60 sippy downs drive, sippy downs 4556 web page: http ... term 2 week 02.pdf · their part-time...

FROM THE PRINCIPAL Yesterday was the anniversary of the death of ST CATHERINE OF SIENA, our patron saint. Catherine is acknowledged as one of the most socially active, publicly influential and theologically-able women in the history of the Church. Her skills as a writer, peace maker and champion of the poor and the oppressed would be as much of use today as much as they were in the 14th century which makes her a wonderful role model for our students, particularly the girls. We don’t celebrate her memory in a formal way on April 29 each year because of the busy-ness of Term 2 but she is very much part of our Term 4 Siena Day liturgies. But her deep faith is a constant inspiration to us, as evidenced in the Siena Prayer which is from her writings: You Light, give us light You Wisdom, give us wisdom You Supreme Strength, give us strength Thank you to all our students and staff who attended the Buderim ANZAC DAY MARCH and ceremony last Saturday. I was again proud to walk behind our students, this year 260 in number, to walk with fellow staff members, to pass our College Band as they played next to the reviewing stand, whose presence shows the respect and gratitude they have for those who have given so much to defend the freedom we enjoy today. The student’s presence in most cases reflects a family who share such respect indicated by the fact that you took the time to take your children to the march. I am certainly aware that many other students also attended other ceremonies on the Coast, some in uniform and I thank them for representing us so well. Thank you too, to Wayne Baker for again “marshalling the troops”, Peter and Kim Cook for providing the Anzac-themed refreshments at the end of the march and to Todd Wynyard for continuing to lead our young musicians. Lots of thank-you’s, but we have a lot to be grateful for. Many parents have taken the opportunity to meet with teachers in relation to their son/daughter’s report at our scheduled STUDENT PROGRESS MEETINGS, either last Tuesday evening and/or again tonight, whether it be by parent choice or in response to a teacher request. I hope your discussions were fruitful and where necessary, give a clear plan for student improvement in performance, whether it be academic or work habits. Several teachers have not been available at all interview sessions due to their commitment to other school commitments, their part-time employment status, leave or sickness. If you were not able to access them at these sessions, please make contact by email to arrange a discussion in another forum. Thank you to the positive comments about the way these evenings are run. Yes, it is akin to “speed dating” and I read a feature article in the press this week lamenting such a process as stifling community and relationship building but I am hearing the opposite. Maybe the two minute difference between their eight minute experience and our ten is the difference! Next week is a very busy week for many – or more busy than the normal hectic life of a secondary school. YEAR NINE spend Monday and Tuesday on RETREAT and last year’s move to separate boy/girl retreat venues to explore themes relating to our Beautiful Siena Women/Worthy Siena Men program was a great success and so we have again adopted it as our format for this and for future years. Wednesday is the start of the final preparations for our 2015 musical HAIRSPRAY with the cast, crew and band moving to the Nambour Civic Centre for final rehearsals ahead of Friday’s school matinee and evening public performances on Friday and Saturday. Even if you have not got a child involved in the production, please give consideration to attending to affirm the talents of many of our students but also to give yourself a great night out. You will get a QPAC quality performance at a fraction of the cost without the long journey to and from the bowels of Brisbane! On Tuesday evening we transport all the sets and props over to Nambour and would appreciate the assistance of parents to help us move them into the theatre and assemble the backdrops. Starting at 5.15pm, we should easily finish by 7.00pm. Please contact me if you are able to help. [email protected] 60 Sippy Downs Drive, Sippy Downs 4556 College email: [email protected] Web Page: http://www.siena.qld.edu.au Phone: (07) 5476 6100 Fax: (07) 5476 7022 Absence Notification: (07) 5477 3098 Uniform Shop: 5456 4397 30 April 2015 Term 2, Week 02 12-15 Catholic College

