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"God Gave the

Tvventy .... fifth Annual Report

of the



The Fourth Report

of the

Affiliated Homes

of the


Shanghai, China


Safely through another year God has brought us on our way; not only supplying our every need as we looked to Him day by day, but giving an increase on every hand.

One day a friend from Canada spent some hours in The Love School. It was in his heart to make an offering to God for some need there.

The greatest need seemed to be another building­dormitories for older girls and rooms for the missionaries.

He asked that an estimate for such a building might be sent to him. To-day if you come to The Love School, you will find this beautiful building the joy of all.

"God gave the Increase."

Five times during the year 1925 we had the good news that God had called one of His dear children in the home­lands, to become a co-worker with us; and later we had the joy of welcoming them into our midst. All needed passage money and in some cases the support of these, as well as the support of two of the missionaries already on the field, having been supplied.

"God gave the Increase."

A new dormitory was needed in the First Year Home, for every month brought more girls whom He had led to us "Out of great tribulation."

A large attic was transformed into two dormitories by the generous help of some friends at home and in China. Fifty girls can here find r,est for soul and body.

"God gave the Increase."

Through the miniS;try of mIssIonaries on furlough and of our dear treasurer, Mrs. Purott, God has given numbers of new friends, several of whom have become "Love Mothers" to some of the children whom God has sent us.

"God gave the Increase."

Every department of the Door of Hope has seen the wondrous working of the Holy Spirit in hearts and lives as day by day the precious Word of God has been given by the missionaries and visiting evangelists. Thus during 1925 many souls have been born again and entered the kingdom of God as well as the Door of Hope.

"God gave the Increase."

'~1earn of me."

Most people realize, aSI they go through Hfe that this world is a school and every man a scholar. Few like the Apostle Paul can say "I have learned" my lesson or "I have finished my course." A review or an examina'tion of the old lessons is always helpful to the learner,-and the onlooker, if he sees nothing to imitate, can see what mist2.kes to avoid.

The first and pos,sibly the hardest lesson -set before the writer at the beginning of 1925 was to rest, because of physical weakness and not to take up for a time the beloved work of the Receiving Home. God graciously enabled Miss, Bailey to look after the Receiving Home 3iJ1d Court work in addition to the First Yea-r Home. To be still and not chafe under it, -and instead of helping to beaT burdens to be an add.itional one, meant that the scholar was brought ro the end of her own natu1ral resources, only to find that the Great Teacher, meek and lowly in heart, was whispering to her with f:resh love and power "My grac~ is sufficient for thee, my strength is made perfect in weakness."

The second lesson was to have the beloved work giIVen back and to realize that it was indeed a sacred trust and would not last for ever. One had a strange sympathy for Hezekiah, when he was recovered from his sickness and knew that he had only fifteen more years to live. One seemed to. en,ter into his words "All my yearS' I shall go softly," or "as in solemn procession."

'Lhe sorrows and wrongs of the 164 women and children who came into the Receiving Home were just as sordid and shameful as in past years, poosibly more 5'0-J as they told of their own sad sins or of those who h~d sinned against them. But triumphing over all this there was a new glory which was indeed the glory of God it. the face of Jesus Ch-rist as He came to seek and to save that which was lost.

The usual battle to free children and girls f.rom unlawful lltasters or mistresses who held on to them with grim


tenacity, had still to be fonght,and some of them in 1925 were of unusual severity. These encounters tax boIth spiritually and physically those engaged in the fight.

The faithful Chinese matron Mrs. Khoong, old warrior as she now is, one day said, after standing her ground for hours against opposing forces determined not to allow a girl to enter the Door of Hope, "Sqme things are getting more difficult all the time and some folk are getting worse instead of better." Taking hard journeys, losing sleep, no time for food, have all been experienced by the Receiving Home matron, Mrs. Khoong, during the past year. These trials are small compared with the needed sympathy given to those beaten and bruised in body and soul, or with the strength expended in withstanding the powers of darkness manifested through evil men and women.

How much the "helping together in prayer" of friends, kindly words: of comfort and loving g1if\ts, have meant through the days of 1925, eternity alone will reveal.

The Shanghai students riot of May 30th followed immediately by a strike might have seriously affected the work. Situated ,in the heart of the International Settlement, right on a busy street, v.isito.rs were continually asking 1\1:rs. Khoong at the Receiving Home if she would not join the strike, put up the shutters and close the door. She answered thart the Door of Hope was engaged in a work of saving souls which could not be stopped, so day and night our sign continued to tell the passers-by tliat "] esus saves" and our door remained open.

At this centre there is a day-school, but during the troubles the children were afraid to come, and the attendance dropped from eighty to nineteen. I t was then thought better to close the school early, and after the vacation it was decided not to reopen until the spring term of 1926.

Preaching services were also discontinued for a few weeks, hut in August recommenced again and the blessing of God has rested upon them, as the attentive crowds have eagerly listened to the old old story of Jesu's and His love.


The Door of Hope Car at the Receiving Home, which has helped to rescue

hundreds of girls.

Does the Lord mean us to open a Home for little boys? Miss Abercrombie and a badly beaten little actor just given to the Door of Hope.

Later :-This Home \X,"i11 be opened May 1st, 1926.






During the year 1925 sixty-five new girls have come into our First Year Home, and it has been a time of many opportunities of service for our Master. It is a great joy to tell of one who came to us at the begi·nning o.{ 1925 named "Golden Flower." At the age of 13 years s'he was left without parents, at 14 she was brought to Shanghai by her relatives, at 17 years of age she was married. The family was very poor so her mother-in-law and husband sold her into a house of ill-£ame, but she was not willing to live such a life.

She had heard of the Door of Hope and was able to run away to' us. When taken to Court it seemed as if she might not be given to us, but as we prayed the Lord worked on her behalf, and she entered our "First Year Home." Her first days and weeks were not easy ones, a great fight was going on within her. The older girl who was set apart to help her with her lessons, etc., had a very hard time, but knowing how to pray for "Golden Flower," and having a sweet patient spirit, she finally won out. "Golden Flower" began to take an interest in her lessons, and we saw by the difference in her life, the Lord's work in her.

Du;ring the summer vacation we had special prayer meetings and this dear child became really in ea:mest about her soul's salva'tiGq. Some two weeks later Miss King of the China Inland Mission, Yangchow, came to hold a few days' meetings. It was at this time that "Golden Flower's" full decision to accept Christ was made, but not until much prayer had gone up for her. In about two weeks after this she was taken sick and one day with ~ve others came to my room asking for prayer that she might be healed. Miss Brown and I knelt with them in prayer arid "Golden Flower" most ea:rnestly called ·on the Lord 1esus ito touch her body. Though a£ter this she continued to suffer much, yet she


told me that she had such real peace and joy in her heart, for she knew that she was born again of the Spirit.

As days went on she got no better and was taken to our Mary Fitch Sanitarium, where she grew weaker and weaker. The doctor and nUirses gave no hope as hers was a case of rapid tubercu.Josis, the seeds of which no .doubt had been sown long before she .came to us.

