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PARTHA SARATHI ROUT KP Astrologer Page 1 || SHREE || PARTHA SARATHI ROUT K.P. Hora Ratna, Jyotish Vachaspati, (KPSARI, Chennai) KP Astrologer, 3A/24, Srinagarpally, Benachity, Durgapur - 713 213. West Bengal, India. Mobile: +91-7797137777 / 9475358546. E-mail: [email protected] J.A.S.A 4th Anniversary Issue Vol. 5(1) Jul-Sep 2015 A Comprehensive study on Medical Astrology and Mental Disease Astrology is a noble science. It is as old as the ages of the Vedas. It depends on the position of the planets ascertained astronomically. It explains the celestial phenomena and, the corresponding terrestrial events. True meaning of astrology is the “Message of the Stars.” Like many branches in the divine subject of Astrology, medical astrology is not only a prominent branch, but also a deep and vast one, especially in this modern era when people spend millions of their earning on medical treatment. Perhaps until now, Astrology is the only tool available to mankind, which could forewarn one about an impending disease or any such event which could take place in future. Good health is obviously of major importance in our lives. Throughout civilisation it has been a prime objective to improve our health and maintain healthy living. It is strongly believed that our life and health are governed by our astrological signs. Each planet and astrological sign governs a specific part of our body and also the type of illness. The Ascendant position is very important and the most sensitive parts of our body are generally identified according to which sign that person has in his Ascendant. The following parts of the body are those of critical importance according to the Ascendant signs. For instance: a) Aries:- Head and Face, Brain and Bones of head and face. b) Taurus:- Neck and Throat, Right eye, Bone of the Neck and Cheeks.

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|| SHREE ||

PARTHA SARATHI ROUT K.P. Hora Ratna, Jyotish Vachaspati, (KPSARI, Chennai) KP Astrologer, 3A/24, Srinagarpally, Benachity, Durgapur - 713 213. West Bengal, India. Mobile: +91-7797137777 / 9475358546. E-mail: [email protected]

J.A.S.A 4th Anniversary Issue Vol. 5(1) Jul-Sep 2015

A Comprehensive study on Medical Astrology and Mental Disease

Astrology is a noble science. It is as old as the ages of the Vedas. It depends on the position of the planets ascertained astronomically. It explains the celestial phenomena and, the corresponding terrestrial events. True meaning of astrology is the “Message of the Stars.”

Like many branches in the divine subject of Astrology, medical astrology is not only a prominent branch, but also a deep and vast one, especially in this modern era when people spend millions of their earning on medical treatment. Perhaps until now, Astrology is the only tool available to mankind, which could forewarn one about an impending disease or any such event which could take place in future.

Good health is obviously of major importance in our lives. Throughout civilisation it has been a prime objective to improve our health and maintain healthy living. It is strongly believed that our life and health are governed by our astrological signs. Each planet and astrological sign governs a specific part of our body and also the type of illness. The Ascendant position is very important and the most sensitive parts of our body are generally identified according to which sign that person has in his Ascendant. The following parts of the body are those of critical importance according to the Ascendant signs. For instance:

a) Aries:- Head and Face, Brain and Bones of head and face. b) Taurus:- Neck and Throat, Right eye, Bone of the Neck and Cheeks.


c) Gemini:- Shoulder and Hands, Lungs, Blood Circulation and Breathing, Bones of Arms.

d) Cancer:- Breast & Chest, Stomach & digestive organs, Bones of the Chest (Ribs).

e) Leo:- Heart, Spinal Column, Nerves & Fibre, Bones of the back. f) Virgo:- Abdominal & umbilical regions, Bowels, Intestines & Liver. g) Libra:- Lumber Region & skin, Kidneys & Uterus. h) Scorpio:- Generative organs and Anus, Bladder & Bones of Pelvic area. i) Sagittarius:- Hips & Thighs, Veins & Arteries, Buttock, Bones of Thighs. j) Capricorn:- Knees & Hands, Bones of Knee caps & joints, Skin. k) Aquarius:- Ankles & Feet, Circulatory system & Bones of Ankles & Shanks. l) Pisces:- Feet & Toes, Lymphatic system, left eyes, Bones of the feet.