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Yesterday was the anniversary of the death of ST CATHERINE OF SIENA, our patron saint. Catherine is acknowledged as one of the most socially active, publicly influential and theologically-able women in the history of the Church. Her skills as a writer, peace maker and champion of the poor and the oppressed would be as much of use today as much as they were in the 14th century which makes her a wonderful role model for our students, particularly the girls. We don’t celebrate her memory in a formal way on April 29 each year because of the busy-ness of Term 2 but she is very much part of our Term 4 Siena Day liturgies. But her deep faith is a constant inspiration to us, as evidenced in the Siena Prayer which is from her writings:

You Light, give us light You Wisdom, give us wisdom You Supreme Strength, give us strength

Thank you to all our students and staff who attended the Buderim ANZAC DAY MARCH and ceremony last Saturday. I was again proud to walk behind our students, this year 260 in number, to walk with fellow staff members, to pass our College Band as they played next to the reviewing stand, whose presence shows the respect and gratitude they have for those who have given so much to defend the freedom we enjoy today. The student’s presence in most cases reflects a family who share such respect indicated by the fact that you took the time to take your children to the march. I am certainly aware that many other students also attended other ceremonies on the Coast, some in uniform and I thank them for representing us so well. Thank you too, to Wayne Baker for again “marshalling the troops”, Peter and Kim Cook for providing the Anzac-themed refreshments at the end of the march and to Todd Wynyard for continuing to lead our young musicians. Lots of thank-you’s, but we have a lot to be grateful for.

Many parents have taken the opportunity to meet with teachers in relation to their son/daughter’s report at our scheduled STUDENT PROGRESS MEETINGS, either last Tuesday evening and/or again tonight, whether it be by parent choice or in response to a teacher request. I hope your discussions were fruitful and where necessary, give a clear plan for student improvement in performance, whether it be academic or work habits. Several teachers have not been available at all interview sessions due to their commitment to other school commitments, their part-time employment status, leave or sickness. If you were not able to access them at these sessions, please make contact by email to arrange a discussion in another forum. Thank you to the positive comments about the way these evenings are run. Yes, it is akin to “speed dating” and I read a feature article in the press this week

lamenting such a process as stifling community and relationship building but I am hearing the opposite. Maybe the two minute difference between their eight minute experience and our ten is the difference!

Next week is a very busy week for many – or more busy than the normal hectic life of a secondary school. YEAR NINE spend Monday and Tuesday on RETREAT and last year’s move to separate boy/girl retreat venues to explore themes relating to our Beautiful Siena Women/Worthy Siena Men program was a great success and so we have again adopted it as our format for this and for future years.

Wednesday is the start of the final preparations for our 2015 musical HAIRSPRAY with the cast, crew and band moving to the Nambour Civic Centre for final rehearsals ahead of Friday’s school matinee and evening public performances on Friday and Saturday. Even if you have not got a child involved in the production, please give consideration to attending to affirm the talents of many of our students but also to give yourself a great night out. You will get a QPAC quality performance at a fraction of the cost without the long journey to and from the bowels of Brisbane! On Tuesday evening we transport all the sets and props over to Nambour and would appreciate the assistance of parents to help us move them into the theatre and assemble the backdrops. Starting at 5.15pm, we should easily finish by 7.00pm. Please contact me if you are able to help. [email protected]

60 Sippy Downs Drive, Sippy Downs 4556 College email: [email protected]

Web Page: http://www.siena.qld.edu.au Phone: (07) 5476 6100 Fax: (07) 5476 7022

Absence Notification: (07) 5477 3098 Uniform Shop: 5456 4397

30 April 2015

Term 2, Week 02 12-15

Catholic College

The P&F have arranged a MOTHERS’ DAY BREAKFAST next Friday morning and details are elsewhere in the newsletter. A different menu from the Fathers’ Day breakfast! Our YEAR 12 BIOLOGY students arrive back this evening from their three days of field studies (with some sand tobogganing and snorkelling in down-times) on Moreton Island, a little wet but I’m told in good spirits. Thank you to teachers Jo Morris-Hawes, Wayne Baker and Aaron Deckys for accompanying the students for what is a full program with long days. Our community was has been saddened this week by the passing of Roger Brighouse after a long battle with cancer. Our prayers and thoughts are with his wife Theresa and children Aiden (Year 8) and Caitlin (Year 5 at Siena Primary). Mr Graeme Hight

