5‘g*- m vol. 2-no. 35. plaixfiej.n, n; j., thursday ...*i^b ftaajliiiiaariat.j.unb'ikld, 1*. j., 1...

*I^B ftaajliiiiaariat .j.UNB'IKLD, 1*. J., 1 Hi CHIX1 m U T , FORCIfcBRO., --'•sfsss .... •-"•."•"•.•".•. i !a TWUWOF " Support the Constitution, which is the cement of the Union, as well in its limitations as in Its ant '-ZADISOI. VOL. 2-NO. 35. PLAIXFIEJ.n, N; J., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2. 1869. WHOLE NUMBER88. JOB KtlliBUl •»»»» nAWittthiu" HAM.M. Tiimmrm, IriflMt* •T THE LMTMf M t e i l i |«(I The e ]U SIVKSS M U O C T t m t . vj vxiv rvHHtatomtt nut Parties, Waddl&ge auad Sociables. XltrkHKKK ,.MkHimriwliUHtw Plalnfield Dime Savings Institation ruiUifiriii, x.j^ Omcs IT POP! * PAHSK'B BTORIC M DIVIDEND. Thl-In-tmttlon h«K IILTUM riliMm* <* T k w p-r crnlft>rItlt <ui .IX mnnlk.. (belHR .t Ihe nU» >rf fiptr twiner uoftfltirrnrroN mttt,... ^JIMTM .Brt .fl.-r Jil^ «h. 1W». l.lnni w* = '•" •— Ju!"*>iw7ll d'cSn lii'l' n-.^? "'"ill CEORCE R. POUND, Mr Of 1st national Bant;-., PLAINFIELD. N. .T. Wool, Sheep Skins, Hides, Tallow, &c, F»r *Mrh a. Carti Trier will he uald »| .IIT Un.t: on •cillery. Jam'-l as" ICE CREAM. Pm-o loo rVe.im! w F«»lHm ml Dtrtlo at Mh-.rT Nntlr-. «KO. MIU.F ra»»nr Fnitwnon llui -n. Scmcii tbMaVkM UPHOLSTERY BUSINESS, mlitii iliyBl tn mi.<an i"u> «n° "fHrrfciti, "iXt Ddpulditwn. Iti-nairtui-and All Order* thankfully rfcfccl^ j ivTENKYI K. BRYAN fc CORY'S fiS^T^ciTY EXPRESS ! Rartae «|wnied ao »flk« fortaeabevr kwtaw, we Bnu^iiKi' antl Kin-nitm-f. HI4 ha Ihc t>n>nt toall pan* nf tb* C'ilj and eijil« : aim fM* -ik [an or :*• t-w, io an.Hh.i-. , OFFICE Cor. Fror\t and Chorr, mtm. ,|<»IIN U. VAN WINKLK, ATTIlUNET £ COL'NSEI.LOU ATLAW. •'"" N ^ ! "jillVAN&COHV. The Cty Segar Store. | AYI>T, pnrrlunv! ih- »*«ar Mi** fi>rni»rlj w- MAIN STRKKT. Charles E. Austin, Jol>t>ei- and Rfpaii't't- FURNITURE, Ptetanv. Fninea. La4ie> W«ir* Knit* nf M«atc Inlaid. .p.U« M mark Walnut. AI*.. LmH A4J.M rd. N»HK Kllud. (.fialr* Ite-Cancd. Ac. Carpfct* made Ferris & Hanson, PRACTICAL Plumber* and <3nn Fitter*, WKHTTIKLO, X. J. Till Roofing «te JjpEuleriagL K M. I'tJOW JVSIKS r. <t KKAZKI^ CAKTK5TKU AND M '.'ilX M. C MAKSII. LK'RXSRU AUCTIO . .V J. Foreign and Domestic Segars. Pipe*, Tobnno, Sitvff Sifrer True Gallery STOVES, RANGES. &C. T The Old Meat Stand" Front St, (bet Cherry & Peace) Mr. Keith, ntVr skmmingtlic door m fffcW I way* do who are ont of temper, returned la the kitch«n. Titc fire iu oat, and tlie »I1 . A l—d of jny. nf ligtl." .«J lore' H How Mr. Keith Managed. ' "Hu'l work k from MMto nan, Imt WWBM'I work is never done," qnotcd M rs. Keith. She U.I fini Jted ).rr work for the <UT, MIII ra Uktng up JUT »cwinK, when Mr. Kuillt nrwet a vinegar U>ltte ami a bowl of ffntry In the kttcken capbuarrl ranHaaging: afl«r * knife which «n M bin pocket all the time. Mr*. Koilh reUi><,mxh«<t hrr iJca of a litllo KMMHI of qak-f, anJ #att .nit tn act Matters ia unk'r again. Mr. Mr. Keith f.ill,.wcU to ovenre lior—» lmi.it BDfne men have. "I wish vow irnU try to lie » little more careful nenrv. Y«i do m* reaitic how tnanj thirty I h*rc to see to." " Humph :" wi.i 51. Keith, Kitting down In it lumkut of freohly irwnoJ clothe*. '• | never woaU complain of racli a Irillc »- that 1 If I didn't know, I .houl.i think all h i U " the wo » in d r-r™»i i••.,,, attention atr. u toiba MWof Red an KNCli. 4AKKH AND HKNKRAL JOBBER. i«»"T XT.. PUiina.D. •n Kin. Wa-nM. Can., *c. a»*lr |. .' T«e (few i M a i n S t . , DpaCiiirry. P l a i n f i e l d | ,rf the AII.™".I a Life" sii--' 7 rW& [ ^V —' •» India I n k , OHor Watar Color. ()N'HKKIM>XK * FISIIJEU, HAKE, m.lMi AND DOOH FMTTWY, _™~ ."PlMlit la* DrpM, - - PLA1.VFIKLD. !t. J. , p«ln;rtnn. Ijnr and City erf Plainflsld, New Jersey. K-vrral inelx flloatcd pint* n-malnln; fnimHw AKII.M1 dak- irf Jnni- Wl> Ia>t. lorair.l ,7n Ct-ntwl. IVbt L l K1H 1 . K|iEa ' ' BMhand°AhuIa > )t|^«l/ai!d OK "i ]», M. ntEsrvii A st i\s. MltUC-BA.fr MILI.KKX. ]>UfNnEf.l. MAU1HJ-: WOHKK, A. VASniCRHKKK HIT COXA WAY, PKAtTlCAi, WATt'UHUiKK, m»w rradTfarluaznedinte Imprti'tnu'Til. Ytl tc.atWk. D.C5. HYDE, 4 * « »•(». «.; ™. ,. or MARRIOTT J I / /. * CO.! Jb-wtf PuisriiLu, S- *. FOR^ALE. Westfield Towsliip Bonds, INMUHI for SCIKHII jinqm—s in i.-niitpli | anre .i( an Act pa*<md hj- 111-- Lin I Lcjftflalwv, B , FltJiE FROM TAX, 'orfiwniTlnri Towiwhto par&orf-, ron"* J t«f nITT a . I w*rrd>«jnf>li- ]r>.r-m-nt. (wwcMMpmnrnTii "2*2 aajr»aa»»or #IUII and •p»a»fl» of. the Kfamoa Curt. aajm. ! hn|H! fnr nmptl; ntlondd Cood _ STRAW inMTLIM8Y MOBS, m-. Vt-jvVfF. ilHThVl. lis§£ FLAIHUELD MACHINE SHOP. KINYON & SCHENCK, MacMJipeer &Black Bills Cor. Wistmtoi kTIM st (nil ii S B Worts), PLAINFIEI.D, HJ. r*» in dUv^ry, " Anrl yo1« woubl be corrwet, llcnrv.— V'Hi hsTcu't (lie taintcst ides—" " NonMMw, Mary ! WHy, I ermMdo yonr w.^k a.ad three tmea'asmnch moro, MHI fTL-tnR tbfnllgh I>f teti o'cU«;k." "foiild yon, iiKlecd r "To be sure if you mouU iuil %< give tni> the cbwwg (.f it." " Y«a Hhali I m d," w.i.1 Mr*. Kciih itIv. "1 bttve l«n« wanted to Tisit niv *. I will id* aonow, and you .iv keep hi>»«. I nIiaU bare to cookup h i " ']iicitIv AsatK in;. Slwfiins, Wlk UK St<-; m, Barinm, S Tixtb, Mill C-n CASTINGS OF ALL KINDS HADE TO ORDEH. PATTERS MAKIN1 A WOOD WOKK. R00K«8 4 Ilt»RARI», "TUB aoriMN * M. AK1XGMILL, Itallr... * T «« a»i MTkuIt jttrc.t. U-SAWJXO, tUN, JOSEPH BLATZ, »«rf />»flwr fiwr Sntoon, FRONT STREET, Or. Hatntl K. puinaeid. N. J. Preserve Your Eyes! M. SCHWAB, OPTICIAK & OCTTIIST, LAING'S HOTEL, VLVINFIEI.il, X. J., FROM NOY. 15th to N0V.20th, 1869, Wllh I *erj Inu tlock Of Spectacles & Optical I i s t r i i e i t i F.to h-.-ii trained a* an Optician, as* ardliiilwha>lDr»'forU»-p*i>lTWKN ^'al and aaura] >(o r--.Tiail.nl. but tin- tal' ^ a tk« pu«t titn. BM IWIT UW of (be Mcht boat pmsnta Am M pom puur B o o n ia» R»ID ST., Nnim K. t. Thfl mbi*erilH-T. nyProfrfl^lon aPainter. p^tr-fivlTi tn« nkaeor Fbittocraiihj la tlw Finn Ariy. bav HIUL.I to aultv *el™eo and Art lo the productionof ARTISTIC LIKENESSES, -Mr-. Mr. H Ifckm* hw -«pj5k"^i tl^UV^iii., rich Sp^iarTf- n aitfllia |41>1 t^> •nri-itii*rirtli.B«tt«4im]|iTan<l prtf. «i-l ^ktiMWb. stapled tu the alf-ht. and RCnuiRKBdod lo tac pabltc 1 cnnMn't ennk ! Y»n will do •g of ilw kind. M«rv. 1 .-li.-ill five |.ri«i-cu, and TOO will aee ln.w nic« 1 will keep B»em«in3. Yoawill not know Tie Itoncc w lien you return." '•1 dan Bay,* 1 remarked Mn>. Kcitli: but when can I g.) T * T. •iiomn, if y.nr like." '- And am you *urc that you i-an mart fci" "Surer What a look lie snvalior.'—• Voa ahan-w.- Mr-. Kciih Untied a Httlc t.> nfrrneif wtiuii iier liuntiHiii li-fl dur nl tin; dt-pot and tunicd &U *h-p* boincwar.1 lo clear •way tlie I>ruak£u4 thing* and prepare liiiiicr, She only »i^ht-.i IIMconMU; iltcre iarwiblf, am) M-e bint manage *• Irft me •!•«," Mfliqnisod Kcitli, «nUir- Iriir tin- kit.-ln-n. ••I'll waah the dUlics ftrst, aad I'll M t m o K o T Mary . drew.. ) kct-p n»c clean.' 1 Ho r..tcncd it nronnd hi* waiU witha pin, rullud tip III* alcvvrs anil looked about him. tbe gn; «M oat, l>mnfier much •>nl>l« he MKeceded tn rrkindling it, and en began tin- disln-s. He teolt then to tlip sink, pltjgjrt-.] up the spoot, aad tmt tlivm aH toaoak in a pail of cold vRlcr. "Tlrcre,-they're wawnod,** wi!d he to himK-lf; "nowforaoawthin^ towipe them I.TI. I'll take tlie table doth. Sncba faiuo .s woman do mafec abo«i work. Whv, 1 -onidwaah ntl llie diiAc» in the ncighbor- HN>d in half a day. ThUitsw pan .nielU if •Zrcwur. 1 wonder what'n tin; matter nf it! liiere, I'ro gotaowa nmnt on iny hand ! Titcre it pw.«« that china Mocer tfcc it', I wish then waa noawint! t^re fl oni* plate jjon© lo sina^n .—• And 1'rc KU'pporl int.. that potato dUb that 1 M-1 on tb« floor to drr, and that'* ttoa. to the AadteK Oh, there g^c* t !«• mi pitcber! Nrr«r miml, accidents I happen. 1 gueu will trim tlie lamp* ;l; molb«r atwav* trimiaed the aimp* in tlie iBoraiag. Confooad Utem, bow black tho efaintneyK are !" Tlina conrenin); with hitmcir, Mr. Keit 1. pot the cbimaera into tlte baam and oo- ajcitated a moment. Tie had heard it uid that boiKng water *aa cleatiung; *o be g •eafd«d t W h and tbo nmnrt gbiMy, abont a hundred diafcreut pieces to each chimney. "Good grwriom!" crwd h*, "who'd hare thoarht it! Tliera'a HHnebody at the door. I'll jui4 »tcp «nt a* 1 am. It can't be aaybodr 1 care for a* early aa tliia," A fmaU bnrprefteated hhnwif, evei Mr. Keith witj* ilf-MiPp«*ed mink. - lie yoo theinUtmi of the ho«MI" " Yaa tfwt », I am the matter," utid Mr. Keith with dlcnffy. " What can I 3 oi nin^f, I ^ur *a \ num aent me o tAM« if yon—thatU if the mini me of the house— would tako mwo of the bnby white •heroes nhoppinpr* •* \o," roared Keith, *• I*TC otlier finli to fry. Th« boy put his thumb to bin note, and "1'lfpi down thc'oplUr and brine ftp sotne coaL," aaid be, and ho started briskly duwa the Hairs. On The necond step l.c put Jii* foot f"np;h aripin hi* drem itkirt atntnlilcd aad rell tn the bottom of the cellar, «ma«ti- a banket of nnt*> ami knocking onr a »Wlf k.nde.1 with nam of milk. re take it f" escbiimed he, scramb- ling to his feet aid robbing bin twad.