5 unique branded content projects

5 Content Projects Top Unique Branded

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Post on 15-Aug-2015




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5C o n t e n t P r o j e c t s



A good branded content project is Creative, Out-of-the-Box, Innovative, and most importantly, Unique. From eBooks to online blogs, we want

our clients’ branded content projects to consist of many, most, and eventually all of the things that make high quality branded

content high quality. Smart. Meaningful. Beautiful. Witty. Enticing. Intriguing. Thought-Provoking. We look for

all of them in our branded content projects. To give you some idea of what RosettaBrand strives towards, we’ve

put together a list of the Top 5 Branded Content Projects we think closely inspire innovation

and uniqueness. Channel that creative energy. Take the first step. Join us on

our journey through the exciting world of branded content


“At Squarespace, we believe that even the wildest ideas should come to life in a beautiful

way.” RosettaBrand couldn’t agree more. Squarespace’s catchy tagline sets the tone

for its one of a kind The Jeff Bridges Sleeping Tapes project. The Jeff Bridges Sleeping Tapes, a loosely assembled series of tracks narrated by Jeff Bridges, an iconic and highly likeable

actor, are designed to offer Squarespace users an edgy, alternative form of sleep aid. In doing so, Squarespace gives its customers the ability to learn more about Squarespace in a way that is radically different and memorable. The Jeff

Bridges Sleeping Tapes project and its website www.dreamingwithjeff.com brings together all those key elements RosettaBrand promises

its clients. Branded content projects need to feel new, deliver a punch, and lift up an

individual ready to act as that company’s icon or thought leader.


The Lego group

What The Lego Group did with The Lego Movie is nothing short of branded content brilliance. The company took the risk of diving head first into feature filmmaking and it paid off significantly.

The Lego Movie gave the public a product, in this case a film, that was in and of itself captivating

and that simultaneously allowed The Lego Group to showcase its entire line of Lego toy products. In other words, The Lego Group didn’t make a movie for the sake of advertising; it made a successful

movie for the sake of making a movie that nonetheless doubled as a successful advertising campaign. At RosettaBrand we see that kind of practical mindset as the essence of successful branded content publishing. We encourage our

clients to think of themselves as branded content publishers with a determination to publish

successful branded content.

The Coca-Cola Company was for long looking for a way to deliver the best of the best when

it came to branded content because of the high expectations leveled against it. When it launched

the Coca-Cola Journey blog space with the appropriate tagline: “Refreshing the world, one

story at a time” it effectively rebranded itself as a proud and successful branded content publisher. Coca-Cola Journey allowed the company to make itself more fun, friendly, personable, and quirky while publishing articles on a mixture of both serious and lighthearted subject matter from

ordering coke bottles with your name on them to empowering entrepreneurship across Africa.

RosettaBrand sees thorough branded content publishing as an opportunity for companies to rebrand themselves in the same way that The

Coca-Cola Company did with Coca-Cola Journey. We want our clients to think of themselves not just as branded content publishers, but also as

branded content publishers with the capacity to redefine their company tone and identity when

it makes sense to do so.

The Coca-Cola Company

LinkedIn’s branded content project tells a unique success story that all aspiring and established branded content publishers need to learn and

know about. LinkedIn entered the heavily crowded publishing platform market with the ambition of developing a networking tool that catered to a niche market of social networkers: online

professionals. In doing so it made itself instantly relevant to job seeking, job employing professionals and gave them the unique opportunity of curating

an archive and content arsenal on all things related to their business and professional lives. In this way, LinkedIn fast became a branded content publisher that because of their niche market was able to put out focused, targeted branded content. RosettaBrand aspires to advise and guide its

clients on having that same upper hand in publishing. It takes a good creative team, limitless inspiration and clear-headed

vision of where your company wants to be.


Red Bull truly does it all when it comes to launching radical advertising campaigns that are fresh and unchallenged by most outside competitors. Flying under the flag, “Red Bull

Gives You Wings,” Red Bull has done everything from global extreme sports competitions to Felix Baumgartner’s parachute jump from

the stratosphere. But what most accurately puts Red Bull firmly on this list is the fact

that Red Bull’s advertising is built exclusively and intimately around its audience. They’ve made that connection between energy drink

consumers and the fast paced adrenaline-junkie world and have churned out films, TV shows, Tumblr blog posts and other branded content projects accordingly. Knowing your

audience determines your content marketing strategy. In order to help you become a thought

leader and branded content publisher, we determine the who, what, when, whys of

your outreach.

Red BullRed Bull

Squarespace. LinkedIn. Red Bull. The world is full of

companies with unique and innovative branded content

strategies. RosettaBrand’s ambitions for your company are never small. We want the best

for you by helping you cultivate a branded content strategy that

is just as if not more unique and innovative then some of the entries in our Top 5. Becoming a branded content publisher is one thing. Becoming a thought

leader is another. Combined together, they’ll give you all the experience, expertise, know-how

and success you need.

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