differences in both the Athenian and Spartan government. One is

that in Sparta women are given more freedom towards exploring the world.

Where as the Athenians government does not allow women freedom. You must

not go out of your house without a vale over your vase and your husband with

you at all times. Also in Sparta they have only a king as your leader were as in

Athens you they have a democracy. Finally, the schools. The schools in Athens

consist of language arts, Math and Science. The schools in Sparta consist of war

until 7 and then are taken to camps were they learn to fight, to become warriors.

I would rather live in Athens even though there army wasn’t as good because I

think I would not want to live in a war country. I want a real education. Also I

would want democracy not kings, cause then I could vote.

Source #1: "Greece-Athens.com - The Guide To Athens City, Greece." Greece-Athens.com - The

Guide To Athens City, Greece. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 May 2013.

Source #2: (“Cornell Notes”)

Page 13: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

Proxy wars are a huge part of the world’s history.

Proxy wars are huge wars that bubble up in size overtime. They start out as quite small wars between two small countries, then the allies of the small countries come to help back them up. The the allies of those countries come to help and so forth. From a tiny no big deal war huge world wars can be created, like the Cold war and World War 1. Proxy wars are quite dangerous and eventful, and can end up being an enormous battle that many people and countries will die from.

“A proxy war or proxy warfare is a war that

results when opposing powers use third

parties as substitutes for fighting each other

directly.” (Proxy Wars)

Proxy wars are made up of allies. Allies are very dangerous, misleading, and untrustworthy. When you commit to an ally you have to be sure you can trust them. When you have allies you can be betrayed and you can accidently start huge proxy wars. Allies are the ones who come and create the proxy wars in big numbers.

Some of the greatest proxy wars were:

“Greek Civil War, 1946–1948

Vietnam War, 1957–1975

Guatemalan Civil War, 1960–1996

Congo Crisis, 1960–1965

Afghan-Soviet War, 1979–1989

Iran Hostage Crisis, 1979

Iran-Iraq war, 1980–1988” (list of

proxy wars)

The Cold war was one of the biggest proxy

wars. The cold war divided our world into

three parts, almost like three teams. Each

team was in a way made up of political

parties and ideas. The three teams fought

ferociously and were only brought into the

war by their allies.

Proxy wars were quite dangerous, huge and

many countries were involved. You have to

be careful to avoid proxy wars not just in a

military sense but also with your friends and

classmates. Be sure you always choose the

right allies, in the proxy war history if your

didn’t choose the right ally, your country

could be at stake.



By Allison Carter

Section 6.2 May, 3, 2013

REFERENCE: “List of Proxy Wars." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 28 Apr. 2013. Web. 01 May 2013.

"Proxy War." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 24 Apr. 2013. Web. 01 May 2013.

"Proxy War." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 24 Apr. 2013. Web. 01 May 2013.

Page 14: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

Adolf Hitler was an Austrian-born German politician and the leader of the Nazi Party. He was born on April 20, 1889 at Braunau am Inn, Austria and died on April 30, 1945 Berlin, Germany (56 years old). He got his idea of taking over the world from the Spartans. Wikipedia says, “Hitler was a decorated veteran of World War I. He joined the German Workers' Party in 1919, and became leader of the NSDAP in 1921.” (Adolf Hitler)

Hitler ruled from 1933 to 1945 which is a total of 12 years. He was a strict leader and only liked people who had blond hair and blue eyes. Biography.com says, “At the outbreak of World War I, Hitler applied to serve in the German army. He was accepted in August 1914, though

he was still an Austrian citizen. Although he spent much of his time away from the front lines, Hitler was present at a number of significant battles and was wounded at the Somme. He was decorated for bravery, receiving the Iron Cross First Class and the Black Wound Badge” (Adolf Hitler.biography). Hitler was a harsh man but he did many important things.



By Your Noorayn Jafri

Section 6.4 May 3, 2013

REFERENCE: Hindenburg, Paul Von. "Adolf Hitler." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 05 Apr. 2013. Web. 04 May 2013.

Reference 2 from easybib.com

N. "Adolf Hitler Biography." Bio.com. A&E Networks Television, n.d. Web. 04 May 2013.

Page 15: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

First ‘analog

computer’ made in


B y : A j a y

R a v i

S e c t i o n 6 . 1

M a y 3 ,

2 0 1 3

The 2000 year old Antikythera Mechanism has been discovered

and recreated. Found in a shipwreck off of Greece, the first analog computer was discovered over a century

ago. Wrecked into pieces, only several parts

were found. Researchers have been trying to

create replicas of the damaged analog


“Inside, a sophisticated setup of wheels riding

around on other wheels models the varying

motions of the planets, according to the Greek’s astronomical theories” (“2000-year-old

computer recreated”).

“Its significance and complexity were not understood until a century later” (“Antikythera

mechanism”). “The device is a machine for predicting the motion of the heavens. When you

turn the handle on the side, pointers move

around the front dial, showing the sun, moon, and the five planets that the Greeks knew” (“2000-year-old computer recreated”).

The ‘analog computer’ was a complex

mechanism for the Greeks to invent. There may

be plausibilities in finding the equivalent to the

Antikythera mechanism.

From 1900-1901 the parts were revealed from

the Antikythera wreck. The wreck was found off a Greek island called ‘Antikythera’ on the edge

of the Aegean Sea, located northwest of Crete. The analog computer dates back to the 4th

century BC, when created.

Recently, the Antikythera computer has been

recreated. Michael Wright, a museum curator of London made a replica of the analog computer.


N. "Antikythera Mechanism." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2013.

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

Reference 2 from

N. "2000-year-old Computer

Recreated." YouTube.

YouTube, 12 Dec. 2008. Web.

18 Apr. 2013.

Page 16: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

Schools in Ancient Athens were to mainly promote the knowledge of the children. “Private tutors who owned the schools charged money for the teaching so only the wealthiest people could afford it” (“Ancient Greece”).

The schools were very small, with between 10-15 students. Boys in Athens started school when they were seven, and learned things like reading and writing. The students were also taught physical training and music.

The students barely learned math, but they spent some time learning and memorizing the numbers. They would scratch the numbers onto wax-coated tablets with a pen called a stylus.

Once the children learned how to read and write, they went on to study

Greek plays and poetry, as well as famous historical works.

“Music was considered very important. Every boy was taught to play a very popular instrument, the lyre” (“Ancient Greece”). The boys were all taught to play the flute.

Their physical exercise class consisted of gymnastics and wrestling.

Girls in Greece were not allowed to go to school. Instead, they stayed home with their mothers and learned housework. Parents in Greece were worried that the girls would get spoiled if they learned how to read.

Teacher’s goal in Athens is to raise a wise man, not just a soldier, as they do in Sparta.



By Katherine Salisbury

Section 6.1 May 6, 2013

REFERENCE: "School in Ancient Greece." ThinkQuest. Oracle Foundation, n.d. Web. 06 May 2013.

"Athenian Education." Athenian Education. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 May 2013.

Page 17: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

The schools in ancient Athens

are very interesting because they are not like the schools today. Only the boys went to school starting at 6 or 7 years of age. The families could afford the schools. Paidagogoi, which are like nannies today, would help the boys with their school work. The boys were forced to play an instrument, because Music was also important. Girls could not go to school because they had to stay home to learn to do house work.

“Girls in Athens did not go to school. They were taught how to do house work by their mothers. Parents were afraid that girls would get spoiled if they learned how to read.” says the Think Quest website. The Think Quest website also says that, “Music was considered very important. Every boy was taught to play a very popular instrument, the lyre. They were also taught to play the flute.” Today we can play any instrument that we want.

There were 3 different types of schools. The three different schools were music, sports, and reading and writing. First, the sports school was

taught on a big field. The school taught the sports javelin, discus, long jump, running, boxing and wrestling. This would help the kids with their athletic ability. Secondly, at Music school you played an instrument. The instrument that you played was the lyre or the flute. The Lyre is like a harp. Finally, the reading and writing schools taught Athenian boys letters and numbers by practicing them. According to Think Quest, “They had to scratch them onto wax-coated wooden tablets using a pen called a stylus. After the boys learned to read and write, they had to study Greek poetry and plays, and famous historical works.”

Today schools have changed a lot from back then, because we now have more technology, diverse cultures, and women’s rights.. Now we can play many different kinds of instruments. We focus more on math and English. Now there are more sports that we play like volleyball, soccer, basketball, and baseball. This is how the ancient schools are different then today.





By Claire Van Dyke

Section 6.1 May 5, 2013

REFERENCE: N. "Education in Ancient Athens –

Greek History - Let Not Your Heart

Be Troubled~John 14:1 - The

Kundalini." The Kundalini Atom. N.,

n.d. Web. 22 Apr. 2013.

Oracle. "School in Ancient

Greece." ThinkQuest. Oracle Foundation, n.d. Web. 23 Apr.


Page 18: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

Cross country is a sport that some people have enjoyed throughout history. Sacred Heart Schools Atherton has a team. The history of the Cross Country races is very interesting.

“The workout that we do helps me with my conditioning for other sports.” says Kelly Frimel (Sacred Heart cross country team member). She is one of many people who has liked cross country since it began in

1876.“Cross country dates back to the turn of the 20th century as an Olympic Sport when it was contested as a team and individual event at the 1904, 1912, 1920 and 1924 Summer Games.” (USA Track & Field).

The cross country team at Sacred Heart is a strong team. At Sacred Heart we run 5 meets, which are off campus.. “My favorite meet is the Crystal Springs meet,” says Kelly Frimel. We have practice 2 times a week and a meet every week. We have grades from 5th to 8th run in the

meets. There is one meet at the end of the season. This meet is organized by Sacred Heart. The meet is for 4th to 8th graders. The cross country team has about 30-40 people on it. We run in our meets a mile to a mile point four. This is why the team at Sacred Heart is strong.

The history of cross country is very interesting. “As a competitive sport, cross-country running began in England” (Angel Fire).” The sport’s first national championship was in 1876. Cross-country was on the Olympic program in 1912, 1920, and 1924, but it was dropped after that because it was considered unsuitable for summer competition.” (Angel Fire).

Cross Country is a good sport for anytime of the year. Some people do many miles and some just do one mile. The courses are hilly, rocky and curvy. The history goes back a long time ago. The team for Sacred Heart just started last year. .



By Claire Van Dyke

Section 6.1 May 5, 2013


"Sacred Heart Cross Contry.” Interview by

Kelly Frimel

." USA Track & Field - Cross Country. N., n.d. Web.

05 May 2013.

N. "A Brief History of Cross Country." Angel Fire. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 May 2013. <http://www.angelfire.com/oh5/jmetz/History.html>.

Page 19: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

Subtitle here: 1 sentence summary of the article. Main article: 300-400 words, 2+ MLA quotes, 2+ references.

Spalding created the first official ball in 1896. Volleyball is a team sport in which two teams of six players are separated by a net. Each team tries to score points by grounding a ball on the other team’s court under organized rules.

Wikipedia says, “It has been a part of the official program of the Summer Olympic Games since 1964” (Volleyball).

These are some Sacred Heart students’ opinions about their volleyball experiences.

Anna says, “ßeing able to be with my team every day is the best part of volleyball and the scrimmages are fun” (Schwerdfeger). Miya says, “The coaches are very helpful and give constructive criticism which helps you a lot”(Furukawa).

Wiki.answers says, “People may think that volleyball is only for girls but men can also play this sport” (Volleyball, the best sport ever).

Volleyball is an incredible sport and is fun to play anywhere such as school. Volleyball is a sport that can be played anytime of the year


By Noorayn Jafri

Section 6.4 May 6, 2013


N. "What Are Opinions on Whether Volleyball Is the Best Sport Ever?" WikiAnswers. Answers, n.d. Web. 06 May 2013.


Page 20: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

Everyone knows about the Shs tablet program, but the big question is what is their story? Well, for anybody who doesn’t know, SHS (Sacred Heart Schools) has what is known as the tablet program in which each student is given a hp Elitebook or tablet. According to Jason Varga who is part of the technology department: “Technology is such a large part of daily life that if we didn’t move forward then we would be behind in educating our students”

The tablet program started

when the seniors were in middle school, which was class of 2009-2010

To close up this article I asked Mr. Varga if there would be any more changes in our technology program, and this is what he said: We don’t know for sure, but changes are inevitable due to the rapid

changes in technology.



Colin Choi

Section 6.3 May 3, 2013

REFERENCE: "Interview with Jason Varga." Personal interview. 1 May 2013

Page 21: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

School sports are something everyone enjoy and dedicate their time to in order to succeed.