— u Il.tw do women iflfinj*'^c with tlu?*t- in- rt-z famm ! 1 iliatl break my neck with titi> yrt t" Tbo fire made o£alti, Mr. Keith bc- hought liim of dinner, lie looked at tlie ime-Mece. It wan one o'clock. Almo«t /mwbr dinner I He had hciir, hi* wife •ay that a rice pnddinn; was easily made; he wonld hare rice pudding and boiled po tatoe* and broiled steaJt. l i e wHwl a natin with rice, Mirrol in a ittle ingar, dropped in anrgg,. and set .iie Ixmin into the oven. l*hc potatoes Ite washed in noapaods, that they certainly might heriran, aiid pnt them into tlie tea- kettle l>ecanae tlte? would hoi! onicker. Tlie »tfnm wa* frinting in the frvinff- paa; be wa* pr-iei-eding to set the table when tlie bcH rang. Ho cangltt tbe pan froaaj UM fire to beep it from Imming, nod made Itaate to the front door. Then be nlierod it would not IK- just the tiling to the door with a frying-pan in his hand, M> be deposited it on' tlie parlor sofa aad anowered tbering. Si™, llr- Mn.ljre was on the Mcpt vowl in her bmt. - Why. Mr. k>ith," said *IH>, hnishing in •pitc of hcrwlf. " Your appt-arancu ia illv extrviwly domertic r* "Yes—I—dare nay,** at am me red Kcitli; ny wifu id abiont, and I am the •idSBt. Mix Umitcc aailed inU> the parlor, which i>darkcm.-d to exclude the BUM, an>l aiili- it stopping to look at Itcr w.-at, n.ink into c fniiif;-paii on llie Bofa. "JupiWrr' criod Mr.Kcitli, "yon have done it aow *" Mr*. MtH<!e »p«ng up, tlte g r a m 'Irip- tingt from her rick silk to the carpet Ili-r fan- grrw dark : she «ao ti-mpii-ij to exprcw IUT aagff., hut controlled lKTsctf, * wed haoithtily, and left the douse. Keith rctamr-d to the kitchen a little ..•••tfi.ll.-n, fur Mrs. Mii.i.,'« was a lady hu- f..rc whom bewUhed to appear jMrticulariy 1 lierc ww a tMUMOVvHtta erackitif* tn t lie 'en. lie thought of Ilia pudding and looked in. ilte bamt rice had Ifppeil rer theov«n ; tlie liaxin bad melted apart, and tike padding wan not done lie Mint the door upon the niirnt in di*gu«t. uid liMikcd after his potatoes only to liml hem a perfect jelly. And junt a» li« mnde ;liu discovert therV was a sharp pe:il ;.t the door-bell. " Creation'. tl'cre's thnt nlfominnlik- IM:!I again. Il wish folko wouM M-HV at home—111 luck aU the doors and cut the bell wire after in-day." At the door be fimn.i Mr. and Mr*. •Idfpit and their children. " iij dear Mr. Kcitb, how <lo you d« t" ricl Mr.. Fid^ei: " We w«ro in town, md iWtr'it we'djiiatnUrp iii to dinner.— VVIierc'a W Keith '-" She'* gone away," aaid Keith, rncfnlly wondering what li« should fuod tln-mon; "walk in, d o ; I am tlw hottitckcepvr to~ J " V n , MI I MiauM judge, llutof 1 youmake a>plemlid one. 1 rc- member von ai>ed to be freqnently teHinir Mr*. Kcitb and my.*If bow very •cjtiniF mast be It mnst be i yoa. I*.wi't pot yonrwlf ont, \ i mysolfout, indoed I* fried Kcitli, retrcatinsjtatiiokiUilK.il. »(4,mdKrac what .hull I do i I'd ptvc a hundred dol- lars if Mary WM only here ! Wlierc shall 1 begin P l i e drew out the table and net it with t any cloth, then took off the plates and put on a clotH—tlic reri one Itc had wiped the dishes on. Tbe ta*k completed he put on some more potatoes and some more steak ; liiirn« v <l the steak to a cinder, took off hi* potatoes when he did his meat and pat them all upon tlie table. There was a loaf of baker's bread in the cap- board; be paraded that, and called Ua i to dinner. qnizzical smile *prcad orcr Mrs. Kidget'i face at the sight of the repast.— Mr. Kcitli was in a cold perspiration. Ma, myplate is all grea*y, sad *n u mvknifc; I can't eat on dirty dUI.cn/' cried little Johnny Fidget. "Aad my fork is wet all orer with watei that's W p i a c off tbe table cloLh, and my tator ain't fcaV hilcd," cried little Sat. dget A iBfffct noine in thekitchen drewthe lentioa of Mr. Keith. "Jupiter f* cried Uo, " if Un. (.VFlarM-rty's dog ain't mating off wiili my aleak P Itv Jumped from the Uble and sUrtml Wt pnnMti*. Tbe dogmade the best of Keith 1 * UMrcnHtumed attire w; great drawback, and he made bat faille headway. •• Kill him t" he yelled to the crowd that joined in tbepursuit. '•( will give fiftcei dollar* AH- Ua hide r Mra. O'Pralierty herself appeared on th< •ccie with a akilfet of hot water. "Tech him if yer dare I" al,e cried.— " I'll break the bones of e»ery mother'i eon of Veen! Stand from 'fominst, oi ye'll rne tlie day T' Keith took a step fdrwafd, nfrppo.i t>n hU skirt, and pit.-St-rf liea.j fir*t rn*l n win,- Cellar, whwhalf » doxen niert »Nt- plar- i,g e-rd^ "The devil in petticoats I" Mclaimed megamwitcr, an-1 the place wan emptied irtidrfrtrmna wink. Tl« prj*"« picked up Mr. Keitrl torn- liderabfy hniiwd mid Carried him Itrfme. His cofttpmiy had taken their departure, id wnW trite not having llie fear of the nnpon liltrt had entered and rtokn K mdrcd .i'.lhirV worth el property. Then Mr. Keith acnt lt,c 'blluwing .te:— - . "DKAB Hast']—-Come home. I git* Op bent. A woMiW does havt- a grx-nt i! to do. I eowifem myself incompetent niaiiagc. Come lioine mid TOII »hall e a new silk dres^ and A dangbtcr of Brin to divide ronr labor*. Yonri faithfully. It. rt«,rn." Essay on Dogs, -It Hiding tarorx the worii with a brief eseny on dug*. - rh.jr^ in tlie Itimp," «»ya Jti-lisiK, " arc ti.edtl, f«t they sru ii"t ilway.profltalrtu. THo Scwf.wndli.i do^ s iiMifii! to «nvt." chilrfrcn from drowning; 'Ut yotl hnre ?<rt tn hare a pond of Bwter ind Children nHmhqt a1».ot GfTW-, - JW the do£ ain't prufltrtltli'. Tltero nin't nothing made bnanliiljr a Newfirtfdlin dog. Kat terriers arc tmetnl to Ireieft rats ; Un lie rat* ain't profitable after ymt liwc [etched thorn. The «)Kp.-r-l doij U useful ew dri»c sheep; l.nt rf yon h«Tc to go and nay a "tick i4 shoepl and pay m.ire thaH they are wnrih, ja«t tn keep the d»£ 1 i«y, the d«g nin't prorRubk!—not iriiiclt. U p doga arc very nsefol; l.Ul it you o W l hufd them in yonr tip awl tlietime, iliey •'I profitable .-at nil. The coack dog; one of the mod useful dog* f know or ; 1'iit yn have got tn h.tvc a coach (anil t lint ain.t alwaya plcimiit), at TU can't rtaliic from !hc doj;. *lTlH» we ««i that, while li-ij;* are generally imdiil, tlierc* *• time* when they ain't generally profiUbW A VaMmeuTsarpMt Mr. Moon » Tcry mac* in the habit of drawing the "long bow." f>ne of hta ttorirs it an ftillun-* : " Did yon ever see umof t!i.-c bone : JO"pnnateK! ' No," My* the listener; "I didn't hink there wan any sorfe thing." " **, ye., ri aaya Mr. M...n,; « Keen >ne. Me and my hired man *aa down Ihure in tin linrnu" lot, l.y tbuude of the fowl, and we we something rolling down he hill, and nay* f, ) gtic** that are tnn.it « o«ic of il.emho.ip MialkLi eoming al-wig. My hired man, he was afc-ared, and dim np a tree; hat I took my h.«- ia my hand, ami went out and «t«od aide "f a t r v in the road, ati.l when lie cantt* itl<m» I Mnck uatUwboe handle, and be bit it a sl»p. and he made a iioi*c jet like a fttstH ; and, sir, it warn't mor'u a mitiit all iff that an handle tras •wellcil up a.*lilg n* my leg." A Meeting at Sea. Oa these vast paths of the deep, along which an seen neither tree*, aor viHapc*. , , p . ; .m eaaaeway »itl«nl eohitnti*, with- oiiie^tonvft; which h«- no bonmUricK hat U!e wave*, >o n*Wra bnl tire wind* ».. Kght bnt th* >um—tbo mort (Wightful a.1 venture, when «ne not in omrst of UU and eca.1 unknown. OK meeting uf two vnada. Tbe mtitunl dinenvery take* plare nlong the noriion byUelwIpufa elewmpe; then they make all uil toward* ach other. The crew^ and pai>Ktmgrr» Imrry npon thi: deck. The two ship-. «p- proai:ti, Wst ilicirflajr*, brail half apfaeir nail, and Uy themselves along *id« of p«ch r. All wlifenm i thu two captain* i the poop bail each other with upeak- minpets—the name of the vessel— i what port—tiie name of the captain where he conies frum—where be in id fi*, how many ility* hi i pjHua^c lasted, and what »rc his obserration* on Uic JoTt^jiiide and btttndc liicae are tlie qncstiuns—" Good royagc." The saiUarc unbrailcd, and belly to the wind. The uiton and paiwengcts of the two tmck follow ea?h ofh.