6 tips for staying focused

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Post on 16-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. 6 Tips for Staying Focused on Your Studies Find more cool study tips at Oxbridge Academy Presents: Always remind yourself about what you want to do with your qualification after you have completed the course. Picturing the end-goal will keep you focused and determined to reach it. It is important that you allow yourself to celebrate once you have reached a short-term goal. Spoil yourself by taking a day off after submitting an assignment. By writing down your progress and achievements, you will be able to reflect on what you have accomplished, and what you still need to accomplish with regard to your studies. Try to reach out to others studying the same course as you. This way, you can help each other by splitting the workload, swopping summaries, quizing each other, and most importantly motivating each other to stay focused. Set short-term goals for yourself to keep you motivated for the long run and to be able to feel that you are accomplishing your goal one step at a time. 1. Keep the end goal in mind 2. Make short-term goals too Get a big calendar on which you can indicate important dates such as when assignments are due and when exams will be taking place. Cut a few images and inspiring quotes from magazines to represent your studying aspirations and goals visually, and stick them on the calendar. 6. Keep it visual 3. Reward yourself 4. Keep a study journal 5. Form a study group blog.oxbridgeacademy.co.za