School sports are games that were developed for young athletes to play and represent their school in a sport that they were good at. There were commonly known as amateur sports. They were organized sports developed in the 19th century with US and the UK in the lead.

Back when school sports were just starting up, they were only private schools. Because of this, there was a higher demand for private school, and less public and free education for the poor.

School sports allowed an individual to show that they can play at a big league level. The NFL draft was created for these players to be called up to play at a level of play that suites

them. If you play well in Middle

school, you will get into a good high school. If you do very well in high school you might be given a scholarship to come play for a team in college. If you do well in college, then you are in good shape for making it to the big leagues.

The only flaw was that a lot of the greatest athletes came from poor families couldn’t afford the private school. In the last two centuries, public schools are starting to have teams, like basketball for the boys, and volleyball for the girls.

Most people say that school sports are very fun and a good way to get some exercise.



By: Jake Wheeler

Section 6.2 May 3, 2013

REFERENCE: "Hunter Thompson." Personal interview. 1 May 2013. N. "Amateur Sports." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 03 May 2013.

Page 22: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

Proxy wars and alliances are very dangerous, but are helpful during the times to most need them.

Proxy wars are caused by alliances. Alliances have proved to be yet a good, yet bad thing for everyone. If your people are looking to have a peaceful life and period, you best choice is to stay alone. If you are a people that encourage warmongering, join an alliance right away. If you are looking for a way to conquer the world, you best option is to join an alliance. If you join an alliance, you would probably have been in something called a proxy war. Proxy wars are events started by neighbors that are both in an alliance. When the two neighbors start fighting, the alliance supplies them. Both alliance members start fighting. Proxy wars are what cause the gigantic wars. To emphasize the danger of an alliance a proxy wars, is that one proxy war can cause half the world to be in WW3 with the other half of the world, and half or

more of the planets population could be knocked out. These little wars are what cause all the destruction.

It’s like a fight at school. Two people start fighting, and then their friends come in to help with the other guys’ friends. Then their friends come in to help with the fighting. After a while, the whole school of kids could be at war. The two first guys fighting are two countries, the guys who help are the alliances, and the school is the world.

Alliances and proxy wars are very dangerous because it causes that battle to become too catastrophic because the war was supposed to be between the first two countries, in a country versus country battle, not a continent versus continent war.





By: Jake Wheeler

Section 6.2 April 31, 2013


N. "Pro“Proxy War." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 05 May 2013.

N. "AllN. “Aliances.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 05 May 2013.

Page 23: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

Greek Slavery was very important to the Greek people. Slavery was important because slaves did all the work for Sparta and Athens. Slaves worked very hard. “They worked not only as domestic servants, but as factory workers, shopkeepers, mine workers, farm workers and as ship's crewmembers”. (“Slavery in ancient Greece”) Slavery in Greece occurred in the 1600’s. Slavery happened in Sparta and Athens in ancient Greece. Slavery in a Greece was a big part of Greece. Slaves would cook, clean, worked in the fields, worked in the mines, and in shops.

Greek Slavery was a very

frightening thing for those innocent people. They had to work, become servants, and some of them had to be ship crewmembers. Greeks Slaves were very important to the Greek because the Greek people didn't have to do anything because the slaves would do it for them. Today, slavery has gone down in the world and has ended.



By Jenna Chaplinsky

Section 6.1 May 1, 2013


"Slaves Daily Life - Ancient Greece for Kids." Slaves Daily Life

- Ancient Greece for


GREECE. N.p., n.d.

Page 24: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Sacred Heart Baseball

Sacred Heart Baseball 6

th Grade

People sometimes call Baseball the " The National Pastime." Baseball was created in 19

th century . It was

created by one indivual from Europe, who worked at the “bat and ball games” in Russia. At that time it consisted of 2 teams and 5- 10 team members and had a batter a pitcher. The baseball or at that time known as a ball was pitched to the batter and tried to hit the ball with a stick.

Sacred Heart Baseball has been around for a long time. We do not know the exact date. This year we have been undefeated. Andrew said (Andrew) “ I like Sacred Heart Baseball” . “ I think we will win the league”(Andrew). As he mentioned I also think we will the league. But this year are hardest competition is Pinewood, but we beat them 13 -9. We played a good game and hit the ball hard.




By : Holland Sutton

Section 6.4 May 2, 2013

REFERENCE: "History of Baseball in the United States." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 05 Jan. 2013. Web. 02 May 2013.

"Baseball Almanac." Baseball Almanac. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 May 2013.

Page 25: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

There are many places to visit in Greece. A good place to visit is Mycenae: an archaeologist heaven. It is a fortress built around 2000 BC. Another place is Delphie and Meteora. It is beautiful breathtaking ruins scenery. One greater place to visit in Greece is The Ancient wonders in Olympia. It had been held in the honor of Zeus beginning of 776 B.C.

Mycenae is an archaeologist in greece. Its about 90 km southwest from Athens. It was one of the majors centuries of Greek civilization. Mycenae was believed to be settled close to 2000 BC by Indo-Europeans who practiced farming and herding.

“Delphie and Meteora is a beautiful type of ruins scenery in Greece”. (places to visit in greece) This was the center of the world the greek believed, where people would go to consult the oracle. It was not only that but a place of worship for the God Apollo.

Ancient Wonders in Olympia was where

the statue of Zeus lyed. It was carved by amazing sculpture artists in 435 B.C.E. There was also a temple of Zeus at Olympia that was built between 470 B.C.E. It was designed by Lisbon of Elis Archaeopedia. “Olympia was not only the house of Zeus but held the Olympic Games”.(places to visit in greece) The games quickly came more important throughout Greece. A little bit about Zeus is that he was a great God. He was mighty power. He could control lighting, rain, and the winds.

These were some of Greece’s important places. The Ancient wonders of Greece, Mycenae, and Delphie and Meteora. If you ever come to Greece, I recommend you to come to these places because they were very important places in Greece.


in Greece

By Jenna Chaplinsky

Section 6.1 May 2, 2013


. "Places to Visit in Greece." Eurail – Travel Europe By Train With a Eurail Pass. N.p., n.d. Web.


Page 26: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

Subtitle here: 1 sentence summary of the article. Main article: 300-400 words, 2+ MLA quotes, 2+ references.

Volleyball at SHS

“Volleyball is a fun sport to play” said Katherine (Salisbury). You have the chance to play many different positions such as setter, or spiker. Volleyball is a great sport to interact with your friends, to try a new sport, or just to have FUN. “We got first place in Volleyball in our league tournament” said Ellie.(Newton) The best place to play volleyball is the beach or the gym.

At SpringField college the first game of volleyball was played in 1896. There was a special ball that was made for this sport volleyball. YMCA spread to many places around the world such as Brazil. To play the game you have three hits per side and back row attack

became allowed. The first YMCA national championships were held in Brooklyn NY. 27 teams were represented from eleven states were counted in for the national championships. Volleyball was not only a national sport but a fun game to play with a few friends.


at SHS

By Jenna Chaplinsky

Section 6.1 May 3, 2013

REFERENCE: "Volleyball - General Information." Volleyball - General Information. N.p., n.d. Web.

Study Guide." E-mail interview. 2

May 2013.

Page 27: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

The Holocaust

The Holocaust was a sad event when Adolf Hitler hated Jews. He wanted them to be put to death. He

believes if you have blond hair and blue eyes and not Jewish you belong. If not you do not belong.

Knowing he was not that he said it anyway. Adolf Hitler was an Austrian burned into the head of the

Nazi Party. Adolf Hitler took young children to train and fight for the Nazi party. They were forced to

jump off buildings and climb under barbed wire. If they were scared they were considered week. “Greek

Origin meaning "sacrifice by fire."” (Introduction of the Holocaust). Everyone was sad and mad because

of the mean things Adolf was doing. Soon after that Adolf Hitler set up constriction camps for Jews. They

were fed little and caged in wooden crates. If you acted bad you were sentenced to Solitary

Confinement. If you acted bad there you were sentenced to death.

Page 28: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Bibliography – 3rd Article

1. "Holocaust History." Introduction to the Holocaust. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 May 2013.

2. "The Holocaust." About.com 20th Century History. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 May 2013.

Page 29: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

ged in and wooden crate. If you misbehaved you were put in solitary confinement. And if you

misbehaved there you were sentenced to death.

Page 30: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

The Spartan warriors were skilled in arms, and carried a select choice of weapons with them to ensure they were fit for combat at any range. Allowing them to adapt to various combat situations in the blink of an eye. The Spartan weapons were very expensive. the Spartans. Trained from a young age around 7 to handle weapons, with a fearless atitude in the eyes of their enemies , a fully matured Spartan was a dangerous enemy for anyone.The Spartan warriors were really skilled and were considered as some of the greatest weapon warriors of the Greek empire.

The Spartan primary sword was the dory. it ranges from 7 to 9 feet . the dory was uaslly held underhand with one hand. the shaft or the handle was wood and then wrapt tightly with leather. the head was usally made of iron or bronze.

the spartan sword was the secondary weapon the spartans carryed according to Spartan Weapons this sword is “called xiphos”. the sword is made of iron and around 12 to 18 inches long witched helped in battle. the spartan sword was able to fit through gaps in shields of their enemies.

The Kopis was the alternetive weapon for the secondary weapon. it is formed by thick curved iron sword. most warrior used this weapon as axe because of its hacking ability.

Page 31: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

Spartan life about when they made the difference in Greece

The Spartans braided their hair, and that was the most important thing to them before going to battle. The Spartans were a very interesting people. If you know who the Athenians are, you will not believe the history of this people. The Spartans excelled in warfare, but were not the smartest Homo-Sapiens to ever walk the earth.

Spartans lived during the same time as the Athenians and they were considered the most powerful force in that area. They focused only on warfare. Their schools only taught people how to be warriors. When you were old enough, you went to a military encampment to serve your people in battle.

They had a very risky, but useful

tactic in battle. They had about eleven men

across and eight men back. The put their shields together, and stuck their pikes in the middle of each shield. They used themselves as a plow to mow down the enemy. The risky part of it was that if one man broke ranks, then that entire group of soldiers would be in deep danger.

Another interesting fact about

Sparta is that they allowed and encouraged gay marriage and relationship. If a man married a feminine, they would almost never see her. That was because when you are old enough, you go to the military encampment to fight with all the other men. The main thought was that if men had strong relationships with each other, they would fight harder for the sake of keep the ones they love alive.



By: Jake Wheeler

Section 6.2 April 30, 2013

REFERENCE: N. "Sparta." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 18 Apr. 2013. Web. 18 Apr. 2013.

N. "Sparta, Ancient Greek City-State." Sparta, Ancient Greek City-State. N., n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2013.

Page 32: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus





By Rex Gurley

Section 6.2 March 5, 2013

REFERENCE: Thompson, Hunter Q. "Construction of the New School." Personal interview. 3 May 2013.

N. "School." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 05 Feb. 2013. Web. 05 May 2013

N. "Platonic Academy." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 05 Mar. 2013. Web. 05 May 2013.

The construction of the new school buildings at Sacred heart was quite a change for all of the students and faculty. An entire year was spent completing all of the new buildings.

Hunter said, “The construction was very annoying because we were right next to it. It was loud and disturbed the classrooms. The new school is great. The classrooms are a lot better. It was worth it” (Thompson). <Thompson, Hunter Q. "Construction of the New School." Personal interview. 3 May 2013.>

The first schools were outdoors and in places such as under trees. These schools didn’t require building much. Schools eventually evolved into school houses of certain types. You only had to build one building so the construction would be quick and easy. As schools kept getting bigger and better the construction became more noisy and took more time.

In most cases, when the construction is complete, the school is good and well built, especially if the builders took more time.

As Hunter said, “ The new school is great. The classrooms are a lot better. It was worth it” (Thomson). <Thompson, Hunter Q. "Construction of the New School." Personal interview. 3 May 2013.>

Since the building of our new school, almost everyone has agreed that the buildings are better, but it is quite a change, and construction can disturb classes.

Page 33: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

Subtitle here: 1 sentence summary of the article. Main article: 300-400 words, 2+ MLA quotes, 2+ references. Athenian


By Rex Gurley

Section 6.2 May 2, 2013

REFERENCE: Hicks, Stephen. "Stephen Hicks, Ph.D." Stephen Hicks PhD RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Apr. 2013.