-r with tbra- eves, without sajiaj-a word; th«« ^oinj; to seek Ike •un of ABia^hoM the snn of Barope. rhteh will cqrMlly KC tboH die. tilVt- .•arries away and acparates travelers llpun the earth, more promptly Mill than the wind seriarafe* travelers n\nm tlie irento. They arMtnakc «lgns of adien from Hfar— good voyage—tlie common port is Eter- RMTWBLE I A (Junker ra Xcr fW^um I, m*ms>ht ... all hi. deal**, that he wWt.ritd.ww of your p T of VOM. " Ue CnWanl »Hh what yon hare," M the rat «ald to ttie trap wbeti heleft hi* Uil in * . Tne chirrsp of tlie i r weather, Irtrt the t'.Tt of th»trec"to*d iitfltt* rain, "?*f* here, mlMer," said it U l of *e*e» anrrltner>, who WHs driven Hfl a t»ee \rr a «Mh iffitt, " If yJrt( rfon't t«ku that d.^f iv I will e;it tip all yodf apple*." " Druf^fft: Wbat became of the tallnw I <,Te»s.-d" rriy )taot.t With this morning F" " I fri.-j lite I.itr-kwhi'al* in il." -Ob; I wan nfraid ymt had mastedit." A Udv, with a *U. exclaimed, " Well, 1 have M'H4 my law M.H V "<>. mamma, how tr!a.l 1 Mff,* 1 «t\4 Iler child, " tbat y-u tmt illfor)t toHrtentol -yon awfully." A HMti in Nl.ii..'m-ptiud MM4kj*atM oframI*'"- "ni«lwiil*'lll fmpnt&u" m •• K<>r what nicciirthnrfl (itirfwacM f in- nitfd the navnt, " Kor rawing a Iwirn," ww tbe reply, ••It in« stnndfnf; rule in mf f-Wrr-b/ 1 lid onerl.Tcym*!. anolnPf,* -fiwtbe ;>ton to wake np any man that lie M asleep. "* » I tliink," replied the other, "that it wo*M be bettrr f.-r ft*» w«tmi, *h«n«m' » man gnea to KH-ep mwkf your pre*frlmg, to wake yon np." " flow old ate voti'-" ahfct-W a railma>( C"n*iK-t'>r of a little jfiri *h>«i IMT m"tlwr WM f frrttff to pane en a half-ticket. "I *M nine at horrh!! hft hi the riffs I am roily *LX and a half." . * *.—— A gTvcnhorn *at ft long time very il- tentire, iini-.in<x lipin a cMte-fntttomctiairt At length IH-mild: - I w.«ft>r wbat fellow took (he tfnaUi tu fiiitl nil them UT ifk-y, and pwt straw* •round 'ein."' A *cn*lli(t contemporary •«*:•, " Ttm iromcfi onght to mnkP a plrdj« iwrt tn it** a man w ho MM* U'bwm, andtowonl'l soon Eneak rrp the pructlr^," Afriendof nun *av* '• lli('T oii^-hl uU"In |>!clj*r thfnt scke* to kiwi every ma'i that don't us* it—- and we go for that tun. In J* religious cTCitonVjit i.i B.>«t«rt 4 .Kr^.>n iflet a m-lffrtth.r, who trtiifc 111 tit by the hand and u i d ; " I hare become afhrixtian.* 4 - I ma gtmt of 11,* 1 (tr fejdien. " Sup po»o iw* h**v a *rtflemewt at tiiat little nccottnt between M». V*J ate wkat M itwcut." " N.'," n«M tlti- nr-w-lwitit . hild, tnminft i hi* hedj "reliiioH la rel.'.H.w, and i»kwaa y rtWug —»__»jai* " Why, Mary, my oVar, HAW U this, t find j i-a" ilUJM IBWV "i no»r»fiiHal,|y with your Imsliand J y<itl liil.1 tm^ thl« m.imintf V..n l»d qnarMeJ, itnH he h*l gone IW a iaitw I" " I, fatIn-r ! 1 («h| VM nothing <if the kind." "«»li. 1,.111^'IIJH"! 1 ^Kt Mini von had »«H> w.wils t."reUH-*.** - Yc». father, M, we had. lie «krH me what o».*clr it was i I mitl 1 liMni ktmw ; and m^tc Inft the hotiHc, anylnj:, ArtMi^nrttj/ lo >er .' Tllal'a aH I uJ-l'v.m." In one of otif Urge ettfe*, a -hart tiwM *S>; * \Vf,ti-fn editor wtw met by a (rietvl who, taking him by lite hand nr.laitwerf | " J imdili^rliti'd tii we you. Jl-.w in*a arc yo« go|,ig t,, Mav f - WWT, I th»fc. n itaiit the editor, "I shall May' Wwtfc wv moiir* tasU.* 1 " How <li*3pp<>'inre.l I am, u •aid tbe friend; •' 1 hoped you were f*4«e to stav a dnv or two.' 1 __ ••»-- . \ Tnlli'litnan tm^ fttrjt aw trKttman ra * war. A* ilry art, each one A Tery enriotw mode of tiring the title of (and mpractised in Himlostan. Two bole* arc dog in tbe dwpated mot, in each of which tlie plaintiffs and dufcod ' rycrs each put one of their legs, nm! rc- .in tlicre until one <rf them U Itrt-d, inwbiehhi. chentis defeated, fn thi* mUy it is the client, and not the lawyer who rmts lii-/'"' '" ''• MisKiiuHafi Itrformed n traveler whu inquired aboat his corn that each stalkhnd iue car* on it and wa» fifteen feel hi^li. Tliat'» nothing r>nr mm," replied the traveler. "Up in flKnott, when: f came from, we nlwayx had nine par* to each stalk, and a pack of shelled corn halting to each taswl ; but we could never raise any fieM Imiu* with IL 8 " WIi f r "Be- cauM the eoni grew no f«.st tl at it alwaya pnlkd the beans bf." they ar, e l W knew' «arh Pal, on M-in>( hi* miotakc. lv»ark«<l, with n took ••( -lU;i|>|t.>niinieiit : " Faith, an' I llnnifht it witayua. aaxf you thought It wim Ine, .in' it- aaythnr of The 1hilchrrian replied: I Yaw, da*U thru ; I am .inn.lvr man, ami you i» nut yourself; we pc puUt »HIW> olbcr po.li.-*." A traveller nay* Oiat if he wtweawWto ih-scriW tbe Unit •mulH msf I caMrt-ri-^ :hcwoulduy: - Take a **a«fe a*an), aixl tiNvmi; woand tt np as htjrfc *• it w»«Mp>, [tttt it in « cart tfktvmt *p^p. g*f MM top, and next <M«e the ca(% •aanmiwatr acrovs a plowed fold, ami yow wji A m form »otnr notion of the ton** and nxri tninly yon wunhl e«i>erte»ce the flr-4 limv Jtihiudi.) yon U>k at de ctip« lofhZr day tbW a ehx*." ' " I looked at bint thr*>' Ih™. eWa-<, Sam, but r-i.i my lt.di.nT 1 4a«wd awtVo *cf{•( ii«r\ " What kind ob,rlaM «- it, J«JM* * "Why eta**, ."b h i k ' id i d p •tronorftv." do Support the Constitute*, which is tto cement of the Union, u well in its limitations ss in its authorities "—KiDISOS. .1 »w »» M a m rm ia an am ••• TiT.M— a m a aa MB » m m jo'-’”!.. Maataaniawaaranaan 5‘g*- 5m »an tnra •• man mSINK.-** I.IHKa-nillY. -hKKA KY.NO, il-rtl lw-1i •< *11 » ;,53T. rraiiim me hMi ][t WHITT. YAH. * <X KKAI. ESTATB AliKNTS. VOL. 2-NO. 3.',. yjr ./c ecu.amt,...» omnn or Thk . Dime Institution oih>Ma J. ra»auu>'< l I’lnili/lrld, X.J., I’LAlNFLLUb N.J., TIH RSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, I860. 1HM WHOLE NVMBER 88. Plainfield Kor Yonng ws #"** e W1 mx,: •*v, iwv w. r. I or H t fc R. Kern CCORCE R. POUND, •Mr of I at national Banff; ^ (tVifi.1 rtr thmO 1 ! Tmmrryi 1’LAINFIM.D, N. .J. Wool, Sheep Skins, Hides, Tillow, 4c., *•“ •USi"— so Diviocao. ta-MWIm bar J~l.nO airdrod < Tbaae ml fhp t*tt- 'mi ala nnMki. (belo« M , ^3rrj.-T^s. i EF~ - « r 1-4 . y TU.N RAttSU. nw—reil. !>*-• —«ftt»Y W*.r» rt. •71 jcr«*/S7n *«*• *. F»r*. T, .^1" "Til’ wTm. a Komiuvi'l Htropt, IV!»•*<• *UI» rnm4 ike rir IM imoMetkw of pHl.r-fdl # UPHOLSTERY BUSINESS, Alai*. r<ia«lao»l, kaaS. a -wMj -t Cords, Tassels, Whits, Hsllsnd, Buff IMP rjk*p*n. | bbyan k COST’S ^^=2Erti^rr:Tr. CITY EXPRESS ! I IV TENKYl'K. !-?flw HCTVHEK. 1 Jig^crey* and Fniiiitnrp, " ; SSSSS^iSaraEaS® = OFFICE Oor. Front and Criorr, eta. Charles E. Austin, Jolibcr ami Bopnil'W or FURNITURE, llorm. ... >Mu> UTM, lUaOS, ft d. jss&£s&&sLnttZ'.as M.. nw. Iter* KereadTif I«a4e JOHN II. VAN W1NKLK. iTTOMIT A COlSmUS AT LAW *J£ 1PV » aor* i«lnwinl U> mr Ituplns •*/ a *«rief aOmtlnai R MiYa. b * ' r PabIR PaitoaajP. ~ Ferris A Hanson, PRACTICAL plumOrrm anti flan fitter», WsurrntLs, X. J. Tin Hoofing «V I^«*:»cl«*rin*?. Pcilrn. fan Draft- Mr. Keith, after •humming;th* door m mem always Ho wko are nnt of temper, rPtnnwd to tbs kitchen. TV- tire not, and the *7 " 1*1 jpt down iHc arllu snd Urwvjj ap me cost,*' mid he, amd he started briskly Hows tV Hairs. ? pot < skirt i On the second step tsfonjjh a rip in hi- -It ssH fell to the bottom of the eeBar. smash- i»tf « hsakrt of nflr*. «*d knocking orer a shelf loaded with pan. of milk. Urtct takr it!" ctchumol be, scramb- ling to hi* feet sod rnl-Unp hi- head.— •* How Ho women manage with the—- in- ternal Ions Jrewn! 1 shall break mr neck with thm eetr TV Ale made attain, Mr. Keith be- thought him at dinner, lie looked at tlie time-piece. It wo- one o'clock. Almost time h.r dinner! He had HearJ hi* wkfc t a rice 1 he would ha to I ye’B rue the day !" Keith U*vk a step forwafd, stepped on hks akin, and pitrtmd liemi ttrrt Info a win,- Collar, where half a Joaten uteri »et* plac- ing cards. " The devil in petticoat»!" exclaimed rtne gamester, ami the place was emptied •fnfdter than a wink. Tltc tmAcr picked sp Mr. Keith «»n- aidsrahN bruised and Carried hint ffrnna. Ilia company had takca their departure, and surm' nfte R"t having the tear of the Uw upon hhft had catered S«d *t»lea a ^ferrilaiwirus. Horn Hr- Keith tUmpd. M»n'« MO— It Son mm to MU, l.nl W'irk M nercr doae," quote! Mr.. Keith. Shr UH lt.IJ.~i her .orh fcr Ik. St, m»I uhi„e *f krr nnHn*. elm Mr. Keith "p-n a riaqcer UmUIo uni a howl o grur, in tho kit fler " f!3!SjSKl h The "poutnei In. . ' Jw.1 in nnwi'lr thnt thrr rcrtainlr I on rl'^. - P.«r in ih. himp. ,, ,._ m „„ , - I »*r* hmm, - «re o«-»nl, l.nt thrr are n..| , A Mr, with n Mgh crolaimoj, \\ nil, I I. ’irti dlhlhll Miokrr I Th. Nurfhauffia due I l-re h-t hwnriHt r -O, nani kellle IrrM-r U-r wonhl hul^aicher.