Similarly the planets denote which part of the body and the type of diseases they indicate are given below: 1) Sun:- Governs the vital fluid in the body, the heart, the Pons varolii, etc. Radiant

health is given by Sun, trouble in right eye, high fever, burning sensation, heart disease, stomach and skin disease, brain troubles, Epilepsy, Bile complications etc.

2) Moon:- Rules the stomach, the uterus, the ovaries, the lymphatic, the sympathetic nervous system, the synovial fluid. It indicates whether one can have menstrual troubles, uterine and ovarian afflictions, dyspepsia, eye troubles, lunacy, and diseases connected with breast, poisoning of blood, disease from water, vomiting, gastric troubles, dropsy, appendicitis, Hysteria, Beriberi, Cold-cough, Asthma, Esnophillia, Bronchitis, dysentery, Hydrocele, dyspepsia, typhoid etc.

3) Mars:- Governs the red bone marrow, haemoglobin, red blood corpuscles, which carry food to various parts of the body and help in throwing out the waste. It also governs the genitals. Accidents, burns, gunshot, injuries, surgery are shown by Mars. Fevers, boils, cancers, piles, ulcer, disease in rectum, small pox, chicken pox, mumps, fistula, abortions, septic poisoning, tetanus etc.

4) Mercury:- Pulmonary system, respiratory diseases, motor segment of the spinal cord, vocal cords, locomotor function, ataxia, nervous disorders, deafness, mental disease of all kinds, madness, disease of gall bladder, paralysis, disease of mouth and skin, leucoderma etc.

5) Jupiter:- Liver, glycogen, adrenals, arterial circulation, obesity, degeneration of the muscles, tumours, cancer, morbid growths, enlargement of organs, waste of sugar, albumin in the urine, blood poisoning, hyperaemia, apoplexy, diabetes, diseases of tongue, spleen, dropsy, disease of thighs and carbuncles etc.

6) Venus:- Throat, kidneys, gastronomical indiscretions, lack of exercise, sedentary habits, poor circulation of blood, tonsillities, venereal diseases, eye troubles, disease in face, urinal disease, diabetes, cataract and weakness of sexual organs, tonsillities, disease of ovaries, mucous disease, gonorrhoea and syphilis, goitre, gout and anaemia and cysts etc.

7) Saturn:- Obstruction, atrophy, gall bladder, bones, painful rheumatism, teeth, mottled enamel, fluotine intoxication, stiff bone, dullness in the peristaltic action thereby poor


digestion, falls, bruises, colds, chronic disease, fear complex, never believes that he will be cured, always pessimistic, fracture, cancer and other tumours, elephantiasis, damage and loss of limbs, blindness, ugly hair, hysteria, insanity, paralysis, and weakness in the body.

8) Rahu:- Lungs troubles, disease of feet, pain of walking, leprosy, difficulties in breathing, enlargement of spleen, cataract and hydrocele, highcough, slowness of action, intestinal disease, insanity, ulcers, boils, pleurisy, T.B., pulmonary, malfunction etc.

9) Ketu:- Intestine worms, epidemics, eruptive fever, low blood pressure, deafness, defective speech, lungs troubles, fever, eye pain, stomach pains, boils, pains in the body and disease from unknown causes (it means obstruction while diagnosing the disease) and brain disease etc. According to K.P. system we can pin-point the nature of the disease and the parts of the anatomy affected by the disease by taking the 6th house cusp rule. The 6th is the house of the disease, 8th house stands for worry and surgery and 12th house shows hospitalization and isolation. All cannot cause unless the same signifcator of the 6th house is also be the significator of the lagna. Therefore whenever we want to find out the disease of a person note the sublord of the 6th cusp, find out in whose constellation it is deposited. Find out the sign whether lord of the star was at the moment of birth or at the time of query and also the sublord of the 6th, both put together to give the clue. The sublord of the 6th cusp is the final deciding factor about the diseases. The tendency for disease depends on both the Dasa Lord, Bhukti Lord and Anthara Lord period. Planets connected with the 6th house and lagna will produce disease in there conjoined period. If the sublord of the 6th cups is in the 12th bhava and become a strong significator of 6th and lagna and connected with Saturn then the native will definitely suffer from an incurable ailment. Let us now discuss astrological indications for mental disease which means an alteration in all or any of the functions of the brains, unfitting a man for affairs and rendering him dangerous to himself and others. So, this is a problem connected with head and mental disorder involving weak brain, weak nerves, mind and weak power of thinking etc. 3rd house is a mental house and the other houses related to the mind are 1, 5 and 9. 5th house in astrology stands for mind. The higher mind is denoted by 9th, lower comes under 3rd.