FROM THE CURRICULUM PROGRAM LEADER Staff who have been involved in the Learning Collaborative have spent time this term reflecting on the data generated by the writing tasks completed last term and this has given them an opportunity to reflect on the literacy progress of all the students in their classes including their literacy strengths and weaknesses. Staff have been then able to begin to plan how they might be able to better incorporate literacy skills across all subject areas that are required by ACARA. This has been a rewarding process and it has been noted by some staff that this has been the first time that literacy has been the key focus of teacher discussions, across core curriculum areas. This term, another group of teachers and students will be involved in this process and I am hopeful that students will ultimately benefit from this project.

Mr Brenden Tucker


YEAR 11 NUMERACY PROGRAM Do these Year 11s look like they are having way too much fun? Well they are. Period 1 Wednesday found 130 Year 11 students engaging in a review of core numeracy skills in preparation for the Term 3 QCS program. Rulers, compasses and protractors got an airing and for some there were moments of challenge and vague recollections that they may well have covered these concepts somewhere back in their deepest memories. It was pleasing to see all students approach this learning opportunity to enthusiasm and diligence. Each Wednesday morning this term, students will rotate around a number of sessions delivered by our skilled Maths staff and I trust they will approach each one as they did on Wednesday. Onwards and upwards, Year 11. Mrs Kathy Willshire

FROM THE LEARNING ENRICHMENT PROGRAM LEADER TOURNAMENT OF MINDS IS COMING SOON… Next Tuesday, 5 May, there will be a meeting of all interested students in Year 7-10 who would like to find out a little more about Tournament of Minds and how we will be running it at Siena this year. Newcomers to TOM are most welcome but must be willing to commit to every Tuesday lunchtime for training in Term 2. At the end of term, teams will be selected and students will be required to commit to attending one after school session per week, as well as the one lunchtime, throughout Term Three until the Regional Tournament on Sunday, the 23rd August.

FUTURE PROBLEM SOLVING Our three Siena FPS teams have begun researching their second topic for the year which is “Processed Foods”, and have found some startling statistics about the food we eat and how it affects our health, genetically modified foods and processed foods, as well as information about how food will be produced in the future. Teams will be working on this topic for the next six weeks.

DA VINCI DECATHLON Our Year 7/8 team and our Year 9 team will continue training two lunchtimes a week until the competition is held in the last week of May. However, the Tuesday lunchtime will now be moved to the Friday lunchtime training to allow those students who also wish to participate in TOM to do both during the three week overlap. Both teams have been busy preparing in the areas of Philosophy, Cartography, Engineering, Maths & Chess, English, Creative Producers, Art & Poetry, Code Breaking, General Knowledge & Science.

ACADEMY CONFERENCES Students are invited to express interest to me via email at [email protected] if they would be interested in attending a Gifted and Talented Student Conference in July this year at the Sunshine Coast. It would involve students in Year 7-9 attending on Tuesday 28 July and student in Year 10-12 attending on Thursday 30 July. Topics are varied and always interesting delivered by Julie Arliss who is a fantastic presenter, and the day finishes off with a debate. Mrs Julie Bolton

