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February 15, February 15, February 15, February 15, 201 201 201 2015 Christ Presbyterian Church 530 Tuscarawas Street, West, Canton, Ohio 44702

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February 15,February 15,February 15,February 15, 2012012012015555

Christ Presbyterian Church

530 Tuscarawas Street, West, Canton, Ohio 44702

Welcome to Christ Church!

Thank you for worshipping at Christ Presbyterian Church. It is our hope that you will be inspired and blessed by the music and sermon. We look forward to seeing you again.

For those of you with very small children (up to age 3) our Nursery is open and available to you in our lower level. Our caring volunteers are ready and willing to watch over your child while you are in service this morning. You can worship with peace of mind as all parents are given a

pager so you can be contacted at a moment’s notice should your child need you. An usher is able to help direct you if you need assistance.

Family Worship Supplements are available at the front of the sanctuary.

Children come forward for the Children’s Message. After the prayer, children in Kindergarten—7th grade may go to the Chapel for Kids’ Church and children ages 3—5 may go downstairs for Kids’ Church. All children are to be picked up in the lower level.

Thank you for worshiping with us this morning.

The Order For Morning Worship Transfiguration Sunday

* Those who are able please stand; if rising and si�ng is difficult for you, then please remain seated.

Please silence all electronic devices prior to the worship service.

Large print copies of the hymns are available in the Narthex or from an usher.

February 15, 2015 Ten-Thirty O’Clock


Introit Hymn 630 – “Fairest Lord Jesus” Arr., Peter Pindar Stearns

Welcome & Worship Notes

Call to Worship

Leader: Let the light shine out of darkness.

People: God of all glory, gather us in.

Leader: Let the light shine out of darkness.

People: Lord Jesus Christ, shine in our hearts.

*Hymn in Procession No. 189 “O Wondrous Sight, O Vision Fair”

*Prayer of Adoration (unison) Great God of dazzling beauty and overshadowing majesty, in Jesus Christ, your beloved, we glimpse the image of your glory. Teach us to listen to him so that we may hear your voice and follow your holy way; through Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.

Call to Confession

Prayer of Confession (unison) God our Creator, I confess that I am a broken and sinful creature. You shine with perfect beauty, but I turn away from your presence. You blaze with heavenly glory, but I hide my face from your truth. Forgive me, God of grace. Shine in my heart today through the light of your Word so that I may glorify you forever; through Jesus Christ my Lord.

Kyrie—Hymn No. 437 (sung by all) “You Are the Lord, Giver of Mercy!” (please stand)

*Declaration of Forgiveness Leader: The mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting. I declare to you, in the name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven. People: May the God of mercy, who forgives us all our sins, strengthen us in all goodness, and by the power of the Holy Spirit keep us in eternal life.

Unison: Amen. *Response (sung three times by all) Hymn No. 587; CELTIC ALLELUIA

Children are now invited to walk to the chancel steps for the Message.


Message for Children Children come forward for the Children’s Message. After the prayer, children in Kindergarten—7th grade may go to the Chapel for Kids’

Church and children ages 3—5 may go downstairs for Kids’ Church. All children are to be picked up in the lower level.

Prayer for Illumination

Old Testament Reading 2 Kings 2:1-12 After crossing the Jordan, Elijah ascends to heaven in a chariot.

Leader: The Word of the Lord. Pew Bible page 290

People: Thanks be to God. Large Print Pew Bible page 412

*Hymn No. 190 “Swiftly Pass the Clouds of Glory”

Gospel Reading Mark 9:2-9 On a high mountain with Moses and Elijah, Jesus is transfigured.

Leader: The Word of the Lord. Pew Bible pages 820-821

People: Thanks be to God. Large Print Pew Bible page 54

Sermon “Transfigured!” Rev. Dr. Deborah Rundlett

OUR RESPONSE TO THE WORD *Affirmation of Faith The Apostles’ Creed: page 35

Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer

Baptismal Hymn No. 487 “These Treasured Children”

Baptism Elli Lane Factor Daughter of Cullen and Joni (Roberson) Factor


Anthem “Prayer for Transfiguration Day” John Weaver

O God, in the glorious transfiguration of Christ, your Son, you have confirmed

the mystery of the faith by the testimony of the apostles. In the voice that

came from the bright cloud you proclaimed him to be your Son, and told us to

heed his teachings. O God, make us heirs with Christ, in his glory

forevermore. Alleluia. Amen.

