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Student’s Guide to Curriculum Information and Registration 2020-2021 Academic Year This week all your teachers will present the curriculum offered within their department with the goal that you will make good & appropriate course selections for next year. TUESDAY JAN 21 You’ll receive information packets in their English/Humanities classes. A complete Program of Studies with course descriptions are available to view at the School & College Counseling webpage. TUESDAY JAN 21 FRIDAY JAN 31 Teachers will share curriculum choices, course offerings, and recommendations in classes throughout the week. Ask your teacher which day they’ll be presenting registration information so you will be prepared! Ask teachers for course recommendations and suggestions. As you hear curriculum options in each subject, write down your possible selections on the Sample Registration Form included in packet . When choosing classes remember: -Graduation requirements for each subject -The progression/next level of each subject -How to choose the most appropriate course (regular, Honors, AP) -Ask your teacher for recommendations -Research elective options GRADE SPECIFIC REGISTRATION INFORMATION Graduation requirements and specific information for each grade will be provided to students throughout the registration process. See chart below for dates & locations by grade. POWERSCHOOL ONLINE REGISTRATION Students and Families review all curriculum information and submit their course selections online through their PowerSchool accounts. See chart below for window & deadlines by grade. VERIFICATION PROCESS Students will receive a print out of their course selections. Students and families need to review and finalize their choices. Parents must sign verification forms and students must turn them in. See chart below for distribution, collection and dates by grade. IMPORTANT NOTE After FEB 7 course changes will take place the beginning of the 2020-2021 school year. It is critical students/ families be proactive to make thoughtful & definitive course selections by FEB 7. Exceptions on late requests after FEB 7 will be limited to only those who fall under the NAHS Registration Practices and Guidelines ( provided below chart ). There will be no email availability this summer to request a course change. The procedure to request changes will be provided on the first day of school for the 2020-2021 school year.

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Student’s Guide to Curriculum Information and Registration

2020-2021 Academic Year This week all your teachers will present the curriculum offered within their department with the goal that you will make good & appropriate course selections for next year. TUESDAY JAN 21 You’ll receive information packets in their English/Humanities classes. A complete Program of Studies with course descriptions are available to view at the School & College Counseling webpage . TUESDAY JAN 21 – FRIDAY JAN 31 Teachers will share curriculum choices, course offerings, and recommendations in classes throughout the week. Ask your teacher which day they’ll be presenting registration information

so you will be prepared! Ask teachers for course recommendations and suggestions.

As you hear curriculum options in each subject,

write down your possible selections on the Sample Registration Form included in packet .

When choosing classes remember : -Graduation requirements for each subject -The progression/next level of each subject -How to choose the most appropriate course (regular, Honors, AP) -Ask your teacher for recommendations -Research elective options

GRADE SPECIFIC REGISTRATION INFORMATION Graduation requirements and specific information for each grade will be provided to students throughout the registration process. See chart below for dates & locations by grade.

POWERSCHOOL ONLINE REGISTRATION Students and Families review all curriculum information and submit their course selections online through their PowerSchool accounts. See chart below for window & deadlines by grade.

VERIFICATION PROCESS Students will receive a print out of their course selections. Students and families need to review and finalize their choices. Parents must sign verification forms and students must turn them in. See chart below for distribution, collection and dates by grade.

IMPORTANT NOTE After FEB 7 course changes will take place the beginning of the 2020-2021 school year. It is critical students/ families be proactive to make thoughtful & definitive course selections by FEB 7. Exceptions on late requests after FEB 7 will be limited to only those who fall under the NAHS Registration Practices and Guidelines ( provided below chart ). There will be no email availability this summer to request a course change. The procedure to request changes will be provided on the first day of school for the 2020-2021 school year.














2022 JAN 21 Humanities Classes

JAN 21 Counselors Present in Humanities Classes

1/24, 1/29, 1/30, 1/31

All Day

Counselors in E Office Lobby

Students can drop in during study centers,

Eagle, or House

JAN 21 – JAN 31 FEB 3 English Classes

FEB 7 English Classes

2021 JAN 21 English Classes

JAN 21-24 English Classes Video/PPT

JAN 21 – JAN 31* FEB 3 English Classes

FEB 7 English Classes

2020 JAN 21 English Classes

JAN 21-24 English Classes Video/PPT

JAN 21 – JAN 31** FEB 3 English Classes

FEB 7 English Classes

*Sophomores will meet with counselors for Q/A during World History classes Jan. 28-31

**Juniors will meet with their counselor for a transcript review and to finalize registration during American History, AP US History,

& American Humanities classes Feb 3-14.

