5:37 pm weekly glimpse -...

Shomrai Nursery Weekly Glimpse Daily thoughts, expressions, interests, communications, explorations, collaborations, adventures, research and discoveries, as experienced by students at Shomrai Nursery 2017 Parshas Mishpatim Candlelighting: 5:37 PM Havdalah: 6:37 PM YISE SHOMRAI NURSERY February 24, 2017 29 Shevat 5777 Our staff and faculty are dedicated to making every child’s introduction to school a time of joy, wonder and exploration, while gaining a foundation in spiritual development. Our goal is to light the spark in each child for a future of Torah life and a passion for continued learning. We recognize the financial commitment you are making by enrolling your child and appreciate your decision to provide your child with an outstanding Jewish preschool educational experience.

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Shomrai Nursery

Weekly Glimpse

Daily thoughts, expressions, interests, communications, explorations, collaborations, adventures, research and discoveries, as experienced by

students at Shomrai Nursery 2017

Parshas Mishpatim Candlelighting:

5:37 PM

Havdalah: 6:37 PM


February 24, 2017 29 Shevat 5777

Our staff and faculty are dedicated to making every child’s introduction to school a time of joy, wonder and exploration, while gaining a foundation in spiritual development. Our goal is to light the spark in each child for a future of Torah life and a passion for continued learning.  We recognize the financial commitment you are making by enrolling your child and appreciate your decision to provide your child with an outstanding Jewish preschool educational experience.

Who’s Coming out of the Megillah in Kitat Tamar?

“Megillah, Megillah, who’s coming out of the Megillah?”These are the words of one of the songs that we learned in preparation for Purim and for our performance at the Senior Luncheon this coming Wednesday.  The Purim season officially began in our class on Tuesday. Many children were excited when they saw a green trunk in the dramatic play center.“I know what that is!” Mimi shared with the Morahs. “Those are costumes and dresses.” Indeed, Mimi was correct. Each year around Purim time the children dress up in costumes and fancy dresses for the annual Purim pictures for the nursery’s Purim cards. (Yes, that was a plug!) The children chose the costume that they wanted to wear and proceeded to dress up. On Thursday, when the children arrived to school they remembered the trunk of costumes and decided to put them on again. “I want to wear the Kallah dress,” Serena requested.“I am going to be Queen Esther,” Naomi decided.“I want to be Queen Esther too,” Rivka shared with the girls.“I know,” Naomi said, “we can all be Queen Esther!”The girls were happy with Naomi’s suggestion and proceeded to pretend that they were Queen Esther.Ami L found a king costume and dressed himself.“I am King Achashverosh,” Ami L. announced. “I need to sit on my throne.” The children had a fun time.  Many children wanted to wear their costumes as they went to work in other centers.  When center time ended

the children carefully placed the costumes into the trunk to for next time. Stay tuned for more Purim adventures! Reminders:Next Monday February 27, is our trip to the library. We need one more driver for our trip.Please contact Morah Lisa or Morah Ruthie if you can drive.

On Wednesday, for the trip to the senior luncheon please send your children with a costume.No need to supply lunch!

Thank you to our Shabbat Party Sponsors

Suri Glassberg & Family

Benjamin Ben Shoushan & Family

Gavi Hershenson & Family Tamar Labell & Family

Chaya Friedman & Family

It’s Snowing In Kitat GefenAs the weather is starting to get warmer, we decided to make snow in the class for some more sensory fun. First the children poured baking soda and then they mixed in shaving cream. After a bit of mixing and squishing the mixture started to look like snow. 

"What does it feel like?" asked the Morah."White," said Noah. “Look, it's snow without hands" We then decided to do an experiment to see what would happen if we added vinegar.

"What will happen if we add vinegar? Will it stay the same or change?" "Change," said Tamar, Simon, and Shayna."What do you see?" asked the Morah after Tamar poured in the vinegar."Some bubbles," said Noah. "What kind of flavor is it?""It was bubbly," said Simon and Shayna"What made it bubbly?""That," said Shayna as she pointed to the vinegar.“Look, I make a rocket," said Simon"It's sticky," said Shayna as she showed the Morah her hands. The children enjoyed playing with the snow they created. Shabbat Shalom!

Pre K Parsha Questions 1) Gavi: What happens if someone put a meat plate in a dairy sink?2) Morgan: Why do people like what other people have and then they steal it?3) Ami S & Chaim Yitzy: Why would someone take someone else’s things?4) Shulamis: Why is food kosher?5) Suri: Why did Hashem say not to do lashon hara?6) Akiva: Why did Hashem tell the ten special rules?7) Sheva: Why did Hashem send thunder and lightning (around Har Sinai)?8) Shayna: Why did Hashem do the Ten Commandments? What if you forget the commandments?9) Racheli: Why did Hashem give the Torah to the Jews?

Calendar Reminders

Mon, Feb 27 - Kitat Tamar Trip to the Library (We need drivers!)