*Doxology: Hymn No. 606 OLD HUNDREDTH

*Prayer of Dedication (unison)

O God, receive these gifts we offer

as a sign of the dedication of our lives.

We bring nothing of our own, for all that we have is yours.

We give, not for the sake of earthly reward,

but for the secret reward only you may grant;

the joy of your righteousness;

through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.


Being Christ’s Church Minute for Mission ~ Our Identity in Christ Multi-Generational Event Edith Ophardt

(Please sign the Friendship Pad found in your pew and return it

toward the center aisle, noting names of those with whom you are worshiping.)

*Hymn in Procession No. 193 “Jesus, Take Us to the Mountain”

*Charge and Benediction Choral Response “Alleluia” K. Lee Scott Organ Voluntary “Alleluyas” Simon Preston

*Greeting One Another

For anyone wishing confidential individual prayer, immediately following the service

a member of the Stephen Ministry will be available in the Chapel.

The flowers in the Chancel vases are given to the Glory of God by Don and Rhoda Hart.

The flowers in the Pedestal vases are given in celebration of the baptism of Heike Yvonne

Roberts by Steve and Byrdie Stocker.

The Rose on the Communion Table is in celebration of the birth of Connor Jacob

Montgomery born on February 9, 2015. Connor is the son of Jason and Laura Montgomery;

Grandparents are Don and Nancy Montgomery.

The Cathedral Hour today is given in honor of Blodwyn Nist for her 92nd birthday on

February 19th and in memory of Ray Nist by Steve and Byrdie Stocker.

Liturgists: Bette Maier & Elder Kevin Anderson

Acolytes: Faith Milligan (Crucifer), Riley Hudson (Acolyte), Molly Hudson (Acolyte), Emily

Hudson (Bible Bearer)

Acolyte Master: Scott McCahan

Preparing for Next Week

Scripture Readings for February 22, 2015 ~ The First Sunday of Lent Genesis 9:8-17; Psalm 25:1-10; 1 Peter 3:18-22; Mark 1:9-15

Consider: On this first Sunday in the season of Lent we find Noah receiving a sign that the waters of the earth’s great flood have subsided. A new day dawns! Noah’s adventure began as God decided to respond to human sin. Consider sin; what is sin? Why does God react so strongly against it?

Sunday Morning Adult Classes ~ 9:15-10:15 a.m.

The Library Class is studying the Apocrypha.

Contemporary Issues and Biblical Thought Adult Class meets in the Quilting Room and is studying a book by James W. Moore entitled, “The Power of a Story.”

The Parlor Class is studying from the Present Word: 2/15—Serving the Least, led by Jack Ketterer; 2/22—Clothed and Ready, led by Les Morgan.

The Upper Room: An Intergenerational Class: Join us in the Upper Room (second floor, above the Parlor) to look at the Scripture readings that will be used in the 10:30am worship service. Exploring the background of these Scriptures helps us to better understand connections between song, sermon, Scripture and prayer in the 10:30 service. No previous Bible knowledge necessary – come as you are. Mike Ophardt leads the discussion.

The Westminster Class: During the month of February, Dr. Greg Linville will lead the class: Discovering Mentoring and Leadership Principles for the 21st Century: A Study of Acts. All are welcome.

Daily Graces CPC Rhythms of Worship and Discipleship

The Week of February 15-21, 2015 Using Sunday’s Order of Worship, we enter into

worship and prayer every day of the week. We worship together…separately.

The Call to Worship The Prayer of Adoration (Followed by silence) The Prayer of Confession (Followed by silence) The Assurance of Pardon Scripture Readings (Worship texts for Sunday, February 22)

Monday: Genesis 9:8-17 Tuesday: Psalm 25:1-10 Wednesday: Peter 3:18-22

Silent Meditation and Prayer (Listening for God’s voice in Scripture and silence)

Prayers of the People (Lifting others before God) Prayer of Dedication

Becoming Familiar With Holy Scripture If you wish to become more familiar with the Bible and the best known stories of scrip-ture, read Jesus Rises from the Dead (Luke 24, John 20).

Thursday: Mark 1:9-15 Friday: Genesis 9:8-17 Saturday: Psalm 25:1-10

Clive Driskill-Smith, organ & Joseph Gramley, percussion This Afternoon — 4:00 pm

At Christ Presbyterian Church, Canton, Ohio Co-sponsored by the Gibbs Music Fund of Christ Church

From Copland’s “Fanfare for the Common Man” to Holst’s “The Planets,”

and wonderful variety in between, the Christ Church chancel area with be

filled with percussion instruments around the organ console: marimba,

vibraphone, glockenspiel, tam-tam, cymbals, snare drum, crotales, bass

drum, wind chimes, and timpani.

