57925392 brocade howtos

Usefull Brocade Switch commands Brocase switches Some Usefull Brocade Switch commands aliadd Add a member to a zone alias alicreate Create a zone alias alidelete Delete a zone alias aliremove Remove a member from a zone alias alishow Print zone alias information cfgadd Add a member to a configuration cfgclear Clear all zone configurations cfgcreate Create a zone configuration cfgdelete Delete a zone configuration cfgdisable Disable a zone configuration cfgenable Enable a zone configuration cfgremove Remove a member from a configuration cfgsave Save zone configurations in flash cfgshow Print zone configuration information cfgsize Print size details of zone database cfgtransabort Abort zone configuration transaction cfgtransshow Print zone configurations in transaction buffer fabportshow Display contents of a particular port's data

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Page 1: 57925392 Brocade Howtos

Usefull Brocade Switch commands

Brocase switches

Some Usefull Brocade Switch commands

aliadd Add a member to a zone alias

alicreate Create a zone alias

alidelete Delete a zone alias

aliremove Remove a member from a zone alias

alishow Print zone alias information

cfgadd Add a member to a configuration

cfgclear Clear all zone configurations

cfgcreate Create a zone configuration

cfgdelete Delete a zone configuration

cfgdisable Disable a zone configuration

cfgenable Enable a zone configuration

cfgremove Remove a member from a configuration

cfgsave Save zone configurations in flash

cfgshow Print zone configuration information

cfgsize Print size details of zone database

cfgtransabort Abort zone configuration transaction

cfgtransshow Print zone configurations in transaction buffer

fabportshow Display contents of a particular port's data

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fabricshow Print fabric membership info

fabstateclear Clears the fabric state information

fabstateshow Displays the fabric state information

fabstatsshow Displays the fabric statistics information

fabswitchshow Display fabric switch state information

nsaliasshow Display local Name Server information with Aliases

nsallshow Print global Name Server information

nscamshow Print local Name Server Cache information

nsshow Print local Name Server information information

nszonemember Display the information of all the online devices

switchshow Print switch and port status

switchuptime Displays the amount of time for which the switch is up

portdisable Disable a specified port

portenable Enable a specified port

zoneadd Add a member to a zone

zonecreate Create a zone

zonedelete Delete a zone

zonehelp Print zoning help info

zoneremove Remove a member from a zone

zoneshow Print zone information

Hard Zoning or Soft Zoning

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Zone Types

Zones can be hard (hardware enforced) or soft (advisory).

In a hard zone, sometimes referred to as a port zone, zone members are specified by physical port number. In a soft zone, at least one zone member is specified logically by World Wide Name (WWN).

Hard Zones In a hard zone, all zone members are specified as switch ports; any number

of ports in the fabric can be configured to the zone. When a zone member is

specified by port number, only the individual device port specified is

included in the zone.

Hard zones are position-dependent, that is, a device is identified by the

physical port to which it is connected. Switch hardware ensures that there is

no data transfer between unauthorized zone members. However, devices can

transfer data between ports within the same zone. Consequently, hard zoning

provides the greatest security possible. Use it where security must be rigidly


Soft Zones In a soft zone, at least one zone member is specified by WWN. A device is

included in a zone if either the node WWN or port WWN specified matches

an entry in the name server table.

When a device logs in, it queries the name server for devices within the

fabric. If zoning is in effect, only the devices in the same zone(s) are

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returned. Other devices are hidden from the name server query reply. When

a WWN is specified, all ports on the specified device are included in the


Soft zones are name server-dependent and therefore provide more flexibility

- new devices can be attached without regard to physical location. However,

the switch does not control data transfer so there is no guarantee against data

transfer from unauthorized zone members. Use soft zoning where flexibility

is important and security can be ensured by the cooperating hosts.

In addition to hard and soft zones, a third type of zone is also available:

Broadcast Zone Only one broadcast zone can exist within a fabric. It is named

“broadcast” and it is used to specify those nodes that are to receive broadcast traffic.

