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Car Vs Bike

Car or a Bike? One of the most difficult question for young race enthusiast. Say you have a budget of

10lakh. The options available in terms of cars are decent sedans with engine capacity of around 1.6litre

generating 100-120hp. Bikes on the other hand come with engines of around 0.6litre generating the same hp

as the cars. So what does that mean? Bikes being lighter than car with the same hp means better power to

weight ratio means faster acceleration and top speed. A Yamaha R6 having the same hp as a Honda city can

accelerate from 0 to 100 in under 3.1sec with a top whack of 280kmph whereas the car takes over three times

the time and does only 171kmph. And remember the bike has a much smaller engine than the car. For a car

which can do the same numbers as a bike of around 10lakh will be as much as 10times costly. Things are not

that way when it comes to comfort and value for money thou the car is undoubtedly far more comfortable,

offers a great value for money and practical with more seating and a boot, or is it? Remember the endless time

being stuck in traffic crawling forward at snail’s pace or the time searching for a parking spot. Won’t be that

big a deal with the bike. Also when it comes to maintenance costs, taxes & insurance bikes are much more

pocket friendly than cars. So to conclude bikes have an edge when it comes to performance, running costs and

practicality in traffic and fun. Cars offer much more comfort, luxury, & seating capability. So who wins? Well

some say "four wheels move the body, two wheels move the soul" I’ll just leave it there.

By Jwensly Dmello



Women and Entrepreneurship

The stage is set!! She looks around, there’s an applaud. Being in the business, doing what makes her passionate, gives her the cutting edge and an identity she need not search in her man. The relationship she shares with her being ON the business, rather than being IN the business is Orgasmic.

Some of the Very successful women have not always been Visionary, Just as they say

“ Behind every successful man, there’s a women” … Times have changed “ Before and After any successful woman there is a man, he may be a father, a husband, a brother, a boyfriend or her own son”

While a woman passes stages in her life and becomes a wife to a man she

wants to feel protected by and a Mother who loves the child in her womb more than anybody in the world, there comes a time when she kisses her baby and bids goodbye to take the responsibilities she holds in her stride also dies a hundred times with guilt as her children cry.

Goals are set!! Time to achieve.. She faces the dilemma, the anxiety and the fears and challenges to step into a Man’s world, only to face the challenges waiting for her to leave her comfort zone.

As they rightly say “You have one life, and if you live it well, one should be just enough”

Bio: I’m Miera Asrani, an entrepreneur, running two restaurants, a home maker and

a mother of 2 gorgeous children. It’s been a challenging yet beautiful journey to be a multi – tasking life as it comes.

From Rajdhani to Maximum City

One offers a complete gastronomic delight; the other is a feast to the eyes, with its beautiful locales. Who says

the Delhi-Mumbai debate is over? We present a completely different take on idiosyncrasies from both these

megacities, without which, India wouldn’t have been what it is.

What’s in a name – Clichéd and true, but we can’t ignore a guy’s name. So, while in the Mughal capital, you’ll

find hordes of Pinki, Chimpu, Dolly and Guddus from various Punjabi households, Mumbai is not behind when

it comes to funny names. Right from Pakiya, to Chota Rajan and Iqbal Mirchi (with due respect to the mafia),

there’s equal vibrancy there.

Traffic control! –While it’s okay to call a red light a red light in the more conventionally-set Delhi, you just

cannot get away with such a blooper in the Maximum city, without receiving gawky stares! A red light is

officially called a “signal” in Mumbai, but there are other red lights too, for those interested.

Honey, show me the money – While Delhi’s auntyjis love to flaunt their jewels, while their pot-bellied never

miss an occasion to show off their cars, but we’d be mistaken to think that the trend only thrives in here. In the

island city, there’s an identical amount of show-off, but for Bollywood-inspired designer dresses, the location

of your house and its expanse. What’s the harm in flaunting it while it lasts, right?

Where’s the better banter – Men, women alike, we all love to banter. Delhi-folk love exchanging pleasantries,

and will ensure they make you sit and discuss everything – right from the weather to just about everything.