What does it mean to love ourselves and others as God loves us? This day long, mul�-

genera�onal, all church event is an opportunity to discover, indulge, and express

ourselves as a community of faith. There will be moments of quiet reflec�on, thought

provoking presenta�ons, challenging discussions, worship, and ac�vi�es for all ages. If

you register before February 19th

the cost is $10 for adults and $5 for children. A+er

that day and including the day of the event the cost is $15 for adults and $10 for

children. Cost includes lunch, snacks, and materials. For full details, schedule for the

day, and registra�on informa�on go to www.cantoncpc.org or pick up a registra�on

form at the informa�on kiosk or the office.

BEGINNING AGAIN Getting Back to Faith Basics Programs for Adults, Children & Youth




���� FAITH REBOOT: CHRISTIANITY 101 Led by Rev. Dave de Vries

Christianity doesn’t need to be difficult! The incarnation of Jesus reminds us

that faith is a very human and natural thing. Come remember the simplicity of

“the good news.”

���� THE CHRISTIAN DISCIPLINES 101 Led by Dr. Linda Leon

Spiritual disciplines are regular habits that we intentionally weave into our lives

and that grow our understanding of God. Join the exploration.


���� FAITH DOESN’T STAND STILL Led by Jennie George and Jon Mathewson

Do not come to this adventure expecting to sit around and be bored. After

all...Jesus never stayed still for very long! Take a walk through the arts as we

get creative and glorify God making a video, painting a mural, and other projects

over these six Wednesdays.

Simple Dinner available every Wednesday Soups, Salads, and Breads

will be available in

Westminster Hall

between 5:30-6:30 p.m.




March 15, 2015 @ 6:00 – Chancel Choir, Orchestra, and Soloists

The Passion of Christ According to the Gospel of John

Hearing or viewing the whole story of Christ: from the Last Supper in the

Upper Room to His burial in the tomb, can be an emotionally exhausting experience. The epic film

directed by Mel Gibson, “The Passion of the Christ,” with Jim Caviezel as Jesus, became a box-

office sensation eleven years ago this winter. It was controversial with mixed reviews, and some

critics claimed that the extreme violence in the film obscured the message; additionally,

theologians questioned the authenticity of the non-biblical material that crept into the

“Hollywood” production. But the general public felt moved by the intense drama, because they

got to view the entire story, many for the first time in their lives. But, how often have we told

someone that the “book was be;er than the film” in comparing the two art forms? Whenever we

are called on to use our imaginations and to do our own work of engagement in a story, we seem

to have a deeper experience.

Consider making plans to become engaged in the Passion story via the music of Bach.

Next month a once-in-a-generation event will be offered by the musicians of our community, and

it will be more than just another concert in our venerated music series. The “Passion of Christ” set

to music by J. S. Bach is one of the great monuments of the Christian faith—one that rewards the

worshiper/listener on so many levels. Indeed it is a monumental undertaking for our parish

musicians, as it requires hours upon hours, and weeks upon weeks of preparation to ensure a

spiritually moving experience for all who a;end. Just as people a;ended the Gibson film in

“church groups,” so too our congregation may want to plan a group event on Sunday, March 15 at

6:00pm. Many Christ Church people have regular Sunday plans that revolve around family, Small

Groups, and fellowship; this event would be the perfect group activity for Lent.

To be sure, our March concert is a musical drama of a different kind. Many of us may ask,

“what can the music of J. S. Bach say to us in the 21st century?” Through this dramatic telling of

the passion story, the audience is asked many hard questions. The choir and the soloists confront

the listener with moral dilemmas of complicity or calloused distance from the crowd dynamic of

those tragic three days. By extension and metaphor, these same challenges come at us in our

modern daily lives. One does not only listen to the performance, but one ideally contemplates the

human condition as the dark story plays itself out in the music. The audience can observe the

angry crowd, and even identify with the chief priests and witnesses. In this music event the

listener enters the story, rather than watches a screen.

We do not know how many years the Gibson film will still be popular, but the Bach

version of the story has been a pillar of Western cultures for 180 years. Come to the beautiful

sacred space of our sanctuary in the middle of our Lenten journey to get involved in Christ’s story:

our story.

2015 online registration is open! Remember to sign up before

March 15 to receive our “early bird” discount. This discount puts

the camp fees at the level of 2014 prices.