^ j .„ ^ m ,„ M 4r,..n,n. j j how =VI i .m." «hi her rHH, - th« . _ I .* 8 . Thn ilhV~ ,Hlt . Tw " h ”’T* ,n here . ponrl >.f n.lrr I hnre At it I *WIt tnrtnentej J ^Sltn.: •*« ekikirrn mnnlMR .W k.rrlr... .n ... when the bch rang. Ho caognt tbc pan i , t |— A _x_'» fi I . .... _ . _ from the Ire to krep it fr-an l.nrnii.g, ami . made baste to the fn*nt d«w*r. Then V u _, 1 * -mIJ a.M ..1M tka (Liu.. I ,Ul I airvat. S.twM-11 i Terry JAMKK M. VIKiKIIKW, ,) .\aw r. ii. niN/Ku, 'i~uw. Wru. E trs*-} ‘iiTTVAN ACOUY. I1.WA.M Aa K - WV- >1 The Cty Segar Store. n A ^atrSri4,?s.2K.2r *—^ MAIN STRKF.T. Or tara'i rinmn tun #*/« in/irid. I Iiun4 h..'e»,,e «> In.J * in- .—in*,rf Foreign and DomoHtio Segars, Pl/iem, Tohnrm, Snuff MM^awbM Front St, (bet Cherry A Peace) n».i (rtnii ihwugh b,t o'. —Mr . 1 , Stoves. Rahges. Aca. < aa«taai1y na lutad. M*W' rrUKI- ft II \NRON. The Old Meat Stand mntv rattifill llrnrv. Yoa do nnt how mnnr thinnr 1 hnro to nec to.' - Illimph r»J M. Koilh. utlinr down in a hukrt of frchlv ironui cloth, ^ I nrrrw wowld r.onplnin of Mali a Into a. I hat I If I <tnla'l know, I Muoll think Ml thr w.anea wiwa ia Jarrr,.- - Anri ,«M| wowbl ba'ennwet, ilorrr. - Yna harca't the laiatut idea—" '• Noounu, Mar, 1 Why. I maid do -nr w.wk aad thnar time >< umrh inure, 'chalk” rrVT*£~~ - •'i"" 1 'ptoi'nl.h ’ni .Si. Tire coach do,-; - mr ^ U^-unL A I im 1 «» »« -«* »•« *1f I k.o. o?; 1'liJmt ** - TU ***** ^ ** bareacoack (ami that Mm Mufe mfed i.w the part.r. whicli jjj 7, £, *LJ Thife In nrhaic the Min, and aitk- i. "'' _ ^ * a. darken.) b nnt ,tn|rfaa- hi look at her uat. uak into thr fning-pnn on liar .J. Ji!|.iU-r r criod Mr. Krilh, M yoa hare ma it now V Mm. Madtfa fwaag ap. tha strnat drip- r rtfKMth iTMit. DMaMA. k*. J. U MAUMI. I AiK/HONKES. ]_ M tKKMli. 1 \ Kill Alt K MAKKR AXD OKNKRAL AOTORR. ' J"U~ At MrtfK, nt Hew piotacnti ul SHrtr True Giitor 3TOW OP10> ! ' 1'mctRHW* mr»T* KiUMiUa ra. AT RKKftoXABLK PRICKR. pat netware. I hnpe hr i UnlarwjKttrei—lj a1l<«Afd ncsLKv : i*Aitn Ut*L i v-w-ral liraatifnl t' •ar«u eirra to Vorri’tm. IiuMiyti A I «UpWtufra » Ukw ai .Kmrt sHlfr. KalUfanttw reurati Jtymf j. V nut HU AUCUST SMITH, Lager Beer Saloon, - 1 - TROSTT STREKT, RtOffTTUIPatt, Plainfield. ^SAasBBnsbaag£ | II. K. >H.\LI.KT. J '*t* MKT RIAL KSTATR ylXkls4«of Kr-I i T.aouR s»6 Ritp-Tlre armriment of 1 STRAW AMD HUiKElY 600BS, Um ,.vm> MANSION IIOl'HK. diAmniNDAiua rwisA-w. ? \ VARS, irmm, iAIKHUT FTREET. PLAINFIELD. W. •. •EL X.XZ,~ - ONURItlMiXK *‘nsilEK. SASH. BLIND AND DUVR FJMTfXHIT. ")*l" Uw Drp«. . - PLAINFIBLD. N. J i**n*«. ml Lorn fUtrr jmt Main 8L,Or.0m7 Plainfield C ood 1 Be «* r * Be « 1 Wfcftf I amprepare* sRfc’is Inwtai ink, Oil or Watwr Color. "»w. fSA Kkrarra. Vuvsrt*. Vmtmmulm. TrlfMmlsr*. FAMOV 0 0 0 0 8, « rtf wMrKkavr hren hnm**\ si rt*r V^rref i-—IM- prAr.-< SIHI will hr- ->M rf.^d|n*lr wllht-il ra-.’Sr>l It. b-„Ur ran.- UH.I.INKKT AimlrtraU I- iW m-m. ^vrrs^iTH^r.' nr.-;—,- „« *. II •-ml r*«m»ne "*ir •I—-V hrbitn •>-»»fi»r »r. 11,-,.. >,r (,t| rrh»-l"- <1—wHrfr-. a a «r ra * * p-irr- that CJSnOl Ul! ft» ph-v- ••H-Kc jrs-tf Fratal vlra-l. opp—Iiv if you would •mb' give me " Tow ahull h*Y* It," mid Mr*. Keith djneitlr. ** I have Ina j wanted to viait my Adathwaa. I will so now, usd you mny keep house. I ahak have «*> cook up mug frarau her rirh aiik to lira- cjarpoL— Her hre grew Hark : ahe *«• tempted to ;preaa her ur^cw. but controllod iH-raeIC . . -Inlaf^lK. p.hH< lh.1 h . km ainpi- se*wm*^alltwi« Aw nil (H/wr, aad krep- fl- Href mf CM Unr. am Scon srtna «. twr-nv ^l-a" 1 . t TWMhr.i t. P—-i M Villa Sites at Private Sale IN THE Cl tv of PUinfltld, Nwwr Jersey. jsASVdSrsiBK csa^LT^a: i I'reabaftoa, Lasr and KArlA Are aw. _aad <m KlUa pad lire Nra nrafAtva ra^f m>Wla« Ike *L T LA i K *Jr?.' sstrt«asa.“ 1 J'LAINKilLit M\UI(I>: WtlKKH, fllKKRT <T. PLAINFI IJ A. N. 4. J^OIIKIIT CONAWAY, I’UACTU VL F.VT11IMUK J.'STh t*r n.t ftMWTT r.m x ro., FuiwiiUh !•- 4. FOR 8ALE. Westfield Tomsiip Bands, (•cued for ScIkh-1 parpoHc* in cotnpli v ,.f an Act pa-red by ibe U-I Lvcfrlalafe, FBKK MOM TAX, —— .iwaar, rnir. rrur'r»rn«,irui»n»a*,_ . _ . . .... _ ! Far Daily »»H Tnwhlp ]*yf. rwnt— pr-trilr m ^eatea- ea^ssu’ r sa; 1 "" •“ •'js.t/r? 3Sa °* !{> (.Rks k llYMRARlt, T «*R UOrLMIO A PLARIRW MILL, ratiiriiiAw./ rw®, S. -MtWKLL He A. JUEUAAY, UtAL VTATB. xa^Li* 1 AI.I.KY k KBAL. gggy "V Pread-. Bakreyi « T>lOMAB K KMITII, PW-VCTK.U, MAUI DUWU. IW" U4W*' half d re reed M Urelr rreMear*. n. VttORHEwC DUCOOUT W APUTHRCAKT. PLAI AFIELD. I ij^aairetibifftRiaxr **°" I”' "irSrithx a m trrs. /rocn.i VreaaJfssfe b.tu.1 Joseph Blatz, trine nurl linger Peer Saloon, FRONT STREET, Or.mndft. Plainfield. N. J. i u^gasafaesuae Laocb r-roAHt-d al .Kofi aellrr. jly«1 J. A. McDougall, ' »acre.M*r to Kraocdy A Hcheak. PMcirix AiW ul ponrut Pimtr I u-,.. vu la.cn -r .traw.am.lt J. 1 Tw nanttn. a, rra^nlna a rnlaarr. mtaJ", 1 ?J^dUKKWm4TjSiS?S—** AUTISTIC LIKENESSES, IMHIbaNW eesus sgisr PLiUiTULB MACHINE SHOP. KINYON A 8CHENCK, Mackiiit, Enfiieer & Black litki cur. wiiAiuiutnm sl uni ii sa wirtv,. PLAINf IELO, «. J. Stern Eii^ii:r^ Sti-nln Kittin-. MarlitniaU* T.K.la, Mill (huinn. Shaftin ', Ihllm, llnngrm, I ini la, kr., kr. CASTINGS OF ALL CKIB HADE TO ORDER IWTTKKX MAKING* \Y(K1|) WORK. AU.hlSUnOrBKIUtaDi<iATrKXntoTO. Preserve Your Eyes! oFnoiis Oculist, LAING’S lIOTKIa, ixainhei.k, n. j., FRO* NOV. t5th to NOV. 20th, 1869, Spectacles & Optical IutnneitL 11 tfjgsKwsgwawigB •4 mm. at Cpm migt*. adapi I ha laaaml appopeteta b. rreiora lire via Ina ra tta ertrMef -ish. He Mkahriafrt hie owa ftaaralUa Ike pan* Oy-faJ aad aalaraJ Mate, aad raamaiare. am tab IW prerereailoa. hat lire laprererel af Ik* M|ki hnre Toe »i« do nothing of the kind, klurr, I shall Hwc like a priuev, and yow will erne how ireuw I will keep even-tiling. You will not know tbc boupo when row return." *•1 da re My, twwted Mr*. Keith; “but when can I go T ** T- - uorroa, if you like." *• And arc you *urc that jolt can mw ayef “Sure What a look he gWAher!— 1 ^OplWat laatrenrenl.. Mr«. Keith langiicH a Rule lo hcraclf when licr hupbanl left her at ihc depot and turned his step* laomcwanJ to clear away the breakfast thing* and prepare dinner. Mhe only wished she could be there ini hubly, ami see him manage. Let me i-e." aoliqnlxcd Keith, enter- ing tlie kitchen, “i'll waah the dislick fc>*, and INI put raw owe of Mary’s dream, to keep me clean." . owl, trouble he succeeded in rekindling it, and then began the dishes. ila took than la lit- afark. fiwffmd ap Ihc tqw.nl. aad pat them .1 lr> aoak in a pail of c.4d r.ur. -Tlrcrw, Ibcr'rr aaJw-1.” aaid he lo himtwlf: -now for aouolhiag lo wipe tlicm on. I'D lake llic tabic chrlh. Sacha ftian a. .moon do make nitwit work. U; conhl wuh all Ihc dither in tho neighbor- hood ia half a day. Thin ntew pan of dfcaan. I wonder whal't Ihc matter of ill There, I’ro gotaoua —intea uy hand! Thera it gnaa na that ellina aaorer dimeetakctt! I -tail there »u Iiilie, rtw-cc't one plate pnna to i And 1're atrppcd Into that potato dinh thnt I art aa the (aor to drr. aad that', ,wtaa to thr ahadra. (Sl, there pirn Ibr cream pitcher! Nrrer uiud, accident, .ill happen. 1 ( nau will leina tietl: mot Iter alwat a tnworl tho lamp, the moraiag. Coafooad thorn, how himaelf. Mr. Keith black tho ehanwoya aro aputad a m-aaent. Ha had heard it raid boiling water warla wtihd the thauaowa. aad tho iraalt hand rad difcraul piocu to . t t-a-ji, .(Broof r 7 gairiar; al grwaiou w-wyhi it! I" aSad ha. who'd injiaat urp oataa lam. can't bo utyhodr I oara for u cull aa thta.” -He yo. the mUtrru of tha hoau P - Yaw—that in, I aa tha auater." raid Mr. Keilh with dlpthy. - Wlml can I do - T Nothia s , Igwru; aw. umt two to aaa if yoa—that in if tbc attaltru <4 the hoaae—woald takr aaa» of the hwhy while --^tSSt^-rracdhorbh fry. The hoy put h»» thumb to bis no**, und hundred il.tllurs’ worth «-f Then not* : Then Mr. Keith sent m billowing M I>«.\u Mart:—Come ht»mc. I git* •p be*L A w«*w*n d«»cs h»'«- n grunt Heal to Ho. 1 eoUMHM myself inrompetent manage. Come h«M JR* (I you sJaaII hare a new silk Are** and u daughter of Brin to HiviHc your labors. " Votavs faJtbfa.'lr, Ii. Maim." «A* Essay on Dogs, Jn*h Hillings favors the world With j^UiN $ ha xttnrr, tX covtLim f A tit ft. ftff.f-SK.lfw. h tt.L ntsm AT THE ifitilf HAllftU (ATM *r -rtr* onir» a* Tho eansUikUaaaiitt. FOKG-WtE REMAHK& Take ffRTe of your plow, an J jo«f pdn^ wiD ukp fart ®f you. "Dm r rat said ID the trap when he left hi* tail ia It. Tn* ehirrun I fl»ir wtulher, but t indicate* rsl*i •f lit* cricket » sign ««f be rry of tha trve-tonH .