But with paucity of time, Mumbai doesn’t really engage in conversations.

Shopper’s haven - So, where’s the best food? In Old Delhi’s Chandni Chowk, where you get to gorge on

authentic Delhi Chaat and Gol Gappas, or on Mohommed Ali Road, where you get the best Phirni and

Shawarmas? That’s a difficult one…

So, while this unending debate lingers on, we truly, totally are united in believe that this country is totally,

incomplete without both these cities!

By Pooja Seth


e all Dream. Dreams are a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep.

Every person experiences different kinds of dreams, each having some meaning and significance to it. There are

many unknown facts, which majorities of the people are not aware about.

Thus, here are 6 Interesting Facts about Dreams and also 6 Dreams and their Meaning.

Dream Facts

Déjà vu

In a survey, 18-38% of people have experienced at least one precognitive dream and 70% experienced déjà vu.


You can reach a stage in lucid dreaming where you feel the sensations strongly. That sensation or feeling is as strong as it is

in real life.

Hidden secret

Dreams or nightmares related have secret messages.


On an average, you can dream for about 1 to 2 hours every night and you can have 4 to 7 different dreams in one night.


Many people might not remember the person in their dream. However, a person only dreams of people he/she has

encountered in life but it's impossible to keep track of thousands of faces that they come across each day.

Memory limit

There's a time limit to how much one can remember about their dream. 90% of a dream is lost in the first few minutes

after waking up.

Dream tenure

An average human being spends 6 whole years of his/her life dreaming.

Source : http://www.emlii.com/f8e56913/23-Most-Interesting-Facts-About-Dreams-That-Will-Give-You-Goosebumps

About Me

I am a Mumbai girl. Free spirited and Passionate to Live every Moment to the fullest. Take risk and achieve every Dream. I

love travelling and want to explore the world. Simple plans to live with.


Digital Market in India : An overview

In India the web is now established as a mass market media channel for the wealthy. Email

has become a mass market media channel for office workers and professional classes.

Mobile (for SMS) is a mass market media channel across many demographics, but while

mobile use is very high, mobile devices and the web will not properly converge until late


The main changes in internet access have happened in the last five years and the internet

has become an essential part of office life, and plays a key role in many homes. The number

of people with access continues to rise, but so too does the time they spend online.

Broadband access is growing fast, but the number of home connections lags behind

comparable markets; however although the number of connections is low, a large number

of people in high-end demographics have access. Significant infrastructure problems

remain, creating a high cost for access compared to average wage rates.

Clash Of Titans

It's the most overused axiom in any event where the underdog takes on the top dog: David versus Goliath.

The underdog rarely has a chance and almost never pulls off the improbable upset. That's sort of the case with

Bing. With Google as the top dog of search engines, no company outside of Yahoo has been able to muster

much of a challenge. Search is Google's bread and butter. Microsoft, on the other hand, is much more diverse.

Microsoft's Windows Live Search was a search engine that went along with the company's other Live-brand-

named products. Live Search wasn't a dedicated search, or in Bing's case, decision engine, and couldn't

compete with Google. That's why Microsoft built Bing.

To compete with the Google juggernaut, Microsoft jazzed up the appearance of Bing by displaying a colorful,

and sometimes dramatic, picture on its entire home page. The picture changes daily. This is in sharp contrast

to Google's blank white page. Embedded in these images are what Microsoft refers to as "hotspots." When the

user scrolls his or her mouse over one of these hotspots, information boxes pop up to tell you more about the


Both Bing and Google have the same tabs to filter searches as well as preference menus. You can choose from

tabs labeled Web, video, images, shopping, news and maps, and you can also set your preferences to filter

explicit content. Google's popularity is due in large part to the effectiveness of its powerful search algorithm

and patented PageRank system. Bing attempts to counter this with its best match feature which, like

PageRank, sorts the results by order of relevance.

Perhaps Microsoft's boldest move -- the one that may have even raised eyebrows at Google was Microsoft's

10-year-long agreement to power Yahoo's search. Yahoo, in exchange, will throw its expertise behind

advertising for both Yahoo and Bing search. Yahoo has the second-largest slice of the search pie at 10 percent.