Wed, Mar 1 - 3s Purim Party at 9:15amWed, Mar 1 - Pre K sings at the Senior Luncheon

at YISE (We still need drivers!)Mon & Tue, Mar 6 & 7 - Parent Teacher Conferences Mon & Tue, Mar 6 & 7 Aftercare until 5PMTue Mar 7 - 9AM School wide start; No early drop offThu, Mar 9 - Fast of Esther - No late stayMon, Mar 13 - Shushan Purim - School Wide Costume PartyFri, Mar 17 - Friday 3PM Dismissal; 5PM Late Stay

Whimsical Paper Dolls

YISE Shomrai Nursery Purim Card Sale

Please support our school by ordering our beautiful full color, glossy Purim cards featuring our

very own students! Order: 3 cards for $6

10 cards for $1820 cards for $36 30 cards for $54 40 cards for $72

(envelopes included)

The children in Kitat Shalom (3N) began making whimsical paper dolls dressed in costumes in preparation for their Purim celebration for parents and special friends. Using their Mat Man knowledge and experiences of self-portraiture, they drew the faces on their dolls.  Then the dolls were adorned with clothing using beautiful fabrics and feathers.  At the end of the experience there were many dolls and many happy and proud children. 

"My man is a knight!" explained Daniel. "I made a princess,” said Chana. "I made a soldier,” said Moshe. "I worked really hard,” said Talya with pride.”I like this,” said Akiva. Our students are looking forward to sharing their projects and songs with you.

With best regards for Good Shabbos! Kitat Shalom Morot

After spending multiple weeks on our emergent curriculum, the topic of construction has infiltrated the children's day-to-day play in the classroom. Above left: Avigail shows the morah a house she constructed out of colored Popsicle sticks. Avigail pointed to the top and said: "This is the roof"! Above middle: Dalia shows off a house she constructed from two plastic pieces of our tool set. Above right: Effie and Tehilla build a tower with Magna-Tiles. Below left: Kivi and friends construct a zoo. Below middle: David and Shira start painting a cardboard box red. "It is a red house!" David exclaimed. Below right: Avigail draws windows and a door on to an image of a house. We hope to wrap up our construction curriculum this week as we prepare to welcome Purim into our classroom! We have many exciting adventures planned as we explore this wonderful holiday. Have a nice Shabbos!Morah Yocheved and Morah Jessica

Our Town (Kitat Simcha)

Purim Prep in Kitat RimonPurim excitement has arrived in Kitat Rimon. On Tuesday, the Morahs began by asking the class if they knew what the next holiday was. Of course we got a loud and enthusiastic “PURIM!” from all. Just like we begin each unit of exploration, we began by creating a web of what we already know about Purim and questions we have about the holiday. Suri knew that “we give Mishloach Manot.”Temima expanded by adding that “we eat Hamantashen.”Akiva reminded us that “we dress up.”Shmuel Reuven excitedly announced that he was “going to dress up for Purim!”Shayna shared that “we read something at shul. Mommies and daddies take turns.”Yaakov knew that “we read the megillah on Purim,” and Racheli explained that “we read the story of Purim in the Megillah.”Sheva then stated that “the people in the Megillah were living a long time ago.”Shulamis reminded us about the “graggers,” and Racheli explained that “they make loud noise when they say Haman’s name in the Megillah.”Ahuva remembered that “on Purim we sing songs.” Some questions that we generated were:“Why do we eat Hamantashen?” asked Rahm and Lilly.“Why do we dress up on Purim and why do we give Shalach Manos?” questioned Shayna.“Why is Purim in the middle of the month?” wondered Yaakov. As we learn about the story and mitzvot of Purim, we will add more questions and information to our web. We also began learning four songs to sing next week when we visit the senior’s lunch at “the big Shomrai.” We have been practicing the songs every day. We still need some more drivers. If you haven’t responded or if something has changed and you now are able to drive us, please let us know, as the children are so excited to visit there again. Please send in costumes for your children to wear on Wednesday for the performance. On Monday as we celebrate Rosh Chodesh Adar in Pre-K, we are asking students to come to school with silly hats or crazy hair.

Shabbat Shalom! Morah Naomi and Morah Yvette

Hear Ye, Hear Ye

By Royal Decree Kitat Shalom requests your attendance at a Purim Party

and Performance, where children and parents participate

in exciting Purim activities.

Join us Wednesday, March 1 at 9:15am

Shomrai Nursery Social Hall

Please park your carriage in the church lot next door to the

Royal Nursery Palace

813 University Blvd W

(With regret, no valet parking!)

YISE Shomrai Nursery Parenting Series

“Judy is a compassionate and skillful parent educator who truly helped me make a positive change in my family’s life.” E.S., Silver Spring

“What she teaches works. My friends are asking me for the advice Judy gave me when I took the class.” R.S. Silver Spring

When: 6 sessions beginning April 23, 2017 - June 11, 2017

Time: 8:30pm to 10pm

Where: At the home of Judy Rosenthal

1220 Arcola Avenue Silver Spring, MD 20902

Cost: $100 per person / $120 per couple

(Includes: A copy of “How to Talk so Kids will Listen, And Listen so Kids will Talk” by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish, and class materials)

To Register: Email [email protected] or call 301-593-7365

“This is a worthwhile investment for all parents to help navigate adult child communication and deal with their children’s feelings.”

Ruthie Cohen, Director YISE Shomrai Nursery

Back by popular demand! Sign up now - Limited space available.

Session begins AFTER Pesach.

A six session workshop to help parents develop life long, close, communicative relationships with their children.

“How to Talk so Kids will Listen and Listen so Kids will Talk”

Facilitated by Judy Rosenthal, parent educator and consultant, who has worked with parents of young children for over 10 years. $100 per person!