This type of zone is hardware enforced; the switch controls data transfer to a


how to do zoning

Cookbook to create a zone and add it to a config

01. Create the alias for the Device WWNs

swd77:admin> alicreate "ET_CM0_CA0_P1", "21:40:00:0b:5d:6a:05:82"

swd77:admin> alicreate "test1_fcd0", "50:01:43:80:03:3a:86:ca"

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02. Create a new zone called test1

swd77:admin> zonecreate "test1", "ET_CM0_CA0_P0;test1_fcd0"

03. Add the zone to SAN0 config

swd77:admin> cfgadd "SAN0", "test31"

04. Save the zone to flash memeory

swd77:admin> cfgsave

05. Enable the modified configuration

swd77:admin> cfgenable SAN0

06. Verify the zone

swd77:admin> zoneshow

Defined configuration:

cfg: SAN0 aembwpd1; aemtest3

zone: aembwpd1

Aembwpd1_P0; ET_CM0_CA0_P0

zone: test1

ET_CM0_CA0_P0; aemtest3_fcd0

alias: Aembwpd1_P0


alias: ET_CM0_CA0_P0


alias: ET_CM0_CA0_P1

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alias: test1_fcd0


Effective configuration:

cfg: SAN0

zone: aembwpd1



zone: test1



switchshow command

switchshow [-portcount | -iscsi]

swd77:admin> switchshow -portcount

FC ports = 24

swd77:admin> switchshow

switchName: swd77

switchType: 71.2

switchState: Online

switchMode: Native

switchRole: Principal

switchDomain: 1

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switchId: fffc01

switchWwn: 10:00:00:05:1e:9b:db:72

zoning: ON (SAN0)

switchBeacon: OFF

Area Port Media Speed State Proto


0 0 id N4 Online F-Port 50:01:43:80:02:9a:92:f0

1 1 id N4 Online F-Port 50:01:43:80:02:9a:92:4c

2 2 id N4 Online F-Port 50:01:43:80:03:3a:86:ca

3 3 id N4 No_Light

4 4 id N4 No_Light

5 5 id N4 No_Light

6 6 id N4 No_Light

7 7 id N4 Online F-Port 20:40:00:0b:5d:6a:05:82

8 8 id N4 No_Light

9 9 id N4 No_Light

10 10 id N4 No_Light

11 11 id N4 No_Light

12 12 id N4 No_Light

13 13 id N4 No_Light

14 14 id N4 No_Light

15 15 id N4 Online F-Port 21:40:00:0b:5d:6a:05:82

16 16 -- N8 No_Module (No POD License) Disabled

17 17 -- N8 No_Module (No POD License) Disabled

18 18 -- N8 No_Module (No POD License) Disabled

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19 19 -- N8 No_Module (No POD License) Disabled

20 20 -- N8 No_Module (No POD License) Disabled

21 21 -- N8 No_Module (No POD License) Disabled

22 22 -- N8 No_Module (No POD License) Disabled

23 23 -- N8 No_Module (No POD License) Disabled

To delete an alias

Switch1:admin> alidelete "test1_fcd0"

To Delete a Zone

Switch1:admin> zonedelete "test01"

To remove test4 zone from configuration SAN1

Switch2:admin> cfgremove "SAN1", "test4"

Zone Enforcement

Zone Enforcement

When zoning is disabled, the fabric is in non-zoning state and devices can access other devices in the fabric. When zoning is enabled, zoning is enforced throughout the fabric and devices can communicate only within their zones.

A switch can maintain any number of zone configurations; however, only one zone configuration can be enabled, or enforced, at a time.

Because multiple configurations reside in the switch, you can switch from one configuration to another as events dictate. For example, you can set up a

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zone configuration to be enabled at certain times of the day; or, in the event of a disaster, you can quickly enable a defined configuration to implement your disaster policy. Zone configurations can be:


This is the complete set of all zone objects that have been defined in the

fabric. When zone objects are defined, the information initially resides in

RAM; it must be saved to ensure that it is saved to flash memory and is not

lost during power down or when a new zone configuration is enabled.

Changes replicate to all switches in the fabric whenever the zone

information is changed. However, changes must be saved to flash memory to

be committed to persistent store (that is, to remain across reboot).