Combined with Microsoft's share, the new entity will have nearly half of what Google claims. Bing will take

over Yahoo search in 2010

6 Tips for those helpless drivers ! by Preeti Pereira

Do you find yourself helpless on Mumbai roads? Are you easily stressed getting from Point A to Point

B? Mumbai roads will make Imagica rides less threatening ! Such a bumpy ride that backaches and neck pains

are common ailments faced by Mumbai drivers. A quick look at who to watch out for while navigating these

well patched up roads: the biker with no protection and loads of attitude! the autos that feel like they are

driving BMWs , the bus drivers that find bus stops even in the middle of roads and not to forget the obedient


Driving in Mumbai is not for the light hearted! it is truly an acquired skill..It will test your patience and your

intelligence at times! So how does one survive these cracked up roads ? How does stay in control without

pulling your hair out? How can the fairer sex be treated as equal and smart drivers..Tough ! but achieveable!

But fear not ! We have come up with the perfect 6 tips to help you master those Mumbai roads but beware its

not as easy as obtaining the actual license.

1. Dont ever make eye contact with any driver on the road ! just look ahead and you will never be ruffled !

2. Drive in the middle lane so that lane cutting is easily achieved! You are going to be actually excused for last

minute decisions !

3. Honking..The most controversial topic! Dont do it and people stare ! Do it and you are a loud pest! Well, we

feel that Honking is a respected and learned skill! Just honk if someone dares to cross while the traffic is in

motion ! You need to have that on your side!

4. Lost on Mumbai roads? Just stop anywhere and ask a cop! They love to act like good samaritans.

5. Caught talking on the mobile phone? Terrible..Just fake you were singing to amchi radio tunes!

6. Put stickers on the wind screen…baby on board , doctor etc etc..People may let you pass through

Adventure sports to be done before you get married!!!!


Flyboard is one of the newest and coolest water sport introduced. If you are an Iron Man fan and had dreamed off to have a flight like Tony Stark, then this is the sport you must try. The next one is Hoverboard is a mix of surf board and a skate board that can be used to surf on the water. This sport may cost you for around $250 to $1000 with a instructor as you are newbie and if you already know the sport well you can rent the board on hourly basis this might be around $200. The price may vary a bit country to country.

Bungee Jumping

If you want to experience the adrenaline rush do try this sport. However it gets over in a matter of seconds wherein you've to jump from a tall structure that may be a Ramp or a Bridge with a large elastic elastic cord connected to your body. This sport might cost you for $250 to $500.


Now if you are looking for the most memorable experience in your life with your best buds, I'd personally recommend you this sport. There are three types of Skydive one is the Tandem skydiving wherein you'd perform the jump with the instructor as he would be on the same harness you are in. The instructor will guide you through the whole jump. The Second one is the Static Jump, here you've to perform the jump alone where the parachute deploys immediately as you jump off the plane. The last and the best one is the Free fall skydiving which is an high altitude jump done alone were the you are one who has to open the parachute at a certain level. Now this adventure may cost you for $250 to $550.

Tandem, Static and Free Fall.

Wingsuit Flying.

If you wish to fly like a bird this is the best sport you can opt for. Wingsuit flying is a combination of skydiving and hang gliding here the flyer can jump off the aircraft or can get of a precipice to reach out to an high altitude. However the landing is done via deploying of the parachute. This is the one of the most expensive sport which might cost you for $1500 - $2000.


Surfing is refer to a surface water sport were the surfer needs to ride forward or have to deep face of the moving wave. To be honest it is one of the most difficult water sport and hard one to learn. The best place to surf would be Bondi beach, Australia as they have got the best rescue team to save you if you are in a misfortune with your surfing adventure.

Scuba Diving.

If you are a water baby these is the one you should try. Since 70% of Earth's surface is covered with water this sport is accessible easily in every countries with different Price tags.

This were some of the most extreme adventure sports and if you completed at least few of them then give a pat on the back and head towards Tomorrowland. This is your travel guide signing off as off now and stay travelling because "Exploration is Curiosity".