FROM THE INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC CO-ORDINATOR “Music is all around us. You just have to listen.” from ‘August Rush’, the movie ~ THE EIGHTH BENEFIT OF MUSIC EDUCATION is a critical life skill - Music study enhances teamwork skills and discipline. In order for an orchestra to sound good, all players must work together harmoniously towards a single goal, the performance, and must commit to learning music, attending rehearsals, and practicing. ANZAC DAY - Congratulations to all the students and staff in the College Concert Band who presented and performed with such confidence and professionalism on ANZAC Day in Buderim. I often receive many words of thanks from passing 'diggers' on how quality live music can lift the spirits of those marching and creates a positive atmosphere. Bravo! Music in many forms is known to have great healing power and is said to move mountains, heal broken spirits, and soothe weary souls. This is an excerpt of one beautiful story told on ANZAC DAY. It is a story written by Mr Edward ‘Ted’ McMahon that his daughter submitted to the Port Lincoln Times for the 90th anniversary of Anzac Day, Mr McMahon said he played his trumpet during battle, much to the delight of listeners on both sides of the battlefield. Mrs Parker said her grandfather used to say he was 'the man who stopped the war'. She said he may not have ended the war but the melodies from his trumpet in the midst of battle were able to cause those who could hear it to forget it temporarily. "As I started to play on this beautiful quiet night when the sound of my trumpet would carry for a considerable distance, a real barrage of small arms fire broke out," Mr McMahon said in a recount of the war. During the second verse, only spasmodic shots could be heard, and as I started to play the final verse, all was still; not a sound could be heard. "The charm of music had cast a spell overall and for a time the war was forgotten." http://www.portlincolntimes.com.au/story/3029131/the-man-who-stopped-the-war/ SINCERE THANKS to the Daly, Sharkey and Beaudequin families for assisting with loading and transporting gear to and from this performance. Your assistance is always appreciated. TERM 2 TIMETABLES have been emailed to all enrolled families and lessons commenced last week. If you have changed your email address recently, please let us know to ensure you receive important correspondence. Timetables are also displayed on tutor room doors. DATE CLAIMERS – All events will be held in Benincasa (New College Performing Arts space)

Monday 25 May at 7pm – Wind and Brass Recital (Mr Wynyard and Mrs Durrer) Wednesday 27 May at 7pm – Guitar Recital (Mrs Worthington) Thursday 4 June at 6pm – Piano Recital (Mrs Wordsworth) Tuesday 9 June at 7pm – Singing / Piano Recital (Mrs Langford)

SIENA CATHOLIC COLLEGE MUSICAL – HAIRSPRAY will be held at Nambour Civic Centre on Friday 8 and Saturday 9 May from 7.30pm. Several students, staff and community members are creating all the live music so get along and see the show. Tickets are Adult $22 / Pension $17 / Student $17 / Children (up to 12yrs) $10 and can be purchased online at www.scvenuesandevents.com.au/nambour-civic-centre or by calling 5475 7777. Remember, tutor contact details are shown on the top left corner of the lesson timetable and you can get us anytime via email to [email protected]. Mr Todd Wynyard

ASX SHAREMARKET GAME The game is now well underway! At the end of last week, the syndicates of Nate Smyth, Jacob Hobbs, Jasper Giaroli and Kade Johnstone were all doing well and had increased their initial investment. Many other syndicates had lost money. Remember, buy when you think the value of the shares is low and is likely to increase; sell shares when you think the value of shares has likely reached its maximum value and may start decreasing. There are many factors that can influence share prices. Look at the lessons on the share market workspace. Mrs Glenys Goodingham, Business Studies Teacher

FROM THE SPORTS CO-ORDINATOR CURRICULAR SPORT YEAR 7 Our Year 7 students will participate in a six week round robin, Interhouse Competition, playing a variety of fun team games representing their house. Points will go towards overall Champion House for the year. YEAR 8 AND 9 Round 2 of the Interschool Sport competition was played yesterday against Mountain Creek SHS with mixed results. Next Wednesday 6 May we have a BYE so all teams will be training. The school sport activities for students not playing in an Interschool team also commenced yesterday with students enjoying Ju Jitsu, Yoga and Lacrosse. All students are required to wear their sports uniform each Wednesday, including their sports hat and bring a water bottle. Students must bring a note from a parent/guardian if they are not able to participate due to injury/illness. YEAR 10 SPORT The Year 10 students continued with their new activities for this term.