This is the zone configuration that is enabled (active). It resides in RAM; it

must be saved to ensure that it is not lost when a new configuration is

enabled or during power down. Any changes replicate to all switches in the

fabric when the configuration is enabled or saved. Use the cfgEnable

command to: enable a zone configuration, initiate cfgSave, and propagate

zoning throughout the fabric.


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Use the cfgDisable command to: disable a zoning configuration, initiate

cfgSave to save the zoning configuration to the flash, and to propagate the

zoning configuration throughout the fabric.


This is the zone configuration that was last saved. It resides in flash memory

and it is persistent.

Saving a Zone Configuration (refer to the picture)

When it is defined, it resides only in RAM. To transfer

it to flash memory, to be permanently stored and accessible across reboots, it must be saved. This can be accomplished by either:

• Saving it directly to flash (the recommended method)

• Enabling it first, then it is saved to flash.

But, until it has been saved to flash, it is not permanently stored and available across reboots.

How to merge two Brocade fabrics

How to merge two Brocade fabrics

Author Details

Author: NetworkAdminKB.com

Created: 2009-04-02

Modified: 2009-06-02

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Article Content


Basic fabric merges aren’t very difficult from a technical stand point. However, many network administrators fail to do the proper research up front and therefore run into issues that can easily be avoided. To make sure the merge is successful administrators should focus on keeping things simple and avoid doing to much during the merge process. Then after the merge is successful go back and add any additional configuration needed to handle load and fault tolerance.

Below are the basic steps and research you need to do in order to perform a basic merge of two Brocade fabrics. A basic fabric merge consists of the following assumptions

* No long distance ISLs are involved.

* Only one ISL between each switch will be implemented (no Trunking).

* No advance configuration of the switches.

* All Switches are from the same vendor (Brocade in this case).

Research and Preliminary Steps

1) Verify root and admin level userids and password for all switches.

2) Verify support agreements are in place should you need help with an issue.

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3) Check that the Brocade Fabric License is installed on all Switches

a. This is also called the Full Fabric License

b. Order and install license if not already installed.

4) Upgrade the Fabric OS (aka: Switch Firmware, or FOS) as needed on every switch to meet all the following requirements:

a. Compatibility with all Storage Arrays

i. Check with your vendor

b. Compatibility with all HBA drivers, BIOS, firmware, etc.

i. Check with your vendor

c. Compatibility with other Fabric OS’s

i. Check with your switch vendor (Brocade or your reseller)

ii. In general try to get the same Fabric OS installed on all switches. If not exactly the same they need to be within the same major version level and possibly the minor one as well.

1. Version 5.3.0c = major.minor.revision

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5) Check Domain IDs of all Switches

a. In a Fabric no two switches can have the same Domain ID. Find and correct any issues now, or plan to correct the Domain ID issue during the merge.

6) Check Zone and Alias Names

a. Zone and Alias Names cannot be duplicated between the two fabrics. Find and correct any duplicate zone or alieas names. A simple solution to this issue is to prefix all names with a fabric label (fabA_, fabB_, etc.)

7) Check for duplicate IP addresses assigned to the switches.

a. Most director class FC switches have multiple IPs so check them all.

8) Check for incompatible Fabric Parameters on the switches to be merged.

a. Use the configshow command and compare values of all fabric.xxxx parameters

b. Verify that all RA_TOV and ED_TOV values are the same on every switch. Per the FC-SW2 standard, these values must be the same on each switch within the fabric.

c. This issue and other advance settings issues are very rare. Basically if you have implemented advanced settings on your switches you should know and understand those settings. If you are using the default settings of the switch you can generally assume the settings are compatible.

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Planning Phase

1) Plan your Principal Switch for the fabric

a. You should not allow the fabric to determine the Principal Switch because all fabric changes (Zone Changes) should occur at the Principal Switch. This switch should be the most highly available switch in the fabric.

2) Plan your fabric type

a. The type of fabric being created (Full Mesh or Core-Edge) really doesn’t matter for the merge, but you need to know this to properly plan for your ISLs.

3) Plan your ISLs

a. Plan which ports will be ISLs

4) Plan any server or storage moves as needed.

a. Minimize these and/or perform them a few days after a successful merge.