N. "Roborant: The Athenian Navy." Roborant: The Athenian Navy. N.p., 13 June 2010. Web. 19 Apr. 2013.

N. "Rowing and Sculling for Rowers and Scullers - Row2k.com." Rowing and Sculling for Rowers and Scullers - Row2k.com. N.p., 27 Nov. 2000. Web. 19 Apr. 2013.

The Athenian Navy was one of the most powerful in the Greece area. Athens had the more dominant navy and Sparta had the more dominant army.

“The new powerful navy enabled the Athenians and their allies to defeat the Persians at Salamis in 480, extend and protect their commercial network, and exert political influence all over the Aegean and beyond” (Stephen Hicks).

“Greeks fought at sea in oared ships called triremes, which were about 120 feet long. Rowers did not have to be as skilled and courageous in battle as hoplites in the phalanx, but they did need to be practiced and in good enough condition to row steadily for hours. Since sea engagements lasted far longer than hoplite battle, rowers had to be away from home for considerable periods of time and this meant that they had to be paid” (Roborant).

“Athens needed lots of them too, it took 170 men to row a trireme, 34,000 to man a fleet of 200 ships.” (Roborant.).

It was fairly easy to join the navy. You didn’t have to be as skilled unlike a Spartan hoplite.

“The navy was the junior service in Athens. It was more accessible to the common citizen than the Army, membership in which required a certain amount of wealth to afford armor. The main piece of equipment a rower needed was a hyperesion (let's translate that as "buttpad"), a cushion made of leather which probably slid back and forth on the bench” (Rowing and Sculling for Rowers and Scullers) The Athenian navy was one of the most strong navies at that time and it was easy for rowers to join.

Page 34: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

The Olympic Games were a very popular event in Ancient Greece.

The Olympic Games began about

2,700 years ago (776 BCE) in Olympia, in

southwest Greece.The Ancient Greeks always

loved competitions, especially sporting ones. The

Olympics weren’t the only competitions in

Ancient Greece, but they were the most popular.

According to The Greeks took the Olympic

Games quite seriously. Almost all the Greek

cities sent teams to participate in the Olympics.

According to Wikipedia, “They were

held in honor of Zeus (“Ancient Olympic Games”)

If at least two city states were at war

at the time of the Olympics, war was halted for

the duration of the games. The order of the

events is not precisely known, but the first day of

the festival was devoted to sacrifices. On the

Middle Day of the festival 100 oxen were

sacrificed in honor of a God. Athletes also often

prayed and made small sacrifices


Greece Mrdonn said, “No women were

allowed to watch the games and only Greek

nationals could participate” (Ancient Greek Olympics).

These games were part of a religious

festival. They were held in honor of Zeus, king of the

gods. They were staged every four years at Olympia, a

valley near a city called Elis. People from all over the

Greek world came to watch and take part. Everyone

wanted their city state to win!

Ancient Greece

Olympic Games

By Your Noorayn Jafri

Section 6.4 May 2, 2013


N. "The Ancient Greek Olympics -

Ancient Greece for Kids." The Ancient

Greek Olympics - Ancient Greece for

Kids. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2013

N. "Ancient Greece - Olympic

Games." Ancient Greece -

Olympic Games. N.p., n.d. Web.

18 Apr. 2013.

N. "Ancient Greeks: The Olympic Games."

BBC News. BBC, n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2013.

Page 35: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

Subtitle here: 1 sentence summary of the article. Main article: 300-400 words, 2+ MLA quotes, 2+ references.

Every 2 years there are the Olympics. There are summer Olympics every 4 years and winter every 4 years. The Olympics is an event where each country participates in the most famous worldwide sports. Normally around 200 teams participate in the Olympics.

According to Michael Phelps, “You can't put a limit on anything. The more you dream, the farther you get.” (“quotesmessages.com”)

The Olympics happen in a different place each year. The IOC (International Olympic Committee) determines who will host the Olympics by see who has the highest bid, and who

has the best plan for the opening ceremony. The next Winter Olympics will be in 2004 and the next Summer Olympics will be in 2016. There are a total of 42 sports. Almost every year USA wins the Olympics.

According to Pierre de Coubertin, “The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning but taking part; the essential thing in life is not conquering but fighting well.” (“Great-quotes.com”)

Overall, the Olympics are an event held every four years to show which country is the best at sports.



By Your Full Name

Section 6.X Month Day Year

REFERENCE: N. "Olympics." Olympics | Olympic Medals, Results, Videos, Sports, News | IOC. Olympic.org, n.d. Web. 05 May 2013.

"Olympics." Olympic Games. Wikipedia.org, n.d. Web. 5 May 2013.

Page 36: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

Ping pong, also known as table tennis, is a sport where you hit a small ball made of plastic and air with a paddle on a table back and forth between two players. At Sacred Heart Schools Atherton, after we remodeled our school, we got a ping pong table, paddles, and balls, to play with during break.

Anikait’s opinion on the ping pong tables at Sacred Heart is, “The ping pong tables are a lot of fun except I would rather have games to 21 and also have tournaments. I also want there to be more tables”.

Ping pong originated in

England in the 1880’s.

Max’s opinion on the ping pong tables at Sacred Heart is, “I like the ping pong tables at Sacred Heart, but there is always a long line, so I would rather have more tables. I also think we should play to a higher number than 1”. (Max Cluss)

In Conclusion, the ping pong tables is one of the best things to do at break but there are a few bad things about it.


Pong at



By Your Full Name

Section 6.2 5-5-13


"Max's Opinion on Ping Pong." Telephone interview. 5 May 2013.

"Anikait's Opinion on Ping Pong." Personal interview. 5 May 2013.

Page 37: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

Every 2 years there are the Olympics. There are summer Olympics every 4 years and winter every 4 years. The Olympics is an event where each country participates in the most famous worldwide sports. Normally around 200 teams participate in the Olympics.

According to Michael Phelps, “You can't put a limit on anything. The more you dream, the farther you get.” (“quotesmessages.com”)

The Olympics happen in a different place each year. The IOC (International Olympic Committee) determines who will host the Olympics by see who has the highest bid, and who

has the best plan for the opening ceremony. The next Winter Olympics will be in 2004 and the next Summer Olympics will be in 2016. There are a total of 42 sports. Almost every year USA wins the Olympics.

According to Pierre de Coubertin, “The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning but taking part; the essential thing in life is not conquering but fighting well.” (“Great-quotes.com”)

Overall, the Olympics are an event held every four years to show which country is the best at sports.



By Your Full Name

Section 6.2 5-5-13

REFERENCE: N. "Olympics." Olympics | Olympic Medals, Results, Videos, Sports, News | IOC. Olympic.org, n.d. Web. 05 May 2013.

"Olympics." Olympic Games. Wikipedia.org, n.d. Web. 5 May 2013.

Page 38: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Superpowers are armies that are huge and heavily favored. The United States was

a superpower in the Vietnam War. They were heavily favored in the war but they

still lost. Just because a country is a superpower doesn’t mean they will win. In

Vietnam U.S. didn’t win because the Vietnamese had home field advantage. The

Vitanemese were also fighting for their country and land, so they really wanted to

win. The Vitanamese were fighting harder than the U.S. because for the U.S. it

was just a battle but for the Vitnamese it was their home. The Vitanemese knew

the way of the land and they knew where to hide and attack. The Vietnam war

started in 1955. The U.S.A entered the war to try and stop communism from

spreading. The war lasted for around 20 years, and ended in 1975. Around 50,000

American soldiers died in the war, and around 3 million Vitanemese soldiers died.

The war was very viscous and it was one of the only wars that U.S.A has lost.

Page 39: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

This year a new field was opened. The field is called the Gavello field. The field provides athletics for

baseball and soccer. It was donated by the Gavello family. During break, lunch, and P.E. kids can play on

the fields. Mr. Chiang a teacher that watches the kids during break says that the fields are great but the

gravel gets loose and it could use more shade, however he goes on to say you cannot beat the location

because it is very close to the classrooms. During break the kids can play an assortment of games such

as Frisbee, kick ball, soccer, football, or anything their hearts desire. Toby Mustarde a student that

frequently uses the fields says he loves the field because it is closer than the other playground and there

is much more space. Alec Vort a 6th grader believes the fields are beautiful. As I researched deeper I

realized one of the reasons the Gavello field is so popular is because of the quality of the field and the

fun atmosphere it promotes. After interviewing classmates it can to my attention that kids look forward

to playing on the new fields and it can be the highlight of their day. The fields were made of AstroTurf

because you can play in worse conditions and it is easier to upkeep. Local baseball teams also use the

fields to practice because of the great quality and the generosity of Sacred Heart. On the school website

there are a variety of pictures for the sports that have been played on the Gavello field. The lower and

middle school frequently use the fields for P.E. and break. The Gavello field finished construction after

the main building, but is still great. The fields are a great addition to the Sacred Heart campus and


Page 40: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

The Athenian Democracy was the first democracy ever made history and developed by Cleisthenes.

According to Wikipedia “Athens is one of the first known democracies” (Athenian Democracy). Others tried to copy the Athenians but were never as powerful or as successful as them. According to Wikipedia “Athenian democracy developed in the Greek city-state of Athens, comprising the central city-state of Athens and the surrounding territory of Attica, around 550 BC”(Athenian Democracy). This was a very important event because this gave the people the freedom of choosing what they wanted for Athens. This strategy

has developed over the years and now even the United States uses a democracy.

Cleisthenes developed the Democracy so that everybody had the right to vote for they wanted. If he did not come up with this idea I don’t think that the US today would have a Democracy.

I think that Cleisthenes must have been a really smart man to come up with that amazing idea of the Democracy.



Anikait Bhardwaj

Section 6.2 May 2, 2013

REFERENCE: N. "Athenian Democracy." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 05 Jan. 2013. Web. 02 May 2013.

N. "Athenian Democracy." Athenian Democracy. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 May 2013.

Page 41: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

Wikipedia says that the history of water polo as a team sport began as a demonstration of strength and swimming skill in late 19th century England and Scotland, where water sports and racing exhibitions were a feature of county fairs and festivals. Men's water polo was among the first team sports introduced at the modern Olympic games in 1900(“Water Polo”).

According to Wikipedia, Water polo is a game requiring excellent hand-eye coordination. The ability to handle and pass the ball flawlessly separates the good teams from the great teams. A pass thrown to a field position player is preferably a "dry pass" (meaning the ball does not touch the water) and allows for optimal speed when passing from player to player with fluid motion between catching and

throwing. A "wet pass" is a deliberate pass into the water, just out of reach of the offensive player nearest the goal (the "whole set") and his defender. The whole-set can then lunge towards the ball and out of the water to make a shot or pass(“Water Polo”).

Kyle Ballack, a Sacred Heart water polo player, says that “water polo is physically demanding on all players”(Ballack). Ballack also says that “it requires tremendous amounts of hand-eye coordination and balance”(Ballack).

Overall, water polo for any team can be difficult and tough. Only the players that have the greatest hearts and determination can be successful.


Polo for



By James Plaschke

Section 6.2 May 5 2013

REFERENCE: N. "Waterpolo." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 04 Oct. 2013. Web. 05 May 2013. Water polo is a team water sport

Reference: Each team shall consist of seven players, one of whom shall be the goalkeeper and who shall wear the goalkeeper’s cap, and not more than six reserves who may be used as substitutes. A team playing with less

Ballack, Kyle Kenji. "Water Polo." Personal interview. 5 May 2013. Water polo is hard

Reference 4 from easybib.com

Page 42: 6th Grade Greece Magazine



By Rex Gurley

Section 6.2 March 1, 2o13

REFERENCE: Wikipedia <N. "War Elephant." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 26 Apr. 2013. Web. 01 May 2013.>


<N. "War Elephants." YouTube. YouTube, 13 June 2010. Web. 02 May 2013.>

War elephants were elephants that were trained and guided by humans for battle. Their main use was to charge the enemy, trampling them and breaking their ranks and instilling terror (“Wikipedia”). War elephants were first used in India. War elephants were most famously used in Greece, by the Persians. Even though the Macedonians who fought in that battle against the Persians lost, the war elephants made an impression on the Macedonians and proved themselves effective. The main problem is that elephants are fairly hard to find. War elephants were like ancient tanks. These war elephants could not only attack the enemy, but could serve as a platform for other forms of military. For example, there could be a war elephant with an archer or a general on top of it. This way whoever was on the top of the elephant could have a better view of the battlefield, and in the archer’s case, a platform to shoot down at the enemy. Elephants started to become less used in battle when the cannon was introduced. An elephant was just an easier target to hit with a cannon. Once accurate cannons came around, all that size did was make a big target (“Youtube”). After the introduction of the cannon, elephants were still used, but for labor. In the east, where supplies of animals were greater and the terrain ideal, it was the advent of cannon that finally concluded the use of the combat elephant at the end of the 19th century, thereafter restricting their use to engineering and labor roles (“Wikipedia”). War elephants are not commonly used today, as they are not as reliable and do not do as much damage as modern tanks and other forms of weaponry. In a few cases elephants can be used for war in third world countries and places such as South Africa and Africa itself.