Upcoming dates of interest:

Friday, April 10, 2015

“Follow the Road Home”

to the Camp Wakonda Auction

in Westminster Hall at CPC

We are currently collecting donations for the auction. For questions and donations,

please contact Katie Miller at [email protected] or 330-472-7716.

Come support this event that finances our camp scholarship fund!

It is a night of great fun and great food!

Saturday, May 9—Spring Work Day

There is much to be done to get Wakonda ready for programming.

Come out and help support the ministry! Lunch and snacks provided at no cost.

Saturday, June 6

“Meet the Crew” Lunch & Prayer Walk

Come meet the 2015 Wakonda Summer Crew. Lunch will be served at 12:30,

and the prayer walk will begin at 2:30 p.m.

Israel and the Holy Land February 14 - 24, 2016

The Jewish Passover Seder concludes with the expression "L'shanah haba'ah b'Yerushalayim! - Next year in Jerusalem!"

These words are particularly apt for the Christ Church faith community today. In exactly one year, we will be landing in Tel Aviv to begin our pilgrimage to the Holy Land.

The tour includes visits to Tel Aviv, Galilee, and Jerusalem, including stops at many biblical sites such as the Sea of Galilee and the Garden of Gethsemane. We will also visit places of significance to the Israeli people including the Holocaust Memorial Yad Vashem. In addition to the 11-day/9-night tour of Israel and the Holy Land, there is an optional extension to Eilat on the Red Sea and the Ruins of Petra, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Jordan, February 24-26, 2016.

Thirty-three people have already registered for the trip, but we have room for several more. To learn more, including answers to frequently asked questions, check out the information on the trip website at www.cantoncpc.org/holylandtrip2016, or contact Nancy Irving at 330.280.1868 / [email protected]. Next year in Jerusalem!

The Mission Ministry is asking you to save the “Boxtops for

Education” icons that are on various items that you purchase.

Check everything you purchase for this icon. When you cut it out

you have to get the name, Boxtops for Education, as well as the

10 cent value. Also please watch for expiration dates. For special deals and coupons

please open Box Tops for Education on your computer and see if you can use these

products. Always check expiration dates. Check weekly for new opportunities. The Allen

School staff is very excited that we are joining them in this venture. Anyone want to

match the amount we raise in 2015???? I will be happy to talk about how a match can be

made and how more than one person can participate. Call Bette Maier,

330-493-7247, to discuss. Please put your icons in a marked envelope in

the collection plate or drop them off at the Church office. We will accept as

many or as few that you can contribute.

Some Needs at the Food, Clothing and Prayer

Ministry: Please think of us if you have any used plastic grocery bags. On

Distribution day we can use as many as 350 bags in just one

day! Larger plastic shopping bags are also appreciated, especially

when we have heavy winter clothes to give away. Our infant and

young children's clothes are also very sparse. If you have things that no longer fit your

little ones, we would love to have them. We have several families who just had babies so we

are trying to help them with warm blankets, clothes and small size diapers/ baby wipes. As

always, we so appreciate your support of our Ministry. —Lorraine Murphy

CongregationalGreetingCardsAs an outreach to our congregational family, we will have 2 cards each

week in Cloister Hall on a podium for the “family” to sign. Please stop

in Cloister Hall and sign the cards this week for: Dorothy Hanlon

(Thinking of You), Caroline Holmes (Thinking of You), Jason &

Laura Montgomery (Congratulations).

Confirmation Classes: February 8th and 15th

CPC Youth Gettin’ Busy

Feb. 15th 6-8th grade 5-7 p.m. Dinner 6:30-7:00 p.m. 8-12th grade 6:30-8:30 (8th graders can choose)

Feb. 22Feb. 22Feb. 22Feb. 22ndndndnd Winter Jam Concert $10/person Winter Jam Concert $10/person Winter Jam Concert $10/person Winter Jam Concert $10/person + lunch and spending money

(Leave after church, return 11 p.m.) Multiple bands in Cleveland at Wolstein Center.

March 6March 6March 6March 6----8888thththth Sr. High Winter Jam Retreat Sr. High Winter Jam Retreat Sr. High Winter Jam Retreat Sr. High Winter Jam Retreat $45 Leave from CPC at 6:30 p.m. Friday night,

Return Sunday by the end of Church

Beginning Again: Getting Back to Faith BasicsBeginning Again: Getting Back to Faith BasicsBeginning Again: Getting Back to Faith BasicsBeginning Again: Getting Back to Faith Basics Faith Doesn’t Stand Still

Wednesdays 6:30-7:45 beginning February 25th

Communion is a holy time of worship when we come together as

one body to remember and celebrate Jesus' great love for us. It is a

sign of Christ's sacrifice for us.

