50 idiomatic expresssions you must know

50 IDIOMATIC EXPRESSSIONS YOU MUST KNOW The correct use of idiomatic expressions will earn you merit points when you write your essays. 1 ace Get an "A" on a test, homework assignment, project, etc. I heard that Susie aced the test yesterday 2 As easy as a pie very easy The test was as easy as a pie. 3 at the eleventh hour at the last minute; almost too late. He finished the project at the eleventh hour and he nearly lost his job. 4 all ears eager to hear what someone has to say. Tell me about your latest trip overseas. I’m all ears. 5 be broke be without money. I need to borrow some money. I am broke. 6 be on the go be very busy (going from one thing or project to another). I am very tired. I've been on the go since 5 in the morning. 7 beat exhausted; very tired I need a break after this. I'm beat!" 8 beat around the bush evade an issue; avoid giving a direct answer. Stop beating around the bush! Just tell me what happened to my car. 9 bite off more than one can chew take responsibility for more than one can manage. Mrs Lee finds it difficult to finish all her work. She has bitten off more than she could chew!" 10 blow one's top become extremely angry. My father blew his top when he found out I had taken his car without his permission.

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Page 1: 50 Idiomatic Expresssions You Must Know

50 IDIOMATIC EXPRESSSIONS YOU MUST KNOW The correct use of idiomatic expressions will earn you merit points when you write your essays.

1 ace Get an "A" on a test, homework assignment, project, etc. I heard that Susie aced the test yesterday2 As easy as a pie very easy The test was as easy as a pie.3 at the eleventh hour at the last minute; almost too late.He finished the project at the eleventh hour and he nearly lost his job.

4 all ears eager to hear what someone has to say. Tell me about your latest trip overseas. I’m all ears.

5 be broke be without money. I need to borrow some money. I am broke.

6 be on the go be very busy (going from one thing or project to another). I am very tired. I've been on the go since 5 in the morning.

7 beat exhausted; very tired I need a break after this. I'm beat!"

8 beat around the bush evade an issue; avoid giving a direct answer. Stop beating around the bush! Just tell me what happened to my car.

9 bite off more than one can chew take responsibility for more than one can manage. Mrs Lee finds it difficult to finish all her work. She has bitten off more than she could chew!"

10 blow one's top become extremely angry. My father blew his top when he found out I had taken his car without his permission.

11 burn the midnight oil study/work all night or until very late at night. Johan is not ready for the test. He will have to burn the midnight oil."

12 call it a day stop work for the day. The labourers call it a day after working for five hours on the field.

13 can't make heads or tails of something can't understand something at all;find something confusing and illogical. I cannot make heads or tails of your notes. Were you sleepy during the class?

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14 catch one's eye attract one's attention/interest. This colourful advertisement caught my eye when I was in the bus.15 change one's minddecide to do something different from what had been decided earlier. 

David did not go to Australia. He changed his mind when he heard that his mother is ill.16 cost (someone) an arm and a leg cost a lot; be very expensive. This car costs him an arm and a leg. He has to get another job to help pay for it.17 couch potato someone who spends too much time watching TV. You are becoming a couch potato. You need to get out and do some exercise.18 Don't count your chickens until (before) they hatch (they've hatched) Don't assume that something will happen until it has happened. I think you should not count your chickens until they’ve hatched. Wait till the boys win the competition this Sunday.

19 drop someone a line write to someone Do drop me a line when you have time.20 drag one's feet delay; take longer than necessary to do something. Why are you dragging your feet? You should have finished your homework by now.21 an eager beaver a person who is always willing to volunteer or do extra work. Rahim is an eager beaver. He is the first to volunteer for any job to be done.22 feel blue feel sad and depressed. Rita is feeling blue because she has not heard from her boyfriend for a long time.23 fire someone dismiss someone from a job because of poor performance. Lokman might be fired if he continues to be late for work.