Her life and testimony in :the hospital were a blessing. Not many days before she pas'sed away to be with the Lord, I said to her "'Golden Flower' is there any message you would like to send to your sisters in the First Year Home ?" She said "Do tell my sisters not to be as I was when I first came in, with wicked thoughts and a heart that hated people although they were trying to help me, stealing their soap and anything I oould find. Tell them to quickly repent and give their hearts to Jesus. Tell them to be true and not false. Oh yes! I would like to see my big sister who helped me when I first c.ame in, but she is now in School. Could you write and tell her how I thank

. her for praying for me and helping me with my lessons? Tell her that Jesus is now living in my heart and very soon I am going to Him, I am asking Him to take me quickly. I am so glad that· Jesus loves me and so many people love me too. Before I came here no one loved me."

A few days after this conversation she passed away to be with the Lord Jesus. The testimony of her last weeks still lives on and we p.raise Him for gathering another one into His fold, for now she is safe.

Safe in the arms of Jesus. Safe on His gentle breast.




General Booth's daughter, the "Marachale" once said she studied but two books, "the human heart and the Bible."

How faithfully and perfectly the one portrays the other, how exactly is the human hea'Tit measured by the declarations of the perfect Word! But is it possible that lessons learned through the use 'Of needles and applied by God's own word can be woven into the heart and life of a married Chinese girl?

Some of our needle-workers are naturally quick to learn, desiiring to be neat and methodical, wlhile others being just as naturally s'low and untidy must o.ft..,times learn their appointed task at the cost of tears, whether her task be at the embroidery frame or in fulfilling the highest: purpose of her life as a wife and mother. They all feel life's needle­pricks, but 'only in the hear,t of the 'One who lea:rns to look for God's deepest purpose in life do we see that patience has her perfect work.

One might wonder if there could be any possibility of ~ connection between the tiny Chinese needle and 'a Chinese mother-in-law 'Of the old type w:h·ose words are 'Often sharper than the needle's point. Surely there is a deep underlying connection if the needle-work discipline has been made a subject of prayer, followed by a decided victory over every difficulty.

The Industrial SchOool teacher must often speak 'Of carelessness. Pride of heart, or a hasty exhibition of temper, may be instantly revealed. Sometimes this is folIowed by contrition and even restitution for work spoiled, when the Holy Spirit is wDrking in that life.

Most enoouraging 'have been some of -the results of needle discipline in the lives of our Industrial Horne girls of whom, during the past year, twenty-six were married to Christian men. One of that number named "Fragrance" was a most promising embroiderer, whom we reluctantly


engaged to A. D., whose need of a wife seemed to be greater than our need of her needlecra:ft. A. D. had a grandm<Ytlher to be cared for, incidently "Fragrance" was expected to help him in the cultivation of a small piece of land, also to dlO a little :cotron~c1ot!h weaving ducr-ing her spare time. She proved to be just the right one to meet their need and because of her sweet disposition and industrious habits, tlhe Pastor of their church decided ro come to us for his life companion.

Most of the young men who seek wives from. among oUJr girls are of the farmer class whose parents have a very materialistic view of life. The young men have va;rious reasons, as to why they should marry. One needs a wife to assist in preparing garden vegetables for sale on the morrow. Another to care for his two motherless children. A Chinese doctor asks for a wife who could keep his accounts. A tailor would like 'One who is able to run the sewing machine! A man whose business requires his time and attention in another town, seeks a wife who will be a companion to his mother. Two preachers would like to have theiT churches s'atisfied by the addition ,of a Pastor's wife. From another village comes a son to seek a wife f'Or his father! Our knowledge of the girls during thei,!' time in the workroom is a decided factor in meeting these needs.

A missionary of the. Mission says of one of our married girls, Mrs. D. is as useful as a second Bible-woman, and yet her home with her two little step sons is well ca;red for.

Mrs. Y. another one of our married girls was hoeing in the field one day when God by His Holy Spirit suddenly brought to life the seed of His \Vord which fOor years had lain dormant in her heairt and she saw the sinfulness of her unJbelief. About the same time a teacher in the Mission school not far away, was strongly impressed with the need of visiting Mrs. Y. in order to bring her to the Lord Jesus Christ. She is now in a Bible school preparing to be used in sowing the Eternal Word.


"Perfect F,ragrance" noit: only loved her needle but she loved to embroider the flowers on each garment 'she made. Her hands and feet were ever iready to help another in need and her prayers in our meetings were always· a means of inspiration. Since hel- marriage we have seen he~ in the mother-in-Iaw's home and "her children arise up and call her blessed, her husband also and he praiseth her.n Her ever cheerful and faithful use of the needle is followed by the same faithfulness: in the home-kitchen!

Poor "Seeking Love" never did succeed in her needle work. One day 'she returned with her husband and little srep-daughter for a brief visit. The cause of failure in the work,poom was manifested ·alike in her lack of control over the child. Yet "Seeking Love" loves the Lord, but she did not fully learn 10 apply the teaching of God's Word :to her daily life.

Another one of those twenty-six has caused many a heart pang to the one in charge of the needle 'hand. "Golden Phoenix" loved to do nothing so much as running errands to any and every corner of our Compound, attending to the needs of any not ill enough to enter our hospital. She was always ready to sympathize with every ache and pain, including her own! Ready to lead others, as discovered one Sunday evening. We were enjoying a quiet time when a greaHy excited group, led by our little heroine, whose name means three hearts and two minds, ;rushed into our living room, each presenting the appearance of a would be Amazon, but whose only weapon of defence was a slender length of bamboo. "Golden Phoenix" fancied she heard a thief in the lower hall where their precious belongings were kept and had come to tell us of their unsuccessful search. Since her maI'lriage she has gone out with the Mission Bible Woman in her ministry of prayer for the sick in their village. She has pleaded with souls to give up their evil habits and has experienced the joy of answered prayer.

Many of our girls have sor·row and loneliness in their new homes, and very little, if any, spiri,tual fellowship. But one of their greatest j-oys is an occasional visit to


the Door of Hope where they learned by so many precious lessons to lay their lives upon the altar of obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ.

"Be strong! We ClJre not here to.pl'ay, to dream, to drift; We have hard work to do, and loads to lift, Shun not the struggle; face it, 'Tis God's gif,t."


In the year and a half that it has been my privilege to be in the Door of Hope, I have been impressed with the convicting power of the Holy Spirit amongst the girls in OUT Industrial Home most of whom are professing Christians. Thek way is not always smooth. When Satan has tempted them, and they have failed, their faces lose the joy and happiness, and everything they do seems to go wrong.

This is soon noticed by their companions and teachers, and special prayer goes up to the Throne of Grace for them. Before long prayer is answered, and they are confessing their sin and asking forgiveness, and the joy of the Lord again shines in their faces.

We do praise and thank God for every girl in our Homes who has accepted Christ as her Saviour and has been saved from a life of bitterness to life everlasting with Him.

"For the Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which was lost."



My heart is full of praise to God for all He has done for me. I praise Him for counting me worthy to carry the blessed Gospel to this land of China.

What confidence ~ have when we know God has called us! He has promised never to leave nor forsake us.








His own words are: "1.0, I am with yOoU alway, even unto the end of the world." With such proinises we need never fear.

One praises H-im f'Or the wonderful way He answered prayer in regard to my -passage money, and for His keeping power throughout the journey.

I can never express in words the joy that filled my SOoul upon entering the Door of Hope. How my heart was drawn to the dear girls-some bearing upon their faces the maTks of sin, others whose faces reflected the inward joy and peace they are now experiencing, because Jesus has cleansed their hea1rts, and their lives are telling fOor Him. Looking at them day by day in their new love, we realize in a fresh way "What a wonderful Saviour is Jesus, my Jesus."

