6. production reflection (kr)

Production Reflection Kelly Rodgers

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Post on 12-Apr-2017



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Production ReflectionKelly Rodgers


The first thing I did was create a new blank document that was 120x80 pixels with a resolution of 72. I then used the pencil tool to draw the road and grass. I used colours which matched my colour scheme and were bright, this will make the game a cartoon. I used an image that I got from google of a cartoon street. I copy and pasted it onto my document and made it the right size in proportion to the road. I changed the opacity of the layer that consists of the image so I was able to see the layer underneath. I had to draw the houses onto their own layout so they could be moved around.

Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.2


The windows on the houses in the background I did separately on a different layer to the houses so I could edit them and make the flash for the animation. I used the same method of using the pencil tool and selecting a colour. To finish the background I filled in the sky a dark blue. I chose dark blue because I think it make the lighter colours of the houses stand out more. I was able to change the pixel size of the pencil tool to make this quicker and easier.

Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.3


The next thing I did was start to draw the car which I had to draw on its own individual layer so I would be able to make it move for the animation. I chose a car which was simple and one specific colour because of its size and the amount of pixels that it includes.The last thing that I had to add to the image itself was some obstacles for the car to go over and to make the game harder. I used the colour yellow because I know it stand out from all the colours in the background and I hadnt used yellow yet.

Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.4


I started the animation by adding a timeline at the bottom of the page. I changed the time of each slide to 0.1 second so there was a fast consistent movement. I then started to make the car move along the road and over the obstacles one pixel per slide. Once I had finished moving the car I changed the colour of the windows to white on every other slide to it looks like they are all flashing. I did this by just hiding the layer that included the windows.

Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.5


Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.6


The first thing I did to make my different car designs I gathered some image from google of cartoon race cars that id be able to draw over using the pencil tool again. I started on the first 3 cars but I had to move them closer together. I also changed the opacity of the image so I was able to see what I was drawing. I had finished all of the first three cars although the shape didnt come out as I had expected it to. I may come back to improve these three cars depending on the amount of time I have left over at the end of completing the project.

Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.7


I then found another image of some cartoon race cars which were different to the ones I had already done to provide a selection. I used similar colours and patterns to keep a continuous theme. To do these cars I used the same method as I did on my animation screenshot by using the pencil tool. I finished of by using an image of a simpler car which I would be able to consider it as one similar to the one I had used on the animation screenshots that I had made. The colours I have used for these cars are yellows, reds. Greens and blues because they are primary colours and they havent been used on the background of the game.

Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.8


Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.9


To make the blank page for the app logo for the game I used the same size as everything else I had made but I made the height and width the same size so the page was an equal square. I made the resolution 72 same as the other things I have made.

I then copied and pasted the screenshot I had already made and cropped it down so it was still be the same shape. This is going to be the background for the game app logo.

Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.10


I also copied and pasted the image of one of the racing cars I had made which I made bigger and drew over again so I wasnt blurred because of the change in size. The last thing I did was add a title but I had to use the colour yellow so it stood out from the other colours used on the background. To get the text I used the text tool and change the size so I fitted perfectly onto the page.

Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.11


Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.12