24 get it understand something (often negative). I don’t get it. Could you please explain it to me again?25 get on one's nerves irritate someone; make someone upset. His constant chatter is getting on my nerves. Please tell him to keep quiet.26 get out of hand: become out of control; become badly managed. The situation is getting out of hand. The relief centre can only hold forty people but we have one hundred people to care for.

27 give someone a hand i. help someone.

ii. applaud someone Please give a hand to the poor old lady. She is trying to cross the road.The gardener has done a wonderful landscaping job. Let’s give him a hand.

28 Hard-headed

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have one's hands full stubborn; inflexible; unwilling to change. 

It’s pretty difficult to get Simon to change his mind. He is hard-headed.29 have one's hands full extremely busyPeggy usually has her hands full in the beginning of a new school term.

30 in the black: profitable; not showing a financial loss. The company is back in the black after suffering from great losses the last two months.31 in the red: unprofitable; showing a financial loss. The company is in the red. We have to stop some of the workers if the situation continues.32 keep an eye oncheck something regularly. Please keep an eye on the children while I go to the bank.33 keep one's fingers crossed hope for the best. He is keeping his fingers crossed while waiting for the results of his interview.34 lend someone a hand help someone. Can you please lend a hand at the relief centre for the flood victims?

35 live from hand to mouth survive on very little money; have only enough moneyto pay for basic needs. Ros and the children live from hand to mouth after the fire destroyed their house.36 make a mountain out of a molehill make something seem much more important than it really is. Susila is making a mountain out of a molehill. I am sure the boys are perfectly capable of looking after themselves.

37 make up one's mind decide what to do Moses has to make up his mind whether to continue his studies or take up a job.38 on the dot exactly at a given time. If you do not come on the dot, we will leave without you.39 (on the) cutting edge using the most recent technology This car boasts of having a cutting edge technology. It has a computer and tracking system.40 pull someone's leg tease someone by trying to make her/him believe something that's untrue. She pulled my leg when he said that he had quit his job to get married.

41 Rain or shine no matter what the weather"We're leaving for Cameron Highlands, rain or shine."

42 rain cats and dogs Rain heavily It’s raining cats and dogs now. You better leave later.43 read someone's mind: know what someone is thinking. I can read your mind. I know you are very hungry and I have ordered pizza.

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44 rub someone the wrong wayirritate someone I cannot stand Robert. He seems to rub me the wrong way every time we discuss something.45 sleep on it take some time to think about something before making a decision.You should sleep on it first and we will discuss again tomorrow.46 To make his own bed; now let him lie in it. Someone has caused his/her own problems; he/she will have to solve them himself/herself. He insisted that he should take up the project alone. So, he has made his own bed, let him lie in it.47 under the weather ill; unwell. Susan was feeling under the weather yesterday, so she decided not to go to work."48 until you're blue in the face forever You can advise him until you're blue in the face, but he won’t change his ways.49 wet behind the ears inexperienced and naive. I do not think Suresh is suitable for this project. He is still wet behind the ears, having only joined us last month.50 wishy-washy: without an opinion of one's own. You better check with the other members. John can be wishy-washy at times.

List of Bombastic Words & Meaning

1.Meaning of bombastic (adjective)

pompous; wordy; turgid; inflated; exaggerated


The bombastic woman talks a lot about herself.

2.Meaning of mettlesome (adjective)

courageous; brave; fearless

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Such an attitude required fresh springs of energy, and the effect - I was delighted to sense it as I woke each day - was to make me more bouncy and mettlesome than I had been for weeks.

3.Meaning of obtrusive (adjective)

thrusting oneself or itself into undue prominence; invasive


But the waitresses in Marshall and Snelgrove had new uniforms, dark purple instead of the old coffee-cream shade, and a different style of cap, more up to date and less obtrusive.

4. Meaning of cynical (adjective)

sarcastic; doubting the sincerity of others; pessimistic


The conversation which follows is the last in the book, and the weakest, too, a stagey means of imparting some crucial news for Bellow to fulminate against all that is rotten and cynical in American youth.