5) Determine zone merge method

a. The easiest Zone Merge is to determine which Fabric (Zone Config) will be used as the foundation to the new Fabric, and disable Zoning on the switches in the other fabric.

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i. This is advantageous if you have single switch fabrics.

ii. When you Disable Zoning all existing Zone configurations will be merged, but disabled.

iii. This choice of which Zone Config to keep should match with the Principal Switch choice made earlier.

b. The other (more difficult) method is to manually export all Zone Configuration information from each Fabric and import it into the other. Then you will need to name the Zone Config’s in both Fabrics to the same name and verify that all the zone configuration information matches.

6) Order Port Licenses and Fiber cables as needed to perform your merge.

Implementation Phase for Disable Zoning Merge Method

1) Shutdown all servers on the fabric that is to be merged.

2) Disable Zoning on the Principal Switch of the fabric that is to be merged.

a. This should be enough to disable zoning on the whole fabric, if not then Disable Zoning on every switch in the fabric that is to be merged.

3) Connect ONE ISL from one merged fabric switch to the target fabric.

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a. Use the Brocade Web Interface on the target fabric switch to monitor to the merge.

b. If switches become segmented review the Switch Events for errors and attempt again.

4) Once the merge is successful you can continue with the configuration.

5) View the current Zone Configuration

a. You should see zones from the merge appear as available, but not active.

6) Update your Active Zone Configuration Set as needed to complete the Merge

a. Save and Activate the new Zone Configuration.

7) Add additional ISL links as needed to make a fault tolerant fabric.

8) Configure the Principal Switch for the new merged fabric.

9) Turn on the servers previously shutdown.

Implementation Phase for Cross Import/Export Merge Method

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This type of merge goes beyond the basic fabric merge and attempts to join two fabrics while both are running. While this can be done, only experienced administrators that have performed this task in a lab as well as in the real world should attempt this type of merge. While the reward is no down time, the side effects of a poor merge happening could be disastrous for your business. This type of merge is left to the experts and is beyond the scope of this how to article.

single vs dual fabric

Dual Fabrics

For mission critical applications, Brocade strongly recommends that you install a dual fabric, which allows you to upgrade each fabric separately with no loss of service (provided that you have configured failover software).

For example, to upgrade the dual fabric shown in the picture, you first upgrade Fabric 1 by deactivating the link from the host to Fabric 1. The host continues to access the data through Fabric

2. After Fabric 1 is upgraded, reconnect the host to Fabric 1, disconnect the link from the host to Fabric 2, and upgrade Fabric 2.

High level Steps To Create a SAN Fabric

1. Determine the fabric topology.

2. Power on each switch, and go through the Power-On Self-Test (POST).

3. Configure each switch:

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a. Configure each switch for network access.

b. Run diagnostic tests to verify hardware.

c. Upgrade the firmware and install software licenses.

d. Configure the fabric parameters and software features.

4. Reboot each switch and then verify the switch configuration.

5. Connect ISLs to form a large fabric.

6. Verify the fabric configuration.

7. Load the desired zoning configuration onto the fabric.

8. Connect devices to the fabric.

9. Power on the devices:

a. Power on or enable the storage devices.

b. Power on or enable the host devices.

10. Verify the SAN.

Checklist power down/up a Fabric

Checklist for Initial Bring Up

Determine the topology of your system. Determine which are the core

switches and which are the edge switches.

Power on each switch and verify the POST completes successfully.

Set the IP addresses on each switch.

Run diagnostic tests on each switch to verify hardware (optional).

Upgrade the firmware and install software licenses on each switch.

Configure the fabric parameters and software features.

Reboot and verify each switch.

Connect ISLs to form a large fabric.

Verify the fabric configuration.

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Power on the storage devices.

Power on the host devices.

Verify the SAN.

Checklist for Recovering from Power Failure

Make sure all switches and devices are powered off.

Power on the core switches.

Power on the first edge switch.

Power on the remaining edge switches.

Verify the fabric configuration.

Power on the storage devices.

Power on the host devices.

Verify the SAN.