Page 43: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

The lifestyle of the Spartans was very different from the life of any

American. The children played different games and had different schools. They

were raised different ways and were taught different things.

The children lived a military life. Everything was a test of their toughness or

manliness. If the babies did not cry enough they would kill the child. They

believed if they did not cry then they were not tough enough and they could not

scream in battle. At age 7 boys were recruited to be in the military. They lived in

military dorms and were raised up to be soldiers.

They trained for the military but they also took classes like reading, writing,

music, and dancing. The children were fed very little to toughen them up and

teach them what battle is like. The children would hardly ever see their parents

because they were constantly fighting or at war. The entire Spartan life was based

on war.

Page 44: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

The lifestyle of the Spartans was very different from the life of any

American. The children played different games and had different schools. They

were raised different ways and were taught different things.

The children lived a military life. Everything was a test of their toughness or

manliness. If the babies did not cry enough they would kill the child. They

believed if they did not cry then they were not tough enough and they could not

scream in battle. At age 7 boys were recruited to be in the military. They lived in

military dorms and were raised up to be soldiers.

They trained for the military but they also took classes like reading, writing,

music, and dancing. The children were fed very little to toughen them up and

teach them what battle is like. The children would hardly ever see their parents

because they were constantly fighting or at war. The entire Spartan life was based

on war.

Page 45: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

App Inventor was recently used at this school to create “apps” for the Chinese.

App Inventor has been widely used. From the beginning, App Inventor was to teach simple programming concepts. Google wanted to implement Java, visual drag-and-drop programming, and easiness to make a first app.

“With App Inventor you’ll learn the key programming concepts — conditionals, iteration, functions, parameters, etc. — just without some of the headaches of a text-based language” (“The Ascendance of App Inventor”). “…that allows users to drag-and-drop visual objects to create an application that can run on the Android system, which runs on many mobile devices” (“App Inventor for Android”).

App Inventor was recently used at Sacred Heart. The creation of apps was only a part of a project. The project was to simulate a startup with a product (the app).

Mr. Chiang, the 6th grade Social Studies teacher, used App Inventor because “It’s the only modular (puzzle) piece app creator that’s easy to learn” (“Interview with Mr. Chiang”). We made Chinese apps, since “Everyone needed to experience programming” (“Interview with Mr. Chiang”).

The apps created via App Inventor were to deliver a “social good. One of the apps (my app) was called AllAboutChina (see image above) by DodoTechnologies to quiz people on China, facts of the day, and trophies to encourage people to play more.

Within the ‘creating process’ of App Inventor, the UI (user-interface) is friendly. After the “creating process”, there’s a ‘coding process’. The code involves dragging and dropping blocks, which contain Java. In order to test the app, there’s an emulator to simulate a phone using the app.

Creating apps can involve Objective-C, JavaScript (with CSS/HTML), and Ruby. App Inventor is far more simplified than ‘real programming’. App Inventor may not be able to be called ‘real code’, but can teach programming concepts in preparation for ‘actual programming’





By: Ajay Ravi

Section 6.1 May 1, 2o13

REFERENCE: Reference 1: N. "App Inventor for Android." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 05 Feb. 2013. Web. 02 May 2013.

Reference 2 : Wen, Howard. "The Ascendance of App Inventor." Programming. O' Reily, 3 June 2011. Web. 02 May 2013.

Reference 3: "Interview with Mr. Chiang." Personal interview. 5 May 2013.

Page 46: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

Greece is the place to be! Greece has amazing temples and tourist attractions everywhere! According to Wikipedia, “The vast majority of tourists in the country are from within the European Union (12.7 million), followed by those from the Americas (0.56 million), Asia (0.52 million), Oceania (0.1 million) and Africa (0.06 million)” (Tourism in Greece). Tourism in modern-day Greece started to flourish in the 1960s and 1970s. In 2009, the country welcomed over 19.3 million tourists. Greece attracts more than 17.5 million people each year. Greece has been an attraction for international visitors since antiquity for its rich and long history. Large-scale construction projects for hotels and other such facilities were undertaken and the country saw an increase in international tourists over the years. According to Touropia, “Greece is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world” (Top Ten Tourist Attractions). Some of the Tourist

attractions are Mount Athos, Mystras, Lindos, and Myrtos Beach. Mount Athos is a mountain and a peninsula in northern Greece. Mystras is situated near ancient Sparta, Mystras served as the capital of the Peloponnesus in the 14th and 15th centuries, ruled by relatives of the Byzantine emperor. Lindos is a medieval village on the island of Rhodes that is made up of a network of cobbled streets amid whitewashed house. And finally, located in the north-west of Kefalonia, Myrtos Beach is world-famous for the magical colors of the water. The blue and turquoise colors of the sea contrast sharply with the bright white of the smooth marble pebbles of the beach. These are just a few tourist attractions in Greece. There are many, MANY more!





By Asha Agarwal Section 6.2 May 2, 2013

REFERENCE: "Tourism in Greece." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 28 Apr. 2013. Web. 02 May 2013. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tourism_in_Greece>.

N. "10 Top Tourist Attractions in Greece." Touropia RSS. N., n.d. Web. 02 May 2013. <http://www.touropia.com/tourist-attractions-in-greece/>.

N. "10 Top Tourist Attractions in Greece." Touropia RSS. N., n.d. Web. 02 May 2013. <http://www.touropia.com/tourist-attractions-in-greece/>.

Page 47: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

There’s a basic idea to the Cold War, which can be explained.

When it comes to the Cold War, everyone is familiar and knowledgeable of it.

Although magazines, newspapers, and other sources have mentioned it, the idea isn’t explained.

“Russia began to make a 'cold war' on Britain and the British Empire” (“Cold War”). “In particular, American officials encouraged the development of atomic weapons like the ones that had ended World War II. Thus began a deadly ‘arms race’” (“The Cold War: The Atomic Age”).

The hegemonic governments, which is the US and Russia, clashed and began war. This war was more ‘indirect’, since it was a proxy war. Instead, Russia’s and the US’ allies fought. As they fought the allies needed to support themselves, thus causing an ‘extended war catastrophe’.

Later on, the Cold War was practically everywhere. Protests, hostility, and police officers were all over the place! This war needed to come to an end. Richard Nixon

later had international relations with China. Later China helped end the war, since they had improved their military. The crisis finally came to a stop and tranquility resumed.


Idea of




By: Ajay Ravi

Section 6.1 May 3, 2013


N. "Cold War." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 05 Jan. 2013. Web. 01 May 2013.

Reference 2 from: N. "Cold War." History.com. A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 01 May 2013.

Page 48: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

A cafeteria is a restaurant or dining room in a school or a business in which customers serve themselves or are served from a counter and pay before they eat. The Sacred Heart Schools Atherton Cafeteria is a great place to eat, hang out with friends, and relax on a couch.

The cafeteria has many tasty breakfast items including: egg rolls, sausage, bacon, pancakes, French toast, biscuits, potatoes, fruits, a yogurt bar, cereal, and juices. I feel as if the Cafeteria has all of the right breakfast foods. I have interview many of my classmates and asked, “What is your favorite

breakfast item?” They often respond, “Bacon!!!” The bacon is by far the most popular out of all the foods for breakfast.

I also enjoy the amazing choices at lunch .The cafeteria covers all the different cultured food and of course our favorites. However, I interviewed Ben Colby and he had a few negative and positive comments about the cafeteria. “I like the assortment of food however the “fancy” foods and foreign foods are too complex for me. I would prefer a simple hot dog, pasta, or chicken fingers. (Colby)”


By Max Cluss

Section 6.2 5/3/13


N. "Google." Google. Google, n.d. Web. 03 May 2013.

Page 49: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

During break at school I love to play ping pong (also known as table tennis) with all my friends outside in the Middle School Courtyard.

“Table tennis is a sport in which two or four players hit a lightweight ball back and forth using table tennis rackets.”(Table Tennis). We play ping pong every day at break and also at lunch. Ping pong is one of my favorite things to do because I can play with my friends and also at home with my brother or dad. You play ping pong on a hard table that is divided by a net in the middle of the table. You can play ping pong in singles or doubles but I personally prefer playing in singles because the table is not that big so you might bump into your partner.

“Table tennis is governed by the worldwide organization International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF), founded in 1926.”(Table Tennis). “I enjoy ping pong because I am really good at it and I like playing with my friends.(Colby). These are some of the reasons that I love ping pong at Sacred Heart.





Anikait Bhardwaj

Section 6.2 5-3-13

REFERENCE: N. "Table Tennis." Table Tennis. N.p., n.d. Web.

Colby, Benjamin Sterling. "Interviewing Ben." Personal interview. 3 May 2013.

Page 50: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

World War 1 was one of the wars that started from a small proxy war between two small countries like the Peloponnesian war that started between Athens and Sparta.

“World War 1 was a global war centered in Europe and started on July 28, 1914 and lasted until 11 November 1918.”(World War l)

World War 1 started July of 1914 and ended November of 1918. Thats about a 4 year war!!! This war was called World War or the Great War from its occurrence till World War 2 in 1939 and happened to be mostly in Europe. In this war more than 9 million people died. This went down as one of the worst things that has ever happened in the history of the Earth. The causes of World War 1, which began in central Europe in

late July 1914 and finished in 1918, included many factors, such as the conflicts and hostility of the four decades leading up to the war.


War 1

Anikait Bhardwaj

Section 6.2 May 2, 2013

REFERENCE: RefN. "World War I." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 05 Feb. 2013. Web. 02 May 2013.erence 1 from easybib.com

N. "World War I." History.com. A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 02 May 2013.

N. "Causes of World War I." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 05 Mar. 2013. Web. 04 May 2013.

Page 51: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

United States Congress is a interesting topic. There are two houses in the Congress. There is the House of Representatives, and the Senate. Many think the congress is a group of people. But it is 2 groups of people.

The Congress aproves laws. Both houses need to aprrove of the law. Before a law is made a law it is called a bill. Bfore a bill is made it is just an idea. Then in committee the congress mentalks about it.Then if the committe says yes the bill goes to the House of repersenitives. If the Hose of repersenitives days yes. Then the bill is taken to the senate. The taken back to the capital and is voted on again and then woted by th priesident. If the president says no that is called a veto and the bill issent back to capital hill.

First, the senate. “ The

senate today is perhaps the most powerful upper house of any legislative.” Said How goverments work. The senate is made of 100 people. If you are elected you stay in place for six years.

Secondly, The house of

repersenitives. IT is amde up of 435 members.”The Two year terms,

smaller districts, and direct election

by the people were intended to make

the House a populist institution.”

Said the book Everything

Amercrican Goverment. First

woman to be elected for congress

was Jeanette Rankin. This is how the

congress works.

The U.S


By Your Full Name

Claire Van Dyke 6.1 May 3, 2013


N. How Governments Work: The inside

Guide to the Politics of the

World. New York: DK, 2006.


Ragone, Nick. The Everything

American Government Book: From

the Constitution to Present-day Elections, All You Need to

Understand Our Democratic

System. Avon, MA: Adams

N. "I'm Just a Bill (Schoolhouse Rock!)." YouTube. YouTube, 01 Sept. 2008. Web. 03 May 2013.

N. "3 Branches of Government." YouTube. YouTube, 19 Oct. 2009. Web. 03 May 2013

Page 52: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

The Ancient Olympic Games in Athens was a series of athletic competitions among representatives of city-states of Ancient Greece. They were held in honor of Zeus, and the Greeks gave them a mythological origin. Historical records indicate that they began in 776 BC in Olympia.

To be in the games, the athletes had to qualify and have their names written in the lists. Before being able to participate, every participant had to take an oath in front of the statue of Zeus, saying that he had been in training for ten months.

At first, the Olympic Games lasted only one day, but eventually grew to five days. The Olympic Games originally contained one event: the stadion race, a short sprint measuring between 180 and 240 meters (590 and 790 feet), or the length of the stadium.

The diaulos, or two-stade race, was introduced in 724 BC, during the 14th Olympic Games. The race was a single lap of the stadium, approximately 400 meters (1,300 feet), and scholars debate whether or not the runners had individual "turning" posts for the return leg of the race, or whether all the runners approached a common post, turned, and then raced back to the starting line.

