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1. perhapsby chance2. likelyhas a good chance of being the case or of coming about3. pleasantbeing in harmony with your taste or likings4. opportunesuitable or advantageous especially for a particular purpose5. apparentclearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment6. perceiveto become aware of through the sensesI couldperceivethe ship coming over the horizon; She finallyperceivedthe futility of her protest7. instancean item of information that is typical of a class or group8. exceldistinguish oneselfSheexcelledin math; I dont know if there could be another area for me toexcelin.9. philosophythe rational investigation of existence and knowledge10. acquaintcause to come to know personally; introduce; familiarize; make familiar withpermit me toacquaintyou with my son; you shouldacquaintyourself with your new computer;11. surroundextend on all sides of simultaneously; encircle12. conferpresent13. earnestcharacterized by a firm, humorless belief in one's opinions14. convenemeet formally15. boremake a hole, especially with a pointed power or hand tool16. intellectknowledge and mental ability17. savagewithout civilizing influences18. conceivehave the idea for19. reputethe state of being held in high esteem and honor20. despaira state in which all hope is lost or absent21. recollectrecall knowledge from memory22. apprehendanticipate with dread or anxiety23. absurdinconsistent with reason or logic or common sense24. exertput to use25. qualifydescribe or portray the character or peculiarities of26. contemplatethink intently and at length, as for spiritual purposes27. datuman item of factual information from measurement or research28. terminusa place where something ends or is complete29. corpsan army unit usually consisting of two or more divisions30. guisean artful or simulated semblance31. alludemake a more or less disguised reference to32. predicttell in advance33. cardinala variable color averaging a vivid red34. prominentconspicuous in position or importance35. specimena bit of tissue or fluid taken for diagnostic purposes36. resentfeel bitter or indignant about37. consula diplomat appointed to protect a government's interests38. complimenta remark expressing praise and admiration39. conspireact in agreement and in secret towards a deceitful purpose40. gallanthaving or displaying great dignity or nobility41. parisha local church community42. glimpsea brief or incomplete view43. contrivemake or work out a plan for; devise44. tensetaut or rigid; stretched tight45. sergeanta noncommissioned officer ranking above a corporal46. dissolvepass into a solution47. literallimited to the explicit meaning of a word or text48. brethrenthe lay members of a male religious order49. facilearrived at without due care or effort; lacking depth50. liablesubject to legal action51. outragea disgraceful event52. islea small island53. citemake reference to54. fundamentalserving as an essential component55. machinerymechanical or electrical devices collectively56. guyan informal term for a youth or man57. transmitsend from one person or place to another58. transactconduct business59. isolateplace or set apart60. continuousmoving in time or space without interruption61. primitivecharacteristic of an earlier ancestral type62. validwell grounded in logic or truth or having legal force63. daringa challenge to do something dangerous or foolhardy64. inscribecarve, cut, or etch into a material or surface65. initiateset in motion, start an event or prepare the way for66. landscapean expanse of scenery that can be seen in a single view67. bewildercause to be confused emotionally68. negatemake ineffective by counterbalancing the effect of69. ridiculousincongruous or absurd70. oratetalk pompously71. optionone of a number of things from which only one can be chosen72. ingeniousshowing inventiveness and skill73. premierfirst in rank or degree74. intervenebe placed or located between other things75. formationthe act of establishing something76. adherestick to firmly77. scruplean ethical or moral principle that inhibits action78. aristocrata member of the nobility79. facilitya building or place that provides a particular service80. successora person who follows next in order81. emergentcoming into existence82. technicalof or relating to aptitude in a practical skill83. theologythe rational and systematic study of religion84. pioushaving or showing or expressing reverence for a deity85. radicalfar beyond the norm86. defiantboldly resisting authority or an opposing force87. aspirehave an ambitious plan or a lofty goal88. shrieksharp piercing cry89. evolutionsequence of events involved in the development of a species90. confrontoppose, as in hostility or a competition91. participatebe involved in92. divertturn aside; turn away from93. aggresstake the initiative and go on the offensive94. contributiona voluntary gift made to some worthwhile cause95. spectatora close observer; someone who looks at something96. treacheryan act of deliberate betrayal97. excessthe state of being more than full98. dominatebe in control99. compensatemake amends for100. neutralhaving no personal preference101. legitimatebased on known statements or events or conditions102. gravitythe force of attraction between all masses in the universe103. exaggerateto enlarge beyond bounds or the truth104. broadcastdisseminate over the airwaves, as in radio or television105. archbishopa bishop of highest rank106. conspicuousobvious to the eye or mind107. gambletake a risk in the hope of a favorable outcome108. recruitcause to assemble or enlist in the military109. panelsheet that forms a distinct section of something110. amitya state of friendship and cordiality111. accommodatehave room for; hold without crowding112. formulaa group of symbols that make a mathematical statement113. retorta quick reply to a question or remark114. alternativeone of a number of things from which only one can be chosen115. suspiciousopenly distrustful and unwilling to confide116. Normanan inhabitant of Normandy117. hazardan unpredictable phenomenon that causes a certain result118. massiveconsisting of great mass119. marineof or relating to the sea120. pathosa quality that arouses emotions, especially pity or sorrow121. assentto agree or express agreement122. disciplesomeone who helps to spread the doctrine of another123. reproducemake a copy or equivalent of124. illusionan erroneous mental representation125. employera person or firm that hires workers126. diplomaticrelating to negotiation between nations127. invasionany entry into an area not previously occupied128. indignantangered at something unjust or wrong129. hinderbe an obstacle to130. sanctionofficial permission or approval131. recedepull back or move away or backward132. courtesya courteous manner133. accumulateget or gather together134. countrymana man from your own country135. siegean action of an armed force that surrounds a fortified place136. liquoran alcoholic beverage that is distilled rather than fermented137. virtualbeing actually such in almost every respect138. descenta movement downward139. congregatecome together, usually for a purpose140. ruefeel sorry for; be contrite about141. brigadearmy unit smaller than a division142. competentproperly or sufficiently qualified or capable or efficient143. extravagantrecklessly wasteful144. pensionregular payment to allow a person to subsist without working145. unnecessarynot needed146. variationthe process of becoming different147. assassina member of a secret order who terrorized Crusaders148. fortifymake strong or stronger149. revisemake changes to150. superintendwatch and direct151. foreignera person who comes from another country152. collapsebreak down, literally or metaphorically153. judicialexpressing careful judgment154. nowherenot anywhere; in or at or to no place155. venerateregard with feelings of respect and reverence156. invariablenot liable to or capable of change157. prolonglengthen in time; cause to be or last longer158. biographyan account of the series of events making up a person's life159. biographyan account of the series of events making up a person's life160. landlorda landowner who leases to others161. foreseerealize beforehand162. confidereveal in private; tell confidentially163. enthusiastichaving or showing great excitement and interest164. corruptionuse of a position of trust for dishonest gain165. terrifyfrighten greatly166. significancethe quality of being important167. conservativeresistant to change168. degradereduce in worth or character, usually verbally169. sympatheticexpressing compassion or friendly fellow feelings170. tranquilfree from disturbance by heavy waves171. illuminatemake lighter or brighter172. bureauan administrative unit of government173. effectualproducing or capable of producing an intended result174. recklessmarked by defiant disregard for danger or consequences175. severelyto a severe or serious degree176. rejoinjoin again177. shrewdmarked by practical hardheaded intelligence178. reinone of a pair of long straps used to control a horse179. creedany system of principles or beliefs180. socialistadvocating the state ownership of industry181. editorialan article giving opinions or perspectives182. formidableextremely impressive in strength or excellence183. humiliatecause to feel shame184. equivalentbeing essentially equal to something185. ambitioushaving a strong desire for success or achievement186. stimulatecause to act in a specified manner187. suffragea legal right to vote188. embarkgo on board189. ardentcharacterized by intense emotion190. ironyincongruity between what might be expected and what occurs191. intrudeenter uninvited192. legislativerelating to a lawmaking assembly193. exitmove out of or depart from194. avertturn away or aside195. acuteending in a sharp point196. aristocracya privileged class holding hereditary titles197. manufacturersomeone who manufactures something198. mysticbeyond ordinary understanding199. moralityconcern with the distinction between right and wrong200. tenantsomeone who pays rent to use property owned by someone else201. sheerso thin as to transmit light202. menacesomething that is a source of danger203. consumptionthe act of using something up204. satirewitty language used to convey insults or scorn205. commodityarticles of commerce206. perceptionthe process of becoming aware through the senses207. hesitationthe act of pausing uncertainly208. intriguea crafty and involved plot to achieve your ends209. discriminatemarked by the ability to see or make fine distinctions210. radiatesend out rays or waves211. explosionthe act of bursting212. deitya supernatural being worshipped as controlling the world213. deferyield to another's wish or opinion214. episodea happening that is distinctive in a series of events215. decisivecharacterized by resoluteness and firmness216. uniquethe single one of its kind217. alcohola volatile compound made by distillation218. resemblancesimilarity in appearance or external or superficial details219. tyrannygovernment in which the ruler is an absolute dictator220. prudencediscretion in practical affairs221. accuracythe quality of being near to the true value222. subordinatean