6 feb, herald publication pvt. ltd

SURaJ NaNDReKaR Panjim, Feb 5: The Goa Government has flouted all rules, including observations made by the Finance De- partment, to award a con- tract to a power developer for setting up power project in Chattisgarh, where the State has been allotted a coal block by the central Govern- ment. The ostensible objective was to access power pro- duced by the developer to augment the State’s power reserves. The Centre in 2001 had communicated to all States informing that State Gov- ernment Undertakings are allowed to do mining of cok- ing and non-coking coal or lignite reserves, anywhere in country subject to certain conditions. While till 2001 to 2007 no Government acted on the communication, in 2008 the Digambar Kamat Govern- ment appointed Goa Indus- trial Development Corporation (GIDC) as the nodal agency for implement- ing the scheme. The Corporation there- after invited Expression of Interest seeking proposals to shortlist a power developer for setting up power projects. However, at this point of time the Corporation had no mandate to undertake min- ing activity and it sought an amendment to the object clause of the Corporation to >Continued on pg 11 The Voice oF Goa -- Since 1900 inside Art in the open Garbage solution Panjim I February 6, 2011 I Postal Reg. No. Goa 101 I Price Rs. 3.00 I Air Surcharge Rs 2 I Pages 16+10 Goa can be the happiest State in the world: Mashelkar aSHWIN TOmBaT G oa should be the “happiest State in the world” by 2035; where every Goan will do well, there is harmony, pristine nature, and development without destruc- tion, eminent scientist Dr R A Mashelkar said in the inaugural lecture of the D D Kosmabi Festival of Ideas at Kala Academy, Panjim, on Saturday. Pointing out that innovation and knowledge will drive the present cen- tury, he said Goa – owing to its small size, high human development in- dices, education and widespread knowledge of English – is best suited to be a knowledge economy. Describing himself as a “dangerous optimist”, Dr Mashelkar cited his own background — of a boy coming from a poor family that struggled to make ends meet, and was unable to afford even school fees, studying under a street lamp, and then going on to be- come a prestigious Fellow of the Royal Society in Britain — as an example of “Making the Impossible, Possible”; the subject of his talk. He said India had gained three free- doms over the past 60-odd years. The first was political freedom in 1947, fol- lowed by economic freedom (the free- dom to compete) in 1991, when then Finance Minister Manmohan Singh opened up the economy. The third, >Continued on pg 11 bRITISh OFFIcIAlS cAllED zARDARI NUmbSkUll >> P12 world TRINAmOOl mAy bAck cONg ON jPc DEmAND >> P11 india hAyDEN IS ThE bIggEST chIckEN-hEARTED: bhAjjI >> P16 sports sunday weekend visit us at: www. oheraldo.in P8 Sumedha exce ls at Fest P9 P4 It is not the size of the budget but the size of the idea that matters”. When ‘Satyam’ (truth) loses its meaning, when ‘Adarsh’ (ideal) loses its meaning; we need to do something about it”. Making the impossible possi- ble is a thing of the mind”. I only think of the future, be- cause that is where I am going to spend the rest of my life”. The ‘I’ in India should stand for innovation, not for inhibi- tion or imitation”. “When 1.2 billion Indians get up each morning and say: ‘My India,’ what an India that will be!”. RAM-ayana: Quotes of R A Mashelkar Team HeRaLD Margao, Feb 5: Three days after they clashed in the As- sembly in the just concluded Session over the alleged water tank distribution scam in the PWD, the tremors of the fierce battle between the BJP led by Manohar Par- rikar-Damu Naik duo and PWD Minister, Churchill Alemao-Vijay Sardessai combine were strongly felt in Fatorda on Saturday. While the PWD Minister dared Parrikar to hold an Opinion Poll to seek the pulse of Goans on the func- tioning of the PWD during his tenure, the Leader of the Opposition said a Commis- sion of Inquiry to probe into works executed by the PWD bill wise pertaining to just one year would nail the PWD Minister. Both the PWD Minister and the Opposition leader were in Borda-Fatorda on Saturday attending different functions in and around the Multipurpose school com- plex. Alemao took the platform at a sports meet held for the deaf and dumb at the Multi- purpose grounds challeng- ing the BJP to prove the charges of corruption. Alemao thundered: “I swear by my family that I have not pocketed even one rupee from the distribution of water tanks to the com- mon man and the downtrod- den”. “The people of Goa are aware of my achievements during my tenure as PWD Minister. I am confident that an Opinion Poll would give me a clean chit and expose the BJP’s baseless propa- ganda”, Alemao asserted. That’s not all. The PWD Minister publicly declared that he would soon descend in Fatorda to drum up sup- port for his close aide and GPCC General Secretary Vijay Sardessai in the run up to the coming Assembly polls. Saturday afternoon saw >Continued on pg 11 FATORDA ERUPTS IN WAR OF WORDS BJP duo, Churchill clash Doha, Feb 5: Ending months of uncertainty, the ICC today banned former Pakistan captain Salman Butt for 10 years and sanctioned seven and five years of ineligibility for pace duo of Mohammad Asif and Mohammad Aamer after finding the three crick- eters guilty of spot-fixing. In its verdict, the ICC im- posed 10 years ban on Butt with five years of suspended sentence, Asif a seven-year sanction with two years sus- pended, while Aamer was banned for five years. “The Tribunal found that the charges under Article 2.1.1 of the Code that (re- spectively) Asif agreed to bowl and did bowl a deliber- ate no ball in the Lord’s Test match played between Pak- istan and England from 26 to 29 August 2010, Aamer agreed to bowl and did bowl two deliberate no balls in the >Continued on pg 11 Tainted Pak trio stumped ICC imposes lengthy sanctions after finding them guilty of spot-fixing Govt signs power project MoU bypassing financial norms Finance Dept lists irregularities in awarding contract for power plant in Chattisgarh to supply power to Goa HERALD EXCLUSIVE POWERFUL OMISSIONS Finance Department’s observations n MoU signed without Cabinet approval n Contract signed even before coal block was awarded to the State n Benchmark for financial parameters not known n Fixed only 10% of production by the power devel- oper as the requirement with no guarantee of get- ting balance reserves STANDING TALL: Eminent scientist Dr R A Mashelkar delivering the inaugural lecture of the D D Kosmabi Festival of Ideas at Kala Academy, on Saturday. Aamer, Asif and Salman. Top Navy man sacked in sex scandal New Delhi, Feb 5: A senior Navy officer has been sacked for having sexual relations with a Russian woman in Moscow as head of the In- dian team overseeing the refit of aircraft carrier Admi- ral Gorshkov there. Commodore Sukhjinder Singh was posted in Moscow between 2005 to 2007 as the Indian warship production superintendent to oversee Gorshkov’s refit when he de- veloped illicit relationship with the woman. PTI Cairo, Feb 5: Embattled President Hosni Mubarak’s powerful son Gamal and top leaders of ruling party today quit their posts, but their conciliatory gesture drew a blank amid mounting pres- sure from protestors de- manding the immediate ouster of the Egyptian leader. The six-member steering committee of the National Democratic Party, including secretary-general Safwat el- Sharif, stepped down in a move to calm down protests against Mubarak. Hossam Badrawi, who is reputed to have good rela- tions with opposition figures, has been appointed as the NDP secretary general. Earlier reports had said the President had also quit the National Democratic Party, but the state TV did not name the president and announced that members of the top decision-making committee had resigned from their posts. The top executive of the ruling National Democratic Party, which includes the president’s son Gamal Mubarak who is head of the powerful policies committee, resigned from ruling party, state television said. “The members of the ex- ecutive committee resigned from their posts,” it said. Gamal, a member of the Steering Committee, has been seen as being groomed by his father to succeed him as president. Omar Suleiman, the Vice President promised last week that Gamal would not run for president in elections due in September. Uncertainty and tension gripped Egypt with interna- tional clamour growing on beleaguered President to hand over power immedi- ately. PTI Mubarak’s son, top aides quit Sachin Ambadoskar

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    Panjim, Feb 5: The Goa

    Government has flouted all

    rules, including observations

    made by the Finance De-

    partment, to award a con-

    tract to a power developer

    for setting up power project

    in Chattisgarh, where the

    State has been allotted a coal

    block by the central Govern-


    The ostensible objective

    was to access power pro-

    duced by the developer to

    augment the States power


    The Centre in 2001 had

    communicated to all States

    informing that State Gov-

    ernment Undertakings are

    allowed to do mining of cok-

    ing and non-coking coal or

    lignite reserves, anywhere in

    country subject to certain


    While till 2001 to 2007 no

    Government acted on the

    communication, in 2008 the

    Digambar Kamat Govern-

    ment appointed Goa Indus-

    trial Development

    Corporation (GIDC) as the

    nodal agency for implement-

    ing the scheme.

    The Corporation there-

    after invited Expression of

    Interest seeking proposals to

    shortlist a power developer

    for setting up power projects.

    However, at this point of

    time the Corporation had no

    mandate to undertake min-

    ing activity and it sought an

    amendment to the object

    clause of the Corporation to

    >Continued on pg 11

    The Voice oF Goa - - Since 1900


    Art in the open

    Garbage solution

    Panjim I February 6, 2011 I Postal Reg. No. Goa 101 I Price Rs. 3.00 I Air Surcharge Rs 2 I Pages 16+10

    Goa can be the happiest State in theworld: MashelkaraSHWIN TOmBaT

    Goa should be the happiest

    State in the world by 2035;

    where every Goan will do

    well, there is harmony, pristine nature,

    and development without destruc-

    tion, eminent scientist Dr R A

    Mashelkar said in the inaugural lecture

    of the D D Kosmabi Festival of Ideas at

    Kala Academy, Panjim, on Saturday.

    Pointing out that innovation and

    knowledge will drive the present cen-

    tury, he said Goa owing to its small

    size, high human development in-

    dices, education and widespread

    knowledge of English is best suited

    to be a knowledge economy.