Group A - Outdoor Education enjoyed mountain biking yesterday (and will do this again next week)

Group B - Community Assistance

Group C – Tennis (Allen to McArdle) and Gym (McComisky to Young) All students are required to wear their sports uniform each Wednesday, including their sports hat and bring a water bottle. Students must bring a note from a parent/guardian if they are not able to participate due to injury/illness.

SIENA CROSS COUNTRY TEAM Congratulations to the following students (first six placegetters in each age group) who will represent the College at the District Cross Country on Friday 15 May at Maroochydore Cricket Club grounds. A team meeting will be held next week where students will be given an information/ permission letter.

GIRLS 12 Years Ella Harris, Paris Collie, Anna Mills, Imagen David, Evie Savage, Lily Foott 13 Years Eliza Lowrie, Lily Turton, Chloe Samuels, Jada Cleary, Jessica Hollis, Jessica Webb 14 Years Samantha Lee, Annabelle Kelly, Kelsie Price, Alanah Pace, Chelsea Valderrama, Hannah Edgar 15 Years Indianna Heibloem, Charlotte Keevil, Amy Cremen, Jaelyn Slade, Makayla Henry, Alicia Delgado 16 Years Saskia Letchford, Emily King, Tori McArdle, Isabella Stewart, Chloe Cox, Jade Carr Opens Bianca Heilbronn, Breanna Smith, Alyssa Murray, Olivia Reginato, Sophie McCulloch, Grace Powell

BOYS 12 Years Bailey Koch, Jack Slonim, Mitchell Santoro, Thabo Jen, Lachlan Slonim, Noah Cheatham 13 Years Eli Baker, Matthew Tarrant, Adam Gorring, Reef Ellis, Roby Kingham, Kai Dalla-Bona 14 Years Will van Dalen, Joshua Fuller, Thomas Whittaker, Levi Gamble, Luke Battle, Mitchell Lowrie 15 Years Bailey Waern, Sam Buckley, Harrison Charlesworth, Byron Turton, Adam Thompson, Liam Parker 16 Years Hayden Baker, Bradley Ellis, Dylan Foster, Dom Chamberlain, Deb Savimaki, Jack Broderick Opens Elliot Keevil, Mitchell Ivory, Lachlan Craven, Patrick McNally, Mitchell Jeffery, Willem Langford

Tuesday 5 May (after school): 15 Boys & Girls Soccer ** Change to the following dates** Wednesday 6 May (after school): 15 Years Boys Basketball Monday 11 May at 7:00am: Surfing Tuesday 12 May (after school): 15 Boys Rugby Union & 15 Girls Basketball. Students interested in attending these trials must collect a permission form from the Sports Office asap.


Netball A won 30-13 Netball B won 18-3 Soccer lost 2-4 Touch won 5-3 Volleyball A lost 1-2 Volleyball B lost 43-48

AFL lost 16-46 Rugby League lost 4-48 Soccer lost 0-8 Volleyball A lost 0-2 Volleyball B lost 0-2


Netball A lost 8-29 Netball B lost 13-18 Soccer lost 0-6 Touch won 6-1 Volleyball A lost 0-2 Volleyball B lost 0-2

AFL lost 14-72 Rugby League lost 4-36 Soccer lost 0-5 Volleyball A won 2-1 Volleyball B drew 1-1

UPCOMING COASTAL DISTRICT TRIALS-ROUND 4 (AFTER SCHOOL) 12 and Under Boys Touch football that was postponed today due to the rain has been rescheduled to Monday 4 May, 3.45pm at Kawana Touch fields 12 & U Girls Touch – 27 April and 4 May **Boys changed to 30th April** 12 & U Boys & Girls Tennis – 20 May 12 & U Boys Softball – 19 and 26 May 12 & U Rugby Union – 28 May Students interested in attending these trials must collect a permission form from the Sports Office asap.