assistant subject to the authority or control of another223. devisea will disposing of real property224. precautiona measure taken in advance to ward off impending danger225. enlightengive spiritual insight to226. magneta device that attracts iron and produces lines of force227. lapsedrop to a lower level, as in one's morals or standards228. urbanrelating to a city or densely populated area229. classifyarrange or order by categories230. remembrancethe ability to recall past occurrences231. hostilitya state of deep-seated ill-will232. straita narrow channel joining two larger bodies of water233. cowercrouch or curl up234. occurrencean instance of something happening235. designatedesign or destine236. hideousgrossly offensive to decency or morality; causing horror237. achea dull persistent (usually moderately intense) pain238. pioneerone the first colonists or settlers in a new territory239. frightfulprovoking horror240. casualwithout or seeming to be without plan or method; offhand241. imitationcopying the actions of someone else242. breachan opening, especially a gap in a dike or fortification243. fiscalinvolving financial matters244. extremitythe outermost or farthest region or point245. canona collection of books accepted as holy scripture246. battalionan army unit consisting of a headquarters and companies247. impelurge or force to an action; constrain or motivate248. engravecarve, cut, or etch into a material or surface249. innovatebring something new to an environment250. logicalbased on known statements or events or conditions251. descendanta person considered as coming from some ancestor or race252. minoritybeing or relating to the smaller in number of two parts253. migranttraveler who moves from one region or country to another254. eliminateend, take out, or do away with255. denouncespeak out against256. illegalprohibited by law or by official or accepted rules257. overthrowrule against258. liberategrant freedom to; free from confinement259. abbeya monastery ruled by an abbot260. preferencethe right or chance to choose261. extensionact of expanding in scope262. vacateleave behind empty; move out of263. metropolisa large and densely populated urban area264. bitternessthe taste experience when quinine or coffee is taken into the mouth265. defensivean attitude of excessive sensitivity to criticism266. exclamationan abrupt excited utterance267. benevolentshowing or motivated by sympathy and understanding268. mediateact between parties with a view to reconciling differences269. domaina particular environment or walk of life270. corporateof or belonging to a business firm271. antagonisman actively expressed feeling of dislike and hostility272. uncommonnot common or ordinarily encountered273. embodyrepresent in bodily form274. relevanthaving a bearing on or connection with the subject at issue275. procedurea particular course of action intended to achieve a result276. conjectureto believe especially on uncertain or tentative grounds277. alienfrom another place or part of the world278. predecessorone who precedes you in time279. statutean act passed by a legislative body280. prophecya prediction uttered under divine inspiration281. productivecapable of bringing forth, especially abundantly282. garrisona fortified military post where troops are stationed283. personagea person whose actions and opinions strongly influence the course of events284. coincidehappen simultaneously285. delicacythe quality of being exquisitely fine in appearance286. coalitionthe union of diverse things into one body or form or group287. mytha traditional story serving to explain a world view288. deludebe dishonest with289. enactorder by virtue of superior authority; decree290. fidelitythe quality of being faithful291. expedientappropriate to a purpose292. geologyscience of the history of the earth as recorded in rocks293. hospitalitykindness in welcoming guests or strangers294. irresistibleimpossible to resist; overpowering295. repelforce or drive back296. impatiencea lack of patience297. panican overwhelming feeling of fear and anxiety298. covenantan agreement between God and his people299. originatecome into existence; take on form or shape300. provincialassociated with an administrative district of a nation301. inspectoran investigator who observes carefully302. reassurecause to feel confident303. innumerabletoo numerous to be counted304. batterstrike violently and repeatedly305. revelationthe speech act of making something evident306. monasterythe residence of a religious community307. insolentmarked by casual disrespect308. beseechask for or request earnestly309. techniquea practical method or art applied to some particular task310. convulsemove or stir about violently311. vehementmarked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions312. feminineassociated with women and not with men313. queryan instance of questioning314. accusationan assertion that someone is guilty of a fault or offence315. inconvenientnot well timed316. noisyfull of or characterized by loud and nonmusical sounds317. righteousnessadhering to moral principles318. credulousshowing a lack of judgment or experience319. momentarylasting for a markedly brief time320. operatoran agent that operates some apparatus or machine321. bodilyof or relating to or belonging to the body322. dissenta difference of opinion323. interposeintroduce324. municipalrelating to a self-governing district325. excellencepossessing good qualities in high degree326. missilea weapon that is forcibly thrown or projected at a target327. giganticso exceedingly large or extensive as to suggest a giant328. hoarsedeep and harsh sounding as if from shouting or illness329. enlistjoin the military330. acquisitionsomething gained331. parlora room in a private house or establishment where people can sit and talk and relax332. allusionpassing reference or indirect mention333. encamplive in or as if in a tent334. expansionthe act of increasing in size or volume or quantity or scope335. tacticsa plan for attaining a particular goal336. simultaneousoccurring or operating at the same time337. refusalthe act of showing unwillingness338. donategive to a charity or good cause339. unanimousin complete agreement340. wholesomecharacteristic of physical or moral well-being341. hereditythe transmission of genetic factors to the next generation342. utilitythe quality of being of practical use343. incessantuninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing344. proprietycorrect behavior345. diversedistinctly dissimilar or unlike346. mercifulshowing or giving forgiveness347. pleaa humble request for help from someone in authority348. albuma book of blank pages with pockets or envelopes349. perseverebe persistent, refuse to stop350. evadeavoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing351. concessionthe act of yielding352. forecasta prediction about how something will develop353. involuntarynot subject to the control of the will354. excursiona journey taken for pleasure355. persecutioncausing someone to suffer356. exposurethe state of being vulnerable357. dialoguea conversation between two persons358. migratemove from one country or region to another and settle there359. consecrategive entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause360. ponderreflect deeply on a subject361. fathoma linear unit of measurement for water depth362. accessiblecapable of being reached363. submarinea submersible warship usually armed with torpedoes364. amateursomeone who pursues a study or sport as a pastime365. objectivethe goal intended to be attained366. avowto declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true367. habitualcommonly used or practiced368. transparenttransmitting light; able to be seen through with clarity369. jurisdictionthe territory within which power can be exercised370. proclamationa formal public statement371. franticmarked by uncontrolled excitement or emotion372. levyimpose and collect373. lyricof or relating to poetry that expresses emotion374. partisana fervent and even militant proponent of something375. assessestimate the nature, quality, ability or significance of376. floraall the plant life in a particular region or period377. assetsanything of material value owned by a person or company378. pagana person following a polytheistic or pre-Christian religion379. secondarybeing of second rank or importance or value380. characterizebe typical of381. bellea young woman considered charming and beautiful382. ballada narrative poem of popular origin383. efficiencyskillfulness in avoiding wasted time and effort384. extinguishput out, as of fires, flames, or lights385. transitionthe act of passing from one state or place to the next386. summarybriefly giving the gist of something387. conveniencethe quality of being useful388. deficientinadequate in amount or degree389. constituentone of the individual parts making up a composite entity390. analogydrawing a comparison in order to show a similarity391. disregardlack of attention and due care392. factiona dissenting clique393. prodigyan unusually gifted or intelligent person394. ascribeattribute or credit to395. memorableworth remembering396. hypothesisa tentative insight into the natural world397. preservationthe activity of protecting something from loss or danger398. equityconformity with rules or standards399. emancipatefree from slavery or servitude400. chivalrythe medieval principles governing knightly conduct401. massacrethe savage and excessive killing of many people402. energeticpossessing or displaying forceful exertion403. venerableprofoundly honored404. violationan act that disregards an agreement or a right405. precipicea very steep cliff406. corpsethe dead body of a human being407. monarchyautocracy governed by a ruler who usually inherits authority408. profilean outline of something, especially a face from the side409. perceptiblecapable of being grasped by the mind or senses410. anecdoteshort account of an incident411. ecstasya state of elated bliss412. indulgencethe act of gratifying a desire413. pollutemake impure414. emphaticspoken with emphasis415. repressconceal or hide416. superintendenta person who directs and manages an organization417. insightclear or deep perception of a situation418. realismthe attribute of accepting the facts of life419. lifetimethe period during which something is functional420. scriptsomething written by hand421. unnaturalnot in accordance with or determined by nature422. despota cruel and oppressive dictator423. conversionthe act of changing from one use or function to another424. superbsurpassingly good425. detestdislike intensely426. pamphleta small book usually having a paper cover427. limitationan act of restricting (as by regulation)428. overseewatch and direct429. generositythe trait of being willing to give your money or time430. practicablecapable of being done with means at hand431. nominationthe act of officially naming a candidate432. subsistsupport oneself433. assassinatemurder; especially of socially prominent persons434. grandeurthe quality of being magnificent or splendid or grand435. optimismthe hopeful feeling that all is going to turn out well436. intelligiblecapable of being apprehended or understood437. recurhappen