Posted by abu maryam

at 9:13 AM


Labels: brocade

Shutting Down & Powering up a Fabric

Shutting Down the Fabric

Perform the following steps to successfully shut down the fabric:

1. Shut down all host devices.

2. Shut down all storage devices.

3. Shut down all edge switches.

4. Shut down all core switches.

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Bringing up steps:

1. Make sure all switches and devices are powered off.

2. Power on the fabric:

a. Power on the core switches.

b. Power on the first edge switch to merge the core switches and the edge switch as one fabric.

c. Power on the remaining edge switches.

3. Verify the fabric configuration.

4. Power on the devices:

a. Power on or connect the storage devices.

b. Power on or connect the host devices.

5. Verify the SAN.

identify principle from fabrichow command

Look for ">"; that's mr Principle

switch:admin> fabricShow

Switch ID Worldwide Name Enet IP Addr FC IP Addr Name


0: fffc40 10:00:00:60:69:00:06:56 "sw5"

1: fffc41 10:00:00:60:69:00:02:0b >"sw180"

2: fffc42 10:00:00:60:69:00:05:91 "sw60"

3: fffc43 10:00:00:60:69:10:60:1f "sw187"

The Fabric has 4 switches

Group ID Token

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0: fffb01 40:05:00:00:10:00:00:60:69:00:00:15

Specify alias by port

To specify by port number, you must specify switch domain ID and port number, for

example, 2,12 indicates switch domain ID 2, port number 12. When a member is specified by port number all devices connected to the port are included in the zone.


admin> aliCreate "A_ServerA_hba0", "1,3"

admin> aliCreate "A_ServerA_hba1”, "2,3"

Zoning Steps

Zoning Steps:

1. Create alias (this step is optional)

2. Define zone

3. Define zone configuration

4. Enable zone configuration

1. Create alias (this step is optional)

An alias is a name assigned to a device or group of devices. By creating an alias you can assign

a familiar name to a device, or you can group multiple devices into a single

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An alias must be a unique alpha-numeric string beginning with an alpha character. The

underscore character ( _ ) is allowed and alias names are case sensitive

Aliases can greatly simplify the administrative process; however, they are not required to

define zones.

i.e alicreate "a_host1_hba0","50:06:0b:00:00:bc:be:22"

or alicreate "a_host1_hba1","1,2"

2. Define zone

A zone is a group of devices that can communicate with each other. Zone membership can

include ports, WWNs, or aliases, or any combination of these. And, a device can be included in

more than one zone.

To define a zone, specify the list of members to be included and assign a unique zone name;

the zone name must be a unique alpha-numeric string beginning with an alpha character.

i.e. zonecreate “z_aixhosts","a_aix01;a_aix02;a_aix03;10:00:00:60:69:00:00:8a;1,2"

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3. Define Zone Configuration

A zone configuration is a group of zones that are enforced whenever that zone configuration is

enabled. And, a zone can be included in more than one zone configuration.

To define a zone configuration, specify the list of zones to be included and assign a zone

configuration name; the zone configuration name must be a unique alpha-numeric string

beginning with an alpha character.

i.e cfgadd "production1","z_aixhosts"

4. Enable zone configuration

To enable a zone configuration, select the zone configuration to be enabled. The configuration

is downloaded to the switch hardware.

i.e cfgenable production1

note: use cfgsave to save the modified zone configuration. i.e. cfgsave

Comons CLI commands used to administer Brocade Zoning

Comons CLI commands used to administer Brocade Zoning.

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Zone Alias

aliAdd -Add a member to a zone alias.

aliCreate -Create a zone alias.

aliDelete -Delete a zone alias.

aliRemove -Remove a member from a zone alias.

aliShow -Show zone alias definition.


zoneAdd -Add a member to a zone.

zoneCreate -Create a zone.

zoneDelete -Delete a zone.

zoneRemove -Remove a member from a zone.

zoneShow -Show zone information.

QuickLoop Zoning

qloopAdd -Add a member to a QuickLoop.

qloopCreate -Create a QuickLoop.

qloopDelete -Delete a QuickLoop.

qloopRemove -Remove a member from a QuickLoop.

qloopShow -Show QuickLoop information.

