61 easy ways to lose weight

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  • 8/13/2019 61 Easy Ways to Lose Weight


    61 Easy Ways To Lose Weight

    Wednesday, June 27, 2012 5:23 pm

    Written by: Kali Muscle

    http://kalimusclebl!"sp!tr!/# $e% years a"!, !ne !$ my $riends at Men&s 'ealth stepped !n the scale and %as h!rri$ied by

    the result 'e&d s!meh!% mana"ed t! pack 20 p!unds !$ $lab !nt! his pre(i!usly skinny

    $rame When he l!!ked int! the mirr!r, he sa% a $at "uy starin" back 'e decided t! make a

    chan"e, )uick

    *hat day, he "a(e up his bel!(ed s!da 'e %as !nly drinkin" t%! !r three b!ttles a day, but

    !(er the c!urse !$ si+ m!nths, he dr!pped th!se 20 p!unds t %as a small chan"e t! his

    li$estyle -- n! bi" deal, really #nd yet, it had a massi(e impact !n his health and his b!dy

    .! surprise: rinkin" cal!ries is !ne !$ the20 Habits That Make You Fat

    My p!int: Makin" small decisi!ns each day can result in bi"-time $at l!ss

    el!% are d!ens !$ simple %ays t! l!se %ei"ht 4tart %ith !ne -- t!day -- and %atch the%ei"ht be"in t! melt a%ay *rust me, this is "!in" t! be easier than y!u think

    1. Have a clear goal.t sh!uld be !ne that any!ne in the %!rld can measure and understand

    2. Drik tea. 6esearch su""ests that th!se %h! drink tea -- black, "reen, !r %hite, as l!n" as

    its $r!m real tea (ersus herbal tea -- ha(e l!%er Ms and less b!dy $at than th!se %h! d!nt

    c!nsume tea

    !. Eat cayee "e""er.# study published in the ritish J!urnal !$ utriti!n sh!%ed that

    %hen c!mpared t! placeb!, capsaicin -- the acti(e in"redient in cayenne -- increased $at


    #. Decrease$eli%iate "rocesse& carbs.*hey d! n!thin" $!r y!u !utside !$ creatin" a

    $a(!rable en(ir!nment $!r "ainin" $at

    '. Eat %ore veggies.*hey $ill y!u up, %ith!ut pr!(idin" many cal!ries Just a(!id the hi"h-

    cal!rie dressin"s

    6. Eat %ore (ruit.! !ne e(er "ained %ei"ht $r!m eatin" m!re $ruit #nd that includes the

    s!-called 8hi"h su"ar8 $ruits like bananas and mel!ns

    ). Li(t *eights. 'ea(y %ei"hts uild m!re muscle, burn m!re cal!ries

    +. ,ut &o* rest ti%e bet*ee sets. *his %ill keep y!ur heart rate ele(ated causin" an

    increase in cal!ries burned *he "!!d ne%s: 9!u can sky-r!cket y!ur heart rate and t!rch

    belly-$at $ast %ith The -"artacus Workout (or Meand The -"artacus Workout (orWo%e-- the m!st p!pular $at-blastin" %!rk!uts in Men&s 'ealth and W!men&s 'ealth


    . Do itervals. 4tudy a$ter study a$ter study c!ntinues t! sh!% inter(als are m!re e$$ecti(e

    and time e$$icient than l!n"er acti(ity per$!rmed at a l!%er intensity

    10. Eat %ore "rotei.6eplacin" re$ined carb!hydrates %ith lean pr!tein %ill n!t !nly help

    satiate y!u, but %ill als! increase y!ur metab!lism -- thr!u"h s!methin" called the thermic

    e$$ect !$ $!!d

    11. Eat "rotei %ore (re/uetly.t&s imp!rtant t! als! time y!ur intake s! y!u&re eatin"

    pr!tein re"ularly thr!u"h!ut the day -- n!t ust in !ne lump sum, like m!st d! at dinner ;(ery

    meal and snack sh!uld include s!me pr!tein

    12. -u""le%et *ith (ish oil.# study published in

  • 8/13/2019 61 Easy Ways to Lose Weight


    had si"ni$icantly less accumulati!n !$ b!dy $at >ther studies ha(e sh!%n similar results

    1!. Do (ull bo&y eercises. *hink: 4)uats, deadli$ts, chin-ups, and push-ups 9!u&ll "et m!re

    ban" $!r y!ur buck !ut !$ each %!rk!ut Want e(en better results? isc!(er the 100 reatest