or occur again438. invalidno longer legally acceptable439. notoriousknown widely and usually unfavorably440. flexibleable to bend easily441. precipitatebring about abruptly442. traita distinguishing feature of your personal nature443. relentgive in, as to influence or pressure444. submissionthe act of surrendering power to another445. distrustdoubt about someone's honesty446. militiacivilians trained as soldiers, not part of the regular army447. treatisea formal exposition448. obstructblock passage through449. anonymoushaving no known name or identity or known source450. foliagethe aggregate of leaves of one or more plants451. regentsomeone who rules during the absence of the monarch452. comprisebe composed of453. bustlemove or cause to move energetically or busily454. inconsistentdisplaying a lack of regularity455. alterationthe act of revising456. ferocitythe property of being wild or turbulent457. insurgentin opposition to a civil authority or government458. precedentan example that is used to justify similar occurrences459. clement(of weather or climate) physically mild460. rhetoricstudy of the technique for using language effectively461. verilyin truth; certainly462. prefacea short introductory essay preceding the text of a book463. dominantmost frequent or common464. prostratestretched out and lying at full length along the ground465. bridleheadgear for a horse466. patriotismlove of country and willingness to sacrifice for it467. scrupulouscharacterized by extreme care and great effort468. maintenanceactivity involved in keeping something in good working order469. regimethe governing authority of a political unit470. bafflebe a mystery or bewildering to471. infamya state of extreme dishonor472. oratora person who delivers a speech473. emphasizeto stress, single out as important474. divinityany supernatural being worshipped as controlling the world475. intoxicatemake drunk (with alcoholic drinks)476. discreetmarked by prudence or modesty and wise self-restraint477. appallstrike with disgust or revulsion478. indispensableessential479. modificationthe act of making something different480. spontaneoussaid or done without having been planned in advance481. usagethe act of employing482. tribunean ancient Roman official elected by the plebeians483. collectivedone by or characteristic of individuals acting together484. stifleimpair the respiration of or obstruct the air passage of485. federateunite on a federal basis or band together as a league486. condescendbehave in a patronizing manner487. audibleheard or perceptible by the ear488. abominatefind repugnant489. supernaturalthings that cannot be explained by physical laws490. meditationcontinuous and profound contemplation or musing on a subject491. sarcasmwitty language used to convey insults or scorn492. fanatica person motivated by irrational enthusiasm493. competitorthe contestant you hope to defeat494. academicassociated with an educational institution495. repetitionthe act of doing or performing again496. denotehave as a meaning497. epocha period marked by distinctive character498. corporalaffecting the body as opposed to the mind or spirit499. inlandsituated away from an area's coast or border500. intimacya feeling of being close and belonging together501. premisea statement that is held to be true502. insignificantconveying nothing503. biologythe science that studies living organisms504. requisitenecessary for relief or supply505. likinga feeling of pleasure and enjoyment506. dogmaa doctrine or code of beliefs accepted as authoritative507. subsidesink to a lower level or form a depression508. adversein an opposing direction509. capricea sudden desire510. tingecolor lightly511. contemptuousexpressing extreme scorn512. abstainchoose not to consume513. clumsylacking grace in movement or posture514. exemptfreed from or not subject to an obligation or liability515. disagreebe different from one another516. insensiblebarely able to be perceived517. rebuildbuild again518. elapsepass by519. integrityan undivided or unbroken completeness with nothing wanting520. eccentricconspicuously or grossly unconventional or unusual521. abbotthe superior of an abbey of monks522. forcibleimpelled by physical force especially against resistance523. devoutdeeply religious524. emitgive off, send forth, or discharge525. levera simple machine giving a mechanical advantage on a fulcrum526. pitifuldeserving or inciting compassion527. gaugean instrument for measuring and indicating a quantity528. solarrelating to the sun or utilizing the energies of the sun529. homagerespectful deference530. scopethe state of the environment in which a situation exists531. mustergather or bring together532. pertinentbeing of striking appropriateness533. confederateunited in a league534. immigranta person who comes to a country in order to settle there535. symphonya long and complex sonata for an orchestra536. mutinyopen rebellion against constituted authority537. comprehensiveincluding all or everything538. accedeyield to another's wish or opinion539. ferventcharacterized by intense emotion540. passivelacking in energy or will541. coherecause to form a united, orderly, and consistent whole542. compresssqueeze or press together543. vegetateproduce plant life544. forfeitlose or lose the right to by some error, offense, or crime545. ravinea deep narrow steep-sided valley546. deploreexpress strong disapproval of547. imaginarynot based on fact; unreal548. aspirationa cherished desire549. dissatisfyfail to satisfy550. matter of facta matter that is an actual fact or is demonstrable as a fact551. indictaccuse formally of a crime552. interceptseize on its way553. austereof a stern or strict bearing or demeanor554. hereditaryoccurring among people descended from a common ancestor555. disapproveconsider bad or wrong556. outlawsomeone who has committed a crime or has been legally convicted of a crime557. dismountalight from (a horse)558. futileproducing no result or effect559. intolerableincapable of being put up with560. invokerequest earnestly; ask for aid or protection561. stratumone of several parallel layers of material562. contradictionopposition between two conflicting forces or ideas563. ghastlyshockingly repellent; inspiring horror564. secludekeep away from others565. competitiveinvolving rivalry over something566. epica long narrative poem telling of a hero's deeds567. catastrophea sudden violent change in the earth's surface568. vigilantcarefully observant or attentive569. investigatorsomeone who inquires carefully570. alleya narrow street with walls on both sides571. conscientiouscharacterized by extreme care and great effort572. interpretersomeone who mediates between speakers of different languages573. arbitrarybased on or subject to individual discretion or preference574. authenticnot counterfeit or copied575. nationalitythe status of belonging to a particular country576. secondlyin the second place577. expressivecharacterized by communicating beliefs or opinions578. syllablea unit of spoken language larger than a phoneme579. exasperatemake furious580. outbreaka sudden violent spontaneous occurrence581. commitmentthe act of binding yourself to a course of action582. orthodoxadhering to what is commonly accepted583. treacherousdangerously unstable and unpredictable584. scoundrelsomeone who does evil deliberately585. theologicalof or relating to or concerning the study of religion586. militantengaged in war587. packeta small package or bundle588. proverba condensed but memorable saying embodying an important fact589. relishvigorous and enthusiastic enjoyment590. nowadaysin these times591. repulseforce or drive back592. poisehold or carry in equilibrium593. protectora person who cares for persons or property594. consolidateform into a solid mass or whole595. tactconsideration in dealing with others596. maritimerelating to ships or navigation597. collidecrash together with violent impact598. trivial(informal) small and of little importance599. arroganthaving or showing feelings of unwarranted importance600. ingredienta component of a mixture or compound601. judiciousmarked by the exercise of good judgment in practical matters602. verticalat right angles to the plane of the horizon or a base line603. suspensean uncertain cognitive state604. debutthe act of beginning something new605. qualificationthe act of modifying or changing the strength of some idea606. harassannoy continually or chronically607. comparableable to be described as similar608. reformera disputant who advocates reform609. explosivea chemical substance that undergoes a rapid chemical change (with the production of gas) on being heated or struck610. placidfree from disturbance by heavy waves611. dissipateto cause to separate and go in different directions612. occupantsomeone who lives at a particular place for a long period613. commentarya written explanation or criticism or illustration614. ominousthreatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments615. glimmera flash of light616. entangletwist together or entwine into a confusing mass617. discordlack of agreement or harmony618. clangroup of people related by blood or marriage619. distorttwist and press out of shape620. influentialhaving or exercising power621. systematiccharacterized by order and planning622. dimlywith a faint light623. contingentdetermined by conditions or circumstances that follow624. telescopea magnifier of images of distant objects625. adherentsomeone who believes and helps to spread a doctrine626. truthfulexpressing or given to expressing the truth627. degeneratea person whose behavior deviates from what is acceptable628. overpowerovercome by superior force629. bassthe lowest part of the musical range630. concurhappen simultaneously631. impetuouscharacterized by undue haste and lack of thought632. anarchya state of lawlessness and disorder633. grievouscausing or marked by grief or anguish634. collectora person who collects things635. rationa fixed portion that is allotted636. coincidentoccurring or operating at the same time637. troublesomedifficult to deal with638. perspectivea way of regarding situations or topics639. magnitudethe property of relative size or extent640. eludeescape, either physically or mentally641. triplehaving three units or components or elements642. enhanceincrease643. heresya belief that rejects the orthodox tenets of a religion644. grotesquedistorted and unnatural in shape or size645. territorialof or relating to a geographical area646. immigratecome into a new country and change residency647. ordinancean authoritative rule648. annexattach to649. pervadespread or diffuse through650. impedebe a hindrance or obstacle to651. insurrectionorganized opposition to authority652. patriarchthe male head of family or tribe653. censora person authorized to suppress unacceptable material654. dialectthe usage or vocabulary characteristic of a group of people655. acceleratemove faster656. adieua farewell remark657. transcribewrite out, as from speech or notes658. botanythe branch of biology that studies plants659. eclipseone celestial body obscures another660. consummatehaving or revealing supreme mastery or skill661. deridetreat or speak of with contempt662. deridetreat or speak of