The third foot race, the dolichos, according to Wikipedia (“Ancient Olympic Games”) was introduced in 720 BC. Accounts of the race present conflicting evidence as to the length of the dolichos; however, the length of the race was 18–24 laps, or about three miles.

The last running event added to the Olympic program was the hoplitodromos, or "Hoplite race", according to Wikipedia, (“Ancient Olympic Games”) introduced in 520 BC and traditionally run as the last race of the Olympic Games. The runners would run either a single or double diaulos (approximately 400 or 800 yards) in full or partial armor, carrying a shield and additionally equipped either with greaves or a helmet. As the armor weighed between 50 and 60 pounds, the hoplitodromos emulated the speed and stamina needed for warfare.

Over the years, more events were added: boxing , wrestling in 708 BC, and pankration, a fighting competition combining both elements. Wrestling was also the final decisive event in the ancient pentathlon. Boxing became increasingly brutal over the centuries. Initially, soft leather covered their fingers, but eventually, hard leather with metal sometimes was used. The fights had no rest periods and no rules against hitting a man while he was down. Bouts continued until one man either surrendered or died- however, killing an opponent wasn't a good thing, as the dead boxer was automatically declared the winner.

Other events include chariot racing, as well as a pentathlon, consisting of wrestling, stadion, long jump, javelin throw, and discus throw. In the chariot racing event, it was not the rider, but the owner of the chariot and team who was considered to be the competitor, so one owner could win more than one of the top spots.




Games in


By Warren Long

Section 6.2 May 1, 2013

REFERENCE: "Ancient Olympic Games." , First Olympics in Olympia. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 May 2013. "Ancient Olympic Games." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 05 Feb. 2013. Web. 02 May 2013.

Page 53: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

Hitler was the Nazi ruler since January 1933. He created schools to train the elite group of children for his army. His schools were called Adolf Hitler-Schule. “It took a few years for the changes to take firm roots and when it was clear that such changes were fully in place, in January 1937 Hitler allowed his name to be attached to such schools” (Trueman).

“Yet in practice the AHS achieved hardly more than the Education Institutes' model of a duplicate leadership structure for the boarding schools” (Adolf Hitler Schools). The schools taught the children to have leadership, war skills, and active exercise.

Many people viewed Hitler’s schools as unfair, and cruel ways to hold children hostage. They thought that Hitler was taking away their friends children, and brainwashing them into believing in everything that Hitler did.

Hitler, although, viewed his schools as a good way for children to plan their futures. He thought he was giving an easy future to his students.

Hitler’s schools helped him in later battles, and made him conquer.



By Katherine Salisbury

Section 6.1 May 2, 2013

REFERENCE: "Adolf Hitler Schools." Adolf Hitler Schools. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 May 2013.

"Adolf Hitler Schools." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 13 Apr. 2013. Web. 01 May 2013.

Page 54: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

Spartan women had their own, personal take on fashion. Their clothes showed the world of their wealth. When they purchased things like gold and silver bracelets, it showed of their high or low status in the community.

“Clothing, as well as the lack of it, marked the differences between the Spartans and other Greek women” (Pomeroy 134). Although Spartan women like to express themselves through their clothes, they didn’t wear much of it. Their clothes were notoriously short and on very hot days, the Spartan women wore barely any clothes at all. When Athenians saw the Spartans wearing little clothes, they were confused because the Athenians liked to cover up their bodies.

In Sparta in ancient times, when the women were going to nice events,

they wore peplos’. “The Dorian peplos was a heavier wool dress than the Ionian, and had to be fastened on the shoulders by a fibulae” (Pomeroy 134). A fibulae is an accessory like a modern day broach. Spartan women were not allowed to have long hair, so their clothes were used to express themselves.

Most of the outfits were made of chiton and himation. Many of the dresses were colorful and vibrant. The designs were mostly use of drapery and wrapping. The peplos was the most common thing to wear. A peplos’ right-hand side cuts were not sewn and decorated with ornamental borders and drapery.

Spartan women’s clothes helped them to show who they are on the inside and out!




By Katherine Salisbury

Section 6.1 May 2, 2013

REFERENCE: Women Wore the Chiton Called Peplos. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2013.

.B., Sarah. "Spartan Women." Google Books. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2013.

.N. "Women in Ancient Sparta." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation,

17 Apr. 2013. Web. 18 Apr.


Page 55: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

Get ready gators, the track meet is coming up!! This year, the track meet is on Friday and Saturday, May 3rd and 4th. Each school that is coming will try their best to win their races.

The track meet is a tradition at SHS that has been going on for 35 years. “In over 35 years, Sacred Heart has never lost the meet” (VanWyk). The only little time that Sacred Heart has lost is one boys team last year. The history of track goes way back to 776 B.C

The history of track goes way back to 776 B.C. in the first Olympics in Greece. “The marathon was not an event of the ancient Olympic Games. The

marathon is a modern event that was first introduced in the Modern Olympic Games of 1896 in Athens...” (“Track and Field History and the Origins of the Sport”).

There were three foot races at the first Olympics, stadion, diaulos, and dolichos. Track and field in USA started approximately in the 1860’s.

Track and Field is a fun way to get exercise, and our SHS gators will have a lot of fun this weekend at the track meet!



By Katherine Salisbury

Section 6.1 May 2, 2013

REFERENCE: "Track Meet." Personal interview. 1 May 2013.

"Track and Field History and the Origins of the Sport." Athletic Scholarships. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 May 2013.

Page 56: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

Sparta had many complex weapons and armor.

According to the website pbs.org, whenever a Spartan warrior left for war, his mother would cry out, "Come back with your shield - or on it" (Plutarch, Mor. 241). This means that the Spartans would have to kill someone and take their shield or die on their own shield.

In addition to shields the Spartans used many other complex weapons and armor, such as helmets, swords, and spears.

From 1600 BC - 1100 BC the Spartans often would fight Athens. They would fight for land, and because of the Spartans complex weapons and warfare they would often win.

The Spartan’s had a shield called a Hoplon and a helmet which was called a corinthian helmet. It was made of several layers of wood and a thin layer of iron on top. The corinthian helmet was a helmet made from bronze and it covered the entire head, neck, and cheek bones, with slits for the eyes and mouth.

According to the website military-quotes.com, the King Agesilaos would say to his warriors, "The walls of Sparta were its young men, and its borders the points of their spears." (“Military Quotes”)

The Spartan sword was called a xiphos. It was a short, double-edged, single-hand sword. A normal length of the blade was 50-60 cm and it was made of iron or bronze.

A dory and a javelin are Spartan spears. The dory was 10 ft and made of wood. The spearhead was made of iron and this spear included another spearhead at the bottom of the spear in case the top spearhead brakes. The javelin was a three foot spear used to throw long distances at their opponents.

All in all, the Spartans had very complex weapons and armor. They would rarely lose a war because of their amazing weapons.

By Ben Colby

Section 6.2 5-1-13

REFERENCE: N. "Spartan Weapons." YouTube. YouTube, 01 Aug. 2008. Web. 18 Apr. 2013.

N. "Spartan Weapons and Equipment - Josh O." Josh O. N., n. Web. 18 Apr. 2013.

N. "Spartan Weapons and Equipment - Josh O." Josh O. N., n. Web. 18 Apr. 2013.



Page 57: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

Spartan men devoted their whole life to fighting, and war. Spartan men started to learn to fight at an early age at a military academy. Once they grow too old for the academy they are sent of to military dorms until the age of 60. Because Spartan men spend their whole life fighting it is important that they equipped with the right types of weapons for any scenario.

According to AncientMilitary.com, “The Spartans used three main weapons: Dory (spear), Xiphos (short sword), Kopis (small sword), and in some situations the Hoplon (shield)”

The Spartans were living in Greece around 431 BC - 404 BC.

Spartans were known for their amazing battle formation using shields to form a wall. Spartans would also stick spears out so that enemies could not get close to Spartans without getting hurt. If they did then then there would be a large wall of shields to

protect the Spartans. Spartans had spears to use, but they often broke. Because of this they

had other weapons such as the Xiphos and the Kopis. Xiphos was used as any other sword, but according to AncientMilitary.com, “The Kopis was used more like an axe”

Spartan military was their greatest strength, and their greatest weakness. This is because because Spartans fought their whole life they didn’t have time to re-populate thus becoming their downfall.



Colin Choi

Section 6.3 5/1/2013

REFERENCE: N. "Spartan Weapons." Spartan Weapons. N., n.d. Web. 02 May 2013.

N. "Spartan Weapons." YouTube. YouTube, 01 Aug. 2008. Web. 02 May 2013

N. "Spartan Weapons – Ancient Spartan Weapons." Spartan Weapons. N., n.d. Web. 02 May 2013. Website

Page 58: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

What made Alexander the Great, so great?

Alexander the Great conquered most of Persia by the age of thirty! He also had other parts of his life though, other than fighting in the army.

According to Wikipedia, “Alexander's legacy includes the cultural diffusion his conquests engendered. He founded some twenty cities that bore his name, most notably Alexandria in Egypt”

Alexander the Great’s father was Phillip of Macedon. He was born in Pella in 356 BC. He died 323 BC age 32. This happened in Persia and northern ancient Greece.

He was very smart, he was. Alexander the Great’s men had complete faith in him, and knew that he was a strong military leader. According to WikiAnswers, “His men had absolute faith in their leader and that he was a military strategist par excellence. Alexander was sufficiently smart and ego-controlled to avoid getting bogged down in un-winnable fights”.

Once, Alexander the Great went

after a Persian army of 250,000 men, while his army only had, at the most, 30,000 men! But of course, you would think, the Persian army would win with such a great number! But no, Alexander conquered the land!

Alexander’s best friend was Hephaestion, the son of a Macedonian noble. Once Hephaestion died, Alexander was devastated, but knew he had to move on in life. He married two women. Roxana was a daughter of a minor noble. Roxana was his first wife. Alexander’s second wife was a Persian princess named Stateira, daughter of Darius III of Persia. Alexander had a son with Roxana named Alexander IV.

Unfortunately, Alexander IV

was born 6 months after Alexander the Great died. Alexander IV didn’t see adulthood, for he had been killed.

Overall, Alexander the Great was a great and witty man. He truly was great. Even with his fighting in the army, he still managed to be an awesome man, with other, more peaceful things in his life.


the Great

By Audrey Cheng

Section 6.3 May 2, 2013


N., N. N. "Alexander the

Great." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 02 May


N., N. N.

"What Did Alexander the

Great Do?" WikiAnswers. Answers,

n. Web. 02 May 2013.

N., N. N. "Alexander the Great (Alexander of Macedon) Biography." Alexander the Great (Alexander of Macedon) Biography. N., n. Web. 02 May 2013.

N., N. N. "Alexander the Great Biography." Bio.com. A&E Networks Television, n. Web. 02 May 2013.

Page 59: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

Alexander the Great was a great leader, and conquered all of Persia, a little bit of India, and a little bit of Egypt as well. Alexander the Great was the son of Philip II. Alexander the Great was crowned king over Macedon at the age of 20.

(“History of Macedonia”). says, “When Alexander was 13, Philip hired the Greek philosopher Aristotle to be Alexander’s personal tutor.”

Alexander the Great lived in Macedonia, and was living around 200BC.

Alexander the great went and also conquered Persia, and died in in what is now Afghanistan.

Alexander was mostly known for his quick, bold strikes against neighboring places. Most people think that Alexander wanted to conquer the whole world, and that is why he attacked so many people. Mr. Chiang said that: I think that Alexander the Great’s greatest accomplishment, but also the saddest was that he created the vision of world domination (Chiang).


the Great

Colin Choi

Section 6.3 5/1/2013

REFERENCE: N. "Alexander the Great (Alexander of Macedon) Biography." Alexander the Great (Alexander of Macedon) Biography. N., n.d. Web. 02 May 2013.

"Talk with Mr. Chiang." Personal interview. 3 May 2013.

Page 60: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

All you wanted to know about our SHS volleyball unit Main article: 300-400 words, 2+ MLA quotes, 2+ references.

At SHS, we have volleyball teams in each grade in LMS. In 6th

grade, we have three volleyball teams. There is one “A” team and two “B” teams. The people on the “A” team have played volleyball before. The students on the “B” team are either beginners, or they are working on their skills.

Julia King says, “It’s a lot of fun, and when you win, it’s really satisfying.”

Nellie McAdams says, “It’s different, and enjoyable.”