    Fitess Ti"s o( ll Ti%e

    1#. ,ycle your carb itake base& o your activity level. 4ure, carbs are imp!rtant ut !n

    the days y!u d!n&t %!rk !ut, y!u simply d!n&t need as many c!mpared t! the days y!ue+ercise hard 6ule !$ thumb: *he m!re acti(e y!u are, the m!re carbs y!u can eat, and (ice


    1'. -tart your %eals *ith a sala&.4alad %ill pr!(ide s!me bulk t! help $ill y!u up -- s! that

    y!u eat less cal!ries !(erall

    16. Do3t (orget the (iber. *hink !$ $iber like a sp!n"e@ it abs!rbs %ater and makes y!u $eel


    1). Drik *ater.=r!$ess!r r renda a(y and her *eam $r!m Air"inia *ech Bni(ersity

    $!und that "i(in" pe!ple 2 cups !$ %ater be$!re each meal resulted in "reater %ei"ht l!ss a$ter

    12 %eeks *he reas!n? t helps $ill y!u up

    1+. && beas to your sala&s.t&s a nice %ay t! add s!me additi!nal $iber, pr!tein and

    healthy carbs1. 4e"lace oe %eal a &ay *ith a large sala& a& lea "rotei. *his is a simple %ay t!

    instantly impr!(e y!ur diet

    20. 5ee" a (oo& oural. *here&s n! better %ay t! track %hat y!u&re puttin" in y!ur m!uth

    21. Watch your "ortios.#(!id the bu$$et line and ne(er supersie nstead make sure

    y!u&re $!ll!%in" %hat the nutriti!n label rec!mmends $!r a ser(in"

    22. -*itch to calorie7(ree &riks.#ll cal!ries c!unt, %hether they&re li)uid !r s!lid 4!

    unless it&s l!%-$at milk, !pt $!r tea !r %ater >r s!methin" %as intr!duced t! in the

    etherlands -- lar"e bunches !$ mint, lem!n and h!t %ater

    2!. Weigh yoursel(. 4tudies sh!% daily %ei"h-ins help enhance %ei"ht l!ss e$$!rts !n&t li(e

    and die by the number #nd !$ c!urse a scale d!esnt decipher bet%een $at and lean b!dy

    mass, but it can still be !$ bene$it t! keep thin"s 8in check8

    2#. Eat *hole eggs. aily # study published a c!uple years a"! sh!%ed that th!se %h! ate

    %h!le e""s (ersus a ba"el $!r break$ast ate less at the ne+t meal # similar study sh!%ed

    eatin" %h!le e""s increases '< ."!!d ch!lester!l

    2'. Eat break(ast. # re(ie% published in the #merican J!urnal !$ Clinical utriti!n sh!%ed

    that th!se %h! eat break$ast are m!re success$ul %ith l!n"-term %ei"ht maintenance >ther

    research has sh!%n the same $!r %ei"ht l!ss Drab hardb!iled e""s, scrambled e""s, Dreek

    y!"urt, a piece !$ $ruit and hand$ul !$ nuts, !r make a sm!!thie t d!esn&t ha(e t! be $ancy

    26. Eat the bulk o( your %eals i the .M. *hen eat pr!"ressi(ely less thr!u"h!ut the day

    # study published in the J!urnal !$ utriti!n sh!%ed that eatin" m!st !$ y!ur cal!ries earlierin the day p!siti(ely in$luences %ei"ht chan"es

    2). To bur %ore calories8 stay u"right.*his means n!t sittin" in $r!nt !$ a c!mputer, *A,

    ph!ne, etc, all day 4tand and y!u&ll burn m!re and be m!re pr!ducti(e *his c!uld e(en sa(e

    y!ur li$e isc!(er Why Your 9((ice ,hair is 5illig You

    2+. :se the stairs.*hat&s ri"ht: 4kip the escalat!r and ele(at!r *his %!n&t make !r break

    success, but e(ery little bit helps 4! "et in all the m!(ement y!u can

    2. Eat lo*7eergy8 &ese (oo&s. *hese are $!!ds that are hi"h in %ater and l!%er in

    cal!ries, such as $ruit, (e""ies, s!ups, and salads 4tudies at =enn 4tate Bni(ersity ha(e

    sh!%ed that the inclusi!n !$ these $!!ds helps indi(iduals eat less t!tal cal!ries !(erall

    !0. Do3t grocery sho" hugry.$ y!u d!, y!u&ll buy e(erythin" in the aisle -- instead !$

    stickin" t! y!ur list #nd m!st !$ the time, the $!!ds y!u buy %hen hun"ry %ill be the kindsthat sab!ta"e y!ur %ei"ht l!ss e$$!rts


  • 8/13/2019 61 Easy Ways to Lose Weight


    !1. 4e"lace si&e &ishes *ith stea%e& veggies.6estaurants %ill !$ten all!% y!u t! substitute

    the $ries !r chips %ith steamed (e""ies #ll y!u ha(e t! d! is ask

    !2. ;ake8 &o3t (ry.

