
Visual Studio ® 2008: Windows ® Communication Foundation

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Visual Studio® 2008: Windows®

Communication Foundation

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Module 2: Configuring and Hosting WCF Services

• Programmatically Configuring a Managed Application to Host a WCF Service

• Programmatically Configuring a Managed Application to Call a WCF Service

• Defining Client and Service Settings by Using File-Based Configuration

• Selecting a Hosting Option for a WCF Service

• Deploying a WCF Service

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Lesson: Programmatically Configuring a Managed Application to Host a WCF Service

• Hosting a WCF Service in a Self-Hosted Managed Application

• Separation of Concerns in a WCF Service

• An Example Contract

• An Example Service Implementation

• An Example Self-Hosted WCF Service

• Life Cycle of a Self-Hosted WCF Service

• Demonstration: Creating and Configuring a Self-Hosted WCF Service

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Hosting a WCF Service in a Self-Hosted Managed Application

Windows Forms application

Windows Console application

Windows service

WPF application

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Separation of Concerns in a WCF Service

WCF Service HostWCF Service Library




WCF solution

Host code

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An Example Contract

namespace ConnectedWCF{ [ServiceContract(Namespace="http://myuri.org/Simple") ] public interface IBank { [OperationContract] decimal GetBalance(string account);

[OperationContract] void Withdraw(string account, decimal amount);

[OperationContract] void Deposit(string account, decimal amount); }}

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namespace ConnectedWCF{ public class BankService : IBank { public decimal GetBalance(string account) { // Get it from the database }

public void Withdraw(string account, decimal amount) {

// Decrease the amount in database }

public void Deposit(string account, decimal amount) { // Increase the amount in the database } }}

namespace ConnectedWCF{ public class BankService : IBank { public decimal GetBalance(string account) { // Get it from the database }

public void Withdraw(string account, decimal amount) {

// Decrease the amount in database }

public void Deposit(string account, decimal amount) { // Increase the amount in the database } }}

An Example Service Implementation

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An Example Self-Hosted WCF Service

public class BankServiceHost{ public static void Main(string[] args) { Uri baseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:8000/Simple"); Type instanceType = typeof(ConnectedWCF.BankService);

ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost(instanceType, baseAddress);

using (host) { Type contractType = typeof(ConnectedWCF.IBank); string relativeAddress = "BankService";

host.AddServiceEndpoint(contractType, new BasicHttpBinding(), relativeAddress);


Console.WriteLine("Press <ENTER> to quit"); Console.ReadLine(); ...

public class BankServiceHost{ public static void Main(string[] args) { Uri baseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:8000/Simple"); Type instanceType = typeof(ConnectedWCF.BankService);

ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost(instanceType, baseAddress);

using (host) { Type contractType = typeof(ConnectedWCF.IBank); string relativeAddress = "BankService";

host.AddServiceEndpoint(contractType, new BasicHttpBinding(), relativeAddress);


Console.WriteLine("Press <ENTER> to quit"); Console.ReadLine(); ...

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Life Cycle of a Self-Hosted WCF Service


Service type Address

Create a ServiceHost object


Open the ServiceHost to start listening


Stop the ServiceHost from closing


Close and dispose of the ServiceHost object44

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Demonstration: Creating and Configuring a Self-Hosted WCF Service

In this demonstration, you will see how to create and programmatically configure a WCF service hosted in a managed application

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Lesson: Programmatically Configuring a Managed Application to Call a WCF Service

• Prerequisites for Calling a WCF Service from a Client

• Obtaining Service Information

• Using WCF Service Proxies

• Demonstration: Creating and Configuring a Client for a WCF Service

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Prerequisites for Calling a WCF Service from a Client

To call a WCF service, the client requires the following:

• A channel over which to pass messages: Transport channel at the bottom The makeup of the channel derives from the binding

• A way of creating WCF messages to pass across the channel and a way of retrieving message contents

• An address for the WCF service

• A client-side representation of the contract

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Obtaining Service Information