NAHS Registration Practices and Guidelines Schedule change requests at the beginning of the school year, are limited to those with these reasons/criteria:

1. Academic misplacement –Student is placed in the wrong level of class (Honors/Accelerated/AP vs. regular pace), or is placed in a class without meeting the prerequisite (placed in chemistry without passing biology first).

2. Program change --Student has been accepted into an academic program or the student

is no longer enrolled in a specific program of study (examples: Eastland/Fairfield, Pathways, Mosaic)

3. Missing an academic class --Student is missing a core class such as English, history,

math, or science.

4. Missing a graduation requirement --Student is missing a course necessary to graduate in the upcoming school year.

5. A student has two study centers in one semester and none in the other.

6. To balance classes so overcrowding does not occur.

Scheduling Tips

Explore and Research Choosing your coursework is one of the most critical elements for a strong high school academic record. We encourage students to plan a careful schedule, which will allow them to prepare for their educational, occupational and career goals. We want you to use the numerous resources available in your counseling department. Mrs. Cuthbert (A-D), Mrs. Drugan (E-K), Mrs. Wheeler (L-Q), and Mrs. Horning (R-Z), are available to help and encourage you to come and talk with us. Counselors will be in The Counseling/College Center during Study Centers,House/Eagle for drop-ins on the following dates: 1/24, 1/29, 1/30, & 1/31 to answer your questions in the registration process.

Look at your 4 Year Plan An excellent high school record often begins with a 4 year overview since each year builds on the previous. Many courses have prerequisites. Make a list of required and elective courses you would like to take before you graduate. Draft up a couple scenarios knowing your preferences and interests may change over the next few years. Include a plan which allows you to earn college credits while in high school. Use these maps to begin narrowing your focus.

Schedule Required Credits First Minimum credits required to earn a NAHS diploma 4 cr English 4 cr Social Studies including World History, US history and US government* 3 cr Science including a physical and life science 4 cr Math including Algebra 2 1 cr Wellness including .5 credit Health and .5 credit PE or PE waiver .5 cr The Arts** .5 cr Business/Technology 1 cr Senior Seminar 3 cr Electives electives include any courses taken above the minimum requirements ; 3.5 credits if using PE waiver 21 Total credits needed to graduate

* Financial Literacy requirement covered in US Gov course or via Personal Finance course

** State requires 1 full year of fine arts (grades 7-12). .5 credit required at HS level , The additional semester required in grades 7-12 may

have been completed in MS. If not, another .5 credit will be required at the HS level.

Students must meet state testing graduation requirements in addition to the 21 credits. More information will

be coming soon! See the ODE website for details.

Students must complete 25 service hours for graduation! Refer to school website for more info

Consider the Core Math, English, science, social studies and language are considered “core” subjects. As a general rule of thumb, schedule a course in each of the 5 core subject areas. Selective colleges prefer and sometimes require more. Exceptions to this are common for students with a passion for a particular subject. For example, art schools may have a very different set of requirements.

Minimum College Core Selective Colleges English 4 years 4 years Math 4 years 4+ years Science 3 years 4+ years Social Studies 4 years 4 years Global Language 2-3 years 4-5 years Fine Arts 1 year 1 year

Talk with trusted adults ! It pays to discuss your future with those who want the best for you. Parents and guardians know you well and can remind you of your interests, strengths, and commitments outside of school. Your teachers can describe the content and rigor of different levels and suggest courses in which they believe you’ll flourish. Your school counselor can pull it all together making sure you’re considering current stress levels and future goals.

Balance challenge and performance An A or B in honors/ AP/KAP can be an advantage to GPA and college admissions. On the other hand, a D in an honors /AP/CC+ course can work to a student’s disadvantage. Wise students research the depth of material covered, nightly homework load and summer assignments before committing to a higher level course. If you’re deciding between 2 different honors/AP/CC+ courses, challenge yourself in the area you enjoy the most! N Stay Athletically Eligible Students must take and pass 5 credits of work to be eligible for athletics. These credits are in addition to the GPA requirement below.

NAHS Athletic Eligibility


Required GPA Minimum Credits

9 1.5 5* 10 1.75

11 & 12 2.0 *Physical Education and/or Wellness 9 do NOT have enough credit value to count as one of the 5 minimum credits. Example of Ineligibility: A student taking 6 classes including PE, plus one study center would be ineligible if they fail one class regardless of their GPA.