    !!. :se the (at7burer i your backyar&< Your grill..#nd make sure y!u ha(e a c!py !$

    rill This8 =ot That>-- the e+tra!rdinary "uide t! "rillin" that can help y!u l!se 10, 20, 30

    !r m!re p!unds!#. 9r&er &ressig o the si&e. ut here&s the bi""er secret: ip y!ur $!rk in dressin", and

    then in the salad *his sa(es a t!n m!re dressin" than i$ !ne %as t! !rder it !n the side, and

    the p!ur the entire cup !n the salad any%ay Ee%er cal!ries e)ual less %ei"ht

    !'. ? the air"ort< ,arry your luggage8 &o3t roll it. #"ain, n!t a deal breaker in terms !$

    success -- ust an!ther %ay t! increase ener"y e+penditure

    !6. -ki" the @Aeti lattes@ a& o"t (or "lai co((ee. .>r better yet, tea *h!se e+tra lar"e

    8desi"ner8 c!$$ees can pack a belly-in$latin" 500 !r m!re cal!ries per ser(in"

    !). E%brace oats. =lain r!lled !ats %ill help $ill y!u up m!re than the hi"h su"ar break$ast

    c!unterparts M!re!(er, !ne ser(in" pr!(ides a l!t less cal!ries than the su"ar c!ated


    *he=!stDame brin"s y!u the m!st interestin" sp!rts st!ries !n the %ebE!ll!% us !n Eaceb!!k and *%itter t! read them $irst

    !+. Fi&get.# study published in the !urnal 4cience sh!%ed that th!se %h! $id"eted m!re

    !$ten -- $!r e+ample, chan"ed their p!sture $re)uently -- %ei"hed less than th!se %h! didn&t

    *his e+tra m!(ement %as termed ;#* .n!n-e+ercise acti(ity therm!"enesis

    !. Laugh o(te. # study presented at the ;ur!pean C!n"ress !n >besity $!und th!se %h!

    lau"hed hard $!r appr!+imately 10 t! 15 minutes each day burned an additi!nal 10 t! F0

    cal!ries/day Multiply that by 3G5 and th!se cal!ries can add up

    #0. Leave so%ethig o your "late at the e& o( the %eal. ;(ery little bit c!unts

    #1. Whe out to eat8 s"lit a %eal. *he p!rti!ns are usually bi" en!u"h t! $eed a $amily

    #2. -ki" &essert.

    #!. Do3t socialiBe arou& the (oo& tables at "arties.9!u&re m!re

    likely t! munch mindlessly, e(en th!u"h y!u may n!t be hun"ry

    ##. Do3t eat your ki&3s le(tovers. ;(ery little bit !$ $!!d adds up, includin" %hat %e call


  • 8/13/2019 61 Easy Ways to Lose Weight


    '#. Do3t buy i bulk.*he m!re that is there, the m!re that y!u&ll eat

    ''. Cla ahea&.$ y!u $ail t! plan, y!u plan t! $ail

    '6. 5ee" so%e healthy sacks-- like nuts -- in y!ur "l!(e c!mpartment s! y!u&re prepared

    at all times

    '). Take be(ore "ictures.

    '+. et e* (rie&s. $ y!ur $riends pre$er pia, %in"s, nach!s and beer !n a re"ular basis,$ind !ne&s %h! are like-minded and %ant t! be healthy 6esearch has su""ested that $riends

    enhance .!r can hurt success

    '. Cut yoursel( (irst. Many pe!ple .%!men in particular put e(ery!ne else ahead !$

    themsel(es and let their health $all by the side

    60. 4e%e%ber< ?t3s ot all or othig. $ y!u $all !$$ the band%a"!n, ump ri"ht back !n

    !n&t let y!ursel$ c!ntinue t! $all until all pr!"ress has been l!st

    61. Wake u" early to eercise. 9!u&re m!re likely t! "et it d!ne i$ y!u d!nt %ait until a$ter


    l!ss "uide in r *ra(is 4t!rk&s best-sellin" b!!k,