with contempt663. stealthavoiding detection by moving carefully664. presumptiona premise that is taken for granted665. grievancea complaint about a wrong that causes resentment666. repentanceremorse for your past conduct667. prodigiousso great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe668. admonishtake to task669. endurancea state of surviving; remaining alive670. repealcancel officially671. emblemspecial design representing a quality, type, or group672. surmountget on top of; deal with successfully673. recreatemake anew674. superficialof, affecting, or being on or near the surface675. physiologythe science dealing with the functioning of organisms676. acquiesceto agree or express agreement677. complacentcontented to a fault with oneself or one's actions678. weea short time679. vegetationthe process of growth in plants680. philanthropyvoluntary promotion of human welfare681. festiveoffering fun and gaiety682. shufflewalk by dragging one's feet683. usurpseize and take control without authority684. monopolya market in which there are many buyers but only one seller685. iniquityabsence of moral or spiritual values686. durationthe period of time during which something continues687. delusiona mistaken or unfounded opinion or idea688. verifyconfirm the truth of689. foregodo without or cease to hold or adhere to690. endangerpose a threat to; present a danger to691. anewagain but in a new or different way692. oblivionthe state of being disregarded or forgotten693. manorthe landed estate of a lord, including the house on it694. metropolitanrelating to or characteristic of a large urban area695. defendantsomeone against whom an action is brought in a court of law696. sentinela person employed to keep watch for some anticipated event697. interrogatepose a series of questions to698. atoneturn away from sin or do penitence699. impartialfree from undue bias or preconceived opinions700. pretensionthe advancing of a claim701. ascenta movement upward702. lonelinesssadness resulting from being forsaken or abandoned703. deceitthe quality of being fraudulent704. precisionthe quality of being reproducible in amount or performance705. inadequatelacking the requisite qualities or resources to meet a task706. sympathizeto feel or express compassion707. castea hereditary social class among Hindus708. annihilatekill in large numbers709. legacya gift of personal property by will710. rotateturn on or around an axis or a center711. susceptibleyielding readily to or capable of712. ingenuitythe power of creative imagination713. condensecause a gas or vapor to change into a liquid714. vulnerablecapable of being wounded or hurt715. feudalrelating to a system where vassals are protected by lords716. allotgive out717. miniaturebeing on a very small scale718. fuseany igniter used to initiate the burning of a propellant719. tacka short nail with a sharp point and a large head720. odiumhate coupled with disgust721. glaciera slowly moving mass of ice722. eminencehigh status importance owing to marked superiority723. suppositionthe cognitive process of conjecturing724. transcendbe greater in scope or size than some standard725. sterlinghighest in quality726. pretextsomething serving to conceal plans727. prohibitionthe action of forbidding728. analyzebreak down into components or essential features729. masterpiecethe most outstanding work of a creative artist or craftsman730. monotonoussounded or spoken in a tone unvarying in pitch731. felicitypleasing and appropriate manner or style732. staturethe height of a standing person733. denominateassign a name or title to734. sensibilitymental responsiveness and awareness735. destitutepoor enough to need help from others736. anatomythe study of the structure of animals737. acquitpronounce not guilty of criminal charges738. chaosformless state of matter before the creation of the cosmos739. deferencecourteous regard for people's feelings740. valea valley741. superfluousmore than is needed, desired, or required742. expositiona collection of things for public display743. propelcause to move forward with force744. providentgiving something useful for the future745. immuneof the condition in which an organism can resist disease746. annalsa chronological account of events in successive years747. falliblewanting in moral strength, courage, or will748. secrecythe condition of being concealed or hidden749. prematuretoo soon or too hasty750. hysteriastate of violent mental agitation751. mandatea document giving an official instruction or command752. insufficientof a quantity not able to fulfill a need or requirement753. bertha place where a craft can be made fast754. eligiblequalified for or allowed or worthy of being chosen755. airyopen to or abounding in fresh atmosphere756. intricatehaving many complexly arranged elements; elaborate757. enumeratedetermine the number or amount of758. fraywear away by rubbing759. warlikedisposed to warfare or hard-line policies760. hypocrisypretending to have qualities or beliefs that you do not have761. skepticsomeone who habitually doubts accepted beliefs762. candidopenly straightforward and direct without secretiveness763. laboriouscharacterized by effort to the point of exhaustion764. discardanything that is cast aside765. nominalrelating to or constituting or bearing or giving a name766. skirmisha minor short-term fight767. approbationofficial approval768. noughta mathematical element that when added to another number yields the same number769. rusticcharacteristic of rural life770. mottoa favorite saying of a sect or political group771. junctionan act of joining or adjoining things772. diagnosisidentifying the nature or cause of some phenomenon773. viecompete for something774. vindicateshow to be right by providing justification or proof775. inferencedrawing a conclusion on the basis of circumstantial evidence776. disarmtake away the weapons from; render harmless777. insistentdemanding attention778. justificationthe act of defending or explaining by reasoning779. luminoussoftly bright or radiant780. muffledeaden (a sound or noise), especially by wrapping781. noiselessmaking no sound782. sinisterstemming from evil characteristics or forces783. propagandainformation that is spread to promote some cause784. sequencea following of one thing after another in time785. explicitprecisely and clearly expressed or readily observable786. entreatyearnest or urgent request787. predictiona statement made about the future788. rigorexcessive sternness789. misunderstandinterpret in the wrong way790. infirmlacking bodily or muscular strength or vitality791. polarof or existing within the Arctic or Antarctic Circles792. conciliatecause to be more favorably inclined; gain the good will of793. mischievousnaughtily or annoyingly playful794. impropernot suitable or right or appropriate795. sophisticatea worldly-wise person796. underminedestroy property or hinder normal operations797. underminedestroy property or hinder normal operations798. adjacenthaving a common boundary or edge799. insinuategive to understand800. exteriorsituated in the outdoors or outside of a building801. mythologythe body of stories associated with a culture or institution802. arbitersomeone chosen to judge and decide a disputed issue803. maternalcharacteristic of a mother804. heritagethat which is inherited805. imminentclose in time; about to occur806. consecutiveone after the other807. playfulfull of fun and high spirits808. underliebe underneath809. diversiona turning aside810. incentivea positive motivational influence811. incentivea positive motivational influence812. atrocityan act of shocking cruelty813. imperativerequiring attention or action814. courageousable to face and deal with danger or fear without flinching815. enmitya state of deep-seated ill-will816. akinrelated by blood817. creakmake a high-pitched, screeching noise818. vitalitythe property of being able to survive and grow819. plausibleapparently reasonable and valid, and truthful820. rutha feeling of sympathy and sorrow for the misfortunes of others821. taxationimposition of charges against a citizen's person or property822. conclusiveforming an end or termination823. impairmake worse or less effective824. revertgo back to a previous state825. probean exploratory action or expedition826. bristlea stiff hair827. depressiona sunken or lowered geological formation828. discomfortthe state of being tense and feeling pain829. outburstan unrestrained expression of emotion830. gailyin a gay manner831. coincidencethe property of two things happening at the same time832. languidlacking spirit or liveliness833. infernalcharacteristic of or resembling Hell834. stanzaa fixed number of lines of verse forming a unit of a poem835. comprehensiblecapable of being comprehended or understood836. suggestivetending to imply837. monetaryrelating to or involving money838. maddenmake mad839. extravagancethe quality of exceeding the appropriate limits of decorum840. acknowledgmentthe state or quality of being recognized841. besetassail or attack on all sides842. confinementthe state of being enclosed843. irrigatesupply with water, as with channels or ditches or streams844. reluctancea certain degree of unwillingness845. brotherhoodthe kinship relation between a male offspring and the siblings846. displacecause to move, usually with force or pressure847. unlimitedhaving no limits in range or scope848. Renaissanceperiod of European history at the close of the Middle Ages849. powerlesslacking power850. emigrateleave one's country of residence for a new one851. fraternallike or characteristic of or befitting a brother852. collaboratework together on a common enterprise of project853. beneficialpromoting or enhancing well-being854. inherentexisting as an essential constituent or characteristic855. perturbdisturb in mind or make uneasy or cause to be worried856. frivolousnot serious in content or attitude or behavior857. deterturn away from by persuasion858. gratificationthe act or an instance of satisfying859. infallibleincapable of failure or error860. sonneta verse form of 14 lines with a fixed rhyme scheme861. imputeattribute or credit to862. waistcoata man's sleeveless garment worn underneath a coat863. casualtysomeone injured or killed in an accident864. censusa periodic count of the population865. blockadea war measure isolating an area of importance to the enemy866. apostlean ardent early supporter of a cause or reform867. temporalof or relating to or limited by time868. foremana person who exercises control over workers869. tenorthe adult male singing voice above baritone870. transgressact in disregard of laws, rules, contracts, or promises871. ravagecause extensive destruction or ruin utterly872. mantlea sleeveless garment like a cloak but shorter873. relinquishturn away from; give up874. perspireexcrete sweat through the pores in the skin875. lateralsituated at or extending to the side876. wieldhandle effectively877. indolentdisinclined to work or exertion878. infamousknown widely and usually unfavorably879. augmentenlarge or increase880. perpendicularintersecting at or forming right angles881. visualrelating to or using sight882. robuststurdy and strong in form, constitution, or construction883. seducelure or