Zone Configuration

cfgAdd -Add a zone to a zone configuration.

cfgCreate -Create a zone configuration.

cfgDelete -Delete a zone configuration.

cfgRemove -Remove a zone from a zone configuration.

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cfgShow -Show zone configuration definition.

Configuration Management

cfgClear -Clear all zone configurations.

cfgDisable -Disable a zone configuration.

cfgEnable -Enable a zone configuration.

cfgSave -Save zone configurations in flash memory.

cfgShow -Show zone configuration definition.

cfgTransAbort -Abort the current zoning transaction.

saving zoning parameters

Before making any change to a switch configuration, it is good practice to save the information i.e parameters to a diffent location i.e. a server.

Identify the server which you re going to upload the configuration and type configupload.

ab001:admin> configupload

Protocol (scp, ftp, local) [ftp]:

Server Name or IP Address [host]:

User Name [user]: nurledge

File Name [config.txt]: lab001_bkp_june10

Section (allchassis [all]):


configUpload complete: All config parameters are uploaded


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To restore the configuration from the backup you made; use command configdownload.

Zoning illustration of the changes, step by step

Case: Perform a zoning of a server to utilize a netapp clusterred filer shared storage and illustration of the changes in the switch configuration.

server: labserver1

switch: sw001

clusternetapp filers: netapp001, netapp002

zoning backup server:

zone configuration: Labswitch1

labserver1 wwpn hba0 88:88:88:80:88:88:88:88

labserver1 wwpn hba1 88:88:88:81:88:88:88:88

netapp001/netapp002 wwn: 50:0a:09:80:86:27:c0:87

aliases naming:

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a_labserver1_hba0 (server’s hba #1)

a_labserver1_hba1 (server’s hba#2)

a_netapp001_002 (netapp cluster )

zones naming:


A. Save the switch parameter to a remote server.

sw001:admin> configupload

Protocol (scp, ftp, local) [ftp]: yes

Server Name or IP Address [host]:

User Name [user]: nurledge

File Name [config.txt]: sw001_bkp_june0910

Section (all|chassis [all]): yes

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configUpload complete: All config parameters are uploaded

Show current configuration status

sw001:admin> cfgshow

Defined configuration:

cfg: Labswitch1

vSpherezone; labfiler

zone: labfiler

10:00:00:00:C9:4C:0D:F1; 50:0A:09:82:86:27:C0:87;


zone: vSpherezone

50:0A:09:82:96:27:C0:87; 50:0A:09:82:86:27:C0:87;

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alias: vSphereESXserver


Effective configuration:

cfg: Labswitch1

zone: labfiler




zone: vSpherezone




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Create aliases and zone

sw001:admin> alicreate "a_labserver1","88:88:88:80:88:88:88:88"

sw001:admin> alicreate "a_sw001_002","50:0a:09:80:86:27:c0:87"

sw001:admin> zonecreate "z_sw001_002_labserver1_a","a_labserver1;a_sw001_002"

Display current configuration

sw001:admin> cfgshow

Defined configuration:

cfg: Labswitch1

vSpherezone; labfiler

zone: labfiler

10:00:00:00:C9:4C:0D:F1; 50:0A:09:82:86:27:C0:87;

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zone: vSpherezone

50:0A:09:82:96:27:C0:87; 50:0A:09:82:86:27:C0:87;


zone: z_sw001_002_labserver1_a

a_labserver1; a_sw001_002

alias: a_labserver1


alias: a_sw001_002


alias: vSphereESXserver


Effective configuration:

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cfg: Labswitch1

zone: labfiler




zone: vSpherezone




Notice; the change is only appear under aliases and zoning.

Add the zone to the zone configuration

sw001:admin> cfgadd "Labswitch1","z_sw001_002_labserver1_a"

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sw001:admin> cfgshow

Defined configuration:

cfg: Labswitch1

vSpherezone; labfiler; z_sw001_002_labserver1_a

zone: labfiler

10:00:00:00:C9:4C:0D:F1; 50:0A:09:82:86:27:C0:87;


zone: vSpherezone

50:0A:09:82:96:27:C0:87; 50:0A:09:82:86:27:C0:87;


zone: z_sw001_002_labserver1_a

a_labserver1; a_sw001_002

alias: a_labserver1

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alias: a_sw001_002


alias: vSphereESXserver


Effective configuration:

cfg: Labswitch1

zone: labfiler




zone: vSpherezone

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Notice the zone now appear in defined zone configuration but not under effective configuration.