5. Meaning of depraved (adjective)

corrupt; degenerate; debauched


The depraved state of women in monogamy, associated as it is with private property and capitalism, will according to him, be replaced when capitalism is overthrown.

6. Meaning of labyrinthine (adjective)

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complicated; confusing; maze-like


She forced her mind through the labyrinthine sentences of Jacques Lacan and Jacques Derrida until her eyes were bloodshot and her head ached.

7. Meaning of rueful (adjective)

regretful; mournful; pitiable


His head was bare and his smile was just a little rueful, as if he were uncertain of his welcome.

She looked down at her new French muslin pajamas, the corners of her thin lips turning up in a rueful smile, wondering if the whiskey stains would come out - and deciding that they probably wouldn't.

8. Meaning of improvident (adjective)

wasteful; careless; not saving up for future needs


An improvident person may end up destitute in later life.

9. Meaning of sordid

filthy; base; vile; foul; dirty


The sordid gutters needed to be cleaned after the long, rainy autumn.

The criminals thought patterns were so sordid that he was not granted parole.

10. Meaning of quixotic (adjective)

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foolishly idealistic; extravagantly chivalrous; impractical


He was popular with the ladies due to his quixotic charm.

She had a quixotic view of the world, believing that humans need never suffer.



Sedasawarsa ini sering meniti dari bibir ke bibir umat manusia di segenap empat penjuru dunia ini tentang isu.....

Saban hari, cuping telinga kita dihidangkan oleh media massa tentang ....

Menginsafi tuntutan untuk memikul tanggungjawab bersama-sama, maka...

Pernahkah terlintas dalam gawang minda .....bahawa....

Sebelum hal ini menjadi barah dan menjadi seperti tanduk di kepala yang tidak dapat digelengkan, ......


1. Sebagai memperkukuh penyataan tersebut lagi, punca-punca yang menunjangi masalah ini perlu diperincikan demi kebaikan bersama.

2. Kita harus menerima lumrah kehidupan bahawa keruh di muara pasti bermula dari hulunya. Khazanah kata warisan bangsa ini membawa takrif setiap permasalahan yang berlaku pasti mempunyai punca-puncanya.

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3. Benarlah kata orang, bertepuk sebelah tangan tidak akan berbunyi.

4. Sesuatu yang berlaku itu pasti ada sebab musababnya kerana tak tumbuh tak melata, tak sungguh orang tak kata / kerana kalau tiada angin masakan pokok bergoyang.


1. Usaha pasti akan membuahkan hasil kalau pelbagai langkah yang efektif dan drastik dilakukan segera untuk mengatasi masalah yang sudah bersarang lama di negara kita ini.

2. Tanpa menyalahkan sesiapa, kita perlu memikirkan secara mendalam untuk mencari formula terbaik bagi mengatasi masalah ini. Hal ini dinyatakan dalam bidalan yang berbunyi, buruk dibuang dengan rundingan, baik ditarik dengan muafakat.

3. Yang lebih afdal lagi adalah dengan mencari perencah yang terbaik bagi mengekang gejala ini.

4. Usaha-usaha yang istiqamah, proaktif, pragmatik, dan jitu memerlukan obligasi dan komitmen yang tinggi daripada semua pihak dan mestilah digerakkan dari sekarang kerana perjalanan yang beribu-ribu batu mestilah dari langkah yang pertama.


1. Berpeganglah pada kata-kata Bapa Kemerdekaan, Presiden Indonesia yang pertama iaitu Soekarno, “Pemuda mesti bercita-cita besar, meningkat lebih tinggi dari Gunung Singgalang, lebih tinggi dari Gunung Merapi, yang lebih tinggi dari Gunung Tandikit, bahkan harus lebih tinggi dari bintang-bintang di langit, cubalah capai dengan segenap tenagamu.”.

2. Pujangga pernah berkata bahawa generasi berwawasan pemangkin pembangunan negara.

3. Remaja yang baru berumur setahun jagung, berdarah setampuk pinang / belum keras ubun-ubunnya / masih hijau masih tidak dapat membezakan yang mana intan, yang mana kaca / batu kelikir.