^fN> here, mister," said i Wd nf srrru summers, who wss driven ttf a Uee by * r*-D«tfhdN H«ijf, If rim fhm't fake that H-g away I will eat Op iHyo«f ilpplps.** Iknlgeti vhUbrcBtu rtf the tallow I grraardl irtv ihw** with Ihrs ntotwlng f ** I fried the bwrkwbrnt* in ii." “Oh; 1 ww* nfrmkl ymt hrel wreOcd *•.** (At - the dog ain't p»«*dtal*lr. There mu' nothing ramie boarding a NcwftrtkiKu dog. terriers Mr usrfhl to kwtrli rats; but A man bt klsluf bowed haughtily, aud lefttiie house. Keith returned to the kitehen a tittle crestCsIlm, fur Mrs. kludge was a lady he- fr*re wlnim be ahlwJ to appear particularly Thor* wa* a tremendous rear king in the oven, lie thought of his podding and looked in. The burnt rice had hopped ail over the oven ; the basin had wMrllr*l part, am] the pwdding sa* not done. He sunt the door upon U»o ruins in disguoL ami looked after his potatoes only to timl hem a perfect icily. Aad just as lie made Jic discovery there was a sharp peal at the door-bcU. ** Creation I there’s that uUnninablc bell again. It wish folk* w.raH rtay at hem*—ll lock all the Hoofs and cut the bcN aril* after tieduy." At the door be found Mr. and Mrs. Fidget and their ehildrau. My dear Mr. Keith, how do you do T cried Mrs. Fidget: “We were in town, and thought we'd juststepin to dinner;— Where'. Mm. Keith T She's gone RS»ay," said Keith, rnefully wondering what lw should Awd tlieni ; -walk in, do; I am the hndvokerper to- '‘' '“Yra. .o I abowl.1 jud^e- H-t ef course yon make a s|4cndid one. 1 re- member ion used to lie frequently telling Mrs. Keith and BiyseK b<»w very *a«y howsekeepirag must be. It nmst br mere ^lav to yon. Don’t put y«Hirself oat, 1 .higs are generally w^rluV, tliet* *r* tW lien they ain't generally profitable. very ranch in the habit of drawing the “long bow." fh*e of his stories nas follows: I>»d you ever see on* of the** here bo*»p snakes t .No," sat* the Hslcncr; “I didn't think there was any such thing." “<1i. ye%" say* .Mr. Moon ; I’ve seen one. Me ami my hired man was down there in the home lot, by the side of the tore I, and we see something rolling down the hill, ami says ), I gwesa that are n>a«t My hired man, he was afeared, and dim the road, and when Ire can* ithrag I ««*k out the hoe handle, and he hit it a slap, and he mad* a noise je» like a pl*t«d ; and. sir, it warn't imw'i. a result at-rtr that arc ho* handle was ivcW up a* |»|g as ray VgT’ A Meeting it Se>. On theae vast pallre of the deep, along which are seca nritliev tree*, nor t ifcgrs. aor cities, nor town*, nor spin-*, nor tuuilre; oa this causeway without r.Humus, w'lth- f*Ut milevtoac*; which ba« imi (•oumlaric* bat tl* wares, no relays hut the winds so light hut tho stars—"the ra.**! delightful adventure, when «me is a«K in qno%t of lauds and seas unknown, is the meeting of two ecv*dt. Tire mutual discovers tak«» placu along the horiaon hr the Mp of a telescope; then tlicy make all mil toward* each other. The crew, ami passenger*, hurry upon thr dock. The two ships ap preach, hoist their flag*, brail half ap their Pfrt mraeif oat, l—J-a*!” enral KriOt. ruling to the kitahen. tfrred graelou* . AB * *"'?'* ?** lo f IM give a hundred dob a a* only here ! Whore shall from the poop hall each other with speak wig trumpet*—lire name of ihc vesM-l fr»n« what port—tire name of the cants where he conic* from—where he bound fr*r. how many days hi* nasaagr lasted, and what are his n|i-m«ion* raw the kftiigitudo and latitude. There iiucsti' *u*— 14 tiood voyage." The nails are unhrailrd. and boMf to the wind. The tailors And pasaengvta rtf the tww tnnrb Whw each other with their eyes, without •oyiug a word; there going to «*«k th* •nu of Asia *tl»ore th* saw of Europe, which will c<|(Lilly *cc tb*-ni die. Tifnc •'juries away ami separate* travelcre Up»a tlic earth, more promptly still than the of adieu from afar— nmon port is Btcv- re treat mg what shall lar* if Mary begin r lie drew out tho table and set it with- out aay cloth, lire" l**uk «dT the plate# ami put hi a cloth—tire very «»«• he ha<l wiped the dishes on. The task completed he put on some more potatoes and some more steak ; burned th* Aleak to a cinder, took of his potatoes when Ire did hi* meat and put them all up--a lire table. There was a Jua/ of bokora bread in tire cup- board ; he paraded that, and called his guests lo dinner. A quizzical smile spread over Mrs. .* " *. ^ -9rt‘ - r •“ rpr-t.— :r„,r^ra, n r^ Mr. KcU. .mm . raid parapiratrai. TIk mlmt Bwkr -(pi , - rzi,‘t£j 5- « earad littla Jnktar Etdfrt. * - Aad at, fua* ia «l ait on* will War iWt Vomiiac •>» lira table cWL aad aty tatra ain't baft bilcd rnrd mile Sa. r “!fV aoiaa ia the kiU-hai draw Hie attention >rf Mr. Krith. -J apt ter T cried be. “if lira. O'FWiartj-'a dog ml ranklag off »itli ray .trait P lie Jmtped front tbc tabic atfi .tarted bat panrats Tbc tla~ at»l« Hut brat of Koitb'a aaacco.toair.1 ratira ... a grant drawback, and fee made bat Stile - Kilf himr be r-!ie<l to the crowd that joined ia tba parrait. -1 wiR girn Rfttwn doltar. (ut Un bid.r Mm. O'FUbetty beraclf appeared on the ece-te with a nkilWt of hot water. ••Tech hint if rer dara !" nlra criod.— I'll break the bonen of ori ry niother'n non of rern! Stand from "forainat, or •""r 6 .b.t nt-rIihni*-!Tp«rjioae.7* in- tyaitvd the npcith For ntldns a Lam," ... the reply. H ia a atnadtap rale ia twf rbaecb. 1 * sai'l on* clergyman to aunthet. " frr tho sexton lo wake np any roan that ho urea aolccp." I think," . to drop I hiop. to wake yoa ap." n.tw old ate vtat !" naked l . coadm-lor of a little girl wlnrai bra awtbra won let ht* lo pan. tat a half ticket. -I aaa attra at Inwftt I Jm In the ram I ran only t^raThT, tcutiw. iua-iiKr po« i At lengfk Ire said ; sensible contemporary "Tlw snoti lweak up tk . fHirs says they «"^h* ah.» idrdgc th •elves to kUaevpry man that don't nav ||— and ue go f..v that t«io. In a rvKgiows rwilrutfut hi DsWb 8 |rer*«n Riel a arlgfrhor, wire bntk hint by tire Itaiwl and olid: I bare bee.otto -Iora gM of It.' Kae now feooc a retil.iitnH of that aocout Dotnccn On. I'oy ran what "Vo.“noW the ncw-htwi. child, Inroing -n hi. keel | " religion la reSgora, aad bn-hrano b Iradarre. VVht, Maar, my door. Imw In thin. I fend yoa aitliap: bare .it - I am delighted to .rer r I’ll. IJ.rar brag .re toa going to alar!" - Why, I Uriah, raid the edH»w, f .halt Jar white rer money baare.” How di-app.dated t are, H .aid the friend; 1 b*^ed yaw eat pbig to ttar a day or two.*' A Tfellrhftlaa trace mr, aa hslrnua aw » brarlr fetabwar. Aa thrr aret. each ram -railed: Ibiabwre kr knew aarh other. - Pal. on re-rag hi. mail aa it Ii n look of dlmppointtit - Faith, on' I tlmnght it yoa thought ll *M n»e. na' it' I hiirlwmt 1 yoa lob) ate Ihln I ton bn-l onarreledt end he hod gone f.it i rail* r - I. bit bee ! I biU row nothing of the kind." “I Ih. main-ore! 1 am .ora ro. had .rare read, tograbea* Ye., father, re w. had Ho rafted aa what u'rhiek it want I rahl I dhla'I kmiw i and -ah- left the h-Hire, ear lag. beret, graeo fa or J That', all I tohl'yoa.'' In oar of oor large Hites a -hurt time mp., a Wrnlraa r-.lat.ra- won met by a Stood * ho, taking him by mtm Tbc Dutebmaa replied: * taw. da. ia thru : I am anndrr man, ami yoa ia no* yoarnelf 1 we pe nwtb ohioc other padien.” A rcry carioa* moik- of Irriag the title J * *«• —“ of Knd in peaotired » Hia.lo.trat. Two A traeHler -r. Ural if Ira w«e ralrad Ira holm are dag re the dherated i^ot. ia each 1 .Imeribr the tret ten ret. rang a lonilni. of Whirl, tba piointif. aad irdeodnat 1 . be w.raVI rer ; - Take a arada atool. ami ir lego and fe hn.iog noamlit no re high ra il .oatrir-. them L tlrr-il. pat It ia a cart wWhaat .patags pi ra. nteil. In thi. l-.t., and neat Jaire die can, wra- Ir in which hi. client ia defhotrd. coontrr it in the client, nod not the lowree who pula kit fvf I n plowed Add. and yow off form rente notion of ike terror and oarer minty yoa woald cepe timer the Sod Imre A Miao.arlan lofrnmed a Irarelcr who I ’oo tnonnlod a marl mgimed ab-ut Ilia eon, that each walk had I nine car, on it and wan IHteen feet high. | Jnhnndirl yrra look at do V-bpra lotbra •' Tl.at'n moiling to oor com," replied the day thaw' a ghwa." trareb-r. Vp in HKnoio, where I eraoe ' - I looked at him Ikm' Ihrra. -ta-ra-. ftom. we alwaya hmi nine era. b> each Sant. Ut m-o raj honor I rare! wot., .talk, ami a pork of .Iralle.l corn banging acepl atare. to each l.raei ; Ut we eonld nerer mire | •• WluB kind oh gkra wra it, Jniiaa.* «., Aebl bn.ua with it.” - Why r -Urn - Why gbrae- oh ebl caore the corn grew ao Ut tl at il aln.y. yoa nlapid nigger, don't pulled Ih* brans Up." j stroncrtly."