    Describing himself as a dangerous

    optimist, Dr Mashelkar cited his own

    background of a boy coming from

    a poor family that struggled to make

    ends meet, and was unable to afford

    even school fees, studying under a

    street lamp, and then going on to be-

    come a prestigious Fellow of the Royal

    Society in Britain as an example of

    Making the Impossible, Possible; the

    subject of his talk.

    He said India had gained three free-

    doms over the past 60-odd years. The

    first was political freedom in 1947, fol-

    lowed by economic freedom (the free-

    dom to compete) in 1991, when then

    Finance Minister Manmohan Singh

    opened up the economy. The third,

    >Continued on pg 11

    bRITISh OFFIcIAlS cAllED zARDARINUmbSkUll >> P12

    worldTRINAmOOl mAy bAck cONg ON jPc DEmAND >> P11

    indiahAyDEN IS ThE bIggEST chIckEN-hEARTED: bhAjjI >> P16




    visit us at: www.oheraldo.in


    Sumedha excels at Fest



    It is not the size of thebudget but the size of theidea that matters.

    When Satyam (truth) losesits meaning, when Adarsh(ideal) loses its meaning; weneed to do something about it.

    Making the impossible possi-ble is a thing of the mind.I only think of the future, be-

    cause that is where I amgoing to spend the rest of mylife.

    The I in India should standfor innovation, not for inhibi-tion or imitation.

    When 1.2 billion Indians getup each morning and say:My India, what an India thatwill be!.

    RAM-ayana: Quotes of R A Mashelkar

    Team HeRaLD

    Margao, Feb 5: Three days

    after they clashed in the As-

    sembly in the just concluded

    Session over the alleged

    water tank distribution scam

    in the PWD, the tremors of

    the fierce battle between the

    BJP led by Manohar Par-

    rikar-Damu Naik duo and

    PWD Minister, Churchill

    Alemao-Vijay Sardessai

    combine were strongly felt in

    Fatorda on Saturday.

    While the PWD Minister

    dared Parrikar to hold an

    Opinion Poll to seek the

    pulse of Goans on the func-

    tioning of the PWD during

    his tenure, the Leader of the

    Opposition said a Commis-

    sion of Inquiry to probe into

    works executed by the PWD

    bill wise pertaining to just

    one year would nail the

    PWD Minister.

    Both the PWD Minister

    and the Opposition leader

    were in Borda-Fatorda on

    Saturday attending different

    functions in and around the

    Multipurpose school com-


    Alemao took the platform

    at a sports meet held for the

    deaf and dumb at the Multi-

    purpose grounds challeng-

    ing the BJP to prove the

    charges of corruption.

    Alemao thundered: I

    swear by my family that I

    have not pocketed even one

    rupee from the distribution

    of water tanks to the com-

    mon man and the downtrod-


    The people of Goa are

    aware of my achievements

    during my tenure as PWD

    Minister. I am confident that

    an Opinion Poll would give

    me a clean chit and expose

    the BJPs baseless propa-

    ganda, Alemao asserted.

    Thats not all. The PWD

    Minister publicly declared

    that he would soon descend

    in Fatorda to drum up sup-

    port for his close aide and

    GPCC General Secretary

    Vijay Sardessai in the run up

    to the coming Assembly


    Saturday afternoon saw

    >Continued on pg 11

    FATORDA ERUPTS IN WAR OF WORDSBJP duo, Churchill clash

    Doha, Feb 5: Ending months

    of uncertainty, the ICC today

    banned former Pakistan

    captain Salman Butt for 10

    years and sanctioned seven

    and five years of ineligibility

    for pace duo of Mohammad

    Asif and Mohammad Aamer

    after finding the three crick-

    eters guilty of spot-fixing.

    In its verdict, the ICC im-

    posed 10 years ban on Butt

    with five years of suspended

    sentence, Asif a seven-year

    sanction with two years sus-

    pended, while Aamer was

    banned for five years.

    The Tribunal found that

    the charges under Article

    2.1.1 of the Code that (re-

    spectively) Asif agreed to

    bowl and did bowl a deliber-

    ate no ball in the Lords Test

    match played between Pak-

    istan and England from 26 to

    29 August 2010, Aamer

    agreed to bowl and did bowl

    two deliberate no balls in the

    >Continued on pg 11

    Tainted Pak trio stumpedICC imposes lengthy sanctions afterfinding them guilty of spot-fixing

    Govt signs power project MoU bypassing financial normsFinance Dept lists irregularities in awarding contract forpower plant in Chattisgarh to supply power to Goa


    POWERFUL OMISSIONSFinance Departments observations

    n MoU signed without Cabinet approval

    n Contract signed even before coal block wasawarded to the State

    n Benchmark for financial parameters not known

    n Fixed only 10% of production by the power devel-oper as the requirement with no guarantee of get-ting balance reserves

    STANDING TALL: Eminent scientist Dr R A Mashelkar delivering the inaugural lecture ofthe D D Kosmabi Festival of Ideas at Kala Academy, on Saturday.

    Aamer, Asif and Salman.

    Top Navy man sacked in sex scandalNew Delhi, Feb 5: A senior

    Navy officer has been sacked

    for having sexual relations

    with a Russian woman in

    Moscow as head of the In-

    dian team overseeing the

    refit of aircraft carrier Admi-

    ral Gorshkov there.

    Commodore Sukhjinder

    Singh was posted in Moscow

    between 2005 to 2007 as the

    Indian warship production

    superintendent to oversee

    Gorshkovs refit when he de-

    veloped illicit relationship

    with the woman. PTI

    Cairo, Feb 5: Embattled

    President Hosni Mubaraks

    powerful son Gamal and top

    leaders of ruling party today

    quit their posts, but their

    conciliatory gesture drew a

    blank amid mounting pres-

    sure from protestors de-

    manding the immediate

    ouster of the Egyptian leader.

    The six-member steering

    committee of the National

    Democratic Party, including

    secretary-general Safwat el-

    Sharif, stepped down in a

    move to calm down protests

    against Mubarak.

    Hossam Badrawi, who is

    reputed to have good rela-

    tions with opposition figures,

    has been appointed as the

    NDP secretary general.

    Earlier reports had said

    the President had also quit

    the National Democratic

    Party, but the state TV did

    not name the president and

    announced that members of

    the top decision-making

    committee had resigned

    from their posts.

    The top executive of the

    ruling National Democratic

    Party, which includes the

    presidents son Gamal

    Mubarak who is head of the

    powerful policies committee,

    resigned from ruling party,

    state television said.

    The members of the ex-

    ecutive committee resigned

    from their posts, it said.

    Gamal, a member of the

    Steering Committee, has

    been seen as being groomed

    by his father to succeed him

    as president.

    Omar Suleiman, the Vice

    President promised last

    week that Gamal would not

    run for president in elections

    due in September.

    Uncertainty and tension

    gripped Egypt with interna-

    tional clamour growing on

    beleaguered President to

    hand over power immedi-

    ately. PTI

    Mubaraks son, top aides quit

    Sachin Ambadoskar

  • 2 www.oheraldo.in

    goa On January 22, some Nigerians and locals of Arpora and Calangute clashed with each other at a restaurant in Calangute.

    Eminent scientist and formerPresident of India Dr A P JAbdul Kalam will speak on Imagination leads to Creativity at 5 pm today.


    Batim teen dies in cortalim mishap

    A teenager from Gavekarwada-Batim in Tiswadi

    died in a road mishap along the NH-17A road near

    the Cortalim junction on Friday night.

    According to Verna police, Sunny D'Sa (19) was

    found dead along the roadside by a police patrol

    jeep. A Bajaj Pulsar motorcycle (GA-07-D-9702) was

    found in the bushes by the roadside.

    It is learnt that the deceased had gone to meet

    some friends near the Shantadurga temple at San-

    caole and was retuning home when he met with an


    Verna police has registered a case of unnatural

    death and is investigating the case.

    Ktaka woman found dead at Headland sadaA 45-year-old woman hailing from Bagalkot-Kar-

    nataka was found dead at the Japanese Garden at

    Headland Sada, Mormugao on Saturday morning.

    According to Mormugao police, the body of Kamla

    Nagappa Kadlimatti, who was presently residing at

    Jetty- Mormugao, was found hanging from a tree

    with saree. The reason behind the death is unclear

    and police has sent the body for an autopsy.

    Human skeletal remains dumped at colvaIn a shocking incident, the skeletal remains of an

    unknown person were found dumped in a gunny

    bag at Fourth Ward, Colva on late Saturday evening.

    Colva police led by PI Tushar Vernekar rushed to the

    spot upon receiving a news from local activists and

    immediately requisitioned the services of a police

    dog to assist in the investigations.

    PI Vernekar told Herald from the spot that the skele-

    tal remains were found in the gunny bag recovered

    from a low lying field. He said the human body was

    fully decomposed and only the skeletal remains

    have been found in the bag. He said the skeletal re-

    mains will be dispatched to the Hospicio hospital for

    further investigations. The recovery of the remains

    sent shock waves in the locality, with locals saying

    the body of the human being might have been

    dumped long ago as evident by the extent of de-


    The Colva police are investigating.

    Goa I Sunday 6, February 2011

    cORRiDORs Of POwER

    They have been arriv-

    ing in the State

    mainly for education

    or vacation, but a growing

    number of Nigerians have

    ended up in a room of a dif-

    ferent kind the police


    Having grappled with

    Kashmiri traders, Russians

    and Israelis over the past

    two decades, residents along

    the Calangute-Anjuna

    coastal belt are now con-

    fronted with a new set of vis-

    itors, the Nigerian

    community, and the interac-

    tion has not always been


    The growing animosity

    among the locals towards

    the African tourists was ex-

    posed on January 22, when

    some Nigerians and locals of

    Arpora and Calangute

    clashed with each other at a

    restaurant in Calangute.