UPCOMING REGIONAL TRIALS- TUESDAY 19 MAY (ALL DAY) 12 Years (born 2003) Golf. Nomination forms can be collected from the sports office and must be submitted before Tuesday 12 May. Boys must have a 18 hole golf handicap of 27 or less and girls 36 or less. 18 Years & U Baseball Trials & Golf Trials - students need to collect a nomination form and a permission letter from the Sports Office next week. The golf handicap for boys is eight or less and for girls is 18 or less. Students who are selected in the following District Teams at the upcoming District Trials must also collect a permission letter from the sports office: 15 Years Boys & Girls Basketball, 15 Years Boys & Girls Soccer, 15 Years Boys Rugby Union, Junior and Senior Surfing.

RECENT SPORTING ACHIEVEMENTS Last week, Year 9 student Dane Sweeny (pictured right) travelled to Thailand as part of the 3 player Junior Australian team to contest the Oceania Junior Tennis Titles. The team finished third, losing to China-Taipai in the semi-final. The team's third place finish has enabled them to qualify to compete at the World Junior Tennis Team Titles in the Czech Republic in August. Only the top 16 international teams qualify to compete. Well done Dane and best of luck in August!

QLD ALL SCHOOLS LAWN BOWLS COMPETITION We are looking for any students interested in playing at the upcoming All Schools Cup. No experience is necessary as all coaching is included. Training is once a week on a Wednesday at 4pm at Kawana Bowls Club. Representation at the finals would take place on the first weekend of the September school holidays at Pine Rivers Bowls Club. You can contact Rose Rixon for more information on 0414 443422. Mrs Michele Akers

RUGBY The U15s hosted the Brothers Cluster in a home game last evening. Although deemed a scratch match due to a shortage of opposition numbers, a very physical and focussed 13 a-side game was played with a number of Siena boys donning an opposition jersey. Luke Krigovsky could have been mistaken for a running back as he took his side forward time and time again in a display of agility and strength. His commitment was matched by Nick Ritchie as an opposing forward. Sam Buckley enjoyed weaving through his club teammates in the opposition for his two try haul. Jake Millson ran strongly all game and Jordan Farquharson was quick to pounce on any loose balls all evening. Mrs Kerri Buckley, Manager

COMMUNITY NOTICES WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER A weekend away for married couples in peaceful, picturesque surroundings – away from the distractions of everyday living. Take time out of your busy schedule, to invest in your most precious asset . . . your marriage! This is a unique opportunity to recharge your relationship batteries, refocus on each other and fall in love all over again! Weekend date: 15 – 17 May 2015 Venue: Santa Teresa Spirituality Centre, Ormiston QLD (on Brisbane’s bayside) For bookings/details contact: Maria and David Murphy, ph (07) 3342 1456, [email protected], website www.wwme.org.au

CAR BOOT SALE Do you have a garage full of unwanted goods but the thought of having a garage sale makes you shiver??! The 2015 Siena Primary Staff Kokoda Challenge Team (Esme and Darren Carlson, Kristy Ainslie and Jamie Brown) are raising funds for the Kokoda Youth Foundation and in the process helping you to clear out your garage! A car boot sale will be held in the carpark of Siena Primary School on Saturday 23 May, 8.00am – 12noon. Car boot spaces are $15 each. Get in quick to book your space now – please email Esme [email protected]. This date coincides with a Siena FC home game so there will be lots of customers!

ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE - DUE NEXT WEEK Year 7 Home Ec Food work booklet due + final practical cookery task

Art folio Year 11 FTVNM Narrative Design

Year 12 Accounting supervised assessment Modern History Response to Stimulus Test

DIARY NOTES Mon 4 – Tues 5 Year 9 Retreat Wed 6, Thurs 7, Fri 8 All day musical rehearsal, Nambour Civic Centre Fri 8, Sat 9 College musical performances, Nambour Civic Centre, 7.30pm Fri 8 Senior School Study Day