4. Hukama-hakama Arab pernah mengatakan bahawa anak-anak yang kehilangan kasih sayang daripada ibu bapa yang sibuk adalah yatim.

5. Seorang tokoh cendekiawan Islam pernah berkata bahawa petanda runtuhnya sesuatu bangsa itu dapat dilihat apabila bangsa tersebut amat mencintai hiburan.

6. Kekuatan remaja kepada negara dapat dikaitkan dengan kata-kata semangat yang dilontarkan oleh Soekarno, Presiden Indonesia pertama, “Berikanlah saya 10 orang belia waja, pasti saya akan gegarkan dunia.”

7. Janganlah diabaikan pesanan ahli filsuf Tao iaitu jika kita mahu hidup setahun tanamlah gandum, jika kita mahu hidup sepuluh tahun tanamlah pokok dan jika kita mahu hidup selama-lamanya

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tanamlah jiwa manusia. Sekiranya masa depan remaja kita tidak dipelihara, negara akan kehilangan aset yang paling berharga.

8. Berdasarkan salah satu falsafah pemikiran Imam al-Ghazali yang menyebut bahawa seseorang kank-kanak yang diajarkan erti berkasih sayang, dia akan berlatih mengasihi orang lain.

9. pemuda harapan bangsa, pemudi tiang negara


1. Anak-anak diibaratkan sehelai kain putih, ibu bapalah yang akan mencorakkannya sama ada seindah warna pelangi atau semalap masa hadapannya.

2. Didikan agama yang mantap – Albert Einstein pernah berkata bahawa agama tanpa ilmu adalah buta, ilmu tanpa agama adalah lumpuh.

3. Memetik kata-kata mantan Ketua Polis Negara, Tan Sri Musa Hassan, kewujudan keluarga penyayang akan menyebabkan seseorang anggota keluarga tersebut akan berasa lebih senang menghabiskan masa lapangnya di rumah.

4. Menurut penggiat sosial tanah air, Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye, 40 peratus daripada pelajar kita pada hari terlibat dalam masalah sosial seperti membunuh, perogol, merompak dan sebagainya.


1. Setiap anggota masyarakat hendaklah menggembleng tenaga bagai aur dengan tebing dan janganlah sekali-kali bernafsi-nafsi bagai enau dalam belukar melepaskan pucuk masing-masing.

2. Sinergi daripada semua pihak perlu dipupuk umpama sakit sama mengaduh dan luka sama menyiuk bagi membentuk suatu anjakan paradigma yang menjamin kelangsungan hidup bermasyarakat yang bebas daripada masalah....

3. ta tidak seharusnya bersikap tutup sebelah mata, sebaliknya buka mata, buka minda, buka hati dan kenali diri.