We have had much blessing in our prayer-meetings. The Holy Spirit wnrked upon hearts, though the devil fought hard to retain his hold. What battles were fought and won here! But" Jesus is stronger than Satan and sin, and Satan to Jesus must bow." Hallelujah! Praise God for such a salvation, so full of love and compassion. How I long to be able to speak o.f Jesus and His love in their own language to the dear sin-sick !Souls around, but that will come. Standing upon His precioUls promises we need never fear. Hath He not said, "All things are possible to him that believeth." Relying on His Word we can take f,resh courage and go forward.

Please pray for these dear ones, that the chains that have bound them 'so long and are still binding some of them may soon be brOoken, and that the light of the glorious Gospel may find an entrance into their darkened minds.

"He came to give deliverance to the captive." "The entrance of Thy 'Vord giveth light."

Amen. Pray for us.




"1 Will Do Marvels."

It was a great joy to return to this much-loved work in the early part of the year, after a happy and restful furlough in Australia with friends and loved ones, and an added joy to have the privilege of bringing Miss Edwards, a new worker, with me. Her experience as a traintd nurse is a great blessing to us here.

So often visitors coming through the Hospital will remark about a large, hand-painted text which hangs at the top of the stair-way, the words of which "I will do marvels" were spoken by God to her in whose memory we have this builc!ing. It is my privilege to tell of another year's fulfillment of this promise.

During the year we have had one hundred and three patients from amongst our girls. In addition to this there has been the daily clinic, to which a stream of girls from the various homes come with minor ailments for treatment.

Perhaps in no other department of our work do we see to such an extent the exceeding sinfulness of sin. But we thank God for the opportunity of ministering to these ,ick souls as well as to their stricken bodies, and of being able to hold out to them the Water of Life and see many of them drink and live.

VVe often hear it said that the day of Miracles has passed, burt the testimonies of some of those in our midst would prove that "His touch has still its ancient power."

One of these Miracles is a dear .girl from ,our Industrial Department. A few days after her baptism last March, she was taken ill with acute appendicitis. For many weeks after the operation her life was despaired of. Peritonitis and other serious complications set in, and to all appearances on more than one occasion she was dying. Human aid was useless, but we felt we could not let her go without first claiming the promise in James 5: 15 "The prayer of faith shall save the sick." One evening a group of workers met


around her bed, the prayer of faith was offered,-God heard, and answered, and to-day she is with us as a living witness to His healing power. Others there are whose testimonies could be written, the happy little ones now convalescing, who were once ill treated, loveless slaves, are often heard singing, "Praise Him, Praise Him all Ye Little Children, God is Love, God is Love."

We are thankful for the twelve of our girls and children whom during the year the Lord Jesus has graciously released from their sufferings and taken to be with Himself. The <testimonies 0.£ these are precious to our memories, one especially, "Golden Flower," who, although but a few months since had stepped out of darkness into light, spent her last days in one continuous praise to God, for Hjs marvellous goodness and love to her.

Amongst the twelve were our little "Precious Blessing" and Tsang Tzoong Tuh, both of whose stories have been written in previous reports. Tsang Tzoong Tuh was for three years a fa~thful helper in our Hospital.

"Oh, sweet is the slumber wherewith the King Hruth caused the weary to ,rest! For ~leeping, they hear the Angels sing They lean on the Master's breast."


"For thou shalt be His witness unto all men of what thou

hast seen and heard, and now, why tarriest thou?"

These words came to me as I waited on the Lord to know His will concerning my future.

In spite of a feeling of general unfitness, I went forward knowing that He who gave the commission had also said "Lo, I am with you alway."

The Lord graciously led me 11:0 a friend's house just in time to hear another visitor tell a most interesting story of the Door of Hope work, in which her sister, then on her way home on furlough, was engaged. You can imagine


how impressive this story woulid be to one who only two months before, had received a definite call for service in China.

On my way home that afternoon, I prayed that the Lord would in some way bring me in touch with this "Sister"-Miss Page. My prayer was answered and within a little over a year, the Lord had ope~ed in quick succession one door after another, providing me with everything necessary, and allowing me to come out with Miss Page on her return at the beginning of this year.

It is a great joy to be here, and to see the wonder­working power of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ in transforming lives. The past year has brought many new experiences, and opportunities to prove "Faithful is He that calleth, who also will do."



The Love School, Kiangwan.

"Oh for a thousand tongues to tell my great Redeemer'S praise!"

It is just about one week since the day of my return to China, after two years of furlough, during which time it was my privilege to meet many of our dear friends at ho.me. Mine eyes have seen so much of the wonderful working of God here, during my absence, and since my arrival, that my heart is overwhelmed.

First of all, the welcome that awaited me by our dear Missionaries, Committee, the precious Chinese teachers, and hundreds of girls and children in the Door of Hope, was a wonderful thing. I wish you could have had the privelege of seeing .those dear faces aglow with love, anticipation and sheer joy, as they looked into mine, and said, "Welcome back, Good Mother!" Rows and rows of them, there they stood in their Sunday dresses, lined up inside the gate of






the Love School grounds. All looked well cared for, both in body and spirit: so did their teachers and the missionaries. Surely God had taken care of them, even as we had prayed that He would-you and 1. Glory to His name!

Several weeks have passed since I began this article and every day has brought me new joy as I have seen the wonderful works of God wrou~ght in individual lives during my absence What a privilege to be here as a co-worker with the Great Shepherd of the sheep! How sacred are the hours in Chapel, when His praise is being sung; when the . Word is being listened to; when the testimonies of His Love and Grace and Power come for,th from the hearts and lips of many, great and small, and when before the close of the worship hour, all lift their voices in prayer and praise to the Father and the Lamb slain!

Miss Edna Johnston had taught singing in my absence, with the blessing of God upon it, indeed never did I hear "Love lifted me," and "Since Jesus came into my heart," :.nd "Holy Bible, Precious Treasure" sung with more sweetness and heart-felt joy. Beside that Miss Johnston had passed her third examination in the Chinese language, and that with honour, and is already most useful in the work in many ways.

The Kindergarten, with its fifty well-trained, happy little ones, some of them only six months out of heathen darkness with its terro.r and sin, showed that Miss Winifred Burlinson had lived and worked with Him who is Love and Who said, "Let the little ones come unto Me."

The early Friday morning Bible classes with the native >teachers, and the girls preparing for baptism, taught by Miss Moennich, Miss Burlinson and Miss Watney revealed the heart of the Love School. I was filled wirth gratitude as I listened to the deep lessons given, and felt the Presence of the Lord, "as He opened unto them the Scriptures." These teachers and older girls thus fed go out and pass on "The Bread of Life" and "The Water of Life," to the hungry and thirsty younger ones, so recently brought to us. How can I thank God enough for such co-workers!


Then what a joy it was to see dear Miss Watney, though always more or less a sufferer, enabled by God in the leadership of the Love School, with its six cottages, its School, its Chapel, its Sanitarium and its Industrial depart­ment, etc. The o:rder of it all, the contentment of all, and the joyous faces, showed that she had daily acknowledged the Government of the Love School to be on His shoulders and not on her own, and that the Lord had proved Himself in answer to her trust in Him, as "Wonderful, Counsellor, The Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace." I have not words enough to express my deep gratitude and wonder at the marvellous care and victory given by Him in this place during my absence.

