60 minutes


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Post on 26-Jun-2015




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Game of Life: Playing 60 Minutes

Introduction Too often, we run our race, and we do not want to finish. We get sluggish in the middle and we do not get motivated as we should. As we age, we tend to lose a lot of motivation, and things just decline. We sometimes get too excited in our race, and think we have arrived or are safe from making bad choices. Many people have found that out, and they slipped pray to the enemy. Too often, we play only a few seconds, and sometimes, we play only 40 minutes. We need to play 60 minutes so we can be victorious in this life as we keep running in our lane. I have seen and heard too many people run for 20 minutes, and then slip because they did not give it 60 minutes. We need to play for 60 minutes, four quarters so we can do the job done.

Full Dedication The game of life requires full effort, full dedication, and it is important that you run your race well, so you can earn the rewards needed, and you can have a successful Christian life on earth. We need to be focuses, disciplined all throughout the game and to never lose our poise, self-control, etc. From the time we live to the time we die, it is important to walk by faith in Christ, being focused, being dedicated, making the right choices, always fighting the enemy, etc. Distractions will come our way, and we will have things come up, but it is important that we overcome evil with good and always get better. We need to be dedicated so we can make the

Example, 2006 Giants-Titans Game For example, in the Giants-Titans Game, the Titans scored 24 unanswered points in the fourth quarter to stun the Giants. The Giants played well in the first 3 quarters, but napped, and they lost the game. Same with life, if we play well until we are 60 and start sowing bad seeds, the rest of our life is going to be chaotic. This is why for all four quarters of your life, it is important that you continue to walk by faith, sowing the right seeds, and doing the right things, as you do, you will grow stronger. Stay focused, stay disciplined, and stay connected.

Play within the Rules The Christian life maybe a life of freedom, but you must stay within the boundaries of God’s word. It is freedom in Christ, so it is imperative that you stay within God’s boundaries and avoid sin. Sin is what entangles you so in all of your life, it is important to play within the boundaries of God’s Word.

How do I play 60 minutes? 1. Be disciplined (and stay disciplined)-Throughout life, it is important that you continue to be disciplined and be conformed to the image of his son. Be disciplined by the word of God and by authority. Be willing to submit to authority. Run your race with endurance. Take every thought Captive. Hebrews 12:1-2. 2 Corinthians 10:4-5.

2. Be focused. Just focus on Jesus and walk after him. Walking by faith is following after him. Focus on your goals, eternal riches and rewards, to be like Christ. God promises to keep you in perfect peace if your mind is stayed on him. Isaiah 26:3.

3. Be vigilant and sober minded. Always have a sound mind, and always stay awake and alert and use spiritual warfare at all times. Take authority. Submit to God, resist the Devil, and he will flee from you. 1 Peter 5:6-8. James 4:1-8.

4. Be Humble. Always humble yourself under God and to Others. Play within the rules

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5. Be Fruitful. Be sure to display the fruits of the spirit and produce them the more as you grow in Christ. The only way to do this is to continue to have a strong relationship with Jesus. You are God’s workmanship so continue to do so. Galatians 5:22-23.

Conclusion In life, you only have a certain amount of time and what you do with it determines your eternal destiny and rewards. It is important to continue being disciplined, humble, vigilant, so you can make the right decisions along the way. Its important that you stay the course, so I encourage you, to play all 60 minutes. Do not get sluggish, but keep on moving forward until the end. Be sober, be vigilant, continue to Thrive in Christ.