616 afa englishclippedwords

Word Formation List of English Clipped Words advertisement – ad alchemist – chemist alligator – gator automobile – auto bicycle – bike cabriolet – cab chrysanthemum – mum cleric – clerk coeducational student – coed delicatessen – deli dormitory – dorm examination – exam fanatic – fan gasoline – gas gymnasium – gym hamburger – burger influenza – flu laboratory – lab limousine – limo luncheon – lunch mathematics – math memorandum – memo moving picture – movie pantaloons – pants photograph – photo pianoforte – piano promenade – prom public house – pub raccoon – coon referee – ref refrigerator – fridge reputation – rep situation comedy – sitcom submarine – sub telephone – phone typographical error – typo

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Post on 24-Jul-2015




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Page 1: 616 afa englishclippedwords

Word FormationList of English Clipped Words

advertisement – adalchemist – chemistalligator – gatorautomobile – autobicycle – bikecabriolet – cabchrysanthemum – mumcleric – clerkcoeducational student – coeddelicatessen – delidormitory – dormexamination – examfanatic – fangasoline – gasgymnasium – gymhamburger – burgerinfluenza – flulaboratory – lablimousine – limoluncheon – lunchmathematics – mathmemorandum – memomoving picture – moviepantaloons – pantsphotograph – photopianoforte – pianopromenade – prompublic house – pubraccoon – coonreferee – refrefrigerator – fridgereputation – repsituation comedy – sitcomsubmarine – subtelephone – phonetypographical error – typouniversity – varsityzoological garden – zoo