5.1 reflection of light

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  • 8/12/2019 5.1 Reflection of Light


    5.1 Reflection of Light

    Reflection of Light on a plane mirror

    The phenomenon of reflection of light obeys the laws of


    i) the incident ray, the reflected ray, and the normal all lieon the same plane

    ii) the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection,

    i.e. i= r

  • 8/12/2019 5.1 Reflection of Light


    Image form on plane mirror, convex mirror and concave

    mirror is due to the reflection of light from the surface of

    mirror to our eyes

    The characteristics of the image formed by aplane mirror:Virtual, Upright, Laterally inverted, same size as the object

    Distance of the image from the mirror is the sameas the

    distanceof the object from the mirror

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    What is real and virtual image?

    An image which can be formed on a screen is a real

    image, whereas an image which cannot be form on to a

    screen is called virtual image

    A real image is formed where rays actually meet

    Whereas a virtual image is formed by the apparent

    intersection of rays

  • 8/12/2019 5.1 Reflection of Light


    Ray Diagrams for Plane Mirrors

    1. The reflected rays

    obeys the laws ofreflection

    2. Extend the reflected

    rays backwards to meet

    at I. This is the position

    of the image

    3. The rays behind the mirror do not exit. They are

    virtual rays and are represented by dotted lines

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    Three steps to draw the position of the image

    i). Locate the position of the image

    ii). Locate the reflected rays

    iii). Locate the incident rays

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    Figure below shows an ambulance car. Why the word

    ambulance is purposely inverted laterally on an

    ambulance car ?



    Images seen through the real mirror of a car is laterally


  • 8/12/2019 5.1 Reflection of Light


    The diagram below shows student looking into a plane


    The image as observed by the student is


    C(The image formed

    is laterally inverted)

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    Experiment to verify angle of incidence is the same as

    the angle of reflection

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    Experiment to determine the position of an image in a plane

    mirror and to show that the image distance is equal to the

    object distance

    Ray box is position at a distance do. The image of the bulb

    in the ray box is view from position P3. Two pins, P1and

    P2are erected in front of the mirror such that they are in

    line with the image of the object (state of non- parallax).

    Likewise for Q3.P1P2and Q1Q2respectively are extended

  • 8/12/2019 5.1 Reflection of Light



    A candle is placed at a distance x in front of a plane

    mirror. What is the distance moved by the image if

    a). the candle moves toward the mirror by 1 meterb). the plane mirror is moved towards the candle by 1


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    Distance moved by the image of candle, d = 1 m

    Distance moved byimage, d

    = 2x-2(x-1)

    = 2m

    [When a mirror is moved towards

    the viewer at a velocity of v, the

    image will move with a velocityof 2v towards the viewer]

  • 8/12/2019 5.1 Reflection of Light


    The figure (a) shows a light ray reflected by a plane

    mirror. What is the angle of deviation of the reflected ray

    in figure (b), if the mirror is rotated 10clockwise about

    point O ?


    Before rotation:Angle of incidence = Angle of reflection


    angle POQ = 60

  • 8/12/2019 5.1 Reflection of Light


    After rotation of 10:

    Angle of incidence =40

    angle reflection =40

    Angle POQ=80

    angle of deviation (QOQ) = angle POQ- angle POQ

    = 80-60

    = 20[ 2 x angle of rotation of the mirror]

    [plane mirror and normal line will rotate but the incidence

    angle is fixed]

  • 8/12/2019 5.1 Reflection of Light


    Jennifer is standing at a distance of 10 m from a plane

    mirror. If Jennifer and the mirror move to the left by 1 m

    and 3 m respectively, what is the reduction in the

    distance between Jennifer and her image?

    Initially, the distance between Jennifer and her image

    =10 m + 10 m = 20 m

    After they moved, the distance = 10+1-3 = 8 m

    Distance between she and the new image position

    = 2 x 8 = 16 m. Reduction = 20-16 = 4 m

  • 8/12/2019 5.1 Reflection of Light


    Draw and show the formation of the image I


  • 8/12/2019 5.1 Reflection of Light


    Common Terminology of curved mirrors

    1. Centre of curvature, C: the centre of the sphere that

    forms the curved mirror

    2. Pole of mirror, P : The centre point of the curved mirror

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    3. Principal axis: A line which passes through the centre of

    curvature, Cand the pole of a curved mirror, P.

    4. Radius of curvature, r(=CP): Distance between the pole, P

    and the centre and the centre of curvature, C.5. Principal focus, F: A point through which all rays

    travelling parallel to the principal axis converge to or appear

    to diverge from after reflection by the mirror.

    6. Focal length, f : The distance between the principal focus,

    F and the pole of the curved mirror, P.

    7. Aperture of mirror: The portion of the surface of the mirror

    that reflects light.8. Object distance, u : Distance of object from the pole of the

    mirror, P

    9. Image distance, v : Distance of image from the pole of the

    mirror, P.

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    Concave mirror

    Rays travelling parallel to the principal axis will converge

    to a point, called the real principal focus, F,ontheprincipal axis

    Distance FP = Focal length, f

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    Convex Mirror

    Rays travelling parallel to the principal axis appear todiverge from a point behind the mirror.

    This point is called the virtual principal focus

    l i hi b h di f C d h

  • 8/12/2019 5.1 Reflection of Light


    Relationship between the Radius of Curvature, r and the

    Focal Length, f

    AM, parallel to and near principal axis, AM is reflected at

    M, where CM is the normal.

    According to the laws of reflection: Angle i= Angle r.

    AMC =

    MCF =

    , FCM is isosceles triangle andMF = CF. Ray is parallel and M is very near to P

    hence by close approximation FM FP CF= FP

    Thus for concave mirror CF=FP = 1/2 PC

    That is :- Focal length, f = 1/2 Radius of curvature, r

  • 8/12/2019 5.1 Reflection of Light


    Determine the Position and Characteristics of an Image

    with a Ray Diagram

    Concave Mirror

    1. A ray parallel to the

    principal axis is reflected

    to pass through F

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    2. A ray through F is

    reflected parallel to the

    principal axis

    3. A ray through C is

    reflected back along its

    own path.

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    Convex Mirror

    1. A ray parallel to the

    principal axis is reflectedas if it came from F

    2. A ray towards F is

    reflected parallel to theprincipal axis

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    St F D i R Di

  • 8/12/2019 5.1 Reflection of Light


    Steps For Drawing Ray Diagram

    1. Draw a horizontal line to represent the principal axis

    and a curve line to represent a curve mirror. A dotted

    vertical line is drawn at the pole of the curve mirror torepresent the construction line

    2. Mark the position of F and C on the principal axis.Make sure CF=FP

    3. Draw an arrow as object standing upright on the

    principal axis at a given distance from the mirror. This is

    the object distance, u

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    4. Draw rays coming from the top of the object using

    any 2 of the 3 construction rules {a. Ray that is parallel

    to the axis, b. Ray passes through the focus, F, c. Ray

    passes through the centre of curvature, C}

    5. The top of the images is

    where the two reflected rays

    meet again after reflection. Use

    arrows to indicate the direction

    of the rays

    6. Draw the image as a vertical arrow with its tail on the

    principal axis and the head at the point where the two

    reflected rays meet. The distance between the image and

    the mirror is the image distance, v.

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    Characteristic of the image formed:

    a). real or virtual

    b). inverted or uprightc). magnified, diminished or of the same size.

    Dotted lines are used for extending rays in backwards

    behind the mirror to locate the virtual image.

    A virtual image is also drawn using dotted line with an


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    Images Formed by a Concave Mirror

    a). Object is between F and Pvirtual


    behind the mirror

    Application: Make-up

    mirror, shaving mirror

    b). Object is at F virtual


    magnifiedat infinity

    Application: Reflectorto

    produce aparallel beam

    of light rays (spot light)

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    c). Object between F and C




    Beyond point C

    d). Object at CReal


    same size as object

    At C

    Application:- Reflector in

    a projector

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    e). Object is beyond C

    f). Object at infinity



    diminished in sizebetween C and F



    diminished in size

    at FApplication:-Reflecting

    telescope(To form the first

    image of a distant object)

    Image Formed by a Convex Mirror

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    Image Formed by a Convex Mirror

    a). Object at a point beyond F

    b). Object at a point before F

    c) Object at infinity

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    c). Object at infinity

    The characteristic of an image, formed by a convex

    mirror are:

    a). virtualb). upright

    c). diminished in size

    d). the image is seen at a distance v f behind the

    mirror for all positions of the object. (v is negative)

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  • 8/12/2019 5.1 Reflection of Light


    3. Rear View Mirrors of Cars

    Reflection of light on Curved MirrorsConcave mirror with long focal

    lengths can be used as shaving mirrors

    or make-up mirrors and as they

    produced magnified and upright


    Concave mirror also used by dentist

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  • 8/12/2019 5.1 Reflection of Light


    Convex mirror are used as rear-view mirrors in

    motor vehicle.

    A convex mirror has a wider view than a plane mirror. Itis also used as shop security mirrors.

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    You are given 3 mirrors- a plane mirror, a concave

    mirror, and a convex mirror. Which mirror can be used

    to ignite a match head? Explain your choice


    Sunlight will be convergedat the focus point, when the

    match head is placed at the

    focus of the concave mirror

    it will get heated up and


  • 8/12/2019 5.1 Reflection of Light


    Explain the difference between the images formed

    a). Holding a shiny spoon with its back facing your eyes at

    a distance of approximately half a metre from your eyesb)holding the other side of the spoon facing you


    For the back of the spoon image is upright for the otherside the image is inverted

    (Back of the spoon is similar to a convex mirror)

  • 8/12/2019 5.1 Reflection of Light


    The radius of curvature of a concave mirror is 20 cm. At

    what distance must an object be placed to produce

    a). an image of the same size?

    b). an image at infinity?


    a). v = 20 cm

    b). v = 10 cm

  • 8/12/2019 5.1 Reflection of Light


    Based on the diagram below:

    a). Draw the reflected rays of P, Q, and

    b). State the nature of the image formed

    c). What will happen to the image if the object is movedaway from the mirror?


    b). The image is real, inverted and magnified.

    c). The image moves towards mirror and become smaller

    and smaller


    B d th di b l

  • 8/12/2019 5.1 Reflection of Light


    Based on the diagram below:

    a). draw the reflected rays

    b). Where is the image located?

    c). What is the characteristic of the image?


    b). Image is located at F

    c). Image is virtual, upright and diminished