WCF Service

MEX Endpoint

WCF Types

Obtain information from service metadata and generate artifacts

Obtain information and artifacts manually from service provider


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Using WCF Service Proxies

using BankServiceReference;…IBank proxy = new BankServiceClient();…decimal balance = proxy.GetBalance("ABC123");

using BankServiceReference;…IBank proxy = new BankServiceClient();…decimal balance = proxy.GetBalance("ABC123");

EndpointAddress address = new EndpointAddress("http://localhost:8000/Simple/BankService");

BasicHttpBinding binding = new BasicHttpBinding();

IBank proxy = ChannelFactory<IBank>.CreateChannel(binding, address);

EndpointAddress address = new EndpointAddress("http://localhost:8000/Simple/BankService");

BasicHttpBinding binding = new BasicHttpBinding();

IBank proxy = ChannelFactory<IBank>.CreateChannel(binding, address);

Alternatively, you can use the ChannelFactory class to createa proxy

Client can instantiate a proxy class generated by a tool

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Demonstration: Creating and Configuring a Client for a WCF Service

In this demonstration, you will see how to create and programmatically configure a client to call a WCF service

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Lesson: Defining Client and Service Settings By Using File-Based Configuration

• File-Based Configuration

• Identifying WCF Entries in Configuration Files

• Demonstration: File-Based Configuration

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File-Based Configuration

File-based configuration:

• You can use App.config, Web.config, and Machine.config files

• You can change the WCF configuration without recompiling the assembly

Programmatic configuration:

• Provides greater control of your WCF configuration

• Takes precedence over file-based configuration

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Identifying WCF Entries in Configuration Files

<system.serviceModel> <services> <service name="ConnectedWCF.BankService"> <endpoint address="BankService" binding="basicHttpBinding" contract="ConnectedWCF.IBank"/> <host> <baseAddresses> <baseAddress baseAddress="http://localhost:8080/Simple"/> </baseAddresses> </host> </service> </services></system.serviceModel>

<system.serviceModel> <services> <service name="ConnectedWCF.BankService"> <endpoint address="BankService" binding="basicHttpBinding" contract="ConnectedWCF.IBank"/> <host> <baseAddresses> <baseAddress baseAddress="http://localhost:8080/Simple"/> </baseAddresses> </host> </service> </services></system.serviceModel>

• Root element is system.serviceModel

• WCF-specific elements below this have various properties and sub elements

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Demonstration: File-Based Configuration

In this demonstration, you will see how to:

• Configure a WCF client and service by using external configuration files

• Use GUI tools to manipulate their contents

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Lesson: Selecting a Hosting Option for a WCF Service

• Hosting a WCF Service

• Service Hosting Options

• Implementing a Self-Hosted Service

• Hosting in a Windows Service

• Implementing an IIS-Hosted Service

• Implementing a WAS-Hosted Service

• Configuring WAS

• Demonstration: Implementing a WCF Service in Different Hosts

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Hosting a WCF Service

Host environment

Typical functionality:

• Reads WCF configuration settings

• Creates endpoints and listens for requests from remote clients

• Routes requests to an appropriate service instance

• Creates and destroys service instances

Additional functionality:

• Isolate different service instances from each other

• Serialize and reactivate unused service instances

• Manage precreated pools of service instances

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Service Hosting Options

IIS and WAS offer the following improved hosting features:

• Message-based activation

• Process recycling

• Idle shutdown

• Process health monitoring

Self-hosted managed application



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Implementing a Self-Hosted Service

Self-hosted service application

WCF configurationService host code

• Manually activated by starting process

• Must to write your own hosting code

• WCF configuration in the app.config file

• Expose your WCF service over any protocol

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Hosting in a Windows Service• Easily auto-started on startup

• Manage process life cycle in the ManagementConsole Services snap-in

• Subclass ServiceBase and override the OnStart and OnStop methods

protected override void OnStart(string[] args){ Type serviceType = typeof(TradeService);

// host is an instance variable of type ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost(serviceType); host.Open();}

protected override void OnStart(string[] args){ Type serviceType = typeof(TradeService);

// host is an instance variable of type ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost(serviceType); host.Open();} protected override void OnStop()