The first volleyball game was played in Springfield College on July 7, 1896. In the 1900s, the

volleyball was created to be a special ball used for playing volleyball. In 1996, 2-people beach volleyball was added to the USA Olympics.

According to Wikipedia, “Volleyball is a team sport in which two teams of six players are separated by a net.”

Volleyball is a fun sport that requires hand I coordination and you have to be alert during the game.



By Audrey Cheng

Section 6.3 April 30, 2013

REFERENCE: N., N. N. "Volleyball - General Information." Volleyball - General Information. N., n. Web. 03 May 2013.

N., N. N. "Volleyball." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 05 Feb. 2013. Web. 03 May 2013.

N., N. N. "Rules - Volleyball.Com - Official Rules of Volleyball, Regulations, Indoor, High School, Beach, FIVB, NCAA Women's Men's." Rules - Volleyball.Com - Official

N., N. N. "Volleyball." About.com. N., n. Web. 03 May 2013.

Page 61: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

War elephants are a frightening new technology that was useful and harmful back in the day of Alexander the Great.

When you search the phrase, “Persian war elephants” you will stumble upon the battle of Gaugamela. “This battle was raged between the Macedonians led by Alexander the great and the Persians led by King Darius III. (Wikipedia)”

“There would by 3 to 5 men on the Elephant. (Wikipedia)” One would be the driver, mounted on the neck of the elephant. Then, there would be a little box or shack on top of the elephants back with one

spearman and usually two archers. These archers would shoot down at the men below them. And the spearmen would spear the men in front of them.

The defense to war elephants is by using pigs, mice, or goats. When these smaller animals were let out they would make lots of noises. This would cause the war elephants to run away the other way and trample their own army (there owners). This defense worked miracles because it defended you from being trampled, trampled your enemy, and you didn’t have to pay for the elephants and have to arm them.



By Max Cluss

Section 6.2 5/2/13

#1 N. "Persian War Elephants." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 28 Apr. 2013. Web. 02 May 2013.

#2 "War Culture – Animals of War." Military History Monthly. N., n. Web. 02 May 2013.

#2 "War Culture – Animals of War." Military History Monthly. N., n. Web. 02 May 2013.

Page 62: 6th Grade Greece Magazine


Battle of Thermopylae By: Alex Pavlidis

Battle of


By: Alex Pavlidis

Section 6.1 May 1, 2013

The great battle of Thermopylae changed history forever. The battle of Thermopylae was between the great Spartans of Greece, led by King Leonidas, and the mighty Persian Empire led by Xerxes I. “At Thermopylae in the late summer of 480 the Spartan king Leonidas held out for three days with a mere 300 hoplites against thousands upon thousands of the best of the great king's troops.” Thermopylae) King Leonidas fought in battle with the (

Spartans, but Xerxes I was a coward and did not fight. The Persians were attacking Athens, and would destroy them forever. “During two full days of battle the small force led by King Leonidas I of Sparta blocked the only road by which the massive Persian army could pass” (Battle of

The Spartans were the only ones standing in Thermopylae) between the Persians, and Athens.

The Spartans gave the Athenians time to gather

their belongings and flee. If it were not for the Spartans taking their final stand, then we would have not have anything close to what we have today, such as math, science, physics, and astronomy. Even though the Spartans were defeated, they made a tremendous impact on the Persian’s army. There were about 833 Persians for each

individual Spartan. The Spartans killed approximately 20,000 Persians. In previous battles Sparta did not help Athens when they were getting invaded, and the Spartans wanted to prove themselves not as cowards, so they took their final stand.

"The Battle of Thermopylae." The Battle of

Thermopylae. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 May 2013.

"Battle of Thermopylae." Wikipedia.

Wikimedia Foundation, 26 Apr. 2013. Web. 02 May 2013.

Page 63: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

Many colorful benches have recently popped up all over SHS Campus!

A bench is a piece of furniture, on which several people may sit at the same time. Benches are typically made of wood, but may also be made of metal, stone, or synthetic materials. Many benches have arm and back rests; some have no back rest and can be sat on from either side. In American public areas, benches are often donated by persons or associations, which may then be indicated on it, e.g. by a small plaque. Benches are used both outdoors and indoors.

Sandy Dubinsky says “When the plans for the lower/middle school were being drawn- the school committee working on the plans wanted to be certain that there would be some focus points on the new campus that were “lively and joyful”.”

The benches were part of a project to bring art to the courtyard. The ribbons were the first items donated to the project and the benches (10) were more donations from various families. The names are now on each bench. The artist

is Jim Gallucci from Greensboro, NC.

Mrs. Diane Brugos says “There are ten

benches currently on campus. Eight of the benches represent a specific theme: Astronomy, Engineering, Geography, History, Math, Music, Physics, and Theater. The other two benches are “whisper benches” which invite discovery,

communication, and fun!”. Mr. Gallucci says “My benches are publicly placed

objects that invite interaction with the passers-by. The benches are playful objects that invite the public to sit and talk with a friend or acquaintance. Though each can function as a “seat,” there is an impracticality of form lures viewers to explore each bench and try to discover what they are about.”

That is the interesting history on the SHS benches!



By Your Full Name

Section 6.X Month Day Year

REFERENCE: "Artful Benches." E-mail interview. 2 May 2013. Sandy Dubinsky

"Artful Benches." E-mail interview. 2 May 2013. Diane Burgos

Reference 3 from easybib.com

Reference 4 from easybib.com

Page 64: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

Alexander the Great, always outnumbered in battle, but never lost. He was the first leader in the history of the world to think that he could go as far as conquer the world. Even his father, Philip II, set it up for him to be the king.

“When Alexander was ten years old, a trader from Thessaly brought Philip a horse, which he offered to sell for thirteen talents. The horse refused to be mounted and Philip ordered it away. Alexander however, detecting the horse's fear of its own shadow, asked to tame the horse, which he eventually managed”(Roisman & Worthington 188).

Philip was the youngest son of the king Amyntas III and Eurydice I. He built a boarding school with all of Greece’s best minds as teachers for all of the aristocratic children. By doing this, if the other aristocratic families tried to take over Philip’s throne, Philip had their

children as hostages. Surprisingly enough, Philip sent Alexander to the school and Alexander became the most popular of the children, the leader.

Alexander the Great proved to be an amazing military leader, always keeping his troops morale up by fighting on the front lines. “He was undefeated in battle and is considered one of history's most successful commanders”(Yenne 159) Unfortunately, Alexander’s thought of conquering the world inspired the most evil commander in the world, Adolf Hitler.

Philip of




the Great

By James Plaschke

Section 6.2 May 2, 2013

REFERENCE: Reference 1 from easybib.com Part 1: N. "Philip II of Macedon." Wikipedia. Wikimedia

Foundation, 29 Apr. 2013. Web. 01 May 2013. Part 2: Quotes, Facts, Ideas, Summaries: Philip was the youngest son of the king Amyntas III and Eurydice I. created a boarding school for all of his enemies children, which was mandatory to attend. they were hostages, but their parents wanted them to come cause phillip brought all the best minds to teach there. Alex went there, and became the leader of the kids. he was the most popular. phillip was murdered

The reasons for Pausanias' assassination of Philip are difficult to fully expound, since there was already controversy among ancient historians. The only contemporary account in our possession is that of Aristotle who states rather tersely that Philip was killed because Pausanias had been offended by the followers of Attalus, the king's father-in-law.

Reference 2 from easybib.com Part 1: N. "Alexander the Great." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 05 Jan. 2013. Web. 01 May 2013. Part 2: Quotes, Facts, Ideas, Summaries: “He was undefeated in battle and is considered one of history's most successful commanders”(Yenne 159) “When Alexander was ten years old, a trader from Thessaly brought Philip a horse, which he offered to sell for thirteen talents. The horse refused to be mounted and Philip ordered it away. Alexander however, detecting the horse's fear of its own shadow, asked to tame the horse, which he eventually managed”(Roisman & Worthington 188).

Page 65: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

Subtitle here: 1 sentence summary of the article. Main article: 300-400 words, 2+ MLA quotes, 2+ references.

Ping Pong is a sport in which two or four players hit a lightweight ball back and forth using table tennis rackets. The game takes place on a hard table divided by a net. Except for the initial serve, players must allow a ball played toward them only one bounce on their side of the table and must return it so that it bounces on the opposite side. Points are scored when a player fails to return the ball within the rules. Play is fast and demands quick reactions. Spinning the ball alters its trajectory and limits an opponent's options, giving the hitter a great advantage. When doing so the hitter has a good chance of scoring if the spin is successful.

As Parker says “It takes a lot of hand to eye coordination to play Ping Pong.”(Isaacson).

The game originated as in England during the 1880s, where it was played among the upper-class as an after-dinner parlor game. It has been suggested that the game was first developed by British military officers in India or South Africa who brought it back with them. A row of books were stood up along the center of the table as a net, two more books served as rackets and were used to continuously hit a golf-ball from one end of the table to the other. Alternatively table tennis was played with paddles made of cigar box lids

and balls made of champagne corks. The popularity of the game led game manufacturers to sell equipment commercially. Early rackets were often pieces of parchment stretched upon a frame, and the sound generated in play gave the game its first nicknames of "wiff-waff" and "Ping-Pong". A number of sources indicate that the game was first brought to the attention of Hamley's of Regent Street under the name "Gossima". The name "Ping-Pong" was in wide use before British manufacturer J. Jaques & Son Ltd trademarked it in 1901. The name "Ping-Pong" then came to be used for the game played by the rather expensive Jacques’s equipment, with other manufacturers calling it table tennis. A similar situation arose in the United States, where Jaques sold the rights to the "Ping-Pong" name to Parker Brothers. Parker Brothers then enforced their copyright on the term in the 1920's making the various associations change their names to "table tennis" instead of the more common, but copyrighted, term.



By Your Full Name

Section 6.X Month Day Year

REFERENCE: Reference 1 from easybib.com

Reference 2 from easybib.com

Reference 3 from easybib.com

Reference 4 from easybib.com

Page 66: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

Did you know that greek gods didn’t eat at all, but

people did? Civilized Greek people only ate fresh

meat if it had been sacrificed to a god, or had been

hunted in the wild.

The greeks thought of the god Dionysus as being

part of the wine they drank, and they thought of

Persephone as being part of their bread(Dr.Karen


Some of the different types meats the greeks ate

include birds, boar, chicken, deer, donkey, goat,

goose, hare, lamb, pheasant, and pork(Nancy


In addition many of these foods: tomatoes, peppers,

potatoes, and bananas didn't arrive in Greece until

after the discovery of the Americas in the 15th

century, because that's where those foods

originated(Nancy Gaifyllia).

Fish was the main source of protein in the

Greek diet. Beef was very expensive, so it was

rarely eaten. Beef and pork were only

available to poor people during religious

festivals. It was during the festivals that cows

or pigs were sacrificed to the gods, and the

meat was cooked and handed out to the public(Nancy Gaiyfllia).Overall ancient food is a

superb project to learn about.:)




By: Keemya Bashiri

6.1 5.2.13

REFERENCE: Reference 1 from "What Did the Ancient Greeks Eat?" About.com Greek Food. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2013.

Reference 2 from "What Did the Ancient Greeks Eat?" About.com Greek Food. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2013.

Reference 3 from "What Did the Ancient Greeks Eat?" About.com Greek Food. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2013.

Reference 4 from

Page 67: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

In 331 BC, there was the battle of Gaugamela. The battle was against Alexander the Great of Macedon and King Darius III of Persia. The Persians used war elephants and very few horses.

According to Wikipedia, the Persians used 15 war elephants, which were placed at the center of the Persian line (“Persian War Elephants”).

Wikipedia also states that the elephants made such an impression on the Macedonian troops that Alexander felt the

need to sacrifice to the God of Fear the night before the battle (“Persian War Elephants”). In the end of the battle, war elephants were not a very clever idea. Alexander the Great outsmarted the Persians and released pigs which frightened the elephants. The elephants got so scared that they turned around, and trampled their own army; the Persians which killed people, and injured many.

Persian War


By Kelly Frimel

Section 6.1 May 2, 2013

REFERENCE: (N. "Persian War Elephants." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 28 Apr. 2013. Web. 01 May 2013.)

Reference: (N. "Persian War

Elephants." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 28 Apr. 2013. Web. 01 May 2013.)

Page 68: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

Subtitle here: 1 sentence summary of the article. Main article: 300-400 words, 2+ MLA quotes, 2+ references.

The Spartan weapons were a

well-honed part of the ancient

world’s premier war machine.