    Despite this decline in

    hospitality, Nigerians are

    keen to stay in the State, so

    much so that many are will-

    ing to risk overstaying in the

    country without valid docu-

    ments or, worse still, with

    forged visas.

    The desire of many of

    these Nigerians to remain in

    Goa despite the risks has led

    many locals to question their

    main intentions of visiting

    Over staying, drug trafficking, visa problems. Nigerians in Goa seem to be more in trou-ble than out of it. Thomas Fernandes investigates

    Nigerians: NOT QUITE WELCOME

    YEAR 1

    February 18, 2009

    It was one year since Scarlet died and the case

    was still hopping between different sections of

    Goa Police. The tale of desperate attempts to

    destroy evidence and change in investigating

    officers loomed large over this sensational

    case that could have unmasked the drug

    lobby in the state.

    If not for a pair of chappals and undergar-

    ment that was left behind little away from An-

    junas high tide line, the case would never

    have been so much controversial.

    A year ago her mother had undergarment

    and pair of chappals, behind the bushes at

    Luis Shack which raised the suspicion that

    there was some activity preceding the death.

    The mother walked with evidence to

    Calangute Police Station where Police Sub In-

    spector Nerlon Albuquerque did not heed to

    her requests.

    It was only thereafter that the case was full

    blown into controversy with the Indian lawyer

    Vikram Varma coming to the rescue of British

    mother. The investigation was of the case was

    shoddy because police did not bother to col-

    lect proper evidences. There were also at-

    tempts to push the case under mat so that

    image of tourist friendly Goa police is not shat-


    Exposure of her diaries and subsequent

    claims of she being sex addict and drug addict

    was used to let the alleged accused go scot-


    Police threw rule book to the wind and

    there was all possible attempts to hide things

    from the media.

    But what happened at the end is actually a

    saga of shame for khakhi. During the first year

    of investigation two locals Samson DSouza

    and Placido Carvalho are arrested for drug-

    ging, raping and leaving the teenager to die on

    the beach.YEAR 2

    February 18, 2010

    Two years had passed and the trial was yet

    to begin in the case. The case was handed

    over to Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI),

    which still working on the tattered pieces of

    evidences collected by Goa Police.

    The superficial investigation and the time

    gap had stalled the case. CBI officials got close

    to filing the chargesheet, but the real issue of

    drug trade flourishing on the coastal belt had

    been left untouched.

    Her body was dispatched to UK after con-

    ducting two postmortems. Indian authorities

    went to the extend of holding back her organs.

    The British government castigated the gov-

    ernment included the Chief Secretary.

    All eyes were on the chargesheet and trial,

    which would begin in Goa Childrens Court.

    Two accused were already out on the bail.

    The police had already filed a provisional

    chargesheet. The CBI had to work to work

    based on this provisional chargesheet.

    February 18, 2011

    Three years have passed. The chargesheet

    has been filed. The CBI is investigating au-

    thority and counsel representing CBI has quit

    the assignment sighting inordinate delay in

    the trial.

    S R Rivonkar, a lawyer, who repre-

    sented the central agency till 15 wit-

    nesses were examined now feels that

    there has been frequent change in the

    judges and also there are obstructions

    from the defence counsel. Rivonkar had

    predicted that the trial in the case would

    be end by December 2010 but things did

    not work out. The dragging of the case

    forced Rivonkar to quit.

    Back in UK, the coroner is still working

    on Scarlets corpse. Fiona has claimed that

    the coroner has told her that he is having

    evidences which are more and even con-

    tradictory to what CBI has presented in

    the Court.

    The trial has reached a stage where all the

    policemen who saw Scarlets corpse on the

    beach, Fiona and crucial witness Murli Sagar

    stands testified. The cross examination has

    also happened.

    Curlies, a shack which shot in news after

    her death, still remains a hotspot and was

    even featured in a cover story of a national

    news magazine as a regular place to pick up



    February 18 will mark the third anniversary of British teenager Scarlet Keelings death. Her body still lies in possession of a British coro-

    ner, not buried. Her case too is far from being even close to completion. Vibha Verma looks at each of these years at a time to remind us

    of how our justice system has stopped her mother from knowing who her daughters killers were

    Starting this week Suraj Nandrekar will do a weekly round-up ofpolitical developments in the state called Corridors of Power.His first is a look-back on the just concluded winter session ofthe assembly

    A naram winter session when garam was


    All the talks of the garam Winter Ses-

    sion of the assembly have turned out to be

    damp squib as the Digambar Kamat gov-

    ernment having yet another smooth sailing

    in the 5-day assembly session, which con-

    cluded yesterday, with not much coming in

    from the Opposition.

    Agreed, the Opposition did grill the gov-

    ernment on several fronts including corrup-

    tion in Public Works Department,

    privatisation of Mapusa Hospital and to cer-

    tain extent on illegal mining.

    But there were several other burning is-

    sues which could have been taken up on pri-

    ority. The BJP has always been talking

    about the law and order situation and one

    expected them to go all out against the gov-

    ernment. But what have they done in the as-

    sembly on this front?

    Agreed again, the home minister robbed

    the opposition of any chance on grilling him

    on the drugs issue by making an announce-

    ment that the case has already been handed

    over to the Central Bureau of Investigation


    But the other issues like the increasing

    police brutality by every passing day, the

    Cipriano custodial death is one such many

    cases which go unnoticed. Besides, there

    are temple thefts, murders and rapes on

    regular intervals besides the much bigger

    police-politicians drugs nexus.

    But the Opposition failed to highlight the issue.

    What was more shocking was the BJP

    leaders did not even react to the allegations

    made by Naik. Just before the assembly ses-

    sion the Home Minister Ravi Naik had

    made a scathing attack against the Opposi-

    tion Leader Manohar Parrikar that the

    drugs trade flourished under him and he

    had links with drug dealer called Roy Fer-

    nandes and one Vaingankar.

    If one may recall the proceeding in the as-

    sembly, none of the BJP leaders spoke on

    the issue at large there may have been some

    passing statement but none taken up seri-


    Parrikar too reacted very late on the alle-

    gations when one expected him to take the

    House by storm.

    The BJP could have at least made an at-

    tempt by moving an adjournment motion

    over the developments on Home front

    For many, the opposition to the govern-

    ment came from within the ruling party

    Aldona legislator Dayanand Narvekar and

    to some extent Mauvin Godinho.

    A jilted Narvekar, who was unceremoni-

    ously dropped as finance minister to make

    way for Babush Monserrate in 2008, took

    the government head one on several issues

    be it Home, mining, education etc.

    Besides, he surprised one an all when he

    moved an adjournment motion. He was

    later pacified by the colleagues following,

    which he withdrew the motion.

    But Mauvins assurance to corner the

    home minister in the assembly fell flat and

    he hardly raised the issue of any significance

    apart from the Special Status to Goa.

    Although Mauvin did not say much him-

    self he made one statement which could

    hurt the opposition badly.

    Participating in the discussion on the

    Governors address Mauvin said I dont

    know why the opposition is keeping quite

    on several burning issuesmay be some of

    their works are also being done by the gov-


    For chief minister Kamat, this session was

    business as usual - making several assur-

    ances in the House, which all know will

    never be kept up by him or his government.

    All in all it was a smooth sailing for

    Kamat, who had put gag orders on his leg-

    islators on speaking against the govern-


    the State.

    On January 27, two Nigeri-

    ans were arrested in separate

    cases in connection with pos-

    sessing drugs worth a com-

    bined Rs 34.5 lakh, revealing

    the darker side of the Niger-

    ian involvement in the drug


    Herald then dug into its

    archives and pulled out some

    surprising statistics (see

    chart). In Bardez taluka

    alone, 43 Nigerians were ar-

    rested in 44 cases within

    barely 16 months (October

    2009 and January this year)

    in the police stations at

    Calangute, Anjuna and Ma-

    pusa, as well as by the Anti

    Narcotics Cell. One Nigerian

    was arrested twice, once each

    by the ANC and by the

    Calangute police.

    Of those 44 cases, most

    were booked by Calangute

    police (23) and Anjuna police

    (13), followed by Mapusa po-

    lice (4), Porvorim police (2)

    and ANC (2).

    A majority of these cases

    pertained to overstaying in

    the country (31), followed by

    drugs trafficking (9),

    forged/fake visa (3) and es-

    cape from custody (1).

    Incidentally, 19 of these

    cases were booked in a single

    month (April 2009), while

    nine cases were registered in

    October 2009.

    The Calangute police had

    booked all nine cases in Octo-

    ber 2009. At that time, the po-

    lice had suspected a fake Visa

    racket involving the Nigeri-

    ans, where the accused after

    scanning the Visa, had cut

    and paste it on the passport

    to legalise the stay in the


    The frequency of arrests

    involving Nigerians was such

    that 25 of these 44 cases were

    booked by the police within a

    period of barely four months

    (March 2010 and June 2010).

    I have arrested most of

    the Nigerians either involved

    in illegal drugs activity or

    unauthorized stay in India.

    Somehow, it makes me be-

    lieve that they are more inter-

    ested in the drug trade than

    their studies or other legiti-

    mate activity, said Anjuna

    Police Inspector Manjunath

    Dessai, who is also presently

    heading the Calangute police


    The frequent brush with

    the law enforcement agen-

    cies has also led to a decline

    in public sympathy for the

    Nigerian community.

    A resident of Parra, who

    incidentally, is a friend of a

    Nigerian, said: Most of these

    Nigerians are in Goa only to

    sell drugs and nothing else.

    They are not here either to

    study or on holidays as

    tourists, but most are profes-

    sional drug peddlers.

    Anjuna Sarpanch Lavino

    Rebello also believes that

    most Nigerians are directly

    or indirectly involved in the

    drug trade.

    I feel most of the Nigeri-

    ans are directly or indirectly

    involved in the drug trade.