entice away from duty, principles, or proper conduct884. negligentcharacterized by neglect and undue lack of concern885. reproductionthe act of making copies886. Parisianof or relating to or characteristic of Paris or its inhabitants887. tolerantshowing or characterized by broad-mindedness888. assassinationmurder of a public figure by surprise attack889. paternalcharacteristic of a father890. explicateelaborate, as of theories and hypotheses891. whinea complaint uttered in a plaintive way892. injunctiona judicial remedy to prohibit a party from doing something893. aggravatemake worse894. propagatemultiply sexually or asexually895. harmoniousexhibiting equivalence or correspondence among constituents896. abyssa bottomless gulf or pit897. composuresteadiness of mind under stress898. exhaustionextreme fatigue899. personnelgroup of people willing to obey orders900. extinctno longer in existence901. humanemarked by concern with the alleviation of suffering902. deficiencylack of an adequate quantity or number903. betrothgive to in marriage904. conjunctionthe state of being joined together905. bleakunpleasantly cold and damp906. heretica person whose religious beliefs conflict with church dogma907. impulsivewithout forethought908. diligenceconscientiousness in paying proper attention to a task909. collisionan accident resulting from violent impact of a moving object910. unduenot appropriate or proper in the circumstances911. immoraldeliberately violating principles of right and wrong912. loathefind repugnant913. aloofremote in manner914. administratorsomeone who manages a government agency or department915. suspensionthe act of hanging something from above so it moves freely916. consternationfear resulting from the awareness of danger917. morbidsuggesting the horror of death and decay918. noticeablecapable of being detected919. aggregatea sum total of many heterogeneous things taken together920. pacifycause to be more favorably inclined921. metaphysicsthe philosophical study of being and knowing922. lawmakera maker of laws; someone who gives a code of laws923. accessionthe act of attaining a new office or right or position924. metaphora figure of speech that suggests a non-literal similarity925. intermediatelying between two extremes in time or space or state926. pastoraldevoted to raising sheep or cattle927. magnificencesplendid or imposing in size or appearance928. Madonnathe mother of Jesus929. defaultan option that is selected automatically930. gaietya gay feeling931. confiscatetake temporary possession of a security by legal authority932. disruptmake a break in933. magiciansomeone who performs tricks to amuse an audience934. odiousunequivocally detestable935. writheto move in a twisting or contorted motion,936. bombardthrow bombs at or attack with bombs937. partitionseparation by the creation of a boundary that divides938. observanceconformity with law or custom or practice etc.939. pluralgrammatical number category referring to two or more items940. evokecall forth, as an emotion, feeling, or response941. piteousdeserving or inciting a feeling of sympathy and sorrow942. complicationthe act or process of complicating943. reliancethe state of depending on something944. terminationthe act of ending something945. overhangproject over946. ruffiana cruel and brutal fellow947. remonstrancethe act of expressing earnest opposition or protest948. remonstrancethe act of expressing earnest opposition or protest949. distillundergo condensation950. privyhidden from general view or use951. abominableunequivocally detestable952. handwritingthe activity of writing by hand953. reminiscencea mental impression retained and recalled from the past954. impendbe imminent or about to happen955. terminaloccurring at or forming an end956. revokecancel officially957. reconstructbuild again958. portfolioa large, thin case for loose papers or drawings or maps959. imperioushaving or showing arrogant superiority to960. attorney generalthe chief law officer of a country or state961. drowsyhalf asleep962. assailantsomeone who attacks963. masterygreat skillfulness and knowledge of some subject or activity964. appeasemake peace with965. outstretchedfully extended especially in length966. legislatorsomeone who makes or enacts laws967. apparitiona ghostly appearing figure968. freshnessthe property of being pure and fresh969. dejectlower someone's spirits; make downhearted970. ferociousmarked by extreme and violent energy971. perversedeviating from what is considered moral or right or proper972. convoythe act of escorting while in transit973. prelatea senior clergyman and dignitary974. lucidtransparently clear; easily understandable975. enrageput into a rage; make violently angry976. ordeala severe or trying experience977. benevolencedisposition to do good978. redemptionthe act of purchasing back something previously sold979. discreditthe state of being held in low esteem980. irritableeasily annoyed981. abnormalnot typical or usual or regular982. comprehensionan ability to understand the meaning of something983. theoreticalconcerned with hypotheses and not practical considerations984. injectforce or drive (a fluid or gas) into by piercing985. tremulousquivering as from weakness or fear986. commemoratecall to remembrance987. approximatelyimprecise but fairly close to correct988. preoccupyengage or engross the interest or attention of beforehand or occupy urgently or obsessively989. surmiseinfer from incomplete evidence990. droughta shortage of rainfall991. martialsuggesting war or military life992. despondlose confidence or hope; become dejected993. laudpraise, glorify, or honor994. myriada large indefinite number995. excavateremove the inner part or the core of996. wilethe use of tricks to deceive someone997. evincegive expression to998. moderationthe quality of avoiding extremes999. sensualmarked by the appetites and passions of the body1000. specializebecome more focus on an area of activity or field of study1001. wanea gradual decline (in size or strength or power or number)1002. impotent(of a male) unable to copulate1003. pervertcorrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality1004. emigrantsomeone who leaves one country to settle in another1005. pavilionlarge and often sumptuous tent1006. recourseact of turning to for assistance1007. degradationchanging to a lower, less respected state1008. gentilea Christian as contrasted with a Jew1009. populacepeople in general considered as a whole1010. odea lyric poem with complex stanza forms1011. atheismthe doctrine or belief that there is no God1012. cynicalbelieving the worst of human nature and motives1013. demolishdestroy completely1014. Achillesa mythical Greek hero of the Iliad1015. penancevoluntary self-punishment in order to atone for something1016. fragileeasily broken or damaged or destroyed1017. prescriptionthe action of issuing authoritative rules or directions1018. matrimonystate of being a married couple voluntarily joined for life1019. continuancethe property of enduring or continuing in time1020. congenialsuitable to your needs1021. aversiona feeling of intense dislike1022. mockeryshowing your contempt by derision1023. seminarya school for training ministers or priests or rabbis1024. ludicrousinviting ridicule1025. fracturebreaking of hard tissue such as bone1026. deformassume a different shape or form1027. erroneouscontaining or characterized by error1028. lunacyfoolish or senseless behavior1029. radiancean attractive combination of good health and happiness1030. rebelliousresisting control or authority1031. facilitatemake easier1032. infusefill, as with a certain quality1033. quarterlyof or relating to or consisting of a quarter1034. conceitthe trait of being unduly vain1035. safeguarda precautionary measure warding off impending danger1036. engrossdevote fully to1037. retaliatemake a counterattack and return like for like1038. conspiratora member of a plot to carry out some harmful or illegal act1039. paradoxa statement that contradicts itself1040. viceroygovernor who rules as the representative of a sovereign1041. reiterateto say, state, or perform again1042. diversitynoticeable heterogeneity1043. counterparta person or thing having the same function as another1044. expansea wide and open space or area as of surface or land or sky1045. lowlylow or inferior in station or quality1046. mistyfilled or abounding with fog1047. exclusiona deliberate act of omission1048. aforesaidbeing the one previously mentioned or spoken of1049. dubiousfraught with uncertainty or doubt1050. foretellforeshadow or presage1051. unspeakabledefying expression or description1052. palpablecapable of being perceived1053. disclaimmake a disavowal about1054. accompanimenta musical part that supports other musical parts1055. velocitydistance travelled per unit time1056. paralyzecause to be immobile1057. contagionan incident in which an infectious disease is transmitted1058. penitenceremorse for your past conduct1059. prophesypredict or reveal, as if through divine inspiration1060. intuitioninstinctive knowing, without the use of rational processes1061. compulsoryrequired by rule1062. curtbrief and to the point1063. loathstrongly opposed1064. denominationidentifying word by which someone or something is called1065. peaceableinclined or disposed to peace1066. recoilspring back; spring away from an impact1067. altitudeelevation above sea level or above the earth's surface1068. rampartan embankment built around a space for defensive purposes1069. extortobtain by coercion or intimidation1070. variantsomething a little different from others of the same type1071. doublytwice the degree1072. efficacycapacity or power to produce a desired effect1073. ciphera secret method of writing1074. tangibleperceptible by the senses especially the sense of touch1075. beneficentdoing or producing good1076. componentone of the individual parts making up a composite entity1077. incompletenot total or final1078. magnanimousnoble and generous in spirit1079. deportexpel from a country1080. luxuriantproduced or growing in extreme abundance1081. oratoryaddressing an audience formally1082. begetmake children1083. canta slope in the turn of a road or track1084. vivacitycharacterized by high spirits and animation1085. implicitimplied though not directly expressed1086. nimblemoving quickly and lightly1087. transplanttransfer from one place or period to another1088. beaua man who is the lover of a girl or young woman1089. indescribabledefying expression1090. inexplicableincapable of being explained or accounted for1091. infidela person who does not acknowledge your god1092. benefactora person who helps people or institutions1093. covertsecret or hidden1094. maniaan irrational but irresistible motive for a belief or action1095. enjoingive instructions to or direct somebody to do something1096. avaricereprehensible acquisitiveness; insatiable desire for wealth1097. autobiographya book or account of your own life1098. nestlemove or arrange oneself in a comfortable and cozy position1099. acclaimenthusiastic approval1100. perseverancethe act of persisting1101. edicta formal or authoritative proclamation1102. possessora person who owns something1103. imprudentnot wise1104. syndicatean association