Help a child in your life learn about the sacraments and the

importance of communion in worship through Communion Classes

this Lenten season at Christ Church.

Led by Jennifer George, classes are for children in grades 1st through

5th and will begin Sunday, March 8th and end on Palm Sunday,

March 29th. Classes will be held during the 9:15 hour and children

are welcome to attend even if they have attended communion

classes before.

A parent or designated adult must attend with your child and it is very important that

the child be able to attend all classes. Please contact Jennie George before registering if

either of these stipulations is an issue for your situation.

Children who have attended the classes will be invited to participate in a special

Communion Liturgy during the 10:30 Worship Service on Palm Sunday, March 29th.

To register your child(ren), go to www.cantoncpc.org/eventregistration to sign up.

Commission of New Stephen Ministers On February 22nd at the 10:30am service, we will commission three

new Stephen Ministers. They are: Mary Lou Reiman, Steve

Stocker and Kristi Wood. These three have been through 50 hours

of specialized training in Christian caregiving and join a team of

eight other Stephen Ministers at Christ Presbyterian Church.

Stephen Ministers provide confidential, one-to-one Christian care to people

experiencing a crisis or going through a difficult time. Stephen Ministers meet

weekly with their care receiver for around an hour to listen, care, encourage, pray,

and provide emotional and spiritual support for the person. Caring relationships last

for as long as the person’s need persists.

Please lift up our new Stephen Ministers in your prayers, asking that God bless

their ministry and work through them to bring hope and healing to those they will

serve. Pray also for the continued ministry of our other Stephen Ministers and for

their care receivers.

Our congregation is one of more than 11,000 worldwide, representing 160 Christian

denominations that use the Stephen Series system of lay caring ministry developed

by Stephen Ministries in St. Louis.

A WonderfulA WonderfulA WonderfulA Wonderful Use For Your Old Cell PhonesUse For Your Old Cell PhonesUse For Your Old Cell PhonesUse For Your Old Cell Phones Please bring your old unused or broken cell phone to Church so they can be

refurbished and given to The Domestic Violence Center. Phones will be

repaired and for emergency 911 use for the victims of domestic violence.

They will be put to a good cause.

Weather/Building Related Closings

In the event of church services/activities being cancelled due to inclement weather, the closing

will be announced on the local television stations, WKYC-TV3; NewsChannel 5. You may also

check the websites: www.wkyc.com; www.newsnet5.com; or www.fox8.com.


Please let the church office know of your plans so that the church calendar can be up-dated

and accurate. Bible study teachers, ministry chairs, special event leaders please call Caryn as

soon as you set up a meeting/event time and date. She will check the church calendar for you

to make sure the building is open and that room is available. Also, remember that evening

meetings need to be scheduled when custodial help is available. With enough advanced notice

we can arrange for custodial coverage.

REMINDER: The 2015 Per Capita Communicant Apportionment is set at $28.68 per

member. Your assistance in donating to help defray the cost to the church will be greatly

appreciated. Please indicate on your check for the 2015 apportionment.

Wopila! That is thank you in Lakota! Thank you for all you have done to help the

people of the Porcupine Presbyterian Church.

As you start to fill your 2015 calendar with dates and commitments for the future,

please consider joining the Mission West Team. We already are planning on making

the trip to South Dakota :

July 12th—July 18th ( If you fly)

July 11th—July 21st ( If you drive)

Listen to that still small voice that might be sending you to join us! It is a life

changing mission!

A reminder… Either at home or on the road,you can listen to the 10:30 service on WHLO 640 AM, or log on your computer to www.640whlo.com


TODAY 8:00 am Worship Service—Chapel 9:00 am Fellowship—Westminster Hall 9:15 am Children/Youth/Adult Sunday School Classes 9:15 am- 11:30 am Infant Nursery (ages 0-2) –Room L4 10:30 am Worship Service—Sanctuary 12:00 pm Confirmation Class 4:00 pm Organized Rhythm Organ & Percussion Duo—Sanct. 5:00-7:00 pm Youth Grades 6-8 6:30-7:00 pm Youth Dinner 6:30-8:30 pm Youth Grades 8-12

MONDAY ~ Church Closed—Presidents’ Day

TUESDAY 9:30 am Bible Study—Parlor 11:30 am TAG Lunch & Program—West. Hall 11:30 am Staff Luncheon/Meeting 6:00 pm Session Dinner—West. Hall 7:00 pm Session Meeting—West. Hall/Chapel

WEDNESDAY ~ Tydings Deadline 12:05 pm Ash Wednesday Communion Service—Chapel 5:30-7:30 pm Stephen Ministry Training—Library 6:00-7:00 pm All Church Retreat Planning—Upper Room 7:00 pm Ash Wednesday Communion Service—Sanct.