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  • *Î B ftaajliiiiaariat. j .UNB'IKLD, 1*. J.,

    1 Hi CHIX1 mUT,

    FORCI fc BRO.,

    --'•sfsss.... •-"•."•"•.•".•.i!aTWUWOF " Support the Constitution, which is the cement of the Union, as well in its limitations as in Its ant '-ZADISOI.


    JOB KtlliBUl



    HAM.M. Tiimmrm,

    IriflMt*•T THE LMTMf M t e i l i | « ( I

    The e]U SIVKSS MUOCTtmt. vj vxiv rvHHtatomtt nut

    Parties, Waddl&ge auad Sociables.


    ,.MkHimriwliUHtw Plalnfield

    Dime Savings InstitationruiUifiriii, x.j^

    O m c s IT POP! * PAHSK'B BTORIC

    M DIVIDEND.Thl-In-tmttlon h«K IILTUM • riliMm* r Itlt rffiptr twiner uoftfltirrnrroN m ttt,. . . ^ J I M T M.Brt .fl.-r Jil^ « h . 1W». l . l n n i w* = '•" •—

    Ju!"*>iw7ll d'cSn lii'l' n-.^? "'"ill

    CEORCE R. POUND,• Mr Of 1st national Bant;-.,


    Wool, Sheep Skins, Hides, Tallow, & c ,F»r *Mrh a. Carti Trier will he uald »| .IIT Un.t: on•cillery. Jam'-l

    as"ICE CREAM.

    Pm-o loo rVe.im!w F«»lHm m l Dtrtlo at Mh-.rT Nntlr-.

    «KO. MIU.Fra»»nr Fnitwnon llui -n. Scmcii



    mlitii iliyBl tn m i . < a n i"u> «n° "fHrrfciti, "iXtDdpulditwn. Iti-nairtui-andAll Order* thankfully rfcfccl̂

    j ivTENKYI K.


    fiS^T^ciTY EXPRESS !Rartae «|wnied ao »flk« fortaeabevr k w t a w , we

    Bnu^iiKi' ant l Kin-nitm-f.T« HI4 h a Ihc t>n>nt to all pan* nf tb* C'ilj andeijil« : aim fM* -ik [an or :*• t-w, io an.Hh.i-. ,

    OFFICE Cor. Fror\t and Chorr, mtm.

    ,| Ia>t. lorair.l ,7n Ct-ntwl.I V b t L l K1H 1 . K|iEa

    ' ' BMhand°AhuIa>)t|^«l/ai!d OK "i

    ]», M. ntEsrvii A st i\s.M ltUC-BA.fr MILI.KKX.

    ]>UfNnEf.l . MAU1HJ-: WOHKK,



    m»w rradT far luaznedinte Imprti'tnu'Til. Ytltc.atWk. D.C5. HYDE,

    4 * « »•(». « . ; ™. , .or MARRIOTT J I / / . * CO.!

    Jb-wtf PuisriiLu, S- *.

    FOR^ALE.Westfield Towsliip Bonds,

    INMUHI for SCIKHII jinqm—s in i.-niitpli| anre .i( an Act pa*f teti o'cU«;k."

    "foii ld yon, iiKlecd r"To be sure if you mouU iuil%< give tni>

    the cbwwg (.f it."" Y«a Hhali I m d," w.i.1 Mr*. Kciih

    itIv. " 1 bttve l«n« wanted to Tisit niv*. I will id* ao now, and you

    .iv keep hi>»«. I nIiaU bare to cook uph i "


    in;. Slwfiins, WlkUKSt1 t̂ >•nri-itii*rirtli.B«tt«4im]|iTan. Kcitli:but when can I g.) T* T. • i i o m n , if y.nr like."'- And am you *urc that you i-an mart


    "Surer What a look lie snvalior.'—•Voa ahan-w.-Mr-. Kciih Untied a Httlc t.> nfrrneif

    wtiuii iier liuntiHiii li-fl dur nl tin; dt-potand tunicd &U *h-p* boincwar.1 lo clear•way tlie I>ruak£u4 thing* and prepareliiiiicr, She only »i^ht-.i IIM conM U;iltcre iarwiblf, am) M-e bint manage

    *• Irft me •!•«," Mfliqnisod Kcitli, «nUir-Iriir tin- kit.-ln-n. ••I'll waah the dUlicsftrst, aad I'll M t m o K o T Mary . drew..

    ) kct-p n»c clean.'1

    Ho r..tcncd it nronnd hi* waiU with apin, rullud tip III* alcvvrs anil looked abouthim. t b e gn; « M oat, l>m nfier much

    •>nl>l« he MKeceded tn rrkindling it, anden began tin- disln-s.He teolt then to tlip sink, pltjgjrt-.] up

    the spoot, aad tmt tlivm aH to aoak in apail of cold vRlcr.

    "Tlrcre,-they're wawnod,** wi!d he tohimK-lf; "now foraoawthin^ to wipe themI.TI. I'll take tlie table doth. Sncba faiuo.s woman do mafec abo«i work. Whv, 1-onidwaah ntl llie diiAc» in the ncighbor-HN>d in half a day. ThU itsw pan .nielUif •Zrcwur. 1 wonder what'n tin; matternf i t ! liiere, I'ro gotaowa nmnt on inyhand ! Titcre it pw.«« that china Mocer

    tfcc it', I wish then waa noawint!t^re fl oni* plate jjon© lo sina^n .—•

    And 1'rc KU'pporl int.. that potato dUbthat 1 M-1 on tb« floor to drr, and that'*ttoa. to the AadteK Oh, there g^c* t !«•

    mi pitcber! Nrr«r miml, accidentsI happen. 1 gueu will trim tlie lamp*;l; molb«r atwav* trimiaed the aimp*

    in tlie iBoraiag. Confooad Utem, bowblack tho efaintneyK are !"

    Tlina conrenin); with hitmcir, Mr. Keit 1.pot the cbimaera into tlte baam and oo-ajcitated a moment. Tie had heard it u idthat boiKng water *aa cleatiung; *o beg•eafd«d t W


    and tbo nmnrtgbiMy,abont a hundred diafcreut pieces to eachchimney.

    "Good grwriom!" crwd h*, "who'dhare thoarht it! Tliera'a HHnebody atthe door. I'll jui4 »tcp «nt a* 1 am. Itcan't be aaybodr 1 care for a* early aatliia,"

    A fmaU bnr prefteated hhnwif, eveiMr. Keith witj* ilf-MiPp«*ed mink.

    - lie yoo the inUtmi of the ho«M I"" Yaa tfwt » , I am the matter," utid

    Mr. Keith with dlcnffy. " What can I

    3 oi nin̂ f, I ̂ ur *a \ num aent me otAM« if yon—thatU if the mini m e of thehouse— would tako mwo of the bnby white•heroes nhoppinpr*

    •* \ o , " roared Keith, *• I*TC otlier finli tofry.

    Th« boy put his thumb to bin note, and

    "1'lfpi down thc'oplUr and brine ftpsotne coaL," aaid be, and ho started brisklyduwa the Hairs.

    On The necond step l.c put Jii* footf"np;h a rip in hi* drem itkirt atntnlilcd

    aad rell tn the bottom of the cellar, «ma«ti-a banket of nnt*> ami knocking onr a

    »Wlf k.nde.1 with nam of milk.re take it f" escbiimed he, scramb-

    ling to his feet aid robbing bin twad.—u Il.tw do women iflfinj*'̂ c with tlu?*t- in-

    rt-z famm ! 1 iliatl break my neckwith titi> yrt t"

    Tbo fire made o£alti, Mr. Keith bc-hought liim of dinner, l ie looked at tlieime-Mece. It wan one o'clock. Almo«t

    /mwbr dinner I He had hciir, hi* wife•ay that a rice pnddinn; was easily made;he wonld hare rice pudding and boiled potatoe* and broiled steaJt.

    l ie wHwl a natin with rice, Mirrol in aittle ingar, dropped in an rgg,. and set.iie Ixmin into the oven. l*hc potatoes Itewashed in noapaods, that they certainlymight heriran, aiid pnt them into tlie tea-kettle l>ecanae tlte? would hoi! onicker.

    Tlie »tfnm wa* frinting in the frvinff-paa; be wa* pr-iei-eding to set the tablewhen tlie bcH rang. Ho cangltt tbe panfroaaj UM fire to beep it from Imming, nodmade Itaate to the front door. Then be

    nlierod it would not IK- just the tilingto the door with a frying-pan in his

    hand, M> be deposited it on' tlie parlor sofaaad anowered tbe ring.

    Si™, llr- Mn.ljre was on the Mcptvowl in her bmt.- Why. Mr. k>ith," said *IH>, hnishing in

    •pitc of hcrwlf. " Your appt-arancu iaillv extrviwly domertic r*"Yes—I—dare nay,** at am me red Kcitli;ny wifu id abiont, and I am the•idSBt.

    Mix Umitcc aailed inU> the parlor, whichi>darkcm.-d to exclude the BUM, an>l aiili-it stopping to look at Itcr w.-at, n.ink intoc fniiif;-paii on llie Bofa."JupiWrr' criod Mr.Kcitli, "yon have

    done it aow *"Mr*. MtH

    1 lierc ww a tMUMOVvHtta erackitif* tn t lie'en. l ie thought of Ilia pudding and

    looked in. ilte bamt rice had Ifppeilrer the ov«n ; tlie liaxin bad melted

    apart, and tike padding wan not done l ieMint the door upon the niirnt in di*gu«t.uid liMikcd after his potatoes only to limlhem a perfect jelly. And junt a» li« mnde;liu discovert therV was a sharp pe:il ;.t thedoor-bell.