of companies for some definite purpose1105. citadela stronghold for shelter during a battle1106. cravingan intense desire for some particular thing1107. vetoa vote that blocks a decision1108. nudecompletely unclothed1109. mitigatelessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of1110. cartridgea module designed to be inserted into a larger piece of equipment1111. maladyimpairment of normal physiological function1112. dissolutionseparation into component parts1113. insolencethe trait of being rude and impertinent1114. attestprovide evidence for1115. overseera person who directs and manages an organization1116. commotiona disorderly outburst or tumult1117. ceremonialmarked by pomp or ceremony or formality1118. Christendomthe collective body of Christians throughout the world and history (found predominantly in Europe and the Americas and Australia)1119. donorperson who makes a gift of property1120. pestilentlikely to spread and cause an epidemic disease1121. boroughan English town1122. theologiansomeone who is learned in the study of religion1123. extricaterelease from entanglement of difficulty1124. refuteoverthrow by argument, evidence, or proof1125. malignantdangerous to health1126. symmetrybalance among the parts of something1127. maneuvera military training exercise1128. retrieveget or find back; recover the use of1129. hybrida composite of mixed origin1130. repudiaterefuse to acknowledge, ratify, or recognize as valid1131. ambushconcealing yourself and lying in wait to attack by surprise1132. capitulatesurrender under agreed conditions1133. arbitrateact between parties with a view to reconciling differences1134. inductplace ceremoniously or formally in an office or position1135. ambulancea vehicle that takes people to and from hospitals1136. interactdo something together or with others1137. gaita horse's manner of moving1138. momentumthe product of a body's mass and its velocity1139. artfulnot straightforward or candid1140. consigngive over to another for care or safekeeping1141. hustlemove or cause to move energetically or busily1142. paramounthaving superior power and influence1143. dispelto cause to separate and go in different directions1144. disinterestedunaffected by concern for one's own welfare1145. epithetdescriptive word or phrase1146. preferablemore desirable than another1147. appendfix to; attach1148. outrageousgreatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation1149. outrightwithout reservation or concealment1150. supplicateask for humbly or earnestly, as in prayer1151. participantsomeone who takes part in an activity1152. trioa set of three similar things considered as a unit1153. venomtoxin secreted by animals1154. transmissioncommunication by means of sent signals1155. delugea heavy rain1156. psychiatrythe diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders1157. thesisan unproved statement advanced as a premise in an argument1158. dilemmastate of uncertainty in a choice between unfavorable options1159. mercilesshaving or showing no forgiveness1160. giddylacking seriousness; given to frivolity1161. tapestrya wall hanging of heavy fabric with pictorial designs1162. furtivesecret and sly or sordid1163. decencyconforming to standards of propriety and morality1164. infirmitythe state of being weak in health or body1165. mazecomplex system of paths or tunnels in which it is easy to get lost1166. contrivancethe faculty of inventive skill1167. listlesslacking zest or vivacity1168. deterioratebecome worse or disintegrate1169. obliterateremove completely from recognition or memory1170. ostentationpretentious or showy or vulgar display1171. visagethe human face1172. hordea vast multitude1173. proportionatebeing in due magnitude or extent1174. prevalentmost frequent or common1175. chastisecensure severely1176. landmarkthe position of a prominent or well-known object1177. subsistencethe state of existing in reality; having substance1178. salutationan acknowledgment or expression of good will1179. tenurethe term during which some position is held1180. vigilancethe process of paying close and continuous attention1181. dwindlebecome smaller or lose substance1182. separablecapable of being divided or dissociated1183. unsettledisturb the composure of1184. rigorousrigidly accurate; allowing no deviation from a standard1185. imaginablecapable of being conceived of1186. grapplecome to terms with1187. volatilesubstance that changes readily from solid or liquid to vapor1188. aldermana member of a municipal legislative body (as a city council)1189. nomineea politician who is running for public office1190. deviatea person whose behavior strays from what is acceptable1191. succumbconsent reluctantly1192. instructiveserving to enlighten or inform1193. pallburial garment in which a corpse is wrapped1194. maxima saying that is widely accepted on its own merits1195. supersedetake the place or move into the position of1196. projectionthe act of expelling or ejecting1197. intimidateto compel or deter by or as if by threats1198. undulatemove in a wavy pattern or with a rising and falling motion1199. allegorya short moral story1200. endearmake attractive or lovable1201. vinciblesusceptible to being defeated1202. prerogativea right reserved exclusively by a person or group1203. folioa book (or manuscript) consisting of large sheets of paper folded in the middle to make two leaves or four pages1204. solicitora British lawyer who gives legal advice1205. sordidfoul and run-down and repulsive1206. invincibleincapable of being overcome or subdued1207. sequelsomething that follows something else1208. disobedientunwilling to submit to authority1209. chateauan impressive country house (or castle) in France1210. entailhave as a logical consequence1211. searbecome superficially burned1212. prowessa superior skill learned by study and practice1213. regeneratereestablish on a new, usually improved, basis1214. punctualacting or arriving exactly at the time appointed1215. breakerwaves breaking on the shore1216. accursedunder a curse1217. omissionleaving out or passing over something1218. fawna young deer1219. profferpresent for acceptance or rejection1220. solacecomfort in disappointment or misery1221. perpetuatecause to continue or prevail1222. incomprehensibledifficult to understand1223. monotonyconstancy of tone or pitch or inflection1224. impregnatemake pregnant1225. relapsedeteriorate in health1226. despotismdominance through threat of punishment and violence1227. intercedeact between parties with a view to reconciling differences1228. chasma deep opening in the earth's surface1229. translatora person who renders written messages in another language1230. convulsionviolent uncontrollable contractions of muscles1231. ambiguoushaving more than one possible meaning1232. inwardlywith respect to private feelings1233. importunebeg persistently and urgently1234. semblancean outward appearance that is deliberately misleading1235. inciteprovoke or stir up1236. rightfullegally valid1237. intersectmeet at a point1238. afreshagain but in a new or different way1239. outposta military post stationed at a distance from the main body of troops1240. repugnantoffensive to the mind1241. unaccountablenot to be explained1242. caricaturea representation of a person exaggerated for comic effect1243. comelyaccording with custom or propriety1244. consortkeep company with; hang out with1245. fortitudestrength of mind that enables one to endure adversity1246. epidemica widespread outbreak of an infectious disease1247. mutilatedestroy or injure severely1248. parablea short moral story1249. viscounta British peer who ranks below an earl and above a baron1250. assimilatemake alike1251. reclaimreassert one's right or title to1252. tiresomeso lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness1253. deprecateexpress strong disapproval of; deplore1254. remonstrateargue in protest or opposition1255. agilemoving quickly and lightly1256. emanategive out, as breath or an odor1257. staidcharacterized by dignity and propriety1258. vistathe visual percept of a region1259. christenadminister baptism to1260. copiouslarge in number or quantity1261. obstructionany structure that makes progress difficult1262. aggressiona disposition to behave forcefully and energetically1263. demeanorthe way a person behaves toward other people1264. solicitudea feeling of excessive concern1265. perspirationsalty fluid secreted by sweat glands1266. purporthave the often specious appearance of being or intending1267. penetrableadmitting of penetration or passage into or through1268. craga steep rugged rock or cliff1269. forefatherthe founder of a family1270. Anglo-SaxonEnglish prior to about 11001271. obliqueslanting or inclined in direction or course or position1272. encroachadvance beyond the usual limit1273. conformitycorrespondence in form or appearance1274. mimicimitate, especially for satirical effect1275. depravecorrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality1276. asceticsomeone who practices self denial as a spiritual discipline1277. bequeathleave or give by will after one's death1278. prodigalrecklessly wasteful1279. abdomenthe region of the body between the thorax and the pelvis1280. buoyanttending to float on a liquid or rise in air or gas1281. rendezvousa meeting planned at a certain time and place1282. indulgentgiven to yielding to the wishes of someone1283. immersecause to be thrown into1284. alienatearouse hostility or indifference in1285. outskirta part of the city far removed from the center1286. improvisemanage in a makeshift way; do with whatever is at hand1287. forebodemake a prediction about; tell in advance1288. martyrdomdeath because of a person's adherence of a faith or cause1289. enigmasomething that baffles understanding and cannot be explained1290. fluentexpressing yourself readily, clearly, effectively1291. accomplicea person who joins with another in carrying out some plan1292. affirmativegiving assent1293. consistencya harmonious uniformity or agreement among things or parts1294. assiduousmarked by care and persistent effort1295. placatecause to be more favorably inclined1296. impurecombined with extraneous elements1297. indefinitelyto an unknown extent1298. vassala person holding a fief1299. lunatican insane person1300. dilatebecome wider1301. quaywharf usually built parallel to the shoreline1302. hypnosisa state that resembles sleep induced by suggestion1303. seclusionthe act of shutting oneself off from others1304. whimsicaldetermined by chance or impulse rather than by necessity1305. operativeproducing a desired effect1306. counterfeitnot genuine; imitating something superior1307. bulwarkan embankment built around a space for defensive purposes1308. pestilenceany epidemic disease with a high death rate1309. emulatestrive to equal or match, especially by imitating1310. nuisanceanything that disturbs, endangers life, or is offensive1311. expectancyan expectation1312. inseparablenot capable of being split1313. dedicationcomplete and wholehearted fidelity1314. protectiveintended or adapted to afford protection of some kind1315. overtureorchestral music at the beginning of an opera or oratorio1316. reservoirlake used to store water for community use1317. pecuniaryrelating