THURSDAY 7:00 am Men’s Bible Study—Westminster Hall 7:15 pm Chancel Choir Reh.

SATURDAY 8:30 am-4:30 pm Our Identity in Christ Multi-Generational Event—CPC

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22 8:00 am Worship Service—Chapel 9:00 am Fellowship—Westminster Hall 9:15 am Children/Youth/Adult Sunday School Classes 9:15 am- 11:30 am Infant Nursery (ages 0-2) –Room L4 10:30 am Worship Service—Sanctuary 12:00 noon-11:00 pm Youth go to Winter Jam Concert

Christ Presbyterian Church 530 Tuscarawas Street West

Canton, Ohio 44702 330-456-8113 cantoncpc.org

[email protected]

A reminder… Either at home or on the road,you can listen to the 10:30 service on WHLO 640 AM, or log on your computer to www.640whlo.com

GMG—Kindermusik (Wednesday) 9:30-10:15am Village

10:45-11:30am Our Time

12:30-12:45pm Imagine That!

1:00-1:45pm Imagine That!

3:30-4:15pm Young Child 1

4:30-5:15pm Melody, Mallets & More

5:30-6:15pm Young Child 1 6:30-7:15pm Young Child 3

GMG—Kindermusik (Thursday) 9:30-10:15am Our Time

10:45-11:30am Our Time

12:00-12:45pm Imagine That!

Christ Presbyterian Church Staff

Ministers: The People of Christ Church Senior Pastor: Rev. David de Vries Parish Associate: Rev. Eldon Trubee

Director of Music & Organist: David Kienzle Specialist in Music for The Young Child: Deborah Garren

Director of Youth Ministry: Jon Mathewson Director of Children’s and Family Ministries: Jennifer George

Director of Outdoor Ministries: Chris Harmsen Business Administrator/Assistant Treasurer: Donald Weltlich

Financial Assistant/Secretary: Diane Nave Administrative Assistant to the Senior Pastor/Secretary: Caryn Smith

Custodians: Kurt A. Gottschick & Ron Pelger Mission Co-Worker in Thailand: Esther Wakeman

Elders of Christ Presbyterian Church

Kevin Anderson

Alice Bailey

Terri Bate

Chris Burt

Scott McCahan

Pam Moretta

Edith Ophardt

Christy Paumier

James Smith

Camp Wakonda was built in 1959 as a non-profit Christian summer camp and since that

time has been an outreach mission of Christ Presbyterian Church. We are preparing for our

24th annual Camp Wakonda auction to be held on Friday, April 10th, 2015. This year’s

auction is titled “Follow The Road Home.” Wakonda is a treasured new home or cherished

old home for many of our campers. Our auction raises funds to provide scholarships for

children to attend our overnight camp and to promote program development. Would you be

willing to donate money, a gift certificate or item that we could place in our auction??? To

donate an auction item, fill out the form below and drop it off or mail to the

Church office.

Please Print: Monetary Donation: __________________

Item or Service Donated: ____________________________________________________________

Estimated Retail Value: ______________ Check if anonymous donation: ____________

Donor Name: ______________________ Phone Number: _________________________

Address: ___________________________________________________________________________

Donation Description: ______________________________________________________________



Name of person to be contacted for additional information or to complete arrangements:

Name: ____________________________ ______ Phone Number: _________________________

The deadline for donations to be printed in the program will be Friday, April 3, 2015. All tangible items donated must be received by mail or brought to the Church office by Wednesday, April 8th between 8:15am and 4:45pm. If you have any questions, please contact: Katie Miller, [email protected] (330) 472-7716 Chrissy Rice, [email protected] (330)705-0126

24th Annual Camp Wakonda Auction April 10, 2015 6:00 – 9:00 pm (Doors open at 5:45 p.m.)

at Christ Presbyterian Church 530 Tuscarawas Street West, Canton, Ohio 44702

Phone: 330-456-8113 Fax: 330-456-8115