4. Bertindaklah secara glokal dan berfikirlah secara global.

5. Biarlah matahari terus bersinar, biarlah pepohon terus menghijau dan biarlah Malaysia terus gemilang....

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FRASA MENARIK YANG BOLEH DIGUNAKAN UNTUK MENULIS KARANGAN -mendepani realiti baru dunia yang pantas berubah dan berkembang-mendukung kebenaran yang kita sepakati-mengamalkan sikap dan perwatakan yang murni-mengambil langkah sederap-menghirup udara hasil kemerdekaan-mengikut acuan sendiri-mengundang kontroversi-menjadi cerucuk utama pembangunan-menjulang negara ke puncak jagat-menuntut setiap anak watan mengotakan aspirasi-menyambut gamitan menara impian-menyebabkan imej negara tercalar-menyediakan kursus dan latihan yang relevan-menyembunyikan masalah utama masyarakat-mereka lebih cenderung kepada keseronokan dan berpeleseran-mewujudkan masyarakat yang bermaklumat dan berpengetahuan-milineum baru ini pasti sahaja sarat dengan muatan cabaran reformasi-muafakat merupakan inti kepada perpaduan-negara kita akan bersih daripada unsur sosial yang tidak sihat-nilai keinsanan yang syumul-nilai-nilai material semakin memberkas dan meluas dalam masyarakat-pandangan pro dan kontra yang dipaparkan-pelbagai cabaran yang bakal menghambat-pelbagai masalah sosial sedang menghinggapi masyarakat-pembentukan masyarakat sakinah-pembudayaan ilmu perlu dipupuk dan dibajai oleh generasi muda masa kini-pendedahan oleh pihak media massa menghangatkan senario ini-perlu dibaja kembali-perubahan yang diharap masih belum menjelma-petanda kehancuran generasi-pewujudan masyarakat madani-propaganda negatif terhadap negara kita dapat ditepis-kita perlu mengorak langkah-kita tidak wajar hanya akur dengan arus yang songsang ini-komitmen menyeluruh agensi yang terlibat-kongkongan yang selama ini dianggap membelenggu-Masalahnya, kita mahu memberi pendapat tetapi tidak rela dikritik-makmur dari segi ekonomi tetapi muflis nilai kekeluargaan-mampu mengadunkan satu kombinasi usaha yang cukup padu-manifestasi kesanggupan bangsa-manusia bukanlah `haiwan robotik’ yang tidak mempunyai rasa dan jiwa-masa depan menjanjikan cabaran di luar jangkaan-masalah putusnya komunikasi dan jurang generasi-masalah sosial dan susila yang meruncing-masih terbelenggu dengan cara berfikir yang sempit-masyarakat yang naif dengan mata kebendaan yang melalaikan

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-melangkah dengan seribu kekuatan-melontarkan soalan yang cukup penting-melupakan cita-cita yang lebih luhur-membangunkan generasi yang berketerampilan, bersahsiah mulia dan berilmu-membebaskan mereka daripada belenggu kejahilan dan kegelapan-membenam budaya hedonistik yang tidak berfaedah-membetulkan ketidaktepatan fakta-membimbing mereka memenuhi impian-membina impian masa depan yang lebih gemilang-membongkar kepincangan-membuktikan sensitiviti, kepekaan dan keprihatinan mereka-mempengaruhi minda generasi muda-mempertahankan perasaan saling bersefahaman-mempertingkat dan memperteguh kefahaman-mempraktikkan elemen tolak ansur-memudaratkan kesejahteraan rakyat-menabur bakti kepada mereka yang kurang beruntung-menaburkan nilai kebendaan yang tidak bertahan lama-menagih komitmen dan pengertian serius semua pihak-menampilkan wajah baru yang disulami tekad-menangkis tuduhan yang tidak berasas-mencapai tahap yang mencemaskan-mencerminkan dengan jelas akan hakikat ini-mencerminkan generasi yang muflis dan tercabut daripada akar tradisinya-mendapat perhatian dan liputan media massa-mendepani masa depan yang tidak menentu


1. baik kaya ialah kaya hati,sebaik-baik bekal ialah takwa,seburuk-buruk buta ialah buta hati dan sebesar-besar dosa ialah berdusta.2. Kecantikan yang abadi terletak pada keelokkan adab dan ketinggian ilmu seseorang,bukan terletak pada wajah dan pakaiannya. (Hamka).3. Orang yang takut menghadapi kesukaran selamanya tidak akan maju. ~Horne4. Yang dikatakan kawan bukanlah orang yang sentiasa memuji-muji kamu, tetapi adalah orang yang dapat menunjukkan kesalahan kamu.5. Kalau hidup ingin merdeka, Tiada tercapai hanya berkata, Ke muka maju sekata, maju kita,elemparkan jauh jiwa hamba. ~Usman Awang6. "Dan berbuatlah kamu akan kebaikan supaya kamu mendapat kemenangan." ~Surah al-Hajj:777. "Maka sifat sabar itu adalah sikap yang baik, dan hanya Allah sajalah tempat meminta pertolongan" ~Surah Yusuf:188. Berunding cerdik dengan pandai, faham dua menjadi satu.9. Yang paling kita perlukan dalam kehidupan ialah adanya seseorang yang selalu memberi semangat untuk melaksanakan hal-hal yang dapat kita kerjakan. ~Davey John Schwartz10. "Peristiwa itu memberi pengajaran kepada saya mengenai bagaimana guru