Sparta’s elite warriors trained

from a young age and unlike their

contemporaries on the battle

field, being a warrior was the

only career they would ever know.

In fact their whole society was

geared towards warfare; every

facet of their lives was aimed at

increasing Spartan military

power. With the weight of an

entire society behind these

warriors, and their entire weight

behind the points of their

weapons, it should come as no

surprise that Spartan weapons

were also some of the deadliest

in the ancient world.

“The men lined up in the

front advance with their shields

locked together and there spears

ready to engage the enemy.” says

R.G.Grant p. 21

Masters of weaponry and combat,

the Spartan warriors were skilled

in arms, and carried a select

choice of weapons with them to

ensure they were fit for combat

at any range. In many ways the

Spartans choice of weaponry was

frugal yet calculated, allowing

them to adapt to various combat

situations in the blink of an

eye. While not traditionally a

weapon the Spartan warriors

shield, known as an Apsis will

feature here, mainly due to the

way in which the ancient Spartan

warriors would use it. The Apsis

could be used defensively or pro-

actively as a weapon against

their opponent.

Trained from a young age to

handle weapons, and with a

fearsome reputation in the eyes

of their foes, a fully matured

Spartan was a dangerous enemy for

any fighter. The Spartan warriors

were truly skilled and adept and

considered some of the greatest

weapon handlers of the Greek




By Joseph Hill Section 6.3 5/2/13

REFERENCE: N., N. N. "Spartan Weapons." Spartan Weapons. Johnmb76, 1 Aug. 2008. Web. 18 Apr. 2013. N., N. N. "Spartan Weapons." Spartan Weapons. Johnmb76, 1 Aug. 2008. Web. 18 Apr. 2013.


N., N. N. "Spartan Weapons." Spartan Weapons. Johnmb76, 1 Aug. 2008. Web. 18 Apr. 2013.

Page 69: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Cold War: Russia V. USA

Subtitle here: The cold war with Russia and USA was very dangerous, considering each country’s nuclear power.

On August 2nd

, 1939, Albert Einstein wrote a letter to the government saying that Nazi Germany is trying to perfect U-235 to make an atomic bomb.

Shortly after the letter, the government started something called, “the Manhattan project.” The idea was crazy, “At the time, uranium-235 was very hard to extract. In fact, the ratio of conversion from uranium ore to uranium metal is 500:1.” (History of the Atomic Bomb & the Manhattan Project). Also, no ordinary chemical extraction could separate the U-235 and U-238, which is nearly useless.

In Oak Ridge, Tennessee, a big laboratory was being constructed. Ernest Lawrence, a professor at the University of California Berkley, was constructing a way to magnetically separate the two isotopes, U-235 and U-238. Once these procedures had been completed, now all that was left was the test of nuclear fission, the big deal.

The nickname for the bomb was, “the gadget.” On July 16

th 1945, the bomb

was tested in New Mexico. The fireball shot up at 360 feet per second. A mushroom cloud of

radioactive vapor appeared at 30,000 feet.

The scary part about the flash from the bomb was that a blind girl saw it from 120 miles away.

“I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.” (Bhagavad Gita)

“Now were all sons of *****” (Ken Bainbridge)

The nuclear bomb was a huge move for America, and can destroy a city, and radiate it for millions of years. During World War II, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, declaring war on the US. America responded by dropping the newly tested atomic bomb on Hiroshima.

Japan still had not surrendered, so America dropped another bomb on Nagasaki. Japan was afraid of the next bomb being on Tokyo, which could take out the Imperial Family. All of the head officers of Japan had a meeting, and decided to surrender.

The atomic bomb has been used only twice on cities, and to devastating effect.




By Parker Isaacson

Section 6.3 5/2/13

REFERENCE: "History of the Atomic Bomb & The Manhattan Project." About.com Inventors. About.com, 2013. Web. 02 May 2013. <http://inventors.about.com/od/astartinventions/a/atomic_bomb.htm>.

N. "Nuclear Warfare." ThinkQuest. Oracle Foundation, n.d. Web. 02 May 2013. <http://library.thinkquest.org/3471/nuclear_warfare.html>.

Reference 3 from easybib.com

Reference 4 from easybib.com

Page 70: 6th Grade Greece Magazine


Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

Greek was a very smart civilization. They had newer and better weapons and an overall better navy than other civilizations of their time which makes them special.

Hoplites were not full-time

professional soldiers whose only life was war.

They had volunteered to serve their country in

times of war (usually in the summer), and, if they

survived, would return afterwards to their

civilian roles, said “Ancient Greek Weapons


A Greek infantryman’s main battle

weapon was the spear, or doru which Measured

around “2.7m (8.8ft) in length, it would be held

in one hand, and the shield (aspis)in the other.

(Ancient Greek Weapons)”

The majority of fighting was done

hand-to-hand, light support troops such as the

psiloi were usually armed with missile weapons.

The most popular long range weapons were the

bow (toxa), javelin (akontia) and sling

(sfendonai). The bow was a relatively uncommon

weapon back then. Troops commonly used

javelins, and hoplites and cavalry troops were

also often armed with javelins for throwing. “The

javelins were light spears around 1.5m in length,

according to Ancient Greek Military Personal

Equipment website (Weapons of Ancient

Greece).” Slings used both lead pellets and

stones; stones were also usually thrown by hand

Max Cluss

Section 6.2 5/1/13

1. "Ancient Greek Weapons." Ancient Greek Weapons. N., n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2013.



Page 71: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Everyone knows that Hitler was a terrible person to absolutely everybody.

He was not only mean and vicious to adults, but to children. In a terrible way.

Hitler brainwashed the kids. The kids were trained in a camp to be his soldiers

and fight for him. Sound familiar? Well, it should. The Hitler Youth was made

up of boys ages ten to eighteen. They were trained to fight for Hitler and be his

soldiers. The only reason they agreed to do this is because that is what they

were trained to do. The kids were trained by the adults. Their motto was “Blood

and honor.” The organization itself was called the Hitler-Jugend. The kids who

lived there were called Hitler Youth. The organization had 2.3 million

participants all around the world. And was active form 1922-1945. The Hitler-

Jugend was considered an important stepping stone in the future membership

of the elite Schutzstaffel, which was a major organization under Adolf Hitler

and the Nazi party. So, just like Sparta depended a lot on the kids, so did

Hitler. Both Hitler and Sparta both depended a lot on their kids to build up

their army.

Page 72: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

Athenian architecture is truly

amazing because of the many

temples and majestic


According to the Ancient

Greece Eyewitness book,” Greek

life was dominated by religion, so

it is not surprising that the temples

of ancient Greece were the

biggest and most beautiful

buildings” (26).

The architecture repletes with

many architectural marvels and

some of the most enduring

historical landmarks of the city!

Athens is one city where the past

blends harmoniously with the

present. The ancient architecture

of Athens was built by Hellenic

people whose culture flourished

on the Greek mainland and

Peloponnesus, the Aegean

Islands, and in colonies in Asia

Minor and Italy for a period from

about 900 BC until the 1st century

AD, with the earliest remaining

architectural works dating from

around 600 BC. Some buildings

are Acropolis Hill, the Temple of

Olympian Zeus, Hadrian's Arch.

All the buildings were

distinguished by its highly

formalised characteristics, both

of structure and decoration.

According to the Ancient

Greece Eyewitness book,”The

temples also had a political

purpose, as they were often built

to celebrate civic power and

pride, or to offer thanks to the

patron deity of a city for success

in war” (26).

The Athenian people were

amazing people and so was their




By Asha Agarwal

Section 6.2

May 1, 2013


N. "Ancient Greek Architecture." Wikipedia.

Wikimedia Foundation, 18 Apr. 2013. Web. 18 Apr.




N. "Athens Architecture." : Description of the

Architecture of Athens Greece, Attica. N., n.d.

Web. 18 Apr. 2013.



Pearson, Anne. Ancient

Greece. New York: DK Pub.,

2007. Print

Page 73: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

The Athenian Navy is one of the Greatest achievements of the Greeks. They were lead Themistocles, one of the greatest Navy Strategists ever. They’re highest moment was the battle of Salamis.

According to Fluffy Bunny. "The Athenian Navy -

Historum - History Forums.", “ They were more than

doubly outnumbered. Yet there was one man within

the ranks of the Greek forces that would not let

himself be shaken by mere numbers. Athenian

statesman and general Themistocles, arguably one of

the finest naval strategists in history, had a plan.

Three years earlier, after the discovery of a rich

silver deposit in the mines at Laurium, Themistocles

decided to persuade his fellow Athenians not to

divide the money among themselves, but to fund a

new fleet (which was not an easy task.) He did this

by lying to them. He told the masses that the ships

were needed for the brewing trouble in the Aegean,

but his real intentions were to build a defense against

what he knew to be an impending invasion by

Xerxes. His actions, although dishonest, would save

Athens in the long run. Moreover, he was not just

looking at building "another" fleet, but one

consisting entirely out of new trieres (or triremes

which they are commonly known as). Penteconters

would be overshadowed by the performance of these

equally agile and fast but much more powerful ships.

A new age in maritime history would emerge.”.

The great battle at Salamis was where the gigantic Persian fleet confronted the small Greek fleet at the Strait of

Salamis. The trireme, the Greek ship, was more advanced

than any other ship because Athens had recently discovered silver mines, and Themistocles convinced them to use the

silver to create the trireme. The trireme was a ship designed

to have speed, lightness, and ease of maneuver. These fighting ships were designed to cover long distances

quickly under oar and sail and in battle to ram other ships

with devastating effects. The trireme was named because of its three tiers of rowers which gave it horrendous amounts

of speed. These ships were around 100-120 feet long and

about 20 feet long. The most amount of ships that Athens had were

400, and this took about 80000 people to man. As “Fluffy Bunny”

said, “Themistocles had a plan. He gave the signal for the Greek

ships to back water, making it look like they were retreating. The

Persians took the opportunity and advanced, wedging themselves

deeper into The great battle at Salamis was where the gigantic Persian fleet confronted the small Greek fleet at the Strait of Salamis.

The trireme, the Greek ship, was more advanced than any other ship

because Athens had recently discovered silver mines, and Themistocles convinced them to use the silver to create the trireme.

The trireme was a ship designed to have speed, lightness, and ease of

maneuver. These fighting ships were designed to cover long distances quickly under oar and sail and in battle to ram other ships

with devastating effects. The trireme was named because of its three

tiers of rowers which gave it horrendous amounts of speed. These ships were around 100-120 feet long and about 20 feet long. The

most amount of ships that Athens had were 400, and this took about

80000 people to man. As “Fluffy Bunny” said, “Themistocles had a plan. He gave the signal for the Greek ships to back water, making it

look like they were retreating. The Persians took the opportunity and

advanced, wedging themselves deeper into the passage. Then, just as Themistocles predicted, the waters began to shift and the Persian

ships started to collide with each other. This is precisely what

Themistocles had wanted. He took advantage of the Persian's lack of knowledge of local waters and their general inexperience and skill at

naval warfare. With confusion and panic spreading among the

Persian ranks, the Greeks were able to pick off enemy ships without too much trouble. Losses were high on the Persian side, as many of

the sailors could not swim”. These triremes were put into effect at the

battle of Salamis, where Themistocles tricked the Persians into a uncoordinated attack, which allowed the well designed and

reinforced triremes to pick off and ram the Persian ships. This attack

happened because as Greek mainly consisted of islands; they were only to be conquered by a Naval power. Thus, the Persians attacked

them through the sea. As said, Themistocles captained the Greeks to

a win at the battle of Salamis. Themistocles was one of the greatest

navy strategists, not just out of the Greeks, but ever. The battle

Salamis was just one of his accomplishments. Others include the

Battle of Marathon, the Battle of Salamis, the Battle of Artemisia,

and the Battle of Plataea.



By Your Full Name

Section 6.X Month Day Year

REFERENCE: Reference 1 from easybib.com

Reference 2 from easybib.com

Reference 3 from easybib.com

Page 74: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Thus, the Persians attacked them through the sea.

Page 75: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

As said, Themistocles captained the Greeks to a win at the battle of Salamis. Themistocles was one of the

greatest Navy strategists, not just out of the Greeks, but ever. THe battle Salamis was just one of his

accomplishments. Others include the Battle of Marathon, the Battle of Salamis, the Battle of Artemisium, and

the Battle of Plataea.

