5essay writing

Essay Writing Starter: Which Bible story are these pictures depicting… Obj: To understand how to structure an essay.

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Essay Writing

Starter: Which Bible story are these pictures depicting…

Obj: To understand how to structure an essay.

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Assess the view that religious art must have a religious subject.

FOR:• Makes the meaning & purpose of the art clear.• If it’s purpose is to show or tell ‘religious truths’

then the subject needs to have a religious focus.• It will be better understood by the observer.AGAINST:• In some religions depicting the divine (God) is

forbidden.• All art can be interpreted differently by different

people. Some will see a religious subject where others do not.

• Art may not have a religious subject but could still convey ‘religious truths’ or spirituality.

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Essay writing…

1. Introduction: Introduce the topic of religious art by explaining some of the different types.

2. Main: Your arguments. In this type of questions it would be easier and clearer to go through all the ‘for’ arguments then look at all the ‘against’ arguments.

3. Conclusion: Sum up what you have written. Have you come to a decision? This needs to be focussed.

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The best answers include the following:

• A clear introduction and conclusion• Paragraphs with a new point or argument in each• Clear examples to back up the points being made, not just

mentioning the book, film or programme, but using an example from it to justify a point

• Reference to the question that was set throughout and not going off the point

• Clear arguments not just vague points