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besar perlu bersikap profesional dan tidak menggunakan emosi dalam melakukan tindakan."~Tengku Habsah Tengku Petera (Presiden Kesatuan Perkhidmatan Perguruan Kebangsaan)11. "Satu perkara yang menakutkan saya pada masa ini ialah peningkatan gejala rasuah.Secara umumnya, lebih tinggi rasuah yang ada, lebih kurang kemerdekaan yang dimiliki." ~Profesor Diraja Ungku Aziz12. Sabar penghilang penat, tekun pembawa dekat.13. Lebih berharga mutiara sebutir daripada pasir sepantai.14. Terbang bangau sepanjang hari, ke tasik jua akhirnya dicari.15. Biar kamu tidak cantik di mata penduduk bumi tetapi namamu menjadi perbualan penduduk langit.16. Siapa yang banyak bicara, banyak pula salahnya; siapa yang banyak salah, hilanglah harga dirinya; siapa yang hilang harga dirinya, bererti dia tidak warak; sedangkan orang yang tidak warak itu bererti hatinya mati. ~ Saidina Ali Abu Talib17. Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w: "Akhlak yang buruk merosakkan amal seperti cuka merosakkan madu."18. Kita sering mengimbas kembali kenangan lalu tetapi jarang sekali berusaha untuk mengejar impian hari esok.19. Manusia yang berbuat baik dengan mengharapkan sesuatu balasan bukanlah manusia yang jujur.Ketahuilah sesungguhnya pertolongan Allah itu dekat, asalkan kamu bersabar dan berpegang teguh dengan agama Allah. (surah Al-Baqarah:214)20. Kekitaan yang erat tiada yang berat.21. Belajarlah berdiri dahulu sebelum cuba untuk berlari.22. Orang bakhil tidak akan terlepas daripada salah satu daripada empat sifat yang membinasakan iaitu; dia akan mati dan hartanya akan diambil warisnya, lalu dibelanjakan bukan pada tempatnya atau; hartanya akan diambil secara paksa oleh penguasa yang zalim atau; hartanya menjadi rebutan orang-orang jahat dan akandigunakan untuk kejahatan atau; adakalanya harta itu akan dicuri dan digunakan untuk berfoya-foya. - SAIDINA ABU BAKAR23. Kekayaan yang hilang boleh dikejar dengan usaha yang bersungguh-sungguh.Kesihatan yang hilang boleh diperolehi dengan ubat-ubatan yang baik tetapi masa yang hilang sekali hilang akan terus hilang.24. Jadilah seperti pohon kayu yang berbuah lebat, dibaling dengan batu dibalas dengan buah.25. Tunjuk menjadi telaga budi, ajar menjadi suluh hati.

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Accolade praise

Allusion indirect reference

Ambivalence uncertainty; having 'mixed' feelings

Ambivalent unable to decide

Analogy comparison

Anecdote short account of something interesting; story

Anomalous odd; not fitting the pattern

Apparition ghost; something that 'appears'

Aspersion negative feeling; damaging remark

Belligerence aggression

Bombastic too elaborate; exaggerated

Candid truthful

Capricious changeable; fickle

Cherished cared for; firmly-held

Cliche over-used expression

Conception 1. idea; view. 2. beginning of pregnancy

Convoluted complicated or long-winded

Credence belief

Cryptic hidden

Currency 1. widespread acceptance, 2. money

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Decorous good and correct (used of behavior)

Denunciation act of speaking out against

Derailed thrown off course

Derivative unoriginal

Despotic acting like a tyrant

Detritus rubbish

Diaphanous very thin and transparent

Dictum often-used saying

Dilettante person who dabbles in the arts

Disdained showed contempt for

Dispassionate unbiased; fair

Dowager an elderly woman of elevate social status

Dubious doubtful

Egalitarian equal; believer in equality

Elicit draw out (used mainly for information or feelings)