    " Creation'. tl'cre's thnt nlfominnlik-IM:!I again. Il wish folko wouM M-HV athome—111 luck aU the doors and cut thebell wire after in-day." —

    At the door be fimn.i Mr. and Mr*.•Idfpit and their children.

    " iij dear Mr. Kcitb, how plemlid one. 1 rc-

    member von ai>ed to be freqnently teHinirMr*. Kcitb and my.*If bow very •

    •cjtiniF mast be It mnst be iyoa. I*.wi't pot yonrwlf ont, \

    i mysolfout, indoed I* fried Kcitli,retrcatinsjtatiiokiUilK.il. »(4,mdKracwhat .hull I do i I'd ptvc a hundred dol-lars if Mary WM only here ! Wlierc shall1 begin P

    lie drew out the table and net it witht any cloth, then took off the plates and

    put on a clotH—tlic reri one Itc hadwiped the dishes on. Tbe ta*k completedhe put on some more potatoes and somemore steak ; liiirn«vr of a little jfiri *h>«i IMT m"tlwrWM f frrttff to pane en a half-ticket. "I *Mnine at horrh!! hft hi the riffs I am roily*LX and a half."

    . * * . — —A gTvcnhorn *at ft long time very il-

    tentire, iini-.inr wbat fellow took (he tfnaUitu fiiitl nil them UT ifk-y, and pwt straw*•round 'ein."'

    A *cn*lli(t contemporary •«*:•, " Ttmiromcfi onght to mnkP a plrdj« iwrt tnit** a man w ho MM* U'bwm, and to wonl'lsoon Eneak rrp the pructlr^," A friend ofnun *av* '• lli('T oiî -hl uU" In |>!clj*r thfntscke* to kiwi every ma'i that don't us* it—-and we go for that tun.

    In J* religious cTCitonVjit i.i B.>«t«rt 4.Kr̂ .>n iflet a m-lffrtth.r, who trtiifc 111 tit bythe hand and u id ;

    " I hare become a fhrixtian.*4

    - I ma gtmt of 11,*1 (tr fejdien. " Suppo»o w« i w * h**v a *rtflemewt at tiiatlittle nccottnt between M». V*J ate wkat

    M itwcut."" N.'," n«M tlti- nr-w-lwitit . hild, tnminfti hi* hedj "reliiioH la rel.'.H.w, andi»kwaa y rtWug


    " Why, Mary, my oVar, HAW U this, tfind j i-a" ilUJM IBWV "i no»r»fiiHal,|y withyour Imsliand J yMu> UTM, lUaOS, ft d. jss&£s&&sLnttZ'.as M.. nw. Iter* KereadTif I«a4e

    JOHN II. VAN W1NKLK. iTTOMIT A COlSmUS AT LAW *J£ 1PV » aor* i«lnwinl U> mr Ituplns •*/ a *«rief aOmtlnai R MiYa. b * ' r PabIR PaitoaajP. ~ Ferris A Hanson,

    PRACTICAL plumOrrm anti flan fitter»,

    WsurrntLs, X. J. Tin Hoofing «V I^«*:»cl«*rin*?.


    fan Draft-

    Mr. Keith, after •humming;th* door m mem always Ho wko are nnt of temper, rPtnnwd to tbs kitchen. TV- tire not, and the *7 " 1*1 jpt down iHc arllu snd Urwvjj ap me cost,*' mid he, amd he started briskly Hows tV Hairs. ? pot < skirt i On the second step tsfonjjh a rip in hi- -It ssH fell to the bottom of the eeBar. smash- i»tf « hsakrt of nflr*. «*d knocking orer a shelf loaded with pan. of milk. “ Urtct takr it!" ctchumol be, scramb- ling to hi* feet sod rnl-Unp hi- head.— •* How Ho women manage with the—- in- ternal Ions Jrewn! 1 shall break mr neck with thm eetr TV Ale made attain, Mr. Keith be- thought him at dinner, lie looked at tlie time-piece. It wo- one o'clock. Almost time h.r dinner! He had HearJ hi* wkfc t a rice 1 he would ha to I

    ye’B rue the day !" Keith U*vk a step forwafd, stepped on hks akin, and pitrtmd liemi ttrrt Info a win,- Collar, where half a Joaten uteri »et* plac- ing cards. " The devil in petticoat»!" exclaimed rtne gamester, ami the place was emptied •fnfdter than a wink. Tltc tmAcr picked sp Mr. Keith «»n- aidsrahN bruised and Carried hint ffrnna. Ilia company had takca their departure, and surm' nfte R"t having the tear of the Uw upon hhft had catered S«d *t»lea a


    Horn Hr- Keith tUmpd. • M»n'« MO— It Son mm to MU, l.nl W'irk M nercr doae," quote! Mr.. Keith. Shr UH lt.IJ.~i her .orh fcr Ik. St, m»I r« uhi„e *f krr nnHn*. elm Mr. Keith "p-n a riaqcer UmUIo uni a howl o grur, in tho kit ■fler ‘ "

    f!3!SjSKlh The "poutnei In. . ■' Jw.1 in nnwi'lr thnt thrr rcrtainlr I on rl'^. - P.«r in ih. himp. ,, ,._m „„ , - I »*r* hmm, - «re o«-»nl, l.nt thrr are n..| , A Mr, with n Mgh crolaimoj, “ \\ nil, I I. ’irti dlhlhll Miokrr I Th. Nurfhauffia due I l-re h-t hwnriHt r -O, nani kellle IrrM-r U-r wonhl hul^aicher.^ j .„ ^ m ,„M 4r,..n,n. j j how =VI i .m." «hi her rHH, - th« . _ I™.*8. Thn ilhV~ ,Hlt .Tw" h”’T* ,n here . ponrl >.f n.lrr I hnre At it I *W It tnrtnentej J ^Sltn.: •*« ekikirrn mnnlMR .W k.rrlr... .n ... when the bch rang. Ho caognt tbc pan i , t|— A— _x_'» fi I . .... _ . _ from the Ire to krep it fr-an l.nrnii.g, ami . made baste to the fn*nt d«w*r. Then V u_, — 1 * -mIJ a.M ..1M tka (Liu.. I ,Ul

    I airvat. S.twM-11 i Terry JAMKK M. VIKiKIIKW,

    ,) .\aw r. ii. niN/Ku, 'i~uw.

    Wru. E trs*-} ‘iiTTVAN ACOUY. I1.WA.M AaK- WV- >1 The Cty Segar Store.

    nA^atrSri4,?s.2K.2r *—^ MAIN STRKF.T. Or tara'i rinmn tun #*/« in/irid. I Iiun4 h..'e»,,e «>■ In.J * in- .—in*,rf Foreign and DomoHtio Segars, Pl/iem, Tohnrm, Snuff — MM^awbM Front St, (bet Cherry A Peace) n».i (rtnii ihwugh b,t™ o'.

    —Mr™. 1 ,

    Stoves. Rahges. Aca. < aa«taai1y na lutad. M*W' rrUKI- ft II \NRON. The Old Meat Stand

    mntv rattifill llrnrv. Yoa do nnt how mnnr thinnr 1 hnro to nec to.' - Illimph r»J M. Koilh. utlinr down in a hukrt of frchlv ironui cloth, ^ “ I nrrrw wowld r.onplnin of Mali a Into a. I hat I If I < umrh inure, 'chalk”

    rrVT*£~~ ‘ - •'i""1 'ptoi'nl.h ’ni .Si. Tire coach do,-; - mr ^ U^-unL A I im 1 — «» »« -«* »•« *1f I k.o. o?; 1'liJmt ** -TU ***** ^ ** bareacoack (ami that ’ Mm Mufe mfed i.w the part.r. whicli jjj 7, £, *LJ Thife In nrhaic the Min, and aitk- i.™"'' _ ^ * a. darken.) b nnt ,tn|rfaa- hi look at her uat. uak into thr fning-pnn on liar .J. ” Ji!|.iU-r r criod Mr. Krilh, M yoa hare ma it now V Mm. Madtfa fwaag ap. tha strnat drip-

    r rtfKMth iTMit. DMaMA. k*. J. U MAUMI. I AiK/HONKES.

    ]_ M tKKMli. 1 \ Kill Alt K MAKKR AXD OKNKRAL AOTORR.

    ' J"U~ At MrtfK, nt Hew piotacnti ul SHrtr True Giitor

    3TOW OP10> ! ' 1'mctRHW* m r»T* KiUMiUa ra.

    AT RKKftoXABLK PRICKR. pat netware. I hnpe hr i Unlarw jKttrei—lj a1l

    MANSION IIOl'HK. diAmniNDAiua rwisA-w. ? \ VARS, irmm,

    iAIKHUT FTREET. PLAINFIELD. W. •. •EL X.XZ,~ - — ONURItlMiXK *‘nsilEK. SASH. BLIND AND DUVR FJMTfXHIT. ")*l" Uw Drp«. . - PLAINFIBLD. N. J i**n*«. ml Lorn fUtrr jmt

    Main 8L,Or.0m7 Plainfield Cood 1 Be«*r * Be« 1 Wfcftf I am prepare* ■sRfc’is Inwtai ink, Oil or Watwr Color.

    “ "»w. fSA Kkrarra. Vuvsrt*. Vmtmmulm. TrlfMmlsr*. FAMOV 0 0 0 0 8, «■ rtf wMrK kavr hren hnm**\ si rt*r V^rref i-—IM- prAr.-< SIHI will hr- ->M ■rf.^d|n*lr wllht-il ra-.’Sr>l It. b-„Ur ran.- UH.I.INKKT AimlrtraU I- iW m-m. ■■^vrrs^iTH^r.' nr.-;—,- „« *. II •-ml r*«m»ne "*ir •I—-V hrbitn •>-»»fi»r »r. 11,-,.. >,r (,t| rrh»-l"- : WtlKKH, fllKKRT aoak in a pail of c.4d r.ur. -Tlrcrw, Ibcr'rr aaJw-1.” aaid he lo himtwlf: -now for aouolhiag lo wipe tlicm on. I'D lake llic tabic chrlh. Sacha ftian a. .moon do make nitwit work. U; conhl wuh all Ihc dither in tho neighbor- hood ia half a day. Thin ntew pan of dfcaan. I wonder whal't Ihc matter of ill There, I’ro gotaoua —intea uy hand! Thera it gnaa na that ellina aaorer dimeetakctt! I -tail there »u Iiilie, rtw-cc't one plate pnna to i And 1're atrppcd Into that potato dinh thnt I art aa the (aor to drr. aad that', ,wtaa to thr ahadra. (Sl, there pirn Ibr cream pitcher! Nrrer uiud, accident, .ill happen. 1 (nau will leina tietl: mot Iter alwat a tnworl tho lamp, the moraiag. Coafooad thorn, how

    himaelf. Mr. Keith black tho ehanwoya aro

    aputad a m-aaent. Ha had heard it raid boiling water warla wtihd the thauaowa. aad tho iraalt hand rad difcraul piocu to .

    t t-a-ji, .(Broof r n»7 gairiar;

    al grwaiou w-wyhi it! I" aSad ha. “ who'd injiaat urp oataa lam. can't bo utyhodr I oara for u cull aa thta.”

