50462005 defending imam fakhruddin razi

 Imam Razi (R.D) is alleged tro devepop sympathy for Ismailies..This is an incor rect version. Ist :The tradition/Report which says that Imam Razi stopped from c riticisng Ismailis due to threat and terror is incorrect. Such incorrect reports  can not become a proof. The books which reports this tradition do not mension the soure and the nouns of  the reporters. 2nd:According to the report Great Imam was in terror of ismaili nizari extrimis ts of Alamut. So this does not mean that he drifted from ORTHODOX SUNNISM NOUNLY ASHARISM. .Case of TERROR is different from the case of drfting . We can see clearly that a number of Musta'li ismaili imam WERE KILLED BY NIZARI ISMAILIES. MUSTALI ,AMIR AND MUHAMMAD TAYYUB ARE THE CASES . So if Imam Razi became frightened and stopped criticizing Nizari Ismailism of Al amut this is very natural. 3rd: Ether one take the report as it is or reject it completely. To take one par t and to reject the second part is an irrational way of discussion. 4th:An Nizari Ismaili Imam in Alamut became a Sunni but the very same people who  try to shew that Imam Razi driffted from Asharism make strange apologistic inte rpretations that Nizari Imam of Alamut did not drifted from Zizari Ismailism. see Ismailis through History. This shew that even they in principle did not agree on such traditions which ref ers to alleged conversions. 5th: Whole life of Imam Razi is infront of us and to discard his whole life on a  single report ,which is reported by UNKNOWN REPORTERS/NARRATORS to THE WRITERS OF THE books is incorrect. ADDITIONALLY WHEN THE REPORT itself says it is a case  of frightening,fear and terror. It may be asked that a threat to life made Imam to stop criticizing Nizaris. This shews a cowardice attitute. But for safety of life when Ithna ashries, Isailies ALLEGE THAT JAFAR BIN MUHAMM AD (who was a Sunni) did hide his Shiaism and appeard to be a Sunni ,It is possible  that Imam Razi stopped criticizing Nizari Ismailism atleast in bublic AND THIS DOES NOT IMPLY any alleged/supposed drfting as incorrectly assumed. CONCLUSION: THIS ALLEGATION ON IMAM RAZI IS FALSE.

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Post on 09-Jul-2015




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