Elliptical 1. shaped like an ellipse, 2. indirect

Epitomizes acts as a typical example of

Equivocate speak ambiguously/vaguely

Evasiveness trying to avoid something

Explicitly very clear; nothing hidden

Foraging searching for food

Hypothetical based on guesswork; not proven

Iconoclast person who goes against accepted authority

Idiosyncratic quirky; unique to an individual

Imponderable cannot be understood

Indecorous not well-behaved; lacking in dignity

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Indigence extreme poverty

Inept clumsy

Inherent inbuilt; genetic

Intricate complicated

Irrefutable cannot be proved wrong

Jingoism using words to stir up exaggerated patriotism

Jubilant joyful

Judicious fair and equal

Lament express regret over something

Loquacious talkative; using too many words

Mendicancy begging

Metaphorical not literal; figurative

Milieu environment; surroundings

Mitigated made less severe

Nascent just begun; in an early stage of development

Nostalgia longing for the past

Obtrusive easily seen

Orthographical concerned with writing and spelling

Ossified become fixed and rigid

Ostentatious showy

Palpable can be felt

Pastoral 1. concerned with the countryside, 2. concerned with the care a pastor gives to someone

Pedestrian 1. boring (adj), 2. person who walks (n)

Perfidy treachery; betrayal

Profligacy wasteful and immoral behavior

Prohibitive very expensive

Prudence wisdom; caution

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Pugnacious aggressive

Purveyor one who sells something or causes something to spread

Resonance echo

Respite break (from work etc.)

Resurgence revival

Sparse thin; not thick

Stringent strict

Succumbing giving in to; falling under the influence of

Supercilious arrogant

Tenacity firmness of purpose

Transcend go beyond a limit

Variegated multi colored

Venerable worthy of respect

Viable workable; able to live or grow

Visceral concerned with the 'guts'; physical rather than mental


The 100 Most Beautiful Words in English

Ailurophile A cat-lover.

Assemblage A gathering.

Becoming Attractive.

Beleaguer To exhaust with attacks.

Brood To think alone.

Bucolic In a lovely rural setting.

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Bungalow A small, cozy cottage.

Chatoyant Like a cat's eye.

Comely Attractive.

Conflate To blend together.

Cynosure A focal point of admiration.

Dalliance A brief love affair.

Demesne Dominion, territory.

Demure Shy and reserved.

Denouement The resolution of a mystery.

Desuetude Disuse.

Desultory Slow, sluggish.

Diaphanous Filmy.

Dissemble Deceive.

Dulcet Sweet, sugary.

Ebullience Bubbling enthusiasm.

Effervescent Bubbly.


Flowering, blooming.

Elision Dropping a sound or syllable in a word.

Elixir A good potion.

Eloquence Beauty and persuasion in speech.

Embrocation Rubbing on a lotion.

Emollient A softener.

Ephemeral Short-lived.

Epiphany A sudden revelation.

Erstwhile At one time, for a time.

Ethereal Gaseous, invisible but detectable.

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Evanescent Vanishing quickly, lasting a very short time.

Evocative Suggestive.

Fetching Pretty.

Felicity Pleasantness.

Forbearance Withholding response to provocation.

Fugacious Fleeting.

Furtive Shifty, sneaky.

Gambol To skip or leap about joyfully.

Glamour Beauty.

Gossamer The finest piece of thread, a spider's silk

Halcyon Happy, sunny, care-free.

Harbinger Messenger with news of the future.

Imbrication Overlapping and forming a regular pattern.

Imbroglio An altercation or complicated situation.

Imbue To infuse, instill.

Incipient Beginning, in an early stage.

Ineffable Unutterable, inexpressible.

Ingénue A naïve young woman.

Inglenook A cozy nook by the hearth.

Insouciance Blithe nonchalance.

Inure To become jaded.

Labyrinthine Twisting and turning.