{ if (host != null) { host.Close(); host = null; } }

protected override void OnStop(){ if (host != null) { host.Close(); host = null; } }

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Implementing an IIS-Hosted Service

• Instances activated when messages arrive

• No hosting code required from service developer

• WCF configuration in web.config file

• Limited to HTTP protocol

• Require service file (.svc) that contains a ServiceHost directive to link IIS to service class

In its simplest form, you can store the service classes in the App_Code subdirectory

<%@ServiceHost language=c# Service="ConnectedWCF.BankService"><%@ServiceHost language=c# Service="ConnectedWCF.BankService">

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Implementing a WAS-Hosted Service

• No hosting code required from service developer

• WCF configuration in web.config file

• Not limited to the HTTP protocol

• Require service file (.svc) that contains a ServiceHost directive to link IIS to service class

<%@ServiceHost language=c# Service="ConnectedWCF.BankService"><%@ServiceHost language=c# Service="ConnectedWCF.BankService">

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Configuring WAS

• Enable WCF Non-Http Activation Components Windows components

• Bind desired Web site (usually default) to a non–HTTP port to support non–HTTP-based activation

appcmd set site "Default Web Site"-+bindings.[protocol='net.tcp',bindingInformation='9000:*']

appcmd set site "Default Web Site"-+bindings.[protocol='net.tcp',bindingInformation='9000:*']

appcmd set app "Default Web Site/BankService“ /enabledProtocols:http,net.tcp,net.pipe

appcmd set app "Default Web Site/BankService“ /enabledProtocols:http,net.tcp,net.pipe

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Demonstration: Implementing a WCF Service in Different Hosts

In this demonstration, you will see how to host the same service class easily in different hosting environments

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Lesson: Deploying a WCF Service

• Preparing Services for Deployment

• Deploying IIS-Hosted Services

• Deploying WAS-Hosted Services

• Deploying Self-Hosted Services

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Preparing Services for Deployment

The service must leave the development environment

Deployment mechanism and process depends on type of service host

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Deploying IIS-Hosted Services

Compile Code

Install Correct Runtime

Check Endpoint Addresses Disable Debugging

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Deploying WAS-Hosted Services

+Perform WAS setup:

1. Install components

2. Configure non-HTTP activation

Compile Code

Install Correct Runtime

Check Endpoint Addresses Disable Debugging

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Deploying Self-Hosted Services

• Create a Windows Installer (MSI) for the classes

• Register your Windows service at installation time by using ServiceProcessInstaller and ServiceInstaller

[RunInstaller(true)]public class ProjectInstaller : Installer{ private ServiceProcessInstaller process; private ServiceInstaller service;

public ProjectInstaller() { process = new ServiceProcessInstaller(); process.Account = ServiceAccount.LocalSystem; service = new ServiceInstaller(); service.ServiceName = "WCFBankService"; Installers.Add(process); Installers.Add(service); }}

[RunInstaller(true)]public class ProjectInstaller : Installer{ private ServiceProcessInstaller process; private ServiceInstaller service;

public ProjectInstaller() { process = new ServiceProcessInstaller(); process.Account = ServiceAccount.LocalSystem; service = new ServiceInstaller(); service.ServiceName = "WCFBankService"; Installers.Add(process); Installers.Add(service); }}

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Demonstration: Deploying a Service to a Remote Host

In this demonstration, you will see how to deploy a WCF service to a remote host

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Lab: Configure and Host a WCF Service

• Exercise 1: Creating a Programmatically Configured Managed Application to Host a Service

• Exercise 2: Calling a Service Hosted in a Managed Application by Using Programmatic Configuration

• Exercise 3: Defining Service Settings by Using External Configuration

• Exercise 4: Employing Different Hosting Options for a Service

Logon information

Virtual machine 6461A-LON-DEV-02

User name Student

Password Pa$$w0rd

Estimated time: 80 minutes

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Lab Review

• What protocols can you use when hosting your WCF service in a self-host application?

• What are the benefits of programmatic configuration?

• What are the benefits of external configuration?

• How would you change the hosting environment for your WCF service?

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Module Review and Takeaways

• Review Questions

• Best Practices

• Tools