6+1 trait r writing rubric

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  • 6+1 Trait Writing Rubric

    http://www.uen.org/Rubric/rubric.cgi?rubric_id=1082[12/11/2011 10:28:08 PM]

    6+1 Trait Writing Rubric

    Name: _______________________________Description: 6+1 Trait is the property of Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory. Used by permission.

    5 3 1

    Ideas This paper is clear and focused. It holds the reader'sattention. Relevant details and quotes enrich thecentral theme.

    The writer is beginning to define thetopic, even though development is stillbasic or general.

    As yet, the paper has no clearsense of purpose or centraltheme. To extract meaningfrom the text, the reader mustmake inferences based onsketchy or missing details.

    Organization The organization enhances and showcases thecentral idea or theme. The order, structure, orpresentation of information is compelling and movesthe reader through the text.

    The organizational structure is strongenough to move the reader through thetext without too much confusion.

    The writing lacks a clear senseof direction. Ideas, details, orevents seem strung together ina loose or random fashion;there is no identifiable internalstructure.

    Voice The writer speaks directly to the reader in a way thatis individual, compelling, and engaging. The writercrafts the writing with an awareness and respect forthe audience and the purpose for writing.

    The writer seems sincere but not fullyengaged or involved. The result ispleasant or even personable, but notcompelling.

    The writer seems indifferent,uninvolved, or distanced fromthe topic and/or the audience.


    Words convey the intended message in a precise,interesting, and natural way. The words are powerfuland engaging.

    The language is functional, even if itlacks much energy. It is easy to figureout the writer's meaning on a generallevel.

    The writer struggles with alimited vocabulary, searchingfor words to convey meaning.


    The writing has an easy flow, rhythm, and cadence.Sentences are well built, with strong and variedstructure that invites expressive oral reading.

    The text hums along with a steady beat,but tends to be more pleasant orbusinesslike than musical, moremechanical than fluid.

    The reader has to practicequite a bit in order to give thispaper a fair interpretivereading.

    Conventions The writer demonstrates a good grasp of standardwriting conventions (e.g., spelling, punctuation,capitalization, grammar, usage, paragraphing) anduses conventions effectively to enhance readability.Errors tend to be so few that just minor touchupswould get this piece ready to publish.

    The writer shows reasonable controlover a limited range of standard writingconventions. Conventions aresometimes handled well and enhancereadability; at other times, errors aredistracting and impair readability.

    Errors in spelling, punctuation,capitalization, usage, andgrammar and/or paragraphingrepeatedly distract the readerand make the text difficult toread.

    Presentation The form and presentation of the text enhances theability for the reader to understand and connect withthe message. It is pleasing to the eye.

    The writer's message is understandablein this format.

    The reader receives a garbledmessage due to problemsrelating to the presentation ofthe text.

    A service of the Utah Education NetworkComments, e-mail: [email protected]

    uen.org6+1 Trait Writing Rubric