    However, I blame our own

    Goans for renting out their

    apartments or rooms to the

    Nigerians, I am willing to lead

    a campaign to drive away

    those Nigerians indulging in

    the drug trade, Rebello


    On the other hand, not all

    are willing to malign the en-

    tire Nigerian community as

    drug pedlars. But even those

    who believe that the Nigeri-

    ans are being unfairly treated

    would admit that authorities

    need to keep a closer check

    on their activities.

    Says Calangute MLA Ag-

    nelo Fernandes: We should

    not crucify or harass each

    and every Nigerian for sake

    of others as there are a few

    thorough gentlemen. How-

    ever, the police should keep a

    check on their activities as

    they are the ones who are ca-

    pable of saying who is in-

    volved in drug trade, etc. We

    should be extra cautious

    while blaming the Nigeri-


    When contacted, none of

    the Nigerians were willing to

    comment on reasons behind

    the many arrests involving

    the Nigerian community in

    recent times.


    PANJIM, FEB 5: A day after Chief Secretary

    Sanjay Srivastavas confidential letter to the

    Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) alleged

    suspended Police Sub Inspector Sunil Gudlar

    of stealing drugs from the Anti-Narcotics Cell

    (ANC) malkhana, senior police officers

    claimed that the godown was empty.

    The total quantity of drugs in the godown

    was sent for forensic tests at Central Forensic

    Science Laboratory at Hyderabad after Crime

    Branch officials conducted panchanama in

    March-April 2010. How one can blame any po-

    lice official, a senior officer said on condition

    of anonymity.

    Gudlar case: Sr cops claim godown was empty

  • 3 www.oheraldo.in

    goa When Satyam (truth) loses itsmeaning, when Adarsh (ideal) loses its meaning; we need to do something about it. R A Mashelkar

    Candidates are selected afterextensive consultationprocess, which is on in 5wards where they would beannounced on Tuesday.

    Manohar Parrikar

    Goa I Sunday 6, February 2011

    HeRaLD RePoRTeR

    PANJIM, FEB 5: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-

    supported panel was unveiled today which

    will contest the forthcoming Corporation of

    the City of Panaji (CCP) elections under the

    leadership of Ashok Naik, who is projected as

    a Mayor candidate.

    Leader of Opposition and Panjim legislator

    Manohar Parrikar announced the candidates

    for 25 out of 30 wards while rest names would

    be finalised and disclosed on Tuesday. The list

    does not include names for Ward Nos 18, 20,

    21, 26 and 30.

    The panel Panaji First Council for Clean

    Governance is full of surprises with hardly

    three faces repeated.

    Parrikar claimed that few corporators

    opted out while reservations of certain wards

    made them to have fresh faces.

    Addressing a convention of BJP workers at

    Gomant Maratha hall in Panjim, Parrikar said

    that the candidates are selected after exten-

    sive consultation process. He said that the

    consultation is on in five wards where the can-

    didates would be announced on Tuesday.

    Rupesh Halarnkar, Vaidehi Naik and Diksha

    Mayenkar are the repeat faces in the panel.

    Vaidehi Naik, who got elected from ward num-

    ber 12 last time, will be locking horns with the

    male candidates as her ward was not reserved.

    When we sat for the consultation in ward

    number 12, everyone suggested Vaidehis

    name, Parrikar said while introducing her

    during the convention.

    Former Cortalim legislator Matanhy Sal-

    danha, who supported then Parrikar-led gov-

    ernment, has also come in support of BJP-led

    panel this time. Saldanha was personally

    present for the convention and was seated

    amongst the candidates and BJP leaders on

    the dais.

    Parrikar said that Ashok Naik has been

    projected as Mayor candidate because he had

    provided clean and efficient governance dur-

    ing his last tenure.

    Addressing the gathering, Naik said that

    Panjim deserves better and residents of this

    place know it.

    We have an unyielding desire to improve

    the lives of the average Panjim resident, no

    matter how difficult the fight may be, Ashok

    Naik said adding that clean governance,

    transparency at all levels; honesty will be our

    hall marks.

    He said that like minded, honest citizens

    have come together to offer a fresh chance to

    partner with every Panjim resident. We are

    not governed by ulterior sense of accomplish-

    ment or an outside agency to further own

    goals, Naik said.


    Health Minister Vishwajeet Rane, is a bit of a maverick in the pre-set ways of government functioning. Faced with a strong attackfrom his own party strongman Dayanand Narvekar for alleged ir-regularities in the PP model adopted for the North Goa district hos-pital, the Junior Rane says he has been completely transparent.But has distanced himself from the controversy, in an interviewwith Sujay Gupta

    Herald: Lets get to the

    point straight away. Why

    wasnt the request for Qual-

    ification for the north Goa

    district hospital vetted by

    the Finance and the Law


    Vishwajeet rane: The file

    was brought to me. It is clear

    that the RFQ was only an Ex-

    pression of Interest. When it

    reaches the RFP (Request)

    stage the finance and law de-

    partment comes. Anyway

    since the RFQ stands lapsed

    because of there was only one

    party, it will begin all over

    again but Im directly out of

    it. The finance and law secre-

    taries and director PPP will

    handle it and I have been

    briefed that a committee con-

    sisting of them will float an

    RFP which will cut down the

    time of processing.

    Herald: But dayanand

    narvekar and others have

    accused you of doing privati-

    sation under the garb of


    rane: Let me explain. I am

    talking of a model of cross sub-

    sidy. The Asilo Hospital is cur-

    rently subsidised by the

    government. The same sub-

    sidy will be available for the

    North Goa district hospital for

    190 beds. The rest of the beds

    will be for high specialty treat-

    ment for paying patients. With

    high quality health care at

    their doorstep referral cases

    will not go out of the state. The

    revenue earned from this high

    specialty care will be used by

    the private player to take care

    of their operations.

    Herald: But why isnt

    there enough confidence in

    the PPP model?

    rane: I have been trans-

    parent. The entire process

    has been and will be clear to

    all. I have decided to do the

    best for health care and am

    proud of the fact that facili-

    ties in GMC are state-of-the-

    art. In the PPP model, we

    will give opportunities to

    doctors of Goan origin to re-

    turn to their home land and

    practice. Our local doctors,

    whom are second t none will

    be able to interact with the

    best from outside who will

    work here.

    Herald: What is so special

    about novo nortis that you

    have been backing them?

    rane: They are not just a

    company which makes in-

    sulin. They have an education

    and training programme

    which will train aganwadi

    workers so that administering

    of insulin becomes easy. De-

    tection and treatment will en-

    sure that cases of diabetes

    come down.

    Herald: Getting to poli-

    tics, are you a Congressman

    or are you your own man.

    Will the seven constituen-

    cies under your belt be de-

    livered to the Congress from

    your side?

    rane: I have taken per-

    missions fro the high com-

    mand to work in these areas.

    The high command moni-

    tors my progress. I keep the

    Chief Minister informed. I

    have got permission to work

    in Siolim by the high com-

    mand. I am a party man and


    I report only to the Congress high command and keep the CM informed

    Aldona MLA Dayanand Narvekar has taken to the streets to op-pose what he calls the privatisation of the district hospital at Ma-pusa. In a no holds barred opposition to the project Narvekar tellsFranky Gracias that the project is a scam.

    Public will riot over PPP

    I am in opposition in my own party. Willdecide on new political direction

    Herald: You have been

    adamant in stopping the

    PPP initiative for the dis-

    trict hospital in Mapusa.

    dayanand narvekar: I am not

    going to compromise at any level

    as far as PPP in Goas health sec-

    tor is concerned. It is a foremost

    constitutional obligation of the

    Government to provide health

    and education to its people.

    Herald: How will you stop

    the Health Minister?

    narvekar: The public will stop

    the private people from entering

    the hospital. Mark my words there

    will be a riot if a move is made in

    this regard. Most of the people

    from Bardez are agitated and will

    not take things lying down. Thou-

    sands will come and squat on the

    streets because this is a big scam.

    Herald: You stated during

    the Winter session the

    Health Minister has already

    struck a deal with Fortis for

    the privatisation. Can you


    narvekar: I dont want to

    comment on this. I will speak

    at the right time.

    Herald: What is the gene-

    sis of your whole agitation

    against PPP? Why dont you

    want a model private hospi-

    tal to come up?

    narvekar: Here the interest

    is only money. In 2007 Vishwa-

    jeet Rane asked for the portfolio.

    Today major chunk of employ-

    ees in the States health sector

    are from Sattari, Valpoi and

    Sanquelim. The 108 Emergency

    Service is in bad shape as the

    ambulances have become old.

    Herald: recently you

    have been raising a lot of is-

    sues of corruption. the fact

    is you are also part of this

    Government, which is fac-

    ing several corruption


    narvekar: In 35 years of my

    political career there has

    never been a vigilance inquiry

    against me nor an income tax

    raid. I have never heard of

    concrete criticism against me,

    but there have been passing

    remarks. I am virtually in op-

    position because the Congress

    party has treated me shabbily

    in the last three years.

    Herald: there are talks

    and rumours you are float-

    ing a new party.

    narvekar: (Doesnt deny the

    same and laughs). In the last three

    years of my political career I have

    been sidelined by my party. I kept a

    low profile. In spite of that my call for

    the Mapusa meeting to oppose PPP

    was enormous and the same sur-

    prised me. Now I will call for a con-

    vention in South Goa in April as I

    have supporters even in the South.

    After the response to this convention

    things will be known and a new di-

    rection may emerge.

    Ashok to lead BJP-backed panel for CCP polls

    Wards Candidates

    1 Natty Po

    2 Nelson Francis Cabral

    3 Gloria Po

    4 Prabhakar Dongrikar

    5 Sheetal Dattaprasad Naik

    6 Anant (Raju) Sinai Gaitonde

    7 Shweta Rahul Lotlikar

    8 Durga Keluskar

    9 Sudin Kamat

    10 Maya Joshi

    11 Manoj Patil

    12 Vaidehi Naik

    13 Bharati Borkar (Heble)

    14 Ashok Naik

    15 Shekhar Degvekar

    16 Neena Silimkhan

    17 Nilesh Khandeparkar

    19 Vianna Da Cruz

    22 Maya Talkar

    23 Shailesh Ugadekar

    24 Diksha Mayenkar

    25 Shubhada Dhond

    27 Shubham Chodankar

    28 Nivedita Chopdekar

    29 Rupesh Halarnkar

    aND THe BJP NoMINeeS aRe


  • 4 www.oheraldo.in


    Do not throw garbage in the forest as it isobserved that some people take forgranted that the forest is a site for dump-ing garbage or waste.