Page 76: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

The Persian war elephants and chariots were rivaled by none The Persians used war elephants at the battle of Gaugamela, in which there was a massive battle between King Darius iii [Persian], and Alexander the Great [Greek]. The Persians were using fifteen Indian-trained war elephants, and they had stationed them at the center part of their line. However, there are some claims that these elephants were used before by Xerxes I of Persia, and even further back at the time of Darius the Great at the Indus, the Danube and against the Scythians in 512 BC. War elephants were interesting units of war. These elephants were trained and guided for combat by humans. Their main use is to charge forward at the head of combat, trampling the enemy and instilling fear. A unit of elephants is known as an elephantry. Accordingly, the Persians at the battle of Gaugamela had one elephantry.

From India, military thinking on the use of war

elephants spread westwards to the Persian Empire, where they were used in many attacks and in turn came into the military plans of Alexander the Great. The first

confrontation between Europeans [Greeks] and the Persian war elephants occurred at the Alexander's Battle of Gaugamela (331 BC), where the Persians deployed fifteen elephants.

These war elephants were commanded by their driver, or mahout. Archers were placed in carriages on top of the elephants

A surprising weakness of this power weapon is that Elephants are not naturally aggressive, in fact they avoid fighting except in must season. Some armies raised pigs and would make the pigs charge at the Elephants, who were afraid of the smell and sounds that pigs and other animals made. They were also very big targets for projectiles.

The chariot was a favored weapon for the Persians. The Persians modified these chariots by making them “Scythed chariots”. “The blades extended horizontally

for about 1 meter (3 ft.) to each side of the wheels”, Wikipedia states. The scythed chariots were used to ride forward while mowing down enemies on either side. These chariots were pulled by four horses, and manned by three people, one driver and two warriors. If these chariots didn’t cause total carnage, the goal would be to open gaps which could be exploited. However, these chariots were very limited. They could only be used as an offensive weapon and they most effective on open plains where their spikes and maneuverable advantages would take hold.

Wikipedia lists a recorded battle with the chariots on the winning side “The soldiers had got into the habit of collecting their supplies carelessly and without taking precautions. There was one occasion when Pharnabazus, with 2 scythed chariots and about 400 cavalry, came on them when they were scattered all over the plain. When the Greeks saw him bearing down on them, they ran to join up with each other, about 700 altogether; but Pharnabazus did not waste time. Putting the chariots in front, and following behind them himself with the cavalry, he ordered a charge. The chariots dashing into the Greek ranks, broke up their close formation, and the cavalry soon cut down about a hundred men. The rest fled and took refuge with Agesilaus, who happened to be close at hand with the hoplites.” The scythes extended from under the drivers and axles at angle pointed toward ground.





Chariots By Alec Iannuccilli Section 6.4 4/30/13

REFERENCE: "War Elephants." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 17 Apr. 2013. Web. 30 Apr. 2013.

"Elephant- Deadliest Warrior." WIkia. N.p., n.d. Web. 3o Apr. 2013. <http://deadliestwarrior.wikia.com/wiki/Elephant#WikiaArticle>. "Scythed Chariot." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 28 Apr. 2013. Web. 30 Apr. 2013. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scythed_chariot>.

Page 77: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

Ancient Greek dance means a lot to the Greeks. It

symbolizes many things, and means many things.

Dance according to the Greeks, was one of the

civilizing activities like wine-making and music. Dance

communicated its wisdom and truth as effectively as

words. Learning to dance was considered a necessary

part of and education which favored learning an

appreciation of beauty. There are a lot of different kinds

of dances all over the world. Ancient Greece drove a

sharp distinction between the Apollonian dance and the

Dionysian dance. The Apollonian dance was a

ceremonial dance incorporating slower cult dances

performed during religious festivals, as well as marital

and social dances performed during communal events

and funeral practices. With the Greeks, dancing was

primarily part of a religious rites; with music it formed

the lyric art. The term "dance", however, for them

included all those actions of the body and limbs, and all

expressions and actions of the features and head which

suggest ideas; marching, acrobatic performances, and

mimetic action all came into the term. Ancient Greek

Dance means a lot. It symbolizes many things, and it

means a lot to the people. Dance can be used for a lot,

and it is truly important to us, especially the Greeks.




By Anna Schwerdfeger

Section 6.4 May

REFERENCE: Reference 1 from easybib.com

Reference 2 from easybib.com

Reference 3 from easybib.com

Reference 4 from easybib.com

Page 78: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

The ancient Olympics, the most competitive sports competition of the Ancient Greek world. The Olympics then were not so different then they are now.

“To the Greeks it was important to root the Olympic Games in mythology. During the time of the ancient games their origins were attributed to the gods, and competing legends persisted as to who actually was responsible for the genesis of the games”(Kyle 101-102).

Beginning in 776 BC in Olympia Greece, the first Olympics were held in honor of Zeus, the king of the gods and the god of lightning. Some events included boxing, wrestling, running, and the pentathlon.

The games became a political tool used by city-states to assert dominance over their rivals. Politicians would announce political alliances at the games, and in times of war, priests would offer sacrifices to the gods for victory.

The statue of Zeus at Olympia was counted as one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.

“The ancient Olympics were as much a religious festival as an athletic event. The games were held in honor of the Greek god Zeus, and on the middle day of the games, 100 oxen would be sacrificed to him”(“the ancient olympics).

The Ancient Greek Olympics (279 words) By James Plaschke

James Plaschke

Section 6.2 May 1 2013

REFERENCE: Reference 1 from easybib.com .N. "Ancient Olympic Games." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 18 Apr. 2013. Web. 18 Apr. 2013.

Reference 2 from easybib.com N. "The Ancient Greek Olympics - Ancient Greece for Kids." The Ancient Greek

Olympics - Ancient Greece for Kids. N., n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2013.

Reference 3 from easybib.com N. "History of the Ancient Games - Ancient Olympics Athens Greece." History of the Ancient Games - Ancient Olympics Athens Greece. N., n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2013.

Page 79: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

The ancient Olympics, the most competitive sports competition of the Ancient Greek world. The Olympics then were not so different then they are now.

“To the Greeks it was important to root the Olympic Games in mythology. During the time of the ancient games their origins were attributed to the gods, and competing legends persisted as to who actually was responsible for the genesis of the games”(Kyle 101-102).

Beginning in 776 BC in Olympia Greece, the first Olympics were held in honor of Zeus, the king of the gods and the god of lightning. Some events included boxing, wrestling, running, and the pentathlon.

The games became a political tool used by city-states to assert dominance over their rivals. Politicians would announce political alliances at the games, and in times of war, priests would offer sacrifices to the gods for victory.

The statue of Zeus at Olympia was counted as one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.

“The ancient Olympics were as much a religious festival as an athletic event. The games were held in honor of the Greek god Zeus, and on the middle day of the games, 100 oxen would be sacrificed to him”(“the ancient olympics).

The Ancient Greek Olympics (279 words) By James Plaschke

James Plaschke

Section 6.2 May 1 2013

REFERENCE: Reference 1 from easybib.com .N. "Ancient Olympic Games." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 18 Apr. 2013. Web. 18 Apr. 2013.

Reference 2 from easybib.com N. "The Ancient Greek Olympics - Ancient Greece for Kids." The Ancient Greek

Olympics - Ancient Greece for Kids. N., n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2013.

Reference 3 from easybib.com N. "History of the Ancient Games - Ancient Olympics Athens Greece." History of the Ancient Games - Ancient Olympics Athens Greece. N., n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2013.

Reference 4 from easybib.com

Page 80: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

Subtitle here: 1 sentence summary of the article. Main article: 300-400 words, 2+ MLA quotes, 2+ references.

Although nobody is certain where or when elephant warfare began, the earliest evidence of the domestication of elephants is a Mesopotamian relief dating back to about 2500 BC. Elephant warfare likely spread from India to the Persian Empire. In 331 BC, Alexander the Great encountered Persian war elephants at the Battle of Gaugamela. Although the elephants saw little action in the battle, their presence on the battlefield encouraged Alexander to adopt the captured elephants into his own army.

In the Mediterranean, the Egyptians and Carthaginians began acquiring African elephants for the same purpose. The first major use of war elephants in Europe came at the Battle of Heraclea in 280 BC, when the Greek King Pyrrhus used 20 war elephants to attack the Romans, who were unprepared for such a formidable weapon and were promptly routed. This victory inspired Carthage to develop its own war elephants and deploy them extensively (though rather unsuccessfully) in the First Punic War.

By far the most well-known use of war elephants came during the Second Punic War, when Hannibal Barca crossed the Alps and invaded the Roman Empire with 37 war

elephants under his command. The last significant use of war elephants in the West came in 46 BC, during the Battle of Thapsus, where Julius Caesar armed his fifth legion with axes and commanded the legionaries to strike the elephants legs, which proved effective in halting their charges. War elephants continued to be used in South and South East Asia throughout antiquity and until the middle Ages, when the advent of gunpowder began to limit the effectiveness of the elephant as a combat unit.

From India, military thinking on the use of war elephants spread westwards to the Persian Empire, where they were used in several campaigns and in turn came to influence the campaigns of Alexander the Great. The first confrontation between Europeans and the Persian war elephants occurred at the Alexander's Battle of Gaugamela (331 BC), where the Persians deployed fifteen elephants. These elephants were placed at the center of the Persian line and made such an impression on the Macedonian troops that Alexander felt the need to sacrifice to the God of Fear the night before the battle - but according to some sources the elephants ultimately failed to deploy in the final battle owing to their long march the day before.[9] Alexander won resoundingly at Gaugamela, but was deeply impressed by the enemy elephants and took these first fifteen into his own army, adding to their number during his capture of the rest of Persia.




By Joseph Hill

Section 6.3 April 30, 2013


N. "War Elephant." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 26 Apr. 2013. Web. 01 May 2013.

Elephant- Deadliest Warrior." WIkia. N.p., n.d. Web. 3o Apr. 2013. <http://deadliestwarrior.wikia.com/wiki/Elephant#WikiaArticle>.

Page 81: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

The Greek Gods are the deities of Ancient Greece. The Greek Gods’ job were to explain the wonders of life. According to Wikipedia, “The Greek Deities were made to explain Earth’s mysteries.”(“Greek Gods”).

The Greek Gods were worshiped in about 500 B.C. and they were used in Athens mostly but all of Greece used them at least partially.

Many legends were made up to explain the numerous wonders of the world. For instance, they made up the myth of Hades

and Persephone to explain why there is winter and summer. According to Wikipedia’s view of the myth, “It was a cruel act of love by the lord of the dead.”(“Greek Gods”). In this myth, Hades falls in love with Persephone; he kidnaps her and forces her to stay in the underworld for half of the year. Persephone’s mom, Diameter gets mad and won’t let anything grow. The cycle continues each year. That part of the year is called winter.

That is what the Greek Gods are.



By Tommy Barnds

Section 6.2 May 1

st 2013

REFERENCE: N., N. N. "Greek Gods."

Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 04 Nov. 2013. Web. 01 May 2013

N. "HESIOD'S FAMILY TREE OF THE GREEK GODS." Greek Gods & Goddesses. N., Winter n. Web. 19 Apr. 2013.

Page 82: 6th Grade Greece Magazine

Histories of Sacred Heart, Inspired by Herodotus

Greek was a very smart civilization. They had newer and better weapons and an overall better navy than other civilizations of their time which makes them special.

Hoplites were not full-time professional

soldiers whose only life was war. They had

volunteered to serve their country in times of war

(usually in the summer), and, if they survived,

would return afterwards to their civilian roles, said

“Ancient Greek Weapons website.”

A Greek infantryman’s main battle

weapon was the spear, or doru which Measured

around 2.7m (8.8ft) in length, it would be held in

one hand, and the shield (aspis)in the other.

The majority of fighting was done hand-to-

hand, light support troops such as the psiloi were

usually armed with missile weapons. The most popular

long range weapons were the bow (toxa), javelin

(akontia) and sling (sfendonai). The bow

was a relatively uncommon weapon back

then. Troops commonly used javelins, and

hoplites and cavalry troops were also often

armed with javelins for throwing. The

javelins were light spears around 1.5m in

length, according to "Ancient Greek

Military Personal Equipment website.”

Slings used both lead pellets and stones;

stones were also usually thrown by hand

which seems very unprofessional nowadays.



By Max Cluss

Section 6.2 5/1/13

. "Ancient Greek Weapons." Ancient Greek Weapons. N., n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2013.

."Ancient Greek Military Personal Equipment." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 14 Apr. 2013. Web. 18 Apr. 2013.

N. "Weapons Of Ancient Greece." Bright Hub Education. N., n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2013.