Lagniappe A special kind of gift.

Lagoon A small gulf or inlet.

Languor Listlessness, inactivity.

Lassitude Weariness, listlessness.

Leisure Free time.

Lilt To move musically or lively.

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Lissome Slender and graceful.

Lithe Slender and flexible.

Love Deep affection.

Mellifluous Sweet sounding.

Moiety One of two equal parts.

Mondegreen A slip of the ear.

Murmurous Murmuring.

Nemesis An unconquerable archenemy.

Offing The sea between the horizon and the offshore.


A word that sounds like its meaning.

Opulent Lush, luxuriant.

Palimpsest A manuscript written over earlier ones.

Panacea A solution for all problems

Panoply A complete set.

Pastiche An art work combining materials from various sources.

Penumbra A half-shadow.

Petrichor The smell of earth after rain.

Plethora A large quantity.

Propinquity An inclination.

Pyrrhic Successful with heavy losses.


Most essential.

Ratatouille A spicy French stew.

Ravel To knit or unknit.

Redolent Fragrant.

Riparian By the bank of a stream.

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Ripple A very small wave.

Scintilla A spark or very small thing.

Sempiternal Eternal.

Seraglio Rich, luxurious oriental palace or harem.

Serendipity Finding something nice while looking for something else.

Summery Light, delicate or warm and sunny.

Sumptuous Lush, luxurious.


Secretive, sneaky.


A river in Pennsylvania.

Susurrous Whispering, hissing.

Talisman A good luck charm.



Umbrella Protection from sun or rain.

Untoward Unseemly, inappropriate.

Vestigial In trace amounts.

Wafture Waving.

Wherewithal The means.

Woebegone Sorrowful, downcast.

List of Bombastic Words & Meaning

1.Meaning of bombastic (adjective)pompous; wordy; turgid; inflated; exaggerated

ExampleThe bombastic woman talks a lot about herself.

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2.Meaning of mettlesome (adjective)courageous; brave; fearless

ExampleSuch an attitude required fresh springs of energy, and the effect - I was delighted to sense it as I woke each day - was to make me more bouncy and mettlesome than I had been for weeks.

3.Meaning of obtrusive (adjective)thrusting oneself or itself into undue prominence; invasive

ExampleBut the waitresses in Marshall and Snelgrove had new uniforms, dark purple instead of the old coffee-cream shade, and a different style of cap, more up to date and less obtrusive.

4. Meaning of cynical (adjective)sarcastic; doubting the sincerity of others; pessimistic

ExampleThe conversation which follows is the last in the book, and the weakest, too, a stagey means of imparting some crucial news for Bellow to fulminate against all that is rotten and cynical in American youth.

5. Meaning of depraved (adjective)corrupt; degenerate; debauched

ExampleThe depraved state of women in monogamy, associated as it is with private property and capitalism, will according to him, be replaced when capitalism is overthrown.

6. Meaning of labyrinthine (adjective)complicated; confusing; maze-like

ExampleShe forced her mind through the labyrinthine sentences of Jacques Lacan and Jacques Derrida until her eyes were bloodshot and her head ached.

7. Meaning of rueful (adjective)regretful; mournful; pitiable

ExampleHis head was bare and his smile was just a little rueful, as if he were uncertain of his welcome.

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She looked down at her new French muslin pajamas, the corners of her thin lips turning up in a rueful smile, wondering if the whiskey stains would come out - and deciding that they probably wouldn't.

8. Meaning of improvident (adjective)wasteful; careless; not saving up for future needs

ExampleAn improvident person may end up destitute in later life.

9. Meaning of sordidfilthy; base; vile; foul; dirty

ExampleThe sordid gutters needed to be cleaned after the long, rainy autumn.The criminals thought patterns were so sordid that he was not granted parole.

10. Meaning of quixotic (adjective)foolishly idealistic; extravagantly chivalrous; impractical

ExampleHe was popular with the ladies due to his quixotic charm.She had a quixotic view of the world, believing that humans need never suffer.