    Dr Kumar

    On the one hand, the ministerclaims he is encouraging agriculturewith new schemes, but on the otherhe is helping the mining lobby to de-stroy it. Activist

    Goa I Sunday 6, February 2011


    BICHOLIM, FEB 5: A lit-

    tle known village in Bicholim

    taluka has been fighting a

    lone battle against a mining

    company since the past four

    years, in a desperate bid to

    save the village from immi-

    nent destruction.

    Residents of Vathadev-Bi-

    cholim are up in arms

    against a proposed mine in

    the village, but their resolute

    opposition against their

    enemy is now being put to

    the test by politicians and

    money power.

    It may be recalled that the

    news of the proposed mine

    at Vathadev first hit the

    taluka in December 2006.

    This had sparked off strong

    opposition among villagers

    as well as from residents of

    Bicholim taluka.

    On January 18, 2007, a

    public hearing was con-

    vened at Sanquelim and lo-

    cals attended it in large

    number shouting anti-min-

    ing slogans. This forced au-

    thorities to postpone the

    hearing on "technical


    Mine representatives

    were unable to submit the

    required documents and so

    the hearing was postponed

    to March 24.

    On the proposed day, the

    hearing was held in the vil-

    lage and taking into consid-

    eration strong opposition to

    the project, a police force

    was deployed at the site.

    The public hearing proved

    historic, as people attended

    in large numbers and all

    voiced their opposition to the

    proposed project.

    An assurance was given to

    the public that their say

    would be communicated to

    the government and the

    project would be stalled if it

    is against public interest.

    But surprisingly without

    considering the public hear-

    ing, the mining lobby got the

    required sanctions from the

    Central government.

    In the meantime, the lo-

    cals formed Vathadev Na-

    grik Kruti Samiti and

    continued with the protest.

    Incidentally, workers from

    a company also participated

    in one of the rallies as the

    mining company had pro-

    posed shifting of the com-

    pany to another location.

    Since then, the company

    has tried several means to

    woo the villagers. Money

    power was used to split the

    villagers and some even suc-

    cumbed to these techniques

    of the company.

    Now after about four

    years, the controversy has

    again raised its ugly head.

    The matter came to light

    when the locals noticed that

    the company had started

    cutting down some rare

    trees and clearing the area.

    To add to this, the com-

    pany also built a concrete

    shed and is slowly in a

    process of getting heavy ma-

    chinery at the proposed site.

    When this correspondent

    went to the site, there were

    three earth-moving vehicles

    stationed at the site with two

    security guards posted

    round the clock.

    The matter is still in the

    court and the mining com-

    pany has started with its

    work, which is against the

    law, environmentalist

    Ramesh Gawas told Herald.

    The NOC that the mining

    company had taken from the

    Pollution Control Board has

    also expired and the work is

    still going on in full swing,

    added Gawas.

    The Tillari canal passes

    through the area and con-

    struction work is very close

    to the canal. Huge piles of

    mud have been dumped

    near the canal, which could

    pose a major problem for the

    canal, he said.

    The trees cleared by the

    mining were some of the

    rare trees and as per the

    rule, they cannot cut such

    age-old trees, which are im-

    portant for the ecosystem,

    added Gawas.

    According to the locals, a

    minister is supporting the

    mining company.

    On the one hand, the

    minister claims he is encour-

    aging agriculture with new

    schemes, but on the other he

    is helping the mining lobby

    to destroy it, alleged

    Vathadev Nagrik Kruti

    Samiti President Pramod


    If the mine comes up in

    the area, wells in the area

    would not only dry, but it

    would directly affect the Bi-

    cholim river as the proposed

    mine is close to the river.

    The Kulagars, which are

    extended to about 1 lakh sq

    mtrs, would be the first to

    feel the heat of this mine.

    The Tilari canal also passes

    through the proposed min-

    ing area, due to which it

    would also be severely af-


    In 2009, the government

    had spent about Rs 9 crore

    for de-silting the Bicholim

    river and all this would be

    gross waste of public funds if

    mining comes up at

    Vathadev. This is because

    during the monsoon, water

    along with the silt would di-

    rectly flow into the Bicholim


    Despite this, the govern-

    ment has turned a nelsons

    eye towards the issue. The

    mining company has suc-

    ceeded in getting the re-

    quired sanctions from the

    Central government.

    But all hopes are not lost

    for the protesting villagers of

    Vathadev as the mining

    company is yet to get an

    NOC from the District col-

    lector, who is also the chair-

    man of the Disaster


    Bicholim village fighting lone battle against mining

    Machinery and construction activity at the proposed mining site at Vathadev-Bicholim.

    Photo by Samir Umarye


    PORVORIM, FEB 5: While many pan-

    chayats and municipal councils in the State

    face various obstacles in attempts to manage

    garbage, the Penha-de-Franca Panchayat

    seems to have found some solution to the

    garbage problem.

    The Penha-de-Franca Panchayat was

    forced to resolve the garbage problem in the

    village, after a bitter experience with its

    neighbouring panchayat.

    The Serula Communidade had earlier

    granted permission to the Penha-de-Franca

    Panchayat to dump its garbage on the So-

    corro plateau a few years ago for a fee of Rs

    5,000 per month.

    However, the Socorro Panchayat raised an

    objection to the dumping of garbage by

    Penha-de-Franca Panchayat on the Socorro

    plateau and even lodged a complaint with

    Mapusa Police in this regard.

    The Penha-de-Franca Panchayat was

    forced to find an alternate site to dump the


    Since the garbage problem is getting se-

    vere day-by-day, the Penha-de-Franca Pan-

    chayat decided to take some steps to tackle

    garbage problem in a scientific way, particu-

    larly of wards on Porvorim Plateau.

    Speaking to Herald, Sarpanch Eknath

    Narvekar said most of the garbage is gener-

    ated in Wards 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, which are lo-

    cated on the Porvorim Plateau.

    Therefore, the panchayat decided to en-

    trust the job of garbage collection and its

    treatment scientifically to Lila Trust. Accord-

    ingly, after the discussions with Lila Trust,

    the panchayat constructed five vermin-com-

    posting pits in Ward 8 in 2009 by spending Rs

    5.78 lakh, informed the sarpanch.

    As per the contract, the contractor collects

    and disposes off the garbage from the entire

    Penha-de-France area thrice a week and is

    paid Rs 50,000 per month for the services.

    Lila Trust set up the Green Shed for Sus-

    tainable Solid Waste Management in one of

    the corners of the garden at Porvorim and in-

    stalled its machinery for conversion of

    biodegradable garbage into manure, he


    Lila Trust started collecting wet garbage

    from houses in Ward 8 and dumped organic

    waste into these pits to convert it into ma-

    nure. Every household is being charged a

    nominal fee of Re 1 for this service rendered

    by the panchayat, said Narvekar.

    Since the pilot project became successful,

    Aldona MLA Dayanand Narveker asked the

    panchayat to prepare a project under Rural

    Disposal Garbage schemes 2005 and 2007 of

    the State Government for collection and dis-

    posal of garbage of 14 wards, which includes

    seven wards of Penha-de-Franca, three

    wards of Salvador-do-Mundo and four wards

    of Socorro Panchayat.

    All these wards fall on Porvorim Plateau.

    The project report is in final stages and once

    it is ready, it will be submitted to the govern-

    ment for approval through Aldona MLA

    Narvekar, added Narvekar.

    The contract of garbage treatment col-

    lected from these 14 wards will be entrusted

    to Fomento. The panchayat has already ear-

    marked an area of abut 3,500 sq mtrs to set

    up a Green Shed for the installation of the re-

    quired machinery for the treatment of

    garbage by Fomento, he said.

    Lila Digital and Environmental Solutions

    Pvt Ltd Director Pradeep Sarmokadam

    stated that Lila Trust initially took up the

    pilot project of garbage treatment of Ward 8

    of Penha-de-Franca.

    The staff employed by us collected

    garbage from 500 houses by visiting house-

    to-house everyday. The wet garbage was

    dumped in the pits of the area and the re-

    maining garbage was brought to the Green

    shed, said Sarmokadam.

    In the Green Shed, our staff segregated

    the biodegradable garbage and the remain-

    ing garbage is being sent for recycling.

    Biodegradable garbage is converted into bio-

    organic fertilizer, which is rich in biological

    micro flora which enhances the soil fertility,

    explained Sarmokadam.

    Sarmokadam further said after completion of

    one year, the project was taken over by Fomento

    from Lila Trust and the former appointed Lila

    Digital and Environmental Solutions Pvt Ltd as

    its operators and managers.

    Since this pilot project has become suc-

    cessful, Aldona MLA Narveker has directed

    Penha-de-Franca panchayat to prepare a de-

    tailed project report under Rural Garbage

    scheme for the treatment of garbage of 14

    wards, he said.

    This project if approved by the govern-

    ment and entrusted to us, we propose to treat

    garbage of 14 wards by both ways, bio-com-

    posting and methanation processes, to en-

    sure complete success, said Sarmokadam.

    Penha De-Franca resolves garbage woes

    Workers treat garbage at Penha-de-Franca village. Photo by Anil Shankhwalker


    VALPOI, FEB 5: The Valpoi Mu-

    nicipal Council (VMC) is down in the

    dumps for want of a dump, or at least

    one that is acceptable to the public.

    The VMC has been hit by various

    obstacles in its quest to set up a

    garbage dumping site in the munic-

    ipality. All dumping sites identified

    by VMC from time to time have been

    futile, as residents have opposed

    these sites for varied reasons.