Enable the zoning

sw001:admin> cfgenable "Labswitch1"

You are about to enable a new zoning configuration.

This action will replace the old zoning configuration with the

current configuration selected. If the update includes changes

to one or more traffic isolation zones, the update may result in

localized disruption to traffic on ports associated with

the traffic isolation zone changes

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Do you want to enable 'Labswitch1' configuration (yes, y, no, n): [no] yes

zone config "Labswitch1" is in effect

Updating flash ...

sw001:admin> cfgshow

Defined configuration:

cfg: Labswitch1

vSpherezone; labfiler; Backuptest; Unix_Server;


zone: labfiler

10:00:00:00:C9:4C:0D:F1; 50:0A:09:82:86:27:C0:87;


zone: vSpherezone

50:0A:09:82:96:27:C0:87; 50:0A:09:82:86:27:C0:87;

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zone: z_sw001_002_labserver1_a

a_labserver1; a_sw001_002

alias: a_labserver1


alias: a_sw001_002


alias: vSphereESXserver


Effective configuration:

cfg: Labswitch1

zone: labfiler


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zone: vSpherezone




zone: z_sw001_002_labserver1_a



Notice the zone is now also appeared in effective configuration.

Step to undo the zoning

sw001:admin> cfgremove "Labswitch1","z_sw001_002_labserver1_a"

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sw001:admin> cfgshow

Defined configuration:

cfg: Labswitch1

vSpherezone; labfiler;

zone: labfiler

10:00:00:00:C9:4C:0D:F1; 50:0A:09:82:86:27:C0:87;


zone: vSpherezone

50:0A:09:82:96:27:C0:87; 50:0A:09:82:86:27:C0:87;


zone: z_sw001_002_labserver1_a

a_labserver1; a_sw001_002

alias: a_labserver1

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alias: a_sw001_002


alias: vSphereESXserver


Effective configuration:

cfg: Labswitch1

zone: labfiler




zone: vSpherezone

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zone: z_sw001_002_labserver1_a



Notice the zone definition disappeared from defined configuration only.

sw001:admin> cfgenable "Labswitch1"

You are about to enable a new zoning configuration.

This action will replace the old zoning configuration with the

current configuration selected. If the update includes changes

to one or more traffic isolation zones, the update may result in

localized disruption to traffic on ports associated with

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the traffic isolation zone changes

Do you want to enable 'Labswitch1' configuration (yes, y, no, n): [no] yes

zone config "Labswitch1" is in effect

Updating flash ...

sw001:admin> cfgshow

Defined configuration:

cfg: Labswitch1

vSpherezone; labfiler; Backuptest; Unix_Server

zone: labfiler

10:00:00:00:C9:4C:0D:F1; 50:0A:09:82:86:27:C0:87;


zone: vSpherezone

50:0A:09:82:96:27:C0:87; 50:0A:09:82:86:27:C0:87;

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zone: z_sw001_002_labserver1_a

a_labserver1; a_sw001_002

alias: a_labserver1


alias: a_sw001_002


alias: vSphereESXserver


Effective configuration:

cfg: Labswitch1

zone: labfiler

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zone: vSpherezone




Notice the zone is no longer appears in defined and effective configuration

Delete the zone, aliases

sw001:admin> zonedelete "z_sw001_002_labserver1_a"

sw001:admin> alidelete "a_labserver1"

sw001:admin> alidelete a_sw001_002

sw001:admin> cfgshow

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Defined configuration:

cfg: Labswitch1

vSpherezone; labfiler;

zone: labfiler

10:00:00:00:C9:4C:0D:F1; 50:0A:09:82:86:27:C0:87;


zone: vSpherezone

50:0A:09:82:96:27:C0:87; 50:0A:09:82:86:27:C0:87;


alias: vSphereESXserver


Effective configuration:

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cfg: Labswitch1

zone: labfiler




zone: vSpherezone




The configuration is restored to the original form.