The other two Homes in the city, and also the Receiving Home, showed the same care and mighty keeping power.

Those of you who have taken on the duty of a "Love­Mother" or "Love-Father" toward one of these precious God-chosen children, would have had your heart filled with a 'deep satisfaction, could you have seen here and there, a wistful face uplifted, asking me "Did you see my "Love­mother?" "Did you see my friend in America?" And I believe you would have counted it a great privilege to be UlSed of God in helping to bring His joy and love into these dear hearts.

I enter this new term of service of love unto Him with His promise, "The Lord, He it is that doth go before thee; He will be with thee; He will not fail thee," and my heart answers. "I am continually with thee; Thou hast holden me by my right hand; Thou shalt guide me with Thy counsel, and afterward receive me to Glory."




No two years are alike in our work, and yet it may seem much the same to those who can only hear of the work as we report it. VVe often say amongst ourselves that we can never suffer from monotony, for scarcely two days are alike. The year 1925 has· been one in whith we hav·e again been called to cast ourselves, upon God and He has not failed us. Sometimes it was physical strength that was needed-sometimes spiritual. He gave W1isdom and council as we sought His mind and way for the many problems that arose. We have all proved Him as our Rock and our Salvati'On and as we waited on Him He renewed our shength day by day.

It has 'been quite remarkable that we have had so many little children come to us during the last two years. At the same time a number of our older girls who have been our standbys for years have been married and gone out to homes of their own. The larger proportion of our children are between the ages of eleven and sixteen, and many of them are comparatively new-comers. This has meant that to meet the needs of these children the addresses given in the Chapel have had to be of a simpler nature. We were indeed glad when we were privileged to have a series of talks from Mr. G. Webb-Peploe, illustrated with interesting objects. Vve felt he was . sent to us to meet a real need, for even our little ones could understand the truths so simply presented. After a service he was always thronged by many of our Kindergarten child:ren, and conducted personally by a chattering, happy group to our dining room door!

There were, as you know, serious disturbances in Shanghai and other places during June and July. It did ndt seem possible fat any of us to go away for the usual month's vacation. It was the first time we had all spent a whole summer together at the Love School, and God specially undertook in keeping us in health. During this


time our new building was in process ·of being erected. There were many workmen on the place and with only a flimsy bamboo fence between our girls and the building we felt it good that we were to stay with our family. Some attempt was made to intimidate the builders and cause them to cease work, but God had alrea4y undertaken in this by giving a courageous foreman who would not hear 'Of it, so the work continued and was not delayed a day. We were told before the building began that there were often accidents to the workmen, and this we made a special subject of prayer. To His praise we would say that though one of the apprentice boys fell and was injured he recovered after treatment in hospital and that nothing more serious occu~red. In all things we saw our Father's care and His blessing upon it, and now it is ready to be used. This will relieve our crowded condition for which we are very thankful. Often came the words to my mind, "Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it, except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain." The previous year we had proved the latter part of that verse, in His keeping of 'Our property during the days of war, This year He kept us all safely at home, though at the time it seemed as if the tide of war would again tum our way, but instead it went north.

During the year several of our girls have been married to pastors. One of these went with her husband to live in the interior. They are continual witnesses of God's faithfulness. The young man partly supports himself by a trade, but does not give his whole time to it, he owning the machines, and superintending the work, but his days 3.re largely filled wilth service for the Lord. Since his wif~ joined him several women have been baptized and his old mother, willing now to listen to the Gospel, is ceasing to revile. We have gOQd reports from others of our mar:ried girls, many letting their lights shine under difficulties. They all love to return tQ us on visits when they can be refreshed spiritually as well as physically. We had a number come to stay with us during the year. As


we are not able to go and see them, we are so glad of this opportunity to keep in touch.

Although Miss Deiterle's return was delayed she was able tOo send two new helpers, one of whom, Miss Inez Green, came to the Love School, and her help was most welcome in getting off ou'r large Christmas mail.

For a long time God had laid it on my heart to pray that He would call to His service in the Love School some of our gi,rls who had learnt to know Him and had consecrated their lives to Him. From the time I first came to China there have been some outstanding girls, and we had spoken of how blessed it would be for the Lord to call these, who were so peculiarly fitted to train our children, (having been here as children themselves) to be "mothers" and "teachers." One by one we saw them develop, watched the spiritual growth in each life, rejoicing as they became real "mothers," each over a .family of 30 of our children. They learn valuable lessons during their two years' service as teachers, before going out into other work as God opens their way. It was a joy when two, whose time was fulfilled offered to stay on for another year with us. God had specially laid the older one on my heart in prayer that He would call her to our school as her life work, even as He calls the foreign missiona!ries. Unknown to me the same prayer and desire was laid on Miss Deiterle's heart, who was away in U. S. A. As we prayed God worked. He was speaking to this girl even as we longed that He should speak. Yet she was noif: sure what she ought to do, for it had never before happened that anyone of aUf Chinese children was called of God to give her life to our work. She therefore prayed and asked God to open the way for her to speak to. me. One day after the service God laid it on my heart to speak to her of her futu;re and during our talk I said how wonderful it would be should GOD call some of our own girls to the Love School, and then she told me she felt the LORD had called her! The joy that filled my heart was great for I knew only God could have done this, changing her once strong ambition to leave


behind all trace of the Door of Hope and become a teacher in some other school.

At once I wrote this glad news to Mis's Deiterle and she spoke of it to friends at home, who for years with much love and prayer have supported this girl. They were overjoyed at hearing of her decision and told how it had long been their secret prayer that she might be always their representative in the Door of Hope. So God has begun this "calling out" from amongst our own girls and we believe this is only the "first fr.uits."

Du;ring Octt:ober Miss Martha Moennich was called to her home in America to her mother who was very ill. We miss her much in the work, but look forward to her return at the end of a year's furlough.

A much needed improvement was made by the building of a wall around two sides of our property, the other two still have a bamboo fence that needs ;repairing frequently. Recently one side was blown fiat, lying right in a creek that is just outside the componnd, and had to remain thus for several days because the wind was so cold the men could not go into the water to repair 1t. Thieves could have got in, or girls could have beer- tempted to walk away aJt any time, but we thank God that neither of these things happened, and we a.re looking to Him to supply the other walls.

We do praise God for the many new f.riends He has raised .up for our children, their love and prayers and gifts mean so much. We often long to give even more personal care and attention to our little folk but know that the Heavenly Father supplies this need lin part through the "Love-mothers" and "sisters" who take such warm individual interest in their little girls.

Our testimony at the close of the year is one of praise that again God has been "Wonderful, Counsellor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Plrince of Peace" amongst

us. In the joy of His service,




Just baby-looks! We all know them so well. Every fond mother remembers her own darling's baby-looks. With what tenderness did she watch them, feeling that no other baby had lived before to look just like her baby.

They were just baby-looks, but then they touched your heart with a joy strangely sweet. You knew all that lay behind those baby-looks, the baby heart and the baby mind, and baby's love for yOtt, just you, because you were Mother. And baby understood and everybody understood.

Now, we had baby-looks here the other day, for you know we have a charming little crowd of babies. His babies, and ours, because He called us to "mort:her" them for His sake. There were sweet baby-Iooks~ and naughty baby-looks, and baby love-looks, and baby heat-looks.

