5a who were they

Upload: sheyler-sanchez

Post on 06-Jul-2018




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  • 8/17/2019 5a Who Were They



    Where were you born? I was born in Chimbote, on April 1, 1!!"

    Where were parents born? #y $ather was born in Ca%amar&a an' my mother in Chimbote

    Were you at home at " o (&lo&) yester'ay? Yes* I was 'oin+ my homewor)*

    Who were you With? I was with my $amily*

    How ol' were you on your last birth'ay? I was ei+hteen years ol'*

    5 -Y./EY, HERE WE CO#E0

    .i' you stu'y yester'ay In+ls? Yes* All mornin+*

    .i' you wat&h T2 last ni+ht? Yes* In the a$ternoon*

    .i' you tra3el by plane last year? /o* I ne3er ha' the &han&e*

    .i' you &oo) 'inner yester'ay? /o* I was busy*

    .i' you start learnin+ In+ls a year a+o? Yes* .urin+ summer*

    5C 4IR- (/I4HT O6T

    .i' you +o out last satur'ay? I went to the 'is&o*

    What 'i' you 'o? I went to play so&&er

    .i' you ha3e a +oo' time? I ha' a beauti$ul 'ay

    What 'i' You ha3e $or 'inner last ni+ht? I ha' brea' an' yo+urt*

    What 'i' you wear yester'ay? I put on a pole an' a 'i3er*

    5. #6R.ER I/ A #A/-IO/

    What time 'i' you +et up yester'ay? At 7am

    Where were you at two o (&lo&)? I was ha3in+ lun&h at a restaurant

    Where 'i' you +o a$ter lun&h? I went to rest $or a $ew hours*

    .i' you +o out in the e3enin+? Yes, $or a wal)*

    What time 'i' you +o to be'? At in the mornin+


  • 8/17/2019 5a Who Were They


    How any be'rooms are there in your house on apartment? There are $our be'rooms*

    Is there a stu'y? Yes* It is small

    Is there a &omputer in your li3in+ room? /o* This in my room

    Are there any plants in your )it&hen? /o plants

    Is there a so$a in your be'room? /o &ou&h*

    " A /I4HT I/ A HA6/TE. HOTE

    Where(s the T2 in your house or apartment? This in my house*

    What buil'in+ is a&ross $rom your s&hool? A &lothin+ store buil'in+*

    How many people in your Were There In+ls last &lass? There were about thirty &in&oen my room*

    Was there a +oo' mo3ie on T2 last ni+ht? Yes* It was a&tion mo3ie*

    Was there a $esti3al in your town last month? Yes* There were anni3ersary national holi'ay*

    "C /I4HT#ARE /EI4HOR-

    What are you 'oin+ now? #a)in+ the tas) o$ En+lish*

    Are you listenin+ to musi&? Yes, ele&troni& son+s

    What are your parents 'oin+? They are wor)in+ in the &enter*

     This e8er&ise are you 'oin+ at home? Yes, they are 3ery many*

    .o you ha3e noisy nei+hbors? I ha3e not*

    ". /EW YOR9, /EW TOR9

    What )in' o$ boo)s 'o you rea'? Rea' stories an' plays*

    What are you rea'in+ now? A sports newspaper*

    What 'o you 6sually wear? #y hea'phones all 'ay*

    What are you wearin+ now? A %a&)et $or the &ol'*

    What(s the main tourist attra&tion in your town? The White Islan' an' the /ursery*

    WHAT .OE- YO6R :OO. 7A -AY AO6T YO6?

    6sually What 'o you ha3e $or brea)$ast? A $ruit %ui&e an' two loa3es

  • 8/17/2019 5a Who Were They


    What 'o you 'rin) with your 'inner? A +lass o$ tea*

    What(s your $a3orite $oo'? The a%i 'e +allina

    What 'o not you li)e 3e+etables? The bro&&oli an' strin+ beans

    What 'o you 'rin) when you (+o out with your $rien's? A so'a bottle

    HOW #6CH 7 .O WE REAY /EE. ATER?

    How mu&h water 'o you 'rin) 6sually? Appro8imately one liter o$ water*

    How many &oo)ies 'o you eat a wee)? About three types o$ &oo)ies*

    How mu&h T2 'o you wat&h? About 1; hours a wee)*

    How mu&h money 'o you spen' on &lothes? 6sually about "; soles*

    How many 3ery +oo' $rien's 'o you ha3e? They are all +oo' with me

    7C TRA.I/4 2ACATIO/-

    Where are you +oin+ to +o on 3a&ation This Year? I woul' li)e to tra3el to Are

  • 8/17/2019 5a Who Were They