to or involving money1318. contemptibledeserving of contempt or scorn1319. inquisitivegiven to questioning1320. affiliatejoin in a social or business relationship1321. adorationthe act of admiring strongly1322. affectationa deliberate pretense or exaggerated display1323. sumptuousrich and superior in quality1324. bullockyoung bull1325. reclinemove the upper body backwards and down1326. precariousnot secure; beset with difficulties1327. sanguineconfidently optimistic and cheerful1328. submergeput under water1329. poignantkeenly distressing to the mind or feelings1330. culpritsomeone who perpetrates wrongdoing1331. conveyancesomething that serves as a means of transportation1332. indistinctnot clearly defined or easy to perceive or understand1333. burghera citizen of an English borough1334. hypocritea person who professes beliefs that he or she does not hold1335. consulatediplomatic building that serves as the residence or workplace of a consul1336. incidentallyin point of fact1337. advertgive heed (to)1338. redressmake reparations or amends for1339. sociologythe study and classification of human societies1340. pharmacya retail shop where medicine and other articles are sold1341. peremptoryputting an end to all debate or action1342. outcrya loud utterance; often in protest or opposition1343. obstinacyresolute adherence to your own ideas or desires1344. transcendentexceeding or surpassing usual limits1345. ponderoushaving great mass and weight and unwieldiness1346. incompetentnot qualified or suited for a purpose1347. frequencythe number of occurrences within a given time period1348. inhumanwithout compunction or compassion1349. momentousof very great significance1350. dragoona member of a European military unit formerly composed of heavily armed cavalrymen1351. continuationthe act of continuing an activity without interruption1352. latentpotentially existing but not presently evident or realized1353. paupera person who is very poor1354. playwrightsomeone who writes plays1355. passableable to be passed or traversed or crossed1356. oustremove from a position or office1357. deducereason from the general to the particular1358. affronta deliberately offensive act1359. auxiliaryfurnishing added support1360. exhilaratefill with sublime emotion1361. protractlengthen in time; cause to be or last longer1362. inconceivabletotally unlikely1363. juvenileof or relating to children or young people1364. reorganizeorganize anew1365. effaceremove by or as if by rubbing or erasing1366. secedewithdraw from an organization or communion1367. dilutelessen the strength or flavor of a solution or mixture1368. apathyan absence of emotion or enthusiasm1369. invertturn inside out or upside down1370. dismissalpermission to go; the sending away of someone1371. becka beckoning gesture1372. doemature female of mammals of which the male is called `buck'1373. witchcraftthe art of sorcery1374. suppressionforceful prevention; putting down by power or authority1375. amplysufficiently; more than adequately1376. incomparablesuch that comparison is impossible1377. contributora writer published in a periodical or as part of a book1378. rupturethe act of making a sudden noisy break1379. aerialcharacterized by lightness and insubstantiality1380. inflammationthe state of being emotionally aroused and worked up1381. calumnya false accusation of an offense1382. absolvegrant remission of a sin to1383. vagabonda wanderer with no established residence or means of support1384. heedlessmarked by or paying little attention1385. sorcerythe belief in magical spells that harness occult forces1386. unwiseshowing or resulting from lack of judgment or wisdom1387. retraceto go back over again1388. prominencethe state of being widely known or eminent1389. adventarrival that has been awaited1390. fluctuatemove or sway in a rising and falling or wavelike pattern1391. incongruouslacking in harmony or compatibility or appropriateness1392. palliddeficient in color suggesting physical or emotional distress1393. fallacya misconception resulting from incorrect reasoning1394. guineaa former British gold coin worth 21 shillings1395. accessorya supplementary component that improves capability1396. voguea current state of general acceptance and use1397. mercenarya person hired to fight for another country than their own1398. unifyjoin or combine1399. preparatorypreceding and getting ready for something1400. coerceto cause to do through pressure or necessity1401. illuminemake lighter or brighter1402. contaminatemake impure1403. pompouspuffed up with vanity1404. invaluablehaving incalculable monetary or intellectual worth1405. whereaboutsthe general location where something is1406. appellateof or relating to or taking account of appeals1407. synonyma word that expresses the same or similar meaning1408. abjectof the most contemptible kind1409. chagrinstrong feelings of embarrassment1410. discomfitcause to lose one's composure1411. synoda council convened to discuss ecclesiastical business1412. libela false and malicious publication1413. fabulousextremely pleasing1414. obtrudepush to thrust outward1415. irresponsibleshowing lack of care for consequences1416. refereethe official in a sport who is expected to ensure fair play1417. refereethe official in a sport who is expected to ensure fair play1418. coronationthe ceremony of installing a new monarch1419. instigateprovoke or stir up1420. contradictoryunable to be both true at the same time1421. comicalarousing or provoking laughter1422. preposterousinviting ridicule1423. inactivenot engaged physically or mentally1424. predominatebe larger in number, quantity, power, status or importance1425. subjectionthe act of conquering1426. inexorablenot to be placated or appeased or moved by entreaty1427. necessitaterequire as useful, just, or proper1428. mountainouscontaining many mountains1429. preventionthe act of hindering1430. audaciousdisposed to venture or take risks1431. unlawfulnot conforming to legality, moral law, or social convention1432. sanctitythe quality of being holy1433. profuseproduced or growing in extreme abundance1434. medievalrelating to or belonging to the Middle Ages1435. egotisman exaggerated opinion of your own importance1436. constellationa configuration of stars as seen from the earth1437. deplorableof very poor quality or condition1438. reciprocalconcerning each of two or more persons or things1439. tremoran involuntary vibration, as if from illness or fear1440. frescoa mural done with watercolors on wet plaster1441. serviceableready to function or provide assistance1442. predominanthaving superior power and influence1443. irrelevanthaving no bearing on or connection with the subject at issue1444. dutifulwillingly obedient out of a sense of respect1445. promenadea leisurely walk, usually in some public place1446. colliersomeone who works in a coal mine1447. parityfunctional equality1448. provocationa means of arousing or stirring to action1449. embellishmake more attractive, as by adding ornament or color1450. duna color or pigment varying around a light grey-brown color1451. affablediffusing warmth and friendliness1452. complementsomething added to embellish or make perfect1453. bidedwell1454. overshadowcast a shadow upon1455. chanceryan office of archives for public or ecclesiastic records1456. confessorsomeone who confesses1457. bethinkcause oneself to consider something1458. interimthe time between one event, process, or period and another1459. tentativeunsettled in mind or opinion1460. crusadea series of actions tending toward a particular end1461. nucleusa part of the cell responsible for growth and reproduction1462. juncturethe shape or manner in which things come together1463. protrudeextend out or project in space1464. analogoussimilar or equivalent in some respects1465. ardorfeelings of great warmth and intensity1466. outcasta person who is rejected (from society or home)1467. dramatistsomeone who writes plays1468. adroitquick or skillful or adept in action or thought1469. intestinethe part of the alimentary canal between the stomach and the anus1470. motleyconsisting of a haphazard assortment of different kinds1471. servitudestate of subjection to an owner or master1472. pacta written agreement between two states or sovereigns1473. circumferencethe length of the closed curve of a circle1474. impracticablenot capable of being carried out or put into practice1475. satiatefill to satisfaction1476. interminabletiresomely long; seemingly without end1477. pillagesteal goods; take as spoils1478. namelessbeing or having an unknown or unnamed source1479. intrusionentrance by force or without permission or welcome1480. infringeadvance beyond the usual limit1481. orationan instance of formal speaking1482. constablea police officer of the lowest rank1483. livelihoodthe financial means whereby one lives1484. edifymake understand1485. inletan arm off of a larger body of water1486. unavoidableimpossible to evade1487. lootgoods or money obtained illegally1488. populousdensely populated1489. simplifymake easier or reduce in complexity or extent1490. belligerentcharacteristic of an enemy or one eager to fight1491. boisterousfull of rough and exuberant animal spirits1492. deigndo something that one considers to be below one's dignity1493. disengagerelease from something that holds fast or entangles1494. probateproof that a will was properly signed and executed1495. imperceptibleimpossible or difficult to sense1496. fluxa flow or discharge1497. wrestobtain by seizing forcibly or violently, also metaphorically1498. opticof or relating to or resembling the eye1499. subvertdestroy completely1500. absorptiona process in which one substance permeates another1501. estimabledeserving of respect or high regard1502. thoroughfarea public road from one place to another1503. obsoleteno longer in use1504. ingenuouslacking in sophistication or worldliness1505. midsummerJune 21, when the sun is at its northernmost point1506. negligencefailure to act with the prudence of a reasonable person1507. mountaineersomeone who climbs mountains1508. carcassthe dead body of an animal1509. bailiffofficer of the court employed to execute writs and processes1510. stolidhaving or revealing little emotion or sensibility1511. stupendousso great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe1512. effusepour out1513. foreclosekeep from happening or arising; make impossible1514. havocviolent and needless disturbance1515. studiouscharacterized by diligent learning and fondness for reading1516. scribesomeone employed to make written copies of documents1517. frugalavoiding waste1518. inaccessiblecapable of being reached with great difficulty or not at all1519. observatorya building designed and equipped to observe astronomical phenomena1520. instantaneousoccurring with no delay1521. spectruma broad range of related objects or values or qualities1522. captivateattract; cause to be enamored1523. cataracta large waterfall; violent rush of water over a precipice1524. corroborategive evidence for1525. wranglean instance of intense argument, as in bargaining1526. portenta sign of something about to happen1527. financiera person skilled in large-scale monetary transactions1528. antecedebe earlier in time; go