Aries, the first house of the natural zodiac and lagna controls over the head. Any affliction between Aries and lagna in a birth chart gets disease of the head. Regarding planets, Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury are also equally important. Any affliction to the above planets cause mental disease and the reasons are as follows:

Sun:- Sun is a planet that stands for general health. Radiant health is given by Sun. Sun also governs the vital fluid in the body.

Moon:- Moon stands for mind. Moon in astrological term is called as MONOKARAKA.

Mars:- Mars is the karaka planet for blood and is the lord of Aries. The pathogenic effect of Aries reacts upon the head, procuring headache, neuralgia, coma, trance disease of the brain and inflammatory disease etc.

Mercury:- Mercury controls over the nervous system, memory, mental activity. So any affliction to this planet is a serious matter to be reckoned with.

Here is one example how we will analyse as per K.P. rules. This is the Horoscope of a woman. The birth chart of the woman and the details are given below:

Name : Miss X

Date of Birth : 06.09.1988

Time of Birth : 04:10 Hrs. (IST)

Place of Birth : Delhi (Lat/ Long: 28N38, 77E17)

In the chart under discussion the lagna falls in 250-02’-38” in Cancer ruled by Moon as sign lord, Mercury as star lord and Rahu as sublord.

The lagna lord Moon placed in 11th house but in very close conjunction (within the orb of 30-20’ i.e. platic conjunction) with 12th house and aspected by malefic planet Mars. Mars is lord of 5th house (a mental house) and posited in 8th but in very close conjunction (within the orb of 30-20’ i.e. platic conjunction) with 9th house (a house of mental status) and also the lord of Aries representing head and brain. Moon also aspected by a malefic planet Saturn, lord of 8th and squared by Uranus and Neptune. Thus It is clear that Moon is heavily afflicted.

The 5th house rules about the mental stability, and the sublord of the 5th cusp is Rahu. Rahu in 8th (a house of mental worry and mental instability) having no planets in his stars. Moon is aspected by Rahu clearly indicated her mental depression. Rahu is aspected by Saturn tells the mental disorder is a chronic type and a lingering disease. The 5th house also tenanted and afflicted by the malefic Saturn, Uranus and Neptune who are altogether situated there results in insomnia. Further Neptune is a planet that causes psychic disorders of all types.

Now let us discuss the important house of disease, i.e. the 6th house. The 6th cusp fall in the sign of Sagittarius, the 9th house of the natural zodiac, a house of mental status and higher


mind owned by Jupiter, star is Venus and the lagna sublord is Mercury. Mercury is the lord of 3rd house (a mental house) and aspect by Mars and Saturn both planets are natural malefic.

Mercury in Virgo i.e. 6th house of the natural zodiac in the star of Moon has been discussed above in an invisible sign tells that the disease cannot be seen in the body; as the planets causing the disease are placed in an invisible portion of the zodiac.

Thus the above discussions clearly indicate the nature of ailments due to which the mental disease is clearly indicated in the chart.

At the end of this article, I would like to convey my pranams and regards to Lord Maha Ganapathi and our great Guruji Late Prof. K.S. Krishnamurti. I would also like to convey my regards to my Guru Shri Rabindranath Ghosh Mahasoy of Kolkata, who had taught me this wonderful padhdhati of K.P. Astrology.


1) Medical Astrology for All - by K. Subramaniam

2) Astrological diagnosis of disease – by Prof. K. Hariharan

3) Message of the Stars - by Max Heindel and Augusta Foss Heindel



Editor’s Note

We congratulate Sri Rudrapriyo ji for his precise prediction of the event. He has upheld the beauty and accuracy of KP medical astrology for which KP is

well known in its traditional and unblemished version. All the readers around the world will benefit to read his article.

This article truly captures the original KSK’s

Congrats !! for correct predictions

J.A.S.A 4th Anniversary Issue Vol. 5(1) Jul-Sep 2015