    -He yo. the mUtrru of tha hoau P - Yaw—that in, I aa tha auater." raid Mr. Keilh with dlpthy. - Wlml can I do -TNothias, Igwru; aw. umt two to aaa if yoa—that in if tbc attaltru «.\u Mart:—Come ht»mc. I git* •p be*L A w«*w*n d«»cs h»'«- n grunt Heal to Ho. 1 eoUMHM myself inrompetent V» manage. Come h«M JR* (I you sJaaII hare a new silk Are** and u daughter of Brin to HiviHc your labors. " Votavs faJtbfa.'lr, Ii. Maim." «A* Essay on Dogs,

    Jn*h Hillings favors the world With

    j^UiN $

    ha xttnrr, tX covtLim f A tit ft. ftff.f-SK.lfw. h tt.L ntsm

    AT THE ifitilf HAllftU (ATM *r -rtr* onir» a*

    Tho eansUikUaaaiitt. FOKG-WtE REMAHK&

    Take ffRTe of your plow, an J jo«f pdn^ wiD ukp fart ®f you. "Dm r rat said ID the trap when he left hi* tail ia It. Tn* ehirrun I fl»ir wtulher, but t indicate* rsl*i

    •f lit* cricket i» » sign ««f be rry of tha trve-tonH

    .^fN> here, mister," said i Wd nf srrru summers, who wss driven ttf a Uee by * r*-D«tfhdN H«ijf, “ If rim fhm't fake that H-g away I will eat Op iH yo«f ilpplps.** “ Iknlgeti vhUbrcBtu rtf the tallow I grraardl irtv ihw** with Ihrs ntotwlng f ** I fried the bwrkwbrnt* in ii." “Oh; 1 ww* nfrmkl ymt hrel wreOcd *•.** — (At -

    the dog ain't p»«*dtal*lr. There mu' nothing ramie boarding a NcwftrtkiKu dog. terriers Mr usrfhl to kwtrli rats; but A man bt klsluf

    bowed haughtily, aud lefttiie house. Keith returned to the kitehen a tittle crestCsIlm, fur Mrs. kludge was a lady he- fr*re wlnim be ahlwJ to appear particularly Thor* wa* a tremendous rear king in the oven, lie thought of his podding and looked in. The burnt rice had hopped ail over the oven ; the basin had wMrllr*l ■part, am] the pwdding sa* not done. He sunt the door upon U»o ruins in disguoL ami looked after his potatoes only to timl hem a perfect icily. Aad just as lie made Jic discovery there was a sharp peal at the door-bcU. ** Creation I there’s that uUnninablc bell again. It wish folk* w.raH rtay at hem*—ll lock all the Hoofs and cut the bcN aril* after tieduy." At the door be found Mr. and Mrs. Fidget and their ehildrau. “ My dear Mr. Keith, how do you do T cried Mrs. Fidget: “We were in town, and thought we'd juststepin to dinner;— Where'. Mm. Keith T She's gone RS»ay," said Keith, rnefully wondering what lw should Awd tlieni ; -walk in, do; I am the hndvokerper to-

    '‘' '“Yra. .o I abowl.1 jud^e- H-t ef course yon make a s|4cndid one. 1 re- member ion used to lie frequently telling Mrs. Keith and BiyseK ba«t My hired man, he was afeared, and dim

    the road, and when Ire can* ithrag I ««*k out the hoe handle, and he hit it a slap, and he mad* a noise je» like a pl*t«d ; and. sir, it warn't imw'i. a result at-rtr that arc ho* handle was ivcW up a* |»|g as ray VgT’ A Meeting it Se>. On theae vast pallre of the deep, along which are seca nritliev tree*, nor t ifcgrs. aor cities, nor town*, nor spin-*, nor tuuilre; oa this causeway without r.Humus, w'lth- f*Ut milevtoac*; which ba« imi (•oumlaric* bat tl* wares, no relays hut the winds so light hut tho stars—"the ra.**! delightful adventure, when «me is a«K in qno%t of lauds and seas unknown, is the meeting of two ecv*dt. Tire mutual discovers tak«» placu along the horiaon hr the Mp of a telescope; then tlicy make all mil toward* each other. The crew, ami passenger*, hurry upon thr dock. The two ships ap preach, hoist their flag*, brail half ap their

    Pfrt mraeif oat, l—J-a*!” enral KriOt. ruling to the kitahen. “ tfrred graelou* . AB * *"'?'* ?** lo f IM give a hundred dob a a* only here ! Whore shall from the poop hall each other with speak wig trumpet*—lire name of ihc vesM-l fr»n« what port—tire name of the cants — where he conic* from—where he bound fr*r. how many days hi* nasaagr lasted, and what are his n|i-m«ion* raw the kftiigitudo and latitude. There iiucsti' *u*—14 tiood voyage." The nails are unhrailrd. and boMf to the wind. The tailors And pasaengvta rtf the tww tnnrb Whw each other with their eyes, without •oyiug a word; there going to «*«k th* •nu of Asia *tl»ore th* saw of Europe, which will crf Mr. Krith. -J apt ter T cried be. “if lira. O'FWiartj-'a dog ml ranklag off »itli ray .trait P lie Jmtped front tbc tabic atfi .tarted bat panrats Tbc tla~ at»l« Hut brat of Koitb'a aaacco.toair.1 ratira ... a grant drawback, and fee made bat Stile

    - Kilf him r be r-!ie

  • •TV",I860, »t4«'i*>Ct P ^ o

    The rvgubir i^ontli'y moctinff '̂of tinAsj^riiilinn w!H bcfield at the DemocraticItrniling Koi>m, on Saturday evening.Beptembor 4i!,., at 8 o'clock. Full attcudmicu i* ronm-stril.

    JAMKK Cl-ARK, PrniieM.

    NOTICE,jKlirnod mootingof CViinmit-, tii jiroriire nuolher steamer,

    *ill l.c hfM at Steamer House this (Thurs-

    NVPIIAN HAItl'Ki;, Chairman.• ««o. IT. Y, &AX1WLV1I. Serrrbir*.

    J. _ . . » . '



  • Local aad State Items. ,,:.

    THE NEW STEAMR.Agricul-

    tiof 17. a» an

    MB. Mnr*ln»H more*! as a further RtAstj;ititc lliilt all IJiC pi.-rsniis on wii>*oriptioiiV elded, Whiet motwm w*g IRsfT** "

    J35T* Thp Statfft*1.G*»,8J) income l al vcrtemtiug June 30t1i hurt. I l . r jraElicrfoiirizcJ I • J juMi-inx' t l i t ftt in tlic tuftUatTtiUH-u* of .tlie |

    n S r n v c " f t r c ( ' s f'Jrty-five miks lonj, am

    rftbc-C»Mimitn-.ur fi«.w..ro rav.,r..l.ly tfiJI^K-W.y.ftfr. " * * —Wo -re'IHengine, built - -

    v.m^-.,.«ir M=&~ New JcrMv marl eniitaifii akfi1i!,l.ihViAii

    Bend, lately lost u. me of o.ir churcliei

    -o iuiaie(n;is discovered tli'.'re

    l: .1 , . , , . | , . ; , | . , o | ,,,,-IVK.,,,,. fr.r „„ "H"i*?l>y " t o o " ? ,,«l>rt«r,,nnfr uatural a- hf,- al tl.t-ir _1•|,.n.«!o|,i,- ,-l;,b-\>u.,.kcni: (iiiniic as ll,e ,>,,e of thai raw"- -XlJ H^"1 M» bo »ucro)tfftl!lv en!- li-l,m-c!ii-e nf Itiiixrlfe "BKcVtsiois" of "Scotch riain-

    .u'.k. ' . \ t , ^ . | o f U H r a ' r t n . Some one pft^inscbeen inadi1, ivliiuli lie dnt-witc oh ' ,„ J \\ (•

    Bend A M

    b-__; — Y'r'-'L I>

  • An Euto .s t EFir.rn—In lire cliuicl,varJ of « viftu^'e*11^ Rwkiooke. I" »r -r f.-r-f.iTF,tJinw.l«ijjni-i!i AIltMNKLI. IIKITPOS, X. n.

    JI'll.VT. LKB.AOL tat Tli* baad.

    AJtaa v—i.n.M..r F.ncy Stylos fbr Menand VVtrw WMPW . • • - •

    An Iromen" Muck Mtiian«ir na k


    Mia Uoid and eilvi-r mirnT\i>* *. I ' luK'Krrnii l i -nnJ nrfar-r I ' k l i t r ' "

    n m l H i u i - l i i - i l In I i r d i n i n k n i l . ir M i l i r C o l m .

    I im\y Firrt J'reuiiaiu at tbe Sew iertrr


    Spring Proclamation.We wvwlil invite Ilic olt.-nlioii of t>i<

    Boots and Shoesfor the


    Wo MO opting-, direct froni tl.c M«n-

    LADIKS, MISSES ASP rtni.DBEs's *

    B u t t o n , rvc Caqnm i'.'"(ii!!nr''cfBrViwn Frock Cwita,

    S««aa* Suits

    Itlack S»rk Coftta

    Spring OTITCM«U

    Soy'i Suiu

    Ithck I».>c«kin Pants

    All W.v.i 1-ants

    OO t; (h. n » t e ,rf 8,-pU.

    ^w »•» »~J' " * * * — ~

    The &em of the Season

    Wm. H." Van Winkle'sGROCKKRY& GLASSWAB1 Store

    •RUIT J A R ,


    Spring and Summer de Clethina;IS SOW COMPLETE.

    Stylish Business Suits from S 18,00 to $29,00



    Our pri«» are •« low as any house in the City.

    334 and 836 Broadway,One Biork abort- Ihe -tutor House.


    New Goods!

    E. L. Hamilton & Co.,XIWAK, .N j .

    n»T« Jaat oyoel a kwgr Owl wail iaax4aJ »*oek nt

    n laskinallt Bra Gttii!i kh Htrr tahn M. Schorli, Tto alvwp ,’n*nl» ha.r a w.whl Imp*. Hamer*, in Hr*, rhhnary*. Ar. Jte. IV AM Hjl- U

    Window Shades* fixtures • »n hand and nrvto n, order rarprt* wator and pal down TVr ?*to>lr and (‘aract drpartaicai wlllircri'e ihi- p,T~»»l alirnilwa of nr. ftwnnw. >ku*i loae P« H«n»v la Ito Karlae** will to a *ur» t-aarnaue «»I LEE A HI NYO.V.

    Earth Cloaeta I ■unpli* *W r—ida ■ mm IV I»rj RartK f|Rta raa to *«nw ai lIIIKriMtk*. HKD Tit KIM.. I kith Inc Repaired

    **AK'5»A,I«»9. I - ,kr , ca.ii.-A rLA» iuiiiu jytfft!j? ra «c?sc^ a k. I ftoeillmlloM in bnOwcM. Call ah ! i>tnnil»r wiar -fo h-t (to week

    I.Antx*. Mima axp mltrny, Now York.

    Hew 8tore f W» fsh ttoy toow>sM ifreri, wMh (to Lai«aN stok «d


    )SfflS,iT**,fc***fc*'”*~T »WT«ak*kv-W*"a BLACK BILKS

    *»» Fine Dress Goods,

    « Ol’R STOCK OF

    Spring and Summer Randy Mstda Olathlng IS NOtV COMPLETE.

    Stytiah Business Suits from $10,00 tn »gg,QO

    on; ctsiom DEnimrEXT is well hvppusii at all times

    Wit* fore*«w mm* IhnmmUr fmbrtro.


    Ottr prices are «* low n any house in the City.

    234 and 235 Broadway, Our Mock ft boro the Aotor Momee.

    W a*. *Srrta, laa^M. la DontoalJi-a

    Xoo. 1.10 * 1*1 Mmrkr* St., NEWARK, S i,

    JAMES M. DUNN. __ Cherry Street,


    New Goods! alpacas, DELAINES.


    ainm, uoaitm.Ai.

    Good aid Cheap Debs Goods . .

    PROVISIONS. HAMS, Segar Corel,




    a imuDk aencii or Bei Crip Bet Orleau Iiiun.