    The VMC is desperate to address

    the issue as 2 tonnes of garbage is

    generated in Valpoi each day, while

    about 4 tonnes is generated on the

    Valpoi Bazaar day every Tuesday.

    The latest site at Ward 7, which has

    been identified by VMC after acquir-

    ing a large portion of government

    land, has also proved controversial.

    Fearing that the proposed site may

    create a situation similar to that of

    the infamous Sonsoddo plant at

    Margao, residents have decided to

    oppose the proposed garbage treat-

    ment plant tooth and nail.

    The villagers have claimed that

    they have been getting overwhelm-

    ing support from various NGOs to

    oppose the proposed garbage treat-

    ment plant.

    As soon as VMC indicated its in-

    tention to set up a garbage treatment

    plant in Ward 7 (Sayyad Nagar and

    surrounding areas), residents on

    those areas were quick to raise their


    About 80 families residing at

    Sayyad Nagar dashed off a memo-

    randum to Sattari Mamlatdar Satish

    Dessai, complaining that the entire

    area would be affected if a project is

    set up in the area.

    The aggrieved residents also ar-

    gued that existing wells in the village

    will be polluted, as the proposed

    plant is few metres away from their

    residential area.

    They pointed out that the Kabras-

    taan (burial ground) is located a few

    metres from the proposed site as well

    as the government hospital, which is

    coming up adjacent to the Commu-

    nity Health Centre, Valpoi.

    Villagers regularly conduct meet-

    ings to prepare themselves to oppose

    the project for once and all. While are

    not opposed to the project in

    essence, they are unhappy that the

    VMC is planning garbage dumping

    sites close to residential areas.

    Left with little option, the VMC de-

    cided to use a pit to dump garbage

    collected from all 10 wards.

    This, too, was met with sever op-

    position as residents complained

    that the site is just 200 metres from

    the residential areas. They also

    stated that VMC garbage trucks

    were using the village road, posing a

    threat to other motorists.

    Residents then blocked garbage

    trucks from entering residential

    areas, forcing the VMC to stop

    dumping garbage at the pit.

    When contacted, Ward 7 Council-

    lor Faimida Khan, who is inciden-

    tally vice-chairperson of VMC, told

    Herald that she is backing the people

    of her ward and will also oppose the

    project. People have elected me as

    their representative and naturally I

    have to be with them, informed


    When contacted, VMC Chairper-

    son Umesh Gulelkar pointed out

    that VMC was earlier dumping

    garbage at Rede-Ghat in the past.

    "But the area fell under the Mauxi

    Panchayat and the Mauxi Panchayat

    objected to this activity. As such, the

    VMC stopped dumping garbage

    there," Gulelkar said.

    "The garbage was then dumped in

    a private property at Nanus. How-

    ever, this was also stopped when vil-

    lagers strongly opposed the move by

    stopping garbage trucks."

    "With no option left, we started

    dumping garbage in the municipal

    council-owned area behind the

    council building. But unfortunately,

    this site is also presently overflowing

    with garbage and now, we cannot

    dump more garbage there, said

    Gulelkar. Gulelkar admitted that a

    large portion of government land has

    been acquired by VMC in Ward 7 to

    set up a garbage treatment plant.

    "The access road to the site needs

    to be constructed through land be-

    longing to the Forest department.

    The VMC is now awaiting an NOC

    from the forest department."

    "Since it is a long procedure to ob-

    tain an NOC from the forest depart-

    ment, we have temporarily dug a pit

    in the acquired land to dump the


    "But we were forced to stop dump-

    ing garbage there after residents op-

    posed the site and stopped garbage

    trucks from using the village road,

    admitted Gulelkar.

    Gulelkar informed that the VMC

    is working hard to find a solution to

    the problem.

    VMC has stopped collecting

    garbage these days for want of a suit-

    able site, said the chairperson.

    Valpoi down in dumps for want of a dump site

    Forest is not a sitefor dumping garbage


    VALPOI, FEB 5: They may be op-

    posing garbage dumping sites, but

    Additional Principal Chief Conserva-

    tor of Forests Dr Shashi Kumar IFS

    has warned people not to dump

    garbage or waste in the forest.

    "Do not throw garbage in the forest

    as it is observed that some people

    take for granted that the forest is a

    site for dumping garbage or waste,"

    remarked Dr Kumar.

    Addressing the recent convocation

    ceremony of the 30th batch of forest

    guards at Valpoi Forest Training

    School at Valpoi, Dr Kumar asked

    forest officials to keep an eye on

    garbage-dumping activities in the

    forest areas.

    "Forest officials should strictly

    monitor the situation where such

    practice is being carried out by some

    people," he said.

    He also advised the public to take

    care of the environment in their


    "Use pollution-free materials such

    as jute or paper bags instead of poly-

    thene or plastic bags. Do not harm

    the environment and do not indulge

    in such activities which give rise to

    global warming," said Dr Kumar.

    Residents of Ward 7 VMC submit a memorandum to Sattari Mamlatdar Satish Dessai. Photo by Ashraf Khan

  • goa

    5 www.herald-goa.com

    Goa I Sunday 6, February 2011

    PI Siddhant Shirodkar is selectively leakingthe case information to selected media sothat Jayeshs name is maligned and I wantthe inspector transferred from the presentplace of posting.

    VHPs Konkan region joint secy

    For 2011 census, special efforts are madefor gender sensitization of data. In the col-umn of gender, along with male and fe-male, there will be yet another columnspecifying other sex, for those who are nei-ther male nor female. - A K Wasnik

    GoaAmericaHeartFoundation !""#$"%&' ()' *!+,(!% *-("(% #"

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  • This is a deep rooted predica-

    ment that has resurfaced

    again. A predicament that I

    thought I had left behind in

    Kashmir, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya

    Pradesh and Bihar, different and inter-

    esting parking spots in my journalistic

    journey. Ive always had problems with

    them and since most of them were

    Chief Ministers or Governors (during

    Presidents rule) who doubled as Home

    Ministers, my discomfort only doubled.

    Simply put, Ive scarcely been at

    Home with them. All of them, with chill-

    ing consistency continue to act against

    the powerless, or worse still give free li-

    cence to their governments and police

    to run a system of the powerful against

    the powerless.

    Not only has Home Minister Ravi

    Naik has lived up to his counterparts in

    other parts of the country but has sur-

    passed them to an extent which is chill-

    ing and fearful. Looking back,

    Sunderlal Patwa (CM and Home Min-

    ister Madhya Pradesh in 1992), KV Kr-

    ishna Rao, Governor of Jammu and

    Kashmir in 1994/95 and Mulayam

    Singh Yadav (who wasnt the chief Min-

    ister between 1995 and 1997 but ruled

    the government by proxy with Gover-

    nor Romesh Bhandari doing his bid-

    ding openly), have at time tacitly done

    nothing when human rights violations

    have started in the face. And yet when

    anyone dared to fight back, double

    doses of pressure and threats followed.

    In 1994, on a cold dark evening in So-

    pore, a Kashmiri mother told me grue-

    some stories of how the armed soldiers

    had repeatedly come to their village

    and beat men and raped young girls.

    Such was their fear that they embraced

    militants with open arms and made

    them lie next to their teenaged daugh-

    ters to protect them from uniformed

    rapists. When a group of journalists

    wrote a series of stories, we suddenly

    found that taxi drivers refused to carry

    us, hotels refused to let us in and we

    were told in very clear terms to leave


    Sunderlal Patwaa BJP CM, was

    more subtle but effective. His director

    General of Police KPS Rathore, an RSS

    man who wore a police uniform of the

    same colour, , came down heavily when

    journalists of national dailies posted in

    Bhopal wrote how the state police stood

    and watched as members of the Sangh

    Parivaar ran amuck in minority areas

    of old Bhopal after the Babri Masjid

    demolitions. From open threats of harm

    to phone calls and letters to our editors

    in Delhi and Calcutta, we saw and

    heard it all.

    In UP though, these niceties were

    avoided. A well known carpet manufac-

    turer in Bhadoi, near Varanasi had

    burnt alive a minor child worker in his

    carpet factory. I happened to be in

    Bhadoi on a different assignment and

    got onto this story and did a series on

    the incident for my paper The Tele-

    graph. A month later the police arrived

    at my Lucknow home with an arrest

    warrant. The charge? Not responding

    to three consecutive summons for an

    appearance in the criminal defamation

    case filed by the carpet manufacturer.

    There was an unusual flurry of activity

    to whisk me away to the Additional Dis-

    trict and Sessions Judges court in

    Varanasi so that the carpet manufac-

    turer could begin his quest for justice

    for being defamed by a lowly reporter

    who had penetrated his citadel of crime.

    I avoided the immediate arrest but did

    have to land in the Varanasi. Promptly

    upon landing I received calls on my

    hotel room number from the District

    magistrate and SP to compromise,

    for my own good. I did not and man-

    aged to get bail because of the interven-

    tion of the higher judiciary. Two people

    who were shocked and unhappy at this

    unfortunate development were the

    carper manufacturer and Mulayam

    Singh Yadav who wanted to teach this

    Bengali in bhaiya land, a lesson.

    But you know what? So many years

    later I can still look back and pass these

    incidents as an offshoot of compulsions

    of politicians. Governor Krishna Rao

    had no time to address human rights vi-

    olations of the army when militants

    were kidnapping, capturing and killing

    at every bend on the hills, Sunderlal

    Patwa was merely being nationalistic

    because his parivaar had pulled down

    the masjid and cleansed Ayodhya and

    Mulayam Singh Yadav and Romesh

    Bandari were merely being good

    friends to a man who generously

    funded the Samajwadi party coffers.

