6.) what have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

6.) WHAT HAVE YOU LEARNT ABOUT TECHNOLOGIES FROM THE PROCESS OF CONSTRUCTING THIS PRODUCT? When it came to learning about the kind of technologies that I would use when making my film, I already knew the knowhow. When planning the schedule I had planned what program is would use. I used Windows Live Movie Maker to put each clip in order and add some transitions. I used Adobe after Effect to add the effect I used and add the titles, using masking and tracking. I was able to learn how to do these processes in the two weeks of editing I had after filming, and found this incredibly interesting with the variety of different things you could actually do with this program. Movie Maker only allows you to add a singular soundtrack which meant I was not able to add sound effect, speech, narration and the sound track at the same time, so I need a new program to do this and fast. I installed Light works, which professional film maker’s use and this allows me to add the sound tracks I needed and even amplify and reduce the sound levels in many parts of the film.

Upload: quantumdominic

Post on 06-Aug-2015




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When it came to learning about the kind of technologies that I would use when making my film, I already knew the knowhow.When planning the schedule I had planned what program is would use. I used Windows Live Movie Maker to put each clip in order and add some transitions. I used Adobe after Effect to add the effect I used and add the titles, using masking and tracking. I was able to learn how to do these processes in the two weeks of editing I had after filming, and found this incredibly interesting with the variety of different things you could actually do with this program.Movie Maker only allows you to add a singular soundtrack which meant I was not able to add sound effect, speech, narration and the sound track at the same time, so I need a new program to do this and fast.I installed Light works, which professional film maker’s use and this allows me to add the sound tracks I needed and even amplify and reduce the sound levels in many parts of the film.

When it came to filming, I used a Nikon D5300 this filmed in HD, and was also able to film in 45 fps as well as 30fps this mean it could film in cinema quality, but also film in Slow motion. This was the best camera to use because I could capture the details that went into my costume and the Mise en scene perfectly.

Finally I used some underwater goggle cameras to film a shot underwater looking up at my character. I felt that I wanted a different effect, my character was always moving away from the camera and not towards, to keep the character hidden, he is an n assassin. So when I wanted to make it clear he was approaching an object, I gave him the cover of the underwater so his identity was still clouded.