back further1529. lucrativeproducing a sizeable profit1530. hoarda secret store of valuables or money1531. scribblewrite down quickly without much attention to detail1532. depreciatelose in value1533. bolstersupport and strengthen1534. epigrama witty saying1535. likelihoodthe probability of a specified outcome1536. archipelagoa group of many islands in a large body of water1537. solublecapable of being dissolved in some solvent1538. crevicea long narrow opening1539. preludesomething that introduces what follows1540. animositya feeling of ill will arousing active hostility1541. self-respectthe quality of being worthy of esteem or respect1542. ceremoniouscharacterized by pomp and stately display1543. impoverishmake poor1544. omnipotenthaving unlimited power1545. pontiffthe head of the Roman Catholic Church1546. aperturea natural opening in something1547. stigmaa symbol of disgrace or infamy1548. antecedenta preceding occurrence or cause or event1549. immeasurableimpossible to calculate1550. pedanta person who pays too much attention to formal rules1551. incoherentwithout logical or meaningful connection1552. retrospectcontemplation of things past1553. immovablenot able or intended to be moved1554. vestigean indication that something has been present1555. plumbexactly vertical1556. bureaucracya government administered primarily by nonelective officials1557. chronologythe determination of the temporal sequence of past events1558. drasticforceful and extreme and rigorous1559. repulsiveoffensive to the mind1560. vacuuman empty area or space1561. differentiateacquire a distinct character1562. reticentreluctant to draw attention to yourself1563. inexpressibledefying expression1564. inexpressibledefying expression1565. benignkindness of disposition or manner1566. ingratitudea lack of gratitude1567. transientlasting a very short time1568. dispensationthe act of giving out in portions1569. bravoa cry of approval as from an audience at the end of great performance1570. evangelicalof a Christian church believing in personal conversion1571. intrinsicbelonging to a thing by its very nature1572. autocrata cruel and oppressive dictator1573. perniciousexceedingly harmful1574. impudencethe trait of being rude and impertinent1575. intrepidinvulnerable to fear or intimidation1576. criterionthe ideal in terms of which something can be judged1577. consensusagreement in the judgment reached by a group as a whole1578. commutea regular journey to and from your place of work1579. jovialfull of or showing high-spirited merriment1580. protocolforms of ceremony and etiquette observed by diplomats1581. pollenthe fine spores that contain male gametes and that are borne by an anther in a flowering plant1582. adversitya state of misfortune or affliction1583. denunciationa public act of denouncing1584. misera stingy hoarder of money and possessions1585. overrunseize the position of and defeat1586. novicesomeone new to a field or activity1587. disfiguremar or spoil the appearance of1588. Spartanof or relating to or characteristic of Sparta or its people1589. equilibriuma stable situation in which forces cancel one another1590. extantstill in existence; not extinct or destroyed or lost1591. elicitcall forth, as an emotion, feeling, or response1592. guileshrewdness as demonstrated by being skilled in deception1593. pedestalan architectural support or base1594. allaylessen the intensity of or calm1595. needypoor enough to need help from others1596. dominationpower to defeat1597. pinnaclea slender upright spire at the top of a buttress of tower1598. fitfuloccurring in spells and often abruptly1599. perenniallasting three seasons or more1600. scarcitya small and inadequate amount1601. counteractact in opposition to1602. atonementthe act of making amends for sin or wrongdoing1603. eulogya formal expression of praise for someone who has died1604. tacitimplied by or inferred from actions or statements1605. fastidiousgiving careful attention to detail1606. boatswaina petty officer on a merchant ship1607. dishonestdeceptive or fraudulent1608. admonitiona firm rebuke1609. expulsionthe act of forcing out someone or something1610. contingencythe state of being dependent on something1611. resurrectiona revival from inactivity and disuse1612. mediocremoderate to inferior in quality1613. aridlacking sufficient water or rainfall1614. specialtyan asset of special worth or utility1615. unaffectedundergoing no change when acted upon1616. incompatiblenot in harmonious or agreeable combination1617. promotersomeone who is an active supporter and advocate1618. infrequentnot occurring regularly or at short intervals1619. moralea state of individual psychological well-being1620. cantoa major division of a long poem1621. exhaustiblecapable of being used up; capable of being exhausted1622. ailmentan often persistent bodily disorder or disease1623. aromaany property detected by the olfactory system1624. metaphysicalpertaining to the philosophical study of being and knowing1625. uppermostat or nearest to the top1626. grimacecontort the face to indicate a certain mental state1627. inmostsituated or occurring farthest within1628. subterraneanbeing or operating under the surface of the earth1629. dexterityadroitness in using the hands1630. gratuitya relatively small amount of money for services rendered1631. peddlesell or offer for sale from place to place1632. fervorfeelings of great warmth and intensity1633. parestrip the skin off1634. azureof a deep somewhat purplish blue color1635. inexhaustiblethat cannot be entirely consumed or used up1636. blithecarefree and happy and lighthearted1637. mouthfulthe quantity that can be held in the mouth1638. oralusing speech rather than writing1639. melodramaa story with characters behaving in an extreme emotional way1640. manelong coarse hair growing from the crest of the animal's neck1641. licitauthorized, sanctioned by, or in accordance with law1642. accostspeak to someone1643. sedatecharacterized by dignity and propriety1644. docileeasily handled or managed1645. patronizeassume sponsorship of1646. jugglethrow, catch, and keep in the air several things simultaneously1647. indigenousoriginating where it is found1648. mistrustregard as untrustworthy1649. inefficientnot producing desired results; wasteful1650. teembe abuzz1651. aghaststruck with fear, dread, or consternation1652. hindranceany obstruction that impedes or is burdensome1653. disquieta feeling of mild anxiety about possible developments1654. estrangeremove from customary environment or associations1655. tolerationa disposition to tolerate or accept people or situations1656. workmanshipskill in an occupation or trade1657. pitilesswithout mercy or sympathy1658. pageantan elaborate representation of scenes from history1659. exemplifybe characteristic of1660. tolerancewillingness to respect the beliefs or practices of others1661. paralysisloss of the ability to move a body part1662. entrenchfix firmly or securely1663. autonomypolitical independence1664. miendignified manner or conduct1665. seditionan illegal action inciting resistance to lawful authority1666. bereavedeprive through death1667. dissensiondisagreement among those expected to cooperate1668. simulatereproduce someone's behavior or looks1669. sociableinclined to or conducive to companionship with others1670. balea large bundle bound for storage or transport1671. respitea pause from doing something1672. wretchednessa state of ill-being due to affliction or misfortune1673. empowergive or delegate power or authority to1674. foresightseeing ahead; knowing in advance; foreseeing1675. stratageman elaborate or deceitful scheme to deceive or evade1676. boycottrefusal to have commercial dealings with some organization1677. haranguea loud bombastic declamation expressed with strong emotion1678. stationarynot capable of being moved1679. insistencethe act of insisting on something1680. convergebe adjacent or come together1681. disobediencethe failure to obey1682. eradicatedestroy completely, as if down to the roots1683. mercantilerelating to or characteristic of trade or traders1684. microscopemagnifier of the image of small objects1685. cessationa stopping1686. constituencythe body of voters who elect a representative for their area1687. patriciana person of refined upbringing and manners1688. labyrinthcomplex system of paths in which it is easy to get lost1689. artificea deceptive maneuver, especially to avoid capture1690. perjureknowingly tell an untruth in a legal court and render oneself guilty of perjury1691. literacythe ability to read and write1692. nurtureprovide with nourishment1693. continuityuninterrupted connection or union1694. genteelmarked by refinement in taste and manners1695. illicitcontrary to accepted morality or convention1696. intolerantunwilling to tolerate difference of opinion1697. obeseexcessively fat1698. pedestriana person who travels by foot1699. impunityexemption from punishment or loss1700. infestoccupy in large numbers or live on a host1701. auburn(of hair) colored a moderate reddish-brown1702. unfavorablenot favorable1703. desistchoose not to consume1704. correlateto bear a reciprocal or mutual relation1705. panoramathe visual percept of a region1706. malignspeak unfavorably about1707. alleviateprovide physical relief, as from pain1708. choleraan acute intestinal infection caused by ingestion of contaminated water or food1709. mishapan unpredictable outcome that is unfortunate1710. actuateput in motion1711. sopranothe highest female voice; the voice of a boy before puberty1712. aversestrongly opposed1713. derivativea compound obtained from another compound1714. haggardshowing the wearing effects of overwork or care or suffering1715. nauseathe state that precedes vomiting1716. jurorsomeone who serves on a jury1717. encompassinclude in scope1718. atrociousshockingly brutal or cruel1719. psychica person sensitive to things beyond natural perception1720. convalesceget over an illness or shock1721. misrepresentdescribe or present falsely1722. abridgelessen, diminish, or curtail1723. judiciarythe system of law courts that administer justice1724. coquettetalk or behave amorously, without serious intentions1725. advertisersomeone whose business is advertising1726. epitaphan inscription in memory of a buried person1727. importationthe commercial activity of buying and bringing in goods from a foreign country1728. equivocalopen to two or more interpretations1729. treblehaving or denoting a high range1730. treblehaving or denoting a high range1731. Calvinismthe theological system of John Calvin and his followers emphasizing omnipotence of God and salvation by grace alone1732. Calvinismthe theological system of John Calvin and his followers emphasizing omnipotence of God and salvation by grace alone1733. detracttake away a part from; diminish1734. alacrityliveliness and eagerness1735. hygienea condition promoting sanitary practices1736. illiteratenot able to read or write1737. waivedo without or cease to hold or adhere to1738. perusalreading carefully with intent to remember1739. unbearableincapable of being put up with1740. beneficean endowed church office giving income to its holder1741. souvenirsomething of sentimental value1742. seethefoam as if boiling174