5 ways to thank nurses today

5 Ways to Thank Nurses Today

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Post on 07-Aug-2015




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5 Ways to Thank Nurses Today

1- Bring them coffee

Seemingly a small gesture, but for nurses who have been on their feet for hours on end, it would be a welcome


2- Say a loud, public thank you

No, we don’t want you running in hospital hallways shouting words of appreciation.  Consider something that

might actually reach millions of nurses across the country, without getting you arrested.

Go for a big social media shout-out on your Facebook/Twitter pages, upload a selfie with a group of

nurses, share on Instagram, and make sure to personally send out a personal thank you message to all your nurse


3- Get ‘thank you’ scrubs made for them:

• Get a bulk of simple scrubs from a local nursing store and personalize them by getting small messages

printed/embroidered on them. Messages such as ‘Best Nurse Ever’ or ‘a special thank you to a team of angels’, will certainly turn these scrubs into worthy mementos.

4- Get them something they can use

Shoes, for instance, are one thing that nurses typically fret a lot over. They need to be on their feet all day. This is why they are always in need of comfortable shoes. Get

them a gift certificate from a local or an online nursing supply store.

5- Food never fails

Everyone loves food. Workplace gifts that contain food items are usually the safest options. Make a nice

basketful of food items, preferably home cooked, and send it to your local hospital. Save them from that God

awful hospital food.

Let’s all make some effort for them this time around and give them a reason to truly


Presented by : Excite Education

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