Potential College Athletes –plan for NCAA Eligibility Are you the next Braxton Miller? Make sure you schedule NCAA Core Classes. A list of courses that will count are available online in The Program of Studies.

Honors Diplomas Criteria The Ohio Dept. of Ed. has several types of honors diplomas each with their own set of criteria along with the

traditional academic honors diploma. Criteria to earn an Academic, Career/Tech, Stem, Arts, and/or Social Sciences/Civic Honors Diploma are in place and more information is available on The Ohio Dept. of Education website. A student will need to meet all but one of the criteria to earn the honors diploma. The Traditional Academic Honors Diploma is below:

(a student must meet all but one of the criteria to qualify)

4 cr. of English 4 cr. of Social Studies 4 cr. of Math (Alg 1, Geom, Alg 2, and an advance math class above Alg 2 ) 4 cr. of Science (include 2 cr. of an advanced level Science: ie: 11th/12th grade content level, or AP,/CC+) 3 levels completed in one World Language (ie: completed up to Spanish 3, French 3, etc…) or 2 levels earned in 2 different World Languages (ie: completed both French 2 and German 2) 1 cr. Fine Art 3.5 GPA 27 ACT/1280 SAT

Take what you love. We encourage you to think of your personal, academic, and career goals. -- Mrs. Cuthbert, Mrs. Drugan, Mrs. Horning, and Mrs. Wheeler

M� T��������� R����� Looking at my transcript:

1. Cross out any course with F , WP , or WF listed under the Final Mark column

2. Cross out any course with 0.00 listed under CREDIT EARNED column

Using the table below : Using only the remaining courses on my transcript, write the appropriate codes (see

CODES KEY) into the “Credits Earned” column of the table.

Remember . . . -subject “elec�ves” cannot count toward the required credits in that subject area

(example: Yearbook cannot count as a required credit for English) -any courses taken above the minimum in any subject are considered elec�ves

(example: Math: AP Stats) -look for any courses I repeated from 8

th grade to 9

th grade. I can only earn credit for these classes 1

�me. If both are listed for credit, see my counselor!

example: Gr. 8 Spanish 1 1.0 Gr. 9 Spanish 1 1.0 not allowed! Need to remove duplicate credit value

R����������� C������ E����� 4 credits - English

Humani�es 1 1 1

4 credits - Social Studies

Humani�es World


US Hist Gov’t/


Financial Literacy*

4 credits - Math 1 1 Alg 2 1

3 credits - Science Physical Life 1

.5 credit - Fine Art .5 MS Fine


1 credit - Wellness .25 PE

or Waiver .25 PE

or Waiver .5


.5 c redit - Technology .5

1 credit - Senior Seminar 1

3 credits of Electives 1 or .5 / .5

1 or .5 / .5

1 or .5 / /5

Total of 21 credits

*Taking Gov’t/Econ at NAHS fulfills this state requirement. Consult counselor if in an alternative gov’t option (ex: CCP). **ODE requires students have 1 year of fine arts in grades 7-12. Consult counselor if no fine art was taken in MS.



1. Humanities (English) 2. Humanities (Social Studies) 3. Math 4. Science – Physical Science, or Biology* (H. Bio*)

*pre-req: Physical Science 5. Elective (Global Language?) 6. Elective 7. Elective


1. English 2. History (World History/Civilization/AP Euro) 3. Math 4. Science 5. Elective (Global Language?) 6. Elective 7. Elective


1. English 2. History (American) 3. Math 4. Science 5. Elective (Global Language?) 6. Elective 7. Elective


1. English 2. History (Government) 3. Math 4. Elective (Science?) 5. Elective (Global Language?) 6. Elective 7. Senior Seminar/Elective**


1. Humanities (English) 2. Humanities (Social Studeis) 3. ___________________________________________ 4. ___________________________________________ 5. ___________________________________________ 6. ___________________________________________ 7. ___________________________________________


1. ___________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________ 4. ___________________________________________ 5. ___________________________________________ 6. ___________________________________________ 7. ___________________________________________


1. ___________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________ 4. ___________________________________________ 5. ___________________________________________ 6. ___________________________________________ 7. ___________________________________________


1. ___________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________ 4. ___________________________________________ 5. ___________________________________________ 6. ___________________________________________ 7. ___________________________________________

*Physical Science and Biology are required introductory science courses.

** Senior Seminar (SSI-summer, SSEP-summer+1st semester, or SS-All Year)

Remember to Schedule: At least .5 credits of Arts (If you already have 1 semester of fine art from middle school), .5 credit of business/technology, .5 credit of Health and .5 credit of PE (or PE waiver submission)