    But what compulsions does Ravi

    Naik have? Why is he compelled to ini-

    tiate another inquiry by the SIT on the

    Cipriano custodial death case when he

    knows that the SDM and the Dy SP

    probing the case are sure of procedural

    and gross human rights violations of the

    Panjim police. He described Cipriano as

    a chronic alcoholic with a heavy men-

    tal disorder and a dangerous and fu-

    rious person. He has nothing to prove

    all of this but if that if these characteris-

    tics are a license to kill, then he should

    tell his police to give the same treatment

    to people in his force who fit the above

    description. And mind you, there are


    Why is he compelled to let a man

    called Gudlar roam free when the very

    same SIT has sufficient grounds to file

    a case because he stole drugs from the

    ANC godown? What compulsions does

    Ravi Naik have to be dodgy about

    whether the girlfriend and sister of

    drug don Dudu met him with CDs of

    their sting operation against Gudlar. He

    kept shut when the women went to

    town saying they showed the CDs to

    Ravi Naik first. When asked a week ago,

    he denied seeing the CDs. He even

    asked in a sudden bout of memory

    lapse- who Zarina (Dudus girlfriend)

    and Ayla (his sister were).

    Our Home Minister has no real com-

    pulsions to do all this. We hope. And

    therein lies the fear. When a man with

    no compulsions engages with the pow-

    erful to disengage the weak, alarm bells

    should ring. It is Goas tragedy that it is

    not sufficiently alarmed.

    opinion6 www.oheraldo.in

    Why is Ravi Naik compelled to let a mancalled Gudlar roam free, when the verysame SIT has sufficient grounds to file acase because he stole drugs from theANC godown? Sujay Gupta

    Lisbon is Panjim enhanced. Itis also, the possibility of whatPanjim and Goa can be, if wecan get our act together

    Jason Keith Fernandes


    Vol. No CXI No. 37 I Goa I Sunday 6, February 2011


    Editor-in-chief: Mr R F Fernandes. Editor: Sujay Gupta (Responsible under PRB

    Act). Regd Office: St Tome Road, Panjim, Goa. Tel: 2224202, 2228083, Fax:

    2222475 (all Editorial); 2230535, Fax: 2225622 (Advertising); Margao:

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    Mumbai - 400001 (Tel: 22840702/22844908). RNI No: 43667/83.

    Printed and published by Vinayak Pai Bir for and on be-

    half of Herald Publications Pvt Ltd. Printed at Herald Pub-

    lications Pvt Ltd, Plot No: L-135, Phase II, Verna

    Industrial Estate, Verna, Salcete, Goa. Published at PO

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    For letter to the edi tor contact us at mai l@herald -goa.com

    Churchill shouldstop insulting theOpinion Poll

    SuJay Gupta

    Manohar Parrikar today visited Margao and summarily

    rejected Churchill Alemaos proposal to have an opinion

    poll on corruption in the PWD. Both developments

    happened within two hours of each other. Churchill playing to the

    galleries, wanted to go to the people for a verdict to be passed if he

    is corrupt. Parrikar meanwhile wanted a detailed commission of

    inquiry. While the first is laughable, the second isnt practical. Ask-

    ing Churchills people who he has showered largesse to tell if he is

    corrupt is to ask children if their regular candy supplier is a good

    man. While there has been no inquiry or hard proof to nail the

    PWD minister, Churchill is no Ceasars wife. The general buzz of

    huge kickbacks on every PWD contract, the presence of a young

    social worker, as the official collection agent of the minister,

    the free hand that Churchill has given to this social worker so

    much so that no contract is signed without a call from her, is get-

    ting stronger.

    Winds blowing from Varca tell a tale on a daily basis. The latest

    being that money is charged even from people in the constituency

    for jobs of meter readers in the department . In a private gather-

    ing last week one senior minister from South Goa was telling an-

    other minister from a neighbouring constituency You are

    making so much money. Even if you give me 25% of what you

    make, Ill live like a king for the rest of my life

    Hence, to trivialize the issue of corruption in the PWD and call-

    ing for an opinion poll to settle the issue is huge insult to one of

    the finest and honourable exercises undertaken by every true

    Goan to determine his or her future. Goans voted for an inde-

    pendent identity based on their culture and language. It retained

    in uniqueness through an overwhelming exercise of a franchise

    which to this day every living Goan who went through that won-

    derful experience remembers fondly.

    Does Churchill Alemao even know and respect the Late Shabu

    Desai, one of the heroes of the opinion poll whose statue was only

    now unveiled at the old bus stand ?

    Does Churchill follow the principles of Jack de Sequeira, who

    believed that as trustees and not owners of this beautiful land, it is

    the moral duty of every Goan to preserve and pass on the land

    and identity that ancestors cultivated, to our children? Jack Se-

    queira did not live to see that day when the identity of Goas polity

    would be tainted with wide spread corruption. Lucky him.

    Hence to even casually talk about an Opinion poll to determine

    corruption will be treated with the contempt it deserves.

    Manohar Parrikar did speak of a commission of inquiry to de-

    termine corruption. This isnt practical because how will a com-

    mission of inquiry go. And to what extent will it go to. This is a

    cancer growth of huge proportions. At every desk on every gov-

    ernment department there is a stench of corruption from the po-

    lice to the secretariat and to the constituencies. Land for projects

    is allotted on who pays the most and not according to what the

    land is allotted for. We are not missing just a point. We are missing

    the whole context. Our very core has been corrupted and its be-

    come a part of our lives. This isnt about inquiries and investiga-

    tions any more. Its about us.

    Why dont I understandthe Home Minister


    To be a Goan in Lisbon is to be in

    a relationship, caught between

    two rather different kinds of

    nostalgia, or more appropriately,

    saudades. The first is a nostalgia, a ter-

    ribly bitter-sweet longing for Goa that

    has been left behind. The names of

    streets, the colour of buildings, the

    faades of some these buildings, trees,

    even the names of most people here,

    constantly remind you of Goa. Here in

    Lisbon lie the final resting places of peo-

    ple you grew up with on a first name

    basis; Afonso de Albuquerque, Vasco da

    Gama, Amalia. Lisbon, you could some-

    times say, bears the imprint of Goa. For

    me personally, as someone who grew

    up in Panjim, Lisbon is Panjim en-

    hanced. It is also on many fronts, the

    possibility of what Panjim and Goa can

    be, if we in Goa can get our act together.

    This possibility is not the mere aping

    of Lisbon however, for there is much to

    be critiqued and improved on in Lis-

    bon. This is where we come to the sec-

    ond kind of nostalgia, a longing for the

    old. This nostalgia is a dead-end. There

    is no future in mourning for the Goan

    pre-1961 past. This history is either ex-

    tremely problematic to claim, or it was

    in fact the history of a small set of Goan

    families who have access to Lisbon and

    its metropolitan elite. The Goan living

    in Lisbon in 2010 does not necessarily

    need to rely on this past to forge a con-

    temporary relationship with the city;

    the present moment gives one enough

    and more opportunities to do so.

    It is precisely this present moment

    that could allow us to reinvent the Goan

    We need to look beyond the chapters of

    history celebrated by these small select

    Goan families and look at the manner

    in which the silent members of Goan

    society reinvent this relationship. Such

    an exploration would allow us to move

    away from the problematic colonial and

    nationalist articulations of our relation-

    ship, and shift toward a more cosmo-

    politan relationship based on mutual

    respect and sharing.

    This look of a Goan living in Lisbon

    (and in extension, Portugal) is not based

    solely on Goan emotions and experi-

    ences. On the contrary, this look at Lis-

    bon is also based on the recognition of

    the fact that the contemporary Goan is

    also a South-Asian. To be South- Asian

    is to recognize that not only is the con-

    temporary Goan born as an Indian cit-

    izen, but is engaged with a larger sub-

    continental politics. This truly

    sub-continental lens, freed from the

    shackles of restrictive nationalism, pro-

    vides the Goan with an enhanced vision

    from which to examine and introspect

    on the Lisbon experience. To fail to do

    so would otherwise lead us to fall back

    into the narrow ruts of the nostalgic

    longing for the Estado da India under

    the Estado Novo. As I stressed before,

    this experience is too limited to provide

    support for a reinvention of a new Goan

    relationship with both Portugal and the

    world. In deed a relooking our relation-

    ship with Portugal will also impact on

    the manner in which we relook our re-

    lationship with the people we share the

    subcontinent and the country with.

    But perhaps the reinvention of a re-

    lationship is beyond the capacity of a

    tiny column. My offerings here will seek

    to diary the manner in which a contem-

    porary Goan negotiates life in our for-

    mer metropole. Who knows what will

    come out of this exploration?

    Jason Keith Fernandes is currently engaged in

    doctoral research at ICSTE's Dept of Anthropol-

    ogy in Lisbon. When not agonising over the

    state of his dissertation, Jason offers unsolicited

    opinons on law, culture and identity politics. He

    also desperately misses Goa.


    Circa 2011- A Goenkar in Lisboa

    JaSon keith

    FernanDeSWith a new look comes new elements little differences

    aimed at brightening up the weekend. Apart from the

    special stories, in depth analysis on pertinent news of the

    week gone by and exciting visuals from Goa, India and the world,

    Herald Weekend has more in store for you

    Every weekend, the team takes a closer look at Goa from a few

    different angles, with interviews, special focus features and high-

    lighting people who have and who could make a difference. There

    will be human interest stories of a different kind, people who inno-

    vate, create and progress without any outside help. Every Sunday,

    Herald will look at issues plaguing Goa, street food worth writing

    about, departmental woes that you readers have and a little bit of

    culture when we can

    As Goas peoples paper we have realized that apart from the peo-

    ple within Goa, there is an avid readership due to the multitude of

    Goans across the world. In this day, when email ids can take a back-

    seat due to the faster and more interactive communication channels

    set up via social networks, we thought it would only be fair to set up

    a network of our own.

    We will now carry opinions, excerpts of discussions and will also

    be able to get feedback and report due to our facebook page, which

    is the new portal of the new Goa. Apart from our stellar team of re-

    porters, we now have the eyes and ears of the entire state to work

    with. Keep in touch, post, refute and more, do what you love doing

    communicate. Let us work together to better this state that we call

    home. Let us be the change we want to see, in the words of one of

    the worlds famous freedom fighter. Viva!

    FinD uS on Facebook Facebook.com/heralDweekenD

    Friends, Goans, netizens Lend us your posts

    Stephen DiaS

    The Republic Day parade wit-

    nessed huge black smoke

    emanating from the Campal

    ground. Among those present, was

    Dr Simon DSousa, Pollution Con-

    trol Board Chairman who was sit-

    ting close to the Governor of Goa, Dr

    S S Siddu.

    Apparently, CCP workers were

    burning garbage to clean up the

    area, although burning of plastic is

    illegal. This was the sorry state of af-

    fairs even during the Republic Day.

    When I visited the Pollution Con-

    trol Board to enquire about this and

    during my brief discussions with the

    Dr DSousa, who was my colleague

    at NIO, I learned that he has been

    doing his best to curb pollution in

    Goa but the concerned authorities

    are a bit reluctant to act promptly. In

    fact, he mentioned a certain Ambe,

    CCP engineer who was asked to

    come and deal with stench around

    his office, which has still not been

    dealt with, even after an official inti-

    mation to the municipality.

    Dr Joe DSousa, who is a consult-

    ant with the CCP, later told me that

    that garbage mismanagement has

    become a business and solutions are

    discarded by those in power with

    vested interests. Elvis Gomes and

    Mayor Carolina Po have been ignor-

    ing his official letters about the same.

    In another incident, I noticed

    smelly drains near Hindu Pharmacy

    due to the dumping of garbage by

    some hotels around and even

    though the CCP is aware of it, no ac-

    tion is taken.

    The overall situation in Panjim

    and other parts in Goa is alarming

    but our Governor has been portray-

    ing a rosy picture about the state of

    affairs while addressing the legisla-

    tive assembly. It is ridiculous, that

    the Governor is oblivious to the

    rapes, crimes, drug menace, police

    suspensions, garbage and pollution,

    especially in mining areas. Is the

    Governor blind or not bothered

    about Goas affairs?

    It is amusing to read in a national

    daily, based in Goa, that the CCPs

    Chak a Chak campaign run by the

    CCP engineer Ambe is a huge suc-

    cess. Are reporters from Goa doing

    their home work before reporting or

    are they working from their desks

    and not from the field? Panjim today

    is stinking and our Panjim MLA

    Manohar Parrikar and Babush

    Monseratte are hoping that their re-

    spective panel of aspiring corpora-

    tors would come to power in the

    CCP elections to later clean up the


    My appeal to them would be to

    pull up their socks and address the

    grave problems affecting Panjimites.

    Panjim Is Choking


    The overall situation

    in Panjim and other

    parts in Goa is alarm-

    ing but our Governor

    has been portraying

    a rosy picture about

    the state of affairs

    while addressing the

    legislative assembly.

    It is ridiculous, that

    the Governor is

    oblivious to the

    rapes, crimes, drug

    menace, police sus-

    pensions, garbage

    and pollution

  • 7 www.oheraldo.in

    goaEminent Goan artists should be honouredand new talent should be encouraged tocarry on the tradition.

    --- Eduardo Faleiro

    The government had promised in ameeting, where I was present once,that there would be a master plan forOld Goa. But till today, the MasterPlan is not yet implemented.

    --- Fr Savio Baretto

    Goa I Sunday 6 , February 2011

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    Panjim, Feb 5: Commissioner

    for NRI Affairs, Eduardo

    Faleiro has stressed the need

    for preservation and promo-

    tion of all music and art forms

    of Goa. He said eminent

    Goan artists should be hon-

    oured and new talent should

    be encouraged to carry on

    the tradition.

    Faleiro was speaking as the

    chief guest after inaugurating

    the 7th All Goa Mando Festi-

    val organised by Tourism

    Airline Management Educa-

    tion (TAME) in association

    with Department of Art and

    Culture and supported by

    Tiatr Academy of Goa, at

    Ravindra Bhavan, Margao


    Faleiro congratulated

    TAME for holding the

    Mando Festival in Margao for

    the last seven years and said

    that although Mando cannot

    Faleiro calls for preservation of music and art forms

    Commissioner for NRI Affairs, Eduardo Faleiro inaugurates 7th

    All Goa Mando Festival at Ravindra Bhavan, Margao. Also

    present are Director of TAME, Francis Braz, Jose Marie daSilva

    and others.

    strictly be classified as a tra-

    ditional folk song, it has been

    part of cultural repertoire of

    Goa for a long time. The lyri-

    cal and musical content of

    Dekhni, Dalpod, Fugdi,

    Dhalo, is definitely Goan, he


    Faleiro felicitated Jose

    Marria DaSilva, recipient of

    Mando Award for his contri-

    bution to Mando lyrics and

    songs. Pervez Gomes re-

    leased the souvenir on the oc-


    Director of TAME Francis

    Braz also spoke on the occa-

    sion. Bismark Torcato pro-

    posed the vote of thanks.

    Faleiro also witnessed the

    Mando performances by the


    Grace Church feast todayHERALD NEWS DESK

    Panjim, Feb 5: Our Lady of

    Grace Church, which was

    originally known as Capela

    de Batalhao of Portuguese

    1st Infantry Regiment, is cel-

    ebrating on Sunday, Febru-

    ary 6 the Feast of her

    Patroness, Nossa Senhora

    de Graca (Our Lady of


    People from all walks of life

    from Margao, in particular

    and from South Goa, in gen-

    eral, step every day in Grace

    Church in search of divinity,

    more especially on the feast

    day to join and take part in all

    day divine festivities.

    The Grace Church has cel-

    ebrated its Golden Jubilee in

    May 2009 on a grand scale.

    This year marks the com-

    memoration of 200th Mass

    celebrated in praise of Our

    Lady of Grace, ever since the

    first mass was solemnized on

    May 3, 1812, on the feast day

    of Santa Cruz (Feast of Holy

    Cross), 199 years ago.

    From the construction of

    that Chapel of Batalhao on

    January 6 1812 till the pres-

    ent Church built in modern

    lines and inaugurated on

    January 1, 1977 and upto

    now, a vanguard of valiant

    priests worked saliently to

    propagate the devotion to

    Our Lady of Grace.

    Its first Chaplain Padre

    Jose Caetano Lourenco, who

    built the attached residence

    to the Chaplain, the eclectic

    visionary Fr Tony Gomes, the

    sagacious cropper Fr Joao

    Lopes (both strong pillars),

    their hard work successors,

    Fr Bossuet Menezes, Fr Lino

    Monteiro, Fr Joao Pedro Fer-

    nandes and present day pas-

    tor Fr Cleto Pereira, a good

    administrator and meticu-

    lous disciplinarian, in hard

    work trinity with Fr Jaime

    Couto and Fr Derick Fernan-

    des, all worked ceaselessly

    and continue the task in the

    vineyard of God.

    Situated on the elevated

    Grace Estate, the Church

    square is an oasis of spiritu-

    ality, inviting an introspec-

    tion of present and past: Ave

    Gratia Plena, Hail Full of

    grace, Nossa Senhora de


    Speaker tellsGovt: Takenote of cableTV cutters HERALD REPORTER

    Panjim, Feb 5: Speaker Prat-

    apsing Rane on Friday told

    the Government to take seri-

    ous note of rising incidents of

    cutting of cables of local news

    channels in various parts of

    the State during assembly

    sessions. He also asked the

    chief minister to intervene.

    Cable connections were

    found to be cut in some parts

    of the State during this Ses-

    sion of Goa Assembly.

    Nonperforming ministers

    are put in spot due to live

    telecast of the proceedings.

    The Opposition MLAs be-

    lieve some ministers in the

    government who are not too

    happy with people seeing

    them criticized in the House,

    have hand in this business so

    that people are not in a posi-

    tion to watch the sessions live.

    Canacona, Feb 5: A 76-year-

    old man from Poinguinim

    has been reported missing

    from his house since Thurs-

    day morning.

    According to Canacona

    Police, a missing complaint

    has been filed stating that one

    Poinguinim resident missing

    Hari Yeshwant Prab-

    hugaonkar of Mahalwada-

    Poinguinim has gone missing

    since Thursday morning.

    Police further informed

    that one Ajay Narcinva Prab-

    hugaonkar has filed the miss-

    ing report on Friday.

    Old Goapanel to holddharna todayHERALD CORRESPONDENT

    Old Goa, Feb 5: In an effort to

    save heritage sites and its

    surroundings areas at Old

    Goa from anti-social ele-

    ments, an organization

    known as 'Save Old Goa' will

    organise a peaceful demon-

    stration at the Gandhi Circle

    at Old Goa on Sunday morn-

    ing at 10 am.

    The meeting has been con-

    vened to protest against all

    destructive activities at the

    around the World Heritage

    sites in and around Old Goa.

    Speaking to Herald, Rec-

    tor of Basilica of Bom Jesus

    Fr Savio Baretto said: "The

    meeting has been organised

    by the Old Goa Action Com-

    mittee because we can see a

    rampant increase of builders

    grabbing all areas around

    Old Goa and are trying to

    make Old Goa a concrete


    The government had

    promised in a meeting,

    where I was present once,

    that there would be a master

    plan for Old Goa. But till

    today, the Master Plan is not

    yet implemented, he said.

  • 8 www.oheraldo.in

    The movement is still in a nascent stageand needs to grow further. For that, we doneed funds to set up a mobile library thatwill be able to get to the deeper regions inGoa, --- Diviya Kapur

    Iain Mills, who is showcasinghis work at the Artjuna Art Fairhas worked with legendaryphotographer David Bailey forthe better part of a decade

    Goa I Sunday 6, February 2011


    Imagine going for a

    Sunday dip in the

    river near your house

    or even down by the

    beach and finding

    plastic bags and old beer

    bottles floating by. Picture

    yourself walking through the