50519353 albert einstein at school

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  • 7/28/2019 50519353 Albert Einstein at School


    Albert Einstein at School


    Einsteins philosophy of education

    Character of Yuri

    Slum violence and Einsteins disgust with it

    Ernst Weil and Mr. Kochs character

    2 marks

    Why was Mr. Braun speechless for a few minutes?

    Mr. Braun asked Albert in what year had the Prussians defeated the French at

    Waterloo. Albert replied that he didnt know. Mr. Braun retorted that he had been told

    about it a number of times. Albert replied with his usual unthinking honesty that he

    didnt see any point in learning dates as one could always look them up in a book. Mr.

    Braun becomes speechless for a few minutes.

    Do you think Albert was being impolite to Mr. Braun? Give reasons.

    Albert was straight forward and honest as his convictions were strong. This was

    however considered rude by Mr. Braun.

    What was Einsteins view on Education?

    For Einstein ideas were important. Facts did not matter as they could be looked up in

    books. He did not see any point in learning the dates of battles but in learning why the

    soldiers were trying to kill each other.

    What characteristics of Einsteins nature are highlighted by the conversation

    between him and his history teacher?

    Einstein was a boy of strong convictions with firm opinions. He was frank with

    logical reasoning. He expressed his views regardless of the punishment that would


    Why did Albert feel miserable when he left school that day?

    Albert felt miserable because he hated the school and would have to return there the

    next day as well. Secondly, the idea of going back to his lodgings and atmosphere of

    domestic violence which prevailed there did not cheer him up.

    What did Albert conclude after six months alone in Munich?

    After six months alone in Munich, Albert knew that he must get away from there. He

    felt as he was wasting his fathers money and everyones time.

    Why was Albert equally unhappy at his lodgings?

    Albert got no comfort at his lodging. The food was bad, there was dirt and squalor but

    he did not mind that as much as he hated the atmosphere of violence in slum. His land

    lady used to beat her children regularly and every Saturday her husband came drunk

    and beat her.

    Who was Elsa? What did she advise Albert?

    Elsa was Alberts cousin who lived in Berlin. She assured him that he could learn

    enough to pass the exams. All he had to do was to learn like a parrot and repeat it in

    the exams.

    What sudden idea did Albert hit upon to get away from School?

  • 7/28/2019 50519353 Albert Einstein at School


    Albert was convinced that he did not want to continue school. He thought that if he

    had a nervous breakdown and the doctor certified that it was bad for him to go to

    school; he could easily get away from it.

    How did Yuri help him in his plan?

    Yuri knew that Albert was miserable and referred him to his friend Dr. Ernest Weil.

    This young doctor had a license to practice and so he gave Albert the certificate he


    How would the medical certificate help Albert?

    Yuri, Alberts friend thought that the medical certificate would help Albert to enjoy

    six months leave from the school. He would not actually be leaving the school and if

    the worst befell he could return and continue studies for the diploma.

    How did Albert plan to join college without a diploma from school?

    Albert went to Mr. Koch, his teacher of mathematics to get a recommendation. Mr.

    Koch wrote that Albert was ready to enter a college for the study of higher

    mathematics. This would help him get admission in college.

    What did the head teacher tell Albert?

    The head teacher told Albert that his work was terrible and he was not prepared to

    have him in the school any longer. He added that Alberts presence in the classroom

    made it impossible for the teacher to teach and for the other pupils to learn. Albert

    refused to learn and rebelled. So no serious work could be done while he was there.

    How did Albert leave the school where he had spent five years?

    Albert left school by walking straight on, without turning his head to give it a last

    look. He could not think of anyone he wanted to say good bye to.

    What opinion do you form of Dr. Ernest Weil?Dr. Ernest Weil had just qualified to be a doctor, but he was intelligent. He

    understood Alberts problem. He said that had Albert not been close to a nervous

    breakdown, he would not have gone to a doctor. Dr. Weil was sympathetic and

    certified that Albert should be kept away from school for six months.

    Why did Albert see no point learning dates and facts?

    Dates and facts are parts of knowledge which are content based. Albert thought there

    was no point in learning dates and facts because these could be confirmed from books

    any time. Secondly for him learning facts was not education. For him ideas were more


    What reasons did the head teacher offer for expelling Albert from school?

    The head teacher gave many reasons for expelling Albert from school. Alberts

    presence in the classroom made it impossible for the teacher to teach and other pupils

    to learn. Albert himself refused to learn. Albert was in constant rebellion.

    10 marks

    Discuss the character of Albert Einstein as revealed in this extract?

    Albert Einstein showed the sparks of genius even at a young age. His miserable years

    at school revealed how a talented creative mind feels trapped and cloistered in the

    rigid system of education. The classroom had no place for individual aspirations

    brilliance or aptitude. It discouraged Alberts genius and originality.Alberts defiance is misunderstood by his teachers. His unthinking honesty is seen

  • 7/28/2019 50519353 Albert Einstein at School


    as a refusal to confirm to the education and not the learning of facts. His maths

    teacher had a high opinion of him. He said. I cant teach you more and probably

    youll soon be able to teach me. Albert was humble and unassuming and he was

    uncomfortable with the excessive praise. The teacher seems to recognize Alberts rare

    intellectual genius and his aptitude for maths. Albert has an enquiring mind and a

    curious nature. He had a thirst for information and he liked to study books on science.

    He loved music and played his violin regularly. Albert had a frank and honest

    temperament and was quite sensitive and emotional. He was considered a rebel by

    most of his teachers. He did not compromise and adjust to the system of education

    which encouraged learning without understanding. For him, ideas and enquiry were

    more important than facts or dates. He was expelled from school for his views which

    did not match the existing pattern.


    At the school, the teachers did not seem to be interested in helping Einstein & in

    bringing out his potential.

    His history teacher could not convince him of the relevance of his subject &

    became sarcastic.

    Einstein did not like his school at Munich at all. He considered it a hateful placewhere he did not wish to go back the next morning. Most of the days were filled with

    unpleasant experiences. He had been sent there to take his diploma, but he wished he

    could leave the school.