Little "Love-Heart" was there; just a baby, but so alert, prepared for any emergency that might add to her baby credit. "Love-Heart was early taught to make "looks;" she thought it must be clever, for so they had taught her out­side, alas! but not for her gain, but for their own evil purposes. When she first came to us, we could not win a baby-smile; just scowls and naugbty looks, but One who loves and cares is daily working for our "Love-Heart;" already we see her renewed, and touched by His Spirit, and new, sweet, simple baby-looks appea.ring every day.

"Obtained-Light" was there, a baby ,too, and rich in baby-looks. Happy, free, truthful eyes, which meet your own on every possible occasion, eyes that positively brim ever with mischief, and smiles that drop as freely and carelessly as rain. She looked at me-"Auntie, will you take us for a walk to-day, o'Zl,tside, not inside?" meaning outside of the walled compound, not inside. "I will see," was the guarded answer; I simply could not say plain "no." Then again those looks! And-HAuntie do you think you might forget?" "Oh no, I shall not forget." Then-HAuntie may I come in a little while and remind you?" Who could describe those bounc­ing little eyes, unflinching in their one request. They liter-


ally talked, and if you had stayed to listen, this is what they would have said: "We won't forget, no we won't forget." One moment more and they were gone, and Auntie wondered if she would ever be able to make a picture of those baby­looks.

Then there are sad baby-looks. You never guessed we had these; we wish we did not, but Chinese baby-looks can be sad, and "True Peace" is only one of hundreds of babies who has been sad ever since she can remember.

She had no reason to be otherwise. "Who cares about her?" "She's just the slave," you might

have heard her mistress say, "She cannot feel anything except beating."

And yet, down deep, "True Peace" did feel, and her baby­heart was being slowly but surely broken by baby-sorrow.

Now we watch her and those large, black, haunted eyes, always sad, move our hearts to deep love and pity. 'ATe long to make them over. "True Peace" does not chatter and run and playas other babies do; just looks at us with those sad eyes until we can hardly bear their burden. Sometimes she will steal up and touch one's hand, just a light timid touch, you might not feel it amidst the laughing, pushing crowd if your heart was not acquainted with this babe of grief. Some day we shall see a "babe of joy" in the place of this "babe of sorrow," for He will "turn her sorrow into joy and will comfort her."

Then we saw "heat-looks." Do you know anything about these? A careless eye might mistake them, indeed this is what one baby thinks. But we have seen these heat-looks and offered many a secret prayer for this little life. We all know how hard it is to see another do something better than we can do it, and then to hear that one praised for well doing. Well these, with other reasons, are the cause of very frequent "heat-looks" in one babe whose name we will not disclose, because well, some day she will have looked them all away. She wishes, 04 so much, to do everything well, the best,-"How nice it might seem to be top of the whole baby­crowd !" And she is clever, but makes many mistakes to her great disappointment. Hence the "heat-looks."


Then last but not least, "Love-looks." One baby is noted for these. Her wee face and longing eyes, ever tell the old story. Often and often we meet her in compound or cottage, and always that love-smile. You cannot resist it, it follows you wherever you go. "Obtained-Blessing" was not loved outside; only beaten and ill-treated, but during these years she has learned to understand His Love, which now fills her tender heart, and she loves everybody, with that sweet simplicity which finds expression in every part of her small life.



"And the maiden pleased him, and she obtained kindness of him. And the king loved Esther above all the

women, and she obtained grace and favour in his sight more than all the virgins."

Esther 2 :9,17. He loved her best-No more the weary questioning of heart and brain;

She has her heart's request, at last, and no more pain. Our Precious-Blessing entered in to see the King

Who loved her best, and gave her every needed thing.

He loved her best-Sbe heard His voice, as tenderly He called her name,

She saw His face, as silently He for her came, She knew the King was glad in her, and had delight

To bring her to His Palace Courts in shining white.

She loved HIM best-She knew the story we had tried to tell so long,

The story of the cross, and HIM, who loves, so deep, so strong,

HE called her, and she rose and went away to Him; And we remember her beyond the shadows dim.

W- I. B. "Precious-Blessing," of whom we wrote in our last year's

Report, went in to see the King in July, 1925.



Ang-Di was one of the Saviour's "sought-out ones." He plucked her from a den of vice when she was quite young and. brought her to the Love School. Lovingly He caressed and wooed her until she was convinced that He really loved her. Yes, loved her so much that He gave His life for her on Calvary. She believed Him when He said; "Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool," all because they are cleansed by His shed Blood. She opened her heart's door when He knocked, and received Him. After a while she followed Him in baptism.

No one doubts but that Ang-Di loved the Lord and would gladly have served Him, but there was something that hindered her. She seemed to realize that which Paul said; "For I know that in me, that is, in my flesh, dwelleth no good thing, for to will is present with me, but how· to perform that which is good, I find not, for the good that I would, I do not, but the evil which I would not, that I do, I delight in the law of God after the inward man, but I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law which is in my members." Is it not possible that her sow.cried out as Paul in his groan­ings; "Oh wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death?"

It seemed hard for her to believe that her Saviour would not only save her from sin, but He was able and willing also, to keep her from sinning. Many times the evil one won his victories, and Ang-Di suffered defeat. "\iVhere," you say, "was her Saviour?" He was not far off. Yes, He stood aside, but not without an aching and longing heart for His child. He wanted to test the material, He wanted to encourage the faith, ah yes, He wanted to prove the love and give the victory. But Ang-Di fought the battle alone and lost. Was He angry and ·impatient with her because of her weakness? No, but He saw best to lay her aside on a bed of sickness.





No one knows but the Lord Jesus and Ang-Di, what He said to her as she lay for two long months in the Hospital, but we know He was faithful in His dealings with her. When He saw it was the right time He raised her up and sent her back to the Love-School on trial. But it seemed the lesson was not yet learned and in a little while Ang-Di was again laid low. This time we are sure the Lord dealt most definitely with her regarding the slackness of her love and consecration to Him. We do not know positively, but have reason to believe that she then made a covenant with God for in a very s~ort time she was restored to perfect health again.

It was early in the month of May that Ang-Di was trans­ferred from the cottage in which she lived (for we have the cottage system in the Love School) to our little Sanitarium. She had been ill again a number of days before reporting it, trying as she usually did, to recover without giving in. How­-ever, one day she was discovered. We put her to bed and ministered to her physical needs with the hope of relieving and restoring her to health once more. One Sunday, the Lord began His definite and final work. He sent another of His children to Ang-Di as His messenger. She prayed with her and asked if there was anything to be made right with the Lord, or others, or, if Ang-Di wanted to say anything to her. The child's reply was, "No, I do not feel any sin in my heart." But the one sent to talk with her said she knew by her manner that she had not spoken truthfully, and that she was troubled at heart. After praying with her Miss Woo left, trusting the Lord to work for Ang-Di, and He did.

The next day Ang-Di asked for Miss Woo and confided thus in her :-"1 have just been praying to Jesus, and asking Him why my heart is so hard that it cannot feel my sins, for I have many. Now He has shown me all and told me I have been grieving Him much by keeping these things hidden away in my heart. It is the sins that make my heart so hard that I cannot feel them and get victory over them in time of trial. Now I want to make everything right, won't you please pray for me?" This was said with· great effort between ter­rible spasms of coughing. Miss Woo prayed with her. Then


Ang-Di told her there were many people of whom she must ask forgiveness-would she please call them all to her bedside? Some were children she had ridiculed for giving. testimony to victory over sin. Others were teachers she hated for rebuk­ing her; still others were missionaries she disliked for speaking to her about her soul's welfare; and there were those she envied and was jealous of. All came to her in turn, and to all she humbly apologized, seeking their forgiveness. She said the Lord had come to her in the night and said that if she would confess her faults and truly repent He would again hear her. He gave her His own WORDS of promise. She in turn pro­mised Him that if He would heal her, she would surely fol­low Him all the way. She seemed happy after this, and when asked if all her sins were taken away she said "Yes, my heart is all made clean."

Ang-Di was very conscious of her weakness and as days went by she seemed to be possessed with the fear that she could not keep her promise to the Lord, but that she would fail even as before. Several times she had said to those visit­ing her, "I just dread to live because I fear I shall not be able to keep my promise to the Lord. . . I really now want to go to be with Jesus. I do not want to live on this earth any longer." The Lord also knew her weakness so in love and pity, He took her a few days later. He told her the night before she went that on the morrow, He would take her home to Himself. She told those who watched by her bed­side, "I am soon going to be with Jesus." On the morning of the next day, He bore her away in His loving arms. --"Who shall deliver me from the body of this death? For when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying-Death is swallowed up in victory-Thanks be to God which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ !"

Ang-Di's life was one of constant defeat, but her death was a victorious one. The enemy had won his last battle. He was finally defeated by our mighty Captain, Christ Jesus the Lord. While she went to meet her Lord, as she said, "With


empty hands-no fruit," yet she had a pure and Blood-cleansed heart to bring to the Father. Even as the story of the forgiven thief on the Cross has brought forth a rich harvest of fruit in the world, so the story of Ang-Di has already been used by Him as a power unto salvation to precious souls and will yet be. How glad she will be when she sees the harvest brought in on "that day," all of His grace.

This is only one of the many instances of God's wonder­working power in the Love School. During my two short years here, I have seen Him work miracle after miracle. in lives. Not only leading from heathen darkness into the mar­vellous light of His Son, but leading on to victory and power for service. How He lovingly wins the hearts and holds the hands as He leads. He is very real to us. Vlie are conscious of His presence each moment of the day. He is truly the "\iVonderful, Altogether Lovely One" who abides for us, and with us. \Ve praise and adore Him for all that He is, and for all that He will be to us in the coming year.



Surely "God hath chosen the base things of the world',. and things which are not,- that no flesh should glory in His presence."

Until January of this past year, I had never heard of the Door of Hope, in Shanghai, China, but when its ministry and the spirit in which the work is carried on were made known to me, God in great grace, called me on January 28th, to be­come one of it's privileged missionaries.

Almost immediately in preparation for my coming to the work He called some of His faithful ones to provide the necessary equipment, transportation money and SlUpport on the field, and October 18th found me before a large sign, "Door of Hope," no longer just a name on reports and letter-heads, but in reality the entrance to one of the Compounes of this blessed work of God in Shanghai.


Here I found the evidence of God's call to hundreds of precious Chinese children and girls, whom He had sought in the haunts of sin and heathen darkness and brought to this place of light, that they might be transformed into His image through the knowledge of Christ as their Saviour and Lord.

It is with deepest gratitude I enter in with these God­chosen children to this Love School, that I may learn with them, the depths of His love and the riches of His grace. God has done such a deep work of grace in the hearts of the missionaries and established such an atmosphere of His own Love, that this is a real "Door of Hope" to me also, giving promise that here, my life's desire that it be "Not I, but Christ" who lives in me, shall be realized.

I rejoice in the hope that God will so work in answer to the prayers of those who have heard His call to the ministry -of intercession, that I too may become a channel through which the Live-giving stream shall flow to some of China's millions who wait for Light and Life through Christ.

This department of the Door of Hope, the Love School is all it's name signifies. It is located five miles from Shanghai just at the edge of a fypical native village, and as we pass through its narrow, dirty streets, where the faces of men, women and children alike show signs of the hopelessness of heathenism, the Gate of the Love School seems truly like the -door of a sheep-fold, for within our walls there is an atmos­phere of love and light that is in direct contrast to the darkness which seems to hover like a thick cloud over every place where >only heathen belief and practice are known.

Surely these precious children have been chosen by God as heirs of salvation, for each one comes in with a story of remarkable deliverance from the hands of those who held them in the worst sort of bondage, in social or domestic slavery.

Even the very little ones, have already, (as the Chinese say) "eaten much bitterness" before God's mercy brought them -here,and more and more I praise God that there is a Door of Hope which they may enter, and there is a Love School where they may learn that God so loved them, that they too may have the deliverence from sin, and the life abundant and


eternal which is offered to all who will receive the Gift of His Son whom He gave to die for them.

To see sick and diseased children made well, and to see the joy of the Lord light up the faces that could scarcely pro· duce a smile, because of bodies bruised by cruel beatings, and hearts well-nigh broken from the lack of love and tenderness,. makes us feel that our privilege of ministering to them in Jesus' Name is one that angels well might covet, and again I do want to praise God that I have been enabled by His grace to come to China and the Door of Hope as His witness.

It is precious to hear the voices of the children and girls when assembled in the Chapel, singing the praise and love of their Redeemer. I t is such a contrast to the discordant notes of the parades of the worshippers who pass to and fro to the heathen temple that is just back of our Compound.

How fortunate we are to have been born in a Christian land, and is it not wonderful that we may be used of God to bring Christ to those who have been denied the joy which knowing and loving Him brings?

In His Grace,




Since my sen·ice in the Door of Bope has just begun, I can tell only of the wonderful way God led me here.

For seven years it had been my privilege to work in Shanghai under the Southern Baptist Mission Board 01

U. S. A. After that for eight years, family duties kept me at my home in Louisville, Ky. until it seemed the Master of my life did not plan for me to return to China, so I severed connection with my Board and waited before God to know what was His will for me.

One morning in the Spring of 1925 as I looked to Him to show me where He wanted to use me, with amazing de­finiteness came the words,-Door of Hope. I was startled


:and bewildered, as I had not been thinking of the Door of Hope: had never thought of working here, and had not seen (me of· the missionaries during the eight years at home. But I asked God if this were His call, to confirm it by sending -one of them to present a direct appeal for this work. So far as I.knew, there was no possibility of my seeing one and even less possibility of my being asked to enter the work, since no solicitation is made for funds or workers by this Mission.

In a few days, I was amazed to be brought face to face with one of the 1\1issionaries, who laid before me the definite and urgent need for a missionary teacher in the Love School and expressed her desire that God might call me to fill that need. There could now be no doubt that this was God's place and will for me.

Still many thoughts and cares filled my mind and heart: '''Surely He would not ask me to leave my family until He had «}one a mighty work for them, so that they would no longer need me." Yet more and more the Spirit led me to see that I wanted to walk by sight, while He offered me the opportunity to walk by faith. But I could not take such a step without a very definite word from my Guide as to the time. Did He not promise His people to be definite, when He said: "Thine ears shall hear a word behirtd thee, saying, 'This is the way, walk ye in it: when ye tum to the right hand and when ye tum to the left' " ?

I asked if He meant for, me to come at once to this work, that He would let me open my Bible directly, without turning a leaf to Luke 9 :57-62. And 10! the first word that met my gaze when I opened the Book, was this very passage. How faithful is He! Praise His Name! So like Gideon I had put my fleece out once, and then again. My faithful Guide, ·with infinite patience, had ~given one confirmation after an­-other until the way was plain.

The aged father and frail sisters, now bravely took their ,stand with me, "My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus," and "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you," were the promises given us.


:Mr. \\Tebb-Peploe and the Little Ones.




Since stepping out on these promises, God has truly done marvels for us. I praise His Name for what He has done and what He will continue to do. Has He not said, "Faithful is He that calleth you, who also will do it?"

In a miraculous way the necessary passage money and support on the field was received and assured, I arrived at the Love School, January 3rd, 1926.

My heart has been filled with praise as I have seen the revelations of His love in these young lives that were born in heathen darkness, and have suffered much at the hands of the enemy. I look forward with great anticipation to my work among them as a channel for Him who loved them first.



Industrial Department.

Our Brenan Road Home is separated by a distance of six miles from the Paoshan Road Home and is on the western Boundary of the City while the main home is in the Northern district. Weare right out in the country and are surrounded on three sides by fields. In this quiet place is our compound where work is going on for the extension of God's Kingdom.

Within eur walls at the beginning of the year were some sixty girls most of whom were. previously in our Love School. They were helping to carry on a knitting industry. Anyone paying us a visit in the daytime will see a busy workroom never-ceasing in activity all through the year . We are so thankful to our dear Heavenly Father for sending in so much work, oft times the last piece has been given out, when an­other customer comes in bringing more orders. Thus we have much to praise God for as far as the material side goes.

The main object is the salvation of each individual girl. We have times of real fightings against attacks of the enemy, but praise God for the overcoming and the victory gained by so many of them "Nay in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us."


We again had a visit from Mr. Davis of the Pocket Testa­ment league in January who stirred to enthusiasm our girls and started the Bible Success Band, in our midst. So through­out the whole of the year they memorized a verse of Scripture each day and many times that verse was a real blessing. We profited much from his visit.

At the Chinese New Year, Miss Boyce came and gave a series of talks on the different New Year's days in the Old Testament. These were a great help to the girls in searching the Scriptures.

Many times during the year we have had Christian men enquiring for suitable wives and eighteen of our girls have seen the dawn of their wedding day. They find wonderful opportunities to minister to others in their new surroundings as they have been ministered unto for years in this Home­the only home most of them have ever known. One of the brides was our knitting teacher who had been with us from the time she was nine years old and her leaving was a great loss to us. It is not easy to quickly get an understanding of each girl's ability. The Lord sent along another young teacher from· our Love School who is now able to fill the gap very well. So as one leaves another is prepared to come. The Lord is gracious unto us and supplies all our need.

Two years ago a Sunday School was commenced outside our compound. This still continues under Miss Lanman's super­vision with two of our girls assisting her each Sunday. This is providing a real help to them as they get in touch with the outside world and it trains them for the future when they must leave the spiritual atmosphere of the Home for that of the heathen world.


"Jehovah called Samuel: and he said, Here am 1. Jehovah called yet again, Samuel, and Samuel arose.

and said, Here am 1. Jehovah called Samuel again the third time, and he arose,- -

and said, Here am I."


As God called Samuel~ He thus called me three times. The first time over thirteen years ago. He called, saying "Effie, be a missionary and go to China." The second time, about six years ago when I was contemplating marriage, He said, "Be a missionary." The third time He called me to the ~'Door of Hope."

I first heard of the "Door of Hope," through one of their missionaries, about five years ago while attending the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. At that time the Lord so burdened my heart for these poor unfortunate girls that' I had no peace until I promised the Lord to serve in the "Door of Hope" if He thus led.

For the past three years I had been supporting one of the girls, (Kwe-Lan) in the Love School and it was through this that one of the missionaries of the Love School, who was on furlough, visited me on the 24th of January, 1925, as I was considered one of their "Love-Mothers." She told me of a need in the Treasurership in the "Door of Hope" and God definitely led me to aid in the work in this capacity.

I thank God that I heeded His call and praise Him for calling me to this needy vineyard to labor and work out His plan for my life with all my might. As I see the great need day by day, my heart grows anxious to be of more service but I must wait upon God to lead me step by step, knowing "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."

It was wonderful how God provided, through His dear children in the homeland, the necessary means for transporta­tion on land and sea and my support. Even now He is supply­ing my every need most graciously and has each day since my arrival, October 18th. But has He not said? "God shall supply all your needs."

I deem it a great privilege to work in this J\1:ission and find it a real blessing to my soul. I pray that God will make me a blessing to others.




The Committee and Workers Acknowledge with Gratitude:-

The prayers and gifts of friends all over the world. The grants-in-aid given by the M unicip~ Council, and their kind help through the Health Department and their Laboratory. Also the services of the Municipal Police and Detective Force.

The monthly contributions from the Free Christian Church and Sunday School, also donations from the Union Church, and the white Christmas gifts from the Community Church. The boxes of gifts from the United States, Canada, Australia, and England. The most generous gift of a new building in the Love School Compound. The much appre­ciated donation from the Charity Football Match. Also a sea­son ticket from a friend, for the Kiangwan Station.

The valuable assistance rendered by Dr. R. A. Parker in giving language examinations. The auditing of accounts, year by year by Mr. Geo. Howell. The medical aid given by Dr. Hoahing as visiting physician and by the Doctor and Nurses of the Red Cross Hospital, who have done so much for us. Also the kindness shown at the Shantung Road, St. Elizabeth's and Margaret Williamson Hospitals.

The religious services taken regularly by Mr. Wm. Embery in the Bonnell Memorial Chapel and the Receiving Home Street Chapel. Similar ministries in the various Homes by the Rev. D. MacGillivray, D.D., and the Rev. J. W. Lowrie, D.D.

The continued generosity of the friends who support the Missionaries and the many girls in the Homes.

Some friends have asked whether the support of a child in the Love School is $25 only? $25 pays for a child's boa,:,d. There are other expenses.-education, clothing. bed:.:ling, etc., bringing it up to about $50. We thankfully accept all gifts as from the LORD, and rejoice in the fellowship of each donor.


In the Home, January 1st, 1925 Entered during 1925

Sent to First Year Home " " Children's Refuge " II other Institutions

Returned to relatives or to Court In the Home, January 1st, 1926


In the Home, January 1st, 1925 " Schools

Engaged as helpers in the Homes Entered during 1925 from Receiving Home

Sent to Industrial Home Supported in Schools ., Engaged as helpers in the Home

Married " Died

,I elsewhere ..

Returned to relatives ... Sent to other Institutions In the Home, January 1st, 1926


8 161 -'-

64 20

5 73 2

24 6 7 2

14 8

13 2




97 2 8





In the Home, January 1st, 1925 " Schools Helpers elsewhere Entered from First Year Home

Married Supported in School Helper in Mary Fitch San. Helpers elsewhere Sent to Brenan Road .. . Returned to relatives .. . In the Home, January 1st, 1926


In Brenan Rd. and Kiangwan Homes, January 1st, 1925

Engaged as teachers in the Homes ... " " " elsewhere

Supported in Schools, families or Widows' Home ..

Entered from Receiving Home " " Industrial Home " "Chinkiang

Married ... Engaged as teachers in the Homes

" " " elsewhere Supported in Schools and families Sent to other Institutions Returned to relatives ... Died In Brenan Rd. and Kiangwan Homes, January

1st, 1926 ..• ... ... .,. . ..

33 1 1 2 1 3



56 5 2






Balance: January 1st. 1925 _ ... Muuicipal Council Grant, Taels 3,000 Donations: Foreign _ ... ...

Chines! ... '" ...

Industrial Receipts .. . Marriages '" ... .. . From Special Support Fund ... Rice Money and Sale of Sundries Christmas Gifts ... ... ... ... ...

$ 2,169·85 81.00

Refund on Building Plans and SpecHications Proceeds of Sale of Taels 1.000 iu 5.1..1. Co.'s

Debentures ._ ...... ... ·fis. 976.24 30 •00 Interest on 5.1..1. Co.'s Debentures ...

Dividend on 4 Telephone Shares Inlel est on CUT rent Bank Account

Auditt:d and foutld correct, GBORGE HOWBLL,

Hon. Auditor.

... Tis.

$ l,u6.80 4,128.17

2,25085 6.941 76

950 .() 5 lo,089.0t

282.24 32331

543- 20

J,38745 2381 10.85


Rents, Rates and Tu:es ._ _ ... Partial Support of Missionaries... . .. Support of Girls in Schools and Hospitals Medicine ... ... ... ... ... . .. Workitlg Expenses:

Light and Water ... ... ... • .. Telephone, Insurance, Stationery, etc.

Industrial Expenses ... Repairs on Property ... Passage ... .., ... ... . .. Molor Car, Part of Expenses ... Receiving Home, Part of Expenses Funerals ... ... • .. Christmas Expenses ... China New Year ..• ... Brenan Road Home Expenses:

Household, Books, etc. Food aud Fuel... ... Clothing and Bedding Wages of Helpers ... 'travelling

Kiangwan Home Expenses: Household, Books, etc. Food a nd Fuel... • .. Clothing and Bedding WageR of Helpers ._ Travelling

Balance: December 31st, 1925 General Cash Accouut


S 306.43 370 .79

$ 246.98 2,817.50

33·3° 837·44 148·93

$1,536.60 7,675·39 1.471·79 2.495·08


$ 762.85 464.37 229·00 26433

677.22 3,681.15 1,768.~

563. 53608 113·97 26·35

251.01 50.40


13.495.49 1.°77·98

Acting Hon. Trlasurer.


Balance: Jauuary 1St, 1925 General Account •.• . .. Special Support Account ...

Municipal Council GrRnt: Taels 2500 " "Special: ,. 1500

A.nnual Bud MOil thly Subscriptions " In Memorlum" Gifts ... ... ... Foochow Road School Fees .. . Rice Money and Sale of Sundries Mixed Court Fees... ... ... ... ... .. . From Children's Refuge lor Foochow Road .. .

• , II "" Sick iu Sanitarium Christmas Gifts DONATIONS:


$ 584·92 8.567.19- $9.152.11 3.440 .15 2.064. 09-


5.50 4. 24 563.00 426.92 279.00 178.10 500.00 II3·97 2 03.54 225.47

Chinese ... . .. ... 154.00 '" 12.526.61- 19,798.63 For Special Support

FIRST YEA-R HOME-INCOME: Sale of Dolls Marriages ...


BANK INTEREST: General Cash Accoun t ... Special Support Account

Audited and found correct, GEORGE HOWBLl,.

Non. A rtdr'tor.

I.7 JI •26 2,298.00- 4·°09·26

1357 157.59- 171.16

Rents, Rates. and Tuxes ... PartiRI Support of Missionaries ... ... . .. Support of Girls in Mission Schools and Hospitals Special Support Payments transferred to Children's

Refule Accouut ... II Moore Memorial Gifts" transfer~ed to Tael

Account .. . Medicine ... . .. Passage Money ... Repairs on Property ... Motor Car, Part of Expenses Christmas Expenses ... WORKING EXPENSES:

Lieht and Water ... ... ." Printing, Stationery. Telephone, etc.

RECBIVING HOME EXPENSES: Household Food and Fuel... ... Clothing and Bedding Wages of Helpers Travelling.. ._ Funerals _ ... ...

FIRST YEAR HOME EXPENSES: Household and Books .. Food anu Fuel._ ._ Clothin~ and Bedding wafes of Helpers ._ Dol Making ... . .. Travelling.. ... ._

INDUSTRIAL HOME EXPBNSES: Household.. ... Food and Fuel ... Wages (or Work Industrial Ma. erials Travelling ... . ..

Sj.NITARIUM EXPENSES: Household .•• ... Food and Fuel... • •• Clothing and Bedding ... Wages of Helpers Travelling... _ Funerals _

Balance: December 31st, 1925 General Cash Account :. Special Support Accuunt

E. G. ~VANS,

$ 1.063.07 1,382,34-

151.76 784·45 22.75

729.00 10867 t5080-

310.97 3.841.94

338.80 1,175·00

Sog.Sg 71.97-

33. 2 1 2, 162 52 1.334.7° 1,017.34


245·58 1,433.41

57· go 430.74 31·[4


Acli"r:Hon. Treasurer.

$ 2,437·59 3,856·48 1,000.07


3°1·92 339·49 J85.46 374·3[ 673.52 158.81



Balance: January Jst, 1925 ... Interest ...

Tis 1~ 23 Repairs to Baptistry.. . .. l.88 Balance: December 31St, 1925

J57· II


Balance: January lSt, 1925 (including Five Debentures, each Tis. 100, Shanghai Waterworks, co., T,td.) .... J Is.

Contractor for Esther Butler and Moore Memorial Dor­mitories

~~~~11o:ns~!~' ~k:;.i::s ~~OO, !.~ld .:: Postage ... ... ... • .. Balance for Artesian Well... ... ... ... ... . ..

Tts. 20.00 137·11

TIs. 157·11

From Gen. a/c. for Artesian Well 'M ... • ..

.. account Moore Memorial gifts $307.92

1.979.64 J34.68 819.36 163. 18 218.8g 40.00 12.12

" " Ladies' House" account (including Five Deben-tures, each TIs. 100, Shanghai Waterworks Co., Ltd.

TIs. 2,475.00 40

163. 18

Interest on Debentures, One Year Bank Interest

Donation $20,000 gold Interest

Pinal payments to contractor not yet made. Audited aud found correct,


HoPI. A uliiloy.

reckoned at par.) .•• ... 'M


_ '1'1s. 26,025.7~

379·94 Refund to Children'S Refuge part cost of plans paid in

1924, $543,20... _ ... ... Balance on plans and specifications Payments to Contractors Cables... _ Gate House... 'M ...

Furnishings... ... • .. Balance December 31St


Tis. 399.25 J99·2 2

23,000.00 37·95

304.29 266.46



Acting Hon. Ty~asurey.

Committee of Management


Resident Missionaries of

Door of Hope and Children's Refuge Paoshan Road Kiangwan and Brenan Road.

Mrs. EDWARD EVANs-Chairman.

Mrs. A. G. PARROTT-T,'casurer.*

Mrs. A. H. BROOMHALL-Secretary.

Miss M. W- JEWELL.


Mrs. S. I. WOODBRIDGE, (substitute)







Miss HATrnc BAII.EY.



* On furlough









Mrs. A. G. Parrott, will be on furlough during 1926.

Mrs. Edward Evans, will act as tr~asurer.

Address c/o Miesionary Home, 38 Quinsan Road